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Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

T. Palva
In collaboration with H. Ramsay, C. Northrop

Color Atlas
of the Anatomy and
Pathology of the
171 figures, 166 in color, 2001

Basel 앫 Freiburg 앫 Paris 앫 London 앫 New York 앫

New Delhi 앫 Bangkok 앫 Singapore 앫 Tokyo 앫 Sydney

Tauno Palva, MD
Professor Emeritus of Otolaryngology
University of Helsinki, Finland
The Temporal Bone Foundation has generated a
In collaboration with 3D video model of one of the temporal bones
described in Chapter 2. This model is available on
Hans Ramsay, MD a CD, which can be obtained by contacting:
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology The Temporal Bone Foundation, Inc.
University of Helsinki, Finland 9 Brimmer Street
Boston, MA 02108 (USA)
and Phone: +1 617 742 5927, Fax: +1 617 742 4666
Clarinda Northrop, B.A. E-Mail:

Director of Research Offer good until September 1, 2002

Temporal Bone Foundation, Boston, Mass., USA

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Palva, T. (Tauno)
Color atlas of the anatomy and pathology of the epitympanum / Tauno Palva, Hans Ramsay, Clarinda Northrop.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 3805572271
1. Middle ear--Anatomy--Atlases. 2. Middle ear--Histology--Atlases. I. Ramsay, Hans. II. Northrop, Clarinda.
III. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Ear, Middle--anatomy & histology--Atlases. 2. Ear, Middle--anatomy & histology--Case Report.
3. Ear, Middle--pathology--Atlases. 4. Ear, Middle--pathology--Case Report. WV 17 P184c 2001]
RF220 .P25 2001

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IX Preface

Part 1

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

3 Introduction and General Review
3 Development of the concept of epitympanum
4 Early data of the soft tissues in the epitympanum
7 Fetal development of epitympanic folds and compartments
8 Tensor Fold
8 Lateral Incudomalleal Fold
8 Chordal Fold
8 Other Duplicate Folds
9 Tympanic Isthmus
9 Development of Prussak’s Space
9 Contemporary Concepts of the Anatomy of the Epitympanum
10 Material and Methods
11 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum and Supratubal Recess
11 Epitympanic Diaphragm
12 Normal Anatomy of Prussak’s Space (with the Lateral Malleal Space)
12 Microdissection
12 Lateral Malleal Space
13 Prussak’s Space
15 Serial Sections
15 Floor of the Lateral Malleal Space (Roof of Prussak’s Space)
15 Shrapnell’s Membrane
16 Anterior Membrane of Prussak’s Space
17 Aeration Pathways to Prussak’s Space
18 Pathology of Prussak’s Space and the Lateral Malleal Space
20 Microdissection
21 Serial Sections
26 Cholesteatoma in Prussak’s Space
27 Large Epitympanic Compartments
28 Posterior Epitympanum
28 Normal Anatomy by Microdissection
28 Lateral Incudomalleal Fold
30 Posterior Incudal Ligamental Fold
31 Superior Malleal Ligamental Fold
31 Tympanic Isthmus
32 Normal Anatomy by Serial Sections
33 Pathology as Seen in Microdissection
36 Pathology as Seen in Serial Sections
36 Anterior Epitympanum
38 Normal Anatomy by Microdissection
38 Transverse Crest
39 Tensor Fold
41 Other Folds in the Anterior Epitympanum
42 Normal Anatomy by Serial Sections
42 Pathology as Seen in Microdissection
43 Pathology as Seen in Serial Sections
45 Supratubal Recess (Space)
45 Normal Anatomy by Microdissection
48 Normal Anatomy by Serial Sections
48 Pathology as Seen in Microdissection
51 Pathology as Seen in Serial Sections
52 References

Part 2

53 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection

55 Introduction and Short Review of the Literature on Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content
57 Short Review of Mastoid Pneumatization
61 Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content-Related Middle Ear Pathology as a Function of Age in Serial Sections
61 Temporal Bones from Neonates
61 Superior and Anterior Epitympanum and Antrum
62 Tensor Fold and Supratubal Recess
62 Lateral Incudomalleal Fold and Lateral Attics
64 Lateral Malleal Space and Prussak’s Space
64 Medial Attic and Tympanic Isthmus
64 Tympanic Cavity
66 Eustachian Tube
66 Mastoid Pneumatization
66 Comment
67 Temporal Bones from 2- to 4-Month-Old Infants
67 Compartments above the Epitympanic Diaphragm and the Mastoid Antrum
69 Tensor Fold and Supratubal Recess
69 Lateral Malleal Space and Lateral Attics
70 Prussak’s Space and Its Aeration Pathways
72 Tympanic Isthmus and Posterior Tympanum
73 Tympanic Sinus and Round Window Niche
73 Eustachian Tube
73 Elements Specific to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content
73 Mastoid Pneumatization
74 Comment
75 Temporal Bones from 5- to 23-Month-Old Infants
76 Case 1
77 Case 2
79 Case 3
82 Case 4
82 Case 5
84 Elements Specific to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content
85 Mastoid Pneumatization
86 Comment
86 General Comments
86 Histological Considerations regarding Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content-Associated Pathology
87 Mastoid Pneumatization
88 Clinical Considerations
89 References

VI Contents
Part 3

91 Microsurgical Approaches to Inflammatory Ear Disease

93 Introduction
94 Early Attempts to Improve Epitympanic Aeration
94 Microsurgical Methods in Surgery for Retraction Pockets
94 Surgery for Incipient Retraction Pocket
95 Surgery for Established Retraction Pockets
97 Frontolateral Atticotomy
98 Extensive Attic and Mesotympanic Disease in Chronic Otitis media
98 Spread of Cholesteatoma from Prussak’s Space
99 Posterior Route
99 Inferior Central Route
100 Superior Route
100 Anterior Route
101 Final Remarks
102 References

103 Subject Index

Contents VII


In many different fields of research progress has been major epitympanic compartments, contained features
made so rapidly that the most advanced knowledge of that I was at a loss to understand. Some sketches of the
today may be old-fashioned in a few year’s time, and the epitympanic folds were so elaborate that they appeared to
established procedures and techniques need constant preclude all effective aeration and drainage.
modernization. This fast progress is also obvious in many I finally went back to the original writing of Prussak
areas of medicine where, for example molecular biology and this experience made me reread other related original
and gene research have opened entirely new horizons for works, for example, by von Tröltsch, Politzer, Wittmaack
both diagnosis and treatment. On the other hand, notably and many others. However, only after a perusal of Ham-
in macroanatomy, previous generations have already mar’s study of the fetal development of epitympanic folds
done the basic studies, and their results can rarely be fun- did I feel close to understanding the epitympanic com-
damentally improved upon. partments and their origin. This was followed by going
The knowledge of human anatomy and pathology, personally back to the dissection laboratory and begin-
obtained at autopsies and complemented by light-micro- ning with the microdissection of temporal bones in an
scopic examination, has remained essentially unchanged effort to verify the folds and basic compartments that
for many decades, even if at a molecular level many new Hammar had described.
discoveries are being made. In modern otology, after the These data obtained by microdissection have during
Second World War, clinicians have been able to take the last 10 years been published in otological periodicals
advantage of the superb magnification of the surgical field and have helped to clear up many earlier misconceptions,
provided by the operation microscope, which has in- the epitympanic anatomy has emerged as a sensible and
creased the knowledge of the anatomy based solely on the logical arrangement. I had enormous help in elaborating
naked eye. The magnified view, nevertheless, has not ren- and deepening of the knowledge I obtained through mi-
dered conventional microscopic anatomy redundant for crodissection by having the continuing cooperation with
those who wish to understand the nature of the structures Clarinda Northrop of the Temporal Bone Foundation in
they are dealing with. In this area the work of the early Boston who permitted me to use their magnificent collec-
anatomists, even without our sophisticated tools for mag- tion of serially sectioned newborn and infant temporal
nification, still contains many valuable observations. Es- bones. Hans Ramsay, my former resident, who has now
pecially in the latter part of the 19th century the anatomy taken over my surgical work in the Department of Otola-
and pathology of the ear was a topic favored by many ryngology in Helsinki, made the material and facilities for
prominent scientists and clinicians. microdissection available to me. After my retirement
During the latter part of my 40 active clinical years, from clinical activity we have continued to enjoy fruitful
ending in the early 1990s, I became more and more dissa- joint research activity, now over a period of 10 years.
tisfied with the articles discussing the anatomy of the epi- During the last decade I have led the department semi-
tympanum and was convinced that some of the described nars of anatomy, pathology and surgery of the ear. It
features did not reflect the facts. The contemporary au- appeared that the initial level of knowledge of the resi-
thoritative descriptions, for example, of the anatomy and dents regarding epitympanic anatomy and pathology was
aeration of Prussak’s space, and of the structure of the not sufficient for a future ear surgeon. It also became clear

that for self-education there were no reliable books which In Part 2 of this atlas we present in compact form the
would cover the entire area without the need to peruse present knowledge of the spread of the amniotic fluid cel-
individual reports from periodicals. Furthermore, it ap- lular content into the different compartments of the mid-
peared that the earlier literature did not contain anatomic dle ear. We also present a great deal of documentation of
documents but showed mostly sketches which often did the intensive foreign body-type tissue reaction caused by
not conform with reality. For these reasons I decided to amniotic fluid cellular content, at times combined with
write the present atlas which summarizes the work of our infection, on the soft tissue structures of neonates and
research groups during the last decade. In order to obtain infants. These sometimes massive reactions were already
maximal clarity it was decided to use only colored photo- well known to the investigators at the end of the 19th cen-
graphs for the description of the anatomy and pathology. tury, and both Aschoff and Wittmaack produced volumi-
Part 1 of this atlas was compiled in the hope that it nous documents, the contents of which are still valid
would, by ample documentation, help both the younger today. We believe that part of the long-standing problem
people in training as well as experienced specialists to of middle ear infection in infancy is initially related to this
have in one volume all data necessary for an understand- forgotten cause.
ing of the mysteries of the epitympanum. We hope that The photographs of serial sections shown in the atlas
reading it would stimulate the otologists to go personally were made by Mauri Laakso, Ari Aalto and Richard Cor-
to the dissection laboratory and practise the microdissec- tese.
tion approaches we have advocated, to become familiar The Ear Research Foundation, Helsinki, the Depart-
with the structures forming the epitympanic compart- ment of Otolaryngology, University of Helsinki, and the
ments. We are convinced that afterwards work in the Temporal Bone Foundation, Boston, Mass. with their
operation theater becomes even more interesting, when generous financial support have made the publication of
structures discovered and understood as a result of mi- this atlas possible.
crodissection are once again encountered. The procedures
for improving aeration and drainage we have outlined in December 2000 Tauno Palva
Part 3 are not difficult and are likely to lead to better func-
tional results once the surgeon becomes accustomed to

X Preface
Part 1

Anatomy and Pathology of the


Part 1

Anatomy and Pathology of the


Introduction and General Review him, from now on will call either epitympanum or attic.
The word aditus has become established as indicating the
Development of the Concept of Epitympanum posterior open portion of the epitympanum connecting it
to the mastoid antrum. Siebenmann’s criticism has been
The division of the middle ear spaces into different accepted in that the word ‘recess’ has been dropped in the
anatomic subcompartments was established during the context of the epitympanum and is presently used in con-
latter part of the 19th century, and initially there was nection with the supratubal recess which indeed usually is
some confusion which name should be used for the por- a blind space as the word implies.
tion superior to the main tympanic cavity. In his concise Siebenmann cited the measurements of Bezold for the
chapter entitled ‘Mittelohr und Labyrinth’ in Karl von dimensions of the epitympanum, which are still valid
Bardeleben’s Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, Sie- today: just behind the level of the malleus head, the
benmann [1] still referred to this superior segment as ‘adi- breadth had a mean of 6.6 mm (range 5.3–8.0 mm). The
tus (ad antrum)’ but admitted there was additional usage height from the tip of the short process of the incus to the
in the form of ‘recessus epitympanicus’, ‘epitympanum’ superior wall was 5.7 mm (range 5.0–6.3 mm). The inferi-
and in the German ‘Kuppelraum’. Siebenmann pointed or limit of the attic anteriorly was formed by the tensor
out that most of his contemporary authors still considered tendon, from which the folds originated directed upwards
this area to be part of the tympanic cavity (Paukenhöhle) in form and direction (plicae transversae), attaching supe-
but von Tröltsch, Eysell and Schwartze, all well known riorly to the transverse crest. Siebenmann observed that
researchers, started to use the name ‘aditus’ for this supe- there was often a defect in this fold, varying in structure,
rior region, and that it was Bezold who described its ana- which then connected the epitympanum to the protym-
tomic limits. panic spaces. The area in front of the fold formed a ‘large
Siebenmann was horrified that the Americans referred pneumatic cell’, a portion of the tympanic cavity.
to the recessus epitympanicus by the name of ‘attic’ since The roof of the epitympanum or the floor of the middle
he argued that this term ‘was used in architecture to fossa was medially part of the petrous bone, the lateral
describe a half story adnex on top of the house proper’ and portion being part of the squamous bone, the suture line
did not like the emerging French usage of ‘attique’. He running lateral to the midline making the medial portion
warned his colleagues about adopting ‘this barbaric word, larger. The anterior portion of the tegmental bone, to-
even if latinized into the form of “atticus”, into the Ger- wards the eustachian tube, showed a downwards sloping
man language but one should continue to use the estab- form while the posterior portion remained horizontal.
lished word of “aditus”’. He also criticized the recently The lateral limit of the epitympanum was formed superi-
established nomenclature commission for recommending orly by a very hard bone, lacking air cells, extending in a
the ‘difficult concept of recessus epitympanicus’ because curved form to the notch of Rivinus, the edges allowing an
the word recess implies a blind extension of a certain insertion ring for the lateral inferior portion, Shrapnell’s
space which ‘aditus’ is not. membrane. The medial wall was formed by the labyrinth
Siebenmann then went on to describe exactly the limits capsule and posteriorly the space was open to the mastoid
of the ‘aditus’, which we nevertheless, with due respect to antrum.

The bony limits of the epitympanum have thus been membrane. The conviction of von Tröltsch that especially
established for already well over 100 years. Analyzing the posterior pouch was a duplicate of the tympanic mem-
them again and writing a new atlas of the anatomy of the brane was based on the observation that both of them
epitympanum would only be a repetition of known facts started from the same site in the annular bone and that
and a waste of time. However, the soft tissue structures their fibrotic layers were identical. Von Tröltsch believed
inside the epitympanum, or bordering it, have remained that this pouch membrane, thanks to its fibrotic layer,
obscure to most contemporary writers even if much of increased the elasticity and vibrations of the tympanic
their basics had been worked out satisfactorily at the end membrane. The name of von Tröltsch has since been
of the 19th century. As we did microdissection and histo- attached to these pouches.
pathological studies in the 1990s we also became familiar In his textbook von Tröltsch [2] gave a detailed de-
with the considerable knowledge available in the old writ- scription of the structure forming the posterior pouch. Its
ings. We were astonished by the concise description of the dimensions, measured after removal of the incus, were 3–
anatomic details and can but admire the quality of the 4 mm in height and up to 4 mm in width. It was irregular-
work the pioneers did with simple tools. ly triangular and extended from the annular bone to the
There were other authors who have contributed signifi- handle of the malleus. The fold was superiorly attached to
cantly to the knowledge of the epitympanum as we will see the tympanic membrane but deviated inferiorly from it
later on. Of the many we would like to mention several forming the pouch, open to the posterior mesotympanum.
here: von Tröltsch [2] who established the concepts of the The chorda tympani nerve became connected to the
anterior and posterior pouches as common knowledge, medial surface of the posterior portion of the membrane
Prussak [3] who described the superior pouch, Helmholtz before entering its bony canal. He definitely rejected
[4] who described the malleal ligaments, particularly the Henle’s observation from 1875 that the fold contained
posterior, and Hammar [5] whose contribution to the fetal distinct stiff bundles of ligamental fibers of connective tis-
development of the middle ear remains to be surpassed. sue.
As far as the histology of the epitympanum is concerned, The medial border of the anterior pouch, on the other
Wittmaack’s work [6, 7] has been colossal and much of it hand, was no longer considered [2] as a duplicate tym-
is still valid today. Many other research workers made sig- panic membrane. The pouch formed between the tym-
nificant contributions at the turn of the 19th century and panic membrane and a composite structure, consisting of
we will refer to them during the discussion of specific the long process of the malleus (processus gracilis), the
chapters. anterior malleal ligament, the chorda tympani nerve and
the inferior tympanic artery, enveloped by mucous mem-
brane. We may say even now that this observation has
Early Data of the Soft Tissues in the Epitympanum stood the test of time whereas, as we shall see later, the
concept of the posterior pouch has not. Several of the crit-
The anterior and posterior pouches became known in ical remarks that von Tröltsch made on the work of oth-
the first half of the 19th century. In his textbook (in Ger- ers, referred to above, were unfounded.
man) on anatomy and diseases of the ear from 1881 von The next step forward was made in St. Petersburg by
Tröltsch [2] reviewed the then current knowledge and the Russian otologist Prussak [3] who in 1867 described
found that Wildberg already in 1795 was aware of these the superior pouch of the tympanic membrane. Prussak’s
‘duplicates of the tympanic membrane’ but erroneously study testifies that astute anatomical observations with
considered them as malleal muscles. The dissertation of limited tools can lead to new, lasting discoveries. His
Cornelius from Dorpat in 1825 suggested, according to description of the superior pouch, now known as Prus-
von Tröltsch, the right idea of the folds forming the sak’s space, essentially holds true today. Although Prussak
pouches but he failed to note the connection the folds had accepted the concept of von Tröltsch [2] that the mem-
with the tympanic membrane. Arnold in 1839 had de- brane forming the posterior pouch represented a dupli-
picted the folds correctly both in writing and figures but cate of the fibrotic layer of the tympanic membrane, he
von Tröltsch thought he made a mistake by describing questioned the idea of an anterosuperiorly blind pouch
them as mucosal folds, and not as duplicates of the tym- and started to search for an opening either into the tym-
panic membrane. A further mistake was that Arnold con- panum, or over the malleus neck to the anterior pouch.
sidered the folds not constant and left them out of several His starting point was the observation that Shrapnell’s
figures which showed the medial side of the tympanic membrane was not fixed to the neck of the malleus but

4 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

that there was an air filled space between the two, which
he then found to communicate with the posterior pouch.
Prussak’s description of this superior pouch was very
accurate as judged today. He described its limits as fol-
lows: (1) outwards as Shrapnell’s membrane, (2) inwards
as the entire lateral surface of the neck of the malleus, (3)
downwards as the upper surface of the short process of the
malleus, (4) upwards as a ligament-like structure from the
spina capitis malleis to margo tympanicus, (5) forward as
a transverse, thin duplicate membrane from the malleus
to the tympanic membrane while (6) posteriorly the space
was open to the posterior pouch. A round-tipped probe
could be introduced via the end portion of the posterior
pouch and its progress followed into the superior pouch.
Prussak was quick to find out that his discovery was
Fig. 1. Original sketch of the malleal ligaments by Helmholtz [4] from
not only important theoretically but that it also had clini- 1868. m = Malleus head; i = Incus; bi = tip of the incus short process;
cal significance. Studying the temporal bones he noted Tu. = tubal orifice; St. = stapes; = stapedius tendon; Ch.T =
that the superior pouch was full of thick mucus in many chorda tympani; T.t. = tensor tympani tendon and processus coch-
instances. If the mucus also filled the posterior pouch he leariformis; f = superior bundles of the anterior malleal ligament;
Sp.t. = anterior tympanic spine; e = anterior end of the lateral malleal
noticed that it was much easier to remove the material
ligament; g = the most posterior bundle of the same ligament, insert-
from the posterior than from the superior pouch. As to its ing to the posterior tympanic spine. Our major objection to this
importance he theorized that if the mucus in the posterior sketch is that the lateral malleal ligament is strong only anteriorly.
pouch is disadvantageous to the movements of the tym- The middle and posterior portions show separate, individual bundles
panic membrane, it must be even more harmful to these and there thus appears a weak spot, at times even a membrane defect
in the fold.
vibrations if present in the superior pouch.
Prussak’s description of the superior limit of the space
was amplified in 1868 by Helmholtz [4], who gave a good
description of the ligaments which serve to keep the mal-
leus in position (fig. 1). The structure extending from the above the lateral malleal ligament. These observations
malleal spine to the lateral attic bone was shown to be a were later confirmed by Hammar [5] in 1902 in a study of
ligamental membrane as was suggested by Prussak. Helm- developmental histology of the middle ear compartments.
holtz agreed that the superior pouch was in open connec- Politzer [10] later proved the existence of the two differ-
tion with the posterior pouch and even pointed out that a ent aeration pathways by pouring liquid mercury into
defect in the lateral malleal ligamental fold would lead to Prussak’s space and observed it coming regularly out from
a space we now call the lateral malleal space [8]. Further- the posterior pouch but occasionally also from the anteri-
more, Helmholtz gave the name ‘posterior malleal liga- or pouch.
ment’ to the strong bundles of fibers leading fanwise from In his initial publication concerning the superior pouch
the neck of the malleus to the posterior tympanic spine, of Prussak, Politzer [9] reported upon ‘a system of spaces
accompanied medially by the chorda tympani nerve. between the tympanic membrane and the neck of the mal-
Touching the tough fibers with a needle caused a clear leus’ and presented a sketch of an elaborate network both
movement of the malleus whereas touching the soft fold inside Prussak’s space and superior to it, extending to the
portion along the chorda tympani nerve had no effect. It level of the malleus head. This picture (fig. 2) was based
became thus clear that the criticism of von Tröltsch [2] of on a child’s temporal bone in which the superior pouch as
the work of Henle was unfounded, but it in no way well as the space above were noticed to have been filled
affected his convictions. with a yellow fluid. Politzer did not refer to this finding as
Prussak’s descriptions of the superior pouch gave rise pathological but we of course now recognize the condition
to several comments by contemporary authors. In 1870, as representing a secretory otitis media in which the orga-
Politzer [9] observed connections not only from the supe- nization of secretion in Prussak’s space was ongoing. Even
rior pouch but also to the anterior pouch and in two tem- if Politzer [10] in his textbook of 1908, in addition to this
poral bones there was a connection superiorly, to a space picture distorted by inflammation, presented two other,

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 5

Fig. 2. Original sketch by Politzer [9] from Fig. 3. A sketch on Prussak’s space by Politz- Fig. 4. Another sketch by Politzer [10] also
1870, showing Prussak’s space in a child. k = er [10] from 1908. h = Head of the malleus; from 1908 was based on his collection of
Processus brevis of the malleus; s = Shrap- te = annulus tendinosus; b = processus bre- temporal bones. ls = Superior malleal liga-
nell’s membrane from which a curved mem- vis; u = umbo; t = chorda tympani; s = Shrap- ment; le = lateral malleal ligament; s = pars
brane arises crossing the space to the neck of nell’s membrane; e = external (lateral) mal- flaccida; o = Prussak’s space; t = tensor tym-
the malleus; r = space arising inferior to the leal ligament; ae = external attic; P = Prus- pani tendon; r = network of spaces between
membrane, above which a network of spaces sak’s space; l = superior malleal ligament; c = the malleus head and the lateral attic bone.
is situated, containing yellow fluid, up to the vascular channel. The anatomical structures This sketch is accurate. Note that the net-
lateral malleal ligamental fold (m); t = anteri- are correct but the dome of Prussak’s space is work of spaces inside Prussak’s space is no
or tympanic spine; f = inconstant folds later- too low and the lateral malleal ligament too longer present in figure 3 and here. In the lat-
al to the head of the malleus. This sketch in short. eral malleal space it has been reduced to one
reality shows an organization process in the tissue strand, apparently a postinflammato-
upper portion of Prussak’s space, apparently ry change.
due to secretory otitis media, erroneously
interpreted as normal Prussak’s space.

normal pictures (fig. 3, 4), it is the picture representing In 1897 Siebenmann [1] summarized the main epitym-
pathological changes that many of our contemporary panic compartments and presented two alternative pic-
authors have reproduced as the sketch for Prussak’s space. tures of the somewhat varying relationships. Figure 5
This was seen e.g. in the book by Wullstein and Wullstein shows a still accurate representation of the posterior,
[11] who speculated on the important role of these ‘air superior and anterior pouches in relation to the lateral
cushions’, actually sequelae of inflammation in the lateral surface of the tympanic membrane. It is remarkable that
malleal space, in the mechanics of the middle ear. In he also presented here the anterior limit of the epitympa-
1995, Tos [12] no longer gave it a place in his manual, but num, the tensor fold, even if it was drawn in both sketches
several of his other sketches do not conform with Prus- as a vertical fold between the tensor tendon and the trans-
sak’s original description. verse crest. He thus also had a clear representation of the

6 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 5. Siebenmann’s drawing [1] from 1897
of the compartmental anatomy of the attic
and of the posterior, superior and anterior
pouches (hintere, obere, vordere Trommel-
felltaschen), and of the upper and lower lat-
eral attics (oberer and unterer Hammer-Am-
boss-Schuppenraum). The tensor fold (hori-
zontal arrow) between the anterior epitym-
panum and supratubal recess was named as
plica transversa. Note that the transverse
crest, the superior insertion of the fold, is
correctly shallow, and that the web (oblique
arrow) at the recess base is discontinuous,
the supratubal space being part of the meso-
tympanum. The arrows were added by us.

supratubal recess, open to the mesotympanum and part of the eustachian tube to the inferior part of the tympanic
it. The discontinuous fold he showed near the tubal orifice membrane. As the air sacs expand, more and more of the
appears to represent an inflammatory fold, probably aris- meso- and epitympanic bony cavities open until finally
ing due to a, at that time common, diphtheric infection in most of the embryonal tissue has disappeared and the epi-
this ‘pneumatic cell’. tympanic subcompartments formed. In this context we
will not follow these processes in detail but first limit our-
selves to single out one essential point. When the air sacs
Fetal Development of Epitympanic Folds and expand, the epithelium from the eustachian tube orifice
Compartments expands covering the sac walls but loses its cilia and
becomes thinner, endothelium-like with one cell layer.
The only study recording different phases of the devel- When a sac meets a fixed structure it provides it with
opment of the various soft tissue structures in the epitym- mucosa and this is how the position-fixed structures, e.g.
panum, from a 3-mm embryo to the term fetus, was done ligaments, are coated by epithelium.
in 1902 by Hammar [5] in Uppsala. He sectioned the tem- When an air sac meets a position-fixed structure of
poral bone sagittally or frontally in 26 fetuses and made a another type, e.g. the long process of the incus or the chor-
model of each, recorded the findings in great detail and da tympani nerve, which can be passed on both sides, the
illustrated them by 67 drawings. This study is one of the sac divides into two, one portion continuing over the lat-
classics in otology but a great deal of effort and concentra- eral, the other over the medial side of the obstacle. Having
tion are necessary to read it, and being written in the Ger- passed it the connective tissue surfaces of both sacs merge,
man language it is unfortunately not available to the the epithelium remaining on both sides of the common
English-speaking research community. central layer. This is one of the ways in which the posi-
The discussion important for a clinician starts with the tion-changing duplicate folds arise and during the fetal
190-mm embryo when Hammar described 4 air sacs, the development they initially arise every time a structure is
anterior, medial, superior and posterior, which begin to passed by two sides. The other way is when two air sacs
replace the mesenchyme, starting anteriorly in the upper approach each other from different directions: the meet-
portion of the medial wall of the middle ear. Up to this ing connective tissue sides merge, and the epithelium pre-
stage of fetal development the bony middle ear space is vails on both sides. Large duplicate folds are likely to per-
filled only with the ossicles and mesenchyme, the em- sist even if they sometimes show membrane defects.
bryonic connective tissue, except for a slit running from Small duplicate folds, however, may remain slender and

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 7

tend to atrophy, due both to their thinness and to a loss of Consequently, its posterior portion, consisting of the lat-
sufficient blood circulation. In a term fetus the number of eral portion of the posterior incudal ligamental fold, is
duplicate folds becomes then less than that during the much thicker than the larger anterior portion, the lateral
fetal development. We will, therefore, review Hammar’s incudomalleal fold. This is also the reason why the poste-
work and his findings on the origin of the folds by discuss- rior ligamental portion is always present and has a con-
ing the final situation he described in his two models for stant position whereas the thin anterior portion is subject
term fetuses. We will limit ourselves only to reviewing to changes typical of position-changing duplicate folds.
those folds which at the same time have a major role in The lateral incudomalleal fold is the result of a fusion of
the compartmentalization of the attic. Those interested in an upper and lower subexpansion of the medial air sac
the gradual development and atrophy of all different folds and normally the upper and lower lateral attics remain
are referred to Hammar’s original publication [5]. totally separate. The anterior portion of the fold, however,
There are two major duplicate folds that are present in may be subject to some changes. If it is short and ends
neonates as well as in adults at nearly 100%, that is the with a free edge, both lateral attics communicate anteri-
tensor fold and the lateral incudomalleal fold. They both orly. If it turns upwards and inserts into the attic roof, it
form important limiting structures in the epitympanum, makes the upper lateral attic short and allows the lower
the tensor fold separating the anterior epitympanum from lateral attic to communicate with the superior attic via the
the supratubal recess. The lateral incudomalleal fold di- lateral malleal space.
vides the lateral attic into two subcompartments, the
upper and lower lateral attics. The other duplicate folds Chordal Fold
show more variation in structure and have limited clinical The chordal fold is always present but may be very
importance. small and only envelopes the nerve. In the anterior tym-
panum the nerve is part of the major structure, the anteri-
Tensor Fold or malleal ligamental fold, and receives its mucosa from
The tensor fold results from the fusion of the anterior the advancing anterior air sac. In the posterior tympa-
and medial air sacs when they have advanced sufficiently num, specifically in the lower lateral attic, the advancing
far to meet one another, the anterior air sac from the ante- medial air sac provides the nerve with its fold which pos-
rior direction and the medial air sac from the posterior teriorly could show a free edge or continue to the annular
direction. The anterior air sac, while enlarging, provides bone. Hammar [5] was, however, inclined to consider the
first the epithelium for the anterior malleal ligament chordal fold to be identical with the fold forming the pos-
which, as pointed out above, forms the medial border of terior pouch because in a 330-mm fetus the formation of
the anterior pouch. The sac expands further, covers the the posterior pouch fold and its union medially with the
tensor tendon and proceeds upwards and medially, re- chordal fold seemed to occur simultaneously.
placing the embryonal mesenchyme. During this time the
medial air sac has grown more posteriorly and its superior Other Duplicate Folds
portion advances between the tensor tendon and the body All other folds have much less importance and most of
of the long process of the incus. The space thus opening them in Hammar’s study showed great variations and
proceeds in two directions, one branch posteriorly and they were frequently absent in the term fetus. Thus for
another superiorly. The latter provides the body of the example the initial portion of the duplicate fold, arising
incus and a portion of the malleus with epithelium and when the long process of the incus was passed on both
while advancing further, it meets the anterior air sac, sides (forming ‘plica cruris longi incudis’) mostly disap-
merging with it and forming the tensor fold. The epithe- peared before birth because the superior and medial air
lium also covers the connective tissue between the medial sacs ended, after the merge, with atrophy. Of the continu-
side of the processus brevis of the malleus and the chorda ing end portions of the initial expansion of this branch of
tympani nerve which becomes embedded in the lateral the medial and superior air sacs, the anterior, superior
border of the tensor fold. and posterior stapedial folds disappeared during the final
period of fetal development while the fourth, the obtura-
Lateral Incudomalleal Fold tor fold, between the crura was sometimes present. The
The structure that separates the upper and lower lateral fold trailing after the superior malleal ligament also
attics differs from the tensor fold in that it combines the remained insignificant.
characteristics of both the ligamental and duplicate folds.

8 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Tympanic Isthmus cation by Proctor [13] in 1964 in which beautiful art
In a fetus of 285 mm length the expansion of both the work drawings beguiled the reader for decades into be-
medial and superior air sacs through the tympanic isth- lieving that the text on which they were based was of
mus was distinct, both becoming narrow at this site and equal quality. Regarding the aeration of Prussak’s space
expanding again more superiorly. Discussing the 330- Proctor states: ‘The entrance into Prussak’s space is
mm-long fetus Hammar stressed that of the various epi- usually located between the lateral malleolar fold and the
tympanic main compartments it was only the medial attic lateral incudal fold.’ The basic mistake here is that Proc-
which via the tympanic isthmus is in direct communica- tor did not seem to understand that the lateral incudo-
tion with the tympanic cavity. Even if during the earlier malleal duplicate fold and the lateral malleal ligamental
stages the fold of the long process of incus and the stape- fold are two different entities at different levels and not
dial folds appeared in the lateral portion of the isthmus, in just one, as he instructed the artist to draw. In addition,
the 360-mm fetuses only remnants were present and in he combined the qualities of a duplicate thin fold and
the two term fetuses they all had atrophied leaving the those of a thicker ligamental fold to this single ‘lateral
isthmus fully open. malleolar fold’. This led to another erroneous conclusion
that the anterior limit of Prussak’s space would be
Development of Prussak’s Space formed by a ligamental fold instead of the thin duplicate
Prussak’s space appeared in the 330-mm fetus when a membrane already observed by Prussak [3]. His sketch
small opening continued anteriorly from the narrow supe- [14] in figure 108 implies that the aeration pathway
rior end of the posterior pouch, starting the formation of would go from the upper lateral attic through the lateral
the superior pouch. In a 360-mm fetus Prussak’s space incudomalleal fold which is superior to Prussak’s space
was larger but it had originated from a different direction, and not in contact with it. In reality the floor of the later-
a narrow passage from the anterior pouch. In two term al malleal space, consisting of the lateral malleal ligamen-
fetuses the space was still small, originating in both from tal fold, is the intact roof of Prussak’s space. Even if the
the posterior pouch, this time with a relatively large path- posterior pouch was accurately placed between the poste-
way. rior malleal ligamental fold and the tympanic membrane,
its role as the aeration pathway to Prussak’s space was
not appreciated.
Contemporary Concepts of the Anatomy of the Another misconception was, as mentioned above, the
Epitympanum drawing of the roof of Prussak’s space as a half circle, the
thick anterior end of the ‘lateral malleolar fold’ closing
We have reviewed the early studies at length because Prussak’s space anteriorly. This misconception was unfor-
we would like to show that the pathways for the aeration tunately also adopted from Proctor by Schuknecht and
and drainage of the epitympanic compartments were Guluya [15], who suggested that Prussak’s space is anteri-
quite accurately known at the end of the 19th century. orly closed by the lateral malleal ligament. However, as
First, the wide route from the medial mesotympanum via appears from the above review, from the days of Hammar
the tympanic isthmus was known to aerate the large epi- [5] the frontal membrane of Prussak’s space is known to
tympanic compartments. Second, the separate narrow arise when the medial (or at times superior) air sac aerat-
route from the lateral mesotympanum formed the aera- ing Prussak’s space meets and merges with the advancing
tion and drainage pathway via the posterior pouch to the wall of the anterior air sac aerating the anterior pouch. It
small space of Prussak. Hammar [5] even stressed, com- is thus a thin duplicate fold which can be verified as well
menting upon Siebenmann’s [1] finding of a membrane during microdissection as from serial sections. Only the
defect in the tensor fold, that through this defect the air superior portions of Prussak’s space are anteriorly limited
spaces of the epitympanum and the mesotympanum be- by the thick anterior and lateral malleal ligamental folds.
came united with another aeration route, fully indepen- We have earlier [16–21] pointed out several other erro-
dent of the tympanic isthmus. neous statements in Proctor’s text regarding the major
The basic data on Prussak’s space, so accurately de- epitympanic compartments, but restrict ourselves here to
scribed by Prussak himself, became largely forgotten dur- stressing another major one regarding the tympanic isth-
ing the latter part of the 20th century and the contempora- mus. Proctor suggested that the isthmus should be ana-
ry detailed anatomic knowledge has not remained at the tomically divided into two portions, the ‘isthmus tympani
level set by the pioneers. Responsible for this was a publi- anticus’ and ‘the isthmus tympani posticus’. The anterior

