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JSS Journal of Statistical Software

October 2016, Volume 74, Issue 1. doi: 10.18637/jss.v074.i01

gamboostLSS: An R Package for Model Building and

Variable Selection in the GAMLSS Framework

Benjamin Hofner Andreas Mayr Matthias Schmid

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg University of Bonn

Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape are a flexible class of re-
gression models that allow to model multiple parameters of a distribution function,
such as the mean and the standard deviation, simultaneously. With the R package
gamboostLSS, we provide a boosting method to fit these models. Variable selection
and model choice are naturally available within this regularized regression framework.
To introduce and illustrate the R package gamboostLSS and its infrastructure, we use
a data set on stunted growth in India. In addition to the specification and applica-
tion of the model itself, we present a variety of convenience functions, including meth-
ods for tuning parameter selection, prediction and visualization of results. The pack-
age gamboostLSS is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at

Keywords: additive models, prediction intervals, high-dimensional data.

1. Introduction
Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) are a flexible statis-
tical method to analyze the relationship between a response variable and a set of predictor
variables. Introduced by Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005), GAMLSS are an extension of the
classical GAM (generalized additive model) approach (Hastie and Tibshirani 1990). The main
difference between GAMs and GAMLSS is that GAMLSS do not only model the conditional
mean of the outcome distribution (location) but several of its parameters, including scale
and shape parameters (hence the extension “LSS”). In Gaussian regression, for example, the
density of the outcome variable Y conditional on the predictors X may depend on the mean
parameter µ, and an additional scale parameter σ, which corresponds to the standard devia-
tion of Y |X. Instead of assuming σ to be fixed, as in classical GAMs, the Gaussian GAMLSS
2 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

regresses both parameters on the predictor variables,

µ = E(y | X) = ηµ = βµ,0 + fµ,j (xj ), (1)
q X
log(σ) = log( VAR(y | X)) = ησ = βσ,0 + fσ,j (xj ), (2)

where ηµ and ησ are additive predictors with parameter specific intercepts βµ,0 and βσ,0 ,
and functions fµ,j (xj ) and fσ,j (xj ), which represent the effects of predictor xj on µ and σ,
respectively. In this notation, the functional terms f (·) can denote various types of effects
(e.g., linear, smooth, random).
In our case study, we will analyze the prediction of stunted growth for children in India via
a Gaussian GAMLSS. The response variable is a stunting score, which is commonly used to
relate the growth of a child to a reference population in order to assess effects of malnutrition
in early childhood. In our analysis, we model the expected value (µ) of this stunting score
and also its variability (σ) via smooth effects for mother- or child-specific predictors, as well
as a spatial effect to account for the region of India where the child is growing up. This way,
we are able to construct point predictors (via ηµ ) and additionally child-specific prediction
intervals (via ηµ and ησ ) to evaluate the individual risk of stunted growth.
In recent years, due to their versatile nature, GAMLSS have been used to address research
questions in a variety of fields. Applications involving GAMLSS range from the normalization
of complementary DNA microarray data (Khondoker, Glasbey, and Worton 2009) and the
analysis of flood frequencies (Villarini, Smith, Serinaldi, Bales, Bates, and Krajewski 2009)
to the development of rainfall models (Serinaldi and Kilsby 2012) and stream-flow forecasting
models (Van Ogtrop, Vervoort, Heller, Stasinopoulos, and Rigby 2011). The most prominent
application of GAMLSS is the estimation of centile curves, e.g., for reference growth charts
(De Onis 2006; Borghi et al. 2006; Kumar, Jeyaseelan, Sebastian, Regi, Mathew, and Jose
2013). The use of GAMLSS in this context has been recommended by the World Health
Organization (see Rigby and Stasinopoulos 2014, and the references therein).
Classical estimation of GAMLSS is based on backfitting-type Gauss-Newton algorithms with
AIC-based selection of relevant predictors. This strategy is implemented in the R (R Core
Team 2016) package gamlss (Rigby and Stasinopoulos 2005; Stasinopoulos and Rigby 2007,
2014a), which provides a great variety of functions for estimation, hyper-parameter selection,
variable selection and hypothesis testing in the GAMLSS framework.
In this article we present the R package gamboostLSS (Hofner, Mayr, Fenske, and Schmid
2016b), which is designed as an alternative to gamlss for high-dimensional data settings
where variable selection is of major importance. Specifically, gamboostLSS implements the
gamboostLSS algorithm, which is a new fitting method for GAMLSS that was recently intro-
duced by Mayr, Fenske, Hofner, Kneib, and Schmid (2012a). The gamboostLSS algorithm
uses the same optimization criterion as the Gauss-Newton type algorithms implemented in
the package gamlss (namely, the log-likelihood of the model under consideration) and hence
fits the same type of statistical model. In contrast to gamlss, however, the gamboostLSS pack-
age operates within the component-wise gradient boosting framework for model fitting and
variable selection (Bühlmann and Yu 2003; Bühlmann and Hothorn 2007). As demonstrated
in Mayr et al. (2012a), replacing Gauss-Newton optimization by boosting techniques leads
to a considerable increase in flexibility: Apart from being able to fit basically any type of
Journal of Statistical Software 3

GAMLSS, gamboostLSS implements an efficient mechanism for variable selection and model
choice. As a consequence, gamboostLSS is a convenient alternative to the AIC-based variable
selection methods implemented in gamlss. The latter methods can be unstable, especially
when it comes to selecting possibly different sets of variables for multiple distribution param-
eters. Furthermore, model fitting via gamboostLSS is also possible for high-dimensional data
with more candidate variables than observations (p > n), where the classical fitting methods
become unfeasible.
The gamboostLSS package is a comprehensive implementation of the most important issues
and aspects related to the use of the gamboostLSS algorithm. The package is available from
the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at
gamboostLSS. Current development versions are hosted on GitHub (
hofnerb/gamboostLSS). As will be demonstrated in this paper, the package provides a large
number of response distributions (e.g., distributions for continuous data, count data and
survival data, including all distributions currently available in the gamlss framework; see
Stasinopoulos and Rigby 2014b). Moreover, users of gamboostLSS can choose among many
different possibilities for modeling predictor effects. These include linear effects, smooth
effects and trees, as well as spatial and random effects, and interaction terms.
After starting with a toy example (Section 2) for illustration, we will provide a brief theoretical
overview of GAMLSS and component-wise gradient boosting (Section 3). In Section 4, we
will introduce the india data set, which is shipped with the R package gamboostLSS. We
present the infrastructure of gamboostLSS, discuss model comparison methods and model
tuning, and will show how the package can be used to build regression models in the GAMLSS
framework (Section 5). In particular, we will give a step by step introduction to gamboostLSS
by fitting a flexible GAMLSS model to the india data. In addition, we will present a variety
of convenience functions, including methods for the selection of tuning parameters, prediction
and the visualization of results.

2. A toy example
Before we discuss the theoretical aspects of the gamboostLSS algorithm and the details of
the implementation, we present a short, illustrative toy example. This highlights the ease of
use of the gamboostLSS package in simple modeling situations. Before we start, we load the

R> library("gamboostLSS")

Note that gamboostLSS 1.2-0 or newer is needed. We simulate data from a heteroscedastic
normal distribution, i.e., both the mean and the variance depend on covariates:

R> set.seed(1907)
R> n <- 150
R> x1 <- rnorm(n)
R> x2 <- rnorm(n)
R> x3 <- rnorm(n)
R> toydata <- data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3)
R> toydata$y <- rnorm(n, mean = 1 + 2 * x1 - x2,
+ sd = exp(0.5 - 0.25 * x1 + 0.5 * x3))
4 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

mu sigma


(Intercept) (Intercept)




x2 x1

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Number of boosting iterations Number of boosting iterations

Figure 1: Coefficient paths for linear LSS models, which depict the change of the coefficients
over the iterations of the algorithm.

