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1. List the name of student who participated in your group?

I attended the Zoom meeting on Thurs 10/22 at 7 pm MT

2. Which Student volunteered to lead the discussion?

During the discussion

3. What were the main points discussed during the Zoom Session
 Personal experiences about young marriages.
 How to deal with and resolve challenges in young marriages.
 The importance of effective communication.
 What are the things to consider before to getting married

4. What were the most important insights you gained?

I think that marry at any age is equally hard or easy as you want to be. Being married is not
a reason to leave your goals and dreams aside. You just have to find the right person that
makes you to be better every day, push you to follow your dreams and supports you. I also
learned that have traditional gender roles is what makes a successful marriage, that
doesn’t mean that the woman has to do all the cooking and cleaning and it doesn’t mean
the men have to be the only money maker, but gender roles need to be established.

5. What were the highlights for you?

I've been very focused on my own goals and I want to prioritize my own career. It's difficult
because my boyfriend wants to speed things up! Our values don't always align but we
constantly communicate our needs, sometimes I feel I’m so focused on my job, this week I
learned that is important:

 Have an effective comunication, always express your feelings, dreams, wishes and
 Finances are so important, learn about it and how to manage the money
 Be honest, sincere and patient with your partner if somenthing doesn’t work well
let him or her know about it.

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