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Time: Two Hours Maximum: 40

Answer all questions

I. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)

1. Classify the upper extremity splinting as per ASHT classification system.

Explain the importance of this classification system.
2. What is aeroplane splint? Why this splint is indicated in axillary burn?
3. What is tenodesis splint? Write down the mechanism of function with
neat sketch.
4. Discuss the biomechanical principles for fabrication of a short opponens
hand splint (metallic) with C-bar attachment. Justify your answer.
5. How static progressive elbow orthosis will help in correction of elbow
flexion contracture? Explain with suitable diagram.

II. Short answers on: (5 x 3 = 15)

1. Define functional hand position with diagram?

2. What are the Indications and contraindications of thumb post?
3. Write down the clinical importance of Outrigger with suitable example.
4. Difference between Boutonniere deformity and swan neck deformity with
5. How MP stop with IP extension assist splint will correct the claw hand

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