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" Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 : 12.


medimval views was somewhat abated, the rocks of interminable agony, is now sweeping In fine, it presents at present an array of tal-
Rtuitint & 1 ttialli doctrine of an eternal hell was still presented back again toward the shores of final restora- ent and a mass of publications so vast in
to the sinner as a motive to obedience. Such tionism. He alone will be able to stay this quantity, and so pointed in argument and for-
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY an idea has figured very largely in all the Cal- terrible drift, who, from His throne in Heaven, cible in illustration, that it must become an
The Seventh—Day Adventist Publishing Association. vinistic teachings, even down to the first quar- can control not only the tides of the natural but important factor in the solution of the most
ter of our own century. From that time, also those of the spiritual world. If God shall weighty problem which has been presented to
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. however, there has been a rapid change in not come to the rescue, the consequence will the Christian church for ages.
M. J. ChArmAx, Secretary, H. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer. public sentiment. The pulpit has been speak- be incalculable damage to the cause of truth.
f. Whether looked upon from the natural or
Ira- TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Dol- ing with less and less certainty of sound each No system of religion ever devised can bear, the theological standpoint, the advocates of
lar a Volume of e5 numbers. year upon this great question, until within without injury, the strain of such terrible ex- this theory seem fully to be masters of the
Address, Review & Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. the last decade it has become manifest to all travagances of teaching on the part of its situation. When discussing the question of
that a change of tactics has been adopted. ministers. The thinking men of the world Scripture teaching on this subject, they all
A PRAYER. The instances in which, at present, a resort are certain to come to the conclusion that in- insist upon a literal interpretation of its say-
ETERNAL, infinite, all-wise,
is made to the old terrors for the purpose of dividuals whose religious sentiments can from ings, when such an interpretation is not ren-
And ever-present Lord! impressing the impenitent, have become ex- time to time experience such radical changes, dered impossible by the nature of the text or
We bow before thy " great white throne," tremely rare. This fact had become so mani- cannot be safe leaders of the public mind. context. Instead of resorting to metaphor
And call thee, Father, Godl fest that Phinney, who was a radical of the If they would stop here, their conclusions and figure as an easy method of removing ob-
Jehovah, King ! we know thy power, old-school theory upon this subject, was con- would not be so erroneous. Unfortunately, stacles in the way of a given opinion, they
We feel thy tender love!
We hunger for the,manna sweet strained to publish in the papers of the coun- however, this would not be characteristic of employ this method of explanation in cases
That cometh from above ! try an article calling the attention to the mod- human nature. The danger is that the con- where it is manifestly the only true one. In
ern departure, and deploring this marked tempt that they hold for the individuals the study of the Bible they attach to the
0 God, the paths of earth are rough, change in the teaching of the pulpit. whose weakness has been thus clearly mani- terms life and death the same signification
Our feet are bleeding, sore ; This remonstrance, however, fell powerless. fested, will attach itself to the book of God which belongs to them in common parlance,
We yearn for rest at thy "right hand,"
And "joys for evermore "! The revolution was too nearly complete to be from which they have claimed to draw their as well as in the sacred writings generally, in-
But, Lord, between us and that home stayed. Nay, more ; the allusion to the doctrinal opinions. If this should be the stead of following the practice of many mod-
Lie conflicts over sin ; change seemed to precipitate it by acknowl- case, then we have before us an era of •the ern theologians who are compelled, in order to
Sustained by thine almighty arm, edging the fact of its existence. Steadily and most terrible infidelity which the world has support their doctrine of the soul's unending
The battle we shall win !
rapidly the old landmarks are being removed, ever witnessed. life, to employ the former as signifying hap-
Our hearts are faint and trembling oft ; and the new order of things is being entered Relief from past mistakes can never be piness, and the latter as signifying misery.
The'way seems weary, long; upon. In the transit, former issues have found in the restoration teaching of the pres- In other words, when the school of inter-
Our strength is weakness, but in thee been lost sight of. It is not now a contest ent. If that doctrine is true, then the Bible preters under consideration find God declar-
Is strength eternal, strong. for the old hell with its billows of fire and its is false. It speaks with no doubtful tone inc, that " the soul that sinneth it shall die "
0 fill us now with peace divine,
And soften and subdue myriads of the damned, doomed to be con- upon that subject. If in the world to come (Eze. 18 : 4), they understand him to mean
These hearts of stone, until they throb signed bodily for eternal ages to its fiery there is to be forgiveness and final redemp- relatively the same as he did when address-
With love andjoy anew! flames ; but it is simply a struggle for the de- tion, then the book which we call the Bible ing individuals in the use of similar language.
fense of a modified conception of the idea of gives a sound upon doctrinal subjects alto- Again, when they read that " the wages of
The toil, the pain, the weariness punishment. In that idea is found neither a gether too uncertain to be of any value to the sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal
Will soon be ever o'er ;
In future days unrest will flee, local hell nor everlasting torment, except as world as a shaper of opinion respecting the life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom.
And sorrow come no more. it will be realized in remorse of conscience future state. Candid men will readily per- 6 : 23), they are constrained to believe that he
This earth will brighten, ne'or to fade, eternal in its duration. But even this ex- ceive this fact, and they will inevitably reject who yields himself a servant to sin will be re-
With one long summer day ; tremely diluted form of opinion cannot pass either the men who teach it and the Bible warded—not with an interminable existence
0 hasten, Sun that never sets,
And melt the mists away! unchallenged. The intellectual pendulum in along with them, or else they will repudiate in misery—but by the cessation of that exist-
its reaction is passing on to the other ex- the doctrine, and cling to the Bible, finding ence in death; and on the other hand they
We ask these favors in One Name— treme. Radicalism in the one direction is, therein authority for some view which shall decide that he who becomes a servant of
A Name that's "all in all "! as ever, the parent of radicalism in the avoid on the one hand the unreasonable doc- Christ will receive for his services an exten-
Through Christ we bow and plead and pray, other. The minds of men tortured by, and
0 hear us as we call trine of an unending hell, and on the other, sion of his life throughout the eternal ages.
The "coming and the end" are nea utterly disgusted with, the unreasonable and the possibility of future restoration on the Once more, when they ascertain that eter-
O save us even then 1 terrific teachings of the doctors of divinity on part of the sinner to the favor of God. This nal life is to be given to those who by patient
And thine the glory and the power the subject of future punishment, have been being true, the question now arises, Is there continuance in well doing seek for it (Rom.
Forever, Lord. Amen. unable to eliminate from those teachings that any intermediate position at the present time, 2 :5-7), they feel that is safe to conclude that
ELIZA R. MORTON. which was erroneous, retaining that which which is defensible and sufficiently developed the eternal life promised means a life which
was true. They boldly question now the cor- to meet the exigencies of the case I We be- shall never end, and that as those only who
rectness of these teachers even in the matter lieve there is. seek for it are to obtain the same, it is cer-
Our Coufrittufur, of the eternal duration of punishment, as While the great masses of mankind are tain that they never possessed it naturally ;
modified to suit the modern theories of greater rushing past the central point of the true faith else there would have been no need of their
lenity. to the extreme position of the false one, there seeking for it. Furthermore, when they
THE THEOLOGICAL DRIFT. Such men as Henry Ward Beecher and are a few who are pausing right where they learn that it is declared in so many words
BY ELD. W. H. LITTLEJOHN. Prof. Swing of this country, and Canon can plant their feet upon doctrine which is that God " only hath immortality, dwelling
THE phenomenon of tides, though remark- Farrar of England, men who are schooled in both scriptural and reasonable. While Mr. in the light which no man can approach
able in its character, is not without its analo- the matter of feeling the popular pulse— Beecher and his friends are throwing them- unto " (1 Tim. 6 : 15, 16), they feel assured
gies in the religious world. In the one case 'perceiving that the revolution was fairly in- selves into the arms of Universalism or res- that it cannot be true that immortality is in-
the tendency up to a certain period of time is augurated and could not be stayed—have torationism, as an escape from the horrors of herent in all men.
all in one direction, and then for a like pe- taken the forefront and become the cham- eternal conscious misery, there are springing In fine, when they discover that in no one
riod in the other ; so that the flood is contin- pions in the great movement of modern reac- up in all parts of the world devoted Chris- of the more than seventeen hundred instances
ually bearing upon its surface all sorts of tion, which now has become inevitable. tian souls who believe that they can find in in which the soul is mentioned in the Bible,
floating material, first heaping them in With them are hundreds of others of consid- the Bible evidence that man is not naturally either in the use of that term or its equiva-
masses upon the eastern, and then bearing erable prominence, who have perceived the immortal, and that immortality is alone the lent terms, God has ever said in so many
them back to pile them in other masses upon certainty of the revolution and have hastened gift of God. In this view they discover both words that it was immortal or that it could
the western shores of the great oceans. to become leaders in the popular revolt. By a scriptural and a reasonable solution of this never die, they infer that such a remarkable
Thus, also, in the history of the church, a single leap, apparently, they have passed whole question. omission could never have occurred were it
the trend of ideas is first in one direction, and over the old ground of faith in the remediless To him who is careful in observing the true that unending life could be predicated of
then in the other. Action and reaction has condition and eternal suffering of the damned, changes of the hour, the rapid development the soul.
been the order of the ages, so that one gener- over the intermediate position of unending of this class of theorists is a matter of pro- Again, passing from the domain of Scrip-
ation is in danger of counteracting the' labors remorse, to the opinion that probably—if not foundest interest. Among them will be ture to that of reason, they are not only una-
of another, and returning back again either certainly—eternity will furnish opportunity found certain whole denominations of Chris- ble to find satisfactory proof that man has a
to the same opinions which were once held for the repentance and redemption of those tians ; such, for example, as Seventh-day Ad- deathless spirit, but they are, on the contrary,
and afterward rejected, or of going to ex- who have rejected salvation here. So strong ventists, and, generally speaking, first-day able to overwhelm their adversaries with
tremes in the advocacy of views which for- is the hold which this argument has taken Adventists. In the orthodox churches, also, most conclusive arguments from that source
merly had been condemned as dangerous er- upon the popular sentiment of the country, there are thousands of members who are in confirmation of the Scripture teachings
rors. Like the pendulum of the chick, theo- that already numerous religious bodies have adopting these sentiments, and their numbers that unending life, if possessed at all, must
rists are continually passing and repassing deliberately decided that it is not illegitimate are rapidly increasing. So obvious is the come through a beneficent grant of the great
the central point of truth. for orthodox Christian ministers to hold pri- fact, that it can hardly have escaped the at- Creator. All the analogies of nature, in their
Perhaps we cannot find, just at present, a vately this modern heterodox view, provided, tention of the casual observer. Scarcely a hands, conspire in teaching that death with-
better illustration of this idea than is pre- only, that they shall not proclaim it from newspaper reaches us at the present time-- out the resurrection would necessarily close
sented in the history of thought on the ques- the desk. In the interest of such an opinion, which is in the habit of giving the publications forever the existence of mortals. Every
tion of man's nature and destiny. The mid- and its fearless advocacy, are arrayed several of the week—wherein we cannot find a notice proof to the contrary which their adversa-
dle ages were occupied in elaborating and en- papers of the type of the Independent. of some new work on the subject; or an arti- ries are able to draw from the physical world
forcing the most extravagant views of hell, What the outcome of this affair will be, cle either advocating or attacking this con- is demolished by them as readily as is the
its duration, and its terrible infliction of suf- the patient student of the history of religious ception of the soul. cob-house of the school-boy by the advancing
fering. For ages the terrors of its punish- doctrines is only too well aware. It has been In England, such men as R. W. Dale, foot of the one in whose pathway it stands.
ment furnished many with the staple from well said that revolutions never go back- Dobney, and others,—men of both piety and For thousands of years the arcana of nature
which was manufactured the argument to in- ward. As in the political so in the theolog- great learning,—are courageously advocating has been searched without avail as with a
duce men to obey God. Later on in hiStory ical world. The tide having swept every- these sentiments. In Europe, too, this opin- lighted candle in an effort to discover testi-
we find that while the extravagance of the thing for ages in the direction of the rugged ion is being received with considerable favor. mony in favor of the article of faith which is
50 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [VoL. 54, No. 7.
passing in review. The nearest approxima- tion to all created things—has by virtue of is at once to discard the Bible history of the and oi ered the sentence to be carried out.
tion to it is confessedly found in the trans- his creation been made equal to God in the Sabbath ; and the more intelligent and con- And now the governor acts his part : he puts
mutation of the caterpillar into the butterfly, sense that he can never die. As this view scientious advocates of the Sunday Sabbath away what the Court of Sessions did, and
the periodic return of spring with its annual of the subject shall be more and more gener- hesitate to use his arguments, while others what the Supreme Court and our highest
presentation of revived vegetable life, etc., ally received, mankind will be better prepared use them only as a last resort. Verily Sun- Appellate Court affirmed, and opening the
etc. But instead of substantiating the the- for the glorious announcement in the word of day must have urgent need of support, if it prison doors, sets Berry free, remitting even
ory which they are cited to sustain, it is per- God that Christ has brought life and immor- must resort to such a prop as Dr. Akers offers. the paltry fine of $150, which Berry is
ceived by these men that the very paucity in tality to light through the gospel; for so long If his position were correct, what confidence abundantly able to pay !
numbers in these analogies, as well as their as they are instructed that they have by nat- could one place in Bible history 4 I have But the governor, as if anticipating the in-
extremely inconclusive teachings, furnish pre- ure an indefeasible title to unending being, almost imagined that Dr. Akers had a comical dignation of the people, comes before them—
sumptive evidence of the falsity of a doctrine they will never exert themselves to obtain turn of mind, and being perhaps somewhat in that familiar attitude in which he should
which is able to offer so little in its own sup- the same, and never more than half believe wanting in reverence, had tried to invent as be photographed—with a bundle of apologies
port by way of rewarding those who have that the wicked are to spend the eternal ages great an absurdity as possible, and written it under his arm, which are none the less his
searched so long and so faithfully. Chal- in irremediable woe. in ecclesiastical style to experiment on the that they are put forth anonymously. And
lenging the whole array, they meet it with a With the acceptance of this doctrine also, credulity of the professed Christian public, such apologies ! Let us enumerate them :—
logic as irreversible in its effects as was the all difficulty in the matter of justifying God and to see how great an error they would ac- [1] " It was a first offense." So is that of
" tekel " traced by an angelic hand on the in the creation of man, is forever disposed of. cept in order to prop up the Sunday institu- Chastine Cox and many other murderers;
walls of the royal palace, upon him who, No longer will the infidel imputation of tion. J. CLARKE. and which, morally speaking, is the worse—
when weighed in the balances of the sanct- cruelty upon a being of infinite capacity the killing of a body or the wholesale de-
uary, was found wanting. Why, say they, for having created a race, nine-tenths of struction of souls 2 [2] " The papers and
there is no parallelism whatever in the cases. whom are destined during the eternal ages to "SUNDAY—BREAKERS ;" WHO ARE petitions in behalf of Berry were numerous
Man, when he enters the grave, does not pre- perpetual anguish in the fiery billows of THEY? and strong." The signatures numbered, we
sent a case of suspended animation ; but he is hell, have power or significance. If man is " WHERE there is no law, there is no learn, 150. Why did n't they number thou-
hopelessly dead, as evidenced by decay and not immortal per se, then it is easy to con- transgression ; " so to apply the name Sun- sands I—for the brothels and hells of this city
decomposition ; whereas the caterpillar is ceive how, on the one hand, God can be day-breaker to those who do not keep that would have promptly supplied them. And
simply transformed into the butterfly by a just and the justifier of him who believeth on day as a Sabbath, is altogether out of place. note a touching thing ! [3] the owner of the
natural process in one of the stages of his de- Jesus; and, on the other hand, how he could Yet the term is a very common one, one that " opera-house ' [I], to whom Berry paid his
velopment, after which,—in common with all first resurrect, and then with perfect propri- we have been familiar with since our earliest rent, joins in the request for his release, and
insect life,—he ceases to be altogether. ety punish, by fire or otherwise, those who recollections, and we do not like to give it certifies that after he was arrested Berry
The following, from the pen of Mr. J. H. Pet- have rejected offered light, and then allow up ; and while the name will not apply to stopped his orgies. How kind in Berry to
tengill, throws so much light upon the process them to become as though they had not been. those who do not keep it as a rest day, we have stopped under the circumstances ! [4]
by which the butterfly is brought into exist- This is so, first, because when God has re- think there is a people who are truly Sunday- " The jury recommended Berry to mercy,
ence that I have thought best to give it a newed this earth and filled it with the mill- breakers, and that in direct transgression of and expected mercy would have been shown."
