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1.- Past continuous an incomplete action in progress

interrupted by a completed action in the past [ Past simple]
The action in the past continuous starts before and often
continues after the other shorter action or time.

 I was walking to the station when I met

[I started walking before I met John and maybe I
continued afterwards.]

2.- We can use the past continuous for the background of a

story. (We often use the past simple for the action.)

 The birds were singing, the sun was shining

and in the cafés people were laughing and
chatting. Amy sat down and took out her
3.- Parallel Actions
Two actions happening at the same time.

 I was studying while he was making dinner.

 While Ellen was reading, Tim was surfing the net.

Amb el PAST CONTINUOUS descrivim

l’acció llarga que estava en procés
I was sleeping ..
Amb el PAST SIMPLE descrivim l’acció
curta que va interrompre l’altra acció
... when the earthquake happened.

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