Next we fit a linear model for location, scale and shape to the simulated data

R> lmLSS <- glmboostLSS(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = toydata)

and extract the coefficients using coef(lmLSS). When we add the offset (i.e., the starting
values of the fitting algorithm) to the intercept, we obtain

R> coef(lmLSS, off2int = TRUE)

(Intercept) x1 x2
0.8139756 1.6411143 -0.3905382

(Intercept) x1 x2 x3
0.62351136 -0.22308703 -0.02128006 0.30850745

Usually, model fitting involves additional tuning steps, which are skipped here for the sake
of simplicity (see Section 5.5 for details). Nevertheless, the coefficients coincide well with
the true effects, which are βµ = (1, 2, −1, 0) and βσ = (0.5, −0.25, 0, 0.5). To get a graphical
display, we plot the resulting model

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 5))

R> plot(lmLSS, off2int = TRUE)

To extract fitted values for the mean, we use the function fitted(, parameter = "mu").
The results are very similar to the true values:

R> muFit <- fitted(lmLSS, parameter = "mu")

R> rbind(muFit, truth = 1 + 2 * x1 - x2)[, 1:5]
Journal of Statistical Software 5

1 2 3 4 5
muFit -3.243757 -0.6727116 0.8922116 1.049360 0.8499387
truth -4.331456 -0.8519794 0.7208595 1.164517 1.1033806

The same can be done for the standard deviation, but we need to make sure that we apply
the response function (here exp(η)) to the fitted values by additionally using the option type
= "response":

R> sigmaFit <- fitted(lmLSS, parameter = "sigma", type = "response")[, 1]

R> rbind(sigmaFit, truth = exp(0.5 - 0.25 * x1 + 0.5 * x3))[, 1:5]

[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]

sigmaFit 2.613536 1.469919 1.503953 2.225158 2.527370
truth 2.260658 1.017549 1.221171 2.261453 2.684958

For new observations stored in a data set newData we could use predict(lmLSS, newdata =
newData) essentially in the same way. As presented in Section 5.6, the complete distribution
could also be depicted as marginal prediction intervals via the function predint().

3. Boosting GAMLSS models

gamboostLSS is an algorithm to fit GAMLSS models via component-wise gradient boosting
(Mayr et al. 2012a) adapting an earlier strategy by Schmid, Potapov, Pfahlberg, and Hothorn
(2010). While the concept of boosting emerged from the field of supervised machine learning,
boosting algorithms are nowadays often applied as a flexible alternative to estimate and select
predictor effects in statistical regression models (statistical boosting; Mayr, Binder, Gefeller,
and Schmid 2014). The key idea of statistical boosting is to iteratively fit the different
predictors with simple regression functions (base-learners) and combine the estimates to an
additive predictor. In case of gradient boosting, the base-learners are fitted to the negative
gradient of the loss function; this procedure can be described as gradient descent in function
space (Bühlmann and Hothorn 2007). For GAMLSS, we use the negative log-likelihood as
loss function. Hence, the negative gradient of the loss function equals the (positive) gradient
of the log-likelihood. To avoid confusion we directly use the gradient of the log-likelihood in
the remainder of the article.
To adapt the standard boosting algorithm to fit additive predictors for all distribution param-
eters of a GAMLSS we extended the component-wise fitting to multiple parameter dimensions:
In each iteration, gamboostLSS calculates the partial derivatives of the log-likelihood func-
tion l(y, θ) with respect to each of the additive predictors ηθk , k = 1, . . . , K. The predictors
are related to the parameter vector θ = (θk )>k=1,...,K via parameter-specific link functions gk ,
θk = gk (ηθk ). Typically, we have at maximum K = 4 distribution parameters (Rigby and
Stasinopoulos 2005), but in principle more are possible. The predictors are updated succes-
sively in each iteration, while the current estimates of the other distribution parameters are
used as offset values. A schematic representation of the updating process of gamboostLSS
with four parameters in iteration m + 1 looks as follows:
6 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

∂ update
l(y, µ̂[m] ,σ̂ [m] ,ν̂ [m] ,τ̂ [m] ) −→ η̂µ[m+1] =⇒ µ̂[m+1] ,
∂ update
l(y, µ̂[m+1] ,σ̂ [m] ,ν̂ [m] ,τ̂ [m] ) −→ η̂σ[m+1] =⇒ σ̂ [m+1] ,
∂ update
l(y, µ̂[m+1] ,σ̂ [m+1] ,ν̂ [m] ,τ̂ [m] ) −→ η̂ν[m+1] =⇒ ν̂ [m+1] ,
∂ update
l(y, µ̂[m+1] ,σ̂ [m+1] ,ν̂ [m+1] ,τ̂ [m] ) −→ η̂τ[m+1] =⇒ τ̂ [m+1] .

The algorithm hence circles through the different parameter dimensions: In every dimension,
it carries out one boosting iteration, updates the corresponding additive predictor and includes
the new prediction in the loss function for the next dimension.
As in classical statistical boosting, inside each boosting iteration only the best fitting base-
learner is included in the update. Typically, each base-learner corresponds to one component
of X, and in every boosting iteration only a small proportion (a typical value of the step-length
is 0.1) of the fit of the selected base-learner is added to the current additive predictor ηθk .
This procedure effectively leads to data-driven variable selection which is controlled by the
stopping iterations mstop = (mstop,1 , . . . , mstop,K )> : Each additive predictor ηθk is updated
until the corresponding stopping iterations mstop,k is reached. If m is greater than mstop,k ,
the k-th distribution parameter dimension is no longer updated. Predictor variables that have
never been selected up to iteration mstop,k are effectively excluded from the resulting model.
The vector mstop is a tuning parameter that can, for example, be determined using multi-
dimensional cross-validation (see Section 5.5 for details). A discussion of model comparison
methods and diagnostic checks can be found in Section 5.4. The complete gamboostLSS
algorithm can be found in Appendix A and is described in detail in Mayr et al. (2012a).

Scalability of boosting algorithms. One of the main advantages of boosting algorithms

in practice, besides the automated variable selection, is their applicability in situations with
more variables than observations (p > n). Despite the growing model complexity, the run
time of boosting algorithms for GAMs increases only linearly with the number of base-learners
(Bühlmann and Yu 2007). An evaluation of computing times for up to p = 10000 predictors
can be found in Binder et al. (2012). In case of boosting GAMLSS, the computational com-
plexity additionally increases with the number of distribution parameters K. For an example
on the performance of gamboostLSS in case of p > n see the simulation studies provided in
Mayr et al. (2012a). To speed up computations for the tuning of the algorithm via cross-
validation or resampling, gamboostLSS incorporates parallel computing (see Section 5.5).

