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Answer no 1: needs a strategic strategy to adjust and adapt how they lead their teams,
communicate with their clients, and handle their products in a crisis environment characterized
by rapid change.
It can be difficult to take the right actions and find the right message, particularly in a fast-
changing situation. Even when confronted with a rapidly changing situation, all businesses
should act with honesty and confidence. Those with a product or service that is well-suited for
tough times must tread carefully, should their customers believe they are profiting from tragedy.
Marketers can eliminate chance from the equation by thinking systematically about product,
price, promotion, and place. Marketers should use the 4 Ps paradigm and the idea of a marketing
mix to think about and develop an effective launch and marketing plan.
Product, Price, Promotion, and Place are the four Ps of marketing.
It's critical to grasp each of these four main elements before considering how they fit together to
form a completely fleshed-out marketing strategy.
Consider the organizational implications:
During this crisis, there are many challenges to product and service delivery. On one hand,
closed factories and disrupted supply chains result in decreased supply, while consumer
questions result in increased service demand on the other. Marketers must adjust their messages
to represent the realities on the ground while remaining true to the brand's values. I recommend
that the company take the following steps:

Organize your promises:

Set reasonable expectations for service quality, product launch dates, and product availability,
among other things. Pull marketing campaigns for things you're not sure you'll be able to
manufacture and distribute. Examine the existing policies and make any necessary adjustments,
such as authorizing cancellations or extending payment terms.

Create ability to handle high levels of customer support:

Create constructive messages to answer popular questions and distribute them through email,
social media, and the web. Create reactive scripts to assist customer service representatives in
handling delicate one-on-one encounters. To better balance demand from customer service
networks, train trained team members in lower-volume roles.

Increase the number of digital deliveries:

IOS and other mobile tools and utilities should be promoted. Increase the amount of space
available for online purchases and digital interactions. Create new ways to offer the product or
parts of it digitally, such as telemedicine for regular doctor visits or online learning for the

millions of students who will be out of school over the summer. Even as you allow digital
options, keep in mind that some people will still need to hear a sympathetic human voice,
especially now, and be prepared to provide it.

Make the most of the marketing budget:

To prioritize spending, all operational roles will be called upon. Cuts that are made around the
board should be avoided. Instead, search for ways to increase productivity (for example, by
searching for similarities in agency or marketing technology contracts) and to minimize or delay
commitments that won't add value — and might even come across as tone-deaf — in the current
Adapt your marketing strategy:
Many social shifts will occur in the next three to six months, which will have an effect on the
marketing strategy. To foresee potential and likely changes and take alternate steps, use the best-,
worst-, and moderate-case scenarios. The following are some of the places where we are
concentrating our efforts.
Programs that are dependent on specific:
Events Large-gathering restrictions are putting a strain on the companies that cater to them, as
well as the advertisers that build campaigns around them. Prepare alternative marketing
strategies for upcoming physical activities in the spring and summer. Sports activities could be
streamed, conference expos could be moved online, and so on. Have a contingency now, rather
than waiting until an event is cancelled. Instead, learn from HIMSS20, a wellness IT conference
that takes place in early March: The Company cancelled the event and said it would host a
virtual event later; one day later, 1upHealth revealed its own virtual event for the following
Produce engaging material:
Over the next few months, more people will spend time at home. People seeking help will
receive lighthearted and uplifting content from brands, as well as insightful and motivating
content from brands. This might also be a good time to reintroduce or relaunch escapist
experiments like virtual reality material.
Secure media as soon as possible:
Everyone is in the same boat, and everyone is trying to reclaim key positions that have been lost.
In the United States, brands would have to fight for main media positioning with presidential
election campaigns. Collaborate with media planners and publishers to gain access until it's too
Product mix marketing tactics Step-by-Step Guide to Putting the 4Ps into Practice that I
recommend to the company:

Step 1: Identify your target group

However, before you can start implementing the 4 Ps, you must first have a solid understanding
of your ideal customer and target market. After all, the aim of this exercise is to promote and sell
your product.
As a result, any discussion of product, price, promotion, or location should start with the
consumer. To bring the customer first, you must first get to know them. Conduct market analysis
and discover everything you can about your existing or future customers. Buyer personas, one-
page documents that cover the essentials of your ideal customer, are common among marketers.
What do they want, what do they care for, and who are they?

• Take into account the following:

• Your age
• Social and economic circumstances
• The location
• Sexual orientation
• Educational attainment
• Passions and hobbies
• What they do for a living or what business they work in
• Issues they often face
• Other distinguishing features
I recommend that the organization classify their target markets so that they can begin to consider
the four Ps of marketing.

Step 2: Offer a brief description of your product or service

I also advise them to answer the following questions in their description.

• Can you tell me what it's called?