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 9

isthmus was to be the larger and the fully open one, and white or color photography, or both, using the operation micro-
extending from the tensor tympani tendon to the stapes, scope.
For the actual microdissection of the temporal bone we currently
while the smaller one in a large part closed posterior isth-
use the following order of dissection.
mus extended from the stapes to the pyramidal process. In Anterior Dissection. After location of the anterior sulcus of the
plate 1 [13], a sketch of the normal arrangement of the tympanic membrane, a frontal saw cut is made so that the cutting line
floor of the attic as viewed from above, he instructed the goes across the bony eustachian tube a few millimeters anterior to the
artist to draw imaginary folds which blocked most of the sulcus. The tubal opening, lateral to the large bony depression for the
carotic artery, is enlarged by drilling until it makes possible a good
‘posterior isthmus’, leaving only a small opening near the
evaluation of the structures in the mesotympanum, inferior to the
tip of the incus. The legend states that ‘The mesotympa- epitympanic diaphragm, by the operation microscope. The specimen
num is almost completely separated from the attic by the is then tilted to permit a view superiorly towards the supratubal
ossicular chain and mucosal folds’. This erroneous ar- recess. Observations and documentation can now be made of the
rangement has been quoted over and over again in many anterior pouch up to the anterior membrane of Prussak’s space,
medially to it of the bulk of the anterior malleal ligamental fold, and
later studies.
further medially of the supratubal recess and the tensor fold. If one
If this nearly complete separation of the posterior por- wishes to proceed with a combined anterosuperior approach, careful
tion of the tympanic isthmus were to be the case, nature bone removal by drilling is continued further along the tegmen over
would indeed have been a poor planner. In our temporal the insertion of the tensor fold to expose the anterior epitympanum,
bone microdissections in mostly adult normal bones the and if so decided, to uncover the entire epitympanum until the aditus
ad antrum.
tympanic isthmus appeared regularly as one large open-
Superior Dissection. After having completed the anterior ap-
ing, without any blocking folds, from the tensor tendon to proach the bone block is turned 180° so that an opening can be drilled
the anterior border of the medial portion of the posterior on the middle fossa floor over the antrum, or aditus ad antrum,
incudal ligament [16–21]. The stapes does not come to the which offers an initial view of the posterior epitympanum. If the area
level of the opening itself, and its articulation to the lenti- around the tip of the short process of the incus appears normal, an
island flap of bone is formed by drilling along the medial and lateral
cular process of the incus is more inferior. Also Aimi [22,
margins of the epitympanic cavity until the level of the head of the
23], who has done a large amount of microdissections and malleus is reached. A transversal drilling of bone is then made thin-
has tried to interpret his findings to agree with Proctor’s ning it until its periosteum, when the bony flap can be gently lifted
concepts, here deviated from them and suggested that the superiorly with a small hook under its posterior edge. The opening
isthmus be regarded as one single open entity. view is scrutinized to note any folds or strands that might unite the
short process of the incus to the tegmental roof, and if so, documenta-
tion is made before disrupting them. If the initial view discloses signs
of inflammation, the removal of the tegmental roof can be carried out
Material and Methods in stages.
Having examined and documented the structures in the posterior
This atlas is based on the experience gained on temporal bone epitympanum in detail, drilling is carefully continued over the head
microdissection and serial sectioning. 125 microdissections were of the malleus to expose the anterior epitympanum. This must pro-
made at the Department of Otolaryngology, University of Helsinki, ceed slowly so as not to disrupt the delicate folds often running from
on temporal bones ranging from neonates to 80-year-olds. The tem- the superior malleal ligament, or from the medial side of the malleus,
poral bones were removed with permission granted by the State towards the transverse crest and the tensor fold. Here again the struc-
Council of Patients’ Rights, allowing the use of the bones for research tures are observed and documented as they appear before removal of
purposes. The major portion was obtained from the Forensic Insti- the bone and its periosteum would possibly distort the anatomy. The
tute of the university, which unfortunately meant that no data other entire tensor fold with its insertion, and the position of the transverse
than the persons’ age was allowed to be used. A smaller portion was crest can now be ascertained. Finally, after full removal of the teg-
obtained from the autopsies performed at the Subdivision of the Uni- mental bony roof, the soft tissue insertion ring of the tensor fold and
versity Department of Pediatric Pathology with access to the hospital the fold itself can be viewed as the only remaining structures between
records. the anterior epitympanum and the supratubal recess.
The majority of bones were preserved in a deepfreezer and Lateral Posterior Dissection. The specimen is turned to the usual
thawed in temperate water immediately before processing. A small surgical position for tympanoplasty, a transverse cut is made to the
portion was dissected fresh, directly from autopsy, and another small ear canal skin 5 mm lateral to the annulus and the lateral canal skin
number was preserved in formalin until dissected. There was abso- removed. Together with the remaining skin of the ear canal, the tym-
lutely no difference between the methods in the preservation of the panic membrane is lifted anteriorly until it is turned over the malleus
delicate thin folds and strands. Preservation in formalin, however, handle and Shrapnell’s membrane displaced fully. Prussak’s space
had caused the tissue to lose all of its natural color and luster and, can now be observed and documented for the presence of fluid,
therefore, was not used except in some badly infected ears. The basic mucosal strands and adhesions. The details of the anterior mem-
method initially was the common horizontal dissection starting from brane are recorded when it is observed over the short process and
the floor of the middle fossa, later complemented by anterior and neck of the malleus, even if a full view cannot be obtained from this
lateral approaches. Documentation in each case was done by black direction. Whenever in doubt, a needle is put through the membrane

10 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

and its tip observed from the anterior approach. Anterior observa- alterations in various compartments recorded. Additionally, in the
tion following a simple short incision is not sufficient because in Temporal Bone Foundation material, scanned colored images, using
membranes thicker than normal the incision edges become almost a Polaroid Sprintscan 35 Plus, were printed out and allowed easy side
immediately approximated and the membrane may appear intact. by side recognition of the magnified compartment boundaries. The
The tensor tendon, running from the neck of the malleus, is next height of various spaces and structures was determined from the
looked for, but it remains mostly hidden and only its insertion near numbered sections, each 20 Ìm with an interval of 0.2 mm. Horizon-
the cochleariform process may be seen. The malleus head is then cut tal and vertical widths of a single section were measured directly
with the malleus head nipper which is gently introduced sideways from the microscope by using a measure (Graticules, Tonbridge,
between the long process of the incus and the handle of the malleus UK), divided into 100 lines, in one of the oculars.
and then turned 90° to allow the lower jaw to slip under the malleus We [16–20, 27] have earlier used varying ways of presenting the
neck. The line of cutting is medial to the tensor tendon which printed serial sections and in this Atlas we follow the method adopt-
remains attached to the malleus handle. A portion or all of the anteri- ed in our two latest publications [28, 29]. We view the left and right
or malleal ligament should be left attached to the head of the malleus sides similarly to an otologist examining the tympanic membrane.
to allow it to keep its position. Using a pick to turn the handle of the The lateral side of the temporal bone section of either ear is thus the
malleus and the tendon laterally exposes the tensor fold which now lower side of the picture, in the right ear the anterior portion is point-
can be removed by sickle knife and/or microforceps, to simulate clin- ing to the right and in the left ear the anterior portion is pointing to
ical removal by laser evaporation. If the malleus head keeps its place, the left. In addition to the figures given for magnification, several
the cut edge of the handle is approximated with the malleus head and photographs contain also a horizontal 1-mm bar which makes, if so
the tympanic membrane repositioned. desired, an immediate measuring of the size of the structures rapid.
If the malleus head becomes dislodged by lifting the malleus han-
dle laterally, when the anterior malleal ligament remained attached
partially to both, the head is removed with microforceps and refa-
shioned to be placed on the long process of the incus as a riding colu- Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum and
mella [24]. This gives good practise for teaching purposes in simulat- Supratubal Recess
ing the clinical procedure.
Initially [20] we also used the lateral anterior dissection which
Epitympanic Diaphragm
was based on the anterior tympanotomy used in the early 1960s for
enlarging the anterior mesotympanic air space in ears with an adhe- In 1946 Chatellier and Lemoine [30] published a histo-
sive otitis media [25], and later for repairing anterior perforations of logical study of the newborn and introduced the term
the tympanic membrane [26]. This approach in its extended form is interatticotympanic diaphragm, which we simply called
started by a canal skin incision 5 mm lateral to the sulcus and the the epitympanic diaphragm [8]. They studied it from
anterior half of the tympanic membrane is dissected free and togeth-
frontal serial sections and found that it consists, in addi-
er with the canal skin turned over the malleus handle. For greater
freedom of anatomic evaluation in microdissection, the anterior ear tion to the thin tensor and lateral incudomalleal folds, of
canal bone and lateral skin can be removed at the beginning, allowing the thick structures formed by the malleal and incudal
a good view of the anterior half of the tympanic membrane. This ligamental folds and of the ossicles themselves. It was also
exposure gives a direct view of the tensor tympani tendon and of a stated that Prussak’s space is situated inferiorly to the dia-
low portion of the tensor fold. Bone removal at the lateral attic mar-
phragm, its roof, the lateral malleal ligamental fold, being
gin opens the anterior epitympanum and discloses the anterior por-
tion of the head of the malleus superior to the anterior malleal liga- the dividing structure. Chatellier and Lemoine linked
ment. A portion of the shallow transverse crest of the tegmen can their anatomic study to clinically important aspects en-
always be made visible. Further removal of bone anteriorly opens the countered in treating patients with complications of acute
supratubal recess, but the anterior tympanic spine and the anterior otitis media.
malleal ligament with structures within obscure the upper portion of
We presented earlier [8] a sketch of the epitympanic
the tensor fold and its insertion. Their removal destroys the anatomy
and we no longer include this approach in the regular microdissec- diaphragm that was based upon serial sections of tempo-
tions. Nevertheless, the first steps of this approach, when applied as a ral bone. In addition to the ligamental folds it included
regular anterior tympanotomy, give a surgeon under training the only two major duplicate folds, the tensor fold and the
ability to repair anterior tympanic membrane perforations with con- lateral incudomalleal fold, and this sketch was later found
to be consistent with the findings in microdissection. We
The majority of the material for serial sections derives from the
collection of the Temporal Bone Foundation, Boston, Mass. consist- make, however, two alterations to the nomenclature and
ing totally of 256 serially sectioned temporal bones from neonates to the concepts based on subsequent work. We called,
and infants. A smaller sample of 28 temporal bones was available at according to the then prevailing literature, the space ante-
the University of Helsinki. The preparation of temporal bones for rior to the malleus head ‘protympanic recess’ but later,
horizontal serial sectioning after fixation in 10% formalin was done
when our detailed microdissection work progressed, we
in a routine fashion and described earlier [27]. The sections were cut
to 20 Ìm thickness, every 10th section saved, and stained by hema- adopted the natural term ‘anterior epitympanum’ as the
toxylin-eosin, alternately by van Gieson’s, and a few specimens with correct one. The anterior epitympanum is fully open to
Masson’s trichrome. All sections were studied by microscopy and the medial attic, the head of the malleus being the struc-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 11

Normal Anatomy of Prussak’s Space (with the Lateral
Malleal Space)

Even if Prussak’s space forms an inseparable part of

the epitympanum, from the aeration and drainage point
of view it is an independent unit. It can be blocked or
obliterated without any influence as such on the workings
of the major compartments superior to the epitympanic
diaphragm, the anterior and posterior epitympanum, adi-
tus ad antrum, and the mastoid air cell system. On the
other hand, a blockage of the tympanic isthmus causes
extensive pathology in all the above-mentioned compart-
ments and seriously impairs the middle ear function. In
Fig. 6. Sketch of the epitympanic diaphragm of the right ear. 1 = the discussion of the anatomy of Prussak’s space, how-
Anterior attic bone; 2 = tensor fold; 3 = petrotympanic fissure; 4 = ever, we also comment on one portion of the posterior
chorda tympani nerve; 5 = anterior malleal ligament; 6 = anterior
epitympanum, namely the lateral malleal space since its
tympanic spine; 7 = strong portion of the lateral malleal ligament; 8 =
tensor tympani tendon; 9 = weak portion of the lateral malleal liga- floor is also the roof of Prussak’s space.
ment; 10 = neck of the malleus; 11 = lateral incudomalleal fold; 12 =
incus; 13 = stapes; 14 = tympanic isthmus; 15 = posterior incudal Microdissection
ligament; 16 = inconsistent aeration pathway via the incudal fossa. Lateral Malleal Space. In our initial discussion of the
epitympanic compartments [8] we gave the name ‘lateral
malleal space’ to a distinct anatomic area well separable
from the other subcompartments of the epitympanum.
ture that narrows the space posteriorly. The posterior epi- When the island bone flap is lifted in the superior micro-
tympanum, the larger compartment, houses both the me- dissection, it reveals the lateral incudomalleal fold and
dial attic as well as the upper and lower lateral attics. Its the tympanic isthmus, but not yet the lateral malleal
superior subcompartment, between the upper surface of space. When bone is removed over the head of the mal-
the ossicles malleus and incus, and the tegmental roof, is leus, a view opens to the lateral malleal space. The space
an open space up to the mastoid antrum. is limited medially by the malleus head and neck and lat-
As we strongly objected to Proctor’s concept [13] of erally by the lateral attic bony wall. Anteriorly its bound-
dividing the tympanic isthmus into two portions, the aries are formed by the inconstant anterior malleal sus-
anterior and posterior isthmus, and considered the tym- pensory ligament and inferior to it, by the anterior mal-
panic isthmus to be one single entity calling it the ‘anteri- leal ligamental fold, described already by von Tröltsch
or tympanic isthmus’, we gave the name ‘posterior tym- [2]. Its ligamental portion, originating in the malleus
panic isthmus’ to a pathway behind the tip of the incus. neck, contains, in addition to the strong ligament, the
Later we dropped the word ‘anterior’ from the main aera- long process of the malleus, the chorda tympani nerve
tion pathway to the attic and called it, as the 19th century and the inferior tympanic artery. The structure broadens
authors did, the tympanic isthmus. The posterior tym- inferiorly and leads to the anterior tympanic spine and
panic isthmus behind the incus tip proved to be so incon- towards the petrotympanic fissure. The posterior limit is
stant and small that we will refer to it now as an inconsis- formed superiorly by the downturning anterior end of the
tent auxiliary aeration pathway via the incudal fossa. Fig- lateral incudomalleal fold and the posterior malleal liga-
ure 6 shows the modified sketch of the epitympanic dia- mental fold. As the latter fold also becomes broader infe-
phragm which is now turned 180° in order to conform riorly, the lateral malleal space becomes bowl-shaped
with the presentation of serial sections. Actual documents near its floor, which is formed by the lateral malleal liga-
on which this sketch is based are seen among the figures mental fold, posteriorly frequently devoid of ligamental
dealing with superior microdissection and horizontal seri- bundles (fig. 7).
al sections (for example fig. 33, 44 and 46). The lateral malleal space is regularly open superiorly to
the upper lateral attic, but in rare cases the incudomalleal
fold may extend over the entire space. As the fold in such
cases does not turn down and unite with the posterior

12 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 7. Series G, adult case 55, right ear. Superior view of the lateral Fig. 8. Series G, adult case 14, right ear. Superior view of the lateral
malleal space between the malleus head (M) and the lateral attic bone malleal space after removal of the lateral incudomalleal fold, uniting
(B). The space is anteriorly limited by the anterior malleal ligamental the lateral attics (curved arrow). The anterior limit, the anterior mal-
fold (horizontal arrow). The downgoing portion of the lateral incudo- leal ligamental fold (A), inserts into the anterior tympanic spine (S);
malleal fold (vertical arrow) forms the superior portion of the posteri- the low posterior limit is formed by the posterior malleal ligamental
or limit. The anterior portion of the floor is thick, the posterior por- fold (vertical arrow). The strong lateral malleal ligamental fold (obli-
tion is thin and contains a weak spot (curved arrow) limited by sepa- que arrow) forms the larger portion of the floor which posteriorly has
rate, whitish ligamental bundles. I = Incus. a membrane defect (horizontal arrow). The inner blade of the posteri-
or pouch (open arrow) is inferiorly united with the chorda tympani
nerve (C). M = Malleus; I = incus; B = lateral attic bone; T = tensor

malleal ligamental fold, the lateral malleal space remains in about 6% of our total material a membrane defect con-
in direct communication with the lower lateral attic. As nected the lateral malleal space to Prussak’s space (fig. 8,
already pointed out by Hammar [5], the interconnections 9). The lateral malleal ligamental fold, the roof of Prus-
of the lateral malleal space and the upper and lower lateral sak’s space, is not a curved half circle-type structure as
attics show considerable variation. In no case, however, is indicated by Proctor [13, 14] but more or less horizontal,
the lateral malleal space entirely closed because it receives as shown already by Helmholtz (fig. 1).
aeration from one of the adjoining spaces. Prussak’s Space. Part of the walls of Prussak’s space are
The mucosa of the lateral malleal space, while descend- bone, like the neck and the short process of the malleus,
ing towards the floor, becomes often thicker and undulat- forming medial and inferior walls, respectively. The soft
ing and does not seem to cover the structures tightly as is walls show some variability in size and shape, even if the
more the case at the superior portions. This apparently is structures are basically similar. The roof, discussed alrea-
related to the necessity of the mucosa to move freely, dy above, shows a similar unevenness as the floor of the
together with the nearly continuous movements of the lateral malleal space, so that a certain portion of the roof
malleus. The floor is not even but shows local areas that extends in a dome-like form more superiorly than the
extend deeper towards Prussak’s space than the adjacent main roof.
portions (fig. 7). When the roof of Prussak’s space is opened from
The floor of the lateral malleal space, the roof of Prus- above, or if a membrane defect allows a view of the inside
sak’s space, is subject to great variations in thickness. In of the space, the first structure seen is the round horizon-
all dissected bones the anterior portion has always been tal portion of the neck of the malleus (fig. 9). By viewing
the thickest due to the thick bundles of the lateral malleal anterosuperiorly past the neck of the malleus, and turning
ligament. More posteriorly the ligament is much weaker the anterior end of the specimen slightly medially, a por-
and individual separate bundles may be seen as transpar- tion of the thin anterior membrane of Prussak’s space is
ent whitish structures through the covering epithelium. revealed (fig. 10). However, this approach does not allow
The floor often shows a weak area posteriorly (fig. 7) and a full view of its inferior portion. Viewing along the neck

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 13

Fig. 9. Series G, adult case 11, left ear, superior view. A central mem- Fig. 10. Series A, adult case 13, right ear, superior view. A large por-
brane defect in the floor of the lateral malleal space allows a view of tion of the roof of Prussak’s space and the incus have been removed,
Prussak’s space, where the neck (horizontal arrow) of the malleus (M) the neck (horizontal arrow) of the malleus (M) appears. The upper
is seen. The anterior malleal ligament (A) leads to the petrotympanic portion of the anterior membrane of Prussak’s space (oblique arrow)
fissure, the chorda tympani nerve (C) emerges to join the ligament. is seen inferior to the anterior malleal ligamental fold (A). The superi-
The thin tensor fold anterior to the tensor tendon (T) has a mem- or portion of the aeration pathway (open arrow) leads to the posterior
brane defect. The oblique arrow points to the superior portion of the pouch, formed medially by the posterior malleal ligamental fold (ver-
posterior malleal ligamental fold. I = Incus; S = stapes, on both sides tical arrow) and laterally by the tympanic membrane
of it is the tympanic isthmus.

tion of the pouch, between it and the tympanic membrane

(fig. 11).
The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space can best be
viewed with the anterior microdissection approach. The
translucent membrane, a distinct oval structure around
1 mm in diameter, appears in the superior aspect of the
anterior pouch (fig. 12). It is inserted laterally to the tym-
panic membrane and medially to the anterior portion of
the malleus neck. In teaching the anterior approach we
have noted how effectively this view, hitherto unused,
helps both the training surgeon as well as the specialist to
Fig. 11. Series A, adult case 19, left ear, superior view after removal of understand Prussak’s space better. Rarely there is no ante-
the incus. A probe has been inserted through the floor of the lateral rior membrane (fig. 13), and Prussak’s space in such cases
malleal space to Prussak’s space and along the posterior pouch, has developed embryologically from the anterior pouch,
between the posterior malleal ligamental fold (horizontal arrow) and
which then functions as the aeration and drainage path-
the tympanic membrane, down to the mesotympanum. The chorda
tympani nerve (C) runs along the inferior edge of the posterior pouch. way. This infrequent occurrence, as may be remembered,
M = Malleus head. was already observed by Hammar [5] and by Politzer
Both the lateral anterior and posterior dissections give
an excellent view of Shrapnell’s membrane and allow one
in the posterior direction makes the regular aeration path- to ascertain its thickness as well as the presence of secre-
way via the posterior pouch visible. However, if one tion and possible adhesions to the neck of the malleus. A
wants to see the entire aeration pathway to the posterior portion of the roof of Prussak’s space superiorly can be
pouch, some tissue destruction is bound to occur. A round observed, and in the lateral anterior dissection the inferior
probe can be passed via the posterior upper portion of portion of the tensor fold is also seen (fig. 14). The posteri-
Prussak’s space and it becomes visible at the lowest por- or approach allows a limited view of the anterior mem-

14 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 12. Series P, case 11, a child aged 2 years, left ear, anterior Fig. 13. Series A, adult case 22, right ear, anterior microdissection.
microdissection. The thin, translucent anterior membrane (vertical The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space above the handle of the
arrow) of Prussak’s space appears superior to the handle of the mal- malleus (M) is absent (vertical arrow). This route rarely serves as the
leus (M) and medial to the tympanic membrane (TM). The mem- aeration and drainage pathway to Prussak’s space. TM = Tympanic
brane contains no ligamental fibers which sometimes extend to it membrane; A = anterior malleal ligamental fold; C = chorda tympani
from the tensor tendon. nerve. A horizontal arrow points to the supratubal recess.

brane. In the lateral posterior dissection the posterior

pouch gets turned away together with the tympanic mem-
brane and cannot be observed in its natural position.

Serial Sections
Floor of the Lateral Malleal Space (Roof of Prussak’s
Space). In a section across the superior portion of the lat-
eral malleal space well above its floor, the anterior wall
consisting of the upper portion of the anterior malleal liga-
mental fold is relatively thin but thicker than the upper
portion of the posterior wall which consists only of
the downward turning thin lateral incudomalleal fold
(fig. 15a). Sections further down show stronger bundles of
the anterior malleal ligamental fold while the posterior
Fig. 14. Series A, adult case 7, left ear. Lateral anterior approach. The
wall remains thin or may, as in the ear shown, end before
tympanic membrane (TM) has been detached from the anterior sul-
reaching the posterior malleal ligamental fold (fig. 15b). cus and turned posteriorly together with Shrapnell’s membrane.
Thus in this case the lower lateral attic and the lateral mal- Prussak’s space (horizontal arrow) appears superior to the short pro-
leal space became united. Further sections showed the cess of the malleus (M) and extends superiorly past the rim of the
weaker bundles of the lateral malleal ligament, adjacent to lateral attic bone (B). This lateral anterior approach provides a view
of the low portion of the tensor fold (curved arrow).
the strong anterior malleal ligament, to spread from the
malleus neck to the opposite lateral attic wall, thus form-
ing the resistant anterior half of the floor. When the dome
of Prussak’s space made its appearance the lateral malleal parts of Prussak’s space are situated above the bony rim of
ligamental bundles were still present anteriorly (fig. 15c). the attic bone where the membrane has its insertion. At
Shrapnell’s Membrane. We limit ourselves in this con- times it is large, covering a sizeable Prussak’s space under
nection only to the observation that Shrapnell’s mem- the bony rim. Both these situations were well illustrated
brane (fig. 15d) is also subject to a considerable variation also by Politzer [10] in 1908 (fig. 3, 4). Even normally the
in size and in structure. It may be very small when most covering epidermis may show distinct changes, the papil-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 15

Fig. 15. Adult patient, otosclerosis, right ear. Sections across the later- roof of Prussak’s space. Posteriorly the section goes across the dome
al malleal space (L) and Prussak’s space (P). a Upper portion of the of Prussak’s space. A vertical arrow points to the upper portion of
lateral malleal space is limited by the anterior malleal ligamental fold Shrapnell’s membrane, its epidermal layer is artifactually absent.
(oblique arrow), the downgoing portion of the lateral incudomalleal d The low portion of Prussak’s space is continuous with the wide
fold (horizontal arrow), the malleus (M), and the lateral attic bone open posterior pouch (PP). The posterior malleal ligament (vertical
(B). b The middle portion shows a membrane defect (horizontal arrow) goes from the neck of the malleus to the posterior tympanic
arrows) which connects the lateral malleal space with the lower later- spine (PS). A horizontal arrow points to the anterior membrane of
al attic (LL). The first bundles of the lateral malleal ligament (oblique Prussak’s space. TM = Tympanic membrane; I = incus; T = tensor
arrow) appear. c The strong lateral malleal ligament from malleus to tendon; C = chorda tympani nerve. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magni-
the anterior tympanic spine (AS) forms the anterior portion of the fication !28 (a–c), !12 (d).

lae at times being short and inactive, sometimes long and tendon. Being a duplicate fold it is thin, consisting of a
active, looking capable of deeper invasion towards the tiny connective tissue core with the surface constituted by
basal cell layer. a one-cell layer epithelium on both sides. Sometimes it
Anterior Membrane of Prussak’s Space. This frontal extends past the neck of the malleus to the tensor tendon
wall, limiting Prussak’s space anteriorly, arises as a dupli- (fig. 15d, 16) and in such cases a few collagen fibers from
cate fold when the anterior air sac, advancing posteriorly, the tensor tendon may extend even up to the tympanic
meets the expanding projection of either the medial or membrane. It should be stressed once more that this ante-
superior air sac, advancing anteriorly and forming Prus- rior membrane is a separate structure of its own and in no
sak’s space. The membrane fastens laterally to the tym- way part of the lateral malleal ligamental fold as indicated
panic membrane and medially regularly to the anterior in Proctor’s sketches [13, 14].
portions of the malleus neck, or anterior to it, to the tensor

16 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

(fig. 17b). This roundish space widens after a few sections
to its full size occupying the entire area from the malleus
to the posterior tympanic spine (fig. 17c). The height of
the pouch varied [29] from 0.5 to 2.4 mm and the greatest
width anteroposteriorly, towards the posterior tympanic
spine, from 1.6 to 3.2 mm. The tympanic membrane
inserted in most instances into the lateral edge of the
spine, or into the bony annulus, continuing directly as the
skin of the ear canal (fig. 17c). The pouch in the case
shown ended in the mesotympanum a few sections later
(fig. 17d). In some cases the pouch extended even 1.5 mm
past the annular rim, the tympanic membrane joining
there the skin of the ear canal (in fig. 23d). The chorda
tympani nerve was generally separate of the pouch in the
Fig. 16. The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space shown at a lower
anterior half but posteriorly joined it frequently (fig. 17d)
level of magnification in figure 15d. Laterally the membrane is thin
with a flat one-cell layer epithelium, medially a collagen bundle (ar- and entered its bony canal adjacent to the insertion of the
row) from the tensor tendon fortifies the membrane. P = Prussak’s fold. In some cases the chorda with its fold was separate
space, A = anterior pouch, TM = tympanic membrane, M = malleus. from the fold during its entire course across the tympa-
Hematoxylin eosin stain. Magnification !80. num [29].
Fig. 18 shows a composite picture of the direct aeration
pathway from Prussak’s space to the lower lateral attic
and mesotympanum, found in 32% of the specimens [29].
Aeration Pathways to Prussak’s Space. Examination of This route is short, Prussak’s space has just moved poste-
the histological slides depicting Prussak’s space and its rior to the malleus (fig. 18a) when in the next sections it
adjacent tissues section by section is the only way of defin- opens to the large lower lateral attic and mesotympanic
ing the aeration and drainage pathways satisfactorily. Ini- space adjacent to the handle of the malleus (fig. 18b). The
tially we [16] thought that the posterior pouch is the high- blind posterior pouch started more inferiorly (fig. 18c),
ly dominant pathway, as initially noted by Prussak [3] and accompanied by the chorda tympani nerve. The short
by Politzer [9], but later found out [31, 32] that aeration pouch opened a few sections later to the mesotympanum
and drainage pathways could also go directly to the lower (fig. 18d).
lateral attic and mesotympanum. Therefore, we recently In a few ears we have seen a combination of the above
analyzed 55 temporal bones to obtain an idea of the described two main arrangements [29]. There was a defect
importance and frequency of different pathways in the in the membranous section of the posterior pouch, leading
aeration and drainage of Prussak’s space [29]. to the lower lateral attic and mesotympanum, even if the
It appeared that the posterior pouch as a definite struc- regular posterior pouch also continued as far as the meso-
ture was present in all examined ears. However, it func- tympanum. This defect measured 0.6 mm and clearly
tioned as the aeration and drainage pathway to Prussak’s functioned as part of the drainage route.
space only in 62% of the ears and in 38% of the ears it The most infrequent type of aeration pathway from
formed a superiorly blind space. In the latter group it thus Prussak’s space leads to the anterior pouch. In the serial
did not communicate with Prussak’s space. Before ending sections we have once also observed a communication
superiorly it became a slit which further inferiorly opened through the roof of Prussak’s space to the lateral malleal
up to form a shorter or longer pouch between the tym- space. Examples of these are presented in figures 25 and
panic membrane and the posterior malleal ligamental 26 in the section of pathological changes in the aeration
fold. In both groups it showed a considerable variation as pathways of Prussak’s space.
to its height and width and to its relation to the chorda Our finding of the occurrence of the superiorly blind
tympani nerve. posterior pouches might be the reason why von Tröltsch
Figure 17 shows a composite picture of the regular type [2] never discovered the superior pouch. There is no men-
of Prussak’s space aeration via the posterior pouch. Prus- tion of the number of cases he had studied, but they prob-
sak’s space (fig. 17a) moves first posterior to the malleus, ably were not very many as he referred to his initial 1856
becoming the superior portion of the posterior pouch congress report as the only data of the pouch in the text-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 17

Fig. 17. Series P, a child aged 4 years, left ear. Sections across Prus- brane. c The pouch is fully open between the malleus and the spine.
sak’s space (P) and posterior pouch (PP). a Prussak’s space at the The ligament (vertical arrow) is thin. Chorda tympani nerve (oblique
level of the superior portion of Shrapnell’s membrane (SM). The pos- arrow) is posterior to the malleus separate from the pouch. d The
terior malleal ligament (oblique arrow) connects malleus (M) to the pouch is open to mesotympanum, the chorda has joined the medial
posterior spine (S). The anterior pouch (AP) contains secretion surface of the pouch. Pars tensa fastens to the annular bone, slightly
devoid of cells. b The posterior pouch (oblique arrow) appears past the spine. I = Long process of the incus. The height of the aera-
behind the malleus, the chorda tympani nerve (C) is medial to it. The tion pathway was 1.4 mm. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification
thick ligament (vertical arrow) is united with the tympanic mem- !20.

book from 1881. It might be that all of them happened to tween the ‘lateral incudal and lateral malleolar folds’
be those in which the pouch ended blindly and von advocated by Proctor [13, 14] has not been documented
Tröltsch thus had no chance of finding the connection. and is not realistic.
The documents shown of the normal aeration and
drainage pathways of Prussak’s space by both microdis-
section and by serial sections leave no place for specula- Pathology of Prussak’s Space and the Lateral Malleal
tion. The two pathways, one via the posterior pouch and Space
another directly to the lower lateral attic and mesotym-
panum, are the norm and slight deviations along these Inflammation of the middle ear, be it caused by
routes may occur. The routes to the anterior pouch, or viruses, bacteria or foreign body-type noninfectious
through the lateral malleal ligamental fold are rare, facts agents, spreads to all spaces interconnected by the aera-
already noted by the early investigators [4, 5, 10]. The tion pathways. There is no anatomic obstacle between the
misconception that Prussak’s space is aerated from be- upper mesotympanum, the lower lateral attic and the orif-

18 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 18. Case A89-295, Temporal Bone Foundation, a child 15 connected to the tympanic membrane. The height of the aeration
months of age, left ear. Aeration pathway to Prussak’s space from the pathway is only 0.4 mm. c A section 0.8 mm inferior to b. A slit-like
mesotympanum directly via the lower lateral attic. a Section 211. posterior pouch appears in the tympanic membrane, measures 1.6 !
The pathway from a 0.8-mm-high Prussak’s space has moved poste- 0.1 mm, the pouch wall contains a ligament bundle (oblique arrow),
rior to the malleus (M) where it measures 0.8 ! 1.1 mm and is inferi- the chorda is connected to it with a short pedicle. d A section 0.1 mm
orly open to the lower lateral attic (L) and mesotympanum. The chor- inferior to c. Anterior portion of the pouch is open (vertical arrow) to
da (C) is connected to the posterior malleal ligamental fold (oblique the mesotympanum, the chorda remains posteriorly connected to it.
arrow) . b A section 0.3 mm inferior to a. The pathway is also medial- The pouch height was only 0.5 mm. I = Long process of incus; T =
ly open to the mesotympanum (vertical arrow), the chorda remains tensor tendon. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !10.

ice of the posterior pouch, and thus the route is open via data of the frequency of these changes which occasionally
these regular aeration pathways to Prussak’s space. Simi- are noted either as indrawing or bulging of the membrane.
larly, if Prussak’s space is aerated from the anterior Perforation of Shrapnell’s membrane due to severe infec-
pouch, the route for the spread of infection is both short tion in Prussak’s space is very rare as a result of the escape
and wide. If there is an open communication between route for pus via the posterior pouch or even easier via the
Prussak’s space and the lateral malleal space, inflammato- lower lateral attic. Even if these routes were blocked, the
ry agents can spread in either direction. In acute otitis thin limiting anterior membrane, or the weak point in the
media the congested mucosa may temporarily occlude lateral malleal ligamental fold, would be much more likely
these communications, leading to absorption of air from to break than the relatively thick Shrapnell’s membrane,
Prussak’s space. conducting pus from Prussak’s space into either the ante-
In acute infection, changes in the pars tensa are so rior pouch or the lateral malleal space.
marked that they often mask those occurring in the small
Shrapnell’s membrane. There are no generally applicable

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 19

Fig. 19. Series P, case 2, a child aged 2 years, left ear, superior lateral Fig. 20. Series G, adult case 17, right ear, superior view. The entire
view. The mucosa of the lateral malleal space (L) is edematous and epitympanum contained blood-stained secretion which is still
red, similarly to the downgoing portion of the lateral incudomalleal present in the tympanic isthmus (horizontal arrows) on both sides of
fold (vertical arrow). There is granulation tissue on the anterior mal- the stapes (S). The large thin floor of the lateral malleal space (oblique
leal ligamental fold (A). The tympanic isthmus (horizontal arrow) arrow) is retracted, and secretion around the neck of the malleus is
contains secretion and inflammatory strands. T = Tensor tendon; dimly seen through the membrane. The lateral incudomalleal fold
M = malleus; I = incus; B = lateral attic bone. (curved arrow) is thin and intact. M = Malleus; I = incus; A = anterior
tympanic spine; T = tensor tendon.

Fig. 21. Series G, adult case 12, right ear, superior view after removal Fig. 22. Series G, adult case 16, left ear, superior view after removal
of the incus. The roof of Prussak’s space lateral to the head of the of the incus. Prussak’s space (horizontal arrow) is filled with secre-
malleus (M) has been opened, revealing slimy secretion with a few tion and granulation tissue. The posterior malleal ligament bundles
strands of granulation tissue (horizontal arrow). The sucker touches (asterisks) show a fanwise spread, starting from the malleus (M) and
the anterosuperior edge of the posterior malleal ligamental fold inserting into the annular bone (B) and the posterior tympanic spine.
which shows both ligament bundles and thin membranous areas The membrane between the bundles is thin, the chorda tympani
(oblique arrow) and is united with the chorda tympani nerve (C). A nerve (C) runs in the inferomedial edge of the ligamental fold. A large
small portion of the anterior membrane of Prussak’s space (curved inflammatory web partly obstructing the tympanic isthmus extends
arrow) appears in front of the neck of the malleus. S = Stapes. to various directions from the head of the stapes (S). A = Anterior
malleal ligamental fold; T = tensor tendon.

Microdissection overpressure can change the position of the three strong

In superior microdissection the lateral malleal space position-fixed malleal ligamental folds forming its bor-
frequently shows secretion on its floor, with a resulting ders. What can be observed frequently is a marked retrac-
inflammation of the covering mucosa (fig. 19). Changes in tion of the lateral incudomalleal fold drawing its inferiorly
its basic structure do not appear as neither under- nor directed anterior portion even below the level of the floor

20 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 23. Case A91-01, Temporal Bone Foundation, a child aged 23 past it. c A section 1 mm inferior to b. The pouch measures 2.8 ! 0.7
months, left ear. Aeration pathway to Prussak’s space (P) via a large mm and extends for 1.3 mm on the annular bone (B). A ligament
posterior pouch (PP). a Section 262. Prussak’s space, 0.9 mm high, bundle (vertical arrow) is seen in the posterior portion of the fold, the
measures 1.1 ! 0.9 mm, the anterior membrane separates it from the chorda is united with it. d A section 1 mm inferior to c. The pouch is
secretion-filled anterior pouch (AP). A thin membrane (oblique open to the mesotympanum (oblique arrow), a space remains be-
arrow) limits the changeover to the upper portion of the posterior tween the tympanic membrane and the annular bone. The chorda
pouch. The 1.8-mm-long posterior malleal ligamental fold starts enters its bony canal. The height of the pouch was 2.4 mm. This regu-
from the malleus neck (M) towards the posterior tympanic spine. The lar aeration pathway was filled throughout with secretion and a few
chorda (C) is medial to the malleus. b A section 0.9 mm inferior to a. clusters of round cells. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification
The posterior pouch measures 2.2 ! 1.3 mm, its medial wall is with- !20.
out ligamental fibers (oblique arrow) and inserts to the spine (S) and

of the lateral malleal space. If the floor contains a larger sak’s space has occurred, Shrapnell’s membrane being
weak area, this thin portion is in such cases retracted united with the neck of the malleus, this can be ascer-
towards the neck of the malleus into Prussak’s space tained by microdissection, but the information is meagre
(fig. 20). When the entire epitympanum shows granula- as compared to serial sections.
tion tissue the lateral malleal space shows similar involve-
ment. Serial Sections
In chronic infections, as soon as the roof of Prussak’s In our entire temporal bone material with chronic
space is opened, a mucoid fluid is frequently seen (fig. 21). inflammatory pathology there has been one constant find-
In the secretion there may be strands of granulation tissue ing both in adults and children, that is the accumulation
crossing and partially filling the space (fig. 22). These of inflammation products in the lower lateral attic. The
changes are observed similarly in the lateral approach via latter together with the superior and posterior mesotym-
the posterior tympanotomy. If a full obliteration of Prus- panum attracts both amniotic fluid cellular content

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 21

Fig. 24. Case A89-120, Temporal Bone Foundation, an infant 5 malleus (M) to Prussak’s space. c Section 1.4 mm inferior to b. The
months of age, right ear. Aeration pathway from the lower lateral large, superiorly blind posterior pouch (PP) contains secretion and
attic (L). a Prussak’s space (P) contains secretion and an end portion fills the entire area between malleus and the posterior tympanic spine
of an epithelialized polyp (oblique arrow). The inflamed anterior (S), ligamental bundles (vertical arrow) appear. The chorda (C) is sep-
membrane (horizontal arrow) separates Prussak’s space from the arate from the medial pouch wall. d Section 0.4 mm inferior to c. The
anterior pouch (AP) which contains a nonepithelialized polyp (verti- posterior pouch opens (oblique arrow) to the mesotympanum, large
cal arrow). b Section 0.4 mm inferior to a. Prussak’s space opens with epithelialized granulation tissue surrounds the chorda, separate from
a large pathway to the lower lateral attic, the central portion of the the pouch until the end. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification
epithelialized granulation tissue (horizontal arrow) extends along the !20.