4. Childhood malnutrition in India

Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger is one of the Millennium Development Goals that
all 193 member states of the United Nations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. Yet,
even in democratic, fast-growing emerging countries like India, which is one of the biggest
global economies, malnutrition of children is still a severe problem in some parts of the
population. Childhood malnutrition in India, however, is not necessarily a consequence of
Journal of Statistical Software 7

extreme poverty but can also be linked to low educational levels of parents and cultural factors
(Arnold, Parasuraman, Arokiasamy, and Kothari 2009). Following a bulletin of the World
Health Organization, growth assessment is the best available way to define the health and
nutritional status of children (De Onis, Monteiro, Akre, and Clugston 1993). Stunted growth
is defined as a reduced growth rate compared to a standard population and is considered as
the first consequence of malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy, or malnutrition of the
child during the first months after birth. Stunted growth is often measured via a Z score that
compares the anthropometric measures of the child with a reference population:
Zi = .
In our case, the individual anthropometric indicator (AIi ) will be the height of the child i,
while MAI and s are the median and the standard deviation of the height of children in a
reference population. This Z score will be denoted as stunting score in the following. Negative
values of the score indicate that the child’s growth is below the expected growth of a child
with normal nutrition.
The stunting score will be the outcome (response) variable in our application: We analyze
the relationship of the mother’s and the child’s body mass index (BMI) and age with stunted
growth resulting from malnutrition in early childhood. Furthermore, we will investigate re-
gional differences by including also the district of India in which the child is growing up. The
aim of the analysis is twofold, to explain the underlying structure in the data as well as to
develop a prediction model for children growing up in India. A prediction rule, based also on
regional differences, could help to increase awareness for the individual risk of a child to suffer
from stunted growth due to malnutrition. For an in-depth analysis on the multi-factorial
nature of child stunting in India, based on boosted quantile regression, see Fenske, Kneib,
and Hothorn (2011), and Fenske, Burns, Hothorn, and Rehfuess (2013).
The data set that we use in this analysis is based on the Standard Demographic and Health
Survey, 1998–99, on malnutrition of children in India, which can be downloaded after reg-
istration from For illustrative purposes, we use a random
subset of 4000 observations from the original data (approximately 12%) and only a (very
small) subset of variables. For details on the data set and the data source see the help page
of the india data set in the gamboostLSS package and Fahrmeir and Kneib (2011).

Case study: Childhood malnutrition in India. First of all we load the data sets india
and india.bnd into the workspace. The first data set includes the outcome and 5 explanatory
variables. The latter data set consists of a special boundary file containing the neighborhood
structure of the districts in India.
R> data("india", package = "gamboostLSS")
R> data("india.bnd", package = "gamboostLSS")
R> names(india)

[1] "stunting" "cbmi" "cage" "mbmi" "mage"

[6] "mcdist" "mcdist_lab"

The outcome variable stunting is depicted with its spatial structure in Figure 2. An overview
of the data set can be found in Table 1. One can clearly see a trend towards malnutrition in
the data set as even the 75% quantile of the stunting score is below zero.
8 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

Mean Standard deviation

−5.1 −1.8 1.5 0 2 4

Figure 2: Spatial structure of stunting in India. The raw mean per district is given in the
left figure, ranging from dark blue (low stunting score), to dark red (higher scores). The
right figure depicts the standard deviation of the stunting score in the district, ranging from
dark blue (no variation) to dark red (maximal variability). Dashed regions represent regions
without data.

Min. 25% Qu. Median Mean 75% Qu. Max.

Stunting stunting −5.99 −2.87 −1.76 −1.75 −0.65 5.64
BMI (child) cbmi 10.03 14.23 15.36 15.52 16.60 25.95
Age (child; months) cage 0.00 8.00 17.00 17.23 26.00 35.00
BMI (mother) mbmi 13.14 17.85 19.36 19.81 21.21 39.81
Age (mother; years) mage 13.00 21.00 24.00 24.41 27.00 49.00

Table 1: Overview of india data.

5. The package gamboostLSS

The gamboostLSS algorithm is implemented in the publicly available R add-on package gam-
boostLSS (Hofner et al. 2016b). The package makes use of the fitting algorithms and some
of the infrastructure of mboost (Bühlmann and Hothorn 2007; Hothorn, Bühlmann, Kneib,
Schmid, and Hofner 2010, 2014). Furthermore, many naming conventions and features are
implemented in analogy to mboost. By relying on the mboost package, gamboostLSS incor-
porates a wide range of base-learners and hence offers a great flexibility when it comes to
the types of predictor effects on the parameters of a GAMLSS distribution. In addition to
making the infrastructure available for GAMLSS, mboost constitutes a well-tested, mature
software package in the back-end. For the users of mboost, gamboostLSS offers the advantage
of providing a drastically increased number of possible distributions to be fitted by boosting.
As a consequence of this partial dependency on mboost, we recommend users of gamboostLSS
to make themselves familiar with the former before using the latter package. To make this
tutorial self-contained, we try to shortly explain all relevant features here as well. However, a
dedicated hands-on tutorial is available for an applied introduction to mboost (Hofner, Mayr,
Robinzonov, and Schmid 2014).
Journal of Statistical Software 9

5.1. Model fitting

The models can be fitted using the function glmboostLSS() for linear models. For all kinds
of structured additive models the function gamboostLSS() can be used. The function calls
are as follows:

glmboostLSS(formula, data = list(), families = GaussianLSS(),

control = boost_control(), weights = NULL, ...)
gamboostLSS(formula, data = list(), families = GaussianLSS(),
control = boost_control(), weights = NULL, ...)

Note that here and in the remainder of the paper we sometimes focus on the most relevant
(or most interesting) arguments of a function only. Further arguments might exist. Thus, for
a complete list of arguments and their description we refer the reader to the respective help
The formula can consist of a single formula object, yielding the same candidate model for
all distribution parameters. For example,

R> glmboostLSS(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = toydata)

specifies linear models with predictors x1 to x3 for all GAMLSS parameters (here µ and σ
of the Gaussian distribution). As an alternative, one can also use a named list to specify
different candidate models for different parameters, e.g.,

R> glmboostLSS(list(mu = y ~ x1 + x2, sigma = y ~ x1 + x3), data = toydata)

fits a linear model with predictors x1 and x2 for the mu component and a linear model
with predictors x1 and x3 for the sigma component. As for all R functions with a formula
interface, one must specify the data set to be used (argument data). Additionally, weights
can be specified for weighted regression. Instead of specifying the argument family as in
mboost and other modeling packages, the user needs to specify the argument families, which
basically consists of a list of sub-families, i.e., one family for each of the GAMLSS distribution
parameters. These sub-families define the parameters of the GAMLSS distribution to be
fitted. Details are given in the next section.
The initial number of boosting iterations as well as the step-lengths (νsl ; see Appendix A) are
specified via the function boost_control() with the same arguments as in mboost. However,
in order to give the user the possibility to choose different values for each additive predictor
(corresponding to the different parameters of a GAMLSS), they can be specified via a vector
or list. Preferably a named vector or list should be used, where the names correspond to the
names of the sub-families. For example, one can specify:

R> boost_control(mstop = c(mu = 100, sigma = 200),

+ nu = c(mu = 0.2, sigma = 0.01))

Specifying a single value for the stopping iteration mstop or the step-length nu results in equal
values for all sub-families. The defaults is mstop = 100 for the initial number of boosting
iterations and nu = 0.1 for the step-length. Additionally, the user can specify if status
10 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

information should be printed by setting trace = TRUE in boost_control. Note that the
argument nu can also refer to one of the GAMLSS distribution parameters in some families
(and is also used in gamlss as the name of a distribution parameter). In boost_control,
however, nu always represents the step-length νsl .

