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Lesson 1 -Me and My Body

Date: Worksheet No.1

II. Rearrange the following words to get the name of a body part.
1. haed _____________ 6. ewlbo _____________

2. lge _____________ 7. neke _____________

3. rae _____________ 8. finreg _____________

4. ncke _____________ 9. eson _____________

5. nalis _____________ 10. hnad _____________

III.Mark the internal organs of the body:

Lesson 1 -Me and My Body

Date: Worksheet No.2

I. Match the pictures with the right words, then fill in the blanks:
(Nose, Ears, Eyes , Skin, Tongue)

1. I can see with my _________________.

2. I can smell with my ________________.

3. I can hear with my __________________.

4. I can taste with my __________________.

5. I can feel with my _________________.

1. I can _______________ a bird flying up in the sky.

2. I can _______________ a beautiful song on the radio.

3. I can _______________ a flower with my nose.

4. I can _______________ a delicious sandwich.

5. I can _______________ the soft fur of a rabbit.

II.Fill in the blanks:

1.The ___________________ protects the brain.

2.Bones and __________________ give shape to our body.

3.____________________ covers the bones and muscles.

4. The ___________________ filter water and salts in your body to produce urine.

5. Muscles are fixed to the ___________________.

6.We inhale ________________ and we exhale ____________________.

III.Choose the correct answer:

1.This pumps blood to all parts of our body - ________________.

(Kidneys, Lungs, Heart, Brain)

2.This is the main controller of all the functions of the body -______________.
(Head, Lungs, Heart, Brain)

3.These help the bones to move - ___________________.

(Skin, Stomach, Muscles, Brain)

4.We can see the _______________.

(Head, Brain, Heart, Stomach)

IV.Write T for true or F for false. Rewrite the sentence, if it is false:

1.The brain helps us to think. _______


2.The stomach helps us to breathe. _________


3.There are more than 600 bones in our body. _______


4.The stomach helps us to digest the food. ______


5.Intestine is an external organ. ________


IV.Answer the following:

1.What is the function of brain?


2.Howmany lungs do we have? Where are they located?What is their function?




3.What is the function of heart?


4.How does stomach help us?



5.Howmany bones and muscles do we have?



Lesson 2 -My Family
Date: Worksheet No. -3

I. Give one word answer:

1.Your own brother or sister ___________________________

2. A family with single parent ____________________________

3. Children of your uncle and aunt ____________________________

4.Your mother's mother ____________________________

5.Your father's sister ____________________________

II.Choose the correct answer:

(nuclear, joint, maternal, paternal,parents)

1.A ________________________ family has parents and children.

2. People who are related to our mother are ________________ relatives.

3.A ______________________ family has many relatives living together.

4.People who are related to our father are ________________ relatives.

5. Our mother and father are our _____________________________.

III. Strike out the incorrect words:

1. My father's father is my grandfather/ uncle.

2.A joint/ nuclear family has many members.

3.My mother's sister is my grandmother/aunt.

4.Family members share/do not share things with each other.

5.Famil members/ Friends usually resemble each other.

IV. Observe and Answer:
This is Vivek's family.
1. What kind of family is shown in the picture?

2.Who all are sitting on the sofa with Vivek?


3.What kind of family is your family?

V.Answer the following questions:

1. Who are grandparents?


2.What is a nuclear family?


3.What is a joint family?



V.Choose an adjective from the help box to describe your family members:

( Brave, Wise, Cute, Intelligent, Smart, Kind, Naughty, Caring, Hardworking)







Lesson 3 -My Neighbourhood
Date: Worksheet No. -4

I.Match the following:

1. I bring milk for you - doctor

2. I fight for our country - driver

3. I cure sick people - tailor

4. I stitch your clothes - farmer

5. I grow food for you - milkman

6. I drive vehicles like car - soldier

7. I catch thieves - pilot

8. I fly aeroplanes - washerman

9. I guard your home at night - policeman

10. I wash your clothes - nightguard

II.Choose the correct option:

1.Who fixes leaking taps and pipes?

a. Butcher b. Plumber c. Electrician d. Farmer

2.Who makes or repairs furniture?

a. Postman b. Plumber c.Electrician d.Carpenter

3.Whom do we call when house is on fire?

a. Firefighter b. Doctor c.Carpenter d. Mason

4. Who repairs electrical things?

a. Guard b. Plumber c. Electrician d. Mason

III. Observe and Answer:
1.Who uses the vehicle shown in the picture?

2.When do we call these people?


