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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart


Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Beastlord 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Wargor Standard Bearer 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Great Bray Shaman 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Doombull 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Special Characters: Gorthor on chariot 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Malagor 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Morghur 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Khazrak 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Ghorros 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Beast
Core: Chaos Warhounds 25x50mm 35x60mm Beast
Gors 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Tuskgor Chariots 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Ungors 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Ungor Raiders 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Bestigors 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Centigors 25x50mm 35x60mm Beast
Harpies 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Minotaurs 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Razorgors 50x50mm 60mm Beast
Rare: Cygor 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Ghorgon 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Giant 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Jabberslythe 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Spawn of Chaos 40x40mm 50mm Monster
Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Bretonnian Lord on Warhorse 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Bretonnian Lord on Hippogriff 40x40mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Paladin 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Paladin Standard Bearer 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Damsel of the Lady on horse 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Damsel of the Lady on foot 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Special Characters: King Louen Leoncoeur 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
The Fay Encantress 50x50mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
The Green Knight 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Core: Knights Errant 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Knights of the Realm 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Men-at-Arms 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Peasant Bowmen 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Grail Reliquae 40x60mm 60mm Infantry
Battle Pilgrims 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Mounted Yeomen 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Pegasus Knights 40x40mm 45x75mm Cavalry
Questing Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Rare: Field Trebuchet - 92x120mm War machine
Grail Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Sorcerer-Prophet 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Sorcerer-Prophet on Lammasu/Bale Taurus/Great Taurus 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Daemonsmith Sorcerer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Dark Castellan 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk 50x75mm 70x105mm Hero/Beast
Hobgoblin Khan 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Hobgoblin Khan on giant wolf 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Special Characters: Drazhoath the Ashen on Cinderbreath 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Core: Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Hobgoblin Cutthroats 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Chaos Dwarf Infernal Ironsworn 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Iron Daemon War Engine 60x100mm 95x120mm War Machine
Iron Daemon War Engine Skullcracker upgrade 80x100mm 95x120mm War Machine
Bull Centaurs Renders 50x75mm 45x75mm Beast
K'daai Fireborn 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher 50x100mm 70x105mm War Machine
Magma Cannon 50x100mm 70x105mm War Machine
Rare: Chaos Siege Giant 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Dreadquake Mortar 200x60mm - War Machine
Hellcannon 100x150mm 130mm Monster
K'daai Destroyer 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Hearld of Khorne 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Hearld of Khorne on Juggernaut 50x75mm 70x105mm Hero/Cavalry
Blood Throne of Khorne 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Great Unclean One 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
Hearld of Nurgle 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Lord of Change 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
Hearld o Tzeentch 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Hearld of Tzeentch on Disk 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
Hearld of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Keeper of Secrets 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
Hearld of Slaanesh 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Hearld of Slaanesh on Seeker Chariot 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Hearld of Slaanesh on Exalted Seeker Chariot 100x150mm 105x170mm Hero/Chariot
Daemon Prince 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
Special Characters: Skulltaker 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Karanak 25x50mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
Epidemius 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
Kairos Fateweaver 50x50mm 60mm/70x105mm
The Changeling 25x25mm 40mm Hero
The Blue Scribes 50x50mm 60mm Hero/Cavalry
The Masque of Slaanesh 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Core: Bloodletters of Khorne 25x25mm 25mm/32mm Infantry
Plaguebearers of Nurgle 25x25mm 25mm/32mm Infantry
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch 25x25mm 25mm/32mm Infantry
Daemonettes of Slaanesh 25x25mm 25mm/32mm Infantry
Special: Bloodcrushers of Khorne 50x75mm 60mm/70x105mm
Flesh hounds of Khorne 25x50mm 35x60mm Beast
Nurglings 40x40mm 40mm/50mm Swarm
Beasts of Nurgle 40x40mm 40mm/50mm Beast
Flamers of Tzeentch 25x25mm 25mm/32mm Infantry
Screamers of Tzeentch 40x40mm 40mm/50mm Beast
Seekers of Slaanesh 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Fiends of Slaanesh 40x40mm 40mm/50mm Beast
Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Furies 25x25mm 25mm/32mm Infantry
Rare: Skull cannon of Khorne 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Plague Drones of Nurgle 50x75mm 60mm/70x105mm
Exalted Flamers 40x40mm 40mm/50mm Infantry
Burning Chariots of Tzeentch 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Exalted Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh 100x150mm 105x170mm Chariot
Hellflayers of Slaanesh 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Soul Grinder 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Dreadlord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Dreadlord on Black Dragon 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Dreadlord on Cold One 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus 40x40mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
Dark Elf Soreress 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Sorceress on Black Dragon 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Sorceress on Cold One 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Beastmaster on Manticore 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Black Ark Fleetmaster 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Master with Battle Standard 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Cauldron of Blood 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Death Hag 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Dark Elf Assassin 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Special Characters: Malekith, The Witch King 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Malus Darkblade 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Lokhir Fellheart 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Morathi 40x40mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
Hellebron on Cauldron of Blood 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Hellebron on foot 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Shadowblade 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: Black Ark Corsairs 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Dreadspears 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Bleakswords 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Darkshards 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Dark Riders 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Cold One Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Cold One Chariots 50x100mm 70x105mm Chariot
Black Guard of Naggarond 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Shades 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Reaper Bolt Thrower - 60mm War Machine
Harpies 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Scourgerunner Chariots 50x100mm 70x105mm Chariot
War Hydra 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Witch Elves 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Har Ganeth Executioners 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Rare: Doomfire Warlocks 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Kharibdyss 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Sisters of Slaughter 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Bloodwrack Medusae 50x50mm 50mm Beast
Bloodwrack Shrine 60x100mm 95x120mm Chariot

