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Divide your deck into three piles: Major cards,
Number cards and People (Court) cards.

I think of the Majors as the big soul lessons of

our lives. Some would call these the cards of
fate. We don’t have control over the big forces in
our lives, just like we don’t have control over the
weather. We do, however, have control over the
way we respond to these forces. (There are 22
Major cards.)

The Number cards represent moods, attitudes,

and the areas of our life where the soul lessons
are currently showing up. (There are 40 Number

The People cards are aspects of our

personalities or a role we are playing. (There
are 16 People cards.)

Once you’ve divided your deck into the three

piles, shuffle each pile while keeping an open
and receptive attitude.
Ask yourself these questions:

What’s the big force (or soul lesson) at work in

my life right now? Pull a card from the Major
What area of my life is this showing up in? Pull a
from the Number pile.
How am I relating to this force? Pull a card from
the People pile.
Then get out your journal and jot down your first
thoughts, reactions to the cards, and
associations with them. Remember not to look
the meanings of the cards up in the book until
you’ve captured your own first thoughts. Write
about how the questions and cards might relate
to what’s going on in your life right now.

At the end, quickly sum up the reading by

writing down three sentences, one for each
card. You can follow this template:

The “big force” or soul lesson at work in my life

right now is …
The area of my life where the big force is
showing up is …
I am relating to this force by …

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