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Productivity Roadblock

1. Think about your typical day. What do you think are the most impactful
roadblocks to your personal productivity?
2. Place a check-mark next to those that affect you most frequently.
3. Add your own into the blank spaces, if needed.
4. As we progress through the course, refer back to this worksheet to reflect
on how you will address these roadblocks through the lessons learned and
skills acquired.

Common Roadblocks

✔ Relying on memory
❏ Not having a system
❏ Not using a system I do have
❏ People talking
❏ Desktop notifications
❏ Mobile notifications
❏ Smartwatch notifications
❏ Messaging systems (Slack, etc.)
❏ Constantly checking email
❏ Phone calls

✔ Texts
❏ People stopping by my desk
❏ My kids/partner/roommates interrupting me
❏ My energy levels

✔ Procrastination
❏ Not always knowing a clear next step for projects and tasks
❏ My inability to focus

✔ Working with Youtube in the
background/ Automatically check the

✔ Facebook/ Instagram
video or pay attention to it.
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