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Learning Implementation Plan


Satuan Pendidikan : SMK

Nama Sekolah : SMK N 1 Pematang Siantar
Mata Pelajaran : Digital Simulation
Kelas/Semester : X /1
Materi pokok/Tema/Topik : Communication in the network (online / online)
Alokasai Waktu : 2x60 minutes
Pertemuan ke :1

Learning objectives:

1. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain the meaning of
communication in the network.
2. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain the
communication function in the network.
3. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain the functions and
ways of joining a group / class / group.
4. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain the types of
communication in the network.
5. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain the purpose of
online communication.
6. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain learning
7. Independently and without opening teaching materials, students can explain the supporting
components of communication in the network.

Learning Activities:
Introduction :
1. Giving greetings, leading prayers, asking students' conditions and presenting students.
2. Doing Apperception.
3. Deliver basic competencies, learning objectives, methods and assessments.
1. Answering greetings, praying, answering conditions and presence.
2. Pay attention.

1. Observe asks students to observe the explanation of Communication Material in the
network (online / online).
2. Give questions to students related to discussing understanding communication in
3. Discusses the type of communication in the network discusses the purpose of
communication in the network
4. Discusses the communication function on the network
5. Discuss the communication support components of communicating the results about
communication in the network.

Teaching / Learning Materials : Attached

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