3.What number will you dial to call this vehicle?


IV. Write True or False. Rewrite the sentences if it is wrong:

1.A tailor stitches our clothes. ______________

2. Postmen mend our shoes._______________


3.A greengrocer sells rice. _____________


4. Firefighters put out fire. _____________


5. A doctor teaches us new things. _____________


V.Answer the following:

1. What is a neighbourhood?

2.Why do we need a post office?


3.Name any five places that are commonly found in a neighbourhood.

Lesson 4 -My Needs – Our Food
Date: Worksheet No. -5

I.Choose the correct answer:

1. We get food from ________________
a) air b)water c)plants

2. Which of these food give us energy?

a) wheat b) fish c) fruits

3. Which of the following is a healthy habit?

a) Eating different kinds of food in right quantities

b) Eating uncooked food

c) Eating uncovered food


III.Answer the following
1. All food we eat comes either from plants or___________.

2. Food provides us energy and protects against _________________.

3. Muskmelon is a juicy vegetable. True / False

4. Nuts are not good for health. True / False

5. Fruits and their juices are naturally sweet. True / False

6. ___________ are grains used for food.( cereals/pulses)

7. Name two nuts that we eat. ______________, ___________________

8. Healthy food includes pizza, samosa, chips etc. True / False

9. Those who eat meat or vegetables or both are called ____________________.

10. What are the ingredients of idli? __________________________

11.________________food are unhealthy and difficult to digest.

12. Maize and rice are pulses. True / False

13. Broccoli is a vegetable. True / False

14. Select the food item that can be made out of milk.
( butter, cheese, ketchup, ice cream, pickle)

15. From where do we get energy to do our work?


16. Which nutrient is important for growth and repair of the body?

17. Which nutrients help us to fight against infection and diseases?


18. Junk foods are good for health. True / False

19. Which mineral helps in the formation of blood? ____________________

20. Eating healthy food keeps us fit. True / False

21. Coconut oil is rich in _____________________.

22. A person who does not eat or use any animal or dairy products is called

IV.Answer the following:

1. What is a balanced diet?


2.Who are called vegetarians?


3. Why is junk food not good for health?


4. How can we keep our body healthy?


5. Why do we eat food?


6.Name two plants from which we get oil.

7.Which food item maintains healthy bones and teeth?


V. Write the correct answer:
1.Meal that we eat in the morning. ______________________

2.Foods that keep us healthy and protect us from diseases._____________________

3.Diet that consists of the right combination of all food groups.

4.Holes in our teeth. __________________________

5.Meal that we eat at night.____________________________

6. Food that makes our muscles and bonesstrong._____________________________

VI.Choose the correct answer:

(chocolates and sweets, street food, energy – giving food, junk food, fruits and
1. Dia often falls sick. She needs to take a lot of ___________________________

2.Prem has cavities in his teeth. He should avoid eating ______________________

3. Nitish often feels tired while playing. He should take more

4.Seema gets diarrhoea often. She should avoid ______________________________

5 .Ali is becoming fat. He should avoid eating______________________________

VII. Observe and answer:

1.Which type of food is given in the picture?


2.Why should we drink milk?


Lesson 5 -My Needs - Water

Date: Worksheet No.6

I.Write the form of water (solid,liquid and gas) based on the given pictures:

________________ ___________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ ____________________

II.Choose the correct answer:

1.Water is a _________________ (natural / man -made) resource.

