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Opinion – Sample Essay

The growth of multinational companies and the resulting

rise of globalization creates positive effects for all.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The pervasiveness of multinationals has led many to question

their relative merits. In my opinion, their impact is negative
on the whole despite legitimate economic advantages.

Those in favor of a globalised world argue that international

conglomerates bring wealth to a country. This is the result of
a variety of related effects including increased tax revenue,
employment opportunities, and, most importantly, the
spread of expertise. A good example of this would be
producers of consumer electronics such as Apple. Apple
provides jobs in countries all around the world ranging from
marketers and factory workers to graphic designers and
supply agents. All these employees receive salaries typically
above the average wages in a given region, which is then
directed back towards the local consumer economy. Such
workers are also likely to pick up specialised skills that they
can utilize in the long-term and later pass on to others.

Nonetheless, multinationals are negative due to their effects

on local businesses and the environment. A good example of
the former point would be the rise of fast food chains
globally. Well-known brands such as McDonald’s and KFC are
in hundreds of countries and provide serious competition to
local restaurants. Their ability to offer cheap, uniform meals
with limited nutritional value that are very addictive hurt
both the health of the local populace and also make it harder
for small restaurants to turn a profit and remain in operation.
Moreover, such large corporations contribute to climate
change by exploiting the use of airplanes and trucks to ship
their products globally. Combined with the plastic packaging
often employed by these companies, their impact on the
environment far surpasses the minor lifestyle choices of

In conclusion, despite meagre economic benefits arising from

multinationals, I believe this is a negative trend due to the
effect on small businesses and the environment.
Governments must therefore attempt to carefully regulate
and balance the introduction of international companies.

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