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
DWARFS Unit Type
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Dwarf Lord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Dwarf Lord on Shieldbearers 20x40mm 50mm Hero/Beast
Runelord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Dragon Slayer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Dwarf Engineer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Thane with Battle Standard 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Special Characters: Thorgrim Grudgebearer 40x60mm 70x105mm Hero/War Machine
Thorek Ironbrow - 60mm/70x105mm
Kraggi 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Belegar Ironhammer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Ungrimm Ironfist 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Josef Bugman 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Grimm Burlocksson 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: Dwarf Warriors 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Quarrellers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Thunderers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Longbeards 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Hammerers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Ironbreakers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Miners 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Slayers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Gyrocopters 40x40mm 60mm Chariot
Bolt Thrower - 60mm/70x105mm
War Machine
Cannon - 60mm/70x105mm
War Machine
Grudge Thrower - 60mm/70x105mm
War Machine
Rare: Irondrakes 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Gyrobombers 40x40mm 60mm/70x105mm
Flame Cannon - 60mm/70x105mm
War Machine
Organ Gun - 60mm/70x105mm
War Machine

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
EMPIRE Unit Type
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Empire General on foot 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Empire General on Warhorse 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Empire General on Pegasus 40x40mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
General of the Empire of Imperial Griffon 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Grand Master 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Empire Master Engineer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Master Engineer on Mechanical Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
The War Altar of Sigmar 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Warrior Priest 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Witch Hunter 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Empire Battle Wizard 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Empire Battle Wizard on Warhorse 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Amber Battle Wizard on Imperial Griffon 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Special Characters: Karl Franz on Deathclaw 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Karl Franz on Pegasus 40x40mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
Kurt Helborg 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Balthasar Gelt 40x40mm 45x75mm Hero/Beast
Valten 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Valten on Warhorse 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Marius Leitdorf 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Ludwig Schwarzhelm 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Markus Wulfhart 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Volkmar the Grim 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Volkmar the Grim on War Altar 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Luthor Huss 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Core: Empire Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Empire Crossbowmen 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Empire Handgunners 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Empire Archers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Empire State Troops 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Empire Free Company Militia 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Demigryph Knights 50x75mm 45x75mm Cavalry
Empire Greatswords 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Empire Pistoliers 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Reiksguard Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Empire Outriders 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Empire Flagellants Warband 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Empire Cannon - War Machine
Empire Mortar - War Machine
Rare: Hellblaster Volley Gun - War Machine
Helstorm Rocket Battery - 60mm/70x105mm
War Machine
Empire Steam Tank - 70x105mm War Machine
Celestial Hurricanum 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Luminark of Hysh 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: High Elf Prince 20x20mm 32mm Hero
High Elf Prince on Elven Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
High Elf Prince on Griffon 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
High Elf Prince on Dragon 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
High Elf Archmage on Dragon 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
High Elf Mage 20x20mm 32mm Hero
High Elf Mage on Elven Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Dragon Mage 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Handmaiden of the Everqueen 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Anointed of Asuryan 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Anointed of Asuryan on Flamespyre Phoenix 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Anointed of Asuryan on Frostheart Phoenix 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Loremaster of Hoeth 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Lothern Sea Helm 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Lothern Sea Helm on Skycutter 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Special Characters: Tyrion 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Teclis 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Eltharion on Stormwing 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Prince Imrik 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Prince Althran 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Alith Anar 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Alarielle 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Caradryan 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Caradryan on Frostheart Phoenix 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Korhil 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: High Elf Spearmen 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
High Elf Archers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Silver Helms 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Ellyrian Reavers 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Lothern Sea Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Dragon Princes of Caledor 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Tiranoc Chariots 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Shadow Warriors 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Phoenix Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