place here :— ions of the redeemed to live therein in per- a known commandment. Indeed ! The law provides for a year's im-
"And as for the larvae that pass through petual bliss, then he will have proved the Some may be surprised that we apply this prisonment and a fine of $250. The Court
the chrysalis state into a higher life as winged wisdom of the creative act which brought it name to those who are the observers of the awards neither the one nor the other, but the
insects, they must preserve the germ of their into existence by evident results, whose be- seventh day of the week ; but we read, " Up- jury thought mercy would be shown ! Why
future life unimpaired while in their first neficence eternity alone will be able to reveal; on the first day of the week let every one of did n't they supply the mercy themselves,
stage, or the butterfly within them is not de- secondly, because He who created has both you lay by him in store as God bath pros- and acquit the poor fellow on the spot [5]
veloped. They die after fulfilling their, ca- the right and the power to resurrect; thirdly, pered him, that there be no gatherings when Berry "is an orderly and well-behaved man
reer as grubs or larvae,and come short for- because it is manifestly His prerogative by I come." Here is a duty enjoined upon of excellent character." A keeper of a bawdy
ever of that aerial lepidopterous state for the visitation of reasonable punishment after every one, not to keep a Sabbath, but to lay house—of an infamous house of unspeakable
which nature has designed them, and into the resurrection to restrain retroactively the by in store as God hath prospered him. The indecencies—such an one an " excellent char-
which those of their species that are fit are sins of men in this life, provided that punish- commandment is plain. How many of us acter " ! Certificates of good character seem
admitted. Naturalists tell us that every lar- ment is not extreme or unreasonable in its are there who are careful, week by week, to to be so abundant that after this no one
va of this class, as the caterpillar, for in- character; fourthly, because God has the un- obey its teaching? and how can we help class- ought to be without one. They are indis-
stance, carries within itself while in its grub doubted right first to make man subject to ing those who do not among the " Sunday- pensable in every family ! But [6] "Berry
state, an embryo butterfly or psyche (psuclje, death, and subsequently to make it possible breakers." G. R. S. lost $10,000 " ;—poor Berry ! He lost part
as it is called in Greek)—the very word the for him through obedience to live forever. of the gains from his infamies in the costs in-
Scriptures use for the human soul—possess- But these propositions being true, as sug- curred in his unsuccessful appeals to the
ing all the organs of the butterfly in an un- gested above, then the Christian, with the OPENING THE PRISON DOORS. Courts. Why should n't he be released, and
developed state, in addition to its own proper Bible in his hand and the book of nature FEW spectacles are sadder or furnish occa- why should n't the legislature repay him this
organism, and that this embryo butterfly or open before him, without fear of successful sion for greater discouragement than the amount 2 [7] " Berry's mother is prostrated,
psuche hidden within the grub, is peculiarly refutation, can enter the schools of modern prostitution of fine abilities to serve an ig- and will die of a broken heart if not re-
liable to the attacks of little winged insects philosophy, and, as Paul did of old, mightily noble purpose ; and we meet with such at leased." Governor Robinson, how many
called ichneumon flies, which prey upon its convince men that Jesus is the Christ, and every turn. Presidents and governors, judges mothers' hearts have been broken by the
substance and destroy its life, and that, too, that in him is offered a plan of salvation, and legislators, clergy and laity—men of high conduct of erring sons i Nay, how many
without any apparent injury to the grub. which is logically sound and every way equal position and holding places of trust—are con- mothers' hearts have been broken by the
It fulfills its larva life and goes intoe the to the mighty task of saving sinful man. stantly proving unfaithful to those trusts ; ruin of their sons' souls at such places as
chrysalis state, and, like all other grubs of its Once satisfy mankind that Jesus entered and when these men hold public positions Berry's " Opera House"? Governor Robin-
kind, wraps itself in its cocoon or winding- the world in order to save its inhabitants the offense is all the greater, and the wound son, other mothers besides Berry's mother are
sheet, in the anticipation of a higher life to from the doom of actual and eternal death, the deeper. The last one to put himself on dying of broken hearts, as countless thousands
come. But it rises not with its fellow to an- and that he offers to them everlasting life as record as an offender against the moral senti- have died before them—hearts broken by
other life in the air as a winged butterfly, a free gift in consideration of their accept- ment of the community is the present gov- the loss of their sons' souls in just such dens
for the embryo psuche (soul) within was de- ance of him through obedience to his will, ernor of New York—the Hon. Lucius Rob- of infamy as Berry's ! Finally the governor
stroyed while a crawling grub. It only goes and you have brought to bear upon them a inson; nor is it his first offense, but one of a quotes a non-committal letter from District-
into corruption and perishes forever. This power which will move them almost irresist- series of which good men of both parties have Attorney Phelps, who, however, neither
butterfly life is reserved for those only of its ibly in the direction of the greatest boon of grown so weary. And these are the facts :— raises objection nor asks for Berry's release.
species that were prepared for it, and died in which the human heart can cherish a hope. A year ago the governor shocked the com- But the worst thing in the governor's apol-
a well-founded hope of the life to come, All their former repugnance to the reputed munity by granting a pardon to John Cos- ogy is the long extract, quoted in justifica-
" Here is the doctrine of conditional im- methods of the Deity for the redemption of grove, Richard Eustace, and Thomas P. tion of his course, from the letter of one who,
mortality typified in nature as clearly as pos- man will be gone; and while they see com- Doyle, after their conviction for repeated although nominally a judge, has not sat on
sible. The parallel is perfect, and if this bined in him both justice and love, they will violations of the excise law. Their convic- the bench for five months, who is utterly in-
does not foretoken and teach what we be- yearn with an unutterable desire for that tion cost months of work on the part of the capacitated for the discharge of any judicial
lieve, the Scriptures declare, concerning the unending existence which was of such price- Society for the Prevention of Crime, aided duties, as the governor assuredly knows ;—
destruction of the psuche, or soul, within man less value in the eyes of the Messiah that he by an overworked district-attorney. But and he must know more concernina which a
by sin while yet in this world, and his conse- was willing to die on the cross in order that no : these men must be set free, and our decent kindliness compels silence.6Why was
quent forfeiture of that higher angelic life in man might not perish, but have everlasting readers will recall the indignant protest that that name allowed to be printed to a justifi-
the world to come, which is reserved for the life. went up from the public press, and they will cation of the governor's action ? Why did
righteous alone, then it is impossible for nat- A recall the defense that the governor felt not the governor procure some certificates
ure to teach us anything by analogy." obliged to put forth over the signature of from Bloomingdale ?
Nature, likewise, simply suspends the op: THE WEEK. his son, and they will not have forgotten Here we rest. The task has not been a
orations of growth while the atmospheric IT appears, from the Bible, that for the how specious and puerile that defense was; pleasant one,--we had rather say a good
conditions are unfavorable to the same. welfare of the human race God arranged the nor will they soon forget it. word for the governor any day than utter a
When spring with its warming sunshine and period of seven days, called one week. He A few months since, one Jacob Berry was reproachful syllable ;—but if we have shown
moistening showers invites the dormant recognized this period in giving the manna in convicted of keeping a disorderly and inde- our readers how utterly unjustifiable the gov-
though not dead roots, into another effort, the wilderness, during the forty years' sojourn cent place of amusement. What the inde- ernor's course is, how he has wronged the
they readily respond by shooting forth a vig- of his people, by providing a double portion cencies were, our modest types would refuse moral sense of the community, how he has
orous growth of vegetable life. If, say they, on the sixth day, and withholding the supply to tell. But we may say that orgies were prostituted justice, the work will not be
our friends would show us a solitary on each seventh day. He also recognized this nightly held in his " house ; " that the worst without a measure of compensation. Few
instance in which a creature or a plant period of seven days in a most decisive man- form of vice known was perpetrated in this men have finer abilities than Governor
once dead, absolutely and unqualifiedly, has ner in giving the Sabbath law. See Ex. 20. public place; that young men—and not from Robinson; none have entered the guberna-
by any natural process been metamorphosed We are informed by Luke that the follow- the lowest walks in life—were here trained torial office with better reputation ; and
either into the physical form or spiritual es- ers of Christ rested on the Sabbath "accord- in this school of debauchery, and that pre- shall we not say that, with all the good
sence of some other living entity, which truly ing to the commandment." Chap. 23 :56. cisely the phases of lechery which Nero and service which he has rendered, and which we
represents the continuation of its own life in Now, if this was not the Sabbath that God his courtesans delighted in were flashed forth gladly recognize, few have ever left the office,
another form—whether tangible or intangi- gave to Adam, how could it be that they from the garish glare of gas-lights, not even as Governor Robinson will leave it, accom-
ble—then we would concede that they had rested according to the commandment, which being covered with the veil of obscurity. panied by a greater measure of reproabh?
made out a probable case; but until then requires that the very day be observed upon "After—as Dr. Howard Crosby tells us—fif- It is not Berry's case only, nor Cosgrove's,
we attach no importance to their inductions which Jehovah himself rested? The fourth teen months of unceasing effort on the part nor Eustace's, nor Doyle's, nor the giving
except as a proof of the hopeless nature of commandment was given soon after the com- of District-Attorney Bell, who conducted the away the people's money to Roman Catholic
their cause. To such a conclusion, alsoove mencement of the fall of manna, and it would prosecution with public spirit and profes- sectarian institutions, nor vetoing the Tramp
think candid men are together with them certainly have been unreasonable for God to sional skill, this wretch Berry was convicted' Act ;—it is the constant and repeated pan-
rapidly coming. Many of the greatest scien- allow a change in the day, and yet command in the Court of Sessions by a jury and sen- dering to the worst elements in his party by
tists of the present hour are, it must be con- that the true day be so strictly observed. tenced to eight months' imprisonment and to one who can have no personal sympathy with
ceded, drifting farther and farther from the It is almost beneath one's notice to attempt pay a fine of $150—the only fault being that them, by one who knew better and who
conviction that man, either in his own or n- to refute so wicked and reckless a position as the sentence was absurdly light in propor- could have done better, but did not,—it is
ization or in his surroundings, is able to find that the straightforward account given by tion to the real offense. Berry appealed his this which has forfeited Governor Robinson,
any evidence for believing that one, who by Moses is incorrect; and to say that the count case to the Supreme Court. After careful the regard of good men, irrespective of party;
looking back for a fey?* decades of years is of the days of the week as given in the New consideration, the Court affirmed the pro- it is this which would make his elevation to
able to see the limit of his existence, in the Testament conflicts with Genesis or Exodus of ceedings of the Sessions. Berry's counsel the gubernatorial office a second time— ,
past, should presume that he—as an excep- the Old Testament is childish, if not blas- then carried his case to the Court of Appeals, which, however, we do not anticipate—noth-
*Theological Trilemma, p. 86. phemous. To adopt the system of Dr. Akers which unanimously confirmed the verdict ing less than a calamity.—Christian at Wm* t
AuG 7, 1879.] THE REVIEW A_ND HERALD. 51
"WHOM, THEN, OAN WE TRUST ?" the medium would call the spirit, if any Never lend an article you have borrowed, THE MORMON PERIL.
IF thy heart bath sorrow tasted, came. It would not be because I or the his- unless you have permission to do so.
And thine early hopes have flown ; torian believed it was George Washington, Never forget that if you are faithful in a IN one of his preludes last winter, Joseph
If thy life with grief is wasted, but only because spiritualists regarded it as few things, you may be ruler over many. Cook spoke as follows of the danger of the
And thou hast no gladness known ; admission of Utah as a State:—
If the friend whom thou bast cherished such. Speaking in their language it would Never exhibit too great familiarity with a
Coldly turns from thee a way ; be George Washington. That is the way new acquaintance; you may give offense. " Place before Mormonism the broad shield
If his promised love hath perished, the Bible calls that spirit Samuel. This Never fail to offer the best and easiest of State rights, and very possibly the defense
As the brightest flowers decay ; must be true, because the Bible says posi- seat in the room to an invalid, an elderly will be vulnerable only by the bayonet.
If thy bright, thy golden treasure, tively that the dead know not anything ; Utah once admitted to the Union will gov-
Distant flies on hidden wings ; person, or a lady.
If no hope of future pleasure that their love, envy, hatred, and memory Never send your guest, who is accustomed ern herself, and her peculiar institutions will
Round thy darkened pathway springs ; are perished ; and that in the place where to a warm room, off to a cold, damp spare be out of the reach of Congress. Polygamy
If the clouds are gathering o'er thee, the dead go there is no work, device, wis- bed, to sleep. imitates slavery in seeking to intrench itself
And the night all starless seems ; dom, nor knowledge. Ecel. 9 : 5-10 ; Ps. Never enter a room filled with people behind the fateful bulwark of State rights.