2. When water ______________ (freezes/ boils) it becomes ice.

3.When sunlight heats waterbodies, water changes to ______________(snow/vapour)

4. When clouds become heavy, they fall back on earth as ___________ (rain/ river)

5. The continuous circulation of water in nature in its different forms is called

___________________ (water cycle/vapour cycle).

III. Write one word for the following:

1.Solid form of water. _____________________

2.Form of water in rain _____________________

3.Process of water becoming ice. ___________________

4.Process of solid changing into liquid ___________________

5.Process of gas changing into liquid by cooling. ___________________

IV. Match the following:

1. Freezing - Solid form of water

2. Melting - Liquid form of water

3. Glacier - Gaseous form of water

4. Water vapour - Solid to liquid

5. River - Liquid to solid

V. Label the diagram by choosing from the given list.

(river, sunlight, rain, clouds, watervapour)

1. ________________





This cycle is called as ___________________

Lesson 6 -My Needs - Air

Date: Worksheet No.7

I. Choose the correct word from the help box.

( everywhere see air weight cover)

1. We need __________________ to breathe.

2. We cannot _________________ air.

3. Air is present ____________________.

4. Air has _________________________.

5. We should ______________ our nose and mouth when we sneeze.

II. Write true or false

1. We can taste air. __________

2. Even an empty glass has air in it. _____________

3. Plants need air to live.___________

4. Smoke makes air dirty.______________

5. Common cold spreads through air. ______________

III.Complete the following based on the given pictures.

1.Air is necessory for ___________________

When we cough, ____________ get mixed with air.

3. ___________________ shows the direction of the wind.

When we ___________________ things by filling in air, they
increase in size.

5. Breathing in air is called ______________________.

IV. Answer in a sentence:

1. Where is air found?


2. Who needs air?


3. How does air get dirty?



4. How can we help to keep the air clean?



5. Write a few musical instruments that are played by blowing air into it.

V. Observe and answer:

Fix a light piece of cloth to one end of a stick. Place this stick in a bottle and keep it
in an open area where the wind blows. Observe this twice a day for a week and fill in
the following questions.
• Do you always see the cloth flying? __________________

• Does it always fly in the same direction? _______________

• Does it always fly with the same speed? ________________

Lesson 7 -My Needs -Home Sweet Home

Date: Worksheet No.8

I. Read the clues and complete the crossword.




1. A house with many rooms and a garden.

2. Houses that are built over one another.

3. The house built on boats.

4. The house used by mountaineers, campers and soldiers.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct word:

1. We should keep our house ____________________ (clean /dirty).

2. Cement, steel and bricks are used to make ________________ houses.

(kutcha / pucca)

3.Apartment houses are mainly found in ___________________. (cities / villages)

4. A coating of ____________________ makes the walls of a house waterproof.

(paint / plaster)

5. We must throw the waste in the __________________ (dustbin/ cupboard)

III. Write true or false:
1. All people in villages live in kutcha houses. _________________

2. The kind of house people live in depends on the climate of the place. _________

3. We must keep the doors and windows of the house closed at all the times. _______

4. Concrete is used to build walls of the house. _______________

IV. Match the following:

1. is a floating house

2. is a house on wheels found in village

4. is made of canvas and

or plastics

5. is found in a rainy place

6. is built of blocks of snow.

V. Observe and answer:

1. What type of house is it, permanent or temporary?


2.What is it called?

3. Give one more example of this type of house.


VI. Answer the following:

1. Why do we need a house?


2.Write about Pucca houses.




3. Write about kutcha houses.




4.What are the basic things used to construct a house?



5. List two ways to keep the house clean.



Lesson 8 -My Needs -Clothes we wear

Date: Worksheet No.9

I. Write true or false. Rewrite the sentences if it is wrong.

1. We get fibres from plants and animals. ________________


2. Waterproof materials make us wet. _________________


3. Clothes should not be ironed regularly. ________________


4. We wear cotton and linen clothes in winter. ______________


II. Fill in the blanks. Choose the right word from the box.
( nylon, cotton, uniform, woollen, sheep)

1. __________________________ clothes keep us warm in winter.

2. __________________________ clothes keep us cool in summer.

3. We get wool from ______________________.

4. ________________________ is an example of man – made fibres.

