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This report provides a critical analysis of the City of Horizon. The report main purpose is

helping professional of health care in understanding the needs of health of the population in the

city, creation of a roadmap that would direct the resources available to areas that need it the most

and thirdly enhancing the communities’ health by attaining results that are measurable for a

specific number of time. Also, the report aims at promoting collaboration among stakeholders in

communities to enhance the acquisition of positive outcomes of health in the community.

The report is essential for nurses as it equips nurses with knowledge concerning the

critical areas that need services of health promotion, thus allowing the professionals of health

care to carefully plan and the provision of services to the groups that are in dire need in the


The initial section of the report analyses the city of Horizon Psychosocial Assessment in

the community, the second section of the report examines the Health-related Issue in the

community, and the third section analyses the role of the registered nurse in the promotion of

health in the community. The scope in the report involves the documentation of social

determinants and the needs of health care in the community in enabling nurses in the

development of an appropriate plan of action in addressing the needs of the community.

City of Horizon Psychosocial Assessment

Demographic profile.

The city of Horizon has a low d ensity of population with 6.86 induvial per hectare as

compared to Melbourne which contains a 32 induvial per hectare Demographic data reveals that

the city contains the oldest population of fifty-six years which is compared to a national and

regional average of forty-two years and thirty-seven years. The advanced age could lead to a

vital effect on the income and health of individuals. The elderly population has a poor health

risk, that weakens their potential of taking part in employments that are gainful. This is revealed

through the city average earning analysis that is seven hundred and fifty-one as compared b to

the national and regional average that has eight hundred and eighty-one dollars and one thousand

two hundred and thirty-four dollars respectively. Low income is associated with poverty, thus

making people weak to poor health and diseases

The city of horizon contains a high population of elderly couples with children at a

percentage of twenty-three as compared to the national and regional level at a percentage of

twelve and nine respectively. This means that the population has a miserable connectedness and

social support. Which severely affects their resilience against poor health. The city has a

population that is growing of Toress straits and Aboriginal ethnic group. That increases from a

percentage of 1.6 to 2.3 of the entire population. Minority ethnic groups are linked with

outcomes of poor health as a result of social discrimination and exclusion that increases mental

disorder and disabilities risks.

Psychosocial profile
The city is with the lowest population of people with the qualification of higher education

and university as compared to South Australia with a percentage of 16 and the average of the

nation at 19%. Achievement of higher education is closely related to better health although the

span of life, this is because it equips people with relevant information in making belter decision

concerning health which raises the potential better access and securing of jobs thus increasing the

income (Abdullah et al 2019). The statistics of labor reveals that Horizon city is with the highest

level of unemployment compared to the average and regional level. The younger population of

fifteen to twenty-four years contains the highest rates of unemployment at a percentage of 9.6.

The population of unemployed has higher rates of disability and mortality which is

compared to those associated with employments that are profitable (Patel and Dave, 2019). Lack

of job has an adverse effect on mental and physical effects with the unemployed reporting a

higher disease prevalence and poor health (Abdullah et al 2019). Social Assistance and health care

is the industry that is popular, after which it is followed by the agricultural and retail sectors such

as fishing, forestry, and farming in the city of Horizon. The statistics of employment reveals that

three sectors enhance the provision of a higher number of opportunities related to the job. This

industry needs a labor force with low skills, low job security, and job income.

Data information shows that the city of Horizon has a lower population earning $1500 or

above on a weekly basis and a greater proportion of earners with low income earning $400 or

less as compared to the region of South Australia. In addition the city of Horizon has revealed a

report of the higher household prevalence earning mining of four hundred to five hundred and

ninety-nine dollars weekly at a percentage of 18.4 compared to South Australia with an average

percentage of 13.4. Higher-income is closely related to outcomes of health that is improved

because it raises access to improve housing, nutrition, and a wider option of wealth. The city of
Horizon's information about data reveals that a percentage of 44.7 that owns their residence.