• What exactly does it do?
• What distinguishes it?
• What are the advantages of these features for the users? What issues do they address?
• How is it branded and what does it look like?
• How do customers use it?

• What sets it apart from the competition?

Answer no 2:

As the marketing consultant manager of, I recommend that they create an integrated
marketing plan for their brand/company in light of the following situation:
The following are a few of the most common reasons or objectives that necessitate a company to
make one or more changes to its product mix:
1. Demand in the Market:
Marketers change their product blend to accommodate changes in demand for their products.
Technology, demographic variables, competitions, improvements in new merchandise, tradition,
characteristics, and a number of other factors all influence demand. To meet the changing needs
and wishes of current customers, the company makes a variety of changes to its product mix. If a
company fails to match consumer demand in product mix, it will not be able to survive in the
long run.

2. Interaction:
It serves a vital role in the modification of product blends. To counteract the rivalry, the
company creates a product mix. Minor or major changes to the product mix are made to avoid,
eliminate, or tackle competition. The company alters its product mix to offer more competitive
advantages and demonstrate the superiority of its product over competitors by product

3. New Customer Attraction:

When a company wants to expand its customer base, it must cater to the needs and desires of
new customers. Existing product combinations may not be able to meet the expectations of
recent segments. To attract new consumers, it must provide new product strains or new forms of
existing product strains.

4. Making Use of Extra Production Capacity:

When a company wants to make use of extra manufacturing capacity, it may prefer to change the
product blend. A company may make use of its plant assets capacity by adding new merchandise
or forms. Profitability increases as production capacity is used to its full potential.

5. Market Expansion in New Territory:
When a company wants to expand globally, it must change its gift product mix. Patron wants and
needs are unique in exceptional geographical areas. As a result, the company must improve
existing products or add new styles to align products with new markets.

6. Financial Risk Reduction:

One of the strong reasons for using extrusion in product blend is to reduce the level of financial
risk. A company changes its product mix in response to future consumer trends, either to take
advantage of new opportunities or to meet new challenges, or both. To reduce financial risks, a
company may also opt to drop less profitable product lines or gadgets from current lines; may
also additionally upload low-cost goods to stay afloat during a recession; or may also
additionally reduce product categories to reduce capital funding and costs.

7. Boosting Public Image and Goodwill:

By transforming product blend over time, a company may establish a brand and reputation
within the industry. By introducing high-priced prestigious products, such as new styles, cutting-
edge modes, and so on, a company may establish a positive image in the marketplace. Similarly,
it can assist lower-income businesses by providing low-cost prestigious products.

Unconventional Marketing method:

• Support a cause that is vital to your organization or one that your customers care about. It can
also give a special discount or donation to those who contribute to your fundraising efforts.
• Conduct a “Who Wants Your Company the Most” survey.
• Run a “Who needs your business the most” contest, where people can nominate themselves or
others in need of your services to get them for free. For more contest ideas, check out How to Do
an Instagram Giveaway.
• Put a catchy sign or ad in a place where people will see it, such as at traffic lights, in bathroom
or food lines, or in waiting rooms. See if you can center your messaging around waiting,
patience, or any other emotion people in this place is likely to be experiencing.
• Pull off a publicity stunt like a flash mob to surprise and delight people in a memorable way.
• Try coming up with images of your product or service being used in a completely unexpected
way. A baby at the wheel of a vehicle or a dog using a smartphone, for example. Just make sure
your messaging can tie back to your product.
• Make some YouTube videos. They don’t have to be professional promotional pieces. Simple
homemade how-toss, tutorials, or even funny videos like “You know you’re a [common label for
your target audience] when…”. This is a great way to connect them and reinforce your
knowledge about them. Just be sure to use a harmless label that they are proud of or self-assign.

• Give passersby or social media followers something to think about by presenting a fact or
riddle of the day, whether on your storefront or your social media accounts. You can even make
a contest out of it.
• Organize a community service day to get people involved in bettering the community around
• Attract people to your website by turning offline features into online features, such as a
dressing room, drive up window, or tour.
• Hold a client appreciation barbeque to say thank you and how much you appreciate your best
clients. This is great for you and for them to network.
• Create an event that is out of the norm for your business and your customers, such as an adult
fun night for preschools or a kids create night for interior designers.
• Arrange for industry experts to come into your store to give talks or workshops about subjects
related to your business or important to your audience.

