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7/6/2021 About the Abstraction Framework

About the Abstraction Framework

The abstraction framework uses an Integration Procedure to get input from a workflow, query the product
model based on that input, and update products, attributes, or fields, as required. In Mobile Subscription
Management workflows, the abstraction framework Integration Procedure is invoked in various workflows
from the relevant OmniScripts or Integration Procedures.

Since it is built using Integration Procedures, the abstraction framework can also be invoked from Vlocity
cards or by using REST API calls. Calls to the abstraction framework can make use of standard Integration
Procedure functionality such as the chainable or asynchronous options.

Here's an example of how the abstraction framework is used in the Mobile Subscription Management
workflow for activating or deactivating a service.

1. The Manage Features workflow invokes the VPL-ActivateDeactivateService OmniScript.

2. The VPL-ActivateDeactivateService OmniScript calls the AbstractionService Integration Procedure

with run option 0 to warm up the abstraction service.

3. The VPL-ActivateDeactivateService OmniScript calls the ActivateDeactivatePreProcess Integration


4. The ActivateDeactivatePreProcess Integration Procedure invokes the abstraction framework and

passes it the name of the workflow. It specifies the appropriate run option and provides the input
required by the abstraction framework to fetch information about the relevant attributes.

5. The abstraction framework returns the list of the relevant attributes and their values. The Integration
Procedure passes the information back to the OmniScript.

6. The OmniScript displays the attributes values and the user activates or deactivates services as

7. The OmniScript calls the VPL-ActivateDeactivatePostProcess Integration Procedure and passes it

the updated attributes and values.

8. The VPL-ActivateDeactivatePostProcess Integration Procedure again invokes the abstraction

framework and passes it the name of the workflow and the list of the modified attributes along with
the values that should be set for each modified attribute. It also specifies the appropriate run option
that is used to set the attributes. 1/2
7/6/2021 About the Abstraction Framework

9. The OmniScript displays the appropriate success messages and the workflow ends.

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© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce company Last modified: February 12, 2021
Publication date: July 5, 2021 2/2

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