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Kelompok 4 :

1. Luthfiyyah Q.A Buhungo (841416003)

2. Olivia Maharani Mohamad (841416036)
3. Nurfitrah Mediati Maksud (841416039)
4. Dea Nurfadila Rahman (841416064)
5. Sri Rahmawaty Lalu (841416096)

Short Conversation

Patient's mother: good morning. I have an appointment to see doctor Fitrah today.

Nurse: Good morning. Oh Doctor Kharis is checking patients please wait a moment.

Patient's mother: oh thank you

Nurse: but first you have to register here. Who is sick?

Patient's mother: this is my son Tya. He has a toothache. It looks like the teeth have to be

Patient: I didn't pull my teeth Must be sick

Nurse: no baby. it won't hurt at all

Patient's mother: it's true. Even though it hurts, the pain is only brief. Instead you feel pain from
a toothache.

Suddenly Doctor Fitrah came out of the room.

Doctor: that's not true. pulling teeth doesn't hurt and it feels like being bitten by a small ant. Have
you ever been bitten by an ant?

Patient: I have doc.

Patient's mother: that means it doesn't hurt, right?

Nurse: this is the inspection data Doc!

Doctor: Okay let's check Tya's teeth

Patient's mother: let's do it Doc. Tya can't stand it anymore. He was in pain from last night.
Doctor: have the tools been prepared?

Nurse: ready Doc. Now we can check Agus

Doctor: now open your mouth wide!

Patient's mother: open your mouth wide! The doctor wants to check your teeth!

Doctor: give me the injection!

Nurse: this is the dock!

Patient: oh this hurts so much Doc!

Doctor: calm down you will feel this pain for a while

Mom patient: how does it feel? Do you feel better now?

Patient: I feel better now. My toothache has disappeared. Thank you dock!

Doctor: You're welcome. Do not eat sweet foods too much and do not forget to brush your teeth
every day

nurse: and do not forget to check teeth regularly

Patients: Of course, I will be more diligent brush and check teeth regularly

Capital patients: thanks for your help

Doctor: It I gave a prescription to redeem at the Pharmacy.

Patient's mother: Thank you

Doctors and Nurses: Yes ma'am

At the Pharmacist

Pharmacy: Can I help you?

Patient's mother: I want to redeem a medication that has been prescribed by a doctor Fitrah

Pharmacist: Good mom, can I see the recipe? Wait a minute, ma'am, I will prepare the medicine.

Patient's mother: Yes ma'am

Pharmacist: Mother, this medicine is taken 3x1 after eating, mom.

Patient's mother: Good mom. thanks.

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