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 Sharding:

Sharding is a method for distributing data across multiple machines. MongoDB uses sharding to support
deployments with very large data sets and high throughput operations.
Database systems with large data sets or high throughput applications can challenge the capacity of a
single server. For example, high query rates can exhaust the CPU capacity of the server. Working set
sizes larger than the system's RAM stress the I/O capacity of disk drives.
There are two methods for addressing system growth: vertical and horizontal scaling.
Vertical Scaling involves increasing the capacity of a single server, such as using a more powerful CPU,
adding more RAM, or increasing the amount of storage space. Limitations in available technology may
restrict a single machine from being sufficiently powerful for a given workload. Additionally, Cloud-
based providers have hard ceilings based on available hardware configurations. As a result, there is a
practical maximum for vertical scaling.
Horizontal Scaling involves dividing the system dataset and load over multiple servers, adding additional
servers to increase capacity as required. While the overall speed or capacity of a single machine may
not be high, each machine handles a subset of the overall workload, potentially providing better
efficiency than a single high-speed high-capacity server. Expanding the capacity of the deployment only
requires adding additional servers as needed, which can be a lower overall cost than high-end hardware
for a single machine. The tradeoff is increased complexity in infrastructure and maintenance for the
MongoDB supports horizontal scaling through sharding.

 Sharded Cluster:
A MongoDB sharded cluster consists of the following components:
o shard: Each shard contains a subset of the sharded data. Each shard can be deployed as a replica
o mongos: The mongos acts as a query router, providing an interface between client applications
and the sharded cluster. Starting in MongoDB 4.4, mongos can support hedged reads to
minimize latencies.
o config servers: Config servers store metadata and configuration settings for the cluster.
The following graphic describes the interaction of components within a sharded cluster:

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MongoDB shards data at the collection level, distributing the collection data across the shards in the

 Shard Keys:
MongoDB uses the shard key to distribute the collection's documents across shards. The shard key
consists of a field or multiple fields in the documents.
o Starting in version 4.4, documents in sharded collections can be missing the shard key fields.
Missing shard key fields are treated as having null values when distributing the documents across
shards but not when routing queries. For more information, see Missing Shard Key.
o In version 4.2 and earlier, shard key fields must exist in every document for a sharded collection.
You select the shard key when sharding a collection.
o Starting in MongoDB 4.4, you can refine a collection's shard key by adding a suffix field or fields
to the existing key. See refineCollectionShardKey for details.
o In MongoDB 4.2 and earlier, the choice of shard key cannot be changed after sharding.
A document's shard key value determines its distribution across the shards.
o Starting in MongoDB 4.2, you can update a document's shard key value unless your shard key
field is the immutable _id field. See Change a Document's Shard Key Value for more information.
o In MongoDB 4.0 and earlier, a document's shard key field value is immutable.

 Shard Key Index:

To shard a populated collection, the collection must have an index that starts with the shard key. When
sharding an empty collection, MongoDB creates the supporting index if the collection does not already
have an appropriate index for the specified shard key. See Shard Key Indexes.

 Shard Key Strategy:

The choice of shard key affects the performance, efficiency, and scalability of a sharded cluster. A cluster
with the best possible hardware and infrastructure can be bottlenecked by the choice of shard key. The
choice of shard key and its backing index can also affect the sharding strategy that your cluster can use.

 Chunks:
MongoDB partitions sharded data into chunks. Each chunk has an inclusive lower and exclusive upper
range based on the shard key.

 Balancer and Even Chunk Distribution:

In an attempt to achieve an even distribution of chunks across all shards in the cluster, a balancer runs
in the background to migrate chunks across the shards.

 Advantages of Sharding:
Reads / Writes:
MongoDB distributes the read and write workload across the shards in the sharded cluster, allowing
each shard to process a subset of cluster operations. Both read and write workloads can be scaled
horizontally across the cluster by adding more shards.
For queries that include the shard key or the prefix of a compound shard key, mongos can target the
query at a specific shard or set of shards. These targeted operations are generally more efficient than
broadcasting to every shard in the cluster.
Starting in MongoDB 4.4, mongos can support hedged reads to minimize latencies.

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Storage Capacity:
Sharding distributes data across the shards in the cluster, allowing each shard to contain a subset of
the total cluster data. As the data set grows, additional shards increase the storage capacity of the
High Availability:
The deployment of config servers and shards as replica sets provide increased availability.
Even if one or more shard replica sets become completely unavailable, the sharded cluster can
continue to perform partial reads and writes. That is, while data on the unavailable shard(s) cannot be
accessed, reads or writes directed at the available shards can still succeed.

 Sharding Strategy:
MongoDB supports two sharding strategies for distributing data across sharded clusters.

Hashed Sharding:
Hashed Sharding involves computing a hash of the shard key field's value. Each chunk is then assigned
a range based on the hashed shard key values.

While a range of shard keys may be "close", their hashed values are unlikely to be on the same chunk.
Data distribution based on hashed values facilitates more even data distribution, especially in data
sets where the shard key changes monotonically.

However, hashed distribution means that range-based queries on the shard key are less likely to
target a single shard, resulting in more cluster wide broadcast operations.

Ranged Sharding:
Ranged sharding involves dividing data into ranges based on the shard key values. Each chunk is then
assigned a range based on the shard key values.

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A range of shard keys whose values are "close" are more likely to reside on the same chunk. This
allows for targeted operations as a mongos can route the operations to only the shards that contain
the required data.

The efficiency of ranged sharding depends on the shard key chosen. Poorly considered shard keys can
result in uneven distribution of data, which can negate some benefits of sharding or can cause
performance bottlenecks. See shard key selection for range-based sharding.