(AFCC) in the neonates [31] as well as sticky mucus with way via the posterior pouch can be seen in figure 23. Prus-
inflammatory cells in older children and adults [8, 31– sak’s space contains much secretion with round cells
33]. The early authors, including Prussak [3] and Politzer (fig. 23a) which continue to be present when the space has
[9] already noted that Prussak’s space may be filled with moved behind the malleus (fig. 23b). More inferiorly, the
the same thick mucus that was seen in the lower lateral pouch has become longer and narrower, contains secre-
attic and in the posterior pouch. A permanent block of tion, and the chorda tympani nerve has joined the medial
aeration to Prussak’s space results in a retraction of pouch wall (fig. 23c). Finally, when the pouch opened to
Shrapnell’s membrane and organization of the secretion the mesotympanum, it continued for 1.5 mm on the later-
starts, fibrocytes and capillaries entering the secretion via al side of the annular bone (fig. 23d).
portals developing in the areas of epithelial breaks. Even if the short and generally wide aeration pathway
We start this section by showing a documentation of from the lower lateral attic seems likely to provide a gen-
the different modes of aeration and drainage pathways in erous pathway for drainage of secretions (fig. 18), exten-
the presence of inflammation. The regular aeration path- sive inflammatory processes in the lower lateral attic may

22 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 25. Case A80-126, Temporal Bone Foundation, an infant 5 attic (L) towards Prussak’s space. c Section 0.8 mm inferior to b. The
months of age, left ear. Aeration pathway from the anterior pouch blind pathway in b opens (vertical arrow) via the lower lateral attic to
(AP). a Section level 121. The 1-mm-high Prussak’s space (P) mea- the mesotympanum. The superior portion of the posterior pouch
sures 1.5 ! 0.9 mm, is anteriorly limited by the anterior and lateral (oblique arrow) appears as a slit in the tympanic membrane. d A
malleal ligaments (A) around the long process of the malleus (M). b A section 0.6 mm inferior to c. The short posterior pouch is open to the
section 0.4 mm inferior to a. Prussak’s space is aerated from the ante- mesotympanum (vertical arrow). T = Tensor tendon, C = chorda
rior pouch, secretion drains into it through a large pathway. A verti- tympani nerve. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !20.
cal arrow points to a superiorly blind extension of the lower lateral

also spread to Prussak’s space. In this type of a process (fig. 25b). A blind extension from the lower lateral attic
Prussak’s space can be invaded by granulation tissue aris- towards Prussak’s space testified of a disturbed attempt
ing from the lower lateral attic and advancing to Prussak’s towards the development of a normal aeration pathway
space (fig. 24a, b). The more inferiorly situating blind pos- (fig. 25b, c). Here a small posterior pouch had also devel-
terior pouch was relatively free of pathology even if there oped and the ligamental fibers spread to the posterior tym-
was much inflammatory tissue around the chorda tym- panic spine both along the pouch wall and partly in the
pani nerve and its fold (fig. 24c, d). medial surface of the tympanic membrane. This made the
In serial sections we have seen the aeration pathway to tympanic membrane much thicker than the regular tym-
the anterior pouch in both ears of one case. There was a panic membranes, until the pouch opened (fig. 25d).
normal Prussak’s space which contained a small amount of The superior pathway through the roof of Prussak’s
secretion with round cells (fig. 25a). The communication space is shown in figure 26 and we have observed it only
with a large pathway opened early to the anterior pouch once in serial sections. It appeared to be an auxiliary aera-
when Prussak’s space still was present lateral to the malleus tion route as the regular aeration pathway went normally

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 23

Fig. 26. Case A91-01, Temporal Bone Foundation, a child aged 23 (oblique arrow), a weak bundle (horizontal arrow) outlines its poste-
months, left ear, section 223. An auxiliary aeration pathway from the rior margin. Secretion with clusters of round cells is seen in both the
lateral malleal space to Prussak’s space. A membrane defect (P) con- defect area and in the lower lateral attic (L). M = Malleus; I = incus;
nects the two spaces and measures 0.8 ! 1 mm. Sections both superi- A = anterior malleal ligament; C = chorda tympani nerve; S = anteri-
or and inferior to this level showed increasing dimensions. A strong or tympanic spine; B = lateral attic bone. Hematoxylin-eosin stain.
bundle of the lateral malleal ligament appears anterior to the defect Magnification !40.

Fig. 27. Series P, case 9, a child aged 18 months, right ear. Prussak’s
space (P) contains only a short stretch of flat epithelium laterally;
there is connective tissue ingrowth from all directions. A vertical
arrow points to one of the several organizing tissue strands with capil-
laries. The cells in Prussak’s space are mostly fibrocytes with some
round cells. A tissue strand (oblique arrow) has separated a small
air-filled corner off the main space. Shrapnell’s membrane (S) is sepa-
rated from Prussak’s space by a thick connective tissue layer infil-
trated by round cells. A change of this kind leads to obliteration of
Prussak’s space. AP = Anterior pouch; LL = lower lateral attic. M =
malleus. Hematoxylin eosin stain. Magnification !54.

24 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 28. Case A92-168, right ear, Temporal Bone Foundation. The inferior portion of the posterior pouch (PP),
measuring 2.8 ! 0.9 mm, is open to the mesotympanum (oblique arrow) which is filled with secretion and granula-
tion tissue. The posterior malleal ligamental fold near the malleus (M) has an epithelial defect in its contact point with
the secretion mass (vertical arrow), indicating a beginning organization. A horizontal arrow points to a cross section
of a granulation tissue polyp. The chorda (C) is separate from the posterior pouch membrane. I = Long process of the
incus. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !35.

from Prussak’s space via the posterior pouch to the meso- severe retraction of Shrapnell’s membrane (fig. 30). Res-
tympanum. One might speculate that because the sections toration of an air filled Prussak’s space is no longer possi-
are 0.2 mm apart, the intervening sections could in many ble [33].
other cases easily have shown a similar defect. However, This retraction can result in two other different end
experience in microdissection, during which a membrane stages. One is the invagination of Shrapnell’s membrane
defect can always be seen, testifies that the frequency of forming so deep a retraction that the horizontal migration
such an occurrence is low. may soon be incapable of removing the keratin layer out
The filling of Prussak’s space with cell-rich secretion of the pocket (fig. 31). This is a nonreversible stage and
leads to the initial organization from portals which devel- will lead to the development of a retraction pocket choles-
op through epithelial breaks in the mucous membrane. teatoma. Another possibility is the filling of Prussak’s
Organization may occur in Prussak’s space itself (fig. 27) space with abundant granulation tissue which finally,
or anywhere along the aeration pathways (fig. 28). If the after maturing, fills the entire space allowing even consid-
pathway is sufficiently large an infection need not block erable retraction but no pocket formation, the keratin
the routes fully even if some organization of secretion transport being unimpaired (fig. 32). Such ears, even if
appears through the entire pathway (fig. 29a–d). Some of Shrapnell’s membrane is retracted and nonmobile, are
these processes, when intense, totally block the posterior stable and the papillae do not advance to the dense con-
pouch, causing absorption of air from Prussak’s space and nective tissue.
leading to obliteration of Prussak’s space, without or with

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 25

Fig. 29. A patient with a long-standing chronic otitis media. Sections arrow) is thick, the anterior membrane of Prussak’s space thin (hori-
through Prussak’s space (P) and a large posterior pouch (PP). a Middle zontal arrow). Secretion with round cells of varying sizes fills the lower
portion of Prussak’s space. A network of capillaries (oblique arrow) lateral attic (LL). c The posterior pouch has moved posterior to the
has developed from organization portals in the epithelium. The anteri- malleus. Capillaries deriving from an organization portal (oblique
or membrane (horizontal arrow) is thin, the anterior pouch (AP) con- arrow) are seen in the secretion. The epidermal papillae, similarly as
tains scant secretion. Shrapnell’s membrane (S) is thick and shows in b, show active prolongation (vertical arrows) but remain lateral to
large capillaries. The posterior malleal ligamental fold connects the the inner mucosal lining. d The posterior pouch has opened (vertical
malleus (M) to the annular bone (B). b Low portion of Prussak’s space arrow) to the mesotympanum which contains granulation tissue and
with the beginning of a large posterior pouch. The space contains a few secretion. Portals for organization are present (oblique arrows).
capillaries and secretion. The posterior malleal ligament (oblique Masson’s trichrome stain. Magnification !25.

Cholesteatoma in Prussak’s Space advantage is that it can be diagnosed and treated already
in the early stages.
As appears above, cholesteatoma in Prussak’s space The second form is the development of cholesteatoma
develops in two basically different forms. Retraction from Shrapnell’s membrane by papillary ingrowth, the
pocket cholesteatoma presupposes absorption of air from start of which was already demonstrated by Wittmaack
Prussak’s space due to blocked aeration pathways, the [6, 7]. This form, in addition to a destruction of the lining
posterior pouch and the lower lateral attic. This is fol- epithelium of Prussak’s space, also presupposes a break in
lowed by retraction of the posterior portion of the pars the basement membrane of Shrapnell’s membrane. If the
tensa and of Shrapnell’s membrane, and by gradual reten- inflammation continues the papillae become longer and
tion of keratin and bone resorption at the posterior retrac- thicker (fig. 29). An ingrowing papilla passes through an
tion edge. The disease progresses relentlessly but the area of mucosal damage and gradually its advancing tip

26 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 30. A patient with a long-standing secretory otitis media treated Fig. 31. Series P, case 6, a child aged 6 years, left ear. The retracted
for 7 years with a tympanostomy tube, left ear. Section across the portion of the posterior pars tensa (vertical arrow) is adherent to the
neck of the malleus (M) shows a tiny remnant of Prussak’s space (ver- posterior malleal ligament (L). Shrapnell’s membrane is retracted
tical arrow), filled with cholesterol crystals. The epidermis of Shrap- and forms a deep pocket (oblique arrow) attached to the neck of the
nell’s membrane (oblique arrow) is very thin, without papillae and malleus (M). The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space (horizontal
adherent to the malleus. There is hemorrhage between the artifac- arrow) still has its normal position and thickness. It is attached to the
tually separated tympanic membrane (TM) and the posterior malleal indrawn anterior portion of Shrapnell’s membrane, its covering epi-
ligament (L). C = Chorda tympani nerve; T = tensor tendon. Mas- dermis (curved arrow) is displaced laterally at sectioning. The anteri-
son’s trichrome stain. Magnification !25. or pouch (AP) contains cell-rich secretion. C = Chorda tympani nerve
with its fold; S = posterior tympanic spine. A change of this kind is a
forerunner of a retraction pocket cholesteatoma. Hematoxylin-eosin
stain. Magnification !12.

forms a keratin-containing small cyst which, not having

any outlet, becomes larger and finally forms the typical
ball-type cholesteatoma in Prussak’s space. The direction
of growth of this type of cholesteatoma varies, the easiest
route being via the open aeration pathway into the poste-
rior pouch and to the posterior tympanum. If the aeration
comes via the direct route from the lower lateral attic, the
cholesteatoma sac arrives centrally, adjacent to the short
process of the malleus, to the mesotympanum. If the aera-
tion pathway leads to the anterior pouch, the spread
occurs straight to the supratubal recess. A fourth route for
extension is through a defect, or the frequently present
weak area in the roof to the lateral malleal space and once
there, the way is open in all directions. These routes are
discussed in detail in Part 3. Fig. 32. Series P, case 5, a child aged 11 years, left ear. The remaining
open area of Prussak’s space (vertical arrow) measures 0.1 ! 0.2 mm
and contains secretion. The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space
(horizontal arrow) and Shrapnell’s membrane cover a thick, flat mass
Large Epitympanic Compartments of obliterating connective tissue. The squamous epithelium shows no
papillae. The lower lateral attic (LL) contains cellular secretion. The
Leaving aside Prussak’s space, the epitympanum can posterior malleal ligamental fold (L), starting from the malleus (M), is
thick and adherent to tympanic membrane (oblique arrow). C =
be conveniently divided into two major portions, the large
Chorda tympani nerve with fold; T = tensor tendon. A condition of
posterior and the smaller anterior epitympanum. The bor- this kind, similarly to that seen in figure 30, is likely to remain stable,
derline between the two is formed by the head of the mal- with no development of cholesteatoma. Hematoxylin-eosin stain.
leus which blocks much of the direct communication but Magnification !25.

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 27

Fig. 33. Series G, adult case 3, right ear, superior view. The lateral Fig. 34. Same ear as in figure 33, anterosuperior view. The downgo-
incudomalleal fold continues directly from the lateral portion of the ing portion (horizontal arrow) of the lateral incudomalleal fold forms
posterior incudal ligament (oblique arrow). It closes the space the superior portion of the posterior limit of the lateral malleal space
between the incus (I) and the bony lateral attic wall (B), and regularly (oblique arrow), the anterior malleal ligamental fold (A) forms its
turns downwards anteriorly (horizontal arrow). The large open tym- massive anterior border. The tympanic isthmus extends anteriorly
panic isthmus appears on both sides of the long process of the incus up to the tensor tendon (T), its superoposterior border is formed by
between the tensor tendon (T) and the medial portion of the posterior the medial edge of the posterior incudal ligament (curved arrow), the
incudal ligament (curved arrow). M = Malleus; TF = tensor fold. posteroinferior limit by the pyramidal process. The tensor fold shows
a membrane defect (vertical arrow). M = Malleus; I = incus.

allows aeration and drainage to occur predominantly on air space without any limiting borders. Above the superi-
its medial side and superiorly. The connection between or surface of the ossicles the upper lateral attic, together
the spaces formed by the upper lateral attic and the lateral with the medial attic, forms the superior attic, which nor-
malleal space to the anterior epitympanum is narrow and mally extends from the lateral to the medial attic bony
may be fully closed by the suspensory malleal ligament wall, separated only by the superior malleal ligament and
and the anterior malleal ligament with their folds. The by its generally short anteriorly trailing, mostly absent
medial portion of the posterior attic has normally a large fold [18] . The superior attic changes into the medial attic
communication with the anterior attic from the tensor without any borders at the level of the ossicles, and com-
tendon to the attic roof. municates with the mesotympanum via the large tym-
panic isthmus.

Posterior Epitympanum Normal Anatomy by Microdissection

Superior microdissection is by far the best method for
A substantial proportion of the volume of the posterior getting an idea of the normal subcompartments within the
epitympanum is taken up by the body and the short pro- posterior epitympanum because it gives at one glance a
cess of the incus together with the head of the malleus. In 3-dimensional view of all spaces and structures. The in-
adults the distance from the anterior portion of the head depth perception is especially important in the evaluation
of the malleus to the tip of the incus is around 8 mm. The of the tympanic isthmus, through which in normal cases
malleus head is superiorly close to the attic roof but from one can see deep down to the medial portion of the meso-
the tip of the incus the distance is larger, around 6 mm. tympanum without any obstruction. Structures and sub-
The lateral portion of the posterior epitympanum is nar- compartments which are usually present are discussed
rower and the thin incudomalleal fold divides it into two individually below.
separate compartments which overlie each other. The Lateral Incudomalleal Fold. This thin fold starts poste-
lower lateral attic, between the short process and the body riorly from the lateral portion of the posterior incudal
of the incus, and the lateral attic wall are thus below the ligamental fold and continues directly anteriorly between
epitympanic diaphragm and go over to the mesotympanic the incus short process and the lateral attic wall up to the

28 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 35. Series G, adult case 11, left ear, superior view. An oblique Fig. 36. Series G, adult case 55, right ear, superoposterior view. The
strong bundle appears in the middle portion of the lateral incudomal- thin lateral incudomalleal fold (horizontal arrow) runs anteriorly in a
leal fold (horizontal arrow) allowing for slightly different sloping of steadily descending slope along the inferior border of the incus (I)
the anterior and posterior halves of the fold. Another ligamental bun- short process and body towards the lateral malleal space (oblique
dle starting from the malleus (oblique arrow) appears at the down- arrow). The head of the malleus (M) is close to the attic roof and the
ward turn of the fold towards the lateral malleal space (L). The tym- superior malleal ligament is short (vertical arrow). T = Tensor ten-
panic isthmus (TI) is fully open. M = Malleus; I = incus; A = anterior don; TF = tensor fold.
malleal ligamental fold.

posterior edge of the malleus head (fig. 33). Here it regu-

larly turns downwards to become united with the posteri-
or malleal ligamental fold, forming with it the posterior
border of the lateral malleal space (fig. 34), closing com-
pletely the lower lateral attic. At times 1 or 2 stronger
transverse bundles cross the fold allowing a slight change
in its horizontal orientation (fig. 35). In some ears it
courses inferiorly along the low border of the incus direct-
ly to the posterior malleal ligamental fold (fig. 36). Rarely
the space can in fact be quite narrow, with the attic wall
being close to the lateral surface of the incus.
The incudomalleal fold rarely continues directly ante-
riorly, without turning down, along the malleus head and
forms a thin roof for the lateral malleal space (fig. 37). It
Fig. 37. Series A, adult case 14, left ear, superior view. The lateral
still remains the same thin duplicate fold and should not
incudomalleal fold (horizontal arrow) is thin and there is a curved
be confused with the lateral malleal ligamental fold that tissue strand (oblique arrow) in its anterior portion. Anterior to it a
more inferiorly forms the floor of the lateral malleal space. thin lateral malleal fold (curved arrow) covers the lateral malleal
The aeration of the lateral malleal space in such cases space. M = Malleus; I = incus; A = anterior malleal ligament.
comes from the lower lateral attic. At times there may be a
short open space towards the lateral incudomalleal fold
and the lateral malleal fold continues as a separate nar-
rower or broader strip, crossing from the malleus head to ligamental fold and thus leave the lower lateral attic to
the lateral attic wall, forming a partial roof for the lateral communicate freely with both the upper lateral attic and
malleal space. the lateral malleal space (fig. 15, 38). In such cases a rare
The anterior portion of the fold is subject to large vari- view to the lower lateral attic under the lateral incudomal-
ations. The fold may end short of the posterior malleal leal fold may be obtained from the anterior direction [18].

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 29

Fig. 38. Series A, adult case 16, right ear, a medial view. The lateral Fig. 39. Series G, case 18, right ear, lateral view. A membrane defect
incudomalleal fold ends (horizontal arrow) near the incus (I) body, in the horizontal portion of lateral incudomalleal fold, starting from
the anterior portion is absent. The lower lateral attic (curved arrow) the posterior incudal ligament (horizontal arrow). The lateral malleal
communicates freely with the upper lateral attic. A small area of the space (vertical arrow) is normal between the head of the malleus (M)
lateral malleal space (oblique arrow) appears lateral to the malleus and the lateral attic bone (B). The posterior malleal ligamental fold
(M). TI = Tympanic isthmus. (between oblique arrows) shows again the fanwise spread of the liga-
mental bundles. I = Incus.

this auxiliary aeration pathway lateral to the incus assists

the normal pathway, the tympanic isthmus on the medial
side of the incus.
Posterior Incudal Ligamental Fold. The tip of the incus
short process is firmly fixed to the adjacent attic bone lat-
erally and medially by the posterior incudal ligament,
which spreads fanwise at an angle of 90° from the incus
tip portion. The ligament is much stronger laterally than
medially, and the lateral incudomalleal fold continues
immediately anteriorly from this portion of the ligament.
Initially, behind the tip of the incus short process we [8,
18] found a relatively large opening (fig. 40), connected
via the incudal fossa with the posterior tympanum, and
started to call this aeration route the posterior tympanic
Fig. 40. Series G, adult case 16, left ear, superior view. An auxiliary
isthmus. In addition, large neighboring air cells (fig. 41)
aeration pathway (vertical arrow) via the incudal fossa appears poste-
rior to the tip of the incus short process (I). Application of a suction turned out to have often a workable communication with
tip to this opening emptied rapidly the tympanic cavity filled with the mesotympanic air spaces since the application of a
water. An oblique arrow points to the tympanic isthmus, a curved suction tip to the air cells rapidly emptied the middle ear
arrow to the lateral incudomalleal fold. filled with fluid. In the entire series it has become appar-
ent, however, that these routes are open in around 25% of
the cases and in the majority the isthmus is closed by the
posterior incudal membrane, continuing directly from the
Infrequently the fold turns superiorly ending up in the posterior incudal ligamental fold (fig. 42). We have, there-
attic roof, closing then the anterior portion of the upper fore, dropped the term posterior tympanic isthmus and
lateral attic, the lower lateral attic retaining a large com- prefer to call it an auxiliary aeration route via the incudal
munication to the lateral malleal space. fossa.
Membrane defects appear in the lateral incudomalleal The entrance to the open incudal fossa below the incus
fold in around 15% (fig. 38, 39); therefore, in such cases tip portion can be seen looking towards it from the ante-

30 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 41. Series S, adult case 10, left ear, superior view. An auxiliary Fig. 42. Series G, adult case 18, right ear, superior view. A large open-
aeration pathway via open air cells (vertical arrow) posterior to the ing posterior to the tip of the incus short process (I) is covered by a
tip of the incus short process connects the antrum through the incu- posterior incudal fold (horizontal arrow), which blocks the auxiliary
dal fossa to the mesotympanum. Suctioning rapidly evacuated water aeration route. This finding is more frequent than the two states
from the tympanum. shown in figures 40 and 41. A vertical arrow points to the posterior
portion of the tympanic isthmus, an oblique arrow to the lateral incu-
domalleal fold.

romedial direction [18] in microdissection but serial sec-

tions are more accurate in the description of pathological
changes in this area.
Superior Malleal Ligamental Fold. The head of the
malleus is fastened superiorly to the attic roof by a narrow
ligament. In the fetal process of the aeration of the epi-
tympanum, the anteriorly advancing medial air sac, when
passing this structure, leaves a trailing fold. It is generally
thin and short and only occasionally may extend forward
to the attic roof in front of the head of the malleus, and
mostly it is absent (fig. 43). The elaborate superior malleal
Fig. 43. Series G, adult case 52, left ear, superoposterior view. The
and incudal sagittal and frontal folds included in the superior malleal ligament (vertical arrow) connects the head of the
sketches of Proctor [13, 14], and reproduced by Wullstein malleus (M) to the attic roof. There is no trailing fold, a general find-
and Wullstein [11], are pure fantasy in normal ears. Only ing. The space between the malleus and attic bone is narrow and
inflammatory webs often cross the superior attic air space there is one narrow tissue strand across the space (horizontal arrow).
The oblique arrow points to the medial portion of the transverse
in a haphazard manner.
Tympanic Isthmus. This regular large aeration path-
way serving the entire epitympanum, except Prussak’s
space, extends from the tensor tendon anteriorly to the
pyramidal process inferoposteriorly, and to the medial
portion of the posterior incudal ligament superoposterior- anterior epitympanum. In adults, the breadth of the me-
ly (fig. 33–36). Medially it is limited by the attic bone and dial attic at the middle of the short process of the incus is
laterally by the body and short process of the incus and the around 1.3 mm, the narrowest width at the level of the
head of the malleus. The space limited by these structures body of the incus may be less than 1 mm. The anteroinfer-
is the medial attic, which inferior to the incus body ior portion of the tympanic isthmus between the tensor
becomes the mesotympanum. The anterior portion of the tendon and the inferior surface of the malleus head is larg-
tympanic isthmus, superior to the level of the tensor tym- er, around 3 mm (fig. 34). The distance from the tensor
pani tendon, is in large open communication with the tendon to the anterior edge of the posterior incudal liga-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 31

Fig. 44. A patient with a long-standing secretory otitis media, left ear, Fig. 45. Same ear as in figure 44. The lateral half of the horizontal
normal upper portion of the epitympanum. The medial attic (MA), portion of the thin lateral incudomalleal fold appears in this section,
part of the tympanic isthmus, communicates fully with the anterior the medial half was seen in the next. There is some irritation in the
attic (AA) and is inferiorly open to the mesotympanum. The lateral form of an increased size of capillaries in the posterior portion of the
malleal space (L) makes a compartment of its own, open superiorly. fold due to the overlying scant secretion (oblique arrow). B = Lateral
The lower lateral attic (LL) is in direct communication with the later- attic bone; PL = lateral portion of the posterior incudal ligament.
al mesotympanum. M = Malleus; I = incus; T = composite tissue Masson’s trichrome stain. Magnification !60.
insertion ring for the tensor fold. Masson’s trichrome stain. Magnifi-
cation !7.

ment is around 6 mm. In the middle of it, but 1–2 mm have unquestionably been seen in serial sections. They
inferior to the level of the isthmus, is the incudostapedial usually start from the incus, do not always reach the oppo-
articulation (fig. 33, 34). Even if it serves as an area pro- site medial attic bone and it is likely that they atrophy
viding insertion points for inflammatory folds which may with the growing of the child, hence their general absence
seriously restrict the passage to the isthmus itself, the isth- in older children and adults. There are no grounds for
mus in normal ears is clearly one single unit without ascribing them a prominent role by normally obstructing
obstacles for aeration. the posterior portion of the tympanic isthmus as was done
In our entire series of microdissections of normal ears, in the undocumented sketches of Proctor [13, 14]. Nev-
the tympanic isthmus has been fully open and free of ertheless, as we will see later in connection with the
folds. This applies to neonates as well as to children and AFCC-induced sterile otitis media of the neonate, their
adults and conforms with Hammar’s [5] finding of the remnants may have a definite role in that they provide
atrophy of the composite fold affecting the medial attic fixation points for AFCC in the tympanic isthmus.
during the fetal stages. As will be remembered, this is the
fold deriving from passing of the air sacs over both sides Normal Anatomy by Serial Sections
of the incus long process and of its continuation posterior- In the absence of inflammatory changes, microdissec-
ly as the three stapedial folds. They may continue also tion can instantly provide an idea of the compartments
anteriorly for a limited distance, and we have earlier compared to serial sections (fig. 44), necessitating exami-
called them the incus intercrural fold or the medial mal- nation of a large number of slides. The lateral incudomal-
leal fold [18]. To make matters more simple, we have leal fold, being largely horizontal and thin, less than
recently [32] suggested that this structure be called the 0.2 mm in thickness, generally can be seen only partially
medial ossicular fold which would allow its presence as a in one single serial section in adults (fig. 45). In neonates
long fold or folds limited to short stretches along the and infants larger areas and thicker portions are seen
medial side of the entire ossicular chain. because the formation of the fold has not yet been final-
In some ears of neonates and infants in the material of ized, embryonal tissue remaining between the upper and
the Temporal Bone Foundation shorter or longer lower lateral attics. The anterior portion of the fold, on the
stretches of this vertically oriented medial ossicular fold other hand, because as a rule it becomes directed inferi-

32 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 46. Same ear as in figure 44, section 0.8 mm more inferior.
Medial attic (MA) still communicates fully with the anterior attic
(AA) which in turn is separated by the thin tensor fold (horizontal
arrow) from the supratubal recess (R). The incudal fossa is inferior to
the tip (I) of the incus short process (curved arrow). M = Malleus;
LL = lower lateral attic. At a level 0.4 mm inferior to this, only cross
sections of the long process of the incus remain and the epitympan-
um changes without borders into the mesotympanum. Masson’s
trichrome stain. Magnification !7.

Fig. 47. Series G, adult case 2, right ear. a A superior view of the dal fossa (open arrow). M = Malleus; I = incus. b Removal of the
epitympanum discloses a few postinflammatory tissue strands in the incus discloses a large thin postinflammatory web which contains
anterior portion of the tympanic isthmus (horizontal arrow), the pos- many thicker fibrotic strands and only small defects (oblique arrow)
terior portion (oblique arrow) appears free. The lateral incudomalleal allow for aeration. The medial wall of the posterior pouch, the poste-
fold is intact but indrawn and contains a few thicker areas (curved rior malleal ligamental fold (between horizontal arrows), is distinct.
arrow). The lateral malleal space (vertical arrow) is normal and a pos- The floor of the lateral malleal space is intact (curved arrow). T =
terior incudal fold closes the auxiliary aeration pathway via the incu- tensor tendon.

orly towards the posterior malleal ligamental fold Pathology as Seen in Microdissection
(fig. 15a) is well visible at thin cross sections. The majori- The mild forms of inflammatory pathology causing
ty of the sections further inferiorly show the air-filled large soft tissue sequelae appear in the form of mature tissue
compartments of the medial attic down to the tympanic strands and narrow or broader webs crossing the tym-
isthmus on one side, and either the upper or the lower panic isthmus (fig. 47a). In such cases microdissection
lateral attic on the other side of the incus (fig. 46). In the may make an instantaneous evaluation still possible, by
area of the incudal fossa the serial sections show the rela- allowing a look between the strands to the changes deep
tively spacious area underneath the incus tip, bordered by down in the mesotympanum. However, sometimes quite
the air cells, while the larger posterior incudal aeration unexpectedly the removal of the incus may reveal in the
pathway route appears behind the tip. inferior portion of the isthmus postinflammatory thin
webs which may greatly obstruct the air flow through it
(fig. 47b). One of the very frequent, almost routine find-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 33

Fig. 48. Series G, adult case 16, left ear, superior view. Many crossing Fig. 49. Series P, case 12, a child aged 6 years, left ear, superior view.
postinflammatory tissue strands appear across the tympanic isthmus, This patient had a tympanostomy tube in place with a clinically
anterior and posterior to the stapes (S). More webs appear deeper symptomless mesotympanum. There was thick mucus in the epitym-
down in the posterior portion of the isthmus (oblique arrow). The panum, after suctioning small cholesterol cysts (oblique arrows)
lateral incudomalleal fold is deeply retracted on top of the posterior remain on the tip of the incus (I) and on the head of the malleus (M).
pouch wall (horizontal arrow), obliterating the lower lateral attic. The The lateral incudomalleal fold is thin (horizontal arrow). A multi-
posterior portion of the fold is thick with underlying scar tissue layered inflammatory network (curved arrows) closes the major por-
(curved arrow). The entire posterior portion of the floor of the lateral tion of the tympanic isthmus, the small remaining open area did not
malleal space (vertical arrow) is retracted. M = Malleus; I = incus; A = allow outflow of the sticky secretion.
anterior malleal ligamental fold; T = tensor tendon.

ings in chronic inflammation is the deep indrawing of the

lateral incudomalleal fold, which in certain areas may be
retracted below the level of the roof of Prussak’s space
(fig. 48). This is due to a gradual change of immature
granulation tissue to mature constricting scar tissue with a
full disappearance of the lower lateral attic air space.
In long-standing cases of secretory otitis media and
apparently innocent looking mesotympanum, the epitym-
panum may show ongoing active inflammatory changes
even in the presence of a tympanostomy tube. Immature
granulation tissue, thick inflamed webs and occasional
cholesterol cysts may partially block the tympanic isth-
mus (fig. 49, 50).Without surgical interference such cases
lead to a prestage of an adhesive otitis media, with recur-
Fig. 50. Same ear as in figure 49 after removal of the lateral attach-
rent bouts of infection and with a continuing increase of
ments of the inflammatory network in the tympanic isthmus. Portion
of the web remains (oblique arrow) adherent to the medial side of the the granulation tissue.
malleus (M) and incus (I). The tympanic isthmus (horizontal arrows) The blocking tissue in the tympanic isthmus may
now opens up to the tensor tendon (T). L = Lateral malleal space, A = present itself in less inflamed cases as web-type layers of
anterior malleal ligamental fold; C = chorda tympani nerve. connective tissue and in cases of longer duration as imma-
ture or mature connective scar tissue (fig. 51) or as a con-
tinuous mass of granulation tissue for the entire depth of
the isthmus. In an ongoing chronic inflammation the
granulation tissue appears already between the incus and
the attic roof (fig. 52); it may continue down to the isth-

34 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 51. Series A, adult case 17, left ear, superior approach, medio- Fig. 52. Series A, adult case 12, right ear, superoposterior view. Gran-
posterior view. The tympanic isthmus posterior to the stapes (S) and ulation tissue fills the space between the attic roof and the malleus
medial to the incus (I) is blocked by a multilocular inflammatory tis- (M) and incus (I), and the posterior portions of the upper lateral attic
sue network filled with secretion. The anterior portion of the isthmus (vertical arrow) and the tympanic isthmus (horizontal arrow). Simi-
(horizontal arrow) was open but showed a few separate tissue strands. lar tissue appeared deep down in the anterior portion of the isthmus,
B = Medial attic bone. and on top of the lateral malleal space (curved arrow).

Fig. 53. Series A, adult case 11, left ear, the

entire epitympanum blocked by granulation
tissue, a view after removal of the attic roof
and some granulation tissue from the top of
the ossicles. a Granulation tissue fills all
spaces and it extends inferiorly around the
ossicles as far as the hypotympanum. b Re-
moval of the incus left a cast in the mesotym-
panic granulation tissue. The horizontal ar-
row marks the place occupied by the incus
long process.

mus and a direct view to the tympanic isthmus becomes the granulation tissue may be so extensive that only a cast
obscured due to a full blockage (fig. 53a). In microdissec- of the incus remains after its removal (fig. 53b). A biopsy
tion layer after layer of the webs and granulation tissue of such a mass may show various stages of maturation in
must be removed to arrive at the deeper spaces. It may be the granulation tissue (fig. 54), the final stage of which
necessary to remove the entire incus to get an idea of the appears years later when the tissue mass has become
deepest layers at the low border of the tympanic isthmus dense scar tissue with full ossicular fixation and oblitera-
and around the incudostapedial articulation. Even then tion of the middle ear spaces.

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 35

Fig. 54. Granulation tissue removed from
the posterior epitympanum of case A 11
shown in figure 53. A patchy one-cell layer
epithelium covers the superior surface of the
specimen. Much of the biopsy consists of
connective tissue undergoing maturation,
but there are regions with round cell clusters
(vertical arrows). The trapped epithelium
(oblique arrow) appears in many areas as
well as hemosiderin pigment (horizontal ar-
rows). Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnifica-
tion !60.