5.2. Distributions
Some GAMLSS distributions are directly implemented in the R add-on package gamboost-
LSS and can be specified via the families argument in the fitting function gamboostLSS()
and glmboostLSS(). An overview of the implemented families is given in Table 2. The
parametrization of the negative binomial distribution, the log-logistic distribution and the t
distribution in boosted GAMLSS models is given in Mayr et al. (2012a). The derivation of
boosted beta regression, another special case of GAMLSS, can be found in Schmid, Wick-
ler, Maloney, Mitchell, Fenske, and Mayr (2013). In our case study we will use the default
GaussianLSS() family to model childhood malnutrition in India. The resulting object of the
family looks as follows:

R> str(GaussianLSS(), 1)

List of 2
$ mu :Formal class 'boost_family' [package "mboost"] with 10 slots
$ sigma:Formal class 'boost_family' [package "mboost"] with 10 slots
- attr(*, "class") = chr "families"
- attr(*, "qfun") = function (p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE,
log.p = FALSE)
- attr(*, "name") = chr "Gaussian"

We obtain a list of class ‘families’ with two sub-families, one for the µ parameter of
the distribution and another one for the σ parameter. Each of the sub-families is of type
‘boost_family’ from package mboost. Attributes specify the name and the quantile function
("qfun") of the distribution.
In addition to the families implemented in the gamboostLSS package, there are many more
possible GAMLSS distributions available in the gamlss.dist package (Stasinopoulos and Rigby
2014b). In order to make our boosting approach available for these distributions as well, we
provide an interface to automatically convert available distributions of gamlss.dist to objects
of class ‘families’ to be usable in the boosting framework via the function as.families().
As input, a character string naming the "", or the function itself is required.
The function as.families() then automatically constructs a ‘families’ object for the gam-
boostLSS package. To use for example the gamma family as parametrized in gamlss.dist, one
can simply use as.families("GA") and plug this into the fitting algorithms of gamboostLSS:

R> gamboostLSS(y ~ x, families = as.families("GA"))

With this interface, it is possible to apply boosting for any distribution implemented in
gamlss.dist and for all new distributions that will be added in the future. Note that one can
also fit censored or truncated distributions by using gen.cens() (from package gamlss.cens;
see Stasinopoulos, Rigby, and Mortan 2014) or gen.trun() (from package; see
Name Response µ σ ν Note
Continuous response
Gaussian GaussianLSS() cont. id log
Student’s t StudentTLSS() cont. id log log The 3rd parameter is denoted by df (degrees
of freedom).
Continuous non-negative response
Gamma GammaLSS() cont. > 0 log log
Fractions and bounded continuous response
Beta BetaLSS() ∈ (0, 1) logit log The 2nd parameter is denoted by phi.
Models for count data
Negative binomial NBinomialLSS() count log log For over-dispersed count data.
Zero inflated Poisson ZIPoLSS() count log logit For zero-inflated count data; the 2nd param-
eter is the probability parameter of the zero
mixture component.
Zero inflated neg. binomial ZINBLSS() count log log logit For over-dispersed and zero-inflated count
data; the 3rd parameter is the probability pa-
rameter of the zero mixture component.
Journal of Statistical Software

Survival models (accelerated failure time models; see, e.g., Klein and Moeschberger 2003)
Log-normal LogNormalLSS() cont. > 0 id log All three families assume that the data are
Weibull WeibullLSS() cont. > 0 id log subject to right-censoring. Therefore the
Log-logistic LogLogLSS() cont. > 0 id log response must be a Surv() object.

Table 2: Overview of ‘families’ that are implemented in gamboostLSS. For every distribution parameter the corresponding link-
function is displayed (id = identity link).
12 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

Stasinopoulos and Rigby 2014c), respectively. An overview of common GAMLSS distributions

is given in Appendix C. Minor differences in the model fit when applying a pre-specified
distribution (e.g., GaussianLSS()) and the transformation of the corresponding distribution
from gamlss.dist (e.g., as.families("NO")) can be explained by possibly different offset

5.3. Base-learners
For the base-learners, which carry out the fitting of the gradient vectors using the covariates,
the gamboostLSS package completely depends on the infrastructure of mboost. Hence, every
base-learner which is available in mboost can also be applied to fit GAMLSS distributions via
gamboostLSS. The choice of base-learners is crucial for the application of the gamboostLSS
algorithm, as they define the type(s) of effect(s) that covariates will have on the predictors
of the GAMLSS distribution parameters. See Hofner et al. (2014) for details and application
notes on the base-learners.
The available base-learners include simple linear models for linear effects and penalized re-
gression splines (P-splines; Eilers and Marx 1996) for non-linear effects. Spatial or other
bivariate effects can be incorporated by setting up a bivariate tensor product extension of
P -splines for two continuous variables (Kneib, Hothorn, and Tutz 2009). Another way to
include spatial effects is the adaptation of Markov random fields for modeling a neighborhood
structure (Sobotka and Kneib 2012) or radial basis functions (Hofner 2011). Constrained ef-
fects such as monotonic or cyclic effects can be specified as well (Hofner, Müller, and Hothorn
2011; Hofner, Kneib, and Hothorn 2016a). Random effects can be taken into account by
using ridge-penalized base-learners for fitting categorical grouping variables such as random
intercepts or slopes (see supplementary material of Kneib et al. 2009).

Case study (cont’d): Childhood malnutrition in India.

First, we are going to set up and fit our model. Usually, one could use bmrf(mcdist, bnd =
india.bnd) to specify the spatial base-learner using a Markov random field. However, as it
is relatively time-consuming to compute the neighborhood matrix from the boundary file and
as we need it several times, we pre-compute it once. Note that R2BayesX (Umlauf, Kneib,
Lang, and Zeileis 2013; Umlauf, Adler, Kneib, Lang, and Zeileis 2015; Belitz, Brezger, Kneib,
Lang, and Umlauf 2015) needs to be loaded in order to use this function:

R> library("R2BayesX")
R> neighborhood <- bnd2gra(india.bnd)

The other effects can be directly specified without further care. We use smooth effects for
the age (mage) and BMI (mbmi) of the mother and smooth effects for the age (cage) and BMI
(cbmi) of the child. Finally, we specify the spatial effect for the district in India where mother
and child live (mcdist).
We set the options

R> ctrl <- boost_control(trace = TRUE, mstop = c(mu = 1269, sigma = 84))

and fit the boosting model

Journal of Statistical Software 13

R> mod_nonstab <- gamboostLSS(stunting ~ bbs(mage) + bbs(mbmi) + bbs(cage) +

+ bbs(cbmi) + bmrf(mcdist, bnd = neighborhood), data = india,
+ families = GaussianLSS(), control = ctrl)

[ 1] .................................... -- risk: 7351.327

[ 39] .................................... -- risk: 7256.697


[1'217] .................................... -- risk: 7082.747

[1'255] .............
Final risk: 7082.266

We specified the initial number of boosting iterations as mstop = c(mu = 1269, sigma =
84), i.e., we used 1269 boosting iterations for the µ parameter and only 84 for the σ parameter.
This means that we cycle between the µ and σ parameter until we have computed 84 update
steps in both sub-models. Subsequently, we update only the µ model and leave the σ model
unchanged. The selection of these tuning parameters will be discussed in the next section.
Instead of optimizing the gradients per GAMLSS parameter in each boosting iteration, one
can potentially stabilize the estimation further by standardizing the gradients in each step.
Details and an explanation are given in Appendix B.

Case study (cont’d): Childhood malnutrition in India. We now refit the model
with the built-in median absolute deviation (MAD) stabilization by setting stabilization
= "MAD" in the definition of the families:

R> mod <- gamboostLSS(stunting ~ bbs(mage) + bbs(mbmi) + bbs(cage) +

+ bbs(cbmi) + bmrf(mcdist, bnd = neighborhood), data = india,
+ families = GaussianLSS(stabilization = "MAD"), control = ctrl)

[ 1] .................................... -- risk: 7231.517

[ 39] .................................... -- risk: 7148.868


[1'217] .................................... -- risk: 7003.024

[1'255] .............
Final risk: 7002.32

One can clearly see that the stabilization changes the model and reduces the intermediate
and final risks.