23.2% were in the process of purchasing whereas 21.8% existed in apart that are rented. Home

owner's number in the city was higher than the rates in the region which is at a percentage of


Housing type had an adverse influence on the health of people because the residences

types determined the availability of sanitary services and occupants' behavior ( Patel and Dave,

2019). The findings -of research show that a community that is well organized facilitates the

provision of utilities and housing services that provides social support to members that are more

inclined to the adoption of health behaviors such as sanitation improvement, environment

conversation, relaxation, and recreational amenities. Road transportation is the most common

means of transportation. Moreover, the city motor vehicle number is lower as compared to

regions of southern Australia. Transportation access has severe effects on outcomes of health,

because mobility and access are determined to the services of health care, Workplace movement,

and access to markets of fresh food markets ( Abdullah et al 2019). The city residence however

reported higher social connectedness level and they attained the confidence of attaining support

at the time of crisis (Abdullah et al 2019). Increased connectedness and social support are related

to the outcomes of improved health.

Material used

Abdullah, M.N.L.Y., Lian, L.H. and Ismail, H.N. eds., 2019. New Horizon of Psychological Assessment in

Education (Penerbit USM). Penerbit USM.

Patel, M.B., and Dave, G., 2019. A Study of Impact of Bio-psychosocial Characteristics of an Investor on

Financial Risk Tolerance with Special Reference to Investors in Anand City.

Health-related Issue

The main health-related issues revealed in the city of Horizon are physical inactivity and

poor nutrition. Physical activities and nutrition are pertinent determiners of health. Physical

inactivity and poor nutrition are vital risk factors that regard to various chronic conditions that

include diabetes, weight gain, and osteoporosis. Poor nutrition associates with a variety of factors

of diabetes including healthy diet consumption and eating of diet that is unbalanced.

The vital social determinants that are linked to poor nutrition and social-economic

condition inactivity. Special economic conditions that pertain to the individual of a specific

population have affected the health considerably poor individuals from social and economic

backgrounds are at a vital risk containing poor health mental and physical disability containing

an expectancy of a low life (Lafortezza, et al 2018). The prime indicators that are linked with the

position of social-economic as health determinants include achievement of education,

occupation, and income.

Two third of the residence at the city have access to the facilities of health care that

include specialized facilities, clinics, and hospitals ( Ames et al 2019). Healthcare services access

has an adverse effect on the health of the entire population because the availability of preventive

and curative interventions are determined in a population. The healthcare facilities available in

the community in the city shows the use of the residence at the local level. Rerecords of health

attendance reveal that the rates at which the city residence use health services of the community

are at a lower percentage of 11 compared to the South Australia regional area. Moreover, the

mental health services of the adolescent and children contain a higher demand among residence
who attends to fifty-eight percent more of the cities patient than in the regions of South


Health services funded by the government among the community adults were reported at

a percentage of 47 higher than the rest of the metropolitan area. Mental health services high

demand for adults and children demonstrated that the city contained considerable diseases of the

mental health load in the area. Preventive services access especially the immunization of children

in the city than the average of the nation in Australia ( Ames et al 2019). Health immunization

record reveals that that fully immunized child that is below the age of five years is at a

percentage of 18.8, less than the average of the nation. Higher demand for the mental services

funded services of the health reveals that limited access to health care among the residents is a

result of various factors of social economy that undermines the ability of the population in

affording the provided health services.

Materials used

Ames, C.P., Smith, J.S., Pellisé, F., Kelly, M.P., Gum, J.L., Alanay, A., Acaroglu, E., Pérez-Grueso,

F.J.S., Kleinstück, F.S., Obeid, I., and Vila-Casademunt, A., 2019. Development of deployable

predictive models for minimal clinically important difference achievement across the commonly

used health-related quality of life instruments in adult spinal deformity surgery. Spine, 44(16),


Flick, C., Zamani, E.D., Stahl, B.C., and Brem, A., 2020. The future of ICT for health and aging: unveiling

ethical and social issues through horizon scanning foresight. Technological Forecasting and

Social Change, 155, p.119995.