If thou hast no light before thee, 6 : 4, 5 ; 146:4. Of course the clamor is becoming very loud
Save these sad, unloving dreams,— without a slight bow to the general company
Turn thy thoughts to One above thee! It is plain that Samuel could not come when first entering. for the admission of Utah, since she now has
Trust in Him whose power can save from a place like this except by a resurrec- Never accept of favors or hospitalities 130,000 people, and Nevada was admitted
Jesus Christ, I know, will love thee, tion from the dead ; and certainly God, who without rendering an exchange of civilities with 4G,000. That historic political party
He will quell this darksome wave. had commanded that a person with a familiar when opportunity offers. which denounced slavery and polygamy as
Think not now of earthly sorrow,— twin relics of barbarism, and cut the former
Weep no more when loves deeay;-- spirit should not live among his people, and Never fail to answer an invitation, either
Know there is a brighter morrow, who forsook Saul because of his sins, and personally or by letter, within a week after of these cancers off the breast of America by
Where no love will fade away. would not answer him at all, would not the invitation is received. the long, deep plunges of the sword through
Oh, then, trust ! No more be fearing I bring up good old Samuel by that witch to Never borrow money and neglect to pay. five years of civil war, is no longer in power
Trust in Him whose name is love ; converse with wicked King Saul. If you do, you will soon be known as a in Congress. In the exigencies of political
Then the future will be cheering, strife a time may easily arrive when the
For there's joy for thee above. G. V. KILGORE. person of no business integrity.
—Selected. Never write to another asking for infor- prize of two senators and several representa-
DIED OF NEGLECT. mation, or a favor of any kind, without in- tives will induce the dominant party at
I ONCE read a notice of the death of a closing a postage stamp for the reply. Washington to admit Utah with polygamy.
"A FLANK CHARGE." 11 prayer-meeting, in substance as follows :— The agent of that territory is authorized to
Never fail to say kind and encouraging
A BITTER opposer not long ago made what Died, in Laodicea, the prayer-meeting, words to those whom you meet in distress. give the vote of Utah to the party which
be thought was a heavy charge on our left aged one year. The health of this meeting Your kindness may lift them out of their admits her with her peculiar institutions.
flank, supposing we were wholly unprepared was poor during most of the year, and its life despair. Mormonism possessed of State rights and
for it. But we have a mighty pivot gun was at times despaired of; but anxious Never refuse to receive an apology. You defying American law is the blackest threat
with us, and when it is turned against such friends kept it alive, and occasionally it may not receive friendship, but courtesy will in the low, lurid vapor which lies behind
foes they do not long stand the fire. This would so revive as to give them hope of its require, when an apology is offered, that you Pike's Peak in the sunset. Beyond the
pivot gun is the Bible. The opposer made recovery. Discouragement, however, at last accept it. Mormon cloud the Chinese question spreads
a charge with the artillery of Lucifer under prevailed, and the prayer-meeting is dead. Never examine the cards in the card-bas- itself across the deepest Western sky, as a
King Saul. He rushed with fury at our po- It died from neglect. Not a Christian was ket. While they may be exposed in the dull, thunderous, copper haze. So distant,
sition on immortality while we were on an- present when it died. Over forty are living drawing-room, you are . not expected to turn however, are the lightnings that peer fitfully
other subject. But his guns not having been within a mile of it, and not one was there. them over unless invited to do so. at the East from over the stern shoulders of
used for years (as he had not preached for so Had two or three only been there, its life the Sierras and the Rocky Mountains, that
long) were too rusty to work well, and his might have been saved ; for where two or we hear little of the local thunders, and
ammunition burst his own guns, killed his COURAGE AND TRUST. dream that both the black and the copper
three are agreed as touching anything they
men, and wounded himself. shall ask, it shall be done. Two-thirds of [TEE following fable, with its interpre- cloud will dissolve soon, and without storms.
To show that the ancient Hebrews believed the forty might have been there, had they tation, is commended to the attention of In precisely this indifference of ours to these
in the conscious existence of spirits after been so disposed ; but they were not, and the those who seem to think that no one can do distant threats lie their chief dangers."
death, he took the following position, it being prayer-meeting died. any good, outside of their opinions or creed,
the only one he took which, is not commonly It is to be feared that the health of many and who would prevent the honest-hearted
used :— a prayer-meeting is injured from neglect on from drawing consolation and truth from the SOUND ARGUMENT. (?)
King Saul requested the woman of Endor the part of those who should attend. Are pure stream,—the Bible,—as if no others
had any right to that universal fountain of " Wo r you know 'bout de Sabbuf ? " said
to call up the spirit of Samuel. I do not we not apt to excuse ourselves from going to an aged colored man to whose notice I
say that Samuel actually came ; but this I do prayer-meeting, with the plea that we are the water of life. M. E. CORNELL.]
brought the Sabbath of the fourth command-
declare : that the record here (1 Sam. 28) too tired, or that the weather is stormy, or THE LAMB, THE WOLF, AND THE DOG —A ment. " Chrishians kep' de firs' day ob de
shows positively that Saul, and consequently too hot or too cold ; when if we could get a FABLE.—A little lamb once left its mother, week hundreds ob years ; 'sides, wen I was a
all the Hebrews, believed that disembodied dollar by going the same distance, and re- and went down the mountain to drink at a slave I planted some caun on Sunday in de
spirits existed, and could come back and con- maining the same length of time, we would stream which ran below. At the same mo- middle ob massar's farm, den some hogs clone
verse with us. Would he call for Samuel if make quite an effort to go. We should re- ment a wolf came out of the neighboring gone destroyed it all; so eber sense I tink de
he did not believe Samuel was alive some- member the injunction of the apostle : " Not wood, and faced the lamb on the opposite Sunday is de Sabbuf."
where I He would not; therefore he believed forsaking the assembling of ourselves to- bank. Perhaps the publishers of Edwards' "Sab-
that Samuel's spirit was conscious although gether, as the manner of some is; but ex- " What right have you to drink here ?" bath Manual " would like this item for that
his body was dead. horting one another ; and so much the more, quoth the wolf; " Don't you know this work. A. SMITH.
To people who have always believed in the as ye see the day approaching." stream belongs to me ?" "Am I doing
immortality of the soul this may seem like a But, says one, the prayer-meetings are so wrong ?" asked the innocent lamb. "I thought
strong position. But they can no more sus-
tain it, when the Bible is brought against
dull that I cannot become interested in them.
Well, do we do anything to make them in-
the stream was free to all."
" Don't stand there lying," said the wolf,
them, than the soldier can stand against the teresting? or do we sit indifferently while pretending to be very angry. "A little balm., and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts
discharge of the cannon. Now let a few others carry the burden of the meeting 'I " I do not tell a lie," answered the little and almonds." Gen. 43; z..
texts from the word of God open fire upon When Christians meet together in a social lamb : " I was very thirsty when I came
this position. 1. The Lord had forsaken capacity, they should observe system and down the mountain, and I am sorry to have —A LITTLE leak will sink a big ship.
Saul, and would not answer any of his' re- order in the exercises. When properly con- offended you by drinking of the stream."
quests. 1 Sam. 18 : 12; 28 : 6. 2. Saul had ducted, the prayer-meeting will surely prove " Your sorrow won't prevent me from kill- —LET a man overcome anger by love, evil
given up the faith that he professed when he a source of great blessing. There Christians ing you ;" replied the wolf ; " so prepare by good, the greedy by liberality, the liar by
was in good standing among his Hebrew should meet, not to criticise each other, yourself to die 7" truth.
brethren. Before this he "had put away to. -preach sermons, make cold, formal " I have no preparation to make," said the —THAT only can with propriety be styled
those that had familiar spirits, " etc., but prayers, or deliver long, dry exhortations; lamb. " All my life has been as innocent as refinement which, by strengthening the in-
now he said to his servants, "Seek me a but to seek God, to draw nearer the throne, the flowers in the meadows." tellect, purifies the manners.
woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may where they can commune with him who is " So, then," said the wolf, " you will make —EVENTS are not determined by the
go to her, and inquire of her." 1 Sam. 28 : above the mercy-seat, to speak comforting a dainty meal for me," and he jumped over wheel of fortune, which is blind, but' by the
3-7. 3. These spirits, to which Saul in his words to each other, and to pray with and the stream, whilst the lamb lifted up its, eyes- wheels of Providence, which are full of eyes.
fallen state resorted, were not accepted by for one another. Thus may the prayer-meet- to heaven, and stood ready to be sacrificed. —TEMPERANCE and labor are the two best
the people of God as spirits of the dead, and ing become one of the dearest places on earth. At this instant, the faithful sheep dog physicians of man; labor sharpens the appe-
they did not believe in them ; for they did S. S. MOONEY. came bounding down the mountain and con- tite, and temperance prevents his excess.
not allow them in their midst. Deut. 18 : fronted the wolf.
10, 11. They were evidently the spirits of NEVER. " How now, old rascal? " quoth he. " Do —A HOLY life has a voice. It speaks
devils to which the Gentiles did sacrifice. NEVER exaggerate. you seek to kill one of my master's stray when the tongue is silent, and is either a
The Gentiles thought they were the spirits of Never betray a confidence. lambs, by pretending to own the stream constant attraction or a continual reproof.
the dead, but God's people said they were Never leave home with unkind words. wherein he has slaked his thirst I This is — MEASURE Christianity by the teachings
devils. See Num. 25 :1-3 ; Ps. 106 : 28-37; Never laugh at the misfortunes of others. one of your old tricks, which you must now of the Saviour, and not by the shortsighted,
1 Cor. 10 : 20. Never give a present hoping for one in answer for without loss of time." selfish practices of a few of his unworthy
Saul inquired of these spirits because the return. " Pardon me," quoth the wolf, crouching followers.
Lord would not answer him. This in itself Never speak much of your own perform- with a vulpine smile. " I meant the little —LET us carefully observe those good
is sufficient to show that God's people did not ances. lamb no harm ; I merely wanted to try his qualities wherein our enemies excel us, and
believe in these spirits. When men forsake Never fail to be punctual at the time ap- courage." endeavor to excel them by avoiding wha t is
God, and God forsakes them, they are then pointed. " Try thine own courage against mine, faulty and .imitating what is excellent in
certainly led by Satan. This was the case Never make yourself the hero of your own then," answered the brave dog ; and with them.
with King Saul. His only hope of getting story. that he fell upon the cowardly wolf and tore —LEISURE is time for doing something
information, as he wished, was in these Never fail to give a polite answer to a him to pieces. useful. This leisure the diligent man will ob.
spirits, for God would not answer him. He civil question. The little lamb uttered sorrowful cries, taro, but the lazy man never ; so that, as
had before denounced them as wicked spirits, Never question a servant or child about like the wailing of an orphan in some alien Poor Richard says, a life of leisure and a
as God commanded him; but now he left the family matters. world, and then with the dog walked up the life of laziness are two different things.
commandment of the Lord, he left the Never refer to a gift you have made or a mountain to the fold.
truth,—went contrary to the belief of the favor you have rendered. —TEE famous old Dr. John Brown, who
ancient Hebrews, and inquired of these spir- Never associate with bad company. Have INTERPRETATION. was of old the minister at Haddington, Eng-
its. And for this sin, with others, he died. good company or none. Dear to Heaven is innocence ; land, was in the habit of talking to his divin-
1 Chron. 10 :13, 14. Never look over the shoulder of another Ever ready its defense. ity students in a way which might wisely be
" But does not the record say that Saul who is reading or writing. There are angels evermore, followed by some of the professors of the pres-
called for Samuel, and that Samuel came ? Never appear to notice a scar, deformity, or At the threshhold of God's door; ent time. He would say to them, " Young
defect of any one present. Swift to fly, and strong to do gentlemen, ye need three things to make ye
Would the record say so if that spirit was a Justice, all the wide world through.
devil, and not Samuel I " Saul called for Never arrest the attention of an acquaint- Thou art safe in self-possession. good ministers ; ye need learning, and grace,
Samuel the same as I would ask a 'spiritual- ance by a touch. Speak to him. Innocence needs no confession. and common sense. As for the learning, I'll
ist to call up George Washington to-dayi. if Never punish your child for a fault to Guilt lies only in transgression. try to set ye in the way of it; as for grace,
which you are addicted yourself. Fear not, therefore, though there be ye must always pray for it; but if ye have
I should resort to a medium ; and in giving No sign of ready help for thee;
an account of it any one would say that Never call a new acquaintance by the But in thy peril and distress, na brought the common sense with ye, ye
George Washington came ; for that is what christian name, unless requested to do so. Trust the Master, questionless." may go aboot your business."
52 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [Vol,. 54, No. 7.
" 14, What is the only safe way1—To keep Greek Church compulsory upon all those who much will be lost ! This awakening must come"
baitut tilt% God's word."
In the foregoing quotation we have put two
are born in it. The result naturally enough is
the baldest and most intolerant form of atheism
soon, or it will be too late ! Our sins and in-
differences swell to Heaven, and God will not
much longer forbear !
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth Thy Word is Truth." of the answers in italics. In the original all in religious matters, and Nihilism in political.
This, it is said, explains the spread of this —Oh ! for a Nathan, or a Bourdeloue, to cry
the answers are in bold-face type, which makes out day and night against the sins of the peo-
BATTLE CREEK, MICE., AUG. 7, 1879. them more prominent still. nihilistic movement so largely among the ed- ple of God ! Robbing God by day and serving
Now if the writer of the questions and an- ucated classes and even the nobility. " It is Satan day and night. Will the Lord have
Corresponding Editors. swers given above had any knowledge what- not the uprising of a mob howling for bread, mercy on this wicked generation !
IT. SMITH, . . Resident Editor. ever of his subject, he knew that Sunday is but a revolt of the human mind against super- —Christ cleansed the temple in his day, and
never called " God's day " in all the Bible. stition and oppression." his church needs cleansing now. The covetous,
He knew that the Sabbath day of the fourth prayerless, worldly, licentious professors must
FIRST MICHIGAN CAMP-MEETING. be cast overboard, to save the ship from sinking !
commandment is not Sunday, and that the AMERICA ABROAD. I God save the church !
THE first camp-meeting in Michigan for the fourth commandment has nothing to do with
season of 1879, was held according to appoint- Sunday as a day of rest, and cannot be made to IT appears from the following item clipped
ment at Eaton Rapids, July 31 to Aug. 4. It from the New York Sun, that fifteen inventions )
sustain it, till it is changed so as to read " first NOTE FROM ELDER ANDREWS. 1
was our privilege to be present till Monday day " instead of " seventh day." And he knew originating in America, and these to be counted MY strength is slowly returning. I can sit up
morning, Aug. 4, up to which point we bring that Nehemiah cared nothing about people among the great inventions of the age, have half an hour each forenoon and afternoon, but
this report. The meeting closed on the morn- been adopted all over the world. We doubt if am not yet able to resume my journey to Bale.
working on Sunday. He worked himself that
ing of Aug. 5. the world is so largely indebted to any other I have greatly regretted the necessity of keep-
day. It was the sin of working on the Sabbath,
The location was a pleasant one in the out- against which he protested. nation for helps in the line of its modern civil- ing my bed, when the work before me is so very
skirts of the village of Eaton Rapids. Thirty- ization and progress. These triumphs of Amer- urgent. I have had much time for self-examin-
This is just parallel to a statement by Dr.
three tents were pitched, and about three ican genius reveal the secret of the rapid ad- ation and prayer ; I have also reflected much
Justin Edwards. In his Sabbath Manual, p.
hundred Sabbath-keepers were present. This 216, respecting Pompey, he says :— vancement of this nation, which caused John upon our experience in Europe, and upon the
was a larger attendance than was expected, " Pompey, the Roman general, . . . when to say as he viewed it, that it was " coming work that must be done to give the people
which was encouraging. Ten ministers were on besieging Jerusalem, would not attack them on up." .— warning of the Judgment, and the necessary
the ground. Most of the preaching was done the Sabbath ; but spent the day in constructing "An English journal frankly gives credit to preparation for that event. If it should please
by Elders Canright, Littlejohn, and the writer. his works, and preparing to attack them on American genius for at least fifteen inventions God to restore my strength, I hope to use it
The interests of the Sabbath-school, College, T. Monday." Thus he would have us think that and discoveries, which, it says, have been wisely to his glory.
and M. work, and the temperance movement Sunday was the Sabbath in the time of Pompey, adopted all over the world. These triumphs of When I left Battle Creek, I was mistaken
were well looked after by W. C. White, S. 63 years before Christ. American genius are thus enumerated : First, with respect to my state of health. Had I.