5.4. Model complexity and diagnostic checks

Measuring the complexity of a GAMLSS is a crucial issue for model building and parameter
tuning, especially with regard to the determination of optimal stopping iterations for gradient
14 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

boosting (see next section). In the GAMLSS framework, valid measures of the complexity of
a fitted model are even more important than in classical regression, since variable selection
and model choice have to be carried out in several additive predictors within the same model.
In the original work by Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005), the authors suggested to evaluate
AIC-type information criteria to measure the complexity of a GAMLSS. Regarding the com-
plexity of a classical boosting fit with one predictor, AIC-type measures are available for a
limited number of distributions (see Bühlmann and Hothorn 2007). Still, there is no com-
monly accepted approach to measure the degrees of freedom of a boosting fit, even in the
classical framework with only one additive predictor. This is mostly due to the algorith-
mic nature of gradient boosting, which results in regularized model fits for which complexity
is difficult to evaluate (Hastie 2007). As a consequence, the problem of deriving valid (and
easy-to-compute) complexity measures for boosting remains largely unsolved (Bühlmann et al.
2014, Section 4).
In view of these considerations, and because it is not possible to use the original information
criteria specified for GAMLSS in the gamboostLSS framework, Mayr et al. (2012a) suggested
to use cross-validated estimates of the empirical risk (i.e., of the predicted log-likelihood)
to measure the complexity of gamboostLSS fits. Although this strategy is computationally
expensive and might be affected by the properties of the used cross-validation technique, it is
universally applicable to all gamboostLSS families and does not rely on possibly biased estima-
tors of the effective degrees of freedom. We therefore decided to implement various resampling
procedures in the function cvrisk() to estimate model complexity of a gamboostLSS fit via
cross-validated empirical risks (see next section).
A related problem is to derive valid diagnostic checks to compare different families or link
functions. For the original GAMLSS method, Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005) proposed to
base diagnostic checks on normalized quantile residuals. In the boosting framework, however,
residual checks are generally difficult to derive because boosting algorithms result in regu-
larized fits that reflect the trade-off between bias and variance of the effect estimators. As
a consequence, residuals obtained from boosting fits usually contain a part of the remain-
ing structure of the predictor effects, rendering an unbiased comparison of competing model
families via residual checks a highly difficult issue. While it is of course possible to compute
residuals from models fitted via gamboostLSS, valid comparisons of competing models are
more conveniently obtained by considering estimates of the predictive risk.

Case study (cont’d): Childhood malnutrition in India. To extract the empirical

risk in the last boosting iteration (i.e., in the last step) of the model which was fitted with
stabilization (see page 13) one can use

R> emp_risk <- risk(mod, merge = TRUE)

R> tail(emp_risk, n = 1)


and compare it to the risk of the non-stabilized model

R> emp_risk_nonstab <- risk(mod_nonstab, merge = TRUE)

R> tail(emp_risk_nonstab, n = 1)
Journal of Statistical Software 15


In this case, the stabilized model has a lower (in-bag) risk than the non-stabilized model.
Note that usually both models should be tuned before the empirical risk is compared. Here
it merely shows that the risk of the stabilized model decreases quicker.
To compare the risk on new data sets, i.e., the predictive risk, one could combine all data in
one data set and use weights that equal zero for the new data. Let us fit the model only on a
random subset of 2000 observations. To extract the risk for observations with zero weights,
we need to additionally set risk = "oobag".

R> weights <- sample(c(rep(1, 2000), rep(0, 2000)))

R> mod_subset <- update(mod, weights = weights, risk = "oobag")

Note that we could also specify the model anew via

R> mod_subset <- gamboostLSS(stunting ~ bbs(mage) + bbs(mbmi) + bbs(cage) +

+ bbs(cbmi) + bmrf(mcdist, bnd = neighborhood), data = india,
+ weights = weights, families = GaussianLSS(),
+ control = boost_control(mstop = c(mu = 1269, sigma = 84),
+ risk = "oobag"))

To refit the non-stabilized model we use

R> mod_nonstab_subset <- update(mod_nonstab, weights = weights,

+ risk = "oobag")

Now we extract the predictive risks which are now computed on the 2000 “new” observations:

R> tail(risk(mod_subset, merge = TRUE), 1)


R> tail(risk(mod_nonstab_subset, merge = TRUE), 1)


Again, the stabilized model has a lower predictive risk.

5.5. Model tuning: Early stopping to prevent overfitting

As for other component-wise boosting algorithms, the most important tuning parameter of
the gamboostLSS algorithm is the stopping iteration mstop (here a K-dimensional vector). In
some low-dimensional settings it might be convenient to let the algorithm run until conver-
gence (i.e., use a large number of iterations for each of the K distribution parameters). In
16 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

these cases, as they are optimizing the same likelihood, boosting should converge to the same
model as gamlss – at least when the same penalties are used for smooth effects.
However, in most settings, where the application of boosting is favorable, it is crucial that
the algorithm is not run until convergence but some sort of early stopping is applied (Mayr,
Hofner, and Schmid 2012b). Early stopping results in shrunken effect estimates, which has
the advantage that predictions become more stable since the variance of the estimates is
reduced. Another advantage of early stopping is that gamboostLSS has an intrinsic mechanism
for data-driven variable selection, since only the best-fitting base-learner is updated in each
boosting iteration. Hence, the stopping iteration mstop,k does not only control the amount
of shrinkage applied to the effect estimates but also the complexity of the models for the
distribution parameter θk .
To find the optimal complexity, the resulting model should be evaluated regarding the pre-
dictive risk on a large grid of stopping values by cross-validation or resampling methods,
using the function cvrisk(). In case of gamboostLSS, the predictive risk is computed as the
negative log likelihood of the out-of-bag sample. The search for the optimal mstop based on
resampling is far more complex than for standard boosting algorithms. Different stopping
iterations can be chosen for the parameters, thus allowing for different levels of complex-
ity in each sub-model (multi-dimensional early stopping). In the package gamboostLSS a
multi-dimensional grid can be easily created utilizing the function make.grid().
In most of the cases the µ parameter is of greatest interest in a GAMLSS model and thus more
care should be taken to accurately model this parameter. Stasinopoulos and Rigby (2014a),
the inventors of GAMLSS, stated on the help page for the function gamlss(): “Respect the
parameter hierarchy when you are fitting a model. For example a good model for µ should be
fitted before a model for σ is fitted.”. Consequently, we provide an option dense_mu_grid in
the make.grid() function that allows to have a finer grid for (a subset of) the µ parameter.
Thus, we can better tune the complexity of the model for µ which helps to avoid over- or
underfitting of the mean without relying to much on the grid. Details and explanations are
given in the following paragraphs.

Case study (cont’d): Childhood malnutrition in India. We first set up a grid for
mstop values starting at 20 and going in 10 equidistant steps on a logarithmic scale to 500:

R> grid <- make.grid(max = c(mu = 500, sigma = 500), min = 20,
+ length.out = 10, dense_mu_grid = FALSE)

Additionally, we can use the dense_mu_grid option to create a dense grid for µ. This means
that we compute the risk for all iterations mstop,µ , if mstop,µ ≥ mstop,σ and do not use the
values on the sparse grid only:

R> densegrid <- make.grid(max = c(mu = 500, sigma = 500), min = 20,
+ length.out = 10, dense_mu_grid = TRUE)
R> plot(densegrid, pch = 20, cex = 0.2,
+ xlab = "Number of boosting iterations (mu)",
+ ylab = "Number of boosting iterations (sigma)")
R> abline(0, 1)
R> points(grid, pch = 20, col = "red")
Journal of Statistical Software 17

●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●

mstop = c(mu = 30, sigma = 15)

mstop = c(mu = 30, sigma = 16)
Number of boosting iterations (sigma)

Number of boosting iterations (sigma)


●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●

● ●
● ●
● ●
●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ●

● ●

● ●

●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ●
●● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ●
●● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ●
●● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●

● ●

100 200 300 400 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Number of boosting iterations (mu) Number of boosting iterations (mu)

Figure 3: Left: Comparison between sparse grid (red) and dense µ grid (black horizontal lines
in addition to the sparse red grid). Right: Example of the path of the iteration counts.

