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I feel sick in the stomach knowing that

I'll be in a class where I feel stuck

she walks around the room bringing in

with her doom the room is filled with

intensity like a space full of smoke and

no chimney she tells us to open our

books and copy what she writes on the

board I thought I would love this

subject instead I am too afraid to even

feel bored she walks around the room

with heavy steps and my dream what's

right and what she expects she stands

down over my shoulder with a piercing


my heart pounds faster my breathing gets

harder through my Airways I hate this

class I feel like it takes as long as

the sand passing in an hourglass I feel

anxious and sometimes breathless I can't

think clearly everything seems so blurry

in her class I am so stressed feeling as

though I'm about to be pressed the great

pressures I feel this is my ordeal the

bell rings what an anguish this class

always takes so long to finish research

shows that there is significant

association between students perceptions

of classroom environment and their

cognitive and affective learning

outcomes from a constructivist view

students perceptions of the classroom

environment are based on the way that

teachers foster and supports jinsol any

other views are the teachers

expectations morale and relationships

between teachers and students shape the

classroom environment in other words

nowadays a teacher's role is not just

viewed as a delivery of the curriculum

and managing the classroom but also to

create an environment that it's

creatively promotes personal growth and

development for all children

research also shows that teachers

attitude and commitment to the learning

environment can also have a negative

effect on students attitude classroom

management factors that promote negative

attitudes are improper curricular

placement needed management styles and

ineffective destruction this negative

attitude promotes a negative mood which

drastically impairs students learning

participants in a negative mood solve

tasks was less efficiency need more

repetitions to reach mastery level and

overall less engagement of the content

he walks in with a smile greets us all

in his happy style the mood is alive

like a free flying kite he asked us by

our names and as each one of us by our

surname he takes time to support and

attend his teaching ways be what I

prefer and what I recommend he tells us

to take it easy but get the work done

within the time frame and every time we

always reach our lessons goal a name

I feel accepted protected connected I

can speak my mind without feeling

confined I am relaxed and happy in his


I never feel frustrated or angry the

bell rings damn it is cosmos best

on the other hand

research shows that through teachers

showing a strong personal commitment

towards creating a positive classroom

environment it has been found that

students attitudes will change as a

result these changes in attitude can

increase the flexibility in thinking

about the classroom which has been found

to co-occur with positive mood a certain

mood can modify an influencer quality of

cognitive processing and such

performance on cognitive tasks for

example participants in a happier Mary

have been found to need fewer

repetitions and less time to achieve

mastery level teachers can promote

positive moods were using positive

attention knowing their students having

high expectations and providing quality

learning activities

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