High Elf Swordmasters of Hoeth 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
White Lions of Chrace 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
White Lion Chariot 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Lothern Skycutters 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Rare: High Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower - 60mm War Machine
Great Eagles 50x50mm 60mm Beast
Sisters of Avelorn 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Flamespyre Phoenix 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Frostheart Phoenix 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Slann Mage Preist 50x50mm 60mm Hero/Beast
Saurus Oldblood 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Saurus Oldblood on Coldone 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Scar Veteran with battle Standard 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Scar Veteran on Carnosaur 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Skink Priest 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Skink Chief 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Engine of the Gods 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Special Characters: Lord Kroak 50x50mm 60mm Hero/Beast
Kroq-Gar on Carnosaur 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Chakax 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Gor-Rok 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Tehenhauin 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Tetto'Eko 40x40mm 60mm Hero/Beast
Oxyotl 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: Saurus Warriors 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Skinks 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Temple Guard 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Saurus Cavalry 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Terradon Riders 40x40mm 60mm Beast
Ripperdactyl Riders 40x40mm 60mm Beast
Kroxigor 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Stegadon 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Bastiladon 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Jungle Swarms 40x40mm 50mm Swarm
Rare: Chameleon Skinks 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Skink Handlers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Salamanders 40x40mm 50mm Beast
Razordons 40x40mm 50mm Beast
Troglodon 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
OGRES Unit Type
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Tyrant 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Bruiser Standard Bearer 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Butcher 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Firebelly 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Hunter 50x50mm 60mm Hero
Special Characters: Greasus Goldtooth 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero
Skrag the Slaughterer 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero
Bragg the Gutsman 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Glogfag Maneater 40x40mm 60mm Hero
Core: Ogres 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Ironguts 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Gnoblar Fighters 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Leadbelchers 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Gorgers 40x40mm 50mm Beast
Sabretusks 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Mournfang Cavalry 50x100mm 70x105mm Cavalry
Maneaters 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Yhetees 40x40mm 50mm Beast
Rare: Ironblaster 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Gnoblar Scraplauncher 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Stonehorn 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster
Thundertusk 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster
Giant 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Orc Warboss 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Orc Warboss on Warboar 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Orc Warboss on Wyvern 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Orc Great Shaman 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Orc Great Shaman on War Boar 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Orc Bully 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Black Orc Big Boss 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Savage Orc Warboss 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Savage Orc Warboss on Warboar 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Savage Orc Shaman 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Savage Orc Shaman on Warboar 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Goblin Warboss 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Goblin Warboss on Giant Wolf 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Goblin Shaman 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Goblin Shaman on Giant Wolf 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Night Goblin Warboss 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Night Goblin Warboss on Great Cave Squig 40x40mm 50mm Hero
Night Goblin Shaman 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Goblin Boss on Gigantic Spider 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Forest Goblin Shaman on Arachnarok Spider 100x150mm 105x170mm Hero/Monster
Special Characters: Gorbad Ironclaw 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Azhag the Slaughterer 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Grimgor Ironhide 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Wurrzag, Da Great Green Prophet 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Grom the Paunch 75x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks 60x40mm 60mm Hero/Beast
Core: Orcs 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Orc Arrer Boyz 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Savage Orcs 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Goblins 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Goblin Wolf Riders 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Nasty Skulkers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Night Goblins 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Night Goblins Fanatics 25mm round 25mm Infantry
Forest Goblin Spider Riders 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Special: Orc Boar Boyz 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Orc Boar Chariots 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Black Orcs 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Savage Orc Boar Boyz 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Goblin Wolf Chariots 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Goblin Spear Chukka - 60mm War Machine
Night Goblin Squig Hoppers 20x20mm 25mm Cavalry
Night Goblin Squig Herders 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Cave Squigs 20x20mm 25mm Beasts
Snotlings 40x40mm 50mm Swarms
Trolls 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Rare: Goblin Rock Lobber - 70x105mm War Machine
Doom Diver Catapult - 70x105mm War Machine
Mangler Squigs 60mm round 60mm Beasts