A comparison and an illustration of the sparse and the dense grids can be found in Figure 3
(left). Red dots refer to all possible combinations of mstop,µ and mstop,σ on the sparse grid,
whereas the black lines refer to the additional combinations when a dense grid is used. For a
given mstop,σ , all iterations mstop,µ ≥ mstop,σ (i.e., below the bisecting line) can be computed
without additional computing time. For example, if we fit a model with mstop = c(mu = 30,
sigma = 15), all mstop combinations on the red path (Figure 3, right) are computed. Until
the point where mstop,µ = mstop,σ , we move along the bisecting line. Then we stop increasing
mstop,σ and increase mstop,µ only, i.e., we start moving along a horizontal line. Thus, all
iterations on this horizontal line are computed anyway. Note that it is quite expensive to
move from the computed model to one with mstop = c(mu = 30, sigma = 16). One cannot
simply increase mstop,σ by 1 but needs to go along the black dotted path. As the dense grid
does not increase the run time (or only marginally), we recommend to always use this option,
which is also the default.
The dense_mu_grid option also works for asymmetric grids (e.g., make.grid(max = c(mu
= 100, sigma = 200))) and for more than two parameters (e.g., make.grid(max = c(mu
= 100, sigma = 200, nu = 20))). For an example in the latter case see the help page of
Now we use the dense grid for cross-validation (or subsampling to be more precise). The
computation of the cross-validated risk using cvrisk() takes more than one hour on a 64-bit
Ubuntu machine using 2 cores.

R> cores <- ifelse(grepl("linux|apple", R.Version()$platform), 2, 1)

R> if (!file.exists(file.path("cvrisk", "cvr_india.rda"))) {
+ set.seed(1907)
+ folds <- cv(model.weights(mod), type = "subsampling")
+ densegrid <- make.grid(max = c(mu = 5000, sigma = 500), min = 20,
+ length.out = 10, dense_mu_grid = TRUE)
+ cvr <- cvrisk(mod, grid = densegrid, folds = folds, mc.cores = cores)
18 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

+ save("cvr", file = file.path("cvrisk", "cvr_india.rda"),

+ compress = "xz")
+ }

By using more computing cores or a larger computer cluster the speed can be easily increased.
The usage of cvrisk() is practically identical to that of cvrisk() from package mboost. See
Hofner et al. (2014) for details on parallelization and grid computing. As Windows does
not support addressing multiple cores from R, on Windows we use only one core whereas
on Unix-based systems two cores are used. We then load the pre-computed results of the
cross-validated risk:

R> load(file.path("cvrisk", "cvr_india.rda"))

5.6. Methods to extract and display results

In order to work with the results, methods to extract information both from boosting models
and the corresponding cross-validation results have been implemented. Fitted gamboostLSS
models (i.e., objects of type ‘mboostLSS’) are lists of ‘mboost’ objects. The most important
distinction from the methods implemented in mboost is the widespread occurrence of the ad-
ditional argument parameter, which enables the user to apply the function on all parameters
of a fitted GAMLSS model or only on one (or more) specific parameters.
Most importantly, one can extract the coefficients of a fitted model (coef()) or plot the effects
(plot()). Different versions of both functions are available for linear GAMLSS models (i.e.,
models of class ‘glmboostLSS’) and for non-linear GAMLSS models (e.g., models with P -
splines). Additionally, the user can extract the risk for all iterations using the function risk().
Selected base-learners can be extracted using selected(). Fitted values and predictions can
be obtained by fitted() and predict(). For details and examples, see the corresponding
help pages and Hofner et al. (2014). Furthermore, a special function for marginal prediction
intervals is available (predint()) together with a dedicated plot method for ‘predint’ objects.
For cross-validation results (objects of class ‘cvriskLSS’), there exists a function to extract
the estimated optimal number of boosting iterations (mstop()). The results can also be
plotted using a special plot() function. Hence, convergence and overfitting behavior can be
visually inspected.
In order to increase or reduce the number of boosting steps to the appropriate number (as
e.g., obtained by cross-validation techniques) one can use the function mstop. If we want to
reduce our model, for example, to 10 boosting steps for the mu parameter and 20 steps for
the sigma parameter we can use

R> mstop(mod) <- c(10, 20)

This directly alters the object mod. Instead of specifying a vector with separate values for
each sub-family one can also use a single value, which then is used for each sub-family (see
Section 5.1).

Case study (cont’d): Childhood malnutrition in India. We first inspect the cross-
validation results (see Figure 4):
Journal of Statistical Software 19

25−fold subsampling

Number of boosting iterations (sigma)


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Number of boosting iterations (mu)

Figure 4: Cross-validated risk. Darker color represents higher predictive risks. The optimal
combination of stopping iterations is indicated by dashed red lines.

R> plot(cvr)

If the optimal stopping iteration is close to the boundary of the grid one should re-run the
cross-validation procedure with different max values for the grid and/or more grid points. This
is not the case here (Figure 4). To extract the optimal stopping iteration one can now use

R> mstop(cvr)

mu sigma
1269 84

To use the optimal model, i.e., the model with the iteration number from the cross-validation,
we set the model to these values:

R> mstop(mod) <- mstop(cvr)

In the next step, the plot() function can be used to plot the partial effects. A partial effect
is the effect of a certain predictor only, i.e., all other model components are ignored for the
plot. Thus, the reference level of the plot is arbitrary and even the actual size of the effect
might not be interpretable; only changes and hence the functional form are meaningful. If no
further arguments are specified, all selected base-learners are plotted:

R> par(mfrow = c(2, 5))

R> plot(mod)

Special base-learners can be plotted using the argument which (to specify the base-learner)
and the argument parameter (to specify the parameter, e.g., "mu"). Partial matching is used
for which, i.e., one can specify a sub-string of the base-learners’ names. Consequently, all
matching base-learners are selected. Alternatively, one can specify an integer which indicates
the number of the effect in the model formula. Thus
20 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

mu mu mu mu







15 25 35 45 15 25 35 0 10 20 30 10 15 20 25
mage mbmi cage cbmi

sigma sigma sigma sigma








15 25 35 45 15 25 35 0 10 20 30 10 15 20 25
mage mbmi cage cbmi

Figure 5: Smooth partial effects of the estimated model with the rescaled outcome. The
effects for sigma are estimated and plotted on the log-scale (see Equation 2), i.e., we plot the
predictor against log(σ̂).

