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Gelyn Raguin

Foreign Language Class with you as our instructor is one of the most exciting and enjoyable subject for
me. The entire discussion is very fun and I learned a lot from you ma'am. You imparted the right and
exact knowledge that we really need despite of the problems we encountered in this trying times. We
will bring that knowledge and learnings wherever we go.

We will never forget your most effective way of teaching us. You allowed us to share our own
perspectives in life and you motivated us that we can achieve our dreams and goals in life. What I like
about your teaching strategy is that you didn't spoon-feed us. You let us grow and gain knowledge on
our own. You never judged us and let us down but you convince us that we can be better every single
day. You are so compassionate and considerate. That kind of professor is what we really need. Thank
you very much ma'am! Thank you for your sacrifices, efforts and patience. I will never forget you❤️

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