 Sharding Steps:
Step 1: Create Three Folder using the folder name given below in D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb
folder to for the servers log and data files.
 shard_1
 shard_2
 shard_3

Step 2: Create Replica Set by name “jigar” for config Servers, Go to Command prompt and move to the
mongodb installation directory.
 cd D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\bin
 start mongod --configsvr -replSet jigar -logpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard_1\1.log --dbpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard_1 --port 2608
 start mongod --configsvr -replSet jigar -logpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard_2\2.log --dbpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard_2 --port 2609
 start mongod --configsvr -replSet jigar -logpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard_3\3.log --dbpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard_3 --port 2610

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Page 5 of 233
Page 6 of 233
Step 3: From the command prompt connect to mongo instance 2608 by typing the following
 mongo --port 2608

Step 4: Now Type the config parameters as given below:

 config =

Step 5: Now initiate configuration as given below:

 rs.initiate(config)

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Step 6: Now check the status of the replica set as given below:
 rs.status()

Step 7: Open a new command prompt and connect to Mongo instance on port number 2609 from the
bin folder by running the following command:
 cd D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\bin
 mongo --port 2609
Also check the status of the replica set as given below:
 rs.status()

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Step 8: Now for shard create three folders in D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard using the
following folder names to hold the data for shards:
 s0
 s1
 s2
And also create a folder by name log in s0, s1, s2 folders to hold the log files.

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Page 10 of 233
Step 9: Now Open command prompt and start three shards as given below:
 cd D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\bin
 start mongod --shardsvr --port 2611 -logpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard\s0\log\s0.log --dbpath
 start mongod --shardsvr --port 2612 -logpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard\s1\log\s1.log --dbpath
 start mongod --shardsvr --port 2613 -logpath
D:\A_DDU\SEM4\ADBMS\mongodb\shard\s2\log\s2.log --dbpath

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Page 12 of 233
Step 10: Now start the config service as given below:
 start mongos --port 2614 --configdb jigar/localhost:2608

Step 11: Connect to mongos running on port 2614 using the following command:
 mongo --port 2614

Step 12: Add shards to the router as given below:

 sh.addShard("localhost:2611")
 sh.addShard("localhost:2612")
 sh.addShard("localhost:2613")
 sh.enableSharding("moviedb")
 sh.shardCollection("moviedb.moviedata",{"_id":"hashed"})

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Page 14 of 233
Step 13: Now Traverse to the database:
 use moviedb
 show collections

Step 14: Now Insert Records in the collection:

 db.moviedata.insertMany(
"_id": 1,
"Title": "Saving Christmas",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "14 Nov 2014",
"Runtime": "80 min",

Page 15 of 233
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Darren Doane" ],
"Writer": [ "Darren Doane", " Cheston Hervey" ],
"Actors": [ "Kirk Cameron", " Darren Doane", " Bridgette Cameron", " Ben Kientz" ],
"Plot": "Kirk is enjoying the annual Christmas party extravaganza thrown by his sister
until he realizes he needs to help out Christian, his brother-in-law, who has a bad case of the
bah-humbugs. ...",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 18.0,
"imdbRating": 1.6,
"imdbVotes": 12686
"_id": 2,
"Title": "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "27 Aug 2004",
"Runtime": "88 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Bob Clark" ],
"Writer": [ "Steven Paul (story)", " Gregory Poppen (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jon Voight", " Scott Baio", " Vanessa Angel", " Skyler Shaye" ],
"Plot": "A group of smart-talking toddlers find themselves at the center of a media
mogul's experiment to crack the code to baby talk. The toddlers must race against time for
the sake of babies everywhere.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 9.0,
"imdbRating": 2.0,
"imdbVotes": 26376
"_id": 3,
"Title": "Disaster Movie",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 Aug 2008",
"Runtime": "87 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Jason Friedberg", " Aaron Seltzer" ],
"Writer": [ "Jason Friedberg", " Aaron Seltzer" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt Lanter", " Vanessa Lachey", " Gary 'G. Thang' Johnson", " Nicole
Parker" ],
"Plot": "Over the course of one evening, an unsuspecting group of twenty-somethings
find themselves bombarded by a series of natural disasters and catastrophic events.",

Page 16 of 233
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 15.0,
"imdbRating": 1.9,
"imdbVotes": 77407
"_id": 4,
"Title": "The Hottie & the Nottie",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Feb 2008",
"Runtime": "91 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Tom Putnam" ],
"Writer": [ "Heidi Ferrer" ],
"Actors": [ "Paris Hilton", " Joel David Moore", " Christine Lakin", " Johann Urb" ],
"Plot": "A woman agrees to go on a date with a man only if he finds a suitor for her
unattractive best friend.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 7.0,
"imdbRating": 1.9,
"imdbVotes": 34089
"_id": 5,
"Title": "From Justin to Kelly",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "20 Jun 2003",
"Runtime": "81 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Musical", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Iscove" ],
"Writer": [ "Kim Fuller" ],
"Actors": [ "Kelly Clarkson", " Justin Guarini", " Katherine Bailess", " Anika Noni Rose" ],
"Plot": "A waitress from Texas and a college student from Pennsylvania meet during
spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and come together through their shared love of
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 14.0,
"imdbRating": 2.1,
"imdbVotes": 23918
"_id": 6,

Page 17 of 233
"Title": "House of the Dead",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Oct 2003",
"Runtime": "90 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Horror" ],
"Director": [ "Uwe Boll" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark A. Altman (story)", " Dan Bates (story)", " Dave Parker (screenplay)", "
Mark A. Altman (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jonathan Cherry", " Tyron Leitso", " Clint Howard", " Ona Grauer" ],
"Plot": "A group of college students travel to a mysterious island to attend a rave, which
is soon taken over by bloodthirsty zombies.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " Canada", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 15.0,
"imdbRating": 2.0,
"imdbVotes": 32974
"_id": 7,
"Title": "Who's Your Caddy?",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "27 Jul 2007",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Don Michael Paul" ],
"Writer": [ "Don Michael Paul", " Bradley Allenstein", " Robert Henny" ],
"Actors": [ "Mick Partridge", " Big Boi", " Faizon Love", " Sherri Shepherd" ],
"Plot": "When a rap mogul from Atlanta tries to join a conservative country club in the
Carolinas he runs into fierce opposition from the board President- but it's nothing that he
and his entourage can't handle.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 18.0,
"imdbRating": 2.1,
"imdbVotes": 13975
"_id": 8,
"Title": "Glitter",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Sep 2001",
"Runtime": "104 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Music", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Vondie Curtis-Hall" ],
"Writer": [ "Cheryl L. West (story)", " Kate Lanier (screenplay)" ],