Brownsberger, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, and G. H. Is it possible that men can be educated into the cotton gin; second, the planing machine; known my real situation, I should not have
Bell. such ignorance of God's word ? And what do third, the grass mower and grain reaper ; thought it prudent to set out for Europe. But
An encouraging interest was manifested in all theologians think to accomplish by such reckless fourth, the rotary printing press ; fifth, nav- my duties in America seemed to be accom-
these departments. The Sabbath-school, on statements Do they not know that even the igation by steam ; sixth, hot air or caloric en- plished, and I had an intense desire to return to
Sabbath morning, conducted by W. C. White, dullest scholars will in time discover the fraud, gine ; seventh, the sewing machine ; eighth, the my former field of labor. It seemed to me that
was a very interesting occasion. Two hundred- and then a reaction is sure to follow ? india rubber industry ; ninth, the machine ray health was considerably improved, so I ven-
and fifty enrolled themselves in the various manufacture of horseshoes ; tenth, the sand tured to start. But the duties I attempted to
We see plainly enough that the assertions
classes. blast for carving ; eleventh, the gauge lathe ; perform on my way to New York City, com-
which these men make are just the evidence
On the part of nearly all there was manifested twelfth, the grain elevator ; thirteenth, artifi- pletely exhausted my strength ; and then, when
that Sunday needs. That is, if Sunday is to be
a disposition to enter heltstily into the temper- cial ice manufacture on a large scale ; four- it was too late to change the arrangements, I
sustained as the Sabbath, it must be called
ance movement. Many pledges, all teetotal, teenth, the electro-magnet and its practical ap- found that my strength was not adequate for
somewhere in the Bible, God's day ; there must
were obtained, though we cannot give the exact plication ; fifteenth,the composing machine for the journey before me.
be some law for it ; and it must appear that
number, as we left before the canvass was com- printers. I see God's great mercy in sparing me till I
some honor has been paid to it by those who
pleted. " It is not often that American achievements reached this place, and I hope when I leave
have been commissioned of God to write his
On Sabbath afternoon, one hundred came in this direction receive due credit from such a here, to be better fitted for his work than I
word. But none of these proofs exist in refer-
forward for prayers. Seventy-four of these source." have ever been before. J. N. ANDREWS.
bore testimonies which showed that their feel- ence to Sunday ; and to pretend that they do,
is both a futile attempt, and a confession of Southampton, July 17, 1879.
ings were deeply enlisted in the work. On
Sunday there were about two thousand people weakness. WHICH LEADS Viv
present. In the afternoon, fifty-five of those THE following account of the Krupp Gun ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS LOST!
who came forward the previous day were bap- QUITE A CHANGE. Works we find in the Boston Herald of July 6.
Can there be found an establishment devoted to YES, so a brother said to me the other day.
tized by Elds. Jones and Miller, in the Grand PRESIDENT Grevy, of France, recently pre- He had one hundred dollars to spare, which he
River, which was but a short distance from the the arts of peace, laid out on so gigantic a scale
sented the scarlet berettas to two newly created could loan somewhere for a year. He knew
camp-ground. By actual count, there were one as this ? It is a significant comment on the po-
cardinals. Accompanying the presentation, he litical state of the world, that such establish- that they needed it at the REVIEW Office, that
hundred teams, and over fifteen hundred per- made the following significant address:— the Sanitarium needed it, and that the College
sons by the water side. ments are called into being by the demands of
" Messieurs Le Cardinaux : I am indebted to wanted to hire money ; but one of his neighbors
Considering that this was but one of the three the functions conferred upon me by my country war.
KRUPP'S GUN WORKS. wanted it, and he would pay a little higher
camp-meetings to be held in Michigan this sea- for the honor of handing to you the insignia of interest ; so he let him have it, although we had
son, it was both in numbers and the interest the high dignity which your talents and your The Krupp Gun Works of Germany are of
virtues have merited, and with which the advised him to send it to one of our institutions.
manifested by the people, a very gratifying suc- immense dimensions. One of the establishments When the year was up the man failed, and the
Supreme Pontiff has crowned your long episco- employs 8500 workmen, and contains 298 boilers
cess. Further particulars concerning some of pacy. I am happy to have been able, on behalf lender lost principal and interest. With a long
and engines, which, combined, have 11,000 horse
the important branches of the work considered, of the civil power, to have had a share in your ele- Power, and operate 77 trip-hammers, varying in sigh he said to me, " Bro. Canright, I have
may be given by others hereafter. vation. You invoke the constitutional author- weight from 200 to 100,000 pounds each. Since been very unfortunate ; I have lost one hundred
ity of the President of the Republic in favor of 1877, 15,000 cannon have been turned out ; 300
the rights of the church. Be fully reassured in are made on an average every month. Daily dollars." Of course I pitied him ; and not so
NEHEMIAH'S REGARD FOR SUNDAY. that respect ; those rights are in no danger— 18,000 tons of coal and coke are consumed, and very much, either.
they are under the protection of the laws, and 21,000 gas jets are in use. A railroad track, This is only one case. Here is another
Ix the " Picture Lesson Paper " of Feb. 9, the Government, if IT DOES NOT PLACE THE with 24 locomotives and 700 trucks, is in opera- brother with a long face, who tells me he has
1879, issued by the great Methodist publishers, RIGHTS OF THE CHURCH ABOVE THE RIGHTS 0E' tion within the works, and between them and
THE STATE, feels deep solicitude for the protec- lost three hundred dollars. He had a nice
Nelson & Phillips, N. Y., and Hitchcock and the nearest railway station. The establishment
tion of both." has 24 telegraph stations, and eight fire engines place to make a little speculation, and get ten
Walden, Cincinnati, we find the following in- On this The Christian at Work remarks:— for protection against conflagration. In the per cent interest ; good promises, of course.
stance of unaccountable thoughtlessness or un- mines connected with these works there are The time is up, and now he would like to take
pardonable dishonesty. " The President immediately afterward enter- 5300 workmen. Iron ore the company gets from
tained the Cardinals and their suite at break- its own lands in the north of Spain to the extent one hundred dollars for his three- hundred, and
One page of said paper is called the " Berean fast. Quite a change all this from the time of 200,000 tons annually, which five steamers throw in the interest too. Poor fellow But
Leaflet." It is devoted to studies in the "Old when popes released whole peoples from their that it owns convey to the factories. The com- why did he not take our advice, and loan this
Testament." Its title is, " The Keeping of the allegiance to their Sovereigns, and a Supreme pany has built 3278 tenements for its employes, money to one of our institutions ?
Sabbath ; or, The Holy Day." Its " golden Pontiff declared it to be his duty and preroga- in which 16,200 persons live. The grain used
tive "to pull down the pride of kings." After in the bakeries which supply these people with And here is another man that I know of. He
text " is, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep all, the world does move !" bread is bought by agents of the company in put several hundred dollars into the bank. He
it holy. Ex. 20 :8." It has a picture of large quantities, chiefly in Odessa, the Russian did not get so very high interest ; but then it
This is indeed "quite a change," and "the
Nehemiah standing up and protesting against grain port. Four common schools and an in- was handy, and he did not know about these
world does move." For the prophecy declared
the course of those who are bearing wheat, dustrial school for girls and women provide the institutions at Battle Creek, how safe they were.
that there should be "quite a change" in the con- elementary instruction needed by this city of
grapes, and oil into Jerusalem on the Sabbath Now the bank has failed and his money is gone.
dition of that anti-christian papal power when factory hands.
day. All right, we said, let it go.
they should take away its dominion to consume
After presenting these texts and facts, which and destroy it unto the end ; and the " world Everywhere I travel I find just such cases as
belong to the true Sabbath and to that alone, PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS.
moves" undeviatingly and irresistibly toward this. Not only a half-dozen or a score, but
the paper launches, out in behalf of the pagan; THE following paragraphs we take from the plenty of them. I know of more than fifteen
the complete fulfillment of all the declarations Record and Evangelist (Disciple paper) Oskaloosa,
and papal Sunday in the following style :— of prophecy. hundred dollars lost in Ohio during the last
Iowa, July 17, 1879. It must be supposed that year in this way.
" 1. Which day of the week is 'called God's they were written to set forth the condition of
day ?-8uhday. Now we ask the brethren this question : Who
THE GREEK CHURCH. that church :- has ever lost a dollar loaned to one of our insti-
"2. What is it for?—For rest and worship.
" 3. Rest from what 1—From labor. -A word picture ! Meeting-house on the
THIS is the State church of Russia. , Its dis- open tutions at Battle Creek 1 Who has ever failed
prairie—not a shade tree within a mile— to receive his money when he wanted it ? °Not
" 4. Whom are we to worship I—God. tinctive history begins with the great schism house dilapidated—windows broken—door un-
" 5. What is the fourth commandment ?— between,the East and West in the 9th century. hinged—seats but slabs from the saw-mill—no a man. For nearly a quarter of a century
Remember the Sabbath-day,' etc. It was called the Greek church, in distinction Sunday-school — no prayer-meeting—members brethren and sisters have been loaning their
" 6. What is said about work?—Thou shalt from the Roman Catholic church of the West, ken worth $400,000—write "Ichabod " on the bro- money here on interest or without interest, and
door, and leave it to its fate ! not an individual of them has ever lost a dollar.
do no work. because the Eastern Roman empire was then
" 7. Who came to Jerusalem ?—Nehemiah. called the Greek empire. It differs very little known,preacher,
—A hitherto widely and favorably
a man of eloquence and power in the
Their money has always been ready when they
"8. What did he find 1—People working on from the Roman Catholic church, the chief dif- pulpit, and of a pure and harmless life among wanted it.
Sunday. ference being that its head is the czar of Russia, his fellowmen, now lives in a cabin in the Come, brethren and sisters, act reasonably in
"9. What law were they breaking ?—God's instead of the pope of Rome. Like the Cath- wilds of Arkansas,—drken there, as he thinks, by this matter. When you have a few spare dol-
law. olic church it is in a fearfully fallen condition. the wickedness of the last congregation he preached lars remember that here is the place to put
" 10. What did Nehemiah tell them I-----That for! It is a fearful thing to crush out the them. If you can loan the money without in-
The word of God is neglected and disused. spirit of a sensitive Christian. That congrega-
they were doing wrong. 4 The priests are profligates, drunkards, and tion will have to face that heart-broken preacher terest, you should do so, or at a low rate, at
" 11. What did he dool—Stopped it. gamblers ; and the people are taxed to support in the day of Judgment. least ; for it is in the cause of God, in which you
" 12. What is wrong doing I—Sin. them. The strongest fetters are thrown, around —One thing is certain :—there must be a gen- should have as deep an interest as others. No
" 13. To what does it lead ?—Suffering. religious inquiry, by making membership in the eral awakening among the disciples of Jesus, or person is making a dollar on the income of these
institutions. It belongs to you as much as to ' Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God on they be reached so easily as in our Sabbath- ing a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to
us. It will be an accommodation to the cause mount Gerizim.' Ingenious devices of men, schools. See that schools are organized in pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it,
if you can loan your money here, provided you bent on bringing the word of God into conform- every church, and that maps and other things if that nation against whom I have pronounced
do not ask a high rate of interest ; or better ity with their own systems and laws ! The that are necessary to make the schools interest- turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil
still, if you can loan it without any. Latin needs to erase a commandment from the ing are secured. If More time were devoted to that I thought to do unto them." Hence, his
D. M. CANRIGHT. divine statute book ; but in order to achieve Sabbath-school exercises, and less to preaching, mercy and long-suffering here. "And God saw
this without being caught in the act of felony, better results might follow. their works, that they turned from their evil
" AS IT WAS." he splits the tenth into two, while he blots out In laboring with the churches, each family way ; and God repented of the evil, that he had
the second that the number may still stand ten should be visited, and inquiry should be made said he would do unto them ; and he did it not."
WHEN man dies, the dust returns " to the in his breviary. The Samaritan needs to add a as to the spiritual condition of old and young. The overthrow of the city was delayed about
earth as it was," e. before man was created. commandment ; and that he may do so without lei giving the general oversight of the churches one hundred and fifty years. But divine love
This is true of the righteous and the wicked. to these ministers we do not wish the local and pity leave not this people now. In the
making eleven, he joins the first and second !
and the spirit also returns to its source, " unto elders to feel that their responsibilities are less-
He forms a Bible to suit himself, leaving out most solemn and stirring manner are they
God who gave it." The spirit is then as it was. or inserting as much as may be convenient,— ened. Their position as leader of all meetings warned by the prophet Nahum, of their final
It is in the hand of God who gave it. If it was true representative of the ' foolish people that is the same as before, only as the minister in destruction and utter blotting out ; following
a conscious entity before God gave it to our charge may make appointments to do a special
dwell in Shechem ' whom the son of Sirach re- which, we have no record of repentance on their
first parents, it doubtless is after it returns. work, and in no case is it expected that min-
fused to count a nation." part. One hundred years fly away, when the
This is true also of all men, whether righteous isters will usurp the place of the leader, or
The writer might have added that the same cup of "the bloody city, full of lies and rob-
or wicked, the spirit returns to God who gave assume any of the duties belonging to him.
power that divided the tenth commandment, bery," was filled to overflowing ; and what will
it. We hold these ministers responsible for the
changed the fourth ; and men still have " ingen- soon be true of all the nations and cities of
A friend says, " The spirit is with God after ious devices" and still strive to " bring the success of the work in their districts, and shall earth, was true of great Nineveh, notwithstand-
death." And again, "The spirit is with God, expect them to report to the president of the
word of God into conformity with their own ing her pride and power, her magnificence and
which must be taken in the same sense of Conference at least once each month.
systems and laws." The prophet Isaiah speaks boasted fortifications,—she was no more. The
Heaven, God's visible presence." He speaks Seek a close connection with Heaven ; go to
of man without distinction of character, as of the Gentiles who revere God's ancient Sab- prophecy was fulfilled, " The gates of the river
bath, and promises them a " name better than work in earnest, and God will abundantly bless shall be opened, and the palace shall be dis-
does the Scripture quoted ; and he infers that HARRISON GRANT,
of sons and daughters," even an "everlasting your efforts. Conf. solved."
if the spirit is with God, " an active, conscious Was. H. HALL,
name that shall not be cut off." We conclude Com. 5. Practical instructions from the history of
being, it would be conscious also." CALVIN KELSEY,
from this that those who refuse to " walk in the Nineveh. Said the Saviour to his hearers :
Very well ; but what does this prove ? If it Kingston, July 24, 1879.
old paths" will not be counted as a nation when " The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment
proves the point designed, it proves the salva-
the Lord God gathereth his people. with this generation, and shall condemn it ;
tion of all men at death. The pure in heart
ELIZA H. MORTON. A LESSON FROM THE NINEVITES. because they repented at the preaching of
shall see God, and without holiness no man Allen's Corner, Me.
