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The accountant makes budgets in the

2. the architect makes housing plans

3. the banker pays people at the end of the month

4. the barber cuts people's hair

5. the carpenter builds wooden tables and

6. The chef prepares meals in the restaurant.
7. the cashier performs money operations
8. the dentist helps people with dental
9. the doctor helps people with health problems
10. the farmer has animals and crops
11. the fireman puts out the fires and helps people
12. the lawyer helps people with judicial
13. the mechanic fixes the cars
14. the miners work extracting minerals
15. the musician plays the guitar at concerts
16. the nurse gives medicine to the patients
17. the painter performs the murals of the city
18. teachers teach in schools and colleges
19. drivers move people around the city
20. the waiter attends the people in the

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