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Arachnarok Spider 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster

Snotling Pump Wagon 50x100mm 70x105mm Chariot
Stone Trolls 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
River Trolls 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Giant 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Unique Units: Ruglud's Armoured Orcs 25x25mm 32mm Infantry

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
SKAVEN Unit Type
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Grey Seer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Verminlord Warbringer 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Verminlord Corruptor 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Verminlord Deceiver 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Verminlord Warpseer 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Skaven Warlord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Skaven Cheiftan with Battle Standard 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Warlock Engineer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Packmaster 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Plague Priest 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Plague Furnace 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Skaven Assassin 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Special Characters: Thanquol & Boneripper 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Lord Skreech Verminking 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Queek Headtaker 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Warlord Spinetail 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Trench Craventail 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Ikit Claw 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Throt the Unclean 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Lord Skrolk 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Deathmaster Snikch 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: Clanrats 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Skavenslaves 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Giant Rats 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Night Runners 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Rat Swarms 40x40mm 50mm Swarm
Special: Stormvermin 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Doom-Flayer Weapon Team 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Ratling Gun Weapon Team 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Warp-Grinder Weapon Team 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Poisoned Wind Globadiers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Warplock Jezzails 25x50mm 35x60mm Infantry
Rat Ogres 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Plague Monks 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Plague Censer Bearers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Gutter Runners 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Rare: Doomwheel 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Warp Lightning Cannon 50x100mm 95x120mm War Machine
Stormfiends 50x50mm 60mm Infantry
Hell Pit Abomination 60x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Plagueclaw Catapult 50x100mm 95x120mm War Machine

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Tomb King 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Tomb King in Royal Chariot 100x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Tomb Herald 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Tomb Herald on Skeletal Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Liche Priest 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Liche Priest on Skeletal Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Necrotect 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Royal Warsphinx 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Special Characters: Settra the Imperishable 100x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
High Queen Khalida 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Prince Apophas 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: Skeleton Warriors 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Skeleton Archers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Skeleton Horsemen 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Skeleton Horse Archers 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Skeleton Chariots 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Special: Tomb Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Necropolis Knights 50x100mm 70x105mm Cavalry
Tomb Scorpion 40x40mm 60mm Beast
Ushabti 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Khemrian Warsphinx 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Sepulchral Stalkers 50x100mm 70x105mm Beast
Carrion 40x40mm 60mm Beast
Tomb Swarm 40x40mm 50mm Swarm
Rare: Casket of Souls - 95x120mm War Machine
Necrosphinx 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Bone Giant 50x50mm 70x105mm Monster
Screaming Skull - 70x105mm War Machine

