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With registration process of JEE Mains round the corner. Students should be aware of the dates
and procedure of JEE MAIN 2017 Results. JEE Main 2017 will be conducted on 2nd April 2017. A
rough estimate of 12-13 lakhs students will be appearing for JEE MAIN 2017. The appearing
students wish to get into IITs or their preferred colleges. Students are working every day
towards achieving this goal. JEE MAIN comprises of 2 papers-

Paper 1- Maths, Physics, Chemistry- The result of this paper is used for admission in
Undergraduate Engineering Colleges (B.Tech/ B.E.)

Paper 2- Maths, Aptitude test and Drawing- The result of this test is used for admissions in
architecture colleges (B.Arch)

A student can appear for any ONE or Both. Paper 1 is conducted in 2 Modes-

1. Offline Mode.
2. Online Mode.


JEE MAIN 2017 Results will be declared on .The results of JEE MAIN are released
in 2 parts. Marks obtained by the students are displayed at the end of the month of April. The
All India Rank (A.I.R.) is released few days later. JEE MAIN gets the students to get admission
into Undergraduate Engineering as well as Architecture College apart from IITs. Getting JEE
MAIN Results is the first portion of admission. JEE MAIN Counseling is the next step to attain
the seat in the preferred college.


On the base of merit formulated with the help of JEE MAIN 2017 Results. Students are given
their All India Rank. This round of counseling is conducted in the month of June- July to attain
admission in IIITs, ISM, NITs and other Government funded technical institutes. JoSAA- Joint
Seat Allocation Authority conducts the counseling by online methods.

All students should keep an eye on to get notifications about the JEE MAIN 2017-
Results. Students can get knowledge about previous year cut-offs and paper trends to ensure
better marks in JEE MAIN-2017. Students should make sure to keep their login id, seat no. and
passwords intact as they will be means through which they will get access to their results.

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