Page 18 of 233
"Actors": [ "Mariah Carey", " Max Beesley", " Da Brat", " Tia Texada" ],
"Plot": "A young singer dates a disc jockey who helps her get into the music business,
but their relationship become complicated as she ascends to super stardom.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 14.0,
"imdbRating": 2.2,
"imdbVotes": 19905
"_id": 9,
"Title": "Son of the Mask",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "18 Feb 2005",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Lawrence Guterman" ],
"Writer": [ "Lance Khazei" ],
"Actors": [ "Jamie Kennedy", " Alan Cumming", " Liam Falconer", " Ryan Falconer" ],
"Plot": "Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist, finds himself in a predicament when his dog
stumbles upon the mask of Loki. Then after conceiving an infant son \"\"born of the
mask\"\", he discovers just how looney child raising can be.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 20.0,
"imdbRating": 2.2,
"imdbVotes": 43443
"_id": 10,
"Title": "Crossover",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Sep 2006",
"Runtime": "95 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Preston A. Whitmore II" ],
"Writer": [ "Preston A. Whitmore II" ],
"Actors": [ "Anthony Mackie", " Wesley Jonathan", " Eva Marcille", " Wayne Brady" ],
"Plot": "A naturally talented basketball player, Noah Cruise is determined to become a
doctor using his basketball scholarship to UCLA pre-med, rather than succumb to the lure of
former sports agent...",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 30.0,
"imdbRating": 2.1,

Page 19 of 233
"imdbVotes": 8778
"_id": 11,
"Title": "Epic Movie",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "26 Jan 2007",
"Runtime": "86 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Jason Friedberg", " Aaron Seltzer" ],
"Writer": [ "Jason Friedberg", " Aaron Seltzer" ],
"Actors": [ "Kal Penn", " Adam Campbell", " Jennifer Coolidge", " Jayma Mays" ],
"Plot": "A comedic satire of films that are large in scope, reputation and popularity.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 17.0,
"imdbRating": 2.3,
"imdbVotes": 92620
"_id": 12,
"Title": "Alone in the Dark",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Jan 2005",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Fantasy", " Horror" ],
"Director": [ "Uwe Boll" ],
"Writer": [ "Elan Mastai", " Michael Roesch", " Peter Scheerer" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Slater", " Tara Reid", " Stephen Dorff", " Frank C. Turner" ],
"Plot": "Based on the video game, Alone in the Dark focuses on Edward Carnby, a
detective of the paranormal, who slowly unravels mysterious events with deadly results.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Canada", " Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 9.0,
"imdbRating": 2.3,
"imdbVotes": 38560
"_id": 13,
"Title": "United Passions",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "19 Jun 2014",
"Runtime": "110 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " History", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Auburtin" ],

Page 20 of 233
"Writer": [ "Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Auburtin", " Jean-Paul Delfino" ],
"Actors": [ "Tim Roth", " Sam Neill", " Fisher Stevens", " G\u00e9rard Depardieu" ],
"Plot": "Follows the passing of the FIFA baton through three association presidents:
Jules Rimet, Joao Havelange, and Sepp Blatter.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "France" ],
"Metascore": 1.0,
"imdbRating": 2.1,
"imdbVotes": 3454
"_id": 14,
"Title": "Gigli",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "01 Aug 2003",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Brest" ],
"Writer": [ "Martin Brest" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Affleck", " Terry Camilleri", " David Backus", " Lenny Venito" ],
"Plot": "The violent story about how a criminal lesbian, a tough-guy hit-man with a
heart of gold, and a mentally challenged man came to be best friends through a hostage.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 18.0,
"imdbRating": 2.4,
"imdbVotes": 42580
"_id": 15,
"Title": "Battlefield Earth",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 May 2000",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Roger Christian" ],
"Writer": [ "Corey Mandell (screenplay)", " J.D. Shapiro (screenplay)", " L. Ron Hubbard
(novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "John Travolta", " Barry Pepper", " Forest Whitaker", " Kim Coates" ],
"Plot": "After enslavement and near extermination by an alien race in the year 3000,
humanity begins to fight back.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 9.0,
"imdbRating": 2.4,

Page 21 of 233
"imdbVotes": 67543
"_id": 16,
"Title": "The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "29 Aug 2012",
"Runtime": "88 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Matthew Diamond" ],
"Writer": [ "Alex Greene (based on characters by)", " Scott Stabile", " Carol Sweeney
(based on characters by)", " Kenn Viselman (creator)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jaime Pressly", " Cloris Leachman", " Cary Elwes", " Christopher Lloyd" ],
"Plot": "The Oogieloves -- Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie -- set out to find five magical
balloons that will make their good friend Schluufy's surprise birthday party extra-special.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 32.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 14350
"_id": 17,
"Title": "Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Jan 1996",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Farhad Mann" ],
"Writer": [ "Farhad Mann (story)", " Michael Miner (story)", " Farhad Mann
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Patrick Bergin", " Matt Frewer", " Austin O'Brien", " Ely Pouget" ],
"Plot": "Jobe is resuscitated by Jonathan Walker. He wants Jobe to create a special
computer chip that would connect all the computers in the world into one network, which
Walker would control and ...",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 29.0,
"imdbRating": 2.4,
"imdbVotes": 8233
"_id": 18,
"Title": "Baby Geniuses",
"Rated": "PG",

