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Reflection – 1st link:

I was very excited about this link and I must confess that it was as I
expected. We have many questions many doubts about ECU college life. One
of the questions was how the evaluation system is for them; they replied that
the majority of course works with 100 points which is dividing in tests and
homework’s than normally value 10 percent.

On the other hand we also talked about the sports, they asked if we used to
compete with the other universities to which we answer that the Olympics in
our university is just inside. Another question was about what is the most
important career in their university what they answered that nursing
program that is why the health science campus is the bigger one.

Other doubt was about the transportation in the state. Most people have
cars and it is the main transportation system, they are not like in Peru that
we transport with buses and combis or colectivos/collectives. They also have
buses of course, but it is not the principal one. We ask about the parking in
university and one of them replied that they spend $ 170 a year to have
booked a place inside the university where you can park your car because
with the huge number of students sometimes it is difficult to get a space to

Another one of our doubts was about the system of scholarships, of which
they told us that it is given every year and it will depend on the financial
system of the parents or the student.

Another was about living inside the college, those students receive free food!
They told us that it's difficult to start living with a stranger but they need to
be responsible and have a roommate agreement.

I really enjoy the first link; we discovered new thinks about the college life
of our partner's country.

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