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Karen Joy Ortiz

Pre Test
1.Community Action
2.Community engagement
Activity 1:Video analysis
1.Based on the video, how will you define the community action and community
Based on the video, community action is any activity that increases the
understanding, engagement and empowerment of communities in the design and
delivery of local services.

2.What do you think is the impact of the project to community?

In my point view, project impact is how your project affects the matters which it
comes in contact with, by giving a project impact appraisal you define effects, both
positive and negative.

3.Given the interventions provided by people in the video, why do you think
community action is important?
Community action is important because it is about putting communities at the heart
of their own local services…. Building community and social capacity…

Practice task 2 DIFFERENCE


Community Citizenship is the status

engagement take of a person recognized
many forms, and under the custom or law
partners can include as being a legal member
organized groups, of a sovereign state or
agencies,institutions, belonging to a nation
or individuals.

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