Page 22 of 233
"Released": "12 Mar 1999",
"Runtime": "97 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Bob Clark" ],
"Writer": [ "Steven Paul (story)", " Francisca Matos (story)", " Robert Grasmere (story)",
" Bob Clark (screenplay)", " Greg Michael (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kathleen Turner", " Christopher Lloyd", " Kim Cattrall", " Peter MacNicol" ],
"Plot": "Scientist hold talking, super-intelligent babies captive, but things take a turn for
the worse when a mix-up occurs between a baby genius and its twin.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 6.0,
"imdbRating": 2.6,
"imdbVotes": 20826
"_id": 19,
"Title": "Simon Sez",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "24 Sep 1999",
"Runtime": "85 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Kevin Alyn Elders" ],
"Writer": [ "Moshe Diamant (story)", " Rudy Cohen (story)", " Andrew Miller", " Andrew
Lowery" ],
"Actors": [ "Dennis Rodman", " Dane Cook", " John Pinette", " Ricky Harris" ],
"Plot": "Basketball superstar Dennis Rodman stars as a hip Interpol agent attempting to
defeat the deadly plans of a crazed arms dealer.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " Belgium", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 16.0,
"imdbRating": 2.5,
"imdbVotes": 6120
"_id": 20,
"Title": "Dragonball: Evolution",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "10 Apr 2009",
"Runtime": "85 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "James Wong" ],
"Writer": [ "Ben Ramsey (screenplay)", " Akira Toriyama (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Justin Chatwin", " Yun-Fat Chow", " Emmy Rossum", " Jamie Chung" ],

Page 23 of 233
"Plot": "The young warrior Son Goku sets out on a quest, racing against time and the
vengeful King Piccolo, to collect a set of seven magical orbs that will grant their wielder
unlimited power.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Hong Kong", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 45.0,
"imdbRating": 2.7,
"imdbVotes": 59743
"_id": 21,
"Title": "Ed",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "15 Mar 1996",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Bill Couturi\u00e9" ],
"Writer": [ "Ken Richards (story)", " Janus Cercone (story)", " David M. Evans
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt LeBlanc", " Gene Ross", " Paul Hewitt", " Sage Allen" ],
"Plot": "A trained chimpanzee plays third base for a minor-league baseball team.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 25.0,
"imdbRating": 2.6,
"imdbVotes": 7368
"_id": 22,
"Title": "Meet the Spartans",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Jan 2008",
"Runtime": "86 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Jason Friedberg", " Aaron Seltzer" ],
"Writer": [ "Jason Friedberg", " Aaron Seltzer" ],
"Actors": [ "Sean Maguire", " Carmen Electra", " Ken Davitian", " Kevin Sorbo" ],
"Plot": "The heroic Spartan king Leonidas, armed with nothing but leather underwear
and a cape, leads a ragtag bunch of 13 Spartan misfit warriors to defend their homeland
against thousands of ...",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 9.0,
"imdbRating": 2.7,
"imdbVotes": 91836

Page 24 of 233
"_id": 23,
"Title": "The Shawshank Redemption",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "14 Oct 1994",
"Runtime": "142 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Frank Darabont" ],
"Writer": [ "Stephen King (short story \"\"Rita Hayworth and Shawshank
Redemption\"\")", " Frank Darabont (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tim Robbins", " Morgan Freeman", " Bob Gunton", " William Sadler" ],
"Plot": "Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual
redemption through acts of common decency.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 9.3,
"imdbVotes": 1825626
"_id": 24,
"Title": "The Godfather",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "24 Mar 1972",
"Runtime": "175 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Ford Coppola" ],
"Writer": [ "Mario Puzo (screenplay)", " Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay)", " Mario
Puzo (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Marlon Brando", " Al Pacino", " James Caan", " Richard S. Castellano" ],
"Plot": "The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his
clandestine empire to his reluctant son.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " Latin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 100.0,
"imdbRating": 9.2,
"imdbVotes": 1243444
"_id": 25,
"Title": "The Godfather: Part II",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Dec 1974",
"Runtime": "202 min",

Page 25 of 233
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Ford Coppola" ],
"Writer": [ "Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay)", " Mario Puzo (screenplay)", " Mario
Puzo (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Al Pacino", " Robert Duvall", " Diane Keaton", " Robert De Niro" ],
"Plot": "The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York is portrayed while
his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " Spanish", " Latin", " Sicilian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 9.0,
"imdbVotes": 856870
"_id": 26,
"Title": "The Dark Knight",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 Jul 2008",
"Runtime": "152 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Nolan (screenplay)", " Christopher Nolan (screenplay)", "
Christopher Nolan (story)", " David S. Goyer (story)", " Bob Kane (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Bale", " Heath Ledger", " Aaron Eckhart", " Michael Caine" ],
"Plot": "When the menace known as the Joker emerges from his mysterious past, he
wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, the Dark Knight must accept one of the
greatest psychological and physical tests of his ability to fight injustice.",
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 9.0,
"imdbVotes": 1802351
"_id": 27,
"Title": "12 Angry Men",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "01 Apr 1957",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Sidney Lumet" ],
"Writer": [ "Reginald Rose (story)", " Reginald Rose (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Martin Balsam", " John Fiedler", " Lee J. Cobb", " E.G. Marshall" ],
"Plot": "A jury holdout attempts to prevent a miscarriage of justice by forcing his
colleagues to reconsider the evidence.",

