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Chapter 4

Plan to Escape
One day, the prince said, "If only you could get out of this tower.  I
can come and go by  climbing up the walls by holding onto your
braid.  But once I am down, how can you get down, too?"

Thanks to Elizabeth, 12, AZ, USA


"I know!" said Rapunzel.  "Bring me a ball of silk each time you
come. I can weave the silk into a ladder.  Silk folds up so small the
witch won't see it.  When the ladder gets long enough to reach the
ground, we will both be able to climb out of here.”
“That's it!” said the prince.  Then he moved closer to Rapunzel.  "We
will both be free.  When we are out in the world, will you marry
“Yes,” said Rapunzel, "I will."  Every day after that, the prince
brought a ball of silk to Rapunzel.  Over time, she weaved the silk
into a long ladder.
On Rapunzel’s 18th birthday the witch spoke to her in a sharp voice.
“Before you open your mouth this time," said the witch, "know this.  I am
sick and tired of hearing you talk about how alone you are in the tower all
the time.  It isn't go to change, Rapunzel!   Forever!"
“Who says I’m alone in the room all the time?” said Rapunzel.
“What?!” said the witch.  “Who has been up here with you?”
“No one!” said Rapunzel at once, in fear.  “I mean, no one but you!”
The witch did not believe her.  She started to look everywhere in the
room for something to prove that someone else had been there.
Soon she found the ladder.  She held it high in the air.  She yelled,
“What is the meaning of this?”
“My friend the prince brought me the silk,” said Rapunzel.  
"You will never see this prince again!” yelled the witch.  She took out
a knife.  Snip, snap, and Rapunzel's lovely braid was cut off! 
Holding the braid in one hand, the witch laughed an evil laugh.
With a stroke of her magic, Rapunzel was cast away to a far-away
desert. Then the witch stayed in the tower room.  She knew that
soon the prince would come back.

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