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Vampire Lord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Vampire Lord on Nightmare 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Vampire Lord on Abyssal Terror 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Beast
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon 100x150mm 105x170mm Hero/Monster
Coven Throne 50x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Chariot
Necromancer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Necromancer on Nightmare 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
White King 20x20mm 32mm Hero
White King on Nightmare 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Strigoi Ghoul King 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Strigoi Ghoul King on Terrorgheist 100x150mm 105x170mm Hero/Monster
Cairn Wraith 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Tomb Banshee 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Special Characters: Nagash 100x150mm 105x170mm Hero/Monster
Arkhan the Black 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Mannfred, Mortarch of Night 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Neferata, Mortarch of Blood 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Vlad Von Carstein 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Count Mannfred 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Konrad Von Carstein 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Isabella Von Carstein 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Krell, Lord of Undeath 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Core: Zombies 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Dire Wolves 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Skeleton Warriors 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Crypt Ghouls 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Special: Morghast Harbingers 50x75mm 70x105mm Infantry
Vargheists 40x40mm 50mm Beast
Fell Bats 40x40mm 50mm Swarm
Bat Swarms 40x40mm 50mm Swarm
Corpse Cart 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Grave Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Black Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Crypt Horrors 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Spirit Hosts 40x40mm 50mm Swarm
Hex Wraiths 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Rare: Morghast Archai 50x75mm 70x105mm Infantry
Blood Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Mortis Engine 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Varghulf 50x50mm 60mm Beast
Black Coach 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Terrorgheist 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster
Zombie Dragon 100x150mm 105x170mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Daemon Prince 50x50mm Hero/Monster
Chaos Lord 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount 50x50mm Hero/Cavalry
Chaos Lord on Manticore 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Chaos Sorcerer Lord 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Chaos Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Exalted Hero with Battle Standard 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Khorne Lord on Juggernaut 50x75mm 45x75mm Hero/Cavalry
Khorne Exalted Hero 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Nurgle Chaos Lord 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Nurgle Lord on Daemonic Mount 50x50mm Hero/Cavalry
Nurgle Chaos Sorcerer 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Chaos Lord of Slaanesh 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount 50x50mm Hero/Cavalry
Tzeenth Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch 50x50mm 60mm Hero/Cavalry
Tzeenth Sorcerer Lord 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Special Characters: Archaon, the Everhosen 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Cavalry
Be'Lakor, Chaos Daemon Prince 50x50mm Hero/Monster
Crom the Conquerer 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Wulfrik the Wanderer 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Valkia the Bloody 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Skarr Bloodwrath 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Scyla Anfingrimm 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
The Glottkin 100x150mm 105x170mm Hero/Monster
Bloab Rotspawned 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Morbidex Twiceborn 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Orghotts Daemonspew 60x100mm 95x120mm Hero/Monster
Gutrot Spume 40x40mm 50mm Hero/Infantry
Festus the Leechlord 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Sigvald the Magnificent 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Galrauch 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Vilitch the Curseling 25x25mm 40mm Hero/Infantry
Throgg 40x40mm 60mm Hero/Infantry
Core: Warriors of Chaos 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Marauders of Chaos 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Chaos Chariot 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Marauder Horsemen 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Chaos Warhounds 25x50mm 35x60mm Beast
Special: Forsaken 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Chosen 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Chaos Knights 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Gorebeast Chariots 50x100mm 95x120mm Chariot
Chaos Warshrine 50x100mm 70x105mm Chariot
Wrathmongers 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Skullreapers 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Putrid Blightkings 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Hellstriders of Slaanesh 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Chaos Ogres 40x40mm 50mm Infantry

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Chaos Trolls 40x40mm 50mm Infantry

Chimera 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Dragon Ogres 50x75mm 45x75mm Beast
Rare: Hellcannon 100x150mm 130mm War Machine
Chaos Spawn 40x40mm 50mm Beast
Skullcrushers of Khorne 50x75mm 45x75mm Cavalry
Giant 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth 50x50mm 70x105mm Monster
Mutalith Vortex Beast 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Slaughterbrute 50x100mm 95x120mm Monster
Cockatrice 50x50mm 70x105mm Monster
Chaos Familiars 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Great Taurus 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster
Lammasu 50x100mm 70x105mm Monster

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Plastic Krak Age of Sigmar Base Conversion Chart

Base Size
Square Round
Unit Type
Characters: Glade Captain Battle Standard Bearer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Glade Lord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Glade Lord on Great Eagle 50x50mm 60mm Hero/Cavalry
Glade Lord on Great Stag 50x50mm 45x75mm Hero/Cavalry
Glade Lord on Forest Dragon 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Mounted Glade Lord 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Spellweaver 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Spellweaver on Purebred Steed 25x50mm 35x60mm Hero/Cavalry
Shadowdancer 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Waywatcher Lord 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Branchwraith 25x25mm 40mm Hero
Treeman Ancient 50x75mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Special Characters: Araloth 20x20mm 32mm Hero
Orion, King of the Woods 50x50mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
The Sisters of Twilight on Forest Dragon 50x100mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Durthu 50x75mm 70x105mm Hero/Monster
Core: Glade Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Glade Riders 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Eternal Guard 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Dryads 25x25mm 32mm Infantry
Special: Hunting Hounds 25x50mm 35x60mm Beast
Wild Riders 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Wardancers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Wildwood Rangers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Warhawk Riders 40x40mm 60mm Cavalry
Sisters of the Thorn 25x50mm 35x60mm Cavalry
Tree Kin 40x40mm 50mm Infantry
Rare: Waywatchers 20x20mm 25mm Infantry
Great Eagles 50x50mm 60mm Beast
Treeman 50x75mm 70x105mm Monster

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