Page 26 of 233
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 8.9,
"imdbVotes": 494215
"_id": 28,
"Title": "Schindler's List",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "04 Feb 1994",
"Runtime": "195 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Thomas Keneally (book)", " Steven Zaillian (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Liam Neeson", " Ben Kingsley", " Ralph Fiennes", " Caroline Goodall" ],
"Plot": "In German-occupied Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually
becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazi
"Language": [ "English", " Hebrew", " German", " Polish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 93.0,
"imdbRating": 8.9,
"imdbVotes": 937837
"_id": 29,
"Title": "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "17 Dec 2003",
"Runtime": "201 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],
"Writer": [ "J.R.R. Tolkien (novel)", " Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens
(screenplay)", " Peter Jackson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Noel Appleby", " Ali Astin", " Sean Astin", " David Aston" ],
"Plot": "Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his
gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring.",
"Language": [ "English", " Quenya", " Old English", " Sindarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " New Zealand" ],
"Metascore": 94.0,
"imdbRating": 8.9,
"imdbVotes": 1304569

Page 27 of 233
"_id": 30,
"Title": "Pulp Fiction",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "14 Oct 1994",
"Runtime": "154 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Writer": [ "Quentin Tarantino (stories)", " Roger Avary (stories)", " Quentin Tarantino"
"Actors": [ "Tim Roth", " Amanda Plummer", " Laura Lovelace", " John Travolta" ],
"Plot": "The lives of two mob hit men, a boxer, a gangster's wife, and a pair of diner
bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 94.0,
"imdbRating": 8.9,
"imdbVotes": 1427451
"_id": 31,
"Title": "Fight Club",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 Oct 1999",
"Runtime": "139 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "David Fincher" ],
"Writer": [ "Chuck Palahniuk (novel)", " Jim Uhls (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Edward Norton", " Brad Pitt", " Meat Loaf", " Zach Grenier" ],
"Plot": "An insomniac office worker, looking for a way to change his life, crosses paths
with a devil-may-care soap maker, forming an underground fight club that evolves into
something much, much more.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 8.8,
"imdbVotes": 1458676
"_id": 32,
"Title": "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 Dec 2001",
"Runtime": "178 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],

Page 28 of 233
"Writer": [ "J.R.R. Tolkien (novel)", " Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens
(screenplay)", " Peter Jackson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Alan Howard", " Noel Appleby", " Sean Astin", " Sala Baker" ],
"Plot": "A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to
destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle Earth from the Dark Lord Sauron.",
"Language": [ "English", " Sindarin" ],
"Country": [ "New Zealand", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 92.0,
"imdbRating": 8.8,
"imdbVotes": 1326876
"_id": 33,
"Title": "Forrest Gump",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 Jul 1994",
"Runtime": "142 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Zemeckis" ],
"Writer": [ "Winston Groom (novel)", " Eric Roth (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Rebecca Williams", " Sally Field", " Michael Conner
Humphreys" ],
"Plot": "While not intelligent, Forrest Gump has accidentally been present at many
historic moments, but his true love, Jenny Curran, eludes him.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.8,
"imdbVotes": 1365937
"_id": 34,
"Title": "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "20 Jun 1980",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Irvin Kershner" ],
"Writer": [ "Leigh Brackett (screenplay)", " Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay)", " George
Lucas (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mark Hamill", " Harrison Ford", " Carrie Fisher", " Billy Dee Williams" ],
"Plot": "After the rebels are overpowered by the Empire on their newly established
base, Luke Skywalker begins Jedi training with Master Yoda. His friends accept shelter from
a questionable ally as Darth Vader hunts them in a plan to capture Luke.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 29 of 233
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 8.8,
"imdbVotes": 910608
"_id": 35,
"Title": "Inception",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Jul 2010",
"Runtime": "148 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Joseph Gordon-Levitt", " Ellen Page", " Tom Hardy" ],
"Plot": "A thief, who steals corporate secrets through use of dream-sharing technology,
is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a CEO.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.8,
"imdbVotes": 1592306
"_id": 36,
"Title": "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 Dec 2002",
"Runtime": "179 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],
"Writer": [ "J.R.R. Tolkien (novel)", " Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens
(screenplay)", " Stephen Sinclair (screenplay)", " Peter Jackson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Bruce Allpress", " Sean Astin", " John Bach", " Sala Baker" ],
"Plot": "While Frodo and Sam edge closer to Mordor with the help of the shifty Gollum,
the divided fellowship makes a stand against Sauron's new ally, Saruman, and his hordes of
"Language": [ "English", " Sindarin", " Old English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " New Zealand" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 1188300
"_id": 37,

Page 30 of 233
"Title": "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Nov 1975",
"Runtime": "133 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Milos Forman" ],
"Writer": [ "Lawrence Hauben (screenplay)", " Bo Goldman (screenplay)", " Ken Kesey
(based on the novel by)", " Dale Wasserman (the play version: \"\"One Flew Over the
Cuckoo's Nest\"\" by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Michael Berryman", " Peter Brocco", " Dean R. Brooks", " Alonzo Brown" ],
"Plot": "A criminal pleads insanity after getting into trouble again and once in the
mental institution rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 729653
"_id": 38,
"Title": "Goodfellas",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "21 Sep 1990",
"Runtime": "146 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "Nicholas Pileggi (book)", " Nicholas Pileggi (screenplay)", " Martin Scorsese
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert De Niro", " Ray Liotta", " Joe Pesci", " Lorraine Bracco" ],
"Plot": "The story of Henry Hill and his life through the teen years into the years of
mafia, covering his relationship with wife Karen Hill and his Mob partners Jimmy Conway
and Tommy DeVitto in the Italian-American crime syndicate.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 89.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 787997
"_id": 39,
"Title": "The Matrix",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "31 Mar 1999",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi" ],

