You are on page 1of 6


REM Skill level
set sl=
echo Tic Tac Toe (Q to quit)
echo Pilih skill level (Tekan nomor lalu enter)
echo (1) level bocil
echo (2) level kena mental
echo (3) level dahlah
CHOICE /c:123q /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 set sl=3
if errorlevel 3 goto layout
if errorlevel 2 set sl=2
if errorlevel 2 goto layout
set sl=1

REM Player turn ("x" or "o")
set pt=
REM Game winner ("x" or "o")
set gw=
REM No moves
set nm=
REM Set to one blank space after equal sign (check with cursor end)
set t1=
set t2=
set t3=
set t4=
set t5=
set t6=
set t7=
set t8=
set t9=

echo (Tekan S untuk ganti level) (Q to quit)
echo Tic Tac Toe by CHENSTAR
echo Kamu adalah pemain X.
echo Tekan nomor yang ingin Anda beri tanda X.
echo Skill level %sl% 7 8 9
echo 4 5 6
echo 1 2 3
echo : :
echo %t1% : %t2% : %t3%
echo ....:...:....
echo %t4% : %t5% : %t6%
echo ....:...:....
echo %t7% : %t8% : %t9%
echo : :
if "%gw%"=="x" goto winx2
if "%gw%"=="o" goto wino2
if "%nm%"=="0" goto nomoves

set pt=x
REM Layout is for keypad. Change CHOICE to "/c:123456789sq /n > nul"
REM for numbers to start at top left (also change user layout above).
CHOICE /c:789456123sq /n > nul
if errorlevel 11 goto end
if errorlevel 10 goto begin
if errorlevel 9 goto 9
if errorlevel 8 goto 8
if errorlevel 7 goto 7
if errorlevel 6 goto 6
if errorlevel 5 goto 5
if errorlevel 4 goto 4
if errorlevel 3 goto 3
if errorlevel 2 goto 2
goto 1

REM Check if "x" or "o" already in square.
if "%t1%"=="x" goto player
if "%t1%"=="o" goto player
set t1=x
goto check
if "%t2%"=="x" goto player
if "%t2%"=="o" goto player
set t2=x
goto check
if "%t3%"=="x" goto player
if "%t3%"=="o" goto player
set t3=x
goto check
if "%t4%"=="x" goto player
if "%t4%"=="o" goto player
set t4=x
goto check
if "%t5%"=="x" goto player
if "%t5%"=="o" goto player
set t5=x
goto check
if "%t6%"=="x" goto player
if "%t6%"=="o" goto player
set t6=x
goto check
if "%t7%"=="x" goto player
if "%t7%"=="o" goto player
set t7=x
goto check
if "%t8%"=="x" goto player
if "%t8%"=="o" goto player
set t8=x
goto check
if "%t9%"=="x" goto player
if "%t9%"=="o" goto player
set t9=x
goto check

set pt=o
if "%sl%"=="1" goto skill1
REM (win corner to corner)
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t3%"=="o" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
REM (win outside middle to outside middle)
if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
REM (win all others)
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t6%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t8%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
REM (block general attempts) -----------------------------------------------
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t6%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
REM (block obvious corner to corner)
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%sl%"=="2" goto skill2
REM (block sneaky corner to corner 2-4, 2-6, etc.)
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
REM (block offset corner trap 1-8, 1-6, etc.)
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2

REM (block outside middle to outside middle)
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
REM (block 3 corner trap)
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
REM (just take a turn)
if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
set nm=0
goto update

set t1=o
goto check
set t2=o
goto check
set t3=o
goto check
set t4=o
goto check
set t5=o
goto check
set t6=o
goto check
set t7=o
goto check
set t8=o
goto check
set t9=o
goto check

if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t3%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t3%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" goto wino
if "%pt%"=="x" goto computer
if "%pt%"=="o" goto update

set gw=x
goto update
echo Kamu menang yeay tode!
echo Main lagi (Y,N)?
CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto begin
if errorlevel 2 goto end
goto layout

set gw=o
goto update
echo Maaf, Anda kalah jangan nangis :(.
echo Main lagi (Y,N)?
CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto begin
if errorlevel 2 goto end
goto layout
echo Walah kamu gak bisa gerak lagi!
echo Main lagi (Y,N)?
CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto begin
if errorlevel 2 goto end
goto layout

echo Tic Tac Toe by CHENSTAR
REM Clear all variables (no spaces after equal sign).
set gw=
set nm=
set sl=
set pt=
set t1=
set t2=
set t3=
set t4=
set t5=
set t6=
set t7=
set t8=
set t9=

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