As we reflect upon the prophecy respecting Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is
shall see him. Matt. 5 : 8 ; Heb. 12 : 14 ; and
in God's " presence is fulness of joy," and the great city of Nineveh, the course of action here."
SUGGESTIONS TO THE MINISTERS OF of this people when the message concerning its And, again, " This is the condemnation, that
" pleasures for evermore." Ps. 16 : 11.
overthrow was proclaimed, and the long-suffer- light is come into the world, and men loved
ing of the Lord toward them, an important les- darkness rather than light, because their .deeds
WHEN Eld. Haskell visited our State last were evil." Men can see how this declaration
winter, plans were laid to bring up the several son may be learned.
OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED. if 1. The city. This was the metropolis of an- may be true of past generations ; but how will
branches of the work into proper condition. it be with this generation ? Has God given us,
IT is a bad cause that has to summon to its The Conference was divided into districts, and cient Assyria. It had stood some fifteen hun-
support a false argument. Numerous oppo- over each of these a minister was placed to dred years, and was long the mistress of the light sufficient to condemn us if we reject it ?
nents of the Sabbath make a miserable attempt whom was given the oversight of the work. East. It was about sixty miles in circumfer- From the childhood of many of us, the sound
to associate the name of Jesus with themselves ence. The walls of this city were one hundred of the coming of Christ "at the doors" has
At our late camp-meeting the matter was re- been heard, sustained by unmistakable evi-
in their contempt for the fourth commandment. considered ; and as changes were made, we feet high, and ao broad that three chariots could
They say that Jesus .broke the Sabbath. Of wish to lay more fully before you the work you drive abreast on them. Upon them were fifteen dences. The commandments of God for years-
whom do they learn this ? Of those who sought hundred towers, each two hundred feet high. have been proclaimed. His downtrodden Sab-
are expected to do. As the churches will be bath is being restored. The preparation of
to kill Jesus. The Jews accused Jesus of lareak- Thus securely fortified, why should this peo-
ing the Sabbath. Now, if this accusation is anxious to know to which district they belong ple fear ? No doubt they often reasoned within heart to meet the Lord has been preached
true, it will appear in the record that Jesus had and to whom they may apply for help, we will themselves, We dwell safely, and there is no thousands of times. Many of us have heard it,
done something upon the Sabbath that was con- state the arrangements that were made. occasion of fear. Indeed, a prophecy had come and these solemn warnings have sunk deep into
trary to the fourth commandment, the law for Eld. N. Battin has charge of the first district, down to them from their fathers, that their city our hearts. We have had precept upon pre-
the Sabbath. What had he done? He had composed of the following churches : Dodge could not be taken until the river should be- cept ; line upon line. And will not God hold
healed the sick. Center, New Haven, Greenwood Prairie, Pleas-
come their enemy. us responsible for these truths?
On one Sabbath when he was teaching in one ant Grove, Grand Meadow, and Otranto.
2. The warning given. God pitied this Perhaps we may decide with respect to men
of the synagogues, he healed a woman who had Etd. W. B. Hill is in charge of the second
wicked people in their blindness and hardness of this world. We may see why they should
been a cripple for eighteen years. Luke 13: district, comprising Mansfield, Wells, Blue of heart. To Jonah he said : " Arise, go to call to reeling mountains and hurling rocks :
10-17. The minister, who was present at the Earth City, Mankato, Tenhassen, Milford, and Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it ; " Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
time, was very indignant ; and he told his peo- the company at Graham Lake. for their wickedness is come up before me."
Eld. L. H. Ells is in charge of the third dis- Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the
ple that there were " six days in which men "Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of wrath of the Lamb." We may understand why
ought to work," thus accusing Jesus of working trict, comprising Medford, Kenyon, Dundas, three days' journey. And Jonah began to en- nominal Christians who oppose the proclama-
unlawfully upon the Sabbath. Then this minis- and Cleveland. ter into the city a day's journey, and he cried
Eld. H. W. Babcock has charge of the fourth tion of the third angel's message, who reject
ter with much "bogus sanctification" applied and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be the light of God's word and trample it under
the "stay away" argument- to his people,• di- district, comprising Hutchinson, Round Grove, overthrown." their feet, should come up to the Judgment de-
recting them not to come to Christ to be healed New Auburn, Home, and Lower Sioux Agency. This was not a familiar sound ; it was new
The fifth district, being large, Elders D. P. ceived and hear the awful words from the lips
on the Sabbath day. " The Lord then an- and unheard of before. The preacher came not of the Judge, "Depart from me, ye that work
swered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, cloth not Curtis and A. Mead were assigned to that field. from their schools of learning. He was a iniquity." But are we aware of the doom that
each one of you on the Sabbath loose' his ex or We recommend that Eld. Curtis take charge of stranger and alone. He had no Bible in his awaits those who apostatize from present truth ?'
his ass from the stall, and lead him away to wa- Dassel, Maple Plain, Monticello, and Oak hand to prove his message from ; no prophecy Will they be favored above other men ? Can
tering I And ought not this woman, being a Springs ; Eld. Mead, Irving, Kingston, Fair to spread out before them which could be proved they turn away from the truth and settle down
daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, Haven, and Sauk Rapids. true by an overwhelming amount of evidence
EM. Geo. M. Dimmick has charge of the into unbelief and infidelity, and yet escape the
lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this flashing and burning before them. Again, the
bond on the Sabbath day ? And when he had sixth district, comprising Grove Lake, West judgments which hang over the impenitent?
message was a very unwelcome one. "Yet forty
said these things, all his adversaries were Union, Round Prairie, Sauk Center, Lake My soul trembles as I reflect upon the amount
days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown." Let
ashamed." Ellen, Joy, and Wrightstown. such a declaration be borne to one of our cities, of light, the harmonious truths of the Bible
The minister, among the rest, was ashamed. Eld. S. Fulton has charge of the seventh under similar circumstances, at the present day, which have been presented to our minds, and
He had made a very foolish attack upon. the district, composed of the eight churches in and no doubt the preacher would be counted as urged upon our consciences; and which have
truth ; and whenlJesus in his cutting reply had Wisconsin belonging to the Minnesota Confer- a madman. been by us acknowledged and received as bind-
shown him that he had done no more than the ence, and Lake City in Minnesota. 3. The reception of the message, and the ef- ing and important to salvation. What must be
Jews themselves considered lawful, unless they We expect Eld. 0. A. Olsen of Wisconsin to fect produced on the people. The faith of the our condemnation if we sink with so much light
placed themselves in the' ridiculous light of re- labor with us after October 1. He will take Ninevites was one of the most remarkable on beaming upon us ?
garding an ox or an ass a's better than a woman, charge of the Scandinavian work while he re- record. In the threatened overthrow of Nine- Will not the men who from one sermon were
fie was ashamed. He ought to have been mains in this Conference. veh there were no conditions specified, yet the moved to prayer and fasting, to robe them-
ashamed. The testimonies show us that the tithing sys- people understood well that they might exist in selves in sackcloth, to sit in ashes, and to re-
What, then, shall be said of the latter day tem is a sacred duty, of binding obligation. the mind of a merciful God. pent of their sins, arise in Judgment against
hypocrite, who re-iterates the cry of that ancient We urge the ministers to make a special effort " So the people of Nineveh believed God, and such ? But there are those who will not draw
hypocrite, and upon the same grounds says that in the interests of this important part of the proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from back unto perdition ; but who will " believe to
Christ broke the Sabbath ? If he can make, the °Work, not only that the cause may not suffer the greatest of them even to the least of them." the saving of the soul." May we be of the
statement and read the Lord's answer, and feel from want of means, but that the brethren by Here faith and works united, which proved the number, and enter into the joy of our Lord.
no shame, then he must be set down as being not appropriating to their own use that which is salvation of the city. A. S. Re-wanes.
among those who the apostle says are past feel- the Lord's, may secure the blessings promised Of this fast it has been said ; "Never was
ing, and as having less sense than those Blind in Mal. 3 : 10, 11. It is evident that the circu- there one so general, so deep, and so effectual. NOT READ ENOUGH.
Jews who opposed Christ. He ought to be lation of our reading matter is one of the great- Men and women, old and young, high and low,
ashamed. C. W. STONE. est means we have of spreading the truth. Only ELD. P. R. RUSSELL (Baptist) writes in Mes-
and even cattle themselves, all kept such a fast
about one-third of our church-members are siah's Herald of July 2, 1879
440.1 as the total abstinence from food implies."
actively engaged in this work. As this is a There was something more than fasting. The "I think I may affirm, as a historical fact
THE COMMANDMENTS. field in which all can labor, we wish you to see also, that not in a single church gathered among
proclamation of the king was : " But let man
THE followimg extract from Dr. Horatius that all become members of the T. and M. and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry the Gentiles, and made up largely of converts
Bonar's work, entitled " The Land of Promise," society, and pay the added one-third, so that mightily unto God ; yea, let them turn every of this class, in the primitive days, was the sev-
is fraught with deep meaning ; it contains a this branch of the work may not be hindered, one from his evil way, and from the violence enth-day Sabbath observed. I have found no
thread of truth, and teaches a lesson often over- and that the brethren may cherish that true that is in their hands. Who can tell if God such case in my reading."
looked by careless readers, In describing, an spirit of sacrifice that will call down the blessing will turn and repent, and turn away from his The trouble with this man is, he has not
interview with a Samaritan priest, he speaks of of Heaven. fierce anger, that we perish not ?" This was a read enough. He has evidently read only on
an ancient scroll, which he was permitted to We are sorry to see a lack of spirituality with move in the right direction, one of which one side of the question. If he will take the
examine, and says : "I asked him to unroll it many of our brethren, especially on the part of Heaven could approve. trouble to read Andrew's History of the Sab-
at the place which contains the commandments. our young people. Special efforts should be 4. God's mercy to the people. He has de- bath, he will never honestly make such a state-
I looked for the tenth, and in its place I read, , put forth in their behalf. In no other way can clared : " At what instant I shall speak concern- ment as the above again.
[VOL. 54, No. 7.
bath before we came here have been strength- One was baptized. At Bloomfield, difficulties law and Sabbath. Quite a number are already
SPEAK THOU THE TRUTH. convinced of the truthfulness of our position
ened, and we think that Sabbath meetings can be have existed for years. We held several meet-
SPEAK thou the truth. Let others fence arranged and sustained. We go from here to ings trying to effect a reconciliation, but on the Sabbath.
And trim their words for pay ; New Lisbon, where we expect to commence failed. It was finally voted to disband the We earnestly pray that we may have wisdom
In pleasant sunshine of pretense, G. C. TENNEY. church, and we organized a new one, consisting to prosecute this work to divine acceptance.
Let others bask their day. meetings about Aug. 7. R. F. ANDREWS.
J. J. SMITH. of twelve members. We have had an interest-
ing meeting at Harrisonville. Three were bap- R. VICKERY.
Face thou the fact—though safer seem tized yesterday, and there are several in the
In shelter to abide; Neillsville, Tent No. 8, July 30.—We community deeply interested. A number of 2'
We were not made to sit and dream—
have given in all twenty-eight discourses. Swedes reside here, who are almost persuaded NEW YORK.
The safe must first be tried
Have met with some opposition. A Presbyte- to accept the truth. They requested me to try Ogdensburg, Tent No. 1, July 26.—Nine
Where God has set his thorns about, rian minister tried the stay-away argument ; to get a man that could talk to them in their adults have embraced the truth. To-day we
Cry not, " The way is plain ;" own language to come and hold meetings ; and
but finding that he could accomplish nothing in I accordingly make this public request that organized a Sabbath-school and Bible-class, con-
His path within, for those without,
Is paved with toil and pain. this way, he assailed our position on the Sab- some one who can speak this language come as sisting of twenty-two members. Bro. Frank A.
bath question and the sleep of the dead, in a soon as consistent. Other places near here Hall renders efficient service as tent-master.
One fragment of his blessed word two hours' discourse. He succeeded in disgust- need such help. SMITH SHARP. Bro. Benj. Holmes, of Glenwood, is a zealous
Into thy spirit burned, ing many with his views, and confirmed our helper in missionary work. The interest here
Is better than the whole, half heard, brethren in the faith. We had liberty in re- is just in its commencement. Our hope is in
And by thine interest turned. viewing him. OHIO. God. CHAS. B. REYNOLDS.
The M. E. presiding elder next came on with
Show thou the light. If conscience gleam, a volley of abuse and assertions, and concluded Leesburg.--The Sabbath-school in this
Set not thy bushel down; by saying, " Here Adventism explodes." We place numbers twenty-seven. All were present. Grieg and Watson.— Our tent-meetings
The smallest speck may throw its beam took notes, and announced a review. Bro. Donations amounted to $1.20, never having in the village of Grieg, which continued
O'er hamlet, tower, and town. Decker being in the vicinity, we requested him about four weeks, did not prove as much of a
been less than 50 cts. The interest was quite
to review the discourse, which he did to the sat- success as we desired ; yet we trust the Judg-
Be true to every inmost thought, isfaction of all. The next day twelve were bap- good, and lessons to correspond. Ten copies
And as thy thought, thy speech ; tized by Bro. Decker. There are six others who of the Instructor are used to induce children to ment will show that some good was accom-
What thou hast not by suffering bought, attend the school. The recitations will be by plished by our efforts. A few became interested
Presume not thou to teach are keeping the Sabbath. We hope for a few in the truth ; and our young church at Otter
more in this place. We move our tent to a new synopsis hereafter. Song Anchors were pur-
chased, and arrangements made for a singing Creek was strengthened in the faith. But the
Hold on, hold on—thou hast the Rock; field next week. Our address will then be Ma- influence of designing opponents who would not
ple Works, Clarke Co., Wis. T. B. SNOW. class for the children one evening in each week.
Thy foes are on the sand; D. W. REAVIS. face us in public kept us from having a large
The first world-tempest's ruthless shock C. HOLMES. attendance of church-members from other de-
Scatters their shifting strand. nominations.