Pathology as Seen in Serial Sections lium becomes edematous and filled with large capillaries,
While the serial sections in normal ears were not as and cell-rich secretions appear on all sides of the posterior
quickly informative as microdissection, in the presence of incudal ligamental fold (fig. 55d). We have found that the
pathology they are invaluable in giving information about incudal fossa itself is free of granulation tissue and some
the exact location and histological nature and phase of the aeration of the mastoid cells may occur in children suffer-
disease. The presence of secretion, either serous or muci- ing from secretory otitis media even if the main pneuma-
nous together with its cellular content, and the appearance tization process remains halted.
of the epitympanic mucosa make it possible to draw con- Extensive development of granulation tissue in the
clusions of the duration and activity of the process. When posterior epitympanum occurs, even during the era of
organization phenomena are ongoing, the maturity of the antibiotics and disappearance of florid mastoid infec-
granulation tissue, epithelialization of its surface and the tions, since the process of organization involves the non-
formation of pseudocysts are important markers of the removed masses of mucoid secretion filling the attic. This
severity and duration of the process. may be seen in association with an undiagnosed AFCC-
Chronic inflammation, even if mild, causes many linked foreign body otitis media of neonates and infants,
changes some of which appear in figure 55. The duplicate especially in cases with superimposed low grade bacterial
folds become thicker with a distinct increase of capillaries infections of longer duration As both these processes often
combined with a slight infiltration by the inflammatory go hand in hand we will discuss this type of pathology seen
cells (fig. 55a). The air cells in the attic walls may be filled in serial sections in Part 2 of this atlas in connection with
with secretion containing round cells, some cells are obli- AFCC-related pathology.
terated by connective tissue and some by cholesterol crys-
tals. Round cells containing secretion also appear in the Anterior Epitympanum
major air compartments (fig. 55b), the amount depending The anterior attic is one of the major epitympanic
upon the available open drainage pathways. The tym- compartments which has been subject to a considerable
panic isthmus may become partially blocked by inflam- confusion. The early scientists like Siebenmann [1] at the
matory webs or by polypoid tissue at times covered by end of the 19th century already had an accurate idea of
advancing squamous epithelium from the mesotympa- this space, defining it as a forward continuation of the
num (fig. 55c). These changes become also well apparent medial attic past the head of malleus. Its inferior limit was
around the incudal fossa where the ligamental fold epithe- formed by the tensor tendon and anteriorly and upwards

36 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 55. A patient with a long-standing chronic otitis media with a mental fold. c The low portion of the tympanic isthmus is partially
migration cholesteatoma of the mesotympanum, right ear. a Section blocked by an inflammatory fold (horizontal arrow), part of which
through a remnant of the lateral incudomalleal fold (horizontal has as its surface the migrating squamous epithelium. The lower lat-
arrow) shows dominant capillaries but only a few inflammatory cells. eral attic, together with Prussak’s space, contains secretion with
The downgoing portion of the fold (oblique arrow) is slightly edema- round cells. The anterior attic and the supratubal recess show scant
tous. Scant secretion appears in the lower lateral attic (LL) and in the secretion. d An inflammatory fold (horizontal arrow), with large cap-
lateral malleal space (L). M = Malleus; I = incus; B = lateral attic illaries and inflammatory cells, adjoins the tip of the incus overlying
bone. b The dome of Prussak’s space (P) contains secretion, similarly the fossa incudis. There is secretion in the posterior tympanum (T)
to the lower lateral attic (LL) and the supratubal recess (R). The and in the antrum (A). Note that the posterior incudal ligaments (ver-
medial (MA) and anterior attics (AA) are open and free of secretion. tical arrow) go directly lateral and medial from the incus. Masson’s
Vertical arrow points to low portion of the anterior malleal liga- trichrome stain. Magnification !25 (a, d), !7 (b, c).

it was closed by the vertically rising tensor fold, the inser- concepts [19, 20] of the anterior epitympanum concern-
tion of which was into the transverse crest in the attic teg- ing the superior insertion of the tensor fold. As to the
men (fig. 5). The writers of that period defined the space pneumatic cell limited inferiorly by an incomplete fold we
anterior to the fold as a ‘pneumatic cell’ which was partial- have proposed tentatively that the fold was simply an
ly limited at its low portion by a free fold-like structure inflammatory web arising during the long-standing
arising from the tegmen tubae. Siebenmann noted that chronic diphtheric disease.
this ‘pneumatic cell’ harbored trapped disease, but he spe- We have previously discussed the current chaotic and
cifically pointed out that it is part of the mesotympanum, confused concepts of using many different names for the
not the epitympanum. His description differs from our anterior epitympanum, also regarding it as the pneumatic

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 37

Fig. 56. Series G, adult case 56, left ear, a posterosuperior view of the the tensor fold is anterior to the transverse crest (vertical arrow).
anterior epitympanum. a Laterally, the anterior attic continues only b The transverse crest (between horizontal arrows) has been removed
a short stretch past the lateral malleal space (L). The space between together with the roof of the anterior attic. The superior insertion of
the malleus head (M) and the attic roof (B) is short with no open the tensor fold (vertical arrow) is anterior to the crest, and an exten-
space. Medially the tensor tendon (T) and the tensor fold (TF) form sion of the anterior attic appears when normal large air cells have
the frontal border of the anterior attic. The superior attachment of been opened towards the supratubal recess tegmen (oblique arrows).

cell of Siebenmann, and confusing it with the supratubal tinctly shorter than the medial portion which extends
space in front of it [19, 20, 24], and will not repeat them anteriorly until the tensor fold (fig. 56a).
here. Suffice it to say that even in the year 2000, as an The bony walls of the anterior epitympanum generally
answer to our letter [34] to the editor of the American showed good pneumatization, sometimes it was extensive
Journal of Otology concerning the ideas of supratubal and extended a long distance anteriorly above the tubal
recess and pathways to Prussak’s space in epitympanic tegmen (fig. 56b). In a few cases a major sinus-like forma-
endoscopy [35], the authors still sought to backup their tion appeared superior to the insertion of the tensor fold,
argument by referring to the erroneous writings of Proctor extending for more than 10 mm anteriorly (fig. 57, 58).
[13, 14]. Among other unfounded claims they maintained Transverse Crest. The position and extent of this struc-
that the anterior epitympanum was the supratubal recess ture have been misunderstood by most of the contempo-
and continued that: ‘By definition, supratubal recesses rary writers even if Siebenmann already in 1897 pub-
and intact plicae tensoris are mutually exclusive’! The lished an accurate drawing depicting its dimensions. The
truth of course is the opposite: when the tensor fold is crest starts from the anterior tympanic spine and crosses
intact, the anterior epitympanum and the supratubal the tegmen transversely 1–2 mm in front of the malleus
recess form two separate compartments. head (fig. 5), while its medial leg may continue until the
cochleariform process. This portion, which may be inde-
Normal Anatomy by Microdissection pendent and without any continuity with the transverse
The medial attic continued in all dissected bones unob- portion, was called a ‘cog’ by Sheehy [36] as it looks like a
structed, superior to the tensor tendon and medial to the cog of a wheel. As a rule the crest is low, around 0.5 mm,
head of the malleus, and became the anterior epitympa- and only in very rare cases, in our series 2%, has it
num. Superiorly the connecting space is narrower and exceeded a height of 1 mm. Its lower edge is sharp general-
somewhat obstructed by the superior malleal ligament ly with an uneven curve with many bony ridges and tags.
and its variable short fold (fig. 43). Connections from the Siebenmann believed that the tensor fold attached to
lateral portion of the anterior attic with the posterior com- the transverse crest and therefore the tensor fold drawn by
partments, the upper lateral attic and the lateral malleal him was vertical and the anterior epitympanum rather
space are often narrow and may be closed by a short fold small in size. This insertion, however, is not the regular
between the malleal ligaments and the attic roof. The lat- one but appeared only in 10% of our microdissections.
eral portion of the anterior epitympanum is as a rule dis- The tensor fold insertion is regularly anterior to the trans-

38 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 57. Series P, case 11, a child aged 2 years, left ear, superoposter- Fig. 58. Series G, adult case 49, left ear, superoposterior view. This is
ior view. The anterior attic has an extension in the superior direction the largest bony sinus seen in the anterior epitympanum in the
(between horizontal arrows). The tensor fold is very thin and con- present series. The oblique arrow points to the superior insertion of
tains a membrane defect (oblique arrow). M = Malleus; TI = tym- the tensor fold (TF). M = Malleus head.
panic isthmus; A = anterior malleal ligamental fold; T = tensor ten-

Fig. 59. Series A, adult case 14, left ear. a Su-

peroposterior view through the anterior attic
to the supratubal recess after removal of the
tensor fold. The vertical arrow points to the
transverse crest. L = Lateral malleal space;
M = malleus; I = incus; S = stapes. b Anterior
view of the transverse crest (vertical arrow)
from the supratubal recess. Horizontal ar-
rows mark the soft tissue insertion ring of the
removed tensor fold. Tensor fold removal
creates a large direct aeration and drainage
pathway from the epitympanum to the eus-
tachian tube orifice.

verse crest into a thinner or thicker ring of a composite niques have been proposed for removing this ‘bony ob-
tissue, fixed with a broad base to the tegmen. One major struction’ to provide epitympanic aeration directly from
misconception is, as the transverse crest is situated in the the supratubal recess. The error in this reasoning can be
tegmental roof, that it forms the frontal border of the ante- shown very simply by the removal of the tensor fold: a
rior epitympanum and the space in front of it is the supra- large communication between the anterior epitympanum
tubal recess. However, the crest only divides the anterior and the supratubal recess appears between the transverse
epitympanum into two portions, anterior and posterior, crest and the tensor tendon (fig. 59a, b). In our series of
both of which merge inferior to the crest and form one 125 microdissections the crest has only twice taken up the
common space. upper half of the separating wall while the thin tensor fold
Another, even more major misconception by contem- formed the lower half. In all others the crest played an
porary writers is that the transverse crest would form a insignificant role in the separation of these two major
bony separation between the anterior epitympanum and compartments.
the supratubal recess. This has been suggested especially Tensor Fold. As already emphasized, this duplicate
by Japanese workers [37, 38] and even new surgical tech- fold has a highly important strategic position as it normal-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 39

Fig. 60. Series G, adult case 15, left ear, superoposterior view. The Fig. 61. Series G, adult case 2, right ear, superoposterior view. A
tensor fold (TF) contains large thin areas with a few stronger connec- small portion of the tensor fold is present, attached to the tensor ten-
tive tissue strands across the fold. The thin fold from the malleus (M) don (T), while the major portion shows a membrane defect (horizon-
to the tensor fold (oblique arrow) was present in 40% of microdissec- tal arrow). M = Malleus; TI = anterior portion of the tympanic isth-
tions. The chorda tympani nerve (C) is always positioned at the later- mus. A membrane defect of this size provides a large and effective
al edge of the tensor fold. A = Anterior malleal ligamental fold; T = auxiliary aeration and drainage pathway from the anterior epitym-
tensor tendon. The tensor fold separates the anterior epitympanum panum to the supratubal recess (R) and eustachian tube.
from the supratubal recess, the regular state.

ly prevents communication between the supratubal re- that does not break even if subjected to vigorous move-
cess, part of the mesotympanum, and the anterior epitym- ment after deliberate filling of the entire middle ear with
panum (fig. 56, 57, 60). This means that the only aeration water and sucking it out with force.
and drainage pathway in the majority of ears is through Removal of bone from the epitympanic and supratubal
the tympanic isthmus. We have found a membrane defect space tegmen reveals the soft tissue insertion ring and a
in this fold, allowing for direct attic aeration from the relatively thin mucosa on either side. Cutting through the
supratubal recess, in around 25% of microdissections soft tissues superiorly shows the thick insertion ring which
(fig. 61). Siebenmann’s finding [1] of a defect in the even by gross examination is seen to contain varying
majority of cases probably depended upon the corrosive amounts of fat (fig. 62, 63). These views, and fig. 61, dem-
methods used at that time in the handling of the speci- onstrate well how the removal of the fold connects the two
mens, which were likely to destroy the thin fold portions big compartments, the anterior epitympanum and the
looking like a pseudomembrane. Hammar [5] did not supratubal recess, with a large aeration and drainage route
observe it in his fetal series but considered Siebenmann’s continuing unobstructed to the eustachian tube.
finding possible because of a secondary fold atrophy. The insertion of the tensor fold anterosuperiorly can
Aimi’s [22, 23] figure for tensor fold membrane defects well be studied in separate biopsies obtained during
was 10%. microdissection. The thin insertion rings consisted of
The tensor fold starts from the tensor tendon upwards dense collagenic fibrous tissue with small bone fragments
in a slightly concave fashion and may have a greatly vary- but without adipose tissue (fig. 64). The thicker insertion
ing further course. If the insertion is to the transverse rings showed a pronounced broader base with many bone
crest, then the direction is nearly vertical, when the inser- fragments, with collagenic fibrous tissue and many islands
tion is to the tubal tegmen, the fold is nearly horizontal. In of adipose cells (fig. 65). The fat-specific Sudan black
most cases the angle is around 45° and the insertion ring staining in fresh specimens was always positive for the
situated halfway between the downsloping combined an- areas which in the normally processed specimens with the
terior epitympanic-supratubal tegmen. The fold appears hematoxylin-eosin stain showed only the cell outlines.
generally thicker close to its borders and may have cross- Maximally the insertion ring, measured from successive
ing strands, while the central portion is thin like a pseu- sections, was found to extend even to 4 mm in the inferi-
domembrane (fig. 60). Nevertheless it is a tough structure or-superior direction in the tegmental bone.

40 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 62. Series G, adult case 52, left ear, superior view. The tensor Fig. 63. Series G, adult case 54, left ear. Thin low portion of the
fold has been removed and the thin soft tissue insertion ring (between tensor fold (TF) remains inferior to the membrane defect. The thick
horizontal arrows) cut. Through the supratubal recess (R) the route is soft tissue insertion ring (vertical arrow) has been cut, showing much
free to the eustachian tube. The tympanic isthmus is open between fatty tissue. R = Supratubal recess.
the tensor tendon (T) and the posterior incudal ligamental fold (obli-
que arrow). M = Malleus; I = laterally displaced incus.

Fig. 64. Thin soft tissue insertion ring and portion of the tensor fold
(vertical arrow) removed during microdissection. A thin slice of bone
(B) remains at the insertion surface of the attic roof, otherwise the
block consists of connective tissue with only little fat. Hematoxylin-
eosin stain. Magnification !21.

Fig. 65. A broad composite tissue insertion ring removed during

Other Folds in the Anterior Epitympanum. The fold microdissection. The bone at the insertion surface (B) of the attic roof
arising when the superior malleal ligament is passed by extends deeper into the ring itself which consists of loose connective
the medial air sac may rarely extend in the lateral portion tissue and a lot of dissolved fatty tissue. Hematoxylin-eosin stain.
of the anterior epitympanum up to the bony anterior attic Magnification !21.
wall. Generally it ends with a free edge and is as a whole
infrequent and generally missing (fig. 43). Another trail-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 41

Normally in cases with a shallow transverse crest the
upper portions of the anterior epitympanum remain small
and they are easily recognized as upward extensions of the
common air space for the anterior attic. If the crest is
higher, the posterior portion may remain small while the
anterior portion is much larger and an inexperienced
observer may believe it to be the supratubal recess sepa-
rated by a bony wall from the recess (fig. 67). However,
when the sections are followed further inferiorly, the
merging of the spaces to just one anterior epitympanic
compartment becomes obvious. The final proof is pro-
vided by an investigation of the dome of the supratubal
recess at still more inferior sections. In those ears in which
the tensor fold adheres directly to the crest, the dome of
the supratubal recess can extend distinctly more superi-
orly than the low border of the crest [31–33].
The bony walls of the anterior epitympanum appeared
smooth in half of the specimens whereas the other half
had numerous tags and ridges, often starting from the
transverse crest itself (fig. 67). The air cells were equally
well developed in the entire anterior bony tegmen as in
Fig. 66. Series P, a neonate, left ear. The anterior attic (AA) is empty
and connected to the medial attic (MA) which is partially divided into the posterior epitympanum.
two portions by a 1.5-mm-high vertical medial ossicular fold (horizon- The tensor fold in serial sections can be followed from
tal arrow). M = Malleus; I = incus; L = lateral malleal space; LL = lower its uppermost portion, the dome of the supratubal recess,
lateral attic. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !12. to its insertion at the tensor tendon. It is a thin structure,
normally around 0.1 mm, the superior and inferior cross
sections may appear wider because of the more horizontal
ing fold, present in around 40%, starts from the medial slope of these portions of the fold. The chorda tympani
edge of the superior portion of the malleus neck and nerve, enveloped by its own fold, runs always at the lateral
spreads fanwise anteriorly to attach either to the anterior edge of the tensor fold, medial to the anterior malleal liga-
attic wall or to upper portion of the tensor fold, or both mental fold, towards the petrotympanic fissure. In adults
(fig. 60). It sometimes gives the impression of a multi- the general width of the tensor fold near its tendon is
layered structure obscuring the view of the tensor fold and around 2.5–3 mm. Its height as measured on the basis of
represents probably the ‘coulisse’ that Siebenmann [1] the number of sections from the dome to the tensor ten-
described as part of the anterior soft tissue wall of the don is around 3 mm, but shows much individual varia-
anterior epitympanum. tion, also due to the different fold angles. In children the
measures are slightly smaller [39].
Normal Anatomy by Serial Sections
Serial sections add only little to the general concept of Pathology as Seen in Microdissection
the anterior epitympanum which in normal cases, similar Inflammatory changes in the anterior epitympanum
to the posterior epitympanum, can again instantaneously are generally somewhat less pronounced than those seen
be evaluated. At the superior levels (fig. 66) the space in in the posterior attic. The most frequent form was the
front of the head of the malleus is normally empty and appearance of inflammatory strands and webs of varying
may or may not contain the anterior malleal trailing fold thickness and width posterior to the tensor fold, together
[19]. At lower levels the anterior attic remains free and is with secretion and mucosal edema (fig. 68). In a more
widely connected to the medial attic. The thinness of the extensive blockage of the tympanic isthmus but in the
tensor fold and the thickness of the soft tissue insertion absence of major infection, the anterior epitympanum
ring appear clearly, again demonstrating the role of the was also filled with a space-taking network of fibrotic tis-
tensor fold in the separation of the anterior attic from the sue [18]. In active chronic inflammation granulation tis-
supratubal recess (fig. 46). sue either obscured the details of the space (fig. 68) or

42 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 67. Adult patient, otosclerosis, left ear. The posterior portion of Fig. 68. Series A, adult case 12, left ear, supe-
the anterior attic (AA) is narrow between the malleus (M) and the roposterior view. Thick mucosa and granula-
transverse crest (horizontal arrow), while its major anterior portion is tion tissue mask the details of the anterior
situated between the crest and the anterior attic bony wall (B). The attic. Vertical arrow points to the area of the
spaces merged fully in a section 1 mm more inferior. The walls of the tensor fold covered by granulation tissue and
well-pneumatized anterior attic as well as the crest itself show an webs, horizontal arrow to the place of the
unusual amount of bony ridges and tags. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. tensor tendon. There is similar tissue on top
Magnification !12. of the lateral malleal space (oblique arrow).
M = Malleus.

Fig. 69. Series A, adult case 15, left ear, supe-

rior view. a The anterior attic is full of
immature granulation tissue and no details
can be discerned. b Same region after remov-
al of much of the granulation tissue. The
head of the malleus (M), the anterior malleal
ligamental fold (A) and the lateral malleal
space (L) can now be identified. Granulation
tissue still fills the upper portion of the ante-
rior attic, a narrow route (oblique arrow) has
been opened towards the intact tensor fold.
A horizontal arrow points to the blocked
tympanic isthmus.

filled the entire anterior epitympanum (fig. 69a, b). When ious levels of the sections (fig. 71, 72) and inflammatory
the entire tegmen was removed, revealing the soft tissue webs with trapped secretion going across the space
insertion ring, the tensor fold was seen to effectively limit (fig. 73). Also, the air cells around the anterior attic space
the disease to the anterior epitympanum (fig. 70). In one showed signs of mucosal edema, round cell secretion or
case, however, we have seen the granulation tissue pro- total obliteration of their lumen. Some air cells contained
gress by bone destruction to the supratubal recess. cholesterol crystals. Further examples associated with ac-
tive inflammation and development of granulation tissue
Pathology as Seen in Serial Sections in the anterior epitympanum are shown in Part 2 dealing
Inflammation in the anterior attic appeared as the with the AFCC-associated pathology.
presence of cell-rich secretion and mucosal edema at var-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 43

Fig. 70. Series A, adult case 16, right ear. The entire bony tegmen of Fig. 71. A patient with a long-standing chronic otitis media, right ear.
the anterior attic (A) and of the supratubal recess (R) has been The anterior attic (AA), partly divided into two spaces by a bony
removed revealing the soft tissue insertion ring (between horizontal ridge (horizontal arrow), contains secretion with round cells and a
arrows). The tensor fold (TF) is thick with a granulating surface. few multinucleated cells. Mainly cell-free secretion appears in the lat-
Granulation tissue (oblique arrow) and inflammatory webs fill the eral malleal space (L). A partially blocked air cell shows a small
space between the head of the malleus (M) and the tensor fold. lumen half-filled with secretion (vertical arrow). Another air cell is
obliterated (oblique arrow). M = Malleus; A = anterior malleal sus-
pensory ligament. Masson’s trichrome stain. Magnification !12.

Fig. 72. Case A92-168, an infant aged 8 months, left ear, Temporal Fig. 73. Case A89-195, an infant aged 15 months, left ear, Temporal
Bone Foundation. Thick mucoid secretion appears in the anterior Bone Foundation. The anterior attic (AA) forms a compartment with
attic (A) and in the supratubal recess (R). The tensor fold (horizontal trapped secretion and is divided into smaller spaces by inflammatory
arrow) is slightly edematous and polypoid structures appear in the folds (vertical arrows). The anterior malleal ligament, the superior
mucosa (vertical arrows). M = Malleus; I = incus; P = Prussak’s space. portion of which is present (A), forms the border towards the empty
Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !25. lateral malleal space (L). An inflammatory web (horizontal arrow)
closes the route to the medial attic (MA). M = Malleus; I = incus.
Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !15.

44 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 74. Series A, adult case 13, right ear, Fig. 75. Series P, case 11, a child aged 2 Fig. 76. Series P, case 3, an infant aged 3
anterior approach, oblique view from the years, left ear, anterior approach. Direct months, left ear, anterior approach. The saw
protympanum to mesotympanum. The mal- view onto the ossicles in the mesotympan- cut has been made across the anterior sulcus
leus handle (M) and the tympanic mem- um. M = Malleus handle; T = tensor tendon; and the tensor fold (TF) has been partly
brane (TM) appear on the left, the tensor I = long process of the incus; S = stapes. Ver- destroyed, creating a large opening to the
tympani tendon (T) is directed to the right. tical arrow points to hypotympanum, hori- anterior epitympanum (between horizontal
Long process of the incus (I) articulates with zontal arrow to the low lateral portion of the arrows). TM = Tympanic membrane; M =
the stapes (S). Between them and the tensor supratubal recess. handle of the malleus; S = stapes; P = pro-
tendon is the anterior portion of the tym- montory; T = tensor tendon. Oblique arrow
panic isthmus. points to the area of the anterior membrane
of Prussak’s space.

Supratubal Recess (Space) fore, developed the anterior approach for microdissection
which allowed evaluation of the entire supratubal recess
The supratubal recess is a mediosuperior extension of without disturbing any of the normal or pathological
the protympanum and anterior mesotympanum, a space in structures in the region [20]. It also makes possible the
front of the tensor fold. The size of the recess is mainly evaluation of a large portion of the mesotympanum and of
related to the degree of the angle of the tensor fold being the anterior portion of the tympanic isthmus.
largest in ears with more vertically oriented folds and smal-
lest in more horizontally oriented folds. We have observed Normal Anatomy by Microdissection
that the shape and size of the supratubal recess existed in a The anterior approach gives initially a very limited
nearly similar form in both temporal bones in a newborn view, depending upon how near the saw cut is to the ante-
[39] as well as in normal adult ears [20].The formation of rior sulcus of the tympanic membrane. Usually a good
the supratubal recess during the fetal period was already deal of enlargement must be done with a drill to give ade-
described by Hammar [5]. As reviewed above (pages 6, 7), quate light for documentation of the structures deep
the early authors [1, 5] often called this area the ‘pneumatic inside. Once near the sulcus, a full view opens to the
cell’ and clearly understood it to be part of the mesotym- mesotympanum (fig. 74, 75) of which even the regions
panum, outside the borders of the epitympanum. past the stapes can be evaluated. The anterior portion of
In the conventional superior microdissection removal the tympanic isthmus can also be visualized well and the
of the tensor fold made a reasonable evaluation of a nor- area examined for the presence of blocking folds between
mal supratubal recess possible (fig. 59). It also allowed the incudostapedial articulation and the tensor tendon. If
evaluation of the soft tissue insertion ring after removal of the saw cut is made too much posteriorly and across the
the tegmental bone and incising the ring (fig. 62, 63). anterior portion of the tympanic membrane, the tensor
Pathological changes, however, were found difficult to fold becomes partly destroyed but at the same time the
evaluate properly, because removal of the tensor fold excellent communication to the anterior epitympanum
destroyed much of the anatomy of the inflammatory tis- can instantly be seen (fig. 76).
sues, fixed to the anterior surface of the fold. We, there-

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 45

Fig. 77. Series S, adult case 10, right ear, Fig. 78. Series S, adult case 12, right ear, Fig. 79. Series S, adult case 4, left ear, anteri-
anterior approach. The tympanic membrane anterior approach. Direct view onto the an- or approach. An oblique view more medially
(TM), the malleus handle (M) and the open terior membrane of Prussak’s space (be- makes a large part of a shallow supratubal
route towards the tympanic isthmus (curved tween vertical arrows) showing its typical recess visible. The central portion of the ten-
arrow) form the anterior portion of the me- oval form, the horizontal diameter being lon- sor fold (horizontal arrow) is very thin, the
sotympanum. The anterior membrane of ger than the vertical. The anterior malleal edges are whitish and distinctly thicker and
Prussak’s space (horizontal arrow) in the an- ligamental fold (A), housing the chorda tym- it attaches to the transverse crest (vertical
terior pouch and the low portion of the pani nerve (C), separates the anterior pouch arrow). The oblique arrow points to the ante-
supratubal recess (oblique arrow), superior and the supratubal recess (horizontal arrow); rior membrane of Prussak’s space. M = Mal-
to the tensor tendon (T), are in full commu- of the latter only the lateral portion can be leus handle; TM = tympanic membrane; A =
nication with the mesotympanum. The ante- seen. M = Malleus handle; T = tensor ten- anterior malleal ligamental fold; C = chorda
rior malleal ligamental fold (A), housing also don. tympani nerve.
the chorda tympani nerve (C), separates the
anterior pouch from the supratubal recess.

Looking more superiorly along the malleus handle, in fibers seen in the thin portions of the lateral malleal liga-
addition to the superior mesotympanic structures, the mental fold [16]. The membrane appeared resistant to
view includes the anterior pouch, the anterior malleal movement but even a slight touching with the suction tip
ligamental fold and the lateral lower portion of the supra- produced an opening, testifying to the fold’s tension. In
tubal recess (fig. 77). The anterior membrane of Prussak’s the entire series of microdissection we have only once
space, its anterior wall, appears as a truly delicate dupli- noted an anomaly when neither the tensor tendon nor the
cate membrane, inferior to the lateral malleal ligamental fold had developed, even though the tensor muscle was in
fold (fig. 78). The reason why Proctor [13, 14] described its canal (fig. 81, 82). The anterior approach, similarly to
the anterior wall as being a curved portion of the lateral the superior approach, usually reveals the insertion of the
malleal ligamental fold is apparently due to the fact that tensor fold into the soft tissue ring, while in a few ears it is
he never saw the membrane, neither from Prussak’s space inserted into the transverse crest.
nor from the supratubal recess side. With a mediosuperior Membrane defects in the tensor fold, as seen already
view the size and shape of the entire supratubal recess and from the superior approach (fig. 61), demonstrated the
the tensor fold (fig. 79, 80) can be evaluated in minute large size of this new aeration route. Seen from the recess
detail. side (fig. 83) it appears convincing that a full removal of
Similarly to a view from the anterior epitympanum in the tensor fold will provide an adequate auxiliary path-
the superior approach, a look from the supratubal recess way for aeration and drainage of the epitympanum in
side shows varying textures in the tensor fold. Intact folds cases where the tympanic isthmus posterior to the tensor
had at least portions of thin and smooth surfaces and in tendon does not function at full capacity.
some specimens the surfaces were undulating with cross- The supratubal recess has a rounded dome anterior
ing thicker strands. The fold margins generally appeared and slightly superior to the insertion of the tensor fold
thicker and could contain whitish strands resembling (fig. 79, 80, 83). Its anterior wall, the recess tegmen,

46 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 80. Series S, adult case 10, right ear, Fig. 81. Series A, adult case 14, left ear, ante- Fig. 82. Same ear as in figure 81, superior
anterior approach. Direct view medially into rior approach. Total absence of both the ten- approach. Neither the tensor tendon nor the
a broad and high supratubal recess, the ante- sor fold and the tensor tendon. This has been tensor fold is present and the anterior epi-
rior membrane of Prussak’s space is no lon- observed only once and it was unilateral in tympanum communicates directly with the
ger visible. The tensor fold (TF) is centrally the present case. The vertical arrow points to supratubal recess (R). The lateral incudo-
thin with thicker whitish strands laterally a small interossicular fold. TM = Tympanic malleal fold (horizontal arrow) and the later-
and superiorly. Chorda tympani nerve (C) membrane; M = malleus handle; I = long al malleal space (vertical arrow) are normal.
runs in the lateral border of the tensor fold. process of the incus. The oblique arrow points to the transverse
The curved arrow points to the anterior por- crest, the curved arrow to an open aeration
tion of the tympanic isthmus, posterior to pathway via the incudal fossa. M = Malleus;
the tensor tendon (T). CP = Cochleariform I = incus; S = stapes; TI = posterior portion
process. of the tympanic isthmus.

steadily descends with a convex slope to join the tubal teg-

men. The bony walls are generally smooth, but even
marked bony tags and ridges may appear especially in the
medial bony wall. As a rule, marrow bone adjoined the
tegmen bone plate, but in the temporal bones with exten-
sive pneumatization, air cells also extended to the supra-
tubal tegmen.
The size of the supratubal recess was generally related
to the angle of the tensor fold being large in cases with an
upward directed tensor fold [20]. There were, however,
exceptions to this rule because the distance of the tensor
tendon from the supratubal tegmen could be small. The
height of the recess in a few adult specimens, measured
from the level of the superior edge of the tensor tendon to
Fig. 83. Series A, adult case 13, right ear,
the dome of the space, varied between 1 and 5 mm. The
anterior approach. A membrane defect (be-
dome as a rule extended only to a slightly higher level than tween horizontal arrows) appears in the up-
the tensor fold insertion ring, with the exception of 2 ears per portion of the tensor fold. The oblique
with the fold insertion into a long transverse crest when arrow points to the more posterior trans-
the upward extension was 2–2.5 mm. The width from the verse crest. The curved arrow points to the
anterior portion of the tympanic isthmus,
tensor tendon to the eustachian tube tegmen varied from
the regular pathway of aeration of the epi-
1.5 to 4 mm. At the midpoint the tensor fold width mea- tympanum. T = Tensor tendon.
sured around 2.5–3 mm. The length of the tensor tendon

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 47

Fig. 84. A patient with a long-standing chronic otitis media, right ear. Fig. 85. Series A, adult case 21, left ear, ante-
The tensor tendon (T) is normally the superior border for aeration of rior approach. The view of the mesotympan-
the entire middle ear from the eustachian tube (ET). The medial um reveals inflammatory webs (horizontal
widening (vertical arrow) of the low border of the supratubal recess arrow), starting from the stapes (S) and
appears. Anteromedially to it there is much connective tissue and fat spreading fanwise towards the tympanic
between the tensor tympani muscle (TM) and the lateral bony lamel- isthmus and the tensor tendon (T), causing a
la (B) of the muscle canal. M = Malleus; ET = eustachian tube; E = partial block of the anterior portion of the
external ear canal. Masson’s trichrome stain. Magnification !12. isthmus. M = Malleus handle; TM = tym-
panic membrane.

measured from the malleus handle to the medial leg of the Pathology as Seen in Microdissection
transverse crest varied between 2.5 and 3.5 mm. The anterior approach also allows a good view of the
pathological changes in the anterior portion of the tym-
Normal Anatomy by Serial Sections panic isthmus. These ranged from mature tiny tissue
The supratubal recess extends to levels superior to the strands from the stapes towards the long process of the
highest point of the anterior pouch, hence a large portion incus and the tensor tendon (fig. 85) to webs completely
of the anterior wall of the recess is seen only in serial sec- closing the anterior portion of the isthmus, from the
tions. Along the tegmen the ongoing composite tissue stapes to the tensor tendon (fig. 86). In some cases these
insertion ring appears clearly in each section (fig. 44, 46). webs also extended to both sides of the stapes and its ten-
The largest insertion ring observed measured 4 mm in don, the medial ones partly blocking the posterior portion
height on the tegmental bone, the narrow ones were of the isthmus (fig. 87). Removal of the entire tegmental
around 1 mm. At lower levels the anterior pouch and the bone together with the tensor fold gives a particularly
recess are separated by the anterior malleal ligamental good view of the webs closing the anterior portion of the
fold (fig. 55b) until its lowest mucosal surface is passed tympanic isthmus (fig. 88). If the entire supratubal and
when the pouch and the recess merge to one large single epitympanic bony tegmen is removed and the mucosa
compartment (fig. 55c). At the level of the tensor tendon incised, microdissection gives a full general view of the
the sections usually show also the eustachian tube lumen, eustachian tube lumen, the supratubal recess, the soft tis-
laterally there is the anterior sulcus of the tympanic mem- sue insertion ring, the head of the malleus and epitympan-
brane, medially the lowest portion of the supratubal recess um. Pathological changes in different compartments be-
with the tensor tympani muscle (fig. 84). The detailed come obvious and can be studied in detail.
structure of these tissues is apparent only in serial sections Pathological changes in the supratubal recess itself
but as with the superior microdissection in normal ears, a were clearly less frequent than those seen in the epitym-
single observation in microdissection from the tubal orif- panum. Chronic changes in the anterior pouch appeared
ice mediosuperiorly reveals the entire normal gross ap- as mature inflammatory strands and webs attached to the
pearance of the supratubal recess. frontal membrane of Prussak’s space and to its margins

48 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 86. Series P, case 9, a child aged 18 Fig. 87. Same ear as in figure 86, an oblique Fig. 88. Series A, adult case 15, left ear, ante-
months, right ear, anterior approach. The anterior view. An inflammatory web forms a rior approach. The entire tegmental roof is
handle of the malleus (M) and the tympanic closed space between the stapedius muscle removed. A thick inflammatory web (hori-
membrane (TM) are retracted. An inflam- tendon (ST) and promontory (P). Another zontal arrow) closes the anterior portion of
matory fold (horizontal arrow) blocks com- web (vertical arrow) spreads medially to- the tympanic isthmus, cutting off half of the
pletely the anterior portion of the tympanic wards the posterior portion of the tympanic entire aeration pathway. The tensor fold has
isthmus between the incudostapedial articu- isthmus. I = Long process of the incus; S = been removed, revealing fully the anterior
lation (S) and the tensor tendon (T). stapes; PP = pyramidal process. epitympanum with the head of the malleus
(M) and an open route to the medial attic
(MA). H = Handle of the malleus; T = tensor

(fig. 89) or covering the entire membrane by dense scar

tissue (fig. 90). The membrane could be indrawn into obli-
terative processes of Prussak’s space, and hemorrhagic
fluid inside the space appeared as a reddish coloring of the
membrane. The inflammatory tissue sheets appeared to
spread inferior to the tensor tendon near the malleus to the
supratubal space whenever the granulation tissue forma-
tion in the epitympanum was excessive. First the entrance
to the anterior pouch became obliterated and the changes
spread further towards the tensor fold. Horizontal scar tis-
sue webs at times appeared at the level of the tubal tegmen
(fig. 91), resembling the inflammatory web in Sieben-
mann’s drawing [1] (fig. 5). Thick soft granulomatous tis-
sue or extensive, more mature tissue webs could fill the
entire space (fig. 92). In the early stages they could easily Fig. 89. Series A, adult case 21, left ear, ante-
rior approach. Mature, thin postinflammato-
be peeled off from the surface of the tensor fold, in later
ry webs (oblique arrow) crossing the thick-
stages of organization this process was very tedious. At the ened anterior face of the anterior membrane
end, however, the thin intact tensor fold could generally be of Prussak’s space (vertical arrow) M = Mal-
dissected free, testifying to the spread not through the leus handle; TM = tympanic membrane; A =
membrane but around the tensor tendon (fig. 93). Biop- anterior malleal ligamental fold.
sies taken during microdissection of the pathologic
changes showed most frequently abundant amounts of
collagenic scar tissue with areas of varying maturity. The
low portion of the tympanic cavity connecting to the eus-
tachian tube remained singularly unaffected.

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 49

Fig. 90. Series A, adult case 11, lef ear, ante- Fig. 91. Series A, adult case 12, right ear, Fig. 92. Same ear as in figure 91. A direct
rior approach. An oblique view shows a anterior approach. The malleus handle (M), view of the supratubal recess shows a thick
thick, mature scar tissue (horizontal arrow), the tympanic membrane (TM) and the en- fibrotic scar tissue superior to the tensor ten-
which obscures the entire anterior mem- trance to the eustachian tube (vertical arrow) don (T), blocking the view to the tensor fold.
brane of Prussak’s space. M = Handle of the are normal. The supratubal recess contains a The horizontal arrow points to an area of
malleus; I = long process of the incus. mass of fibrotic scar tissue (between horizon- granulation tissue which continued through
tal arrows), the low border is crossed by a the bone to the anterior attic. M = Malleus
thick strand of scar tissue (oblique arrow), handle; I = incus; S = stapes; TM = tympanic
resembling the structure described at this membrane.
site by Siebenmann [1] (see fig. 5).

Fig. 93. Same ear as in figure 91. The central Fig. 94. Case A89-13, right ear of a neonate, Temporal Bone Founda-
block of the fibrotic mass has been removed, tion. AFCC is concentrated in the medial attic (MA), a lesser amount
disclosing a thin tensor fold membrane (TF) appears in the anterior attic (AA) and in Prussak’s space (P), already
superior to the tensor tendon (T). On both posterior to the malleus (M). The section goes through the superior
sides (horizontal arrows) portions of the fi- portion of the supratubal recess (R) which shows three separate
brotic mass remain. The soft tissue insertion spaces, all containing acellular fluid. The surface of the tensor fold on
ring of the tensor fold is between oblique the recess side (vertical arrow) is covered by secretion containing
arrows. Removal of the granulation tissue round cells. The anterior pouch (AP) shows mainly acellular fluid
has opened the route to the anterior epitym- and one cell cluster. A = Inferior mucosal surface of the anterior mal-
panum (curved arrow). M = Head of the mal- leal ligamental fold. In more inferior sections the two spaces merged.
leus; TC = transverse crest. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !12.

50 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 95. Case A89-295, right ear of an infant aged 15 months, Tempo- Fig. 96. Case A92-168, right ear of an infant aged 8 months, Tempo-
ral Bone Foundation. The tensor fold (oblique arrow) is infiltrated by ral Bone Foundation. The anterior attic (AA) is filled with thick cellu-
round cells, similarly to the soft tissue walls of the supratubal recess lar secretion part of which has entered the supratubal recess (R)
(R). Organization of the secretion is beginning from an epithelial por- through a defect in the tensor fold (between arrows). The secretion
tal (vertical arrow). The highest point of the anterior pouch (horizon- fills the recess and part of it is undergoing organization. Prussak’s
tal arrow) appears lateral to the anterior malleal ligamental fold (A). space (P) is filled with secretion containing round cells. M = Malleus;
M = Malleus; C = chorda tympani nerve. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. C = chorda tympani nerve, E = external ear canal. Hematoxylin-eosin
Magnification !25. stain. Magnification !25.