5. Policemen and school children wear a special dress called a __________________.

III. Strike out the word which is not correct.

1. Raincoat is made from cotton /waterproof material.

2. Cloth is made in shop /mills.

3. We get cotton / linen from flax plants.

4. Delicate clothes should be machine – washed / dry – cleaned.

5. Waterproof materials keep us dry / wet when it rains.

IV. Give two examples:

1. Man made fibres - ________________, _______________________

2. Natural fibres - __________________, ________________________

3. Waterproof materials - ____________________, _____________________

4. Fibres from animals - _____________________, _____________________

V. Answer the following:

1. Why do we wear clothes?



2. What do we wear when it rains?



3. What is the difference between natural and man – made fibres?




4. Why do we wear light coloured clothes in summer?




Lesson 9 -Plants around us

Date: Worksheet No.10

I. Complete the following crossword.

2 3

4 5 6

2. A giant herb 1. Tallest grass
4. A flowering shrub that has a thorny stem 3. A term used to describe water plants
7. Food factory of the plant 5. Part of the plant that grows from
dried flower.
8. A desert plant 6. Unwanted plants that grow in garden

II. Write the correct term for the folowing:

1. Another name for land plants - ____________________

2. Main stem of a tree - _____________________

3. Small shoots that grow from the soaked seeds. - _____________________

4. Prickly part of the cactus plant. - _____________________

5. Type of plant that is used for lawns - _____________________

6. Small plant that grows when the sowed seed - ______________________

bursts open in the soil.

III.Give two examples:
1. Herbs - __________________, ____________________

2. Creepers - __________________, ____________________

3. Water plants - __________________, ____________________

4. Plants from which we get perfumes - __________________, _________________

IV.Strike out the incorrect word.

1. Climbers cannot stand straight because they have strong/weak stems.

2. Branches grow on the stems/ leaves.

3. Roots of a plant grow under the ground/ fruit.

4. Eucalyptus oil is made from the leaves/ roots of the eucalyptus plant.

V. Answer the following:

1. What is the function of the following?
Root - ______________________________________________________________



Stem - ____________________________________________________________


2. What are creepers? Give two examples.

3. Observe and answer.
1. What plant is it?
2. What type of plant is it?
3. Write about a climber.

Lesson 9– Plants Around us

Date: Worksheet No.11

I.Multiple choice questions:
1) Carrot is a _______________________
A) Root B)Stem C)Flower

2)Which of the following is a seed?

A) Corn B)Potato C)Tomato

3)Identify the flower in the picture.

A) Lettuce B)Cabbage C)Cauliflower

4) I am a tree. My leaves are bitter in taste. I am used in medicines. What is my


5)Which of the following food item if consumed more can make us sick?

6) It's 9:15 p.m. We prefer to have ___________________ at this time.

A) Supper B)Evening snacks C)Breakfast

II. Multiple choice questions:

1.Which of the following is a flower?
A. Broccoli B. Corn C. Potato

2.Identify the fruit in the picture.

A. Mango B. Strawberry C. Apple

3.Coriander is a ____________________.
A. Stem B. Leaf C. Root

4.Hibiscus is a _______________________.
A. Tree B.Herb C. Shrub

5.Identify the type of plant.
A. Tree B.Shrub C. Climber

6. Roots grow _______________________________.

A. In the air B. Under the ground C. Above the ground

Answer the following questions:

a. What does a plant require to grow?

b. Write the function of different parts of plants.


c. Why can a plant not grow in dark place?


d. Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients for the plants?

e.Which part of the plant carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and
takes the food back down the plant?

f.Which part of the plant carries seeds?


g.Which part of the plant prepares food?


h.Which gas do plants give out in the air?


Lesson 10 – Animals Around Us

Date: Worksheet No.12

II. Classify the following:

Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

III. Write true or false.

a) Birds eat food with their beak. _____

b) Butterfly has two legs and wings. _____

c) Animals run on their limbs. ______

d) Earthworms swim in water. ______

e) Parrots eat flesh of dead animals. _______

f) Birds have no teeth. ______

Lesson 10 – Animals Around Us

Date: Worksheet No.13

I. Answer in a word:
1.We get silk from ______________.

2.___________ guard our houses and are good companions of human beings.

3.We get wool from _______________.

4.______________ is used to carry loads.

5.Name one animal that can be used to plough the field.