Appleton, July 28.—We are now in the We pitched our tent in Watson, July 23. We
While each wild gust the mist will clear, MICHIGAN. midst of a good interest to hear. People come are pleasantly located about five miles east of
We now see darkly through; Millington, Tent No. 2, July 28.—Com- from a radius of fifteen miles to attend the Lowville. Have preached six times to good
And justified at last appear
The true, in him that's true. meneed meetings in this place last Sabbath eve, meetings. Last night the tent was full, and congregations of interested listeners. Bro. and
—Selected. it being the first S. D. A. sermon ever delivered many had to remain outside. We have been sister H. G. Williams (with their organ) are
canvassing the Sabbath question for nearly twowith us to take the lead in singing. This adds
in this town. Many were prompted from curi- much to the interest. JACOB WILBUR.
osity to attend. It is evident that a favorable weeks. The people acknowledge that " these
July 28. H. H. WILCOX.
yrrTm r[f 1J Gaitm. impression was made, as our congregations have
increased. Last night the tent was literally
packed, while many remained outside.
things are so," yet there is a manifest slowness
to move out, a few only having decided to keep
all the commandments. Have no opposition,

ministers wisely remaining quiet. We feel the NEBRASKA.

"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless R. J. LAWRENCE.
come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Ps. 126 : 6. WM. OSTRANDER. need of a more thorough consecration to the Central City, July 27.—We commenced
work in which we are engaged, that the Lord tent-meetings here June 27. There has been a
MAINE. ,4 Fremont Center, July 3I.—There are five may display his mighty 0. BURRILL. good interest from the first. Some have at-
Sabbath-keepers at Fremont Center, and by ur- tended from the country, notwithstanding the
Burnham.—Some good souls have accepted gent request we commenced a tent-meeting there rains and hurry of harvest. When we had
the truth here, and still we hope for others. As Liberty Center, July 28.—We took down given three discourses on the Sabbath, the Bap-
usual, the enemy is trying to destroy all that he July 5. Our congregations were small from the our tent last Thursday, and moved it six miles tist minister of this place asked the privilege of
can. May God save the honest. first, and since introducing the Sabbath question north into the country, where we pitched again, speaking in the tent upon the same subject.
J. B. GOODRICH. the few have diminished so that we are not jus-
and commenced meetings Friday night. Con- We granted his request, and reviewed him the
August 1. CHAS. STRATTON. tified in continuing longer. We found a strong
element of first-day Adventism about here, while gregations are good. Between three and four following evening. His discourse did the cause
the churches seem to hold the doctrines in ut- hundred attended our Sunday evening meeting. much good, as it showed the weakness of their
IOWA. ter contempt. Unless we see some more en- Since Bro. Ganright's report a few more have Our meetings have been interrupted by the
Conway, July 28.—We think the interest couraging features, we shall soon close the meet- joined the church in Liberty Center, and three wet weather. We have had two Sabbath meet-
ings. E. B. LANE. new ones have commenced to keep the Sabbath. ings, with a good attendance. Twenty-nine
is better now than at any time previous. Last E. S. LANE. The interest is such in this vicinity that we
evening our tent was filled. Some are investi- M. S. BURNHAM. have thought best to divide our force for a discourses have been given. Eight have com-
gating, and acknowledge that we have the truth. short time, Brn. Bigelow and Hoffer going four menced to keep the Sabbath, and others, who
We hope for good results. We are now in the Sheridan, Stanton, and Sidney.—Since miles west to hold a series of meetings in the are convinced of the truth, we think will obey.
We have closed our tent-meetings, and will fol-
midst of the Sabbath question, with an atten- my last report I have met with the brethren at Christian union church. Arrangements for
tive congregation. Pray for us. building a meeting-house are progressing finely. low up the interest by visiting and holding
each of these places. We had an excellent 0. F. GUILFORD. meetings in the school-house.
A. W. H. MILLARD. meeting at Sheridan. I fear, however, that GEO. S. RICHARD.
not all is being done in the Sabbath-school work KENTUCKY.
that should be. At Stanton, two more have
INDIANA. embraced the Sabbath. At Sidney, brethren Slick Rock, July 28.—I adjourned meet- MISSOURI.
Silver Lake, Tent No. 1, July 29.—The came in from surrounding churches, and we ings here to attend the quarterly meeting at Kingston, July 28.—Another week has
attendance does not vary much. When we pre- had an interesting meeting. After the forenoon Powder Mills, July 19, 20. This meeting, passed, and we are now in the midst of the Sab-
service, we repaired to a neighboring mill-pond,
sented the Sabbath question, some stopped where three were buried with their Lord in bap- though in a measure successful, showed hardly bath question. Yesterday (Sunday) the attend-
coming to the meetings ; but several are inter- tism. ORLANDO SOULE. as much of the melting influence of the Spirit of ance was good, and in the evening, the largest
ested, and are inclined to accept the truth. God as usual. I feel satisfied that the main yet. The people are stirred up to talk about
This arouses secret opposition. Our expenses cause of this was a failure of the members to be the advent and Sabbath doctrines, although re-
are more than doubly met by donations. We Section 6.—I have recently spent nearly on time. This fact materially affected the in- ligion here is at a low ebb. They listen atten-
have faith to hope for fruit here. Bro. S. Rog- three weeks in the counties of Macomb and terests of the Sabbath-school. tively, but care to read but very little on the
ers has come to help me in Bro. Lane's absence. Lapeer. Five were baptized at Memphis. Our meetings here in the tent have been well subject. Still we hope that some will receive
W. W. SHARP. There are eight faithful sisters at Dryden. attended, but the people are slow to obey. the truth. As we labor on, we greatly desire the
Three are keeping the Sabbath, and persecution
Their elder has lately moved away, yet they is beginning to rage against them in the form of blessing of God to aid us in our endeavors to
WISCONSIN. have regular Sabbath meetings. The testimo- ridicule, which seems to be a powerful argument. impress the truth upon the hearts of the people.
nies of these sisters in our social meeting were J. H. ROGERS.
Monticello, Tent No. 5, July 24.—We characterized with hope and good cheer. At -)
have held six meetings in the tent at this place. Imlay City our meeting was held in a private '))
The attendance is good. The people are kind, house. Brethren and sisters were present from ILLINOIS. Kirksville. — Sinee camp-meeting I have re-
Webster and Almont. The meeting was a good
and our temporal wants are well supplied. We one. It was encouraging to me to meet at this Tamaroa, July 25.—I began meetings turned to the northeastern part of the State to
resume labor in the cause, where the third an-
hope the meetings will result in good. meeting some who embraced the truth as the here July 11, in the Baptist church. After I
N. M. JORDON. result of my first public labors in the cause had spoken once on the Sabbath question the gel's message has scarcely been heard of. I came
A. FULLER. seven years ago, and to find them firm in the doors were closed against us. I spoke a few here with some misgivings, but already there
faith. Promises were made at the quarterly times in a hired hall and visited considerably ; are manifestations of the power of God's truth.
Sturgeon Bay, Tent No. 1, July 28.— meeting for this district, which, if carried out, and as the result, ten have promised to keep the Sabbath, One family have already decided to keep the
will relieve them from their present debt to the Sabbath, among whom are two ministers. To although they will have to resign their
We pitched our tent in this place July 23, and tract society, and prepare them to labor more the Lord be all the praise. present means of subsistence.
commenced meetings the next evening. Stur- successfully in the missionary work. C. H. FOSTER.
I will notice briefly the circumstances which
geon Bay has a population of eight or nine hun- H. M. KENYON. led them to accept the truth. I had employed
dred. It is the county seat of Door Co. We July Webber Grove and Keenville.—We have a boy to saw some wood ; but as Friday after-
have now held five meetings. Congregations just closed a three weeks' effort in the vicinity noon came,I informed him that we did no work
range from 75 to 150. 0. A. OLSEN.
E. G. OLSBN, KANSAS. of these two churches. Held three grove meet- the day following, nor after sunset that day.
Accordingly he went home, returning Sunday
ings, each continuing two days. We are encour- morning to ask for books to read on the subject
Grove City, July 22.—The interest in our
Elkhorn, July 31, Tent No. 3.—The inter- meetings seems to be on the increase. We have aged by what we have seen. Our friends ap- of the Sabbath, as his uncle with whom he was
pear to be growing stronger in the faith. Near- living desired them. The books were read, and
est seems to be on the increase. We have not introduced the Sabbath question, and several ly all vowed to pay the tithe. As we visited the next Sunday more were sent for. After an-
fully canvassed the Sabbath question, yet have persons already express themselves convinced one family we observed that the Lord had won- other week, his uncle came to converse with me,
spoken on the subject sufficiently to set the peo- that the seventh day is the Sabbath. Our derfully blessed them in temporal things. They when I found that the publications, with the
ple to thinking. We are visiting among them basket meeting last Sunday was well attend- had vowed to tithe all they raised this year ; blessing of God, had already convinced him of
and trying to persuade them to accept the truth. ed, considering the threatening aspect of the God heard it, and fulfilled Mal. 3 :10 to a good the truth, and his mind was fully made up to
Pray for us. C. W. OLDS. weather. degree. We assisted in three Sabbath schools, keep the Sabbath.
July 29.—An opposition sermon in the and tried to help the brethren and sisters to im- I find that some at Bible Grove have become
prove their methods of conducting them. Bap- discouraged and given up the truth ; but I think
tent, at 3 P. M. last first-day, by a minister who tized two.
Excelsior, Tent No. 2.—This is to be the had an appointment in a school-house near by, July SO. DENNIS MORRISON. they will wheel into line when they find that
has served a good purpose by letting the people G. W. COLCORD. they are not abandoned, as they had come to
last week of our meetings here ; when it closes, feel that they were. H. WREN.
we shall have been here six weeks. Notwith-
see the weakness of the Sunday Sabbath.
The donations of the people are sufficient to Bloomington, July 30.—We have now
standing the very busy season, the attendance cover the running expenses of the tent. given thirteen discourses to increasing congre-
has been quite good. People have seemed in- J. ,LAMONT. TENNESSEE.
OSCAR HILL. , gations. The people ask questions quite freely.
terested, prejudice has been removed, and con- They hand them in on slips of paper, to be an-
Edgefield Junction, July 22.—We left
viction fastened upon many hearts. Still but our field of labor in Henry Co., July 14. Bro,
three have begun the observance of the Sab- Canola, Bloomfield and Harrisonville.— swered the next evening. This adds much to J. H. Dortch brought us more than a hundred
bath thus far. We trust flat others will yet Since reporting last I have visited these three the interest of the meeting. The papers give miles in a covered wagon over rough roads.
embrace the truth. Brethren from Bamboo quite favorable reports of our meetings, espe-
and Kilbourn have met with us several times on churches. At Canola they are doing quite well cially the Daily Leader. It has twicevoted e One needs to travel in Tennessee to fully un-
the Sabbath. Some who were keeping the Sab- in keeping the different enterprises moving. nearly a column to our main arguments on the derstand the term, " rough roads." Reached
this place, July 18. Found the tent already days, lays the track, puts on the rolling stock, dreamy, indefinite ecstasy ; it is believing what " WORLDLINGS are eager to find access to
pitched ; and our hearts were cheered by seeing and invites the world to get on board. God has said. " Faith cometh by hearing, and what are called the higher circles'. For this
the brethren and sisters coming in from various Elder Horn on this question simply pan- hearing by the word of God." they study, labor, make haste to be rich, in-
directions until the largest number of Sabbath- dered to the prejudices of the people, by glibly When Miss Haswell started her mission- dulge in flatteries, do ignoble homage. But
keepers ever convened in Tennessee was pres- repeating inferential passages, repeatedly refer- school she had many discouragements. At one after they gain access, what then ? It is but
ent. Our quarterly meeting commenced that ring to the rich man and Lazarus as his strong- time, before she received any regular support, vanity and vexation of spirit. The fashion of °
evening. Up to Sunday evening five discourses hold ; but he abandoned the thief on the cross. when her food and money for herself and the the world passeth away ; ' the gilded scene is but
were given. Two interesting sessions of the On the punishment question Elder Horn ad- ten girls she was trying to educate were en- for a moment ; the highest circles disappear like
Sabbath-school were held, all, the schools hav- mitted that Aion was sometimes limited in its tirely gone, she called the girls together in the the fleeting visions of the night. But look at
ing learned the same lesson. Business and so- meaning. He therefore abandoned Rev. 14: morning, told them the facts, reminded them the higher circle to which saints are admitted !
cial meetings filled up the rest of the available 11 ; and 20 : 10 ; but built his whole fabric on that our heavenly Father hears and answers Here is the portraiture given by the apostle :
time. A good interest was manifested in the Matt. 25 : 46. I admitted all he claimed on prayer ; and resting on a definite promise, they But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto
tithing system, and some very interesting testi-. this text so far as the duration of the punish- there prayed together for daily bread, as only the city of the living God, the heavenly Jeru-
monies were given by those who had adopted it ment was concerned ; but remonstrated on the those pray who are in actual want. In the salem, and to an innumerable company of
and proved the Lord true to his promise. authenticity of his dictionary. According to afternoon, a Burmese woman came, bringing angels.' "—Zion's Herald.
Sunday P. NI., six followed their Lord in bap- his rendering, life meant happiness ; death, fifty rupees,—twenty-five dollars,—as a gift
tism. Three were added to the Edgefield Junc- eternal life in misery ; punishment, torment ; Her husband, who was a Christian, had died
tion church. The Cross Plains church was or-
ganized. At the closing meeting Monday morn-
fire did not mean real the, it was only a figure
when applied to the wicked ; everlasting de-
some time before, leaving directions that if a
certain debt were ever paid the amount should Illafn Iltat,
ing Brn. Yates and Dortch were ordained as lo- struction, simply banishment. All the threat- be given to the teacher. It had been paid that
cal elders of their respective churches. The enings of the Old Testament were local, and re- day. Miss Haswell called the children together —CORK, Ireland, now has the •American potato
Spirit of the Lord was present, and a deter- ferred to the temporal judgments which fell on again, and after repeating the story, they gave bug-
mined settling into the, work was manifested. the Jews ; and, with him, to be judged by the thanks to Him who was ever afterward, to -LONDON, July 30.— Turkey is still arming the
On account of the increasing outside interest we law was equivalent to being justified by the law. those Burmese girls, the true hearer and an- Greek frontier.
continue meetings every night in the tent, A mere reference to, or a simple reading of, swerer of prayer. —IN renaming the streets of Paris, one of them
which stands only a few steps from the railroad some of the plainest and most pointed texts Let us learn the blessedness of resting upon will be named in memory of President Lincoln.
station, where the voice of Bro. E. B. Lane eight which I had produced was all that he deemed the definite promises of God. They are many, —ENGLAND has for a y ear been bolstering up the
years ago gave the first sound of the third an- necessary to rebut them. Sophistry and rid- and great, and precious ; and they cover all our sultan of Morocco for a conflict with Spain.
gel's message that was heard in Tennessee. icule were his main fort. We gained many needs. Let us embrace them with all our
We could not return and continue our labors friends, and lost none who had taken a stand on hearts, and be followers of them who through — ON account of the state of the crops in France,
in Henry Co. on account of yellow fever. the truth prior to the debate ; but these were faith and patience inherit the promises. 40,000 soldiers are to be furloughed August 31.11-#
July 28. We have continued our meetings strengthened and established in the faith. —A LARGE portion of the wall of the East India.