Pathology as Seen in Serial Sections

We have not had cases among our serial sections show-
ing large, mature granulation tissue masses in the supratu-
bal recess, comparable to those shown in figures 90–93.
Among the infants with pathology related to an influx of
AFCC into the middle ear, there are many temporal bones
showing changes from acute to subchronic inflammation
also in the supratubal recess but not diseases of really long
duration. The initial spread of AFCC into the supratubal
recess remained generally less than the amount seen in the
epitympanic compartments (fig. 94), together with the
area of the stapes. In cases with a chronic inflammation
with an acute phase, the supratubal recess could show
both mucosal edema and cellular infiltration as well as
Fig. 97. Case A80-126, left ear of an infant aged 5 months, Temporal secretion with leukocytes in the lumen, with signs of an
Bone Foundation. Cell-rich mucus is passing from the anterior attic
early organization process (fig. 95). In cases with a mem-
(AA) through a membrane defect (horizontal arrow) in the tensor fold
(TF) to the supratubal recess (R). The inflamed and thick end of the brane defect in the tensor fold, secretion was seen to pass
tensor fold shows an epithelial defect (oblique arrow) from which the from the anterior attic through the defect into the supratu-
organization process has started and transformed part of the secre- bal recess, from where the drainage continued to the eus-
tion into polypoid granulation tissue (vertical arrow). Free secretion tachian tube (fig. 96, 97).
posterior to it in the anterior attic contains round cells of different
This pathology is more extensively discussed in Part 2
sizes and giant cells. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. Magnification !120.
of this atlas, dealing specifically with AFCC and chronic

1 Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum 51

1 Siebenmann F: Mittelohr and Labyrinth; in 13 Proctor B: The development of the middle ear 28 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Middle ear
Bardeleben K von (ed): Handbuch der Ana- spaces and their surgical significance. J Laryn- pathology in infants. Am J Otol, in press.
tomie des Menschen. Jena, Fischer, 1897, vol gol Otol 1964;78:631–648. 29 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Aeration and
5, Abt. 2, pp 244–287. 14 Proctor B: Surgical Anatomy of Ear and Tem- drainage of Prussak’s space. Int J Pediatr Oto-
2 von Tröltsch A: Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde poral Bone. New York, Thieme, 1989. rhinolaryngol 2001;57:55–65.
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278. revisited. Am J Otol 1996;17:512–520. 31 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Spread of
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chelchen und des Trommelfells. Pflügers Arch and disease; in Tos M, Thomsen J, Balle V nate middle ear. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
Ges Physiol 1868;1:1–25. (eds): Otitis media Today. The Hague, Kugler, 1999;48:143–153.
5 Hammar JA: Studien über die Entwicklung des 1999, pp 301–306. 32 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Effect of
Vorderdarms und einiger angrenzenden Or- 18 Palva T, Ramsay H: Incudal folds and epitym- amnion fluid cellular content to attic aeration
gane. 1. Allgemeine Morphologie der Schlund- panic aeration. Am J Otol 1996;17:700–708. pathways. Histological observations of infants
spalten beim Menschen. Entwicklung des Mit- 19 Palva T, Ramsay H, Böhling T: Tensor fold aged 2 to 4 months. Am J Otol 2000;21:62–71.
telohrraumes und des äusseren Gehörganges. and anterior epitympanum Am J Otol 1997;18: 33 Palva T, Johnsson L-G, Ramsay H: Attic aera-
Arch Mikrosk Anat 1902;59:471–628. 307–316. tion in temporal bones from children with
6 Wittmaack K: Über die normale und patholo- 20 Palva T, Ramsay H, Böhling T: Lateral and recurring otitis media. Tympanostomy tubes
gische Pneumatisation des Schläfenbeines. anterior approach to supratubal recess and ten- did not cure disease in Prussak’s space. Am J
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7 Wittmaack K: Die entzündlichen Erkran- 21 Palva T, Ramsay H: Mucosal pathology of the 34 Palva T, Ramsay H: Endoscopy of the middle
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8 Palva T, Johnsson L-G: The epitympanic com- panic mucosal folds. Arch Otolaryngol 1971; Otol 1999;20:299–303.
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10 Politzer A: Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde, ed Am J Otol 1999;20:145–151. opmental anatomy of the supratubal recess in
5. Stuttgart, Enke, 1908, pp 24–28. 25 Palva T: Surgical treatment of adhesive tym- temporal bones from fetuses and children. Am
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52 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Part 2

Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid

Cellular Content and Superimposed

Part 2

Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid

Cellular Content and Superimposed

Introduction and Short Review of the Literature thick mucus mixed with pus and that an amniotic fluid
on Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content cellular content (AFCC) is present in a great percentage of
the specimens.
Towards the end of the 19th century the scientific liter- Aschoff’s next observation was that of the 33 ears
ature contained numerous publications on the ‘otitis me- which showed a diseased middle ear with mucoid secre-
dia neonatorum’, a condition that had repeatedly been tion and inflammatory cells, 19 showed a large amount of
seen in the autopsies of neonates. Secretion, or frank pus AFCC in the middle ear whereas of 39 ears with a healthy
had been found in the middle ear compartments and a middle ear only 2 showed some AFCC. Based on these
lively controversy arose as to whether or not this finding data he concluded that it is the AFCC that is responsible
should be considered as a physiological phenomenon or for the presence of the leukocytes. In additional studies of
whether it was due to infection. The great authorities of 9 fetuses of 11–27 cm in length, 2 were found to show
the period took part in the debate and the advances made squamous epithelial cells in the ear fluid. In one case,
by the development of bacteriology were initially thought delivered to him with an intact amnion sac after the
to resolve the question. However, the discovery of sapro- fourth gestational month, he found exactly similar cells in
phytic bacteria in the cultures, associated with the delay the amnion fluid as were present in the middle ear. He felt
in the autopsies, kept the battle lines intact. the evidence was conclusive in showing that the inflam-
In 1897 Aschoff [1] published an article which can be matory cell response in the middle ear secretion was due
regarded as a cornerstone in the discussion of the newborn to the presence of AFCC. The inflammatory changes in
middle ear dilemma. His neonate autopsy material was the neonate were not physiological but a response to the
transported from the obstetrical hospital in Hanover to aspirated or swallowed AFCC. The ‘otitis media neonato-
the Institute of Pathology in Göttingen, a delay that made rum’ thus was a typical reaction against this foreign mate-
the bacteriological investigations futile. Instead, he de- rial.
cided to concentrate on studying the cellular composition The histological studies were in accordance with the
of the middle ear secretion by microscopy and on evaluat- findings based on the above conclusions from the cellular
ing the degree of inflammation of the middle ear mucosa analysis of the secretions. The mucosa showed infiltration
in the sections. During a 2-year period he managed to of the subepithelial layer with inflammatory cells, increas-
evaluate 85 stillborns and neonates, presenting the essen- ing with increasing amounts of AFCC present. In the ears
tial individual data in a detailed table. He concluded that with no or only a small amount of AFCC the mucosa was
the gross nature of the secretion varied considerably but normal. Even in the presence of large contamination,
that the mucoid element was generally prominent. In however, the leukocytic infiltration of the subepithelial
microscopy the findings included the presence of round tissue never reached the amount generally seen in severe
cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, nuclei-containing or cases of otitis media of infectious origin.
nonnucleated cells of the squamous epithelium, hairs, The data and conclusions of Aschoff and of other
larger particles of meconium, and cholesterol crystals. His prominent scientists were elaborated on by Wittmaack [2,
first conclusion was that in all children the middle ear 3], an outstanding authority in ear pathology. In 1925 [3]
contains at birth secretion which varies from clear fluid to he considered the battle between the two camps to be over

and it was universally accepted that the filling of the neo- Aschoff [1], namely that the results do not correlate with
natal middle ear with a mucoid secretion is definitely the findings of pathology. Nevertheless, even if she specu-
pathological. The process is sterile and develops because lated that the pathological process could be due to a for-
of the presence of AFCC in the middle ear causing the eign body-type reaction, she was more inclined to think
foreign body-type inflammation. He went an important that the inflammatory condition in the ears resulted from
step further by developing the notion that the AFCC is an aspiration of infected amniotic fluid. Similar reasoning
responsible for the infant otitis media, seen most often at can also be found in a study by McLellan et al. [5] who
the age of 4–5 months, but often continuing much longer. found an inflammatory reaction in 19 of 28 middle ears of
It is a condition marked by a strong hyperplastic reaction premature infants. Buch and Jörgensen [6] reviewed serial
of the mucosa that, together with secretion, may fill all sections of 135 temporal bones of neonates and found
middle ear spaces. AFCC in 77% in ample or moderate amounts. They felt
Wittmaack’s histological figures demonstrated the that conclusions of the etiology of the infant otitis media
continuing process in the infant otitis media, starting would be possible only after bacteriological investiga-
from the clusters of AFCC inside a granulation tissue and tions.
leading through the organization process of the secretions In 1973 de Sa [7] reported a series of 130 cases, 36
to large hyperplastic tissue masses in the middle ear com- stillbirths and 94 neonatal deaths. In 56 cases the middle
partments. These processes were particularly severe in the ear cavities were considered as normal, in 55 AFCC was
epitympanum while the mucosal polyps were more present, and in 17 cases otitis media was found to be
marked in the meso- and hypotympanum. Wittmaack present. In 2 cases there was mucoid debris but AFCC
considered that nature could remove the thick tissue-fixed could not be found. AFCC was seen in the stillbirths in
secretion only by resorption or by the process of organiza- infants of over 28 weeks of gestation who had suffered
tion. The open space lost to granulation tissue could be intrapartum asphyxia and also had AFCC in the pulmo-
partly regained by its maturation and subsequent shrink- nary airways.
age. While the second group with AFCC in the middle ears
However, Wittmaack observed that there was a varia- conforms well with the findings of Aschoff [1] and Witt-
tion in this future development of the organizing tissues. maack [2, 3], the third group of 17 ears with frank otitis
If the organization process had completely eliminated the media deserves attention. These children lived from 12 h
foreign bodies, the process calmed down, the granulation to 27 days after birth, 15 over 4 days. 11 of them had
tissue matured and formed postinflammatory scar tissue AFCC present but all had evidence of infection elsewhere,
and webs crossing from one compartment wall to the oth- particularly with septicemia, pneumonia and meningitis,
er. If the child suffered, for example, from periods of vom- the principal invaders being Escherichia coli and Pseudo-
iting, new foreign bodies could be introduced into the ears monas. They thus can be set apart from the group of pure
and the process would start anew. During the course of infant otitis media but represent ears of generalized infec-
months it could be accompanied by secondary, low grade tion independent of AFCC.
bacterial invaders and a latent fight between the mucosa In a subsequent study de Sa [8] reported on histological
and the invader would continue, in some cases over many findings in 72 infants of varying periods of gestation and
years. During certain periods the invaders may become ages, all of whom died after receiving ventilatory support
more virulent and an exudative phase with secretion and and oxygen for longer than 14 days. Only 5 of these
signs of inflammation developed. An infection with viru- infants showed normal middle ear histology. In the re-
lent bacteria would cause symptoms of an acute process. mainder a wide range of changes were observed, from
When the cases were of longer standing the process would glandular metaplasia, retained squamous debris, squa-
prevent pneumatization of the mastoid bone. mous polyps, otitis media signs to destruction of ossicles.
During the following decades the presence of AFCC in None of the middle ear problems was diagnosed before
neonate and infant ears was confirmed by several investi- autopsy, all were associated with pneumonia. De Sa drew
gators. Benner [4] in 1940 in a study of 70 neonates not the important conclusion that similar changes, possibly of
only examined the temporal bones but also the paranasal lesser severity, could be present in the survivors in whom
sinuses and lungs and found 44 cases to be essentially nor- otitis media with conductive hearing losses could be
mal while 26 (37%) showed an inflammatory reaction. It expected.
is interesting to note that in her extensive bacteriological During the last two decades the Boston-Costa Rican
portion of the study she came to the same conclusion as research group has reinvigorated the concept of the

56 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

AFCC-related infant otitis media. In a study of 63 chil- lomas were met at 42 days. At 63 days much hair was still
dren aged from 10 min to 70 days, 39 of 43 bones of neo- present embedded in granulation tissue but also trapped
nates had AFCC present, and in children aged 31–70 inside new bone formation. Bacterial infection did not
days AFCC was found in 11 of 20 bones [9]. Keratinized appear in any of the ears.
cells and lanugo hair appeared in the early stages free in The article by Eavey provides an ample bibliography
the lumen without a mucosal reaction, later phagocytosis for various aspects of the neonatal ear. As an evaluation of
and the development of granulation tissue could be ob- all these aspects with reference to these articles is beyond
served, the most involved types showing large, complete- the scope of this atlas, a reader further interested in some
ly epithelialized masses of granulation tissue still contain- of the details is referred to Eavey’s bibliography.
ing AFCC. Mucosal reaction appeared in the form of Northrop et al. [12] discussed the future problems pos-
mononuclear leukocytes subepithelially in the areas in sibly caused by AFCC on the basis of an increased series
contact with AFCC and bridges had formed from the of 261 temporal bones, 155 neonate and 106 infant ears.
mucosa to the organizing mass of AFCC and inflamma- Foreign material was found in all neonate ears except 3
tory cells. Clinical relevance was discussed on the basis of with Potter’s sequence. Of 38 ears of neonates born
formation of middle ear adhesions, a tendency to develop through thick meconium 12 had abundant epithelial cells,
recurring otitis media infections and of a possible devel- many with lanugo hair, 17 ears showed a moderate
opment of cholesteatoma from the inoculated squamous amount and 2 a sparse one. Seven could not be evaluated
cells. due to damage during removal of the bones.
The importance of the amount of AFCC contamina- In infants, 28 of 106 temporal bones showed massive
tion was further evaluated by comparing the temporal reactive polyps, 46 had moderate reactivity and 14 (13%)
bones of 9 patients born through meconium-contami- showed completely clear middle ear spaces. Only 3 had
nated amniotic fluid with 10 children born through clear been born through thick meconium indicating that heavy
amniotic fluid [10]. All bones came from neonates less contamination would not be a prerequisite for the pres-
than 17 days of age and altogether 37 bones could be eval- ence of AFCC in the middle ear. It was thought that the
uated. As can be expected, greater volumes of AFCC were changes demonstrated make the infant prone to otitis and
found in children born through thick meconium and it indicate that the circumstances of their birth should be
was thought that these children would be at greater risk of investigated for possible clues as to the etiology of the
developing otitis media due to this preexisting inflamma- bouts of recurrent otitis media.
tory foreign body reaction.
Of this same group, Eavey [11] published a compre-
hensive report of the abnormalities in a neonate ear. Oto- Short Review of Mastoid Pneumatization
scopic observations in 44 neonates of 1–24 days of age
showed that nearly all (97.7%) of the tympanic mem- Even if our observations of mastoid pneumatization
branes were abnormal as to their color, luster, vascularity form only a sidetrack in the present analysis of neonate
and mobility. However, it was not possible to determine and infant temporal bones and must await a more exten-
the middle ear status as myringotomy and aspiration was sive treatise, we will nevertheless review the relevant liter-
not performed because this was thought to create ethical ature at this stage because AFCC has been shown to play
problems in an asymptomatic child. Instead, the 56 tem- an important role in arrested pneumatization [2, 3]. Nu-
poral bones of the Costa Rican material were used to give merous recent studies published on this subject speculate,
an idea of the middle ear contents in the newborn. This mostly with irrelevant data, which ‘theory’ is correct, the
examination, as noted above [9], provided ample confir- genetic ones suggesting that the genetic factors determine
mation of the presence of AFCC in the middle ears. Final- the size of the mastoid pneumatization, even up to full
ly, Eavey collected minced hair and epithelium from the absence of mastoid air cells, making the ear susceptible to
abdomen of a gerbil and in seven animals injected it to the infections, or the ‘environmental’ ones suggesting that
right tympanic bulla. The animals were sacrificed from 0 inflammation caused by various agents leads to the ob-
to 63 days later and the temporal bones serially sectioned. served arrested pneumatization. These questions can only
By 7 days there was granulation tissue, blood vessel for- be approached by first studying the early basic documents
mation and mucosal thickening which increased in 14 of the histology of mastoid pneumatization, such as
days and showed also some osteogenesis. These altera- Wittmaack’s book [2] published in 1918, and his articles
tions increased further in severity and cholesterol granu- in the handbook on the histopathology of the ear [3] and

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 57

by Eckert-Möbius [13] who gave a short version of Witt- concerned, these changes did not essentially change the
maack’s data [2, 3] of the pneumatization in a normal picture seen at the end of the fifth year of life.
healthy ear. Pathological pneumatization was divided by Witt-
The first phase of a normal pneumatization was found maack [2, 3] into two forms, the most important being
to extend from birth through the first year of life. The associated with a grossly hyperplastic mucosa, the other
middle ear spaces and the mastoid antrum are usually being due to mucosal fibrosis. The hyperplastic form gen-
well formed in the neonate even if a substantial amount of erally followed the ‘infant otitis media’, resulting from
embryological tissue is present especially in the posterior aspiration of AFCC, but he considered also the aspiration
hypotympanum, anterior attic and mastoid antrum. The of gastric contents during vomiting as an additional cause
mastoid process at this stage consists of spongy bone. The especially at the age from 2 to 4 months. This foreign
main change in the growing bone towards the end of the material led to the development of mucosal hyperplasia,
first year of life was the enlargement of the mastoid and to the presence of generally sterile mucoid secretion;
antrum posteriorly, inferiorly and medially due to partial if there was a growth it was by low-virulence bacteria. The
resorption of bone and thinning of the subepithelial me- development of granulation tissue led to a protracted
senchyme. The basic process involved invasion of the vas- course continuing possibly over several years. The process
cular subepithelial connective tissue through the bone did not cause a perforation of the tympanic membrane,
defects, caused by resorption, to the open marrow spaces. which looked more or less normal. Even with the naked
The cuboid or flat epithelium followed into the depths eye in the temporal bones very sticky mucus could be seen
covering the developing spaces connected to the antrum. in the middle ear compartments with tissue masses fas-
The walls of the antrum at 6 months of age remained still tened by many bridges to the mucosa.
mostly even, with the exception of the posterior ear canal The hyperplastic otitis media of the neonate was found
bone where the trabeculae could be more prominent. to have only a small effect on the first phase of normal
The second phase of normal pneumatization involved pneumatization. Thus the marrow bone adjacent to the
the development of the pneumatic cell system and contin- antrum showed a beginning of a slight invasion by con-
ued until the age of 3 years. Towards the end of the first nective tissue with numerous blood vessels, similarly to
year the histological picture started to show a major con- normal pneumatization. However, the second and third
tinuous change in the form of a more rapid bone resorp- phases became disturbed, the final effect depending upon
tion and advancement of the connective tissue into the the degree of the hyperplastic changes in the middle ear
receding marrow spaces. The covering cuboid epithelium and mastoid antrum.
formed the surface of the bone ridges that projected The most serious end result in the second phase was a
towards the antral lumen and followed the connective tis- full absence of mastoid pneumatization and it was associ-
sue into the depths to line the developing bony network of ated with the filling of the antrum by a large mass of
air cells communicating with the antrum. Simultaneously organizing granulation tissue. Even if the nearest marrow
with this process, pneumatization proceeded also from bone areas became filled with the connective tissue from
the low posterior tympanic cavity independent of the the highly hyperplastic antral mucosa, the epithelial in-
antral pneumatization, and provided aeration for the vagination did not occur and the bone gradually started to
mastoid tip area. From the anterior portions of the middle ossify and in time changed to fully compact sclerotic
ear pneumatization proceeded towards the bone sur- bone. The tympanum remained filled with mucoid secre-
rounding the tubal orifice. At the end of the second period tion which together with the granulation tissue was partic-
the mastoid bone showed a mixed picture of pneumatiza- ularly marked in the epitympanum.
tion combined with more or less marrow bone present Moderate arrest of pneumatization occurred in cases
especially in the mastoid tip area. Generally at the end of with less intensive mucosal hyperplasia and with less
the third year, and latest at the end of the fourth year, the marked development of granulation tissue in the large
pneumatization of the mastoid bone was completed. If middle ear compartments and the antrum. The peripheral
this was not true at the end of the fifth year, there had mastoid areas showed sclerotic changes, while the areas
been a disturbance of the pneumatization process. around the antrum showed a replacement of red bone
The third period of normal pneumatization involved a marrow with connective tissue, followed by the develop-
slow enlargement towards the compact labyrinthine bone ment of air cells that remained smaller than usual, with
and in remodelling the existing air cells around the blood thick bony walls. Microscopically these air cells often
vessels. However, as far as the area of pneumatization is showed mucosal cystic formations, and at times there was

58 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

the same organization process in the secretion which process occurs when there is a physiological equality of
appeared in the main compartments. pressure between the enlarging lumen and the living tis-
The third form, following a slight mucosal hyperplasia, sues. Neonate otitis media with underpressure and associ-
affected the pneumatization process only slightly. All ated changes disrupts this normal mucosal alteration and
middle ear compartments appeared macrosopically wide even if the preformation of bone space continues, there is
with less secretion than in the two preceding models. The no receding of the mesenchyme which may even increase
structure of the pneumatized air cells differed from nor- in thickness and the mucosa becomes highly hyperplastic.
mal by their irregular form and by the thicker than normal This will put an end to the pneumatization process and
bony septa. Some of the air cells were filled with connec- the dissociation between the two processes may prevail
tive tissue. Often the middle portion of the mastoid for a long time and may finally lead to adhesive processes
showed a larger irregularity with small air cells lined by or chronic middle ear infections.
thick mucosa, while the terminal air cells in the mastoid The above described views, based on documented his-
tip, connected to the posterior tympanum, occasionally tology of pneumatization, prevailed as the main concepts
were large and intact. The extent of the pneumatized bone and their essential message was that every normal ear is
could be as large as seen in normal cases. subject to mastoid pneumatization the extent of which
Wittmaack [2, 3] found the second form of arrested may show individual variation. Arrested pneumatization
pneumatization to be associated with exudative processes is always due to external factors having their basic in-
due to virulent infections occurring at any age. He found fluence during the first 3 years of life. This notion was chal-
in such ears a very thin mucosa with a fibrotic, nearly lenged in 1940 especially by Diamant [16] and later ampli-
absent subepithelial layer. This mucosa was not able to fied by Dahlberg and Diamant [17] and by Diamant [18]
continue the pneumatization process and the mastoid air with a thesis that the pneumatization process was governed
cell formation halted at the stage it had reached when the only by genetic factors and that the postpartum environ-
exudative process started. He also described a combined mental factors did not play an appreciable role in it.
hyperplastic-fibrotic type in which pneumatization could Diamant’s concepts [16] were based on measurements
continue from the regions containing active, thicker sub- of the pneumatized areas in a series of 320 ears, termed as
epithelial tissue rich in capillaries on top of the marrow normal material, consisting in the main of patients admit-
bone. ted to hospital because of scarlet fever. Further groups
Wittmack’s strong dependence on the two types of were formed of patients with acute or chronic otitis
mucosa leading to arrested pneumatization was already media, to which later studies [17, 18] of the pneumatized
criticized by some of his contemparies and can be found, areas measured from monovular and binovular twins
for example, in the investigations by Rüedi [14, 15]. He were added. The measurements were made with a plani-
pointed out that normal pneumatization is a combination meter from an X-ray film taken in a modified lateral pro-
of two different occurrences, of a preformation of the jection. The data showed that in the studied groups the
bony spaces and of a growing of the epithelium from the areal figures became progressively smaller with increasing
eustachian tube to prepare for the filling of these spaces severity of middle ear disease. After a statistical assess-
with air. At birth the preformed open spaces limited by ment of the results [16–18] it was proposed that mastoid
bone include the entire middle ear, the mastoid antrum pneumatization was determined by genes and that the
and at times a few air cells while the epithelium-lined air environmental factors had their effect only in utero and
space is much smaller. The intervening tissue between the were definitely nonpathological. What these environmen-
two, the embryonal mesenchyme, has areas of a widely tal factors were was not clarified, even if the presence of
varying thickness and could be thought of as filling mate- amniotic fluid in the ear during the fetal period was con-
rial. Further growth of bone and its preformation contin- sidered to possibly form a small portion of them. Nothing
ues guided by hereditary factors, leading to the develop- that happened at the time of delivery or postpartum, even
ment of bone spaces filled with connective tissue. Simul- the massive aspirations of AFCC reported by Aschoff [1],
taneously with this process the mesenchyme becomes could in his opinion [18] appreciably alter the pattern of
thinner, and at the end of 1 year all bone surfaces are nor- the predetermined size of mastoid pneumatization. The
mally covered by a thin layer of mucoperiosteum. Thus small areal figures in diseased ears were explained away
during the first months of life, due to the thick embryonal by a claim that the acellular or hypocellular mastoid was
mesenchyme, every infant in Wittmaack’s terminology prone to otitic infections, hence the association of ar-
could be said to have a hyperplastic mucosa. The thinning rested pneumatization with chronic otitis media.

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 59

Diamant’s claim [16] that the mastoid pneumatization Tumarkin’s own data derived from planimetric mea-
was determined only by genetic and intrauterine factors surements similar to those used by Diamant [16] of the
was opposed by Ojala [19] in a histological study of 10 size of the mastoid pneumatization in groups of working-
infant and 89 adult human temporal bones. In the infant class children from Liverpool slums with frequent infec-
bones pneumatization was seen to start at the end of the tions in contrast to middle-class children with much bet-
fetal period but its amount varied from case to case, being ter living standards, with a smaller number of infections
similar bilaterally. He confirmed Rüedi’s concept [14, 15] and better access to medical care. The results were clear-
of the normal association of the continuing preformation cut, the working-class group showing poorer pneumatiza-
of the growing periosteal bony walls of the mastoid cavity tion than the middle-class children. He concluded that
with simultaneous thinning of the mucous membrane. In normal mastoids are always pneumatized, and that the
an infant otitis media the latter remained hyperplastic, hypocellular mastoid is caused primarily by the inhibition
showing what Rüedi considered to be a dissociation of the of pneumatization due to pathological forces which may
two processes, leading to an arrest of pneumatization. He play a part during infancy and childhood. Such hypocellu-
stressed that the ‘hyperplastic mucous membrane consti- lar mastoids, affected by persistent chronic inflammation,
tution’ is not pathognomonic to otitis media in infancy gradually sclerosed and became ultimately acellular.
alone but may occur at any age under the same condi- These results are the same as the histological ones present-
tions, essentially providing evidence for an inflammation ed by Wittmaack [2, 3] with the difference that Witt-
or a postinflammatory state. The basic requirement for maack stressed the type of mucous membrane determin-
air cell formation is that the pressure in the growing air ing the course while Tumarkin stressed the underpressure
space remains continually equal to the tissue pressure, for in the middle ear and infections from birth to puberty as
its maintenance it is of no consequence whether this is the causes leading to different degrees of arrested pneu-
achieved with the aid of air or with amniotic fluid during matization. Because of these differences to Wittmaack’s
the fetal period. Sclerosis of the mastoid was attributed to thesis Tumarkin considered himself a neo-Wittmaack-
recurrent or chronic otitis media processes. ian.
Tumarkin’s series of studies [20–22] published in 1957 The remodelling of bone and sclerosis of the mastoid,
should be read by all interested in mastoid pneumatiza- shown to occur in infants both in aseptic and infected ears
tion. He did not accept the conclusions drawn by the by Wittmaack [2, 3] and Ojala [19], was found to occur in
Swedish investigators [16–18] and took pains to reexam- animal experiments on guinea pigs by Friedmann [23].
ine their statistics. He presented arguments which point Especially in the chronic type of suppuration, following an
by point revealed the fallacies in the statistical treatment inoculation of various strains of bacteria, there was a
of the data employed to support the genetic theory. When depositing of fresh bone resulting, with pyocyaneus and
properly examined the data supported a different conclu- proteus strains, in a complete obliteration of the bulla. In
sion, namely that the chronic otitis media was the cause human clinical material, in acute and chronic mastoiditis
for arrested pneumatization. In addition, he also pointed in children, the surgically removed bone chips showed
out that the above-reviewed Wittmaack concept was mar- that the mastoid bone was involved early in the course of
red by the speculation on the dominant role of the mucous the disease. There was repeated absorption and deposi-
membrane, the hyperplastic mucosa arising from the pre- tion of bone leading to a reconstruction of the normal pat-
natal foreign body inflammation and the hypoplastic mu- tern, and in extensive disease the depositing of new bone
cosa resulting from fibrosis following exudative postnatal led to partial or total obliteration of the air cell system [24,
infections. Tumarkin felt that this complicated histologi- 25].
cal speculation obscured the true value of Wittmaack’s Evidence of the role of blocked aeration on pneumati-
great contribution, namely that the hypocellular mastoid zation was obtained from the animal experiments of Ojala
is the end result of arrested normal pneumatization and [26] and Beaumont [27]. Both used the chick humerus as a
that it occurs as a result of an aseptic phenomenon or a model because this bone is pneumatized through the fora-
severe infection. He felt that the evidence for or against men pneumaticum which can be blocked either tempo-
the prenatal aseptic (AFCC) inflammation was inade- rarily or permanently. Ojala reported that a temporary
quate and thought that the aseptic type of inflammation blockade of 2–4 weeks’ duration delayed but did not
was due to the middle ear process in children we now call arrest pneumatization while a permanent occlusion was
secretory otitis media. followed by an inflammatory process in the humerus
comparable to the long-standing occlusion of the eusta-

60 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

chian tube. Such pathological conditions arrested the air Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content-Related Middle
space formation in the chick humerus. Ear Pathology as a Function of Age in Serial
Beaumont’s study employed 24 cockerels with full Sections
pneumatization and 20 who initially showed partial pneu-
matization of the humerus. After occlusion of the fora- Temporal Bones from Neonates
men pneumaticum serial sacrifice was carried out weekly
over 4 weeks, and monthly over a period from 5 to 8 We started the joint project between the Temporal
months. Early changes involved initial rounding of the Bone Foundation in Boston, Mass. and the Department
epithelial cells followed by the cytoplasm becoming foa- of Otolaryngology in Helsinki with an analysis of the
my and laden with fat. The subepithelial tissue initially spread of AFCC into various compartments of the middle
showed marked congestion of blood vessels, followed by ear, the development and definition of which had been
tissue edema with protein-rich fluid collection. Mesen- one of the principal interests of the Helsinki group. For
chymal proliferation formed polyps accompanied by an this, both temporal bones from four neonate autopsies
outgrowth of blood vessels. After 6–8 weeks the mesen- were available. Cases 1, 2 and 4 had been born full term
chymal cells showed intracellular deposits of lipoid mate- through thick meconium while the records contained no
rial, some areas changed to true fat cells. After 4–5 mention of meconium in case 3. Cases 1 and 2 died within
months two patterns of new bone formation appeared, 24 h after birth of respiratory distress due to meconium
one in the midst of the masses of vascular mesenchyme, aspiration. Case 3 died at 3 days of age due to associated
another immediately deep to and parallel to the lining epi- congenital heart defects and case 4 survived the pulmo-
thelium and the dilated network of blood vessels. nary aspiration of AFCC for 9 days [28].
Cholesterol granuloma tissue appeared after 2–3 In the three cases with meconium colored amniotic
months, scattered throughout all regions of the obstructed fluid AFCC was found in the whole middle ear area from
pneumatic system, increasing in animals sacrificed later. the superior attic to the hypotympanum whereas in case 3
New bone was also deposited in this tissue, appearing the main amount appeared in the antrum and posterior
finally as cleft-like spaces encased in a block of new bone. tympanum. The mucosal reaction was manifested in all
The bone marrow already present prior to blockage did cases in subepithelial local round cell collections without
not undergo any significant alterations. No specimen in signs of an infectious process. There were many areas with
the series showed total histological obliteration of all areas retained fetal tissue, the amount of which differed consid-
of the original pneumatic system. erably between the specimens.
The investigations reviewed above strongly suggest The entire material in Part 2 of this atlas, with the
that arrested pneumatization is associated either with an exception of case 4 of the temporal bones of the neonates,
aseptic inflammation, generally caused by AFCC, or fol- is from the collection of the Temporal Bone Foundation.
lows long-standing middle ear infections [2, 3, 19–25], The methods used to prepare the serial sections were
even if Wittmaack’s original idea of the mucous mem- described earlier (p. 11). The staining method used in all
brane dependence as such is outdated. A lack of aeration figures shown in this section is hematoxylin-eosin.
alone, without infection, can convert an already pneuma-
tized system into an obliterated state with new bone for- Superior and Anterior Epitympanum and Antrum
mation and sclerosis [26, 27]. It can be said that the gener- In all temporal bones the sections inferior to the epi-
al process of arrested pneumatization is well known, but tympanic bony roof showed a common air space extend-
detailed data of the normal speed and extent of undis- ing from the anterior bony wall to the antrum. The AFCC
turbed air cell development month by month during the clusters in cases 1 and 2 floated partly free in the fluid and
first year of life are not available. Such additional data were partly adjacent to the epithelial surfaces and niches
would still be of great interest and they can be obtained formed by the numerous ridges of the squamous bone
only from histological analyses of sufficiently large num- (fig. 98). In case 3 the superior and anterior attics were
bers of serially sectioned temporal bones from neonates free of amniotic cells but this material filled the antrum.
and young children. In case 4 the main bulk of AFCC was in the posterior tym-
panum and in the mastoid antrum. Cell clusters in the
anterior attic in cases 1 and 2 had contact surfaces with
epithelium with a beginning development of portals for
subsequent organization (fig. 99), while in the 9-day-old

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 61

Fig. 98. Case 1 (A87-213), 1 day of age, right ear, section 12. General Fig. 99. Case 1, right ear, section 81. The anterior attic (AA) is filled
view of the superior epitympanum and mastoid antrum (A). A mod- with amniotic fluid containing a larger cluster of AFCC. The cells
erate amount of AFCC is concentrated posterior to the head of the also line the anterolateral mucosa (horizontal arrow). Epithelial
malleus (M) and to the peripheric portions of the fluid lining the breaks form portals for organization (oblique arrows). Fetal tissue
mucosa of the antrum. Fetal mesenchyme is present in front of the surrounds the superior portion of the anterior malleal ligament (A)
malleus and between the trabeculae (oblique arrows) of the pre- and shows vacuolization. UL = Superior portion of the upper lateral
formed thin squamous bone. A horizontal arrow points to its merging attic; M = malleus. Magnification !25.
with the thick medial wall of the antrum, the petrous bone, which
contains hemopoietic bone marrow, with multiple connections to the
mucosa (vertical arrow). Magnification !7.

case 4 organization of a large AFCC cluster was under way

via a portal through the mastoid epithelium (fig. 100).

Tensor Fold and Supratubal Recess

Different amounts of AFCC clusters adhered to the
posterior surface of the tensor fold in both ears of case 1
(fig. 101, 102). In cases 2 and 3 the fold surfaces showed
only thin films of amniotic fluid and cells. In case 4 the
fold was thin and had a location more posterior than nor-
mally. Its surface was free of cells but cell clusters were
present in both the anterior attic and the supratubal recess
(fig. 103). None of the folds showed membrane defects
and there was a full separation of the anterior attic from
the supratubal recess. The supratubal recesses in cases 1
Fig. 100. Case 4, series P, a neonate of 9 days, right ear, section 20. and 3 contained practically cell-free amniotic fluid. In
An epithelial break in the mucosa (vertical arrow) provides a portal
case 2 some AFCC was seen in the lower sections at the
for organization of the large mass of AFCC which fills the mastoid
antrum. Most of the inflammatory cells are round cells, many of level of the anterior malleal ligamental fold.
them show signs of degeneration. The oblique arrow points to a larger
cluster of squamous epithelial cells. B = Medial bony wall of antrum. Lateral Incudomalleal Fold and Lateral Attics
Magnification !150. In all ears there were fluid columns in both the upper
and lower lateral attics, while the cell clusters were mainly
found in the latter, in cases 1–3 generally floating freely
(fig. 104) but there were a few areas with slight epithelial
damage when the AFCC was in direct contact with the
epithelium. In case 4 portals through the epithelium were
forming to begin the organization process.

62 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 101. Case 1, left ear, section 81. In several sections across the Fig. 102. Same case as in figure 101, a 1.4 mm more inferior section.
dome of the supratubal recess, this large cluster of AFCC adhered to The tensor fold (TF) is of normal thickness and only a thin layer of
the lateral portion of the posterior surface of the edematous tensor AFCC adheres to the lateral portion of the fold (oblique arrow)
fold (TF). The underlying epithelium is destroyed. AA = Anterior towards the anterior attic (AA). Amniotic fluid in the supratubal
attic; R = supratubal recess. Organization of clusters of this type on recess (R) contains a few small clusters. Fluid in Prussak’s space (P) is
the tensor fold would later show fibrotic scar tissue strands of varying cell free. M = Malleus; A = anterior malleal ligamental fold; C = chor-
dimensions. Magnification !150. da tympani nerve. Magnification !25.

Fig. 103. Case 4, right ear. The tensor fold (oblique arrow) is thin and Fig. 104. Case 1, left ear, section 111. The lower lateral attic (LL) is
has an unusually posterior location. A small amount of secretion, filled with fluid with an AFCC cluster anteriorly. A few cells appear
containing round cells, appears in the anterior attic (AA) and a larger in the fluid lining the medial surface of the incus (I) and the posterior
cluster is seen in the supratubal recess (R). Fetal mesenchyme surface of the tensor fold (TF) in the anterior attic (AA). The supratu-
appears both medially and laterally. A vertical medial ossicular fold bal recess (R) is filled with acellular fluid. The roof (P) of Prussak’s
of a height of 9 mm (horizontal arrow) divides the medial attic partly space lateral to the malleus (M) contains vacuolated fetal tissue. C =
into two portions. M = Malleus; I = incus. Magnification !12. Chorda tympani nerve; A = anterior malleal ligament; L = lateral
malleal ligament; MA = medial attic. Magnification !12.

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 63

Fig. 105. Case 2 (A89-13), section 361, right ear. Prussak’s space (P) Fig. 106. Case 2, section 401, right ear. A large amount of AFCC is
contains a small amount of AFCC, the anterior membrane (horizon- concentrated in the posterior tympanum around the long process of
tal arrow) is thin, some AFCC is present in the anterior pouch (obli- the incus (I). The posterior pouch (P) contains some AFCC. The ante-
que arow). Cell-free material is present in the anterior attic (AA). The rior mesotympanum (AM) in front of the tensor tendon (oblique
submucosa shows moderate round cell infiltration. M = Malleus; A = arrow) contains mainly cell-free fluid. M = Malleus; E = ear canal.
anterior malleal ligamental fold; SM = Shrapnell’s membrane. Mag- Magnification !12.
nification !25.

sional cells. Prussak’s space was small and slit-like in case

1, and in case 3 its site contained only fetal tissue. In case
2 Prussak’s space was well developed and contained a
small amount of AFCC (fig. 105). The aeration pathway
through the posterior pouch, or directly to the lower later-
al attic, was empty in case 4 and in the others showed
insignificant amounts of AFCC (fig. 106) or was filled
with nearly cell-free fluid (fig. 107).