R> par(mfrow = c(2, 4), mar = c(5.1, 4.5, 4.1, 1.1))

R> plot(mod, which = "bbs", type = "l")

plots all P -spline base-learners irrespective if they were selected or not. The partial effects in
Figure 5 can be interpreted as follows: The age of the mother seems to have a minor impact
on stunting for both the mean effect and the effect on the standard deviation. With increasing
BMI of the mother, the stunting score increases, i.e., the child is better nourished. At the
same time the variability increases until a BMI of roughly 25 and then decreases again. The
age of the child has a negative effect until the age of approximately 1.5 years (18 months).
The variability increases over the complete range of age. The BMI of the child has a negative
effect on stunting, with lowest variability for an BMI of approximately 16. While all other
effects can be interpreted quite easily, this effect is more difficult to interpret. Usually, one
would expect that a child that suffers from malnutrition also has a small BMI. However, the
height of the child enters the calculation of the BMI in the denominator, which means that
a lower stunting score (i.e., small height) should lead on average to higher BMI values if the
weight of a child is fixed.
If we want to plot the effects of all P -spline base-learners for the µ parameter, we can use

R> plot(mod, which = "bbs", parameter = "mu")

Instead of specifying (sub-)strings for the two arguments one could use integer values in both
cases. For example,

R> plot(mod, which = 1:4, parameter = 1)

results in the same plots.

Prediction intervals for new observations can be easily constructed by computing the quantiles
of the conditional GAMLSS distribution. This is done by plugging the estimates of the
Journal of Statistical Software 21

Marginal Prediction Interval(s)

Stunting score


10 15 20 25

BMI (child)

Figure 6: 80% (dashed) and 90% (dotted) marginal prediction intervals for the BMI of the
children in the district of Greater Mumbai (which is the region with the most observations).
For all other variables we used average values (i.e., a child with average age, and a mother
with average age and BMI). The solid line corresponds to the median prediction (which equals
the mean for symmetric distributions such as the Gaussian distribution). Observations from
Greater Mumbai are highlighted in red.

distribution parameters (e.g., µ̂(xnew ), σ̂(xnew ) for a new observation xnew ) into the quantile
function (Mayr et al. 2012a).
Marginal prediction intervals, which reflect the effect of a single predictor on the quantiles
(keeping all other variables fixed), can be used to illustrate the combined effect of this variable
on various distribution parameters and hence the shape of the distribution. For illustration
purposes we plot the influence of the children’s BMI via predint(). To obtain marginal
prediction intervals, the function uses a grid for the variable of interest, while fixing all others
at their mean (continuous variables) or modus (categorical variables).

R> plot(predint(mod, pi = c(0.8, 0.9), which = "cbmi"), lty = 1:3,

+ lwd = 3, xlab = "BMI (child)", ylab = "Stunting score")

To additionally highlight observations from Greater Mumbai, we use

R> points(stunting ~ cbmi, data = india, pch = 20,

+ col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.5), subset = mcdist == "381")

The resulting marginal prediction intervals are displayed in Figure 6. For the interpretation
and evaluation of prediction intervals, see Mayr, Hothorn, and Fenske (2012c).
For the spatial bmrf() base-learner we need some extra work to plot the effect(s). We need
to obtain the (partial) predicted values per region using either fitted() or predict():

R> fitted_mu <- fitted(mod, parameter = "mu", which = "mcdist",

+ type = "response")
R> fitted_sigma <- fitted(mod, parameter = "sigma", which = "mcdist",
+ type = "response")
22 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

Mean Standard deviation

−0.62 0.1 0.82 0.75 0.92 1.1

Figure 7: Spatial partial effects of the estimated model. Dashed regions represent regions
without data. Note that effect estimates for these regions exist and could be extracted.

In case of bmrf() base-learners we then need to aggregate the data for multiple observations
in one region before we can plot the data. Here, one could also plot the coefficients, which
constitute the effect estimates per region. Note that this interpretation is not possible for
other bivariate or spatial base-learners such as bspatial() or brad():

R> fitted_mu <- tapply(fitted_mu, india$mcdist, FUN = mean)

R> fitted_sigma <- tapply(fitted_sigma, india$mcdist, FUN = mean)
R> plotdata <- data.frame(region = names(fitted_mu),
+ mu = fitted_mu, sigma = fitted_sigma)
R> par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(1, 0, 2, 0))
R> plotmap(india.bnd, plotdata[, c(1, 2)], range = c(-0.62, 0.82),
+ main = "Mean", pos = "bottomright", mar.min = NULL)
R> plotmap(india.bnd, plotdata[, c(1, 3)], range = c(0.75, 1.1),
+ main = "Standard deviation", pos = "bottomright", mar.min = NULL)

Figure 7 (left) shows a clear spatial pattern of stunting. While children in the southern
regions like Tamil Nadu and Kerala as well as in the north-eastern regions around Assam
and Arunachal Pradesh seem to have a smaller risk for stunted growth, the central regions
in the north of India, especially Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, seem to be the most
problematic in terms of stunting due to malnutrition. Since we have also modeled the scale
of the distribution, we can gain much richer information concerning the regional distribution
of stunting: The regions in the south which seem to be less affected by stunting do also have
a lower partial effect with respect to the expected standard deviation (Figure 7, right), i.e.,
a reduced standard deviation compared to the average region. This means that not only the
expected stunting score is smaller on average, but that the distribution in this region is also
narrower. This leads to a smaller size of prediction intervals for children living in that area.
In contrast, the regions around Bihar in the central north, where India shares border with
Nepal, do not only seem to have larger problems with stunted growth but have a positive
partial effect with respect to the scale parameter of the conditional distribution as well. This
leads to larger prediction intervals, which could imply a greater risk for very small values
Journal of Statistical Software 23

of the stunting score for an individual child in that region. On the other hand, the larger
size of the interval also offers the chance for higher values and could reflect higher differences
between different parts of the population.

6. Summary
The GAMLSS model class has developed into one of the most flexible tools in statistical
modeling, as it can tackle nearly any regression setting of practical relevance. Boosting
algorithms, on the other hand, are one of the most flexible estimation and prediction tools in
the toolbox of a modern statistician (Mayr et al. 2014).
In this paper, we have presented the R package gamboostLSS, which provides the first im-
plementation of a boosting algorithm for GAMLSS. Hence, beeing a combination of boosting
and GAMLSS, gamboostLSS combines a powerful machine learning tool with the world of
statistical modeling (Breiman 2001), offering the advantage of intrinsic model choice and
variable selection in potentially high-dimensional data situations. The package also combines
the advantages of both mboost (with a well-established, well-tested modular structure in the
back-end) and gamlss (which implements a large amount of families that are available via
conversion with the as.families() function).
While the implementation in the R package gamlss (provided by the inventors of GAMLSS)
must be seen as the gold standard for fitting GAMLSS, the gamboostLSS package offers a
flexible alternative, which can be advantageous, amongst others, in the following data settings:
(i) models with a large number of coefficients, where classical estimation approaches become
unfeasible; (ii) data situations where variable selection is of great interest; (iii) models where
a greater flexibility regarding the effect types is needed, e.g., when spatial, smooth, random,
or constrained effects should be included and selected at the same time.

We thank the editors and the two anonymous referees for their valuable comments that helped
to greatly improve the manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge the help of Nora Fenske and
Thomas Kneib, who provided code to prepare the data and also gave valuable input on
the package gamboostLSS. We thank Mikis Stasinopoulos for his support in implementing
as.families and Torsten Hothorn for his great work on mboost. The work of Matthias
Schmid and Andreas Mayr was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG),
grant SCHM-2966/1-1, and the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) of the
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, project J49.


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28 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

A. The gamboostLSS algorithm

Let θ = (θk )k=1,...,K be the vector of distribution parameters of a GAMLSS, where θk =
gk−1 (ηθk ) with parameter-specific link function gk and additive predictor ηθk . The gamboostLSS
algorithm (Mayr et al. 2012a) circles between the different distribution parameters θk , k =
1, . . . , K, and fits all base-learners h(·) separately to the negative partial derivatives of the
loss function, i.e., in the GAMLSS context to the partial derivatives of the log-likelihood with
respect to the additive predictors ηθk , i.e., ∂η∂θ l(y, θ).