" Oh, for a faith that will not shrink, docks, at Blackwell, England, fell July 29; damage
here in the tent one week since the close of the R. M. KILGORE. Though pressed by many a foe!
quarterly meeting. Two more were baptized $500,000.
That will not tremble on the brink
yesterday, making eight in all since our quar- Of any earthly woe ! —TWENTY British officers and 400 men died of
terly meeting commenced, and four have been THE GERMAN PAPER. cholera on the return march from the Afghan cam-
added to this church. We thank the Lord for "A faith that shines more bright and clear, paign, while only about 100 men were killed in ac-
these omens of good. G. K. OWEN. When tempests rage without ; tion.
THE following are samples of the welcome That when in danger knows no fear, —THE Siberian plague has appeared among the
greetings with which this new paper is being In darkness feels no doubt." animals of the Nova Ladogar district of Russia. The
TEXAS,. met in all parts of the country :— loss by this plague in 1877 was 212,768 cattle and
23,630 horses.
Norman Hill, Tent No. 3, July 29.—We Extract from a letter from Bro. J. Vogt, EXCUSED AT LAST.—It is a very solemn —ST. PETERSBURG, July 26.—The Minister of the
shall hold no more meetings at present during Whiteside Co., Ill. thought that God will excuse you if you want to Interior reports 3,501 fires during June, causing
the week, on account of the. decrease in interest Seeing in the REVIEW of July 3, 1879, be excused. He does not wish to do it, but he damage to the amount of over 12,000,000 roubles;
508 of the fires were incendiary.
since the presentation of the Sabbath question. that a German paper is issued at the Of- will do it. " As I live, saith the Lord, I have
fice, I cannot refrain from praying that the —DISPATCHES received July 30 state that for two
Fiye have taken a firm stand for the truth, one no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but days a terrific fire has raged at Orta Keni, on the
of whom was a confirmed infidel. Lord may bless the work, and that a hundred that the wicked turn from his way and live. Bosphorus. The Jewish quarter has been de-
fold may be gathered among our dear German Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways ; for why stroyed, and hundreds of families are encamped on
I shall remain here until our camp-meeting, nation here in America, as well as in Germany. will ye die, 0 house of Israel." Look at the
holding meetings on Sabbaths and Sundays, I request you to send the Stimme der Wahrheit the roads.
and during the week shall visit and solicit sub- Jewish nation. They wanted to be excused —A DISASTROUS flood affected various portions
to the following persons until 1880, and I will from the feast. They despised the grace of God of Pennsylvania July 26. The destruction of prop-
scribers for 'our periodicals. I have obtained pay for the same. (A list of ten names follows.) and trampled it under foot, and look at them
eight subscribers for the, Tidende ; two for the erty in the oil regions was great, and many of the
Harold ; and one for the REVIEW. Hay° sold Bro. A. E. Stutzman writes from Indiana :— to-day ! Yes, it is easy enough to say, " I pray coal mines were flooded. The losses of property at
four Bibles, and $7.75 worth of our 'books and thee, have me excused," but by and by God Petrolia were roughly estimated at $200,000. Many
I have received copies of the Voice of Truth, may take you at your word, and say, "Yes, I of the people lost all their effects, and are left in a
tracts. Bro. Chas. Wilson ,and wife, from Cle- in German, and am highly pleased with the ap- will excuse you." And in that last world, while state of destitution.
burne, came here and assisted me for a few pearance of the paper. I am satisfied that it is others who have accepted the invitation sit down
days, which help I highly prized. Bro. Edward a rare treat for the German people. We pre- —A SMALL pleasure steamer on Lake Goguac,
Swaden is,still with me, rendering efficient serv- to the marriage supper of the Lamb, amid Battle Creek, was burned Thursday morning, July
sented it in our V. M. society last evening, and shouts and hallelujahs in Heaven, you will be 31, together with the boat-house and the residence
ice. God is our refuge ; in him we trust, and succeeded in raising a club of twelve. We ex- crying in the company of the lost, "The harvest of the engineer, whose wife and two of his children
to him do we look for help and strength' kir the pect to increase this list within a week, and then is past ; the summer is ended, and I am not were so badly burned and injured as to result in
future. A. W. JENSON. send it to you. We shall do all we can to ex- saved.."—Moody. their death. The two remaining children narrowly
tend its circulation. escaped, one of them being seriously burned.
Savoy, Tent No. 1, July 21.—We closed Sister K. C. Hoenes writes from Wisconsin :— —THE Zulu war seems to be drawing to a close as
AMONG the discoveries made by Colonel Raw-
our meetings here last evening. The tent was My heart was made glad when I heard the a military campaign, though it may degenerate into
filled. At our Sabbath-school more than a. hun- linson, in the excavations of Babylon, was Neb- a chronic guerilla warfare. A pitched battle has
good news in the REVIEW of last week, that a uchadnezzar's hunting diary, with notes, and been fought at Ulundi between 5,000 British sol-
dred were present. Our social meeting was very German paper is to be issued. I am thankful diers and 15,000 or 20,000 Zulus, on ground of
interesting and profitable, a large number taking to the Lord that "the hour has come to strike." here and there a portrait of his dogs sketched
Cetywayo's own choosing, in which the Zulu army
part, some for the first time. The Spirit I have a work to do now among my own dear by himself, with his name under it. He men- was defeated, with loss variously estimated at from
country people. I trust in the Lord that tioned in it his having been ill ; and while he 800 to 1,500. Sir Garnet Wolseley telegraphs his
of the Lord was in our midst. Quite a number through the Stimme der Wahrheit the truth may belief that the war is over, and that he does not
was delirious, he thought he had been put to
of our friends from Denison were present, which enter many hearts. graze like the beasts of the field. Is not this a want any more men or supplies at present.
added much to the interest of the meeting, and Bro. Win. Saunders writes from Wisconsin :— wonderful corroboration of Scripture ? Rawlin-
was a great source of •encouragement to me. Seeing a notice in the last REVIEW of the is- son also found a pot of preserves in an excellent
The effort of our brethren to attend meetings
where a new interest is being raised is commend- sue of the first number of the Stinnme der
W.ahrheit, I ventured to take the responsibility of
state, and gave some to Queen -Victoria to taste.
How little Nebuchadnezzar's cook dreamed Ottilitar4
able, and often a source of help. On account placing the matter before the brethren at the when making them that twenty-five centuries
of the extreme scarcity of money, we have Sold after, the Queen of England would eat some of " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from hence-
but few books. Have obtained three sill:peer-lb- quarterly meeting ; and as a result, obtained the identical preserves that figured at his mas- forth - Rev. 14:13.
ers for the REVIEW, and thirteen for the weekly eleven names of brethren and friends who wish ter's table.—National Repository.
Instructor. There are now more than twenty to read it.
SAUNDERS —Died, in Roulette, Potter Co., Pa.,
who are keeping the Sabbath, all heads of fam- PROF. McGarvey says of Solomon's Pools July 28, 1879, Morris J., only son of J. G. and M.
ilies. R. M. KILGORE. A DEFINITE PROMISE. L. Saunders, aged twelve years and five days. The
near Jerusalem, ." For immersing, they are just circumstances of his death were painful, and were
AT a missionary meeting, Miss Haswell, the the thing. They all have stone steps reaching as follows : He was assisting in loading hay in the
Savoy Debate.—This began the 14th inst., Burman missionary, told how she came to enter field, and in attempting to recover the lines, which
down to the bottom, on which you could im-
and closed the 18th, two sessions being held each the gospel work. It was not because her father merse nicely when the water is at any stage, by had fallen upon the whiffietree, he was thrown un-
day. Nothing new from the other side was was a missionary ; for the remembrance of the placing your candidate on the step below you ; der the wagon, dragged several rods by the lines, to
and when the water is low, the benches made which he clung, and run over by both the forward
presented. On the subject of the Sunday, loneliness and deprivations she had experienced and hinder wheel, dislocating his neck, causing in-
although the question read, Do the Scriptures by the natural ledges of rock on the sloping
in childhood in Burmah, caused an aversion bottom would be the chosen place." One of stant death. I was engaged in tent labor at Potter
teach, etc., Elder Horn had to resurrect Bar- toward that life. After her school education Brook, where I received the sad intelligence at mid-
these pools covers six acres.
nabas and Justin Martyr, and call up Prof. in America, she returned to her home in Maul- night, and hastened home, arriving a few hours be-
main, rather to be with and assist her mother fore his burial. Funeral discourse by Eld. Rose,
Hackett, to testify that the first-day was the Baptist, from Jer. 31: 15-17. It is a sad bereave-
Lord's day, thus yielding the point at issue. than to become a missionary. At the time of THE END OF VICIOUS AMUSEMENTS. ment, especially to his mother, as he was beginning
her return cholera was raging. One of the na- to be of great help in my absence from home. Pray
On the immortality question his principal argu- tive preachers died, and his daughter was very Go forth, 0 people, to your lawful amuse- for us, that sustaining grace may be given.
ment was based on, the following : The idea of sick. She was abandoned by the native women, ments. God means you to be happy. But J. G. SAUNDERS.
immortality in this life could not be conceited and Miss Haswell herself went to take care of when there are so many sources of innocent
by man, yet all men at the present time have her.
the idea, and the heathen from antiquity had " Do you think I shall die ?" asked the sick pleasure, why tamper with anything that is dan- BLAKE.—Died, at Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y.,
the same ; therefore some higher power, like girl. gerous and polluting ? Why stop our ears to a July 6, 1879, our beloved daughter, Alice L. Blake,
in the nineteenth year of her age. She gave her
God, must have revealed it. From these silp- " I hope not," replied Miss Haswell ; " but heaven full of songsters, to listen to the hiss of heart to the Lord last September, and has since
positions it is concluded that we have a soul if that should be the will of God, are you afraid a dragon Why turn back from the mountain lived a consistent Christian life. She leaves a, hus-
and spirit that does not die ; thus adopting St. to die ?" side, all a-bloom with wild flowers and a-dash band, parents, four brothers, and one sister, be-
Augustine's rule : when any doctrine of the "Oh, yes ! I am afraid ; it is all dark." with the nimble torrents, and with blistered feet sides a large circle of relatives and friends, to
church cannot be traced to its foundation, or The responsibility of her position forced itself attempt to climb the hot sides of the Cotopaxi ? mourn her loss. W. N., AND E. PARKER.
starting point, it must have come from the upon her, and she sought to direct the thoughts The day comes when men who have exerted
apostles. I admitted that the idea was, now of the girl to the assurances of God's word. evil influence upon their fellows will be brought FARRAR.—Died, July 20, 1870, of congestive
very generally accepted ; that the aborigines of " If I should make you a promise, a definite to Judgment. Scene : The last day. Stage : chills, near Lakeview, Mich., Florence Farrar,
modern times and the heathen of more ancient promise, would you not believe it ?" said Miss The rocking earth. Enter : Dukes, Lords, aged 4 years, 9 months, and 15 days. Her parents
times believed it ; that the idea of immortality Haswell. Kings, Beggars, Clowns. No sword ; no tinsel ; embraced the truth under the labors of Bro. A. 0.
in this life could not have been conceived of by " Yes, indeed, I would." no crown. For footlights, the kindling flames Burrill, two years ago this summer. They are com-
man ; and that it had been revealed : but " The great God, the true God, has made a of a world ; for orchestra, the trumpets that forted with the blessed hope that our dear Saviour
added that it was quite.unfortunate for my op- definite promise that he will forgive our sins, wake the dead ; for gallery, the clouds filled is soon to come, when their little Florence will be
ponent, and the theory which he was trying to for the sake of his Son who died for us. Will with angel spectators ; for applause, the clap- returned to their embrace. Remarks by the writer,
sustain and bolster up, that its author,— he you not believe him?" ping floods of the sea ; for curtain, the heavens from Jer. 31: 15-17. G. H. GILBERT.
who had " revealed" the idea, " Thou shalt not The poor girl at once believed, and quiet rolled together as a scroll ; for tragedy, the
surely die,"—did not possess at that time a rep- came into her soul, which deepened during the doom of the destroyed ; for the last scene of the DURHAM.—Fell asleep in Jesus, July 25, 1879,
utable character. John.8 : 44. By telling this talks they had together. And when, the next fifth act, the tramp of nations across the stage,— sister Elizabeth Durham, wife of Bro. W, Durham,
first lie he caused our first parents to sin, thus day, the young girl died in her arms, peacefully some to the right, others to the left,--these near Russellville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Her
bringing death,—" he was a murderer from the trusting in Jesus through her instructions, she shall go away into everlasting punishment, but death has cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood,
beginning." Satan as prime engineer laid out knew the joys of the missionary's life, and found those into life eternal.—Talmage. for she was much esteemed and greatly beloved by
the road ; heathenism 'aid , the grading ; 'by them sweeter and greater than its trials. From family, church, and neighbors. She died of mea-
. papal corruptions the leveling was done, and that time she devoted herself to this work. sles, four days from time of attack. Funeral dis-
the bridges and connections were made,; while This idea of resting upon a definite promise of Do nothing to-day that you would be likely to course, by request of deceased, from Rev. 14: 13..
spiritualism comes to the rescue in these last God is the- true idea of faith. Faith is not a repent of to-morrow. CHAS. B. REYNOLDS.
56 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [Vol. 54, No. 7.

meeting ! In how many ways we might do THE first annual session of the Ohio S. S. Asso-
TO NEBRASKA CHURCH OFFICERS. ciation will be held in connection with the camp-
good ! A friendly word spoken, an act of kind-
buipt Ptralt. earnestlychurch secretaries and treasurers are
requested to send in their reports so
ness done, a tract given away,—h ow much can
meeting at Spring Mills, Ohio, Aug. 21-25. The
first meeting will be held at 9 A. M., Aug. 24. The
be accomplished in this way eternity alone will usual business of the annual meeting will be trans-
. Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, Aug. 7, 1879. they will reach me as early as Sept. 1. This reveal. The time has fully come for more ear- acted D. M. CANRIGHT, Pres.
will give me time to make out my report by the E. H. GATES, See.
nest effort in the work of God.
THE CAMP—MEETINGS. time of our camp-meeting. Let there be no Bring your children with you. This may be
failure on the part of any one to do so. the time and place when God will answer your ILLINOIS CAMP—MEETING.
OUR stay in Colorado will be brief this season.
