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Group Members: Section:


Understanding the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

The Origin of the Elements

ESSAY (4 items x 10 points)

Directions: Write your answers on the back of this page.

1. What does the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis explain?

2. When did the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis take place? How long did the process last?
3. What are the products of the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis?
4. Illustrate and explain briefly the proton – proton chain process.

⋅ States specific and relevant pieces of evidence supporting the given explanation
⋅ Includes all important terms, definition, and have no grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
⋅ States pieces of evidence that support the given explanation
⋅ Includes enough important terms and definition, and have no grammatical, spelling, and punctuation 8
⋅ States pieces of evidence that support the given explanation
⋅ Includes some important terms and definition and have only minimal grammatical, spelling, and 6
punctuation errors
⋅ Some pieces of evidence do not support the stated explanation.
⋅ Includes few important terms that are not explained and have minimal grammatical, spelling, and 4
punctuation errors
⋅ The explanations and/or example stated do not answer the given question/ item.
⋅ No terms were cited nor explained and have obvious grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
No answer at all 0


02 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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