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Practice Test 5 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS de This Practice Test has 45 questions. You have a recommended time of 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete this test. a Read each question carefully and select the most appropriate answer. B Shade the corresponding letter, either A, B, C or D in the suggested lettered answers provided at the end of each item. 4, Refer to the example provided below: Q1. Which of the following can promote development in the Caribbean region? (A) Gender inequality (B) Social justice (©) _ Distribution of wealth (D) Natural disasters ©@O0® The most suitable answer is (B) Social justice. Therefore B is shaded. 85 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 As Caribbean society and culture today is often referred to as “Plantation Society”. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Caribbean plantation society? (A) (B) © (D) It is highly stratified There is little social mobility The masses are kept in check by a “divide and rule strategy” There is little cultural diversity ®©@O 2. Why is Mexico sometimes considered as belonging to the “Caribbean” region? “A (B) «) (D) It is Spanish speaking similar to some of the Caribbean countries It is in close proximity to the Caribbean islands It is washed by the Caribbean Sea None of the above ©O@O 3. Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched? A (B) © «) Amerindian - Cassava East Indian - Roti French - French fries Spanish - Pastelles ®©8© 86 4. CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 Coral Reefs are important in the lives of Caribbean people, yet we abuse this resource. All of the following are ways of destroying corals EXCEPT A) (B) «© (D) extracting corals overfishing pollution discouraging visits to the coral reefs ©©©®@ Why did people from the Anglophone Caribbean migrate to North America after 1960? (A) (B) © (D) To work on the Panama Canal To serve in World War II To work on the sugar plantations To seek employment opportunities ©@©® are not considered part of the “political” Caribbean, though they are geographically located in the Caribbean region. A) (B) (c) (D) Bermuda, St. Lucia and Suriname Montserrat, Grenada and St. Vincent Martinique, Guadeloupe and Fr. Guiana Grenada, St. Vincent and Barbados ®©©® 87 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 7. Carnival, Reggae music and Calypso are Caribbean in origin. These serve to (A) _ express opposition to the government in power (B) __ limit the influence of religion (C) __ reflect the values of Caribbean society (D) _ satisfy the needs of the leaders of the Caribbean region ©O@® 8. Geographic isolation of the Amerindian community in Guyana reinforces (A) a process of cultural diffusion (B) _ the need for higher education (©) _ the need for scientific investigation (D) a traditional way of life @HOO 9. How did the peasantry assist in the development of Caribbe- an economy? (A) _ Peasants provided much needed labour to plantation owners, especially during crop time (B) They assisted in the diversification of the economy by engaging in the production of cash crops and rearing of livestock (C) Some peasants were involved in exporting produce to neighbouring territories (D) All of the above 8D ®@OO 88 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 10. How can Caribbean people mitigate the effects of a hurricane? 1. 12. if M. tM. (A) (B) «c) «D) Have insurance for property Government can expand hurricane shelters Have closer monitoring of tropical depressions Lonly Land Ill only land Ill only Cc 1D 1, ILand Il ®OO®@ The influence of the Caribbean diaspora in foreign countries is reflected in (A) (B) «) (D) Notting Hill Carnival in the United Kingdom West indian Day Parade in Brooklyn Caribana in Canada All of the above ©@©O® Which of the following is an example of non-material culture? (A) Norms (B) Clothes (C) Architecture (D) Food @®OO 89 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 13. May 30th is Indian Arrival Day, a public holiday, in Trinidad and Tobago. This is an attempt at (A) cultural diversity (B) cultural retention (C) cultural erasure (D) acculturation ®©®O©® 14. Which family form was NOT considered dysfunctional by colonial authorities? (A) Extended family (B) Visiting type family (C) Same sex union (D) Nuclear family ©©00 15. Creolization has occurred in the Caribbean society MAINLY because of (A) _ merging of cultures (B) cultural erasure (C) cultural pluralism (D) cultural diversity ®©O® 90 16. 7. 18. CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 Marxists view society as being dominated by one social institution, that is (A) (B) «) (D) the family politics the economy the educational institution ®©@8® Caribbean men such as Marcus Garvey, Cyril Briggs, Claude McKay and George Padmore were involved in the movement referred to as (A) (B) «) (D) Pan-Africanism Negritude Imperialism Communism @0HO®O The Gini Index is used to measure (A) (B) «c) (D) Inflation Inequality Productivity Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) ©@O® 21 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 19. 20. 21. All of the following are features of globalization EXCEPT (A) commercialization (B) trade liberalization (C) e-commerce (D) _ protectionism O2O0® Import duties/taxes are placed on books coming into Trinidad and Tobago from many countries in the world. This policy of government represents (A) e-commerce (B) protectionism (C) lowering of foreign exchange (D) balance of trade ®©oO@ Who first popularized the concept of black consciousness in the Caribbean? (A) Marcus Garvey (B) Aime Cesaire (C) Stokely Carmichael (D) Walter Rodney @©O® 92 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 22. Which movement in the Caribbean BEST represents a class struggle? A) (B) © (D) Pan-Africanism Negritude Trade Union development Political ideology @©O0 23. “Industrialization by invitation” was based on the premise that the Caribbean region would benefit in the following ways E UI AM A (@) © (D) Transferring managerial and technical skills to Caribbean people Providing a cheap labour force for foreign investors Diversifying the mainly agricultural-based economies land Il only land Ill only land III only 1, Wand tl ®©@©@0 24. Karina, was denied employment because she was a member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender community (LGBT). This is referred to as (A) @®) © «) racism discrimination sexism prejudice ®BOO 93 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 25. 