Page 31 of 233
"Director": [ "Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski" ],
"Writer": [ "Lilly Wachowski", " Lana Wachowski" ],
"Actors": [ "Keanu Reeves", " Laurence Fishburne", " Carrie-Anne Moss", " Hugo
Weaving" ],
"Plot": "A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his
reality and his role in the war against its controllers.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 1314628
"_id": 40,
"Title": "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "25 May 1977",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Writer": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Actors": [ "Mark Hamill", " Harrison Ford", " Carrie Fisher", " Peter Cushing" ],
"Plot": "Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a wookiee and two
droids to save the galaxy from the Empire's world-destroying battle-station, while also
attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 92.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 982688
"_id": 41,
"Title": "Se7en",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "22 Sep 1995",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "David Fincher" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Kevin Walker" ],
"Actors": [ "Morgan Freeman", " Andrew Kevin Walker", " Kevin Spacey", " Daniel
Zacapa" ],
"Plot": "Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven
deadly sins as his motives.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 32 of 233
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 1108627
"_id": 42,
"Title": "It's a Wonderful Life",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "07 Jan 1947",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Frank Capra" ],
"Writer": [ "Frances Goodrich (screenplay)", " Albert Hackett (screenplay)", " Frank
Capra (screenplay)", " Jo Swerling (additional scenes)", " Philip Van Doren Stern (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "James Stewart", " Donna Reed", " Lionel Barrymore", " Thomas Mitchell" ],
"Plot": "An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by
showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 89.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 301614
"_id": 43,
"Title": "The Silence of the Lambs",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "14 Feb 1991",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Jonathan Demme" ],
"Writer": [ "Thomas Harris (novel)", " Ted Tally (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jodie Foster", " Lawrence A. Bonney", " Kasi Lemmons", " Lawrence T.
Wrentz" ],
"Plot": "A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer to
receive his help on catching another serial killer who skins his victims.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 84.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 967878
"_id": 44,

Page 33 of 233
"Title": "The Usual Suspects",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 Sep 1995",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Bryan Singer" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher McQuarrie" ],
"Actors": [ "Stephen Baldwin", " Gabriel Byrne", " Benicio Del Toro", " Kevin Pollak" ],
"Plot": "A sole survivor tells of the twisty events leading up to a horrific gun battle on a
boat, which began when five criminals met at a seemingly random police lineup.",
"Language": [ "English", " Hungarian", " Spanish", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 797545
"_id": 45,
"Title": "L\u00e9on: The Professional",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "18 Nov 1994",
"Runtime": "110 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Luc Besson" ],
"Writer": [ "Luc Besson" ],
"Actors": [ "Jean Reno", " Gary Oldman", " Natalie Portman", " Danny Aiello" ],
"Plot": "Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl, is reluctantly taken in by L\u00e9on, a professional
assassin, after her family is murdered. L\u00e9on and Mathilda form an unusual
relationship, as she becomes his prot\u00e9g\u00e9e and learns the assassin's trade.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " French" ],
"Country": [ "France" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 787281
"_id": 46,
"Title": "Saving Private Ryan",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "24 Jul 1998",
"Runtime": "169 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Rodat" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Tom Sizemore", " Edward Burns", " Barry Pepper" ],

Page 34 of 233
"Plot": "Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy
lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " German", " Czech" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 960639
"_id": 47,
"Title": "Interstellar",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Nov 2014",
"Runtime": "169 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Nolan", " Christopher Nolan" ],
"Actors": [ "Ellen Burstyn", " Matthew McConaughey", " Mackenzie Foy", " John
Lithgow" ],
"Plot": "A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to
ensure humanity's survival.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Canada", " Iceland" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 1057411
"_id": 48,
"Title": "American History X",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Nov 1998",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Tony Kaye" ],
"Writer": [ "David McKenna" ],
"Actors": [ "Edward Norton", " Edward Furlong", " Beverly D'Angelo", " Jennifer Lien" ],
"Plot": "A former neo-nazi skinhead tries to prevent his younger brother from going
down the same wrong path that he did.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 62.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 843128

Page 35 of 233
"_id": 49,
"Title": "Modern Times",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "25 Feb 1936",
"Runtime": "87 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Charles Chaplin" ],
"Writer": [ "Charles Chaplin" ],
"Actors": [ "Charles Chaplin", " Paulette Goddard", " Henry Bergman", " Tiny Sandford"
"Plot": "The Tramp struggles to live in modern industrial society with the help of a
young homeless woman.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 158254
"_id": 50,
"Title": "Casablanca",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "23 Jan 1943",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Curtiz" ],
"Writer": [ "Julius J. Epstein (screenplay)", " Philip G. Epstein (screenplay)", " Howard
Koch (screenplay)", " Murray Burnett (play)", " Joan Alison (play)" ],
"Actors": [ "Humphrey Bogart", " Ingrid Bergman", " Paul Henreid", " Claude Rains" ],
"Plot": "In Casablanca in December 1941, a cynical American expatriate encounters a
former lover, with unforeseen complications.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " German", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 100.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 415400
"_id": 51,
"Title": "The Green Mile",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Dec 1999",
"Runtime": "189 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],

Page 36 of 233
"Director": [ "Frank Darabont" ],
"Writer": [ "Stephen King (novel)", " Frank Darabont (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " David Morse", " Michael Clarke Duncan", " Bonnie Hunt" ],
"Plot": "The lives of guards on Death Row are affected by one of their charges: a black
man accused of child murder and rape, yet who has a mysterious gift.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 857527
"_id": 52,
"Title": "Psycho",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "08 Sep 1960",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Horror", " Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Alfred Hitchcock" ],
"Writer": [ "Joseph Stefano (screenplay)", " Robert Bloch (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Anthony Perkins", " Vera Miles", " John Gavin", " Janet Leigh" ],
"Plot": "A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the
run, and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 97.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 458316
"_id": 53,
"Title": "Raiders of the Lost Ark",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "12 Jun 1981",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay)", " George Lucas (story by)", " Philip Kaufman
(story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Harrison Ford", " Karen Allen", " Paul Freeman", " Ronald Lacey" ],
"Plot": "Archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones is hired by the U.S. government to
find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Hebrew", " Spanish", " Arabic", " Nepali" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 37 of 233
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 709587
"_id": 54,
"Title": "The Pianist",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Mar 2003",
"Runtime": "150 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " Music" ],
"Director": [ "Roman Polanski" ],
"Writer": [ "Ronald Harwood (screenplay)", " Wladyslaw Szpilman (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Adrien Brody", " Emilia Fox", " Michal Zebrowski", " Ed Stoppard" ],
"Plot": "A Polish Jewish musician struggles to survive the destruction of the Warsaw
ghetto of World War II.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "France", " Poland", " Germany", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 547383
"_id": 55,
"Title": "The Departed",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "06 Oct 2006",
"Runtime": "151 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "William Monahan (screenplay)", " Alan Mak", " Felix Chong" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Matt Damon", " Jack Nicholson", " Mark Wahlberg" ],
"Plot": "An undercover cop and a mole in the police attempt to identify each other
while infiltrating an Irish gang in South Boston.",
"Language": [ "English", " Cantonese" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Hong Kong" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 943314
"_id": 56,
"Title": "Whiplash",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 Oct 2014",

