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Nama : Herdi Adji Prasetyo

NPM : 202046500580
Dosen :

When I was in elementary school. My mother and my two brothers and I went to Diamond Solo
on a vixion motorbike, with my mother riding and we took a ride. when I arrived at the place, I
saw a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful festival costume, I was amazed by the blend of
beauty that I saw. for a moment I realized I was separated from my family and lost them, I will
try to find them everywhere, but I went back to where I lost them, saw I was looking for
someone, she also tried to approach me and ask. after hearing my story at first she laughed but
she helped me find my family, at the same time i felt some mixed feelings. Between happy,
embarrassed, and relief. Well that was the moment I will never forget the most, not only that, one
day I went to camp in the forest, and there I got an award for a climbing stick because I helped
my teacher from a snake who was beside him when he would cook for us all. at that time i was
scared but I ventured to move it with a long wooden stick, and that's where I feel proud for the
first time to be able to help someone.

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