La Fortezza, R., Chen, J., Van Den Bosch, C.K. and Randrup, T.B., 2018. Nature-based solutions for
resilient landscapes and cities. Environmental Research, 165, pp.431-441.

Role of the Registered Nurse in Health Promotion

In addressing the issues of poor nutrition of the population in the city, nurses that are

registered ought to apply three strategies that include, mediation, enablement, and advocacy.

Enablement, as defined by Ottawa Charter, is a critical strategy of promotion of health (WHO

2019) ./Enablement entails individual empowerment and a variety of people in a community,

enhancing their level of taking control of a variety of factors that influence the outcomes of

health. (McFarland and MacDonald, 2019)

Another role of a registered nurse is advocacy in health promotion. As advocates of

health, nurses are required to undertake appropriate actions, through various platforms and

processes which includes lobbying in community and political forums in promoting the society's

health. This succeeded by participating and lobbying in policy formulation aimed at the

improvement of the health of the community people. The third approach applied by registered

nurses applies in the promotion of health consists of mediation. Mediation involves the

coordination of a variety of stakeholders that are involved in the system of health care that

includes the government, private enterprise, public, and the patients in delivering the services of

health care that are synchronized towards the population. The mediation role is ensuring that

there are involvement and the participation of the entire stakeholders in the delivery of care by

negotiating diverse interests of various groups,with the absolute goal of the promotion of

collaboration while there is the delivery of care (Darch, et al 2017).

Nurse registered standards for practice reveals a variety of standards that are required on

professional health care in ensuring delivery patient-based,evidence-centered, and high quality in

treatment and the prevention of the disease across the entire population. In advocating for health

in the city that concerns poor nutrition nurses that are registered could lo through the system of

politics in the formulation of relevant policies in addressing the issue. The policy includes the

provision of accessible, affordable, and healthy rations of food to members who are vulnerable in

the community which includes elderly, and children to prevent the prevention of obesity. inn

Mediating activities of health care towards the community, a registered nurse can take part in

stakeholders that are diverse that are involved in the system of health care, that includes leaders

of the community, media, government, nongovernment organization, and drug companies min

gqain9ing they support in the initiation of preventive measures to nutrition that is poor to the

community of horizon. The preventive technique could include the initiation of education of the

community for the population empowerment having the knowledge that relates into healthy

consumption with the benefits of food consumption with low contents of sugar and fats, in

addition to the importance of eating vegetables and fruits daily (McFarland and MacDonald, 2019).

Whenever nurses are working with a model of health promotion, every interaction that is

linked with the client can be educative. For instance while dressing or changing a diabetic foot

there is the opportunity of the discussion of testing of blood sugar and the control of diabetes.

Whenever in a clinic and a patient approaches with a cut, it is pertinent in checking the chart for

the concluding booster of tetanus. Nurses practice the promotion of health constantly recognition

the subtle interactions that are effective is vital in giving appraisals towards the significance

nurses as the promoters of health.

Through health promotion practice nurses helps in the provision of information to the

patient as they need in the management and the improvement of their health. The environment of

a nurse's work makes it a lot easier to tanking the advantage of the interaction of routine with

patients and the use as it acts as the opportunity for educating. It can also have a diverse effect on

the cost of health care. With industry focusing widely on the reduction cost staffing various

shortages in the facilities of health care, health promotion that is effective can easily reduce the

frequency with which treatment is sought by an individual.

Health promotion intensively focusses on addressing issues pertaining to health, as

opposed to individuals, lecture concerning negative habits affecting their health, individuals may

often be aware [practices of health that stops or makes habits ., moreover health promotion is

making sure there is dire access to the needed resources in the improvement of behaviors

pertaining to health. Nurses are in a position of advocating for the changes in society in the

reduction of the scarcity of resources that may impede the promotion of health.