Answer no. 3

Pricing plays a major role in Marketing. It is an important tool in the 4 P's of Marketing. Due to
the Pandemic situation people fear to go out and make use of this online platforms to buy the
household things till the lockdown and once the government allows them to go out they
completely neglect the online platform and jump to the kirana stores, Departmental stores etc. To
retain the customers I should make sure that prices of products are fixed appropriately.
Various pricing approaches and strategies are available to the marketer. How do we find the right
pricing strategy for your products?
At first, it is essential to get an overview of pricing strategies. In the following, we will
investigate the most common pricing strategies in detail which is best for the company

As a consultant of I would suggest few pricing strategy:

 Due to this pandemic situation economic pricing can be followed which helps to save
much amount for the customer for the things they purchase.

 we have to choose best suppliers so that we can invest less in the products and sell that in
an affordable price so that all class of people can purchase

 Initially I would suggest to provide offers in order to gain many customers

 Customers trust the company based on price and once they like the company the will
promote through word of mouth which is a high level of promotion

 If we price the product very less than it’s a loss for so correct pricing should
be followed.

Answer no. 4

As I choose the as my company so as their marketing consultant I would

recommend my client to use 2 types of execution style for their advertisement during the
pandemic as follow. As mentioned in the question now I am going to evaluate my answers on
the basis of social media marketing.
The two types of execution style that I would choose for the media adopted are,
 Customer Acquisition Cost: I will recommend to use this execution style so
that they can aware of how many new customer is acquired by the combining cost of
sales and cost of marketing. thus they can do research on advertising process and can
improve their situation in the pandemic
 Average Revenue Per User: I also recommend the company to use this approach cause it
will help them to find out total revenue generated during a time one the other hand also it
identify how many of the users increasing the during same time of period

1 .For the functioning of an e-commerce company social media plays a very vital role. It is due
to the following reasons,
 Social media can attract a large customer base through paid promotion, collaboration,
product placements, and using influencers
 The presence of the company in social media will help to convey the operations and
qualities of the company to the public very easily.
 The company can interact with the customers through social media platforms and can
collect feedback from them.
 Apart from all these, the services and products of the company can be marketed and
promoted through social media sites themselves without incurring any additional cost.

2. Consumer-generated content and social media

 Using social media consumers can themselves share the videos and photos of the
products they buy. They really influence the brand image and sales.

3. Owned and earned media is where you create an account or channel in any of the social media
sites and earn considerable reach and control. Here you can leverage your own account or
channel for promotion.
 Paid media on the other hand is leverage through third-party accounts. That is you are
approaching a third party who has enough popularity to promote your product for a given
In the case of an e-commerce company, both methods can be employed. In the initial stages, it is
advised to use the paid media to attract more customers and once the control has achieved it can

The work of a salesperson is very important in any company whether it is small or big. Because
of its ability and skill, customers do research with a company. If i work as a salesperson then i
would like a company making electronic gadgets because i want to contribute in understanding
the technology and bringing it to the customers.
6 steps personal selling process:-
1. Prospecting: searching for prospect is prospecting. Prospecting is the work of collecting
the names and addresses of persons who are likely to buy the company’s products &
services. While collecting the details 'suspects ‘must be separated from 'prospects' to
avoid or reduce waste of time, treasure and talent.
There are denote methods of prospecting:-
a. Endless chain method.
b. Center of issuance method.
c. Personal observation method.
d. Sholters method.
e. Cold-canvas method.
F. Direct mail method.
g. Telephone method.
2. Pre approach: Pre approach is to get more detailed facts about a speciŜc individual to
have effective sales appeals in him or her. The objective of pre approach are the
providing additional qualifying information to design an effective approach strategy to
better the planning information to avoid serious errors and to build up confidence.
3. Approach: Approach means the meeting of the prospect in person by the salesman
where he makes face to face contact with prospect to understand them better. Approach is
such a delicate and critical stage of the sales process that the sales are either won or lost.
Success follows the salesman who possesses courage, courtesy and confidence.
4. Presentation and demonstration: It is the heart of selling process. Effective
presentation has the capacity to convince the customers of his sales proposition. It create
and holds the interest of customers towards the products. Demonstration is a part of
presentation because more description is not enough. Demonstration is the critical part of
providing th proofs and providing the statements about quality, utility, performance and
service of a product by evidences of experiment, operation or a test.
5. Overcoming Objections: For a creative persuasive sales the process of selling really
starts when to prospect raises objections. Each salesman should understand the reasons as
to why prospects raise objections because each objection has its roots in the buying
decision. These objections may be genuine or mere excuses. Being a very critical aspect
the expert have a set procedure for overcoming. The objections namely listen to the
prospect cushion the jolt anticipated the objections and prevent their occurrence. It is the
creative test of bringing the customers to the sales trade once again.
6. Closing: The success in earlier stages will lead to the last stage of closing the sale and
clinch the deal. Here 'close' means the act of actually getting the prospects assent to the
sales proposal or to get an order. It is here that the prospect is turned into a customer
desire into demand. Though it sounds very easy, it is the most difficult task. It js the
positive attitude and self-confidence that plays a decisive role in converting wish into
desire and desire into demand. A poor loser is a poor salesman and salesman who cannot
close well will have to close the line.

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