(1) Set the iteration counter m := 0. Initialize the additive predictors η̂θk,i , k =
[0] Pn
1, . . . , K, i = 1, . . . , n, with offset values, e.g., η̂θk,i ≡ argmax i=1 l(yi , θk,i = c).
(2) For each distribution parameter θk , k = 1, . . . , K, specify a set of base-learners:
i.e., for parameter θk by hk,1 (·), . . . , hk,pk (·), where pk is the cardinality of the set
of base-learners specified for θk .

Boosting in multiple dimensions

(3) Start a new boosting iteration: increase m by 1 and set k := 0.

(4) (a) Increase k by 1.
If m > mstop,k proceed to step 4(e).

Else compute the partial derivative ∂ηθk l(yi , θ) and plug in the current esti-
[m−1] [m−1] [m−1] [m−1] −1 [m−1]
mates θ̂i = θ̂1,i , . . . , θ̂K,i = g1−1 (η̂θ1,i ), . . . , gK (η̂θK,i ) :

[m−1] ∂
uk,i = l(yi , θ) , i = 1, . . . , n.


(b) Fit each of the base-learners contained in the set of base-learners specified for
the parameter θk in step (2) to the gradient vector uk .
(c) Select the base-learner j ∗ that best fits the partial derivative vector according
to the least-squares criterion, i.e., select the base-learner hk,j ∗ defined by

X [m−1]
j = argmin (uk,i − hk,j (·))2 .
1≤j≤pk i=1

(d) Update the additive predictor ηθk as follows:

[m−1] [m−1]
η̂θk := η̂θk + νsl · hk,j ∗ (·) ,

where νsl is a small step-length (0 < νsl  1).

[m] [m−1]
(e) Set η̂θk := η̂θk .
(f) Iterate steps 4(a) to 4(e) for k = 2, . . . , K.


(5) Iterate steps 3 and 4 until m > mstop,k for all k = 1, . . . , K.

Journal of Statistical Software 29

B. Data pre-processing and stabilization of gradients

As the gamboostLSS algorithm updates the parameter estimates in turn by optimizing the
gradients, it is important that these are comparable for all GAMLSS parameters. Consider
for example the standard Gaussian distribution where the gradients of the log-likelihood with
respect to ηµ and ησ are
∂ yi − ηµi
l(yi , gµ−1 (ηµ ), σ̂) = ,
∂ηµ σ̂i2
with identity link, i.e., gµ−1 (ηµ ) = ηµ , and

∂ (yi − µ̂i )2
l(yi , µ̂, gσ−1 (ησ )) = −1 + ,
∂ησ exp(2ησi )

with log link, i.e., gσ−1 (ησ ) = exp(ησ ).

For small values of σ̂i , the gradient vector for µ will hence inevitably become huge, while
for large variances it will become very small. As the base-learners are directly fitted to this
gradient vector, this will have a dramatic effect on convergence speed. Due to imbalances
regarding the range of ∂η∂µ l(yi , µ, σ) and ∂η∂σ l(yi , µ, σ), a potential bias might be induced
when the algorithm becomes so unstable that it does not converge to the optimal solution (or
converges very slowly).
Consequently, one can use standardized gradients, where in each step the gradient is divided
by its median absolute deviation, i.e., it is divided by

MAD = mediani (|uk,i − medianj (uk,j )|), (3)

where uk,i is the gradient of the k-th GAMLSS parameter in the current boosting step i.
If weights are specified (explicitly or implicitly as for cross-validation) a weighted median is
used. MAD-stabilization can be activated by setting the argument stabilization to "MAD"
in the fitting families (see example on page 13). Using stabilization = "none" explicitly
switches off the stabilization. As this is the current default, this is only needed for clarity.
Another way to improve convergence speed might be to standardize the response variable
(and/or to use a larger step size νsl ). This is especially useful if the range of the response
differs strongly from the range of the negative gradients. Both, the built-in stabilization and
the standardization of the response are not always advised but need to be carefully considered
given the data at hand. If convergence speed is slow or if the negative gradient even starts to
become unstable, one should consider one or both options to stabilize the fit. To judge the
impact of these methods one can run the gamboostLSS algorithm using different options and
compare the results via cross-validated predictive risks (see Sections 5.4 and 5.5).

C. Additional families
Table 3 gives an overview of common, additional GAMLSS distributions and GAMLSS distri-
butions with a different parametrization than in gamboostLSS. For a comprehensive overview
see the distribution tables available at and the documentation of
the gamlss.dist package (Stasinopoulos and Rigby 2014b). Note that gamboostLSS works only
for more-parametric distributions, while in gamlss.dist also a few one-parametric distributions
30 gamboostLSS: Model Building and Variable Selection for GAMLSS

are implemented. In this case the as.families() function will construct a corresponding
‘boost_family’ which one can use as family in mboost (a corresponding advice is given in
a warning message).

Benjamin Hofner, Andreas Mayr
Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Waldstraße 6
91054 Erlangen, Germany

Matthias Schmid
Department of Medical Biometry, Informatics and Epidemiology
University of Bonn
Sigmund-Freud-Straße 25
53105 Bonn, Germany

Journal of Statistical Software

published by the Foundation for Open Access Statistics
October 2016, Volume 74, Issue 1 Submitted: 2014-07-04
doi:10.18637/jss.v074.i01 Accepted: 2015-08-21
Name Response µ σ ν τ Note
Continuous response
Generalized t GT cont. id log log log
Box-Cox t BCT cont. id log id log
Gumbel GU cont. id log For moderately skewed data.
Reverse Gumbel RG cont. id log Extreme value distribution.
Continuous non-negative response (without censoring)
Gamma GA cont. > 0 log log Also implemented as GammaLSS() a,b .
Inverse Gamma IGAMMA cont. > 0 log log
Zero-adjusted Gamma ZAGA cont. ≥ 0 log log logit Gamma, additionally allowing for zeros.
Inverse Gaussian IG cont. > 0 log log
Log-normal LOGNO cont. > 0 log log For positively skewed data.
Box-Cox Cole and Green BCCG cont. > 0 id log id For positively and negatively skewed data.
Pareto PARETO2 cont. > 0 log log
Box-Cox power exponential BCPE cont. > 0 id log id log Recommended for child growth centiles.
Fractions and bounded continuous response
Beta BE ∈ (0, 1) logit logit Also implemented as BetaLSS() a,c .
Beta inflated BEINF ∈ [0, 1] logit logit log log Beta, additionally allowing for zeros and ones.
Models for count data
Journal of Statistical Software

Beta binomial BB count logit log

Negative binomial NBI count log log For over-dispersed count data; also implemented
as NBinomialLSS() a,d .

Table 3: Overview of common, additional GAMLSS distributions that can be used via as.families() in gamboostLSS. For ev-
ery modeled distribution parameter, the corresponding link-function is displayed. a The parametrizations of the distribution func-
tions in gamboostLSS and gamlss.dist differ with respect to the variance. b GammaLSS(mu, sigma) has VAR(y|x) = mu2 /sigma, and
as.families(GA)(mu, sigma) has VAR(y|x) = sigma2 · mu2 . c BetaLSS(mu, phi) has VAR(y|x) = mu · (1 − mu) · (1 + phi)−1 , and
as.families(BE)(mu, sigma) has VAR(y|x) = mu · (1 − mu) · sigma2 . d NBinomialLSS(mu, sigma) has VAR(y|x) = mu + 1/sigma · mu2 ,
and as.families(NBI)(mu, sigma) has VAR(y|x) = mu + sigma · mu2 .

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