26. 27. Teacher: “Viv Richards, the Master Blaster, made us all proud as West Indians.” Student: “/ ent know who he is nah! But I know Messi makes me proud. | is a Barca fan.” This student’s view can be caused by (A) __ the influence of the mass media (B) competition between sporting games (C) _ parochialism (D) disloyalty @®OO TWO negative impacts of tourism on development in the Caribbean are (A) __ marginalization of the local population and job creation (8) cultural erasure and earner of foreign exchange (C) cultural erasure and inflation (D) environmental damage and job creation ®O8® One hemispheric co-operation in which the Caribbean is involved in (A) _ Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) (B) Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) (C) Caribbean Community (CARICOM) (D) Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME) ®@HOO 94 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 28. Which of the following is INCONSISTENT with Preservation of the environment? (A) Economic growth (B) — Ecotourism (C) Use of local materials (D) Sustainability @©00 29. Hosting of one day international cricket can benefit the Caribbean region in all of the following ways EXCEPT (A) _ generate increased income (B) create employment opportunities (©) _ instill pride in Caribbean People (D) expose the inconsistencies existing in West indies Cricket ©©O®@ 30. One way in which globalization can hinder development in the Caribbean is (A) many companies can now make foreign direct investments in the Caribbean (8) cheaper foreign goods can put some local producers out of business (©) consumers can get better quality goods (0) there can be job creation outside the Caribbean region ©6600 95 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIE! MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 31. 32. 33. What are TWO ethical practices that you will observe when doing a research report? (A) Avoiding bias and outlining the research design (B) Maintaining confidentiality and avoiding plagiarism (© Reporting the truth and outlining the research design (D) Maintaining confidentiality and infringing on copyright laws ©@0®0 Which of the following is a simple random sample? (A) Numbering all the elements of a sampling frame and then using arandom draw from the table (B) Randomly selecting colleges and then selecting everyone in the college (C) Choosing volunteers from a class (D) Listing the individuals by ethnic groups and choosing from within each group at random ©2OoC®@ Research objectives are important because they (A) guide/assist the researcher in developing relevant research questions (B) guide/assist the researcher in choosing the most suitable data collection instrument (C) guide/assist the researcher in selecting the appropriate literature review (D) _ guide/assist the researcher in deciding on a qualitative or quantitative research ®©&B® 96 34, 35. 36. CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 Research that is geared specially to solving a particular issue is referred to as (A) qualitative research (B) applied research (C) systematic research (D) real research ®©@OO Meena collected data from a primary source for her research study on health issues facing elderly women in her community. She obtained this information from (A) _ interviews (B) hospital records (C) _ textbooks (©) _ health journals @©0® All of the following are examples of scien’ of sampling EXCEPT (A) convenience (8) snowball (©) _ stratified (D) _ probability ®©O® 97 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 37. 38. 39. A hypothesis can BEST be defined as a (A) statement of the variables that need to be investigated (8) _ prediction of the relationships between variables (©) __ description of the nature of the problem that is being investigated (D) _ question that identifies the problem and the methods of investigation ©@©® A well-constructed questionnaire should be (A) — short (B) assist the respondent in answering (C) _ scientific (D) __ relevant to the inquiry ®2©o®8 In doing her research study, Marissa chose unstructured interviews as the instrument for data collection. A LIKELY challenge she may encounter by choosing such a method is (A) _ having a voluminous amount of data which can be difficult to sort and analyze (8) _ gathering data that is invalid (©) _ possessing data that is outdated all of the above «D) A|O ©000 98 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 40. Which of the following is NOT a method of data collection? (A) Observation (B) Interviews (C) Questionnaires (DB) Checklist ®©O©@ 41. A researcher who plagiarizes is one who (A) paraphrases (B) cites all references (© establishes a bibliography (©) follows all ethical standards @0O® 42. A bibliography must be added to all research projects because it aids (A) __ in finding previous work done on the issue (®)__ in the formulation of the conclusion of projects (C) _ in the formulation of data interpretation (©) __ inthe formulation of qualitative data ®@OOO 99 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 43. A literature review is a A (B) «c) (D) summary of information derived from books, journals and other printed resources summary of the research data discovered by the researcher presentation of the data that the researcher acquires conclusion of the data discovered together with secondary resources used Q@®©OO 44. Which two criteria MUST be considered when selecting sources of information in any research? A (B) «) (0) Bibliography and relevance Systematic enquiry and reliability Random sampling and bibliography Reliability and relevance ®©O® 45. Which of the following is NOT a technique for analyzing data? (A) «B) © «D) Trends or patterns Categorization Tabulation Comparisons @©O® 100 CAPE CARIBBEAN STUDIES. MULTIPLE CHOICE - PRACTICE TEST 5 END OF TEST 101

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