Page 38 of 233
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Music" ],
"Director": [ "Damien Chazelle" ],
"Writer": [ "Damien Chazelle" ],
"Actors": [ "Miles Teller", " J.K. Simmons", " Paul Reiser", " Melissa Benoist" ],
"Plot": "A promising young drummer enrolls at a cut-throat music conservatory where
his dreams of greatness are mentored by an instructor who will stop at nothing to realize a
student's potential.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 485079
"_id": 57,
"Title": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "03 Jul 1991",
"Runtime": "137 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "James Cameron" ],
"Writer": [ "James Cameron", " William Wisher Jr." ],
"Actors": [ "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " Linda Hamilton", " Edward Furlong", " Robert
Patrick" ],
"Plot": "A cyborg, identical to the one who failed to kill Sarah Connor, must now protect
her ten year old son, John Connor, from a more advanced cyborg.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " France" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 798971
"_id": 58,
"Title": "Back to the Future",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "03 Jul 1985",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Zemeckis" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Zemeckis", " Bob Gale" ],
"Actors": [ "Michael J. Fox", " Christopher Lloyd", " Lea Thompson", " Crispin Glover" ],

Page 39 of 233
"Plot": "Marty McFly, a 17-year-old high school student, is accidentally sent 30 years
into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by his close friend, the maverick scientist
Doc Brown.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 798211
"_id": 59,
"Title": "Gladiator",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "05 May 2000",
"Runtime": "155 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "David Franzoni (story)", " David Franzoni (screenplay)", " John Logan
(screenplay)", " William Nicholson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Russell Crowe", " Joaquin Phoenix", " Connie Nielsen", " Oliver Reed" ],
"Plot": "When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by an emperor's
corrupt son, he comes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 67.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 1059523
"_id": 60,
"Title": "The Lion King",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "24 Jun 1994",
"Runtime": "88 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Roger Allers", " Rob Minkoff" ],
"Writer": [ "Irene Mecchi (screenplay)", " Jonathan Roberts (screenplay)", " Linda
Woolverton (screenplay)", " Burny Mattinson (story)", " Barry Johnson (story)", " Lorna Cook
(story)", " Thom Enriquez (story)", " Andy Gaskill (story)", " Gary Trousdale (story)", " Jim
Capobianco (story)", " Kevin Harkey (story)", " Jorgen Klubien (story)", " Chris Sanders
(story)", " Tom Sito (story)", " Larry Leker (story)", " Joe Ranft (story)", " Rick Maki (story)", "
Ed Gombert (story)", " Francis Glebas (story)", " Mark Kausler (story)", " J.T. Allen (additional
story material)", " George Scribner (additional story material)", " Miguel Tejada-Flores
(additional story material)", " Jenny Tripp (additional story material)", " Bob Tzudiker
(additional story material)", " Christopher Vogler (additional story material)", " Kirk Wise

Page 40 of 233
(additional story material)", " Noni White (additional story material)", " Brenda Chapman
(story supervisor)" ],
"Actors": [ "Rowan Atkinson", " Matthew Broderick", " Niketa Calame", " Jim
Cummings" ],
"Plot": "Lion cub and future king Simba searches for his identity. His eagerness to please
others and penchant for testing his boundaries sometimes gets him into trouble.",
"Language": [ "English", " Swahili", " Xhosa", " Zulu" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 707806
"_id": 61,
"Title": "The Prestige",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 Oct 2006",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Nolan (screenplay)", " Christopher Nolan (screenplay)", "
Christopher Priest (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Christian Bale", " Michael Caine", " Piper Perabo" ],
"Plot": "Two stage magicians engage in competitive one-upmanship in an attempt to
create the ultimate stage illusion.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 922672
"_id": 62,
"Title": "Apocalypse Now",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 Aug 1979",
"Runtime": "153 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Ford Coppola" ],
"Writer": [ "John Milius", " Francis Ford Coppola", " Michael Herr (narration)" ],
"Actors": [ "Marlon Brando", " Martin Sheen", " Robert Duvall", " Frederic Forrest" ],
"Plot": "During the Vietnam War, Captain Willard is sent on a dangerous mission into
Cambodia to assassinate a renegade colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Vietnamese" ],

Page 41 of 233
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 481465
"_id": 63,
"Title": "Memento",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 May 2001",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Nolan (screenplay)", " Jonathan Nolan (short story
\"\"Memento Mori\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Guy Pearce", " Carrie-Anne Moss", " Joe Pantoliano", " Mark Boone Junior"
"Plot": "A man juggles searching for his wife's murderer and keeping his short-term
memory loss from being an obstacle.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 909341
"_id": 64,
"Title": "Alien",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "22 Jun 1979",
"Runtime": "117 min",
"Genre": [ "Horror", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Dan O'Bannon (story)", " Ronald Shusett (story)", " Dan O'Bannon
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Skerritt", " Sigourney Weaver", " Veronica Cartwright", " Harry Dean
Stanton" ],
"Plot": "After a space merchant vessel perceives an unknown transmission as a distress
call, its landing on the source moon finds one of the crew attacked by a mysterious life-
form, and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 618222

