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A theory of human rights needs to be able to account for both perspectives, internal

and external. When it comes to the relation between humanitarianism and human
invoking humanitarian motifs within the politics of human rights runs the risk of
viewing violations of human dignity in overly passive terms. Yet as a historical
humanitarian motifs may have been essential in getting the contemporary politics of
rights off the ground. Rather than proposing that we try to purify human rights
practice of
humanitarian motifs, I maintain that we must keep in mind the potential underside of
latter. The ultimate aim of human rights in practice must be to go beyond viewing
others as
merely objects of concern to viewing them as subjects of rights.

Anti terror law in SC site

Oncology as a moral theory/.. It cannot serve as the theory of rights. In general uir next asignment is
werite something against the anti terror law wether ur favor or not. Herre


My idea had been backed up by the given situational example between one individual vs six. I opted to save that one life and
later face the due process of the human law because we do not know how it can touch more lives rather than intentionally
eliminate it to save the six. If I intentionally do wrong to that one soul…I know that my conscience will hunt me everyday and
eat up my soul. The human life shouldn’t be weigh by means of what we only see but we should weigh it by means of

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