II. Answer the following:

Q1. Name two animals that give us material for clothing.

Q2. What are land animals? Give two examples.


Q3. What are water animals? Give two examples.


Q4. What are insects? Give two examples.


Q5. What are birds? Give two examples.


III.Fill ups.
a) Birds fly with the help of their _________.

b) ____________ and _____________ swim in water.

c) A sparrow has ______ legs .

d) ___________ have six legs and a pair of wings.

e) ________ and _______eat seeds.

IV. Tick the correct option:

1) Animals that are found in forests are called _______________________ animals.
( wild / pet)
2) Most of the birds _____________________ with the help of _______________
(swim /legs; fly / wings)
3) An eagle is a ___________________ eating animal.
( plant /flesh)
4) Animals that eat only plants are known as _________________________
(omnivores / herbivores)
5) A fish _______________________ in water.
(swims/ flies)

V. Write true or false:

1. Elephants eat plants. _________

2. Crocodiles live only in water. ______________

3. Birds give birth to young ones. _____________

4. We keep dogs and cats as pet animals. ___________

VI. Picture Study:

1. Which animal is shown in the picture?

2. How does it move?


3. Name two animals which move in a similar way.


4. What is the young one of this animal?


5. How does it carry its young one?


Lesson 11 – Keeping clean and healthy

Date: Worksheet No.14

I. Sequence the pictures in order of 1 to 4


III. State true (T) or false (F).
a. We must keep our house and its surrounding clean. __________

b. We should throw garbage out on the road. ___________

c. Hygiene means practice that we follow to stay healthy and clean.____________

d. Paper, glass, aluminium, plastic are recyclable material.___________

IV. Answer the following:

(i) Why should we keep our household items in order?


(ii) Name two ways to keep our homes clean.



(iii) Why should kitchen garbage be kept covered at all times?



(iv) Why should we not allow water to stagnate in or around our house?


V.Fill in the blanks:

a. All the drains should be kept ________________ .

b. Our body needs ________________hours of sleep everyday.

c.________________waste is a type of waste that cannot be

decomposed by micro-organisms.

d. The three R’s - ___________________, ____________________, and


Lesson 11 – Keeping clean and healthy

Date: Worksheet No.15

I. Match it:

II. Check list
1. I eat healthy food everyday. (Yes / No)

2. I eat food on time. (Yes / No)

3.I drink plenty of clean water everyday. (Yes / No)

4. I sleep for atleast 8 to 9 hours a day daily. (Yes / No)

5. I play outdoor games everyday to keep my body fit. (Yes / No)

6. I always maintain a good posture. (Yes / No)

7. I brush my teeth twice daily. (Yes / No)

8.I take a bath with soap and clean water. (Yes / No)

9.I wash my hands before and after having meals and also after using the toilet.
(Yes / No)

10.I always flush the toilet after use. (Yes / No)

11.I don't throw garbage on the road. (Yes / No)

12.I always throw the garbage into the dustbin. (Yes / No)

13.I never spit on the road. (Yes / No)

III.Picture Study
1. Tick the correct posture.

2. What according to you is the right way to

walk? Why do you think so?



Lesson 12 – Means of Transport

Date: Worksheet No.16

I.Name the means of transport.

(Car bus van bicycle aeroplane boat tonga

hot air balloon yacht train helicopter scooter)

_____________________ _________________ ____________________

______________________ _____________________ __________________

_______________________ ____________________ __________________

II. Arrange them in the correct coloumn:

Helicopter bullock cart boat Submarine tonga

car aeroplane bus Ship cycle

rickshaw Train truck hot air yacht

Land Transport Water transport Air transport

III. My dream vehicle:

IV. Write true or false:

a. Train can run on road. True / False

b. Rocket is used by common man for transportation. True / False

c. Airplane is an expensive transport. True / False

d. Bicycle causes air pollution. True / False

e. Tonga is pulled by horse. True / False

Lesson 12 – Means of Transport

Date: Worksheet No.17

I.Tick the correct answer:
1. Thousands of years ago, man used to travel from one place to another on .
(a) rocket
(c) car
(b) foot
(d) motor cycle

2. In villages, people usually travel by .

(a) bullet train
(c) bullock cart
(b) aeroplane
(d) helicopter

3.________________ are used to pull tongas.