Material used

Blake, H., Stanulewicz, N., and Griffiths, K., 2017. Healthy lifestyle behaviors and health promotion

attitudes in preregistered nurses: A questionnaire study. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(2),


Darch, J., Baillie, L., and Gillison, F., 2017. Nurses as role models in health promotion: a concept

analysis. British Journal of Nursing, 26(17), pp.982-988.

Darch, J., Baillie, L., and Gillison, F., 2019. Preparing student nurses to be healthy role models: A

qualitative study. Nurse education in practice, 40, p.102630.

Hoekstra, B.A., Young, V.L., Eley, C.V., Hawking, M.K. and McNulty, C.A., 2016. School Nurses’

perspectives on the role of the school nurse in health education and health promotion in England:

a qualitative study. BMC nursing, 15(1), p.73.

McFarland, A., and MacDonald, E., 2019. Role of the nurse in identifying and addressing health

inequalities. Nursing Standard, 34(4).


The purpose of the report is the identification of various needs of health that affects the

population in the city of Horizon, with the objective of the development of a road map that

addresses various issues in the promotion of community health. The population has reported

intense findings in relation to the influence of economic and social factors in regard to their

health. The population at first involved the elderly with their income all levels being lower

listened to access to recreational facilities transportation. Additionally, The city of Horizon has

reported a higher obesity prevalence and behaviors that are contrary to health that includes

physical inactivity and smoking. However a variety of respondents has ve a report that is the

presence of a strong system of social support. The main issues of health revealed poor physical

activities and nutrition, That triggered a higher obesity prevalence containing other chronic

disorders related to not unhealthy eating and a lifestyle of sedentary. In addressing the health

issues, the registered nurse is to participate in the promotion of health through lobbying and

advocacy in a lot of +professional and [political forum. In addition mediation with the rest of

stakeholders is critical in the promotion of health.

Reference List

Abdullah, M.N.L.Y., Lian, L.H. and Ismail, H.N. eds., 2019. New Horizon of Psychological Assessment in

Education (Penerbit USM). Penerbit USM.

Ames, C.P., Smith, J.S., Pellisé, F., Kelly, M.P., Gum, J.L., Alanay, A., Acaroglu, E., Pérez-Grueso,

F.J.S., Kleinstück, F.S., Obeid, I., and Vila-Casademunt, A., 2019. Development of deployable

predictive models for minimal clinically important difference achievement across the commonly

used health-related quality of life instruments in adult spinal deformity surgery. Spine, 44(16),


Blake, H., Stanulewicz, N., and Griffiths, K., 2017. Healthy lifestyle behaviors and health promotion

attitudes in preregistered nurses: A questionnaire study. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(2),


Darch, J., Baillie, L., and Gillison, F., 2019. Preparing student nurses to be healthy role models: A

qualitative study. Nurse education in practice, 40, p.102630.

Darch, J., Baillie, L., and Gillison, F., 2017. Nurses as role models in health promotion: a concept

analysis. British Journal of Nursing, 26(17), pp.982-988.

Flick, C., Zamani, E.D., Stahl, B.C., and Brem, A., 2020. The future of ICT for health and aging: unveiling
ethical and social issues through horizon scanning foresight. Technological Forecasting and

Social Change, 155, p.119995.

Hoekstra, B.A., Young, V.L., Eley, C.V., Hawking, M.K. and McNulty, C.A., 2016. School Nurses’

perspectives on the role of the school nurse in health education and health promotion in England:

a qualitative study. BMC nursing, 15(1), p.73.

La Fortezza, R., Chen, J., Van Den Bosch, C.K. and Randrup, T.B., 2018. Nature-based solutions for

resilient landscapes and cities. Environmental Research, 165, pp.431-441.

McFarland, A., and MacDonald, E., 2019. Role of the nurse in identifying and addressing health

inequalities. Nursing Standard, 34(4).

Patel, M.B., and Dave, G., 2019. A Study of Impact of Bio-psychosocial Characteristics of an Investor on

Financial Risk Tolerance with Special Reference to Investors in Anand City.

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