Medial Attic and Tympanic Isthmus

In case 1 the amniotic fluid filling the space contained
a few AFCC clusters which adhered to the epithelial sur-
faces. In case 2 both ears contained massive amounts of
floating AFCC clusters (fig. 108–110), contacting espe-
Fig. 107. Case 1, section 221, left ear The posterior pouch (P) is filled cially the remnants of the medial ossicular (incudal) fold.
with fluid showing scant AFCC laterally. More AFCC is present
In case 3 AFCC appeared in the fluid in the posterior half
medial to the pouch, partly fixed to the mucosa (vertical arrow).
Some AFCC-containing fluid is present in the anterior mesotympan- of the tympanic isthmus, with round cells of various size,
um (oblique arrows). The horizontal arrow points to a remnant of the multinucleated giant cells and also polymorphonuclear
vertical medial ossicular fold. M = Malleus; I = long process of incus; leukocytes, continuing to the mastoid antrum. In the right
C = chorda tympani nerve; S = posterior tympanic spine. Magnifica- ear of case 4 AFCC appeared principally in the anterior
tion !20.
portions of the isthmus without contact to the mucosa
while the left ear still contained a large amount of
embryonal tissue.
Lateral Malleal Space and Prussak’s Space
In both ears of cases 1 and 3 the inferior portion of the Tympanic Cavity
lateral malleal space contained fetal tissue. In cases 2 and In all 8 temporal bones the hypotympanum and lower
4 the lateral malleal spaces were well formed and con- portion of the mesotympanum contained only little
tained only small amounts of amniotic fluid with occa- AFCC and the mucous membrane was thin. The presence

64 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 108. Case 2, section 331, left ear. A large cluster of AFCC (hori- Fig. 109. Case 2, section 336, left ear. A polypoid remnant of the
zontal arrow) appears in the medial attic. AFCC-containing fluid also vertical medial ossicular fold contains many capillaries and is infil-
appears in the mastoid antrum (MA), lower lateral attic (LL), anteri- trated by round cells. It is surrounded by a large cluster of AFCC
or attic (AA) and in the supratubal recess (R). The tensor fold (obli- which contacts the epithelium at several sites preliminary to the
que arrow) is thin. E = Ear canal; I = incus; M = malleus. Magnifica- developement of portals for organization. Magnification !125.
tion !8.

Fig. 110. Case 2, left ear, section 371. A magnified view of the con- Fig. 111. Case 2, section 391, left ear. The entire mesotympanum
tinuing AFCC cluster in the medial attic, 0.8 mm more inferior to around the long process of the incus (I) contains fluid with AFCC
that shown in figure 108. A large number of squamous epithelial cells clusters. Fluid with few cells fills the anterior mesotympanum (AM).
and some lanugo hair appear surrounded by round cells and multinu- The footplate area is free (vertical arrow), the posterior pouch (obli-
cleated cells. Magnification !200. que arrow) contains scant fluid. E = Ear canal; F = facial nerve; M =
malleus. Magnification !12.

of the cell clusters was particularly noticeable around the was normal in all temporal bones, but there was some
incus long process (fig. 111) and the stapes (fig. 112) and AFCC posterior to it together with prominent capillaries
there were many areas with small epithelial breaks form- and polypous mucosa in case 2. In all ears the tympanic
ing future portals from the subepithelial space to the sinus contained fluid with a varying amount of AFCC and
mucus. In case 3 there were several multinucleated giant distinct areas of contact with the epithelium for the devel-
cells, some of which had ingested fragments of squamous opment of portals for organization.
epithelial cells (fig. 113). The round window membrane

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 65

Fig. 112. Case 2, section 451, left ear. There is fluid on the footplate Fig. 113. Case 3, section 291, left ear. Many macrophages and two
and AFCC clusters nearby. Between the crura there is fluid with a multinucleated cells in the space between the stapes and the facial
smaller number of cells, the mucosa shows some tendency to polyp nerve. One of the large cells contains phagocytized material (horizon-
formation (oblique arrow). One multinuclear cell appears near the tal arrow). Magnification !200.
footplate (vertical arrow). AFCC clusters appear also posterior to the
stapes crura (horizontal arrow). Magnification !40.

Eustachian Tube cells were filled with AFCC. The inferior portions of the
In all temporal bones the lateral portion of the protym- antrum, separated already by thick bone from the middle
panum and the bony eustachian tube contained moderate ear spaces, were surrounded by smooth-walled red mar-
numbers of amniotic cells and fluid, not attaching to the row bone.
Mastoid Pneumatization A varying amount of embryonic tissue remained in all
The mastoid antrum was well formed in all 8 speci- these neonatal ears. It made the incudomalleal fold areas
mens, open for the most part except in one ear which thick between the lateral attics. In 3 bones it was present
showed a large antrum still filled with mesenchyme The in large amounts in the lateral malleal and in Prussak’s
petrous bone, making its thick posteromedial wall, was spaces and only in case 2 was Prussak’s space fully open
typically red marrow bone containing hemopoietic tissue and comparable to the adult. In case 4 in the left ear the
throughout. It even showed smooth contours with occa- large attic compartments were also only partially open.
sional short trabeculae projecting to the antral lumen and The fetal mesenchymal tissue in the lower lateral attic and
was lined by mucosa which contained some embryologi- around the posterior pouch clearly protected Prussak’s
cal mesenchyme. The squamous bone, the smaller antero- space from AFCC contamination.
lateral portion of the mastoid bone, was much thinner and The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space, the anteri-
showed evidence of a marked preformation extending or malleal ligament and an intact tensor fold form a dead
close to the lateral periosteum. Numerous short and long end for a superior air flow. This is in accordance with the
trabeculae projected towards the antral cavity with em- presence of generally only little or no AFCC in the supra-
bryonal mesenchyme, generally rich in capillaries, be- tubal recess, apart from the main flow of air to the middle
tween them (fig. 98). The marrow spaces close to the per- ear inferior to the tensor tympani tendon. An exception
iosteum contained no hemopoietic tissue, only connective was made in the right ear in case 4 where the recess was
tissue and a few capillaries. The bone preformation con- posteriorly unusually deep (fig. 103). Due to the direct
tinued from the attic roof until the fossa incudis. In sever- aeration route from the eustachian tube to the incudosta-
al specimens there was a marked lateral formation of air pedial articulation and to the lower lateral attic, these
cells with spaces lined by epithelium, the subepithelial tis- areas constantly showed varying amounts of AFCC. From
sue still containing thick mesenchyme. Many such air the upper mesotympanum and the lower lateral attic

66 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

AFCC may reach Prussak’s space if its aeration pathways
are well open. Other main sites for AFCC were the stapes
region and the sinus tympani, and the tympanic isthmus
especially if remnants of the vertical medial ossicular fold
were present.
The ciliated epithelium in the eustachian tube definite-
ly propels much of the freely floating meso- and hypotym-
panic AFCC to the pharynx but AFCC became fixed to
other areas, for example, around the stapes, tympanic
isthmus, the attic and mastoid where they cannot be
removed. On the basis of these findings it appeared that
small numbers of cell clusters in the protympanum, supra-
tubal recess, Prussak’s space, hypotympanum and the
mastoid would later result in local soft tissue thickening
and postinflammatory folds, but would not create func- Fig. 114. Case 1 (A86-055), right ear, section 170, general view. A
granulation tissue mass with pseudocysts in the mastoid antrum (ver-
tional problems. On the other hand, massive cell clusters
tical arrow) is covered by flat epithelium and connected to mucosa
in the tympanic isthmus and around the stapes would be with tissue bridges. The red bone marrow of the petrous bone is in
likely to cause a development of large masses of granula- contact with the mucosal lining (oblique arrow). The trabecular squa-
tion tissue and lead to a partial or even a full block of the mous bone has some air cells still containing mesenchyme (horizon-
tympanic isthmus. Organization of cell clusters in the pos- tal arrow). The lower lateral attic (LL) contains a secretion-covered
sheet of granulation tissue. The lateral malleal space (L) contains
terior pouch might lead to obstruction of aeration and to
secretion, the anterior attic is filled with pseudocystic tissue (curved
obliteration of Prussak’s space. arrow) which continues along the medial surface of the incus (I). The
portion of the anterior attic in front of the transverse crest (open
arrow) contains thick mucosa and secretion with round cells. The
Temporal Bones from 2- to 4-Month-Old Infants main portion of the tympanic isthmus (TI) is free. M = Malleus; A =
anterior malleal ligament. Magnification !7.

Five temporal bones were available in this age range

and the AFCC contamination of the middle ears was com-
parable to the moderate or massive involvement seen in
the above-discussed newborns. Case 1 (A86-055) died at
the age of 113 days as a result of severe diarrhea, anemia Case 2. In the right ear the superior epitympanum con-
and metabolic acidosis. Case 2 (A89-105) died at the age tained an epithelialized granulation tissue sheet measur-
of 67 days of septic shock and multifocal hepatic necrosis. ing 11 mm in length, extending from the anterior attic to
Case 3 (88-022) died at the age of 84 days after 10 days’ the mastoid antrum (fig. 115). It involved all attic and
treatment in hospital with a final diagnosis of diarrhea antral sections and was thin in the medial attic and broad
associated with vomiting, mixed shock and severe dehy- in the antrum, where it was united with many tissue
dration [29]. bridges to the mucous membrane. Additionally there was
thick secretion which was also present in the lateral mal-
Compartments above the Epitympanic Diaphragm leal space and both lateral attics. The mucosa was edema-
and the Mastoid Antrum tous and thick, also in the neighboring attic air cells, but
Case 1. In the right ear all sections through the antrum only a few inflammatory cells were present.
showed a large block of pseudocystic granulation tissue Case 3. The superior attic in the left ear showed large
covered by flat epithelium and connected with many amounts of mucus and the mucosa was edematous and
bridges to the mucosa (fig. 114). Many air cells adjoining infiltrated by inflammatory cells. The same findings con-
the attic space contained mucus and inflammatory cells. tinued in the more inferior sections. In the right ear the
The anterior attic posterior to the shallow 0.4-mm-high pathological changes were less intense. Secretion lined the
transverse crest contained a meshwork of granulation tis- superior attic walls and abundantly appeared only in the
sue. In the left ear the findings were close to those seen on mastoid antrum. Many attic air cells contained mucus
the right side. and showed organization processes.

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 67

Fig. 115. Case 2 (A89-105), right ear, section 71, general view. The Fig. 116. Case 1, right ear, section 200. The pseudocystic granulation
petrous bone shows short bone ridges and the bone marrow is in con- tissue in the anterior attic (AA) extends around the remaining lateral
tact with the thick mesenchyme of the mucosal lining (open arrow). portion of the tensor fold (curved arrow) into the supratubal recess
The lateral squamous bone shows deep trabeculation, medially the dome (R). Strands of secretion (oblique arrows) contain round cells.
preformed air cells are lined by thick mucosa. An 11-mm-long epithe- Prussak’s space (P) contains a small amount of secretion. The lower
lium-covered granulation tissue strand (vertical arrows) extends lateral attic is divided by pseudocystic tissue (horizontal arrows) into
from a nearly obliterated anterior attic (AA) to the mastoid antrum. several compartments, the secretion contains both round cells and
Secretion medial to it in the isthmus (oblique arrow) contained round multinucleated cells. M = Malleus; I = incus; A = joint portion of the
cells, capillaries and portals for organization. The upper portion of anterior and lateral malleal ligaments. Magnification !12.
the lower lateral attic (curved arrow) and the lateral malleal space
(horizontal arrow) contain secretion with round cells and giant cells.
M = Malleus; I = incus; A = anterior malleal ligament. Magnification

Fig. 117. Case 1, right ear, section 210. The pseudocystic granulation Fig. 118. Case 1, left ear, section 132. A long secretion mass fills half
tissue mass (horizontal arrow) adheres to the margins of the tensor of the tympanic isthmus (TI) and continues to the anterior attic (AA)
fold membrane defect (oblique arrows) and shows posteriorly large where part of it drains into the dome of the supratubal recess (R) via a
connecting strands (vertical arrows) to the malleus (M) and incus. defect (oblique arrow) in the superior portion of the tensor fold. The
A = Anterior malleal ligament; R = supratubal recess. Magnification lateral malleal space (L) and the lower lateral attic (LL) contain secre-
!25. tion with round cells. M = Malleus; I = incus. Magnification !12.

68 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 119. Case 3 (A88-022), left ear, section 230. Thick mucus, con- Fig. 120. Case 3, right ear, section 181. The tensor fold (horizontal
taining round cells, appears in the supratubal recess (R), in the arrow) is edematous and the dome of the supratubal recess (R) con-
entrance to the tympanic isthmus (TI) and in the lower lateral attic tains mucoid secretion with a few cells. Prussak’s space (P) is partial-
(LL). The tensor fold is edematous and shows a medial membrane ly obliterated by organizing secretion. The lower lateral attic (LL)
defect (horizontal arrow) while the supratubal recess is divided into shows secretion containing round cells and a cross section of a granu-
subcompartments by inflammatory folds (oblique arrow). Many lation tissue polyp; a similar polyp (vertical arrows) appears in the
cross sections of granulation tissue polyps appear (vertical arrows), anterior attic (AA). The mucous membrane is infiltrated by round
the mucosa is edematous and shows moderate or extensive numbers cells. M = Malleus; I = incus; C = chorda tympani nerve. Magnifica-
of inflammatory cells. Prussak’s space (P) is filled with mucus and tion !12.
contains a polyp posteriorly. The anterior pouch (AP) is full of
mucus. M = Malleus; I = incus. Magnification !12.

Tensor Fold and Supratubal Recess fold was intact but thick and invaded by inflammatory
Case 1. Organized granulation tissue and strands of cells. The supratubal recess contained cell rich secretion
secretion appeared in the anterior attic and around the (fig. 120).
tensor fold which had a 0.4-mm-high membrane defect in
the superior portion of the deformed fold (fig. 116). In the Lateral Malleal Space and the Lateral Attics
following section the defect became patched with the Case 1. In the right ear the lateral malleal space and the
increasing size of granulation tissue (fig. 117) and further lower lateral attic contained cellular mucus and in the lat-
sections showed an intact fold drawn posteriorly by con- ter there was also epithelialized granulation tissue, but the
tracting tissue bridges. Excluding its upper portion the downturning anterior edge of the lateral incudomalleal
supratubal recess was free of pathological changes. In the fold remained thin (fig. 114). Further inferiorly the lower
left ear the membrane defect in the superior portion of the lateral attic contained increasing amounts of pseudocystic
tensor fold was smaller but still provided a tiny passage granulation tissue (fig. 116). In the left ear the upper and
for secretion from the anterior attic to the supratubal lower lateral attics contained thick mucoid secretion with
recess (fig. 118). round cells and many giant cells.
Case 2. The tensor fold was intact in the right ear and Case 2. The lateral incudomalleal fold was thick in the
the supratubal recess contained acellular secretion. right ear, rich in capillaries, and slightly infiltrated by
Case 3. In the left ear the tensor fold showed a defect round cells. Several polypoid formations and crossing
0.2 ! 0.5 mm in width and 0.3 mm high in its medial strands appeared in the lower lateral attic together with
portion (fig. 119), the fold was thick and infiltrated by secretion (fig. 121).
round cells. In some sections mucus was seen to go Case 3. The lower lateral attic, the lateral malleal space
through the defect. The supratubal recess contained large and the anterior attic contained in both ears secretion
polypous epithelialized tissue strands which divided it with round cells and giant cells with a few mucosal polyps
into several compartments, the mucosa being severely (fig. 122).
infiltrated. In the right ear near the recess dome the tensor

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 69

Fig. 121. Case 2, right ear, section 166. Prussak’s space has been Fig. 122. Case 3, right ear, section 130. Secretion containing a moder-
passed and a superior portion of the posterior pouch appears (hori- ate number of round cells of various sizes appears in the lower lateral
zontal arrow). The lower lateral attic (LL) contains cellular secretion attic (LL), lateral malleal space (L), and in the anterior attic around
and is crossed by inflammatory strands and polyps (oblique arrows). the tip of a granulation tissue polyp (vertical arrow). The medial attic
The tissue strand in the tympanic isthmus (vertical arrow) close to (MA) is empty. The edematous mucous membrane shows marked
the incus (I) and the strand of secretion (curved arrow) appeared infiltration by round cells and two small polyps (oblique arrows)
already in figure 115, a section 2 mm more superior. The anterior appear medially in the lower lateral attic. M = Malleus; I = incus.
mesotympanum in front of the tensor tendon (T) contains acellular Magnification !12.
secretion. M = Malleus; S = posterior tympanic spine; C = chorda
tympani nerve. Magnification !12.

Prussak’s Space and Its Aeration Pathways

Case 1. In the right ear Prussak’s space contained a
small amount of secretion and opened directly to the low-
er lateral attic, partially filled with a meshwork of granula-
tion tissue (fig. 123). The posterior pouch was separate
from Prussak’s space and except its mucus-filled dome
free of pathology. In the left ear thick mucus from Prus-
sak’s space drained through a large pathway to the mucus-
filled lower lateral attic (fig. 124), similarly to the right
ear. Also, here the posterior pouch was separate from
Prussak’s space but in contrast to the opposite ear, it was
almost completely filled with thick secretion (fig. 125).
Case 2. The right ear still contained embryonal tissue
in Prussak’s space and in the lumen there was nearly acel-
lular secretion. Posterior to the neck of the malleus there Fig. 123. Case 1, right ear, section 250. Prussak’s space (P) opens
directly to the lower lateral attic (LL) which contains both secretion
was a normal-sized aeration pathway via the posterior
with round cells and epithelialized granulation tissue (oblique ar-
pouch which contained mucoid secretion with round cells rows). The anterior pouch (AP) and the supratubal recess (R) are free
and giant cells (fig. 126). of pathology, the lowest portion of the anterior malleal ligamental
Case 3. In the left ear Prussak’s space was shallow, only fold (vertical arrow) still separates the two spaces. The posterior
0.3 mm in height. The posterior pouch contained thick pouch, the dome of which appears (curved arrow), is separate from
and inferior to Prussak’s space. Its walls are covered by thick mucus
secretion with round cells and also polyp formations
with a moderate number of round cells; further inferiorly it was free
(fig. 127). The pouch opened to the upper lateral meso- of pathology for its whole length of 1.4 mm. The horizontal arrow
tympanum where mucus and a thick polypous mucosa points to the anterior membrane of Prussak’s space. M = Malleus; I =
surrounded the chorda tympani nerve and the incus long long process of incus; C = chorda tympani nerve. Magnification
process. In the right ear the lumen of the 1-mm-high !12.

70 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 124. Case 1, left ear, section 203. Prussak’s space (P) is half filled Fig. 125. Same ear as in figure 124, section 259. The separate posteri-
with mucoid secretion which contains round cells, giant cells and or pouch (PP) contains thick secretion which posteriorly is dense and
cholesterol clefts. Its 0.4-mm-long aeration and drainage pathway starts to undergo organization. The chorda tympani nerve (C) has
(oblique arrow) leads directly to the lower lateral attic (LL) which joined the inner blade of the pouch. The posterior tympanum con-
contains an abundant amount of mucoid secretion with beginning tains both epithelialized granulation tissue (oblique arrow) and thick
organization. The anterior membrane of Prussak’s space (horizontal mucoid secretion. M = Malleus; S = posterior tympanic spine. Magni-
arrow) is thin and receives some fibers from the tensor tympani ten- fication !40.
don (T). The anterior pouch (AP) has fully joined the supratubal
recess and both were free of secretion. M = Malleus; I = incus; C =
chorda tympani nerve. Magnification !40.

Fig. 126. Case 2, right ear, section 221. The posterior tympanum Fig. 127. Case 3, left ear, section 260. The posterior pouch (oblique
shows a large epithelium-covered granulation tissue mass around the arrow) contains dense clusters of round cells. The fold around the
long process of the incus (I). Secretion contains both round cells and chorda tympani nerve (C) is infiltrated by round cells and the mucosa
giant cells in all areas, also in the posterior pouch (horizontal arrow). in the posterior tympanum is polypous throughout. Epithelialized
The chorda tympani nerve (C) is surrounded by granulation tissue. granulation tissue (horizontal arrows) adheres to the tensor tendon
One continuous bundle (vertical arrow) of the posterior malleal liga- (T) and the anterior mesotympanum contains secretion with round
ment appears. S = Posterior tympanic spine; M = malleus. Magnifica- cells (vertical arrow). M = Malleus; I = long process of incus. Magnifi-
tion !12. cation !12.

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 71

Fig. 128. Case 3, right ear, section 211. Aeration pathway to Prus- Fig. 129. Case 3, right ear, section 270. The end portion of the poste-
sak’s space posterior to the neck of the malleus (M) shows round cell rior pouch in the lateral mesotympanum shows cellular secretion
infiltrated mucus and a granulation tissue polyp (curved arrow). Sim- (vertical arrow) and polypoid mucosa. An epithelialized polypous
ilar polyp formation and secretion appears in the lower lateral attic granulation tissue sheet extends from the malleus (M) via incus (I) to
(oblique arrow). The tensor fold adjoining the tendon (T) is edema- the stapes (S). Numerous pseudocysts appear in the polypous mucosa
tous and infiltrated by round cells, similarly to the mucosa surround- and in the granulation tissue. Air cells in the facial recess contain
ing the malleus. The anterior mesotympanum shows cell free secre- secretion and the mucosa is swollen, up to disappearance of the air
tion (vertical arrow). I = Incus; C = chorda tympani nerve; S = poste- space. C = Chorda tympani nerve; F = facial nerve. Magnification
rior tympanic spine. Magnification !25. !25.

Prussak’s space was reduced because of polyps and organ-

izing secretion which continued to the superior portion of
the posterior pouch (fig. 128). The pouch full of mucus
continued to the mesotympanum where inflammatory
folds surrounded the chorda tympani nerve and the short
process of the incus (fig. 129).

Tympanic Isthmus and Posterior Tympanum

Case 1. In the right ear the tympanic isthmus was prac-
tically free of secretion but contained thin inflammatory
tissue strands (fig. 114, 116). There were similar strands
with secretion in the posterior tympanum between the
malleus, incus and tympanic membrane, extending to-
wards the incudostapedial articulation and facial recess
Fig. 130. Case 1, right ear, section 300. A large epithelium-covered and an extensive granulation tissue surrounded the stapes
granulation tissue mass, with an abundant amount of capillaries and
(fig. 130). In the left ear the changes were less marked with
a few pseudocysts, surrounds the head and crus portion of the stapes.
Part of the mass is covered by secretion (oblique arrow) containing only some granulation tissue and tissue strands.
round cells and undergoing organization. A separate secretion-lined Case 2. The right ear showed large amounts of orga-
granulation tissue mass (vertical arrow) appears closer to the foot- nized tissue in the posterior tympanum around the incus
plate (S). Magnification !40. long process (fig. 126). The stapes was buried in a mass of
granulation tissue with many tissue bridges to the mucosa
and formation of pseudocystic cavities (fig. 131).
Case 3. In the left ear there were relatively thin orga-
nized tissue sheets close to the medial surfaces of the incus
and malleus but the main portion of the tympanic isthmus

72 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 131. Case 2, right ear, section 281. The stapes (S) is buried in a Fig. 132. Case 3, left ear, section 461. The round window niche is half
multicystic mass of granulation tissue with marked round cell infil- filled with epithelialized granulation tissue. The mass is fixed to the
tration. Several tissue bridges appear and organization of the remain- window membrane (horizontal arrow) as well as to the niche walls
ing secretion is in progress. A large polypoid granulation tissue sheet and shows many pseudocysts. The mucous membrane in the hypo-
(vertical arrow) extends towards the facial recess. Magnification tympanum is edematous and polypous (oblique arrow), contains
!25. pseudocysts and shows marked round cell infiltration. Magnification

was free. The stapes was surrounded by heavily infiltrated contained scant secretion and there was slight infiltration
thick, polypous mucosa. In the right ear the whole posteri- of the subepithelial tissue with round cells. In the left ear
or tympanum and facial recess presented polypous muco- of case 3 inferior and anterior to the level of umbo the
sa and there was a long organized pseudocystic tissue mesotympanic spaces were nearly empty. It was observed
sheet starting from the malleus via the long process of the that some mucus had been transported to the intact eusta-
incus to the stapes (fig. 129). chian tube.

Tympanic Sinus and Round Window Niche Elements Specific to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content
Case 1. In the right ear there was a small amount of In the right ear of case 1 fragments of hair were seen in
granulation tissue in the round window niche but the the granulation tissue surrounding the incus body and the
membrane itself was normal. stapes, and in the mastoid antrum. In the left ear similar
Case 2. In the right ear the round window niche fragments appeared in the anterior attic. In the right ear of
showed both secretion and mucosal polyps. The mem- case 2 fragments of hair were frequently seen the granula-
brane itself was normal and not affected by inflammatory tion tissue, exceptionally also in the free space, in all com-
changes. partments apart from Prussak’s space and posterior
Case 3. In the left ear the sinus tympani was full of pouch. Macrophages or giant cells were a frequent finding
mucus and the mucosa was infiltrated by round cells. An surrounding portions of hair, around one end of a hair
organized pseudocystic tissue mass filled the round win- (fig. 133, 134) or engulfing a fragment. Some areas were
dow niche and the membrane was firmly connected to the surrounded by clusters of activated lymphocytes. In case 3
mucosal surfaces of the niche (fig. 132). In the right ear only a few small fragments of hair were found.
the changes were slightly less intense and the window
membrane itself was still free of the organizing tissue Mastoid Pneumatization
mass present in the niche. The petrous bone in 4 specimens showed similar char-
acteristics as in the neonate series. Distinct embryonal
Eustachian Tube mesenchyme was still present subepithelially, and the
In case 1 both eustachian tubes had normal mucosa bone surface facing the antrum was even or showed only
and practically no secretion. In case 2 the eustachian tube short ridges (fig. 114, 115). At inferior portions of the

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 73

Fig. 133. Case 2, right ear, section 246. Polypoid granulation tissue in Fig. 134. Case 2, right ear, section 256. Hairs in the capillary-rich
the posterior tympanum contains a hair surrounded at one end by a epithelialized granulation tissue between the long process of the incus
multinucleated macrophage (horizontal arrow). The area close to the and stapes crura. The crossing area of the longer hair by the shorter
epithelium contains mostly fibrocytes while deeper layers show infil- one is surrounded by a large multinucleated giant cell. Macrophages
tration by round cells of varying sizes and numerous pseudocysts (oblique arrows) envelope the opposite end of the longer hair. Verti-
(vertical arrows) Magnification !200. cal arrow points to numerous pseudocysts in the granulation tissue.
Magnification !200.

antrum the marrow bone surrounded the entire cavity fragments appeared less frequently in case 1, aged 84
and there was no sign of pneumatization. The squamous days, and only rarely in case 3, aged 113 days. It is obvious
bone laterally varied in thickness and close to the perios- that the process of organization gradually eliminates
teum contained marrow bone without hemopoietic tissue. AFCC by enzymatic breaking of keratin and phagocytosis
Towards the antral cavity there was the preformed trabe- by the activated macrophages. The presence in all studied
cular arrangement and distinct air cells had formed be- ears of the still very cellular granulation tissue covered by
tween the bone ridges medially, lined with a thick, mesen- epithelium made it possible to determine that the begin-
chyme-containing mucosa (fig. 115). Only in the right ear ning of the process occurred during the period of birth.
of case 3, showing smaller inflammatory changes, was It must be remembered as pointed out in Ashoff’s
there more advanced air cell formation especially in the study [1] that aspiration during delivery is not the only
squamous bone, less in the petrous bone. Several air cells cause for the presence of AFCC in the middle ear cleft. In
were filled with mucus and showed signs of organization. fact, he found that due to swallowing AFCC may appear
in the middle ears from the 4th fetal month on. Thus
Comment asphyxia and aspiration must not be regarded as the only
The hospital records of these 3 children contained nei- criteria indicating that a neonate can have AFCC present
ther data of the presence of meconium in the amniotic in the middle ear. In the present ears there were also asso-
fluid nor information of a possible aspiration during ciated factors which could have contributed to an inflam-
delivery. It is apparent that there had been no massive matory middle ear disease. In case 1 the nasogastric tube
pulmonary aspiration because the asphyxic state would could have aided the development of signs of the secretory
have been obvious clinically. The focal pulmonary infil- otitis media in the left ear, containing large amounts of
trates in case 1 might indicate some aspiration even if not yet organizing mucoid secretion. In case 3 the associ-
diarrhea was the cardinal symptom. The initial presence ated vomiting might have forced contents of the mouth
of AFCC in the middle ears could, nevertheless, be ascer- into the middle ears even if squamous, mouth-derived
tained by the identification of specific histology. Case 2, epithelial cells were not seen.
67 days of age, had fragments of hair at several sites inside The areas most affected both by collection of mucoid
the granulation tissue, a finding in line with the earlier secretion and fresh granulation tissue proved to be the
data reported in the age groups under 70 days [9]). These posterior tympanum and the lower lateral attic. These

74 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

sites are directly connected with the pathways of aeration mation of granulation tissue in the present ears had anni-
of Prussak’s space. As compared to the findings in the 8 hilated all these cells except remnants of lanugo hair and
temporal bones of the neonates with only a slight spread the same trend was noted earlier with increasing infant
of AFCC to Prussak’s space, these infants all had mucoid age in the whole infant material [8].
secretion both in Prussak’s space and in the aeration path-
ways. This in time will lead to epithelial damage and
mucus organization which may cause partial or total obli- Temporal Bones from 5- to 23-Month-Old Infants
teration of Prussak’s space and its aeration pathways. Fur-
ther changes will be the indrawing of Shrapnell’s mem- In the age group of children from 5 to 23 months 10
brane with a possible development of a retraction pocket, temporal bones from the Temporal Bone Foundation
or a papillary ingrowth cholesteatoma. From the point of were available for study [32]. They were comparable to
view of drainage, the less common shorter aeration route the slightly, moderately or massively contaminated mid-
directly from the lower lateral attic would seem more dle ears discussed above for the neonates, and for the
favorable than the normal pathway via the posterior infants aged 2–4 months.
pouch. The fact that the aeration routes, and Prussak’s Case 1 was a 5-month-old, previously healthy girl who
space itself filled early with mucus and granulation tissue became ill with diarrhea, vomiting and fever, progressing
seems to explain our observations [30] that tympanosto- to septicemia. She died due to cardiorespiratory failure 20
my tubes do not prevent varying pathological processes days after the initial symptoms. The lungs showed des-
developing in the region of Shrapnell’s membrane. quamative pneumonia. Signs of a disseminated herpes
In infants the tympanic isthmus, when partially infection were found in the liver, esophagus, oral cavity
blocked by AFCC-derived granulation tissue, becomes and skin.
more reduced in size by a superimposed secretory otitis Case 2 was a 5-month-old girl with Goldenhar’s syn-
media with secretion and underpressure in the attic. Early drome who after 3 months of age had respiratory symp-
use of tympanostomy tubes in such ears may halt the attic toms, the final illness with fever, a cough and marked
process and help maturation of the granulation tissue to respiratory distress, diagnosed as bronchiolitis, starting 1
unimportant webs not restricting the ventilation via the day before hospitalization. The child died in circulatory
isthmus. However, a nonresolved chronic attic and mas- failure after 18 days of illness. The lungs showed large
toid disease may remain as a source for repeated recur- dense areas and the culture revealed coagulase-positive
rences and necessitates more energetic methods of active staphylococci.
treatment [31]. There is a great need for studies of tempo- Case 3 was 8 months old and had been born through
ral bones of older infants and young children for evalua- thick meconium and developed within 2 h a respiratory
tion of late tissue changes both in the attic and mastoid, distress with severe cyanosis. Intubation with assisted
aerated via the tympanic isthmus, as well as in the limited ventilation was started 15 h later but all attempts of extu-
regional entity of the posterior pouch and Prussak’s bation failed and at the age of 4 months a tracheotomy
space. was performed but she continued to need assisted ventila-
An extensive connective tissue network in the stapes tion. The principal cause of death was bronchopneumo-
area is likely to cause some restriction in the movements nia and cultures of the lung tissues grew Haemophilus
of the stapes and more importantly, the late tissue con- influenzae.
traction may cause permanent indrawing of the posterior Case 4 was 15 months of age and had congenital agene-
portion of the pars tensa. This in turn causes further nar- sia of the left and dysplasia of the right kidney. The final
rowing of the already affected tympanic isthmus and leads illness had started with vomiting, followed by respiratory
to an irreversible attic aeration defect. Posterior retrac- difficulties and dehydration and he died 4 h after admis-
tion is a serious sign suggesting a need to create additional sion to hospital. The blood cultures grew E. coli and coa-
aeration pathways for safeguarding the attic ventilation. gulase-positive staphylococci. E. coli was also cultured
The process of organization destroys foreign sub- from specimens from the right lung.
stances from the middle ear when they have become fixed Case 5, aged 23 months, had a congenital transposition
to the tissue and cannot be removed by ciliary beat. There of the large vessels and an interatrial communication. She
is no evidence that the squamous epithelial cells of AFCC received corrective vascular surgery but 3 days postopera-
would escape this process and survive, leading to the tively had a cardiac arrest, was resuscitated but died 14
development of cholesteatoma. The phagocytosis and for- days later with signs of ischemia, hepatic necrosis and

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 75

Fig. 135. Case 1 (A80-126), right ear, section level 00K. Superior epi- Fig. 136. Case 1, right ear, section level 161. Tensor fold defect (verti-
tympanum contains a 6-mm-long epithelialized granulation tissue cal arrow) allows secretion to pass from the anterior epitympanum
mass (vertical arrow) with wide bridges (horizontal arrow) to the lat- (A) to the supratubal recess (R). Prussak’s space (P) contains secre-
eral attic mucosa. Prominent capillaries in its center (curved arrow) tion and drains into the anterior pouch. Secretion also appears in the
are surrounded by round cells which elsewhere are degenerate and lower lateral attic (L) and through the entire tympanic isthmus (T)
the fibrocytes dominate. Mucus medially (open arrow) contained until the posterior tympanum. An epithelialized strand of granula-
degenerating round cells and a few multinucleated cells. Organiza- tion tissue in the anterior attic (horizontal arrow) extends towards the
tion portals to secretion appear (oblique arrow). M = Malleus; tympanic isthmus. Similar but more immature tissue appears in the
I = incus; A = antrum; U = upper lateral attic. Magnification !9. posterior tympanum. A dense layer of bone separates the red bone
marrow of the petromastoid bone from the mucosa. M = Malleus; I =
long process of incus. Magnification !7.

multiple hemorrhagias. Culture from pulmonary tissues was empty, the lower half contained secretion. Prussak’s
was negative. space was half-filled with secretion and drained to the
In the analysis of the serial sections the findings in anterior pouch. The common posterior pathway from the
cases 1–3 between 5 and 8 months of age were much more lower lateral attic ended short of Prussak’s space. The pos-
extensive than those in the infants over 1 year of age. terior pouch was superiorly a blind space containing scant
Cases 4 and 5 were apparently exposed only to a small secretion. Mucoid secretion was present in the posterior
extent to an AFCC contamination. hypotympanum and tympanic sinus.
In summary, mucoid secretion in most compartments
Case 1 indicated recent changes. Long-standing changes ap-
Right Temporal Bone peared in the superior attic as an epithelialized block of
The superior epitympanum contained epithelium-cov- granulation tissue, and as thinner strands in the tympanic
ered granulation tissue with wide bridges extending to the isthmus and in the posterior tympanum.
lateral attic wall (fig. 135). The mucosa was moderately
invaded by round cells. The granulation tissue thinned Left Temporal Bone
progressively inferiorly and at the tympanic isthmus only The superior attic was devoid of secretion. Mucoid
strands remained, which formed a bridge to the medial secretion with round cells and occasional multinucleated
mucosa. Mucoid secretion with round cells and some cells was present in all more inferior attic compartments.
multinucleated cells was present in the attic compart- The mucous membrane showed a slight round cell inva-
ments. A small portion of the tympanic isthmus and the sion with occasional portals for organization. The tensor
posterior tympanum (fig. 136) contained mucoid cell-rich fold was invaded by round cells and had a small 0.2 ! 0.2
secretion and strands of connective tissue. mm defect in the anterior portion, mucoid secretion pass-
The tensor fold had anteriorly a 0.7-mm-high mem- ing through it to the supratubal recess (fig. 137). Prussak’s
brane defect. The upper portion of the supratubal recess space was aerated from the anterior pouch (fig. 25b). Pos-

76 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 137. Case 1, left ear, section level 101. Even a small defect in the Fig. 138. Case 1, left ear, section level 221. An organization process of
tensor fold (horizontal arrow) allows secretion to pass from the ante- longer standing around the stapes. Pseudocystic epithelialized fibrot-
rior attic (AA) into the supratubal recess (R, a magnified view is ic tissue with trapped secretion appears between the crura and
shown in fig. 97). The lower lateral attic (L) and the posterior portion around them. Organizing mucus with round cells and multinucleated
of the tympanic isthmus (T) contain secretion with round cells. There cells appears in the window niche. F = Facial nerve; E = ear canal.
is also secretion in the mastoid antrum (A), its mucosa is thick with Magnification !9.
embryonal mesenchyme, and it is surrounded mainly with nonpneu-
matized red bone marrow. The vertical arrow points to the dome of
Prussak’s space. M = Malleus; I = incus. Magnification !6.

teriorly there was a blind pouch as an extension of the

lower lateral attic towards Prussak’s space (fig. 25b, c).
The posterior pouch was a separate, superiorly blind
space, containing secretion with cells.
Adjacent to the stapes there was granulation tissue
with many secretion-containing pseudocysts (fig. 138).
Mucoid secretion appeared in the whole oval window
region, in the round window niche and in the tympanic
sinus, where there were portals for organization and a few
small polyps.
In summary, a slightly invaded mucosa with organiza-
tion portals to cell-rich secretion indicated recent changes.
Long-standing changes appeared around the stapes as epi-
thelialized granulation tissue with pseudocysts. Fig. 139. Case 2 (A89-120), right ear, section 031, general view. A
14-mm-long epithelialized mass of granulation tissue extends from
the malleus head (M) to the mastoid antrum and is connected with
Case 2 many bridges to the attic mucosa. Its edges are more pseudocystic,
Right Temporal Bone the central portion more fibrotic. The cortex of the squamous bone is
The superior epitympanum was filled with an epithe- thin and the preformed air cells are filled with secretion (vertical
lialized granulation tissue mass connected with numerous arrow) or connective tissue (horizontal arrow). The antral mucosa
has direct contact with the bone marrow of the petrous bone (open
tissue bridges to the inflamed attic mucosa (fig. 139). At
arrow), with some bone resorption. The anterior attic (A) contains
the superior level of the short process of the incus the mass fluid with dispersed round cells and one cluster. Many organization
still occupied half of the medial attic but more inferiorly it portals (oblique arrow) indicate ongoing organization. I = Incus.
became thinner and filled only portions of the posterior Magnification !4.

