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hi, this document kinda messed up because i'm super sleepy rn sooo what i'm trying to say

is this is a lot more detailed and have tons of affs istg but i'm trying to keep the doc
short😴 pls i just want to sleepFDJKSLJKMWAKDS

painter of the night beauty

✧ the adjustment of hair melanin levels gives your hair your desired colour
✧ ideally perfect hair roots, follicles, bulbs and matrix
✧ hair naturally and permanently has your desired scent
✧ hair type, colour, length, density, thickness, volume, porosity is the exact same as desired painter of
the night character
✧ hair naturally and permanently has the most attractive and irresistible scent known to mankind and
is able to fill the whole room in seconds
✧ extremely healthy, shiny, bouncy, hydrated, gorgeous, silky, manageable, flawless hair
✧ coronal suture, parietal bone, lambdoid suture, squamous suture, occipital bone,
zygomatic processes, external auditory, mastoid process, styloid process, mandibular
ramus, frontal bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, lacrimal bones, nasal bones, zygomatic
bone, inferior nasal conchas, maxilla, alveolar margins, mandible, mental foramen, alveolar
process, procerus safely and permanently modify to make your face look ideally perfect
and beautiful
✧ coronal suture, parietal bone, lambdoid suture, squamous suture, occipital bone, zygomatic
processes, external auditory, mastoid process, styloid process, mandibular ramus, frontal bone,
sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, lacrimal bones, nasal bones, zygomatic bone, inferior nasal conchas,
maxilla, alveolar margins, mandible, mental foramen, alveolar process, procerus safely and
permanently modify to give your face a beauty identical to painter of the night
✧ coronal suture, parietal bone, lambdoid suture, squamous suture, occipital bone, zygomatic
processes, external auditory, mastoid process, styloid process, mandibular ramus, frontal bone,
sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, lacrimal bones, nasal bones, zygomatic bone, inferior nasal conchas,
maxilla, alveolar margins, mandible, mental foramen, alveolar process, procerus safely and
permanently modify for your face to look like you just jumped out of painter of the night
✧ occipitofrontalis, orbicularis oculi, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, zygomatic major,
risorius, levator anguli oris, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, levator labii
superioris, corrugator supercilii temporalis, nasalis, masseter, levator anguli oris, buccinator,
orbicularis oris, platysma safely and permanently modify to make your face look ideally perfect and
✧ occipitofrontalis, orbicularis oculi, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, zygomatic major,
risorius, levator anguli oris, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, levator labii
superioris, corrugator supercilii temporalis, nasalis, masseter, levator anguli oris, buccinator,
orbicularis oris, platysma safely and permanently modify to give your face a beauty identical to
painter of the night
✧ occipitofrontalis, orbicularis oculi, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, zygomatic major,
risorius, levator anguli oris, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, levator labii
superioris, corrugator supercilii temporalis, nasalis, masseter, levator anguli oris, buccinator,
orbicularis oris, platysma safely and permanently modify for your face to look like you just jumped
out of painter of the night
✧ ideally perfect, painter of the night-like (?) eyebrow, eyebrow start, arch, end, thickness, arch
height, length and tail
✧ ideally perfect, painter of the night-like (pls it sounds sO STUPID n e ways in the affs it sounds
better at least) eyes, upper and lower eyelid, sclera, plica semilunaris, lacrimal caruncle, lacrimal
papilla, pupil, iris, upper and lower eyelashes
✧ ideally perfect, beautiful nose, nose root, nose bridge, dorsum, nose wings, nose tip,
nostrils, nasal septal cartilage, lateral cartilage, lesser alar cartilage, major alar cartilage
my lesser alar cartilage, major alar cartilage
✧ ideally perfect, cute and small ears
✧ ideally perfect, beautiful, painter of the night-like philtrum, philtral ridge, vermillion border, upper
and lower lip vermillion, oral commissures, mentolabial sulcus, labial commissures
✧ face shape and all facial features safely and permanently modify to make your face look like you
jumped out of painter of the night
✧ face drastically changes to have a beauty like painter of the night’s art style
✧ face naturally have the appearance of using desired high-quality makeup products perfectly
✧ thin, attractive, cute eyebrow shape
✧ unrealistically big, wide, beautiful eyes
✧ eye shape is the exact same as desired painter of the night character
✧ unrealistically sharp, upturned outer and downturned inner eye corners
✧ eyes naturally have the appearance of using a high-quality permanent eyeliner
✧ beautiful, small, ski-slope, perfect, humpless nose
✧ straight high nose bridge
✧ perfectly upturned nose
✧ extremely small, thin and beautiful nose tip
✧ nose naturally and permanently has the utmost positive effects of turbinate reduction, septoplasty,
rhino septoplasty and rhinoplasty
✧ nose is the exact same as desired painter of the night character
✧ nose naturally and permanently has the appearance of using high-quality nose contour products
✧ super short, slim, beautiful philtrum
✧ lips are the exact same as desired painter of the night character
✧ extremely beautiful, kissable lips
✧ desired lip colour
✧ lips naturally and permanently have the appearance of using desired high-quality makeup products
✧ unrealistically perfect, v-shaped chin
✧ chin naturally and permanently has the utmost positive effects of v-line surgery
✧ jawline naturally and permanently has the utmost positive effects of jawline surgery
✧ face naturally and permanently has the utmost positive effect os face-lift
✧ extremely, unrealistically tight and skinny under chin
✧ under chin has zero fat
✧ unrealistically defined l-shaped jawline
✧ face naturally and permanently has the utmost positive effects of face liposuction
✧ extremely slim face
✧ unrealistically defined cheekbones and jawline
✧ face gets a billion times slimmer every time you blink, see a colour, eat, breathe etc.
✧ unrealistically attractive facial expressions that makes you look like you jumped out of painter of
the night
✧ unrealistically clear, beautiful, flawless, porcelain-like, perfect, glass skin
✧ skin naturally has the utmost positive effects of using your desired high-quality skincare products
regularly for 5 years
✧ get rid of all unwanted hair
✧ become unrealistically photogenic and videogenic
✧ desired eye colour
✧ desired skin tone and undertone
✧ look extremely attractive, irresistible, flawless, beautiful and pleasing to eye in any angle,
lightning, pose or camera, while sleeping eating, 24/7 all the time etc.
✧ unrealistically attractive, powerful gaze
✧ completely look like you jumped out of painter of the night

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