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Floods are unpredictable and destructive, and they can happen in regions that have never seen rain.

They can cause death and injuries, isolate communities, damage major infrastructure, cut essential
services, destroy property and livelihoods.

Know the risks and get prepared:

To get prepared for a flood, you should know the risks specific to your community and your region to
help you better prepare. To find out what the hazards are in your region

If the area where you live or are travelling to is a region known for flooding, then it is important to take
action to protect your family and property.

we need to:

1. If Rising waters threaten your home and you decide to move to a safer location, If you plan to shelter
at your nearest welfare centre, you need to go there before the flood water becomes dangerous.

2. If time permits, use sandbags to construct barriers to protect your home.

3. do not attempt to walk or drive during a flood. If you must walk make sure the water level is less than
6 inches and if you must drive make sure it is less than 2 feet.

4. You may be instructed to turn off all utilities at the main power switch and close the main gas valve at
your property.

5. Seal your basement walls with waterproofing compounds to prevent seepage.

6. Store important documents such as passports, birth certificates, licenses, social security cards, and
insurance papers in waterproof containers.

After the Flood:

Make sure that your home is safe before entering. If not, be prepared to stay in the shelter or with one
of the people in your personal support network until your home is repaired.

If you do have to live elsewhere, make sure to get in touch with your doctor so that your prescriptions
get transferred to nearby pharmacies.

Have a professional perform an inspection inside your home. He can check for damage in the
foundation, walls, and ceilings. He can also look for broken power lines, gas lines, and damaged water
pipes. He can also test electrical appliances to see if they were damaged as well.

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