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 77

portion of the isthmus (fig. 140). The antral mass per-
sisted in all sections.
The intact tensor fold was invaded by round cells and
showed polypoid strands on its posterior surface. The
supratubal recess was free of secretion but in the anterior
pouch and in Prussak’s space there was mucoid secretion
with clusters of round cells together with small polyps
(fig. 141). In this section and more inferiorly, a thick strand
of organized tissue entered the low portion of Prussak’s
space from the lower lateral attic. The posterior pouch was a
separate, superiorly blind space, free of secretion (fig. 24
a–d). The stapes was surrounded by pseudocystic granula-
tion tissue with numerous bridges to mucosa. The promon-
tory mucosa was hyperplastic with masses of round cells.
In summary, more recent changes included cell-rich
secretion in several compartments with hyperplastic,
Fig. 140. Case 2, right ear, section level 161. An epithelialized tissue
strand (vertical arrow) extends from the thick tensor fold to the incus round cell-invaded mucosa. The long-standing changes
(I). Mucosa of the supratubal recess (R) is heavily infiltrated by were extensive in the form of attic and mesotympanic
round cells. Prussak’s space (P) and the anterior pouch (curved pseudocystic, epithelium-covered granulation tissue
arrow) contain fluid with round cells and granulation tissue. Pseudo- masses and a fibrotic invasion of Prussak’s space.
cystic granulation tissue adjoins the incus in the lower lateral attic (L)
and in the tympanic isthmus (T). The mastoid antrum (A) shows
secretion and epithelialized blocks of granulation tissue, forming Left Temporal Bone
bridges to the mucosa. The petromastoid bone contains red bone The ear canal and the tympanic membrane were ab-
marrow with extensive mucosal contacts (oblique arrows) and shows sent, and only a deformed stapes was present. The foot-
some resorption. The squamous bone cortex is thin and the trabecu- plate was intact and covered by embryonic tissue. Masses
lae show marked resorption. M = Malleus. Magnification !4.
of round cells appeared in all open spaces. Early phases of

Fig. 141. Case 2, right ear, section level 181.

The lowest portion of Prussak’s space (P)
contains secretion with round cells. A large
epithelialized and already fibrotic polyp
(horizontal arrow) fills the aeration pathway
to the lower lateral attic (L). The anterior
membrane of Prussak’s space (oblique ar-
row) has normal mucosa towards the anteri-
or pouch (AP) while the surface towards
Prussak’s space is edematous. New portals of
organization are developing from the edem-
atous mucosa (vertical arrows). M = Malleus.
The blind superior end of the posterior
pouch appeared 1 mm inferior to this level.
Magnification !36.

78 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 142. Case 2, left ear with Goldenhar’s syndrome, general view. Fig. 143. Case 2, left ear, section 386. A clus-
The middle ear forms one common space from the eustachian tube ter of squamous epithelial cells and round
(E) to the mastoid antrum (A), part of which is filled with fetal mesen- cells in the round window niche posterior to
chyme. The ossicles are missing. All spaces are filled partly with the membrane. Organization portals have
mucoid secretion (vertical arrow), partly with dense clusters of round not yet formed. Solitary squamous cells sur-
cells (horizontal arrow). The mucosa is polypous, infiltrated by round rounded by macrophages show signs of dis-
cells which at some places form distinct follicles. Squamous cells integration. Magnification !90.
appear solitary and in small clusters in the secretion. Magnification

organization of the secretion were present, and remnants

of squamous cells were seen in some mucosally connected
round cell clusters. The low portion of the tympanic cavi-
ty was large, the mucosa was hyperplastic, and polypous
on the promontory (fig. 142). A cluster of squamous and
round cells, 0.8 mm in diameter, appeared in the round
window niche (fig. 143). Remnants of squamous cells
appeared in the secretion, also in the eustachian tube
which had developed normally (fig. 142).
In summary, only more recent changes appeared,
showing subacute inflammation, massive secretion and
hyperplastic polypoid mucosa and organization portals.
Squamous epithelial cells appeared in the granulation tis-
sue and as free clusters.
Fig. 144. Case 3 (A92-168), right ear, section level 123, general view.
Desiccated mucoid secretion in an early phase of organization with
Case 3
degenerate cells, macrophages, a few multinucleated cells and granu-
Right Temporal Bone lation tissue polyps (vertical arrow) fills all spaces from the anterior
A thick desiccated mucinous secretion undergoing or- attic (A) via the tympanic isthmus (T) to the mastoid antrum (MA).
ganization filled the superior attic and the antrum Mucosa in the isthmus shows moderate round cell infiltration. The
(fig. 144). It contained areas with degenerated cells, mac- petromastoid bone contains red bone marrow with a dense layer of
sclerotic bone parallel to the mucosa, making only minute contacts
rophages, multinucleated cells and polymorphonuclear
(oblique arrow) between the two possible. The cortex of the squa-
leukocytes and relatively few fibrocytes. Inside the muci- mous bone is thin, many trabeculae are resorbed, and much of the
nous mass there were nonepithelialized cross sections of loose mesenchyme is retained. M = Malleus; I = incus. Magnification
granulation tissue and short stretches of epithelium ap- !4.
peared on the surface. The mass in the attic continued

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 79

Fig. 145. Case 3, right ear, section level 168. Thick mucoid secretion Fig. 146. Case 3, right ear, section level 248, general view. Desiccated
undergoing organization continues from the tympanic isthmus (T) thick mucus with ongoing organization fills the entire middle ear up
and the anterior attic (A) via a defect (between horizontal arrows) in to the eustachian tube (E). Pseudocystic epithelialized granulation
the tensor fold to supratubal recess (R), a magnified view is shown in tissue envelopes the incus long process (I) and chorda tympani nerve
figure 96. Prussak’s space (vertical arrow) contains a thick cluster of (C). Vertical arrows point to cross sections of immature granulation
degenerating cells and macrophages. The mastoid antrum (MA) con- tissue polyps. The posterior pouch (oblique arrow) contains secretion
tains organizing secretion and granulation tissue. Medially the dense with degenerating cells, shows the beginning organization and opens
plate of bone still separates the antral mucosa from the red bone mar- to mesotympanum. The mastoid antrum (A) still contains granula-
row, laterally the squamous bone is thin and a few bone ridges project tion tissue and is walled by a similar type of bone as shown in figure
to the cavity. Posteriorly there is a slight invasion of bone marrow by 145. M = Malleus; S = stapes footplate; F = facial nerve. Magnifica-
connective tissue (oblique arrow). M = Malleus; I = incus; E = exter- tion !4.
nal meatus. Magnification !5.

through the tympanic isthmus (fig. 145) as far as the hypo-

tympanum (fig. 146). The subepithelial tissue showed a
moderate round cell infiltration, some areas had em-
bryonic tissue and there were polypoid changes.
The thick secretion passed through a 0.4 ! 1 mm defect
in the anterior portion of the tensor fold (fig. 96, 145) and
filled the supratubal recess down to the orifice of the eusta-
chian tube (fig. 146). Prussak’s space was half-filled with a
cluster of degenerating cells, macrophages being dominant.
The aeration pathway via the posterior pouch was partly
filled with secretion which continued to the mesotympan-
um (fig. 147). Remaining embryonic tissue together with
mucosal pseudocysts resulted in a thick mucosa and a nar-
row lower lateral attic. The anterior portion of the tym-
Fig. 147. Case 3, right ear, section 248, the general view appears in panic isthmus contained thick secretion with macrophages
figure 146. The posterior tympanum and the posterior pouch (P) are
and cells undergoing degeneration. The posterior portion
filled with thick organizing secretion. An epithelialized pseudocystic
granulation tissue network surrounds the incus long process (I) and was blocked by a pseudocystic granulation tissue mass. It
the chorda tympani nerve (C). The meshes are filled with secretion also filled the posterior tympanum and surrounded the
(oblique arrow) containing predominantly macrophages and degen- long process of the incus and the stapes. Thick secretion
erating cells. The vertical arrow points to a cross section of a granula- filled the tympanic sinus and the round window niche with
tion tissue polyp. M = Malleus. Magnification !25.
signs of incipient organization.

80 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 148. Case 3, left ear, section 051, general view. The superior attic Fig. 149. Case 3, left ear, section 196. The intact tensor fold (horizon-
contains epithelialized granulation tissue (vertical arrows) with many tal arrow) separates the supratubal recess (R) from the anterior attic
bridges to mucosa which contains thick embryonic mesenchyme. (A); both contain desiccated mucoid secretion with macrophages and
Secretion with degenerative round cells is trapped in numerous multinucleated cells (a magnified view is shown in fig. 72). Prussak’s
smaller or larger compartments surrounding the granulation tissue space (oblique arrow) contains similar secretion. Both the tympanic
and is undergoing organization. The petrous bone, filled with hemo- isthmus (T) and the lower lateral attic (L) are narrow due to the thick
poietic bone marrow, is walled off from the antrum (A) by a dense mesenchyme, and a network of trapped secretion and pseudocystic
bone lamella with minute contacts (oblique arrow) to the mesen- granulation tissue appeared in all sections. The low portion of the
chyme. The preformed squamous bone shows prominent trabeculae, mastoid antrum (MA) shows granulation tissue with bridges to thick
their interspaces are still filled with embryonal mesenchyme. M = mucosa together with thick secretion and organization portals. The
Malleus. Magnification !5. petromastoid bone contains red bone marrow which posteriorly
shows wide mucosal contacts (vertical arrow). The trabecular squa-
mous bone shows insignificant air cell preformation. M = Malleus;
I = incus. Magnification !4.

In summary, changes due to ongoing infection in- with a narrow passage showing polypoid changes. The
cluded degenerating cells and all classes of inflammatory tympanic isthmus was full of a network of epithelium-
cells in desiccated secretion undergoing organization, covered pseudocystic granulation tissue (fig. 149).
with immature granulation tissue and a polypous, in- The intact tensor fold separated the supratubal recess
flamed mucosa. Long-standing changes appeared as a from the anterior attic and showed sections of inflamma-
pseudocystic network of epithelialized granulation tissue tory thickening. The recess was nearly empty at its dome
in the tympanic isthmus and in the posterior tympanum. but the inferior sections were half-filled with secretion
(fig. 149). Prussak’s space was superiorly empty, the low
Left Temporal Bone sections contained round cell secretion (fig. 149) which
The superior epitympanum and the antrum contained continued via the posterior pouch to the mesotympanum.
a central mass of epithelium-covered granulation tissue The oval window area and the entire posterior tympanum
with pseudocysts and bridges to the mucosa (fig. 148). were filled with secretion and granulation tissue (fig. 150).
Outside this mass the adjoining open compartments con- Secretion continued to the tympanic sinus and the round
tained secretion rich in macrophages. Embryonic tissue window niche.
with a few round cells appeared in the subepithelial tissue. In summary, changes related to infection included cell-
At lower levels the secretion masses and the granulation rich secretion in the attic and in the tympanic sinus and
tissue were present in the entire area from the anterior round window niche. Extensive long-standing changes
attic to the antrum. The mucosa of the lateral attic con- appeared as pseudocystic, epithelium-covered granula-
tained partly embryonic tissue and partly old inflammato- tion tissue network which filled the superior and lateral
ry pseudocysts, causing a thickening of the whole mucosal attics, mastoid antrum, tympanic isthmus and posterior
layer. The upper and lower lateral attics were connected tympanum.

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 81

Fig. 150. Case 3, left ear, section 256. The posterior tympanum close Fig. 151. Case 4 (A89-295), right ear, section 191, general view.
to the stapes footplate (S) is filled with thick organizing secretion Secretion containing clusters of round cells and signs of early organi-
(oblique arrow) and with a large network of epithelialized granula- zation appears in the tympanic isthmus (T) and anterior attic (A).
tion tissue (vertical arrow) with numerous bridges to the inflamed The tensor fold (oblique arrow) is inflamed and the supratubal recess
mucosa. I = Long process of the incus; F = facial nerve. Magnification (R) contains a large cluster of round cells and portals for organization
!25. (a magnified view is shown in fig. 95). The lower lateral attic (L) and
the mastoid antrum (MA), lobulated by the bone trabeculae, contain
scant secretion. The squamous bone is pneumatized but still contains
connective tissue in many cells near the thin cortex. Also, the posteri-
or portion of the petromastoid bone is pneumatized while the medial
Case 4 portion still contains red bone marrow. Some air cells contain secre-
Right Temporal Bone tion and thick mucosa. M = Malleus; I = incus; E = ear canal. Magni-
Recent changes appeared in the superior attic which fication !5.
was half-filled with secretion containing predominantly
macrophages, a few multinucleated cells, and polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes. Similar secretion appeared in the mucosa. The tensor fold was heavily infiltrated by round
supratubal recess (fig. 151), in the lower lateral attic, in cells. The supratubal recess was in its upper portion
the oval window niche, in the meso- and hypotympanum divided in 3 segments by 0.5-mm-high inflammatory
and in the sinus tympani. The mucosa was thin but there webs. The scant secretion predominantly showed macro-
were large subepitelial clusters of round cells in areas lined phages. Prussak’s space was empty, scant secretion ap-
by secretion. A few epithelial defects appeared with dis- peared in the oval window niche, in the sinus tympani
tinct portals for incipient organization. The long process and in the round window niche. Also on this side the mas-
of the incus and the stapes were enveloped by a thick toid process showed good lateral pneumatization with
mucosa containing round cells. The lateral portion of the secretion in many air cells.
mastoid process showed good pneumatization, with secre-
tion in some of the air cells. Case 5
Right Temporal Bone
Left Temporal Bone There were both recent and long-standing changes. An
Both recent and long-standing changes were present in acellular fluid filled the superior and anterior attics, the
the left ear. The anterior portion of the superior attic antrum and the adjoining large pneumatized area as well
showed secretion, continuing to the anterior attic, which as the anterior mesotympanum (fig. 153). Around the
was divided by mature tissue strands to separate compart- stapes there were thin fibrotic webs and the posterior tym-
ments and contained cell-rich secretion with fresh portals panum contained secretion with a few cells. In the sinus
for organization (fig. 152). At lower levels long and thin tympani, and especially in the round window niche there
tissue strands crossed the medial attic. The postinflamma- were constricting webs predominantly of fibrocytes and
tory sheets in the tympanic isthmus extended through the epithelialized pseudocystic granulation tissue with secre-
aditus to the mastoid antrum. Through the whole isthmus tion consisting of round cells and newly formed portals for
the sheet formed a row of pseudocysts with the medial organization (fig. 154).

82 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 152. Case 4, left ear, section 116, general
view. The main pathology appears in the
anterior attic (A) which shows trapped secre-
tion in a meshwork of inflamed inflammato-
ry webs (a magnified view is shown in fig.
73). In the mastoid antrum (MA) many epi-
thelialized thin postinflammatory connec-
tive tissue strands appear, one (vertical ar-
row) starting from the anterior portion of the
tympanic isthmus (T). The lower lateral attic
(L) contains scant secretion and small epi-
thelial mucosal polyps in the incudal (I) mu-
cosa. Pneumatization is similar to the right
ear. M = Malleus. Magnification !7.

Fig. 153. Case 5 (A91-01), right ear, section

151, general view. A nearly cell-free secre-
tion fills the supratubal recess (R), the tym-
panic isthmus (T) and a large part of the
antrum (A). There is a good pneumatization
around the antrum. The squamous bone lat-
erally shows only the dense cortex (vertical
arrow) and also much of the petromastoid
bone is pneumatized, the remaining hemo-
poietic bone marrow being thin (oblique ar-
row). M = Malleus, I = incus. Magnification

Fig. 154. Case 5, right ear, section 381. Epi-

thelialized fibrotic tissue strands (oblique ar-
rows) with a few pseudocysts and bridges to
the mucosa appear in the round window
niche. Fresh changes appear as new organi-
zation portals (vertical arrow) into the round
cells in the secretion. One portal starts from
the locally thickened round window mem-
brane (horizontal arrow). Magnification

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 83

Left Temporal Bone
Most changes were of recent origin. Acellular fluid
appeared in the superior attic and in the aditus and
antrum with normal mucosa (fig. 155). The supratubal
recess was full of fluid with peripheral round cells similar-
ly to Prussak’s space and its entire aeration pathway. The
posterior tympanum contained mucoid secretion with
round cells dispersed and in clusters. The stapes was
enveloped by a thick mucosa with portals for organization
and with strands of old organized tissue. The sinus tym-
pani was full of round cells and mucus. The round win-
dow niche showed the ongoing organization process of the
mucoid secretion. The mastoid process was well pneuma-
tized around the antrum and the adjoining bone was
Fig. 155. Case 5, left ear, section 162, general view. Secretion con- already invaded by connective tissue, the marrow bone
taining occasional small clusters of round cells appears in all attic
being present only peripherally. Secretion filled most of
compartments from the anterior attic (A) to the mastoid cells (MC).
The anterior attic is large, at the level of the inferior portions of the the open air cells.
transverse crest (horizontal arrows) the distance from the malleus to
the anterior wall is 3.8 mm. The mastoid is well pneumatized around Elements Specific to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content
the antrum but connective tissue fills many cells. Red bone marrow A tiny fragment of hair was found in the right ear in
remains medially and posteriorly in the petromastoid bone. M =
case 2, surrounded by macrophages and giant cells
Malleus; I = incus; U = upper lateral attic. Magnification !5.
(fig. 156a, b). In case 3 solitary thin remnants of squa-

Fig. 156. Case 2, right ear, section 100. a The general view reveals a mass of epithelialized granulation tissue in the
tympanic isthmus (T); a narrow strand (oblique arrow) extends to the anterior attic (A). Secretion containing round
cells fills the anterior and lower lateral (L) attics. M = Malleus; I = incus. b The area boxed in a shows a remnant of a
disintegrating hair, one end breaking into filaments (vertical arrow) surrounded by macrophages and giant phago-
cytes. Magnification !12 (a), !250 (b).

84 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

mous epithelial cells appeared in the granulation tissue in
both ears (fig. 157). In case 4, thin epithelialized tissue
strands contained remnants of two, initially apparently
AFCC-containing clusters (fig. 158a, b).

Mastoid Pneumatization
In cases 1–3 with severe inflammatory changes there
were slight differences in the mastoid pneumatization as
compared to the two younger age groups. The petrous
bone generally showed a full arrest, the bone marrow still
bordered the antrum (fig. 139, 144, 145) and only seldom
showed longer bone ridges. In case 3 with the most exten-
sive inflammation, the antral mucosa was separated from
the bone marrow with a dense parallel layer of bone with
minute contacts to the mucosa (fig. 144–148). The squa- Fig. 157. Case 3, right ear, section 123. A magnified view of a granu-
lation tissue polyp marked with a vertical arrow in the mastoid
mous bone in cases 2 and 3 showed distinct pneumatiza-
antrum in figure 144. A disintegrating squamous epithelial cell (verti-
tion with filling of the air cells with secretion or connec- cal arrow) is surrounded by macrophages and giant phagocytes. The
tive tissue, resulting in a slight lateral enlargement of the cell remnant is so thin that the round cells shimmer through it. Mag-
antrum (fig. 139, 140, 144, 145). On the other hand, in nification !250.
cases 4 and 5 with minor signs of old or recent inflamma-
tion, pneumatization was much more advanced. In case 4,
15 months of age, the entire squamous bone and the later-

Fig. 158. Case 4, left ear, section 31. a The general view shows secretion in the anterior attic (A) and around the
malleus (M) and incus (I). Fully epithelialized tissue strands (oblique arrows) cross the posterior attic and mastoid
antrum and contained a few dense cell clusters (boxed area). The squamous bone shows medially air cells (horizontal
arrow) while the bone near the cortex still contains connective tissue. Hemopoietic bone marrow appears in the
petromastoid bone (vertical arrow). b A magnified view of the boxed area shows that the dense cell cluster consists of
macrophages and giant phagocytes surrounded by a dense ring of round cells. They apparently represent an initial
small cluster of AFCC, of which filament-like remnants of keratin are still present (oblique arrow). An unusually thick
epithelium forms the surface of the tissue strand. Magnification !6 (a), !250 (b).

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 85

al portion of the petromastoid bone were pneumatized. material becomes fixed to tissue when contact with AFCC
Some of the air cells were filled with secretion and showed has caused a defect in the thin epithelium of the middle
mucosal thickening (fig. 151, 152). In case 5, 23 months of ear, releasing the organization process. The force of gravi-
age, pneumatization was well advanced even if the cell- ty becomes then ineffective, aided by many horizontally
free secretion filled practically all compartments. In addi- placed attic structures, and the cell clusters no longer
tion to pneumatized squamous bone the petromastoid descend to the hypotympanum and eustachian tube orif-
bone also showed distinct receding of the bone marrow ice. The thick respiratory epithelium of the eustachian
around the antrum (fig. 153, 155). tube is not subject to organization phenomena, which
explains why the tube as a rule is intact despite serious
Comment changes in the entire middle ear.
The specific elements of AFCC, squamous epithelial
cells and lanugo hair generally disappear during the first
months, being either removed via the eustachian tube or General Comments
phagocytized during the organization process. The scar
tissue which finally forms in this process does not disap- Histological Considerations regarding Amniotic Fluid
pear. The 8-month-old child (case 3) was born through Cellular Content-Associated Pathology
thick meconium and was also subject to serious AFCC The changes in the specimens of infants aged 2–4
aspiration and remnants of squamous cells were still months as well as in the group of older infants and
observed in the granulation tissue of both middle ears. A children testified to both recent and old processes. The
remnant of hair testified to an influx of AFCC in case 2 regular appearance of secretion, with a distinct mucoid
aged 5 months and there were still recognizable remnants element and with varying numbers of round cells, multi-
of keratin squames in a fibrotic web in the right ear of case nucleated cells and giant cells, at times with polymorpho-
4 aged 15 months. The presence of long-standing histolog- nuclear leukocytes, indicates a relatively recent and an
ical changes in case 1 aged 5 months suggests that their ongoing process. In many compartments there were only a
starting point occurred during the neonatal period. As few organization portals, as the mucosal damage was min-
found earlier the amount of contamination by AFCC in imized by the intensive use of antibiotics during the ter-
the ears of an individual may initially be unequal. minal illness. In the ears with more severe changes the
In case 5, 23 months of age, the absence of acute mid- subepithelial tissue contained at times massive amounts
dle ear infections in the history may or may not indicate of inflammatory cells. Had the child recovered from this
that the long-standing pathology is related to AFCC. The process it would have led to the development of a substan-
initial causative agent cannot be determined histological- tial amount of new granulation tissue.
ly at this age because all specific elements possibly present The large granulation tissue blocks, covered by thin
initially have become phagocytized. Mature granulation epithelium and containing numerous pseudocysts, are
tissue is similar whether it derives from an initial influx of indicators of a process that has started several months
AFCC or follows organization of fibrin and inflammatory ago. In younger infants this tissue was still immature con-
cells in nondrained secretions in, for example, pain-free taining, in addition to a large number of capillaries and
secretory otitis media. round cells, a smaller number of fibrocytes. Shrinkage due
All squamous epithelium, however, does not derive to tissue maturation appears later, granulation tissue
from AFCC. The cell clusters (see fig. 142, 143) in the transforms to fibrous strands and sheets, fibrocytes be-
microtic left ear of case 2 cannot represent AFCC as only coming the dominating cells. This process starts peripher-
changes due to a recent infection were present histologi- ally and the central portions can contain for a long time
cally, with early stages of organization. Apparently they both capillaries and round cells, together with occasional
derived from the oral squamous epithelium, forced into remnants of AFCC (fig. 156a, b, 157). Fibrotic thin sheets
the ear by vomiting [1, 2] or by maneuvers around the may retain remnants of the squamous cells and hairs an
mouth to assist respiration. The reaction of the middle ear unexpectedly long time and the round cell follicles proba-
mucosa to these cells is similar to that against AFCC and bly remained at the sites where AFCC clusters had been
only the stage of the process makes a distinction between phagocytized (fig. 158a, b). Inflammatory cells in the
the two possible. pseudocysts and in the mastoid air cells may persist for
As observed in case 2, the ciliary beat can propel the years, may finally become phagocytized, or transformed
loose cells back to the pharynx. However, the foreign into cholesterol granulomas.

86 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

In a shrinking process the cell content diminishes and The above-observed coexistence of AFCC-caused old
small pseudocysts disappear resulting in connective tissue and infectious recent processes of organization applies
webs or dense scar tissue. If the granulation tissue initially also to cases of purely infectious recurrent otitis media.
bridges two surfaces the developing sheets or strands cross Each infection creates new granulation tissue and adds to
the compartments from one wall to the other. If the initial the already existing pathology and increases the existing
fixation was to one wall only, then the final outcome may difficulty of drainage of the inflammatory exudate. The
only be a local mucosal thickening. These two types of the unfavorable effects accumulate and a circulus vitiosus of
late development of scar tissue were apparent in many recurrent middle ear infections becomes established [30].
microdissection figures shown in Part 1 of this atlas. On As suggested in early studies [1–3] it seems possible
the other hand, a superimposed infection will halt the that infants with large amounts of AFCC-derived granula-
maturation process and the granulation tissue blocks not tion tissue in the middle ear become prone to recurring
only retain their size but increase their volume. Indeed, infections. The start of this tendency, when related to
Wittmaack [2, 3] demonstrated that in a 10-year-old child AFCC, is obviously limited to the first year of life since
with continuing disease the epithelialized blocks were maturation and shrinking of the initial granulation tissue
massive without signs of constriction. (the foreign body removal process), lacking further irri-
A large tensor fold defect helps to keep the anterior tants, reaches its end stage during a period of this length.
attic free of secretion, allowing drainage via the recess to Wittmaack [2, 3], Döderlein [33] and Ojala [34] alrea-
the eustachian tube. Even a small tensor fold defect, dy presented comprehensive histological analyses of ears
0.4 mm in diameter, made the passing of secretion possi- as discussed above. These processes apply to cases devel-
ble (fig. 116). When a thick, desiccated secretion filled all oping initially from AFCC contamination as well as to
compartments including the supratubal recess, the trans- those following recurrent bacterial infections filling the
port via any of the drainage pathways seemed unsuccess- middle ear compartments with fibrin and cellular secre-
ful (fig. 144–146). tion. The histological phenomena in both etiological
Collection of AFCC in the posterior pouch and the low- groups are similar, nature removes the irritating masses
er lateral attic, leading to the development of granulation and stagnating secretion by organization if they are not
tissue, affects the drainage routes of Prussak’s space and removed by drainage. In long-standing or recurring cases
may lead to its obliteration. None of the present cases has of otitis media basic histological pathology behind an
so far shown so advanced a pathology but there was orga- intact tympanic membrane needs to be considered to
nization of secretion inside the space as well as an avoid irreversible damage to the hearing.
advancement of granulation tissue from the lower lateral
attic to Prussak’s space or from the mesotympanum into Mastoid Pneumatization
the posterior pouch (fig. 24a, b, 141, 146). Evidence of old- The above-analyzed material of 23 temporal bones
er children as well as of adults shows that Prussak’s space represents less than one tenth of the total number of speci-
becomes obliterated in such a process, paving the way for mens in the Temporal Bone Foundation. The data pre-
the future development of either a papillary ingrowth or a sented on pneumatization was recorded in conjunction
retraction pocket cholesteatoma [25]. Several figures with the main study, a description of the middle ear
showing this are discussed in Part 1 of this atlas. pathology associated with AFCC. Even if the series is
The region of the stapes, one of the favourite places for small for the time being, it, nevertheless, is one of the rare
collection of AFCC [9, 13], had the greatest frequency of instances when neonate and infant temporal bones have
both recent infectious and long-standing pathological been studied to relate the tissue changes in the middle ear
changes. The latter ranged from pseudocystic thick muco- and mastoid antrum with histological evidence of either
sa enveloping the stapes (fig. 129, 131) to marked obliter- normal or arrested pneumatization.
ating connective tissue extending superiorly and blocking The structure of the squamous bone, the anterolateral
the tympanic isthmus (fig. 149, 150). The recent changes portion of the temporal bone bordering the middle ear
in the same ears appeared in the form of thick mucosa, and the mastoid antrum, appeared different from the pos-
cell-rich secretion and beginning organization, which teromedial portion, the petrous bone. The latter is diploic
would be added to the preexisting changes of a longer and contains red bone marrow whereas the former is
standing. Similar changes, but generally less extensive formed of trabecular bone without hemopoietic tissue. In
ones, appeared in the round window niche and tympanic all 8 neonate temporal bones the squamous bone showed
sinus (fig. 132, 154). considerable preformation towards a future formation of

2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 87

air cells, concerning both its lateral surface and the roof. a good portion of the petromastoid bone in the four tem-
The bone adjacent to the outer periosteum was thin and poral bones. Our data concur with the notion of Witt-
many variously shaped shorter or longer solitary trabecu- maack [2, 3], Rüedi [14, 15], Tumarkin [20–22] and
lae projected from it to the antral cavity and the superior Friedmann [23, 24] that normally all mastoids pneuma-
epitympanum, their interspaces still containing embryo- tize and if there is an arrested pneumatization, it is due to
nal tissue (fig. 98). In some specimens distinct air cells a massive sterile inflammation post partum or chronic
had already developed with an epithelial lining and a childhood infection.
thick mesenchyme. Many such air cells were filled with Detailed information on a monthly basis of a normal
AFCC. The connective tissue in the thicker squamous pneumatization during the first year of life must await the
bones near the inner periosteum formed distinct borders evaluation of the entire histological material of the Tem-
with the embryonal mesenchyme between the trabeculae, poral Bone Foundation. A comparison of the extent of
the latter in the process of forming air cells. pneumatization in diseased ears to that in nondiseased
In young infants the continuing periosteal bone growth ears will give irrefutable evidence of the natural and
led to much thicker trabecular bone in some specimens pathological course of the pneumatization process. It
(fig. 115) than that seen in the neonate but there was only should be stressed that there are no methods other than
little progress in pneumatization compared to the neona- histological studies of serially sectioned temporal bones
tal state. Because of inflammation, pneumatization of that can clarify these events.
these preformed spaces continued slowly, and some of the
developed air cells contained mucoid secretion with in- Clinical Considerations
flammatory cells. In others the medial trabeculae showed One of the clinical problems is how to recognize the
absorption and remodelling, the embryonal mesenchyme cases with massive AFCC contamination of the middle
regressed and the epithelium advanced to the cells. Later- ears and how to treat them. The diagnosis is obvious if
al enlargement of the antrum could thus also be seen in AFCC also enters the airways causing life-threatening pul-
the presence of a middle ear disease (fig. 139, 144). The monary damage (case 3). We have suggested earlier [28,
red bone marrow in the petromastoid bone remained gen- 29] that if a child is subjected to bronchoscopy and pul-
erally unchanged but exceptionally showed a beginning monary lavage because of an AFCC aspiration, myringo-
pneumatization (fig. 139, 140). These data are in agree- tomy should also be done and AFCC sucked out before it
ment with the histological evidence presented by Witt- becomes fixed in the tissue. This period may last a couple
maack [2, 3] and Rüedi [14, 15] on the first phase of mas- of weeks but it would be ideal to perform it simultaneous-
toid pneumatization in infancy both normally and during ly with pulmonary aspiration.
inflammation. Rüedi’s notion of the dissociation between Difficulties arise in cases comparable to cases 1 and 2
the preformation of bone and thickening of the mucosa, in the oldest group, with extensive pathology without pul-
with an arrest of pneumatization, was apparent in cases monary aspiration. The departments taking care of new-
1–3 in our third group of children, infants aged 5–8 borns and infants should establish a database of children
months. born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid and fol-
The dense bone plate around the antrum between the low them closely during their first year of life. It could be
mucosa and the red bone marrow of the petrous bone, established how often an AFCC-induced noninfectious
seen in extensively diseased ears (fig. 144), agrees with the foreign body otitis media turned into recurring otitis
observations of Beaumont [27] after the occlusion of the media if these children were compared to those born
foramen pneumaticum in cockerels and would likely lead through clear amniotic fluid. The study could also clarify
to the development of a sclerotic mastoid. On the other whether the at times massive granulation tissue could
hand, in some inflamed ears the open contacts between constrict to become inoffensive, mature connective tissue,
the antral mucosa and the bone marrow (fig. 139, 140) or whether if untreated it would lead to a serious hearing
suggest that the pneumatization process could continue impairment.
provided that the inflammatory process came to an end, The histology in cases 4 and 5 in the oldest group sug-
allowing the granulation tissue to mature and shrink. Sim- gests that there is no need to worry about a slight contami-
ilarly, the pneumatization in the children aged 15 and 23 nation of the middle ear with AFCC. No matter whether
months with minor signs of earlier inflammations is in the long-standing changes were caused by AFCC or by
line with the concepts presented above on the second infection, the observed connective tissue webs and
phase of pneumatization, air cell formation also involving strands in the tympanic isthmus and oval and round win-

88 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

dow niches would not have caused an impairment of Looking at the histology in our cases 2 (right ear) and 3
function. However, cases 4 and 5 suggest that limited in the oldest group, conservative treatment would have
long-standing changes may form foci where a recurrence led to the development of an adhesive otitis media, the
of infection may cause a flare-up of the old dormant pro- surgical treatment of which in adulthood has universally
cess. proved to be disappointing as regards an improvement of
An early use of tympanostomy tubes may prevent the the hearing. In all ears in the present cases the eustachian
development of a chronic attic disease if the additional tube was anatomically intact but in the infants the ciliary
aeration renders the tympanic isthmus permanently open. beat could not propel the thick mucoid secretion forward,
However, the presence of tubes is no guarantee for a heal- not to mention the granulation tissue. As the massive
ing of the disease in the attic compartments when there is pathology was limited to the attic, tympanic isthmus and
trapped cellular secretion especially in the anterior attic stapes region, it is likely that surgery at this stage would be
and when the tympanic isthmus has become closed by more successful. The problems are twofold: how to re-
inflammatory webs [28]. move all granulation tissue safely from these areas when
More extensive surgery is at present seldom offered in the ossicular chain is intact, and how to avoid bare bone
the case of noncholesteatomatous ears because with the surfaces which discourage the regeneration of normal mu-
advanced use of antibiotics the mastoid and attic patholo- cosa? This issue will be discussed in Part 3 of this atlas.
gy has become dormant, old signs of serious disease hav-
ing vanished. We believe that among the cases now
treated for secretory or recurrent otitis media there is a
small percentage who need surgery that is different from
that which has been used so far. When evaluating recur-
ring disease the facts known about the mastoid and attic
drainage and aeration should be considered.

1 Aschoff L: Die Otitis Media Neonatorum. Ein 8 de Sa D: Mucosal metaplasia and chronic in- 14 Rüedi L: Die Mittelohrraumentwicklung vom
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312:295–346. Dis Child 1983;58:24–28. 15 Rüedi L: Mittelohrraumentwicklung und Mit-
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gische Pneumatisation des Schläfenbeines. servations of amniotic fluid cellular content in 175–213.
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3 Wittmaack K: Die entzündlichen Erkran- Otorhinolaryngol 1986;11:113–127. mastoid bone. A clinical-statistical analysis.
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4 Benner M: Congenital infection of the lungs, Otoscopic observations, histologic observa- 18 Diamant M: Chronic otitis. A critical analysis.
middle ears and nasal accessory sinuses. Arch tions, and a model for contamination of the Pract Oto-Rhino-Laryngol (Basel) 1952;14
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5 McLellan M, Strong J, Johnson Q, Dent J: Oti- fluid. Laryngoscope 1993;103(suppl 58);1–31. 19 Ojala L: Contribution to the physiology and
tis media in premature infants. J Pediatr 1962; 12 Northrop C, Piza J, Karmody C, Eavey R: The pathology of mastoid air cell formation. Acta
61:53–57. neonatal middle ear. Indicator for future prob- Otolaryngol 1950(suppl 86):1–134.
6 Buch N, Jorgensen M: Leukocytic infiltration lems? 3rd Extraordinary Symposium on Re- 20 Tumarkin A: On the nature and vicissitudes of
in the middle ear of newborn infants. Arch Oto- cent Advances in Otitis Media, Copenhagen, the accessory air spaces of the middle ear. I.
laryngol 1964;80:141–148. June 1–5, 1997. The Hague, Kugler, 1999, pp Facts. II. Theories. J Laryngol Otol 1957;71:
7 de Sa D: Infection and amniotic aspiration in 321–325. 65–99.
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1973;48:872–880. mische Untersuchungstechnik und die normal- the accessory air spaces of the middle ear. III.
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O (eds): Handbuch der speziellen patholo- 1957;71:137–161.
gischen Anatomie und Histologie. Berlin,
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2 Pathology Related to Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content and Superimposed Infection 89

22 Tumarkin A: On the nature and vicissitudes of 27 Beaumont G: The effects of exclusion of air 31 Palva T, Ramsay H: Chronic inflammatory ear
the accessory air spaces of the middle ear. V. from pneumatized bones. J Laryngol Otol disease and cholesteatoma. Creation of auxilia-
More arguments. VI. Conclusions. J Laryngol 1966;80:236–249. ry attic aeration pathways by microdissection.
Otol 1957;71:211–248. 28 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Spread of Am J Otol 1999;20:145–151.
23 Friedmann I: The comparative pathology of amniotic fluid cellular content within the neo- 32 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Middle ear
otitis media – Experimental and human. J La- nate middle ear. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol pathology in infants. Am J Otol, in press.
ryngol Otol 1955;69:27–50. 1999;48:143–153. 33 Döderlein W: Die Organisationsvorgänge an
24 Friedmann I: The pathology of otitis media 29 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Effect of den entzündlichen Exsudaten im Mittelohr. Z
(III) with particular reference to bone changes. amniotic fluid cellular content on attic aeration Ohrenheilkd 1920;79:1–56.
J Laryngol Otol 1957;71:313–320. pathways. Histological observations of infants 34 Ojala L: Pathogenesis and histopathology of
25 Palva T, Friedmann I, Palva A: Mastoiditis in aged 2 to 4 months. Am J Otol 2000;21:62–70. chronic adhesive otitis media. Arch Otolaryn-
children. J Laryngol Otol 1964;78:977–991. 30 Palva T, Johnson L-G, Ramsay H: Attic aera- gol 1953;57:378–401.
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ronmental factors. Experimental studies on recurring otitis media. Tympanostomy tubes
chick humerus. Acta Otolaryngol 1957(suppl did not cure disease in Prussak’s space. Am J
133):1–28. Otol 2000;21:485–493.