Address, G. S. RICHARD, Conf. Sec. prayers in their behalf. It is designed to have THE Illinois State camp-meeting will be held at
God has blessed us with a good degree of health, Pleasant Home, York Co., Neb. Bloomington, McLean Co., Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, 1879,
and we feel like responding to as many of the a session of the Sabbath School on the ground, on a large inclosed lot near the center of the city.
calls for us to attend the camp-meetings as pos- and we want to see all the children there ready Let there be a grand turnout at this annual convo-
ILLINOIS EXCURSIONISTS. to take part. In short, come, earnestly seeking cation of the Seventh-day Adventists of Illinois. It
sible. Already we have labored hard in six is expected that Eld. Canright will attend this meet-
camp-meetings, reaching far into the intense WE now hope to be able to furnish certifi- the blessing of God, and you will certainly re- ing. Excursion trains will probably run from Free-
heat of summer. We have nothing to do with cates, entitling those coming from west of Free- ceive it. But if you come with a spirit to visit, port, Gilman, and Effingham.
G. W. COLCORD, Illinois
arranging the camp meetings, and make no port, north of Gilman, north of Effingham, you will find yourselves farther from God at R. F. ANDREWS, Conference
pledges, excepting to attend the Massachusetts and south of Centralia, to join the three excur- the close of the meeting than when it com- GEO. FOREMAN, Committee.
camp-meeting in the absence of Eld. Haskell sions at those points by paying one and one-fifth menced, and very likely hinder those who oth-
in California. JAMES WHITE. fares for the round trip from their homes to erwise might become interested. Once more,
place of joining the excursions. But I must have be mindful of the wants of others. Let all who ILLINOIS CONFERENCE.
Boulder, Col., Aug. 1, 1879. THE ninth annual meeting of the Illinois Confer-
the names soon ! Say that you want a certifi- can, bring extra supplies, so that they may be
ence will be held in connection with the camp-meet-
REMAINING CAMP—MEETINGS cate ; and that you will pay, go or not go ; then prepared to entertain those who may not be ing, Aug. 27 to Sept. 2. 1879, for the election of
you will secure a seat in car to the Bloomington provided for. G. F. HAINES. officers and to transact such other business as may
FOR 1879. camp-meeting. , G. W. COLCORD. come before the meeting. Every church and every
body of' believers not fully organized, should be rep-
'CANADA, Magog, P. Q., Aug. 21-26. OHIO CAMP—MEETING EXPENSES. resented at this meeting, either by delegate or by
MASSACHUSETTS, Ballard Vale, Aug. 27-Sept. 2. THIRD MICHIGAN CAMP-MEETING. letter stating numbers, condition, and wants.
As has been noticed before, we have decided CONFERENCE COMMITTEE.
Tuts meeting will be held in the vicinity of this year to request each brother and sister who
MAINE, Waterville, Sept. 4-9.
Ionia or Lyons, Sept. 17-21. It is especially de- camps on the ground to pay fifty cents to de- ILLINOIS T. AND M. SOCIETY.
VERMONT, Essex Junction, " 11-16.
signed for the brethren in the counties of Ionia, fray the necessary expenses of the meeting.
ILLINOIS, Bloomington, Aug. 27-Sept. 2. THE next annual meeting of the Illinois T. and M.
Montcalm, Mecosta, Isabella, Gratiot, Ottawa, And as this will not be enough, we invite every Society will be held on the camp-ground, Aug. 27 to
MICHIGAN, No. 2, Vassar, Sept. 4-8.
Muskegon, Newago, and Kent. The above brother and sister throughout the Conference Sept. 2, 1879. There are points of great interest to
" No. 3, near Ionia, " 17-21. the society to be considered at this meeting ; and it
counties embrace Section 4 and a part of Section who does not attend, to pay seventy-five cents
NEBRASKA, Seward, is expected that all members present will manifest
3. A cordial invitation is extended to all for the purpose. Several have cheerfully paid due zeal in the transaction of this part of our work.
CALIFORNIA, No. 1, Fresno City, Aug. 28-Sept. 2.
others. The location may seem to be somewhat in that amount to us already. We therefore re- Com.
" 2, Healdsburg, Sept. 18-23.
aside, but the railroads center at these places, quest all our brethren who do not design to at-
LAPEER, Mich., Sabbath, Aug. 16.
so it will be more convenient than any other tend the meeting, to pay seventy-five cents to H. M. KENYON.
Some are inquiring why reports of State
point in this section. Elds. Canright, Lane, their s. B. treasurer on or before Sunday, Au-
T. and M. meetings which they have written do Aug. 23, 24.
and others will be at this meeting. We shall gust 17 ; and we request each treasurer to see CENTERVILLE, Kan.,
not appear in the REVIEW. We would say that Mt. Vernon, " " 30, 31.
look for a general rally of our people in the the brethren and invite them to pay this SMITH SHARP.
we are holding them till the reports of the State
above-named counties. Special attention will be amount. It can be sent by the delegate who
quarterly meetings are mostly in, when they
given to the Sabbath-school and T. and M. work. comes to the meeting. We are sure that every HAMPTON, Franklin Co., Iowa, Aug. 10, 11.
will be published in the regular quarterly Sup- lover of the cause will be willing to contribute Fonda, Pocahontas " " " 16, 17.
plement. We expect a few reports which are Brethren, begin at once to get ready to attend this small amount. If the money thus raised is Sac City, Sac 46 44 " 23, 24.
behind will be sent in so that it can be issued this meeting. MICH. CONF. COMMITTEE. Ogden, Boone 44 64
" 30, 31.
more than sufficient to meet the expenses of the Hook's Point, Hamilton Co., Sept. 6, 7,
immediately. meeting, we will apply the balance on our tent
CAMP-MEETINGS IN KENTUCKY We wish to see all our scattered brethren and
fund. D. M. CANRIGHT. sisters, who live within a reasonable distance of
HOW OLD IS THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND1----It AND TENNESSEE. these places, at the meetings. Would be glad if our
is reported that in a speech in the British House WE think our brethren in Kentucky and Danish brethren and sisters of West Dayton would
of Lords, recently, on the right of a man to Tennessee should each hold a camp-meeting meet with us at Hook's Point. These meetings will
all begin Friday evening, at the commencement of
marry his deceased wife's sister, the Bishop of this fall, about the first of October. If the the Sabbath, and if necessary we will continue
London contended that the prohibition rested brethren will arrange with us for the appoint- " And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is them over Monday and Tuesday. Let us have a
on "a law of God," and added that it was also ments, we will attend them at that time. They at hand." Matt. ,o : 7. good attendance. E. W. FARNSWORTH.
"a law of the church," and that on this oubject should be located where all the scattered breth-
`" the Church of England has held these peculiar ren and sisters in each of these States can at- MAINE CAMP—MEETING.
notions for upwards of 1,800 years " ! tend. Will Bro. Osborn, of Kentucky, and ritatIfinip-tf.
Tills meeting will be held Sept. 4-9, at Waterville,
Bro. Owen, of Tennessee, state particulars, so on the same ground that was occupied last year. A " Not slothful in business." Rom. 12:II.
DO THEY MEAN IT? that we can make the appointment? reduction of one-half fare will be granted on the
M. C. R. R., as usual. Ample provisions will be
D. M. CANRIGHT. made for both man and beast. Eld. Geo. I. Butler
IN the " International Sabbath-school Les- "The Pocasset Tragedy."—We have issued
and other able speakers will be present. Let every a tract refuting the idea that the Seventh-day Ad-
sons " (Lesson for June 22, 1879,) as presented Sabbath-keeper in Maine come. All of us need the
BE EXPLICIT. ventist faith is in any degree responsible for the
in The Illustrated Christian Weekly, this para- strength and encouragement which can be derived fanaticism which led to the Freeman murder, and
graph occurs :— 1. WHEN you report to the secretary of the from attending this meeting. Let us come to seek designed to free our cause from unjust odium.
and work for the salvation of perishing souls.
" The Judgment day is not far off. The Conference, do not say simply how much money God, We invite Bro. and Sr. White to attend if consistent
Send in your orders for the work, and scatter it
neglecters and blasphemers of God will then you have remitted to the State Conference with duty. freely. Price, 3 ots. $1.50 per hundred.
sink to their own place, while the faithful ones treasurer, but state when you remitted. If you
,(tar Notice of expiration of subscription will be given by
are gathered, into God's Heaven as his peculiar have sent money away at different times through MAINE STATE CONFERENCE. special stamp on the margin of the paper. We should be
THE next annual session of the Maine State Con- pleased to receive your renewal at once.
treasure. On one side God's eternal wrath, and the quarter, give date of each remittance as well
on the other God's eternal love, will be mani- as amount. ference will be held upon the camp-ground at Water- Nonon.—The change of figures on the address labels will be
ville, Sept. 3, 1879, at 4 P. M. Let all the delegates In all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper.
fested ; for, as a God of holiness, he must have 2. If you wish a passage to the Bloomington be upon the ground to attend the first meeting of If these changes do not in due time appear, and if books or-
dered by mall are not received, notice should be given. All
both." camp-meeting in one of our chartered coaches, the Conference. Those churches that have been other business is acknowledged below.
By the " Judgment day " we cannot suppose say so definitely ; and not say, " You may ex- organized this year, also unorganized bodies of Sab-
bath-keepers, should be represented in this session.
is meant in this instance the day of death, but pect about twenty from our church " ! Give J. B. GOODRICH, P7'68. Books Sent by Express.
the day appointed in which God will judge the your name, and say you will go, or you will pay Miss Sarah linechtel 86.00.
world by Jesus Christ, as so clearly taught in if you do not go. If this is not done soon, you CAMP—MEETING FOR QUEBEC. Books Sent by Ereiyht.
the Scriptures. Do the publishers of these les- may lose the chance of getting reduced rates. IT is decided that our camp-meeting will be held J 0 Corliss $48.95, B L Whitney 72.48.
sons mean to teach that this day, involving the Names are coming in rapidly, at present ; and at Magog, P. Q., Aug. 21-26. We shall spare no bash Rec'd on Account.
second coming of Christ, is at hand ? If so, soon, I judge, the " quota " will be filled. us pains in trying to make this meeting a success. Let Iowa T & M Society per L Hornby $742.17, M B.
all pray that God may meet with us. Cannot Miller 24.00, American Health & Temperance Associa-
they are so far Adventists, and should not Write to Du Quoin. G. W. COLCORD. a goodly number of the brethren in northern Ver- tion per L Hornby 63.50, James Sawyer 3.00, Me T
oppose our work in this direction. mont come, and bring their tents with them? M Society per D C Hunter 15.00, S Osborn 15.00., C S
AN. A. C. BOURDEAU. Honeywell 1.50, NYTS6 M Society per E H Whitney
N. E. CAMP—MEETING. 200.00, Smith Sharp per A G Miller 22.19.
WE wish to say, to correct any misapprehen- land : The time appointed for our camp-meet- THIS meeting will be held on the same ground we Dist 1 per C S Veeder $16.00, Dist 2 per L A B 57.64,
sion that may exist on the part of some, that
ing, Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, will soon be here. had last year, at Ballard Vale, Mass. The time is Dist 5 per J S Wicks 50.00, Dist,8 per Andrew Graham
J. G. and C. M. Starbuck, now of St. Johns, Aug. 27 to Sept. 2. It is hoped there will be a 5.00, Dist 8 per D Wilkinson 4.50, Bancroft church 1.76.
Shall our camp-meeting this year be a success ? general rally of all S. D. Adventists in this Confer- Mich. Conf. _Fund.
Mich., are not recognized by the Michigan 'Con- The Conference and camp-meeting committees ence at this meeting. Eld. Geo. I. Butler is ex-
Ransom per in B Miller $20.80, Sheridan per C D
ference as public S. D. Adventist 'laborers. are doing, and will do, all in their power to pected to attend, also other efficient help. Provis-
Jones 22.00, Leighton per W H Littlejohn 16.00, Coral
They are not in the employ of the Conference, ion for man and beast on the ground as usual. Any (Geo C Fisher 2.00, Mrs. Quail 1.00), Alaiedon per
make the meeting the best ever held in this who desire to rent tents should immediately corre- Daniel Hale 40.00, Jefferson per .1' Iden 01.80, Green
and are not laboring with our sanction. Conference. Will you co-operate with them spond with Eld. D. A. Robinson, South Lancaster, 50o, per John R Snyder 6.00, Ida Counterman (donation)
MICH. CONF. COM. Ransom 20.80, Bancroft 5 20, Emma Rollins, s a,
Let every S. D. Adventist in New England do Mass. CAMP-MEETING COMMITTEE. 2.10.
his part to make it such. S. D. A. E Society.
NOTICE. 1. Make up your mind to attend the meeting OHIO STATE CONFERENCE. W D Russell $10.00, Betsey Landon, donation,
1. WE hereby earnestly request every church yourself. Make a sacrifice to do it if need be. Tan next annual session of the Ohio Seventh-day 100.00.
Swedish Mission.
clerk and treasurer in Illinois to bring or send Come at the commencement and remain until Adventist Conference will be held in connection
with the camp-meeting at Spring Mills, Ohio, Aug. John Adams $5.00.
their s. B. account books, church records, etc., the close. These meetings can be made a great 21-25. The first meeting will be held at 5 P.
to the Bloomington camp-meeting. The Con- blessing to us all. We need to improve upon Thursday, Aug. 21. Every church, as far as possi- English Mission.
ference will examine them ; then instructions every means of grace God has given us, to pre- ble, should send at least one delegate, with any par- J B Vaughn $25.34, J S Hart 50.00, Esther Smith
ticulars concerning the church. Each new church 100.00, J H Morrison 10.00. J 0 Watt 5.00, Louisa
will be given whereby they may be more prop- pare for the time of trouble which is just before should send a request to be taken into the Confer- Filer 4.00, Mrs J T Freeman 1.00, A Hamilton 12.50.
erly kept in the future. us. ence. D. M. CANRIGHT, Ohio European Mission.
2. The same request is hereby made to all 2. Take time between now and the meeting 0. MEARS, Conf. S M Holly $50.00, R A Hart 50 0 ), Helen E Cowles
H. H. VAN CAMP, COM. 15.00,Ella C Auten 5.00, Louis Scheppler per P Gros
our tract officers. We may not have time to for self-examination, and as far as possible put
15.00, .1 M Avery 15.00, M S Avery 5.00.
conduct an "institute " ; but we hope to be away your sins. THE next annual session of the Ohio Tract and Danish Mission.
catechised, instructed, and greatly benefited by 3. Meditate upon the fearful condition of Missionary Society will be held in connection with Mine Sorensen $1.00, C R Christianson 10.00, Angie
aid to be sent us by the General Conference. those who are treading under foot the law of the camp-meeting at Spring Mills, Aug. 21-25.
Gotfredson 70c, J A Roes 1.50, A friend 14.00.
The first meeting will be held on Friday, Aug. 22, at
3. All come, not merely to bring the books, God. 9 A. M. The usual business of the annual meeting Gen. 2'. to Sooiety.—Donatione.
but to receive the oral instructions. 4. Then come to the meeting to labor. What will be taken up. D. M. CANRIGHT, Pres. James Moore tithe $8.00, E Poling (thank-offering)
G. W. Coaconn. a field of usefulness opens up to us at the camp- J. B. GREGORY, Sec. 1.00.

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