(a) dogs
(c) bullocks
(b) donkeys
(d) horses

4. Trains run on steel tracks which are called .

(a) rails
(c) carts
(b) rains
(d) bogies

5. Things like coal, vehicles and animals are transported by .

(a) rickshaws
(c) tongas
(b) passenger trains
(d) goods trains

6. The fastest means of transport is .

(a) cycle
(c) bullock cart
(b) aeroplane
(d) bus

7. Aeroplanes and helicopters fly in the .

(a) water (c) air
(b) land (d) grass

8. ___________________ is a ship that remains inside the water.
(a) boat (b) steamer
(c) submarine (d) yacht

II. Fill in the blanks:

a. People in village usually travel by _________________.

b. Trains run on ________________________.

c. Bulky materials such as coal, vehicles are carried by ________________ train.

d. Hot air balloon fly in the __________________.

e. A ___________________________is a watercraft designed to operate completely

underwater in the sea for a long period.

III. Answer the following:

Q1. Name any two modes of land transports that have only two wheels.

Q2. Name any two modes of land transports that have only three wheels.

Q3. What is public transport? Give two examples.

Q4. For what purpose submarines are used?

Q5. Name any 3 animals that are used to carry loads.


Q6. Name any 2 means of transport that does not cause pollution.

Q7. Means of transport can be grouped into land, air and _______________

Lesson 13 – Nature

Date: Worksheet No.18

1. Colour all the natural resources.

2. Cut and paste the natural resources. Draw the man – made object from it.

Lesson 13– Nature

Date: Worksheet No.19

1. Match the natural resources on the left to the things we get from them.

2. Circle the six natural resources in the puzzle and write the words under the
correct picture.

Lesson 14– The Earth and the sky

Date: Worksheet No.20

I. Draw a night sky and a day sky. Write what all you see at night and during the
day in the sky

Day Night

__________________________ ________________________________

____________________________ ________________________________

____________________________ _______________________________

II. Fill the blanks .

(home, star, round)
1. The sun is a _______________

2. The earth is our ___________________

3. The moon looks ___________________ on full moon day.

III. Tick the correct one:

a. The sun/moon changes its shape.

b. We see the stars at night/day time.

c. The sun/star is a big ball of fire.

d. We can see rainbow in the sky after rain/sunrise.

IV.Who am I?
1 I am round and white I change my shape every night.
Who am I? _______________

2 We are many in number.We twinkle brightly at night

in the sky. Who are we?___________________

3 I am your home planet .You live on me. Who am I?___________

VI. Write True/Flase

1. The Sun gives us heat and light. __________

2. We see the moon and the stars during day time. ______________

3.The earth is round like a ball. ______________

4.We can count stars. ______________

VII. Colour the rainbow in correct sequence.


I. State True or false .
a. The sun is a star too. _________________

b. All heavenly bodies in space make the universe. _____________

c. The Sun is a small ball of burning gas._____________

d. All planets support life._______________

e. The part of the earth that does not receive light has night and part of the earth that
faces the sun has day. ________________

f. The Star has its own light. _________________

II. Fill in the blanks.

a. The Sun, the moon and the stars are ________________in the sky

b. The Sun gives us warmth and _______________ .

c. The earth moves around the sun in __________________ days, almost a year.

d. __________ is the brightest thing we can see in the sky at night.

e. The different moon shapes we see are __________________ of moon.

1.The Sun - movement of earth around the sun

2.Day and night - is the nearest star to the earth

3.Seasons are caused by - is caused by the spinning of the earth

4.The Moon - is a beautiful planet

5.The Earth - is a big, round lump of rock that

moves around the Earth
IV.Answer the following:
1.What is a planet?

2. Name the planets in the solar system.

3. What is the solar system?


4. Name the four cardinal directions.


V. Picture Study

1. What does the picture show?


2. When do you see it?


3. Which other object can you see along with this in

the night sky?

4. What are the different phases of this natural thing?


5. Write 3 sentences about this.



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