90 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Part 3

Microsurgical Approaches to
Inflammatory Ear Disease

Part 3

Microsurgical Approaches to
Inflammatory Ear Disease

Introduction The narrow passage to Prussak’s space is likely to be

often affected in chronic middle ear infections but histo-
The importance of the tympanic isthmus for aeration logical evidence of this is only sporadic. Our first histolog-
of the major compartments of the epitympanum, as well ically analyzed adult case of secretory otitis media [6] had
as that of the separate pathways for Prussak’s space have been treated with ventilation tubes by us for a period of 7
generally not been discussed in the treatment and healing years before the patient’s death. The attic was aerated and
process of recurring or chronic otitis media. The interests the mucosa nearly normal, while Prussak’s space was obli-
of the otologists have been focused on the eustachian tube terated and Shrapnell’s membrane retracted and fixed to
function and on the mesotympanic aeration by means of the neck of the malleus. Nevertheless, there was no indica-
the ventilation tubes. Clinical experience indeed shows tion that the squamous epithelium was to start a choles-
that aeration via a ventilation tube generally normalizes teatomatous process either by papillary ingrowth or by
the meso- and hypotympanic mucosa. Sixty-five percent forming a retraction pocket (fig. 30).
of our patients remained free of disease after an average In the right ear of this same patient there was a chronic
mean stay of the tube of 11 months during a follow-up otitis media with a migration type ingrowth of squamous
period of 38 months [1]. epithelium from a pars tensa defect (fig. 55). There was
In an uncured group of children each recurrence in- partial obstruction of the tympanic isthmus with an
creases mucosal pathology and the adherent thick mucus inflammatory polyp, but the drainage routes were still
starts to undergo organization. In some ears this process open. Even if the disease did not as such involve the epi-
may lead to the development of granulation tissue masses tympanic spaces, there were signs of uncured infection in
blocking the tympanic isthmus and even filling the entire the form of thick mucosa in the air cells, some of them
attic [2]. Therefore, despite repeated insertions of ventila- being filled with round cell secretion while others showed
tion tubes, some or all the attic compartments may be cholesterol crystals. The mucosa was thicker than normal
affected by a deficient aeration, or may remain without and showed patchy infiltration with inflammatory cells.
aeration. As long as there is inflammation the process To a lesser degree, these same changes also occurred in the
remains active and the forces of defense try to bring it to a left ear with secretory otitis media. Prussak’s space in the
standstill by organization and gradual tissue maturation. right ear was fully open but showed mucosal edema and
In the end this may finally mean arriving at an irreversible secretion together with inflammatory tissue strands with
adhesive otitis media, possibly after several years. Such capillaries, arising through epithelial portals (fig. 29).
changes were seen to develop in 14% of the patients in a In a recent article we [7] described the findings in 8
small group of children followed up for nearly 5 years [1]. temporal bones from 4 children with an inflammatory
In some children this process can already start at birth middle ear pathology. These 4 patients had suffered from
without preceding infection, following the presence of recurring otitis media and had undergone one or several
aspirated or swallowed amniotic fluid cellular content in treatment periods with ventilation tubes. In each of them,
the tympanum [3–5]. unsuspected before histological examination, there were
changes in Prussak’s space ranging from filling with secre-
tion and beginning organization to full obliteration, in one

case leading to the development of a papillary ingrowth ear canal, he used the canal-wall-up-type surgery for all
cholesteatoma and in another to a prestage of a retraction forms of cholesteatoma. Bone removal from the lateral
pocket cholesteatoma (fig. 31). attic was continued until the zygoma so that the working
In one ear in this series [7], there was an absence of the axis towards the tensor fold became frontally parallel with
tensor fold which provided the attic with a large direct the axis of the ear canal. This allowed nearly vertical drill-
drainage and aeration pathway to the supratubal recess ing in front of the malleus head through bone, which was
and eustachian tube. The epitympanic pathology was called the ‘attic plate’ and was described as the separating
slight and in marked contrast to the left ear with the tensor structure between the anterior attic and the supratubal
fold present. In many other cases, studied in serial sec- recess. The misconception here was that the attic plate in
tions, epitympanic secretion was seen to drain via a defect reality is the transverse crest which from this lateral
in the tensor fold membrane directly to the supratubal approach gave an illusory appearance as a dividing struc-
recess, and thus to the orifice of the eustachian tube. How- ture between the two compartments. From the two pre-
ever, even this additional direct attic aeration route and ceding parts of this atlas it is clear that the dividing struc-
the use of a ventilation tube did not prevent the destruc- ture that exists and matters is not the transverse crest but
tion of the epithelium in Prussak’s space and its gradual the tensor fold.
fibrotic obliteration.
These documented observations, arrived at by com-
bining data obtained by microdissection with those ob- Microsurgical Methods in Surgery for Retraction
tained by studying serial sections of diseased temporal Pockets
bones, made us search for new microsurgical approaches
with a better guarantee of improving aeration and drain- Obstruction of the aeration pathway either via the pos-
age to and from the epitympanic compartments than the terior pouch, or from the lower lateral attic directly, may
currently used techniques [8]. Initially we tried to arrive at lead to gradual obliteration of Prussak’s space (fig. 24, 27,
methods which would prevent the development of the 141). If the tympanic isthmus functions normally the
serious disease processes behind Shrapnell’s membrane main attic remains aerated as shown in CT scans [10]. A
and in Prussak’s space, and later focused our attention on deeply indrawn Shrapnell’s membrane may then appear
surgical methods for tensor fold removal. as the only sign of this initially limited pathology. This
state will remain resistant to all modes of conservative
treatment. An indrawn membrane may remain inactive
Early Attempts to Improve Epitympanic Aeration when there is a thick layer of mature connective tissue
underneath, allowing no retraction to occur towards the
In the late 1980s removal of the tensor fold had neck of the malleus. The epidermis then becomes resting,
become a routine step in our canal-wall-down surgery loses its papillae and this condition does not indicate any
with mastoid obliteration and there were no technical interference (fig. 30, 32).
problems when the incus and the head of the malleus were Patients with a distinct indrawing of Shrapnell’s mem-
removed. In retraction pockets without mastoid patholo- brane with even minimal signs of retained keratin should
gy, with an intact ossicular chain and still with normal have otomicroscopy once a year to provide a sufficiently
hearing, no methods were available that allowed direct early diagnosis of a permanent, increasing collection of
vision of the tensor fold. Only in spacious anterior attics keratin in the initially tiny pocket. Surgery at this stage is
with a good safety margin to the head of the malleus, bone still a minor procedure and should be undertaken to pre-
could be removed to enter into the supratubal recess. vent serious future problems.
However, because the working angle was not comparable
to the superior approach in microdissection but was Surgery for Incipient Retraction Pockets
through the ear canal, the tensor fold remained hidden Both the endaural and postauricular incisions can be
behind the neck of the malleus and had to be destroyed used but we prefer the postauricular one because it gives a
blindly with angled hooks. When the anterior attic was better angle to the anterior portions of Prussak’s space.
short, there was no safe way of excising the fold. Canal skin is cut transversely 5 mm above the annulus
At the same time, Morimitsu [9] started to use a basi- and the incision continued superiorly over the vascular
cally similar approach that he called ‘anterior tympanoto- strip to the anterior edge of the notch of Rivinus. Canal
my’. While we worked with limited disease through the skin, superior portion of the posterior pars tensa and

94 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Shrapnell’s membrane are then dissected free of bone and
of the edges of insertion to the notch of Rivinus, and the
entire skin flap is turned over the short process of the mal-
leus. If there is already fixation to the malleus neck, we
detach Shrapnell’s membrane from bone with argon laser,
but this work can also be done gently with a sickle knife.
After sucking out possible mucus and removing in-
flammatory organized tissue strands Prussak’s space is
carefully scrutinized under sufficient magnification. The
anterior membrane will be seen as a distinctly transverse
structure of varying thickness, descending slightly inferi-
orly anterior to the curved neck of the malleus.
The entire anterior membrane is next evaporated with
laser producing an open connection with the anterior
pouch. Thin, translucent membranes can be circumcised Fig. 159. Surgical case, adult, left ear. The cholesteatoma had
advanced to the anterior attic and the entire malleus was removed.
and removed with the sickle knife and microforceps.
Its healthy head (M) was shaped so as to sit as a riding columella on
Thick, inflamed tissues always need laser destruction top of the incus long process (I). It raises the level of the ossicular
since the incision made to open it inevitably closes quick- chain laterally, allowing the tympanic membrane to assume its initial
ly afterwards. position while adhering to the malleus head.
While the canal skin, the pars tensa portion and Shrap-
nell’s membrane were turned over the short process of the
malleus, the connection with the posterior pouch becomes
disrupted. In all probability the pouch is already occluded
and a lumen leading inferiorly is no longer present. A The laser beam is again invaluable in the evaporation of
large opening is now made with laser towards the lower the scar tissue fixing the skin to the ossicles. If the retrac-
lateral attic by evaporating the connective tissue mass of tion around the neck of the malleus is not too deep, the
varying thickness between Prussak’s space and the chorda whole skin pocket may be excised from the intact ossicles.
tympani nerve. In this area the use of laser is mandatory, The aeration routes to the anterior pouch and to the lower
the thick scar tissue masses cannot be removed manually lateral attic are created with laser as described above. If
without injuring the adherent nerve. preoperatively the mastoid and the major attic compart-
At this stage Prussak’s space itself is fully open, possi- ments had been aerated and the problem seems to be lim-
bly without a mucous membrane and a large pathway con- ited to the blocked separate aeration pathway to Prussak’s
nects it to both the anterior pouch, and posteriorly to the space, nothing further need be done.
lower lateral attic and mesotympanum. We prefer to fill For cases in which there seemed to be also changes in
the area of Prussak’s space with a tiny strip of cartilage, the large epitympanic compartments which might not
earlier with lyophilized dura when it was in general use, to need major surgery but would benefit from improved
keep Shrapnell’s membrane in its proper position. The aeration, we searched for various routes for a safe remov-
cartilage prevents any contact between the generally epi- al of the tensor fold with this limited surgical approach.
thelium-free medial surface of Shrapnell’s membrane and One of the methods in the 1980s was to remove the head
the bone surface of the malleus neck and does not resorb. of the malleus and after the tensor fold removal, place the
We have seen no problems following the use of this proce- malleus head as a riding columella on the long process of
dure. the incus (fig. 159). At that time, we devised a new way of
removing tympanic glomus tumors that extended past
Surgery for Established Retraction Pockets the malleus handle to the anterior tympanum. A perfect
In ears of this type we use the postauricular incision for view of the whole tumor was obtained by cutting the neck
reasons given above, as well as to retain greater manipula- of the malleus, making an upward lifting of the entire
tive freedom in the event that the spread of the disease tympanic membrane possible with an elevator under the
later necessitated more extensive surgery. Removal of the malleus handle. Repositioning of the cut edges of the
skin pocket is started posteriorly, separating it carefully malleus after tumor removal resulted in the preservation
from the underlying ear canal bone, incus and malleus. of a normal hearing [11]. This method was afterwards

3 Microsurgical Approaches to Inflammatory Ear Disease 95

Fig. 160. Series P, case 12, a child aged 2 years, left ear. Posterior Fig. 161. Same ear as in figure 160. The malleus neck has been cut
tympanotomy for tensor fold removal in microdissection. Yellow (vertical arrow) with a malleus head nipper, allocating the tensor ten-
mucous secretion (horizontal arrow) filled the lateral side of the ossi- don to the handle (H) portion and the anterior malleal ligamental
cles, and Prussak’s space was full of similar fluid (vertical arrow). fold to the malleus head portion (M).
M = Malleus handle; I = incus long process; C = chorda tympani

under the inferior edge of the malleus neck. The neck is

cut close to the short process with a steady hand and
elbow support (fig. 161). The tensor tendon will then stay
on the manubrium side and the superior to the tendon
inserting anterior malleal ligament is left on the malleus
head side. The head then keeps its original position, being
fixed by the named ligament, the superior malleal liga-
ment, and the incudomalleal joint. When withdrawn, the
nipper is again turned parallel to the incus long process. A
gentle lifting of the malleus handle makes the tensor ten-
don and the tensor fold instantly visible (fig. 162). With-
out stretching the tendon unnecessarily, a thin fold can be
destroyed in a few seconds with a sickle knife (fig. 163),
even if we prefer the laser which in thick folds is mandato-
Fig. 162. Same ear as in figure 161. The malleus handle (H) is drawn ry to avoid reclosure. The elastic tensor tendon pulls the
laterally exposing the tensor tendon (oblique arrow) down to the
malleus handle back to contact the head portion, and after
cochleariform process (horizontal arrow). The tensor fold appears
superior to the tendon (vertical arrow). M = Malleus head. a drop of tissue glue, the closing steps are as described
above. When viewed from the superior aspect both the
incus and the head of the malleus have retained their posi-
tion and the tensor fold is absent (fig. 164).
If the malleus head becomes dislodged, it should be
adopted for use in surgery for recurrent ear disease and cautiously removed and fitted, as shown in figure 159, as
cholesteatoma. a riding columella on the long process of the incus. The
After the creation of the meatal skin flap and the mov- incus will keep its position even if it loses its contact with
ing aside of Shrapnell’s membrane (fig. 160), the malleus the malleus because it is still fixed by the posterior incudal
head nipper is introduced parallel to the long process of ligaments, by the lateral incudomalleal fold, and by the
the incus and turned 90° allowing the lower blade to go lenticular process. If bundles of the anterior malleal liga-

96 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 163. Same ear as in figure 162. A hole (vertical arrow) has been Fig. 164. Same ear as in figure 163. The specimen has been turned
made with a sickle knife in the tensor fold, part of which (oblique and a superior microdissection carried out. Portion of the hole in the
arrow) remains to be severed. H = Malleus handle; M = malleus head; tensor fold appears (vertical arrow) in front of the tensor tendon (T).
T = tensor tendon. The anterior attic (A) shows granulating mucosa. The tympanic isth-
mus has inflammatory webs both anteriorly and posteriorly (horizon-
tal arrows). Note that the malleus head (M) has kept its position
despite the cutting of its neck. I = Incus.

ment remain fixed to both malleal fragments after cutting, removal. We were initially perplexed by the term ‘attic
sideward shifting of the manubrium fragment could pull plate’ used by their group [9, 12] which was said to sepa-
the head laterally and dislodge it. A further division of the rate the anterior epitympanum from the supratubal re-
ligament on the malleus handle is then made with laser, or cess. Since the days of Siebenmann [13] and Hammar
with a sharp sickle knife. The surgeon’s touch should be [14], more than a hundred years ago, it has been recog-
gentle in all phases, and a few temporal bones should be nized that the separation is done by the tensor fold. We
dissected in the laboratory before applying the method to then understood that in the lateral approach the trans-
actual surgery. verse crest of the tegmen gave the authors an illusion of a
If mastoidectomy is indicated, or the retracted skin separation of the epitympanum and the recess by the
envelopes the neck of the malleus, or the pocket extends transverse crest. In superior microdissections, and in hori-
superiorly, we regularly remove the incus and cut the head zontal serial sections, the transverse crest is seen to play
of the malleus. In our experience, whenever it is unclear no role except at times it divides the anterior epitympa-
whether or not the squamous epithelium has been re- num superiorly into two sections (fig. 67, 114).
moved totally, the procedure should be carried out. This We use the frontolateral atticotomy in generalized cho-
exposure reveals the contents of the whole attic and allows lesterol granulomatous mastoiditis and epitympanitis
removal of the diseased tissues. The view of the tensor with a canal-wall-up surgery for excision of the tensor
fold becomes unobstructed, allowing its removal with a fold, combined with preservation of the ossicular chain.
full examination of the supratubal recess. Reconstruction As Morimitsu [9] suggested, bone in the atticotomy has to
of the stapes is done with the patient’s own tissues, incus be removed as far as the zygoma so that the approach
or cortical bone, following the established principles. allows for transversely continued drilling in front of the
head of the malleus (fig. 165). At the end of the atticotomy
we also break the lateral incudomalleal fold blindly, with a
Frontolateral Atticotomy long right angle hook, by gentle movements of the hook
between the incus short process and the lateral attic bone.
After having read Morimitsu’s manual [9] on what he This opens one additional aeration route to the attic com-
called ‘anterior tympanotomy’ for cholesteatoma removal bining the air spaces of the upper and lower lateral attics
we thought the approach worth trying in tensor fold (fig. 39).

3 Microsurgical Approaches to Inflammatory Ear Disease 97

Fig. 165. Series A, adult case 9, left ear. An Fig. 166. Surgical case, adult, left ear. The Fig. 167. Same ear as in figure 166, surgery
atticomastoidectomy has been made with frontolateral atticotomy has been completed completed and the tensor fold removed, ex-
exposure of the incus (I) and the malleus and the tensor fold (T) is visible medial to posing the supratubal recess (R). Chorda
(M). A postinflammatory web appears in the the head of the malleus (M). I = Incus; E = tympani nerve (horizontal arrow) is seen ad-
tympanic isthmus (horizontal arrow). At this ear canal. jacent to the neck of the malleus (M). I =
stage the lateral incudomalleal fold can be Incus.
destroyed by a long right-angle pick moving
it gently between the incus short process and
the lateral attic bony wall (B). A = Mastoid
antrum; E = ear canal.

The actual approach to the tensor fold necessitates a dures for disease in Prussak’s space and removal of the
small diamond drill in an angled handpiece for removing tensor fold, all of the meso- and epitympanic polypoid
the lateral portion of the transverse crest in front of the granulation tissue should also be removed after early
malleus head. The anterior malleal ligament in front of removal of the incus. The mucoperiosteum together with
the malleus head leads directly to the tensor fold which thin areas of mucosa should be conserved to allow epithe-
has the appearence of an oblique thin membrane ante- lial regeneration from the remaining small stretches of a
romedial to the surgical route (fig. 166). Thin folds can be near-normal epithelium and to keep the development of
excised with a sickle knife but laser is generally preferred, granulation tissue formation on raw surfaces at a mini-
and it is mandatory in thick folds (fig. 167). If a major mum. Much of the excision of the granulation tissues
portion of such folds is not evaporated, a simple incision should be done with laser, especially around the stapes. In
quickly heals leaving no permanent membrane defect. If the absence of the incus columellization with the head of
the tensor fold has become inserted into the crest itself, in the malleus on the stapes is the best method for creating
around 10% of our cases, the surgical route through the space as it leads to a large tympanoattic middle ear com-
crest also destroys the fold directly when the lateral por- partment with unhindered drainage and aeration. A
tion of the crest is drilled away. short-term cortisone therapy with antibiotic cover during
the postoperative period in such cases would contribute to
Extensive Attic and Mesotympanic Disease in Chronic quicker healing of the mucosal layer.
Otitis media
In recurring inflammatory ear disease, both the epi-
tympanum as well as the mesotympanum may present Spread of Cholesteatoma from Prussak’s Space
with an extensive amount of granulation tissue. In addi-
tion to the blockade of both the tympanic isthmus and the There are four routes for the spread of cholesteatoma
aeration pathway to Prussak’s space, granulomatous obli- from Prussak’s space, the posterior, inferior, superior and
terating tissue and polyps may envelope the incus so that anterior, and each gives a different type of involvement of
preservation of an intact ossicular chain becomes too ris- the neighboring compartments. These cholesteatomas
ky (fig. 52, 53). In addition to the above-described proce- start from an epithelial papillary projection, penetrating

98 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Fig. 168. Series P, case 8, a child aged 6 years, right ear. A case of Fig. 169. Same ear as in figure 168, anterior microdissection, a view
granulomatous mastoiditis with a perforation (horizontal arrow) in of the tympanic cavity after removal of a loose keratin mass from the
the posterior portion of Shrapnell’s membrane. The anterior portion orifice of the eustachian tube and protympanum. The anterior meso-
of Prussak’s space was filled with thick yellow mucus (oblique arrow). tympanum is still full of contents of a disrupted cholesteatoma sac
The tympanic membrane (TM) is retracted and fixed to the long pro- (horizontal arrows) until the perforation. M = Malleus handle; TM =
cess of the incus (I), shimmering through the tympanic membrane. tympanic membrane. This kind of spread of cholesteatoma, centrally
M = Malleus handle. and anteriorly, occurs when Prussak’s space is aerated from the lower
lateral attic immediately posterior to the malleus neck.

the basal lamina, into adjacent granulation tissue in Prus- touch either the fold insertion ring or mucosa of the supra-
sak’s space. There the advancing front portion of the tubal recess, which are well outside the area of cholestea-
papilla becomes a minicyst and begins to enlarge due to toma.
trapped keratin and transforms into a typical ball-type
cholesteatoma. Common to them all is the squamous epi- Inferior Central Route
thelium in the inner lining of the cystic formation, con- In around 36% of ears Prussak’s space is aerated
nective tissue covering the outside. However, any granu- directly from the lower lateral attic and the posterior
lation tissue adjacent to the connective tissue may contain pouch forms a superiorly blind sac without any connec-
papillae from the squamous epithelium, regardless of the tion to Prussak’s space [15]. In such ears the aeration
type of cholesteatoma. pathway leads to the lower lateral attic and the superior
mesotympanum immediately posterior to the short pro-
Posterior Route cess of the malleus. From here the cholesteatoma sac has a
This is the common way of extension because the sac tendency to enlarge into the anterior direction under the
enlarges along the regular aeration pathway through the handle of the malleus and it is impossible to diagnose it at
posterior pouch, gradually fills and expands it so that it an early stage before perforation occurs in Shrapnell’s
occupies the entire space below the lateral incudomalleal membrane. We recently studied a temporal bone with this
fold. When it arrives at the mesotympanum, an early sign type of involvement [7], combined with Shrapnell’s mem-
is a slightly bulging whitish area in the posterior upper brane perforation (fig. 168) and complicated during the
segment of the pars tensa; in later stages this area extends terminal stage of septicemia with extensive mastoid gran-
to the lower posterior segment. Generally the sac has ulomatous infection. When we started with the anterior
become so large that it reaches the long process of the microdissection we found that there had been a disrup-
incus and the stapes crura, necessitating partial ossicular tion of the cholesteatoma sac and the keratin mass had
resection. There is a good chance for total removal spread anteriorly as far as the bony eustachian tube
because the upper lateral attic and the superior attic are (fig. 169).
primarily intact. Excision of the membranous portion of
the tensor fold is made routinely, but there is no need to

3 Microsurgical Approaches to Inflammatory Ear Disease 99

Fig. 170. Surgical case, adult, right ear, endaural approach. Choles- Fig. 171. Same ear as in figure 170. The entire tensor fold has been
teatoma in Prussak’s space had spread to the anterior attic and the removed leaving a good-sized communication (between horizontal
ball-type mass extended on top of the tensor fold. The macerated arrows) with the supratubal recess (R). Malleus head (M) shows ero-
surface of the tensor fold (between horizontal arrows) appears after sion (oblique arrow). I = Incus long process.
removal of cholesteatoma. A vertical arrow points to the anterior
membrane of Prussak’s space, an oblique arrow to the tympanic cavi-
ty. M = Malleus, A = anterior malleal ligamental fold.

Superior Route Anterior Route

The roof of Prussak’s space may contain a membrane Prussak’s space has another weak wall inferoanteriorly
defect (fig. 8, 9) and even if intact, its posterior portion (fig. 77–80) where the limiting membrane is thin, even if
regularly offers easy penetration because of the thin por- it contains fortifying fibers from the tensor tympani ten-
tion of the lateral malleal ligamental fold which contains don which resist penetration (fig. 16). We have found this
no ligamental bundles (fig. 7). The anterior portion of the pathway for cholesteatoma spread to be uncommon. The
lateral malleal ligament is always so strong that it entirely enlarging mass expands, once in the anterior pouch,
precludes the possibility of penetration into the lateral around the lateral portion of the tensor tympani tendon to
malleal space (fig. 8, 15c). Once there, the ball may grow the supratubal recess. We remove most, if not all, of the
in all directions: over the malleus head to the superior and malleus together with the tensor tendon and the insertion
medial attics, through a small communication between ring of the tensor fold. In patients with advanced spread,
the malleus head and the lateral malleal ligamental fold to all soft tissue from the supratubal recess tegmen must be
the anterior attic, or posteriorly to the direction of the adi- excised down to the eustachian tube orifice. We use the
tus ad antrum on top of the lateral incudomalleal fold. If canal-wall-down surgery to obtain a fully unobstructed
the disease remains limited to the attic, its most anterior view of the eustachian tube. The reconstruction with ossi-
extension is halted by the tensor fold. Even if this fold culoplasty and repositioning and filling of the skin tube of
normally looks like a pseudomembrane, it can generally the intact ear canal by a dense Merocel® tampon [16] is
be found intact even if the connective tissue side of the followed by obliteration. If the disease is diagnosed early
cholesteatoma ball is united with the fold’s posterior sur- and the anterior and posterior attics are free of disease,
face. In cases with a large anterior attic cholesteatoma limited surgery may be possible and the incus can be left
removal may be possible by keeping the ossicular chain in place. This allows easy reconstruction with the riding
intact (fig. 170, 171). However, generally the removal of columella (fig. 159) on top of the incudostapedial articula-
the incus and the head of the malleus are essential, and tion.
dissection of the ball anteriorly should include the tensor
fold and its insertion ring. The supratubal recess remains
intact and no soft tissue removal is needed.

100 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum

Final Remarks Finally, the lateral route via the regular posterior tym-
panotomy completes the picture of the anatomic arrange-
We have suggested earlier [8] that the supervised ment of the structures which will confront the trainee sur-
microdissection training, including the lateral and anteri- geon in the operation theater. Moving aside Shrapnell’s
or approaches, be incorporated into the temporal bone membrane allows one to view the roof of Prussak’s space
surgery teaching programs for acquiring the necessary and the anterior membrane which is anteroinferior to the
anatomic knowledge. Surgical competence can only be neck of the malleus. Cutting the head of the malleus as
achieved through personal work, combined with preced- indicated above gives a greater sense of dexterity and safe-
ing seminars with documented figures of microdissections ty in doing the same procedures in one’s daily work, in the
and of serial sections of temporal bones. Documented evi- creation of additional attic aeration pathways or in pre-
dence is the only valid reference when seeking to under- paring adequate access for the removal of anterior glomus
stand anatomy, and sketches must always be accompa- tumors. When the ear surgeon knows the detailed anato-
nied by photographs of the anatomic structures on which my of the middle ear inside out it gives him great confi-
they are based. dence in planning and executing successfully any type of
The trainees will profit immediately from traditional surgery for inflammatory middle ear disease.
superior microdissection, when done personally once they
have obtained sufficient theoretical knowledge of the
structures to be encountered. He or she can instantly rec-
ognize in the posterior epitympanum, medially to the
incus short process, the large major aeration and drainage
route, the tympanic isthmus. Lateral to the incus one can
see the delicate incudomalleal fold and the upper lateral
attic and will know that the lower lateral attic is imme-
diately inferior to this fold. Posteriorly one sees how the
posterior incudal ligaments go transversely to both sides,
not along the long axis of the short process, and that the
lateral ligament is clearly the stronger of the two. By fol-
lowing the lateral incudomalleal fold anteriorly one can
see how it descends towards the posterior malleal liga-
mental fold and how the lateral malleal space forms
between the three malleal ligamental folds.
After further removal of the tegmen, the anterior epi-
tympanum is fully visible, the shallow transverse crest
crossing the tegmen, its medial leg possibly continuous
with the cochleariform process. The pseudomembranous
tensor fold finally gives a clear indication of the closed
anterior borderline of the anterior epitympanum.
Anterior dissection [17] gives the trainees a precise
idea of the supratubal recess and the anterior pouch, both
areas which they would normally not have seen before.
One can immediately recognize that the anterior mem-
brane of Prussak’s space is a thin duplicate membrane,
not a ligamental fold, and appreciate that it can give way
to expanding cholesteatoma from Prussak’s space. By
viewing the tensor fold medially one notes that the supra-
tubal space extends a good deal superior to the eustachian
tube tegmen. By inserting an instrument through the fold
one can see it approaching the anterior epitympanum and
after removal of the entire thin fold one sees how the two
spaces become one.

3 Microsurgical Approaches to Inflammatory Ear Disease 101

1 Kokko E, Palva T: Clinical results and compli- 7 Palva T, Johnson L-G, Ramsay H: Attic aera- 12 Tono T, Schachern P, Morizono T, Paparella
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3 Northrop C, Piza J, Eavey R: Histological ob- ry attic aeration pathways by microdissection. tomie des Menschen. Jena, Fischer, 1897, vol
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the ears of neonates and infants. Int J Pediatr 9 Morimitsu T: Cholesteatoma and Anterior 14 Hammar JA: Studien über die Entwicklung des
Otorhinolaryngol 1986;11:113–127. Tympanotomy. Tokyo, Springer, 1997, pp 1– Vorderdarms und einiger angrenzenden Or-
4 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Spread of 114. gane. 1. Allgemeine Morphologie der Schlund-
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nate middle ear. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Attic retraction as a sequel of otitis media with telohrraumes und des äusseren Gehörganges.
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5 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Effect of Otitis media Today. The Hague, Kugler, 1999, 15 Palva T, Northrop C, Ramsay H: Aeration and
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partments, surgical considerations: A re-evalu- No. 78. 17 Palva T, Ramsay H, Böhling T: Lateral and
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bones and a literature review. Am J Otol 1995; sor fold. Am J Otol 1998;19:405–414.

102 Color Atlas of the Anatomy and Pathology of the Epitympanum


Subject Index

The subject index contains terms which are of major importance in finding the passages which deal with the term
sought for. Due to the frequent appearance of some of the terms, all occurrences have not been printed; mainly those
are included which contain additional information. Those page numbers which contain essential basic information of
anatomy or pathology are printed in bold.

Aditus ad antrum 3, 10, 12, 100 Cochleariform process 38, 47, 96 – obturator 8
Aeration pathway 9, 14, 17–19, 21–27, 30, Cog 38 – posterior incudal 30
31, 40, 46, 66, 70, 75, 80, 93, 94, 99 Cornelius 4 – stapedial 8, 32
Aimi 10, 40 Cutting of malleus neck 96 – tensor 6–8, 11, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43,
Air sac 46, 47, 62, 66, 69, 94
– – anterior 7, 8, 16 Dahlberg 59 – trailing medial surface of malleus to
– – medial 7, 8, 16, 31 Diamant 59, 60 tensor fold 42
– – posterior 7 Döderlein 87 – trailing superior malleal ligament 8, 41
– – superior 7, 16 Drainage pathway → Aeration pathway Foreign body 18, 56, 57, 60
Amniotic fluid 59, 61 Duplicate folds 7 Fossa incudis 30, 66
– – cellular content 21, 61–66, 93 Friedmann 60, 88
Animal model of pneumatization 60, 61 Eavey 57 Frontolateral atticotomy 97
Annular bone 4, 8 Eckert-Möbius 58
Anterior attic → Epitympanum Endaural incision 94 Giant cells 69, 70, 73, 84, 86
– membrane of Prussak’s space 13, 16, Epidermal papillae 26 Glomus tumor 95
19, 46, 95 Epitympanic diaphragm 11, 12 Goldenhar’s syndrome 75, 79
– pouch 4, 23, 27, 46, 48, 95 – folds → Folds Granulation tissue 21, 23, 25, 34–36, 42,
– tympanic isthmus 12 – ligaments → Ligaments 43, 56–58, 67, 69, 70, 72–74, 81,
Arnold 4 – sinus 38, 39 85–87, 98
Aschoff 55, 56, 59 Epitympanum Guluya 9
Attic → Epitympanum – anterior 11, 27, 28, 31, 36–44, 58, 61,
– bone 5, 15, 30, 31 94, 97 Hammar 4, 5, 7–9, 13, 14, 32, 40, 45, 97
– roof 8, 28, 30, 31 – medial 9, 11, 12, 28, 31–33, 38, 42, 64 Hammer-Amboss-Schuppenraum 7
Atticotomy 97 – posterior 12, 27, 28–36, 42, 101 Helmholtz 4, 5, 13
Auxiliary aeration pathway 12, 30 – superior 8, 28, 31, 61, 62, 76, 77, 81, 88 Henle 5
Eustachian tube 7, 40, 48, 59, 66, 73, 93, Hypotympanum 35, 56, 61
von Bardeleben 3 94
Beaumont 60, 61, 88 Eysell 3 Incudal fossa 30, 66
Benner 56 Incudostapedial articulation 32, 35, 66
Bezold 3 Fetal development 7 Inferior tympanic artery 4, 12
Buch 56 Fibrosis 60 Interatticotympanic diaphragm 11
Folds (variable, position-changing)
Chatellier 11 – chordal 8 Jörgensen 56
Cholesteatoma 26, 27, 37, 57, 94, 95, 98–100 – cruris longi incudis 8
Cholesterol crystals 27, 36, 43, 55, 93 – incus intercrural 32 Kuppelraum 3
– granuloma 57, 61, 86, 97 – interossicular 47
Chorda tympani nerve 4, 5, 8, 12, 17, 42, – lateral incudomalleal 8, 11, 12, 15, 20, Labyrinth capsule 3
72, 95 28, 30, 32, 62 Labyrinthine bone 58
Chordal fold 8 – medial ossicular 32 Lanugo hair 57, 75, 86

Lateral attics 8, 12, 62, 69 – – infant 56–58, 60 Sheehy 38
– attic bone 5, 12 – – infectious 55 Shrapnell 5
– incudomalleal fold → Folds – – neonatorum 32, 55, 59 Shrapnell’s membrane 3–5, 14–16, 18, 19,
– malleal space 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, – – recurrent 87–89, 93 21, 24–27, 75, 93, 94
18–21, 27–29, 38, 64, 66, 69 – – secretory 5, 6, 11, 27, 34, 36, 60, 93 Siebenmann 3, 6, 7, 9, 37, 38, 40, 42, 49,
Lemoine 11 – – sterile 32 50, 97
Ligaments (ligamental folds, position-fixed) Otosclerosis 43 Sinus tympani → Tympanic sinus
– anterior malleal 4, 5, 8, 12, 15, 42, 46, 48 Spina capitis mallei 5
– anterior malleal suspensory 12 Paukenhöhle 3 Squamous bone 3, 61, 66, 74, 85–88
– lateral malleal 5, 9, 12, 13, 15 Periosteal bone 88 – epithelial cells 55, 75, 79, 85
– posterior incudal 8, 10, 28, 30, 31, 36 Petrotympanic fissure 12, 42 Stapedial fold → Folds
– posterior malleal 5, 12, 13, 29 Petrous bone 3, 66, 73, 85–88 Stapedius tendon 5
– superior malleal 28, 38 Plica cruris longi incudis 8 Superior attic → Epitympanum
Lower lateral attic 8, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, – transversa 3, 7 – pouch 4, 9
28–30, 29, 63, 66, 74, 95 Pneumatic cell 7 Supratubal recess 3, 6–8, 27, 39, 40, 42, 43,
Pneumatization 36, 38, 47, 57–61, 66, 73, 45–51, 62, 63, 66, 69, 94
McLellan 56 85–88
Malleal ligaments 4, 5 Politzer 5, 6, 14, 15, 17, 22 Tensor fold → Folds
– spine 5 Portal for organization 26, 62, 68 – tendon 3, 6, 10, 16, 31, 36, 38, 40, 47, 48
Margo tympanicus 5 Position-changing folds 7 Tos 6
Mastoid antrum 3, 12, 59, 61, 62 Position-fixed folds 7 Transverse crest 3, 6, 38, 39, 94
Mastoidectomy 97 Postauricular incision 94, 95 von Tröltsch 3, 5, 12, 18
Mastoiditis 60 Posterior attic → Epitympanum Trommelfelltasche 7
Meconium 55, 57, 61 – pouch 4, 9, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 95 Tubal orifice 5
Medial attic → Epitympanum – tympanic isthmus 12, 30 – tegmen 38
– ossicular fold → Folds – tympanotomy 21 Tumarkin 60, 88
Mesotympanum 4, 17, 18, 21, 26, 28, 40, – tympanum 12, 27, 30, 59, 61, 72, 74 Tympanic cavity 3, 9, 49, 58, 64, 79
45, 56, 98 Potter 57 – glomus tumor → Glomus tumor
Microsurgery 94–97 Proctor 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 31, 32, 38, 46 – isthmus 9, 10, 12, 28, 31–33, 34–36, 40,
Morimitsu 94, 97 Protympanic recess 12 48, 64, 67, 72, 93, 94
Mucosal fibrosis 58 Prussak 4, 5, 9, 17, 22 – membrane 4, 5, 17, 23, 57
– hyperplasia 58, 59 Prussak’s space 5, 6, 9, 11–27, 46, 49, 63, – sinus 65, 67, 73
– polyps 56, 69, 73 64, 66–70, 72, 93–95, 98 – spine
Multinucleated cells 64, 79, 81, 82, 86 Pseudocystic granulation 67, 78–81, 84 – – anterior 5, 12, 38
Pyramidal process 10, 31 – – posterior 5, 17, 23
Northrop 57 Tympanostomy tube 27, 34, 75, 89, 93
Notch of Rivinus 3, 94, 95 Recessus epitympanicus 3 Tympanotomy
Retraction pocket 25, 27, 75, 93–95 – anterior 11, 94
Obturator fold → Folds Riding columella 95 – posterior 11, 94, 95
Ojala 60, 87 Round window membrane 65, 73, 84
Organization 74, 80–83, 87 – – niche 73, 79 Upper lateral attic 8, 12, 13, 28, 38, 62
Otitis media Rüedi 59, 60, 68
– – acute 5, 19, 59 Wildberg 4
– – adhesive 34, 89, 93 de Sa 56 Wittmaack 4, 26, 55–61, 87, 88
– – chronic 26, 37, 40, 48, 59, 60, 93, 98 Schuknecht 9 Wullstein 6, 31
– – hyperplastic 58 Schwartze 3

104 Subject Index

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