Page 42 of 233
"_id": 65,
"Title": "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "29 Jan 1964",
"Runtime": "95 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Stanley Kubrick" ],
"Writer": [ "Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)", " Terry Southern (screenplay)", " Peter
George (screenplay)", " Peter George (based on the book: \"\"Red Alert\"\" by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Peter Sellers", " George C. Scott", " Sterling Hayden", " Keenan Wynn" ],
"Plot": "An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a war room full of
politicians and generals frantically try to stop.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 367328
"_id": 66,
"Title": "Django Unchained",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Dec 2012",
"Runtime": "165 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Western" ],
"Director": [ "Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Writer": [ "Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Actors": [ "Jamie Foxx", " Christoph Waltz", " Leonardo DiCaprio", " Kerry Washington"
"Plot": "With the help of a German bounty hunter , a freed slave sets out to rescue his
wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 1047465
"_id": 67,
"Title": "The Shining",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "13 Jun 1980",
"Runtime": "146 min",

Page 43 of 233
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Horror" ],
"Director": [ "Stanley Kubrick" ],
"Writer": [ "Stephen King (novel)", " Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)", " Diane Johnson
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jack Nicholson", " Shelley Duvall", " Danny Lloyd", " Scatman Crothers" ],
"Plot": "A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual
presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings
from the past and of the future.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 664418
"_id": 68,
"Title": "The Dark Knight Rises",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 Jul 2012",
"Runtime": "164 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Nolan (screenplay)", " Christopher Nolan (screenplay)", "
Christopher Nolan (story)", " David S. Goyer (story)", " Bob Kane (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Bale", " Gary Oldman", " Tom Hardy", " Joseph Gordon-Levitt" ],
"Plot": "Eight years after the Joker's reign of anarchy, the Dark Knight, with the help of
the enigmatic Selina, is forced from his imposed exile to save Gotham City, now on the edge
of total annihilation, from the brutal guerrilla terrorist Bane.",
"Language": [ "English", " Arabic" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 78.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 1228378
"_id": 69,
"Title": "WALL\u00b7E",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "27 Jun 2008",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Andrew Stanton" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Stanton (original story by)", " Pete Docter (original story by)", "
Andrew Stanton (screenplay)", " Jim Reardon (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Burtt", " Elissa Knight", " Jeff Garlin", " Fred Willard" ],

Page 44 of 233
"Plot": "In the distant future, a small waste-collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a
space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 94.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 782275
"_id": 70,
"Title": "American Beauty",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "01 Oct 1999",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Mendes" ],
"Writer": [ "Alan Ball" ],
"Actors": [ "Kevin Spacey", " Annette Bening", " Thora Birch", " Wes Bentley" ],
"Plot": "A sexually frustrated suburban father has a mid-life crisis after becoming
infatuated with his daughter's best friend.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 881549
"_id": 71,
"Title": "Aliens",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "18 Jul 1986",
"Runtime": "137 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "James Cameron" ],
"Writer": [ "James Cameron (story by)", " David Giler (story by)", " Walter Hill (story
by)", " Dan O'Bannon (based on characters created by)", " Ronald Shusett (based on
characters created by)", " James Cameron (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Sigourney Weaver", " Carrie Henn", " Michael Biehn", " Paul Reiser" ],
"Plot": "The moon from Alien (1979) has been colonized, but contact is lost. This time,
the rescue team has impressive firepower, but will it be enough?",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 87.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 529034

Page 45 of 233
"_id": 72,
"Title": "Citizen Kane",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "05 Sep 1941",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Orson Welles" ],
"Writer": [ "Herman J. Mankiewicz (original screen play)", " Orson Welles (original
screen play)" ],
"Actors": [ "Joseph Cotten", " Dorothy Comingore", " Agnes Moorehead", " Ruth
Warrick" ],
"Plot": "Following the death of a publishing tycoon, news reporters scramble to
discover the meaning of his final utterance.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 100.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 318781
"_id": 73,
"Title": "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "25 May 1983",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Richard Marquand" ],
"Writer": [ "Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay)", " George Lucas (screenplay)", " George
Lucas (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mark Hamill", " Harrison Ford", " Carrie Fisher", " Billy Dee Williams" ],
"Plot": "After a daring mission to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, the rebels
dispatch to Endor to destroy a more powerful Death Star. Meanwhile, Luke struggles to help
Vader back from the dark side without falling into the Emperor's trap.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 747275
"_id": 74,
"Title": "Braveheart",
"Rated": "R",

Page 46 of 233
"Released": "24 May 1995",
"Runtime": "178 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Mel Gibson" ],
"Writer": [ "Randall Wallace" ],
"Actors": [ "James Robinson", " Sean Lawlor", " Sandy Nelson", " James Cosmo" ],
"Plot": "When his secret bride is executed for assaulting an English soldier who tried to
rape her, Sir William Wallace begins a revolt against King Edward I of England.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Latin", " Scottish Gaelic" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 793897
"_id": 75,
"Title": "Reservoir Dogs",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "02 Sep 1992",
"Runtime": "99 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Writer": [ "Quentin Tarantino", " Roger Avary (background radio dialog)", " Quentin
Tarantino (background radio dialog)" ],
"Actors": [ "Harvey Keitel", " Tim Roth", " Michael Madsen", " Chris Penn" ],
"Plot": "After a simple jewelry heist goes terribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to
suspect that one of them is a police informant.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 78.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 721998
"_id": 76,
"Title": "Requiem for a Dream",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 Dec 2000",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Darren Aronofsky" ],
"Writer": [ "Hubert Selby Jr. (based on the book by)", " Hubert Selby Jr. (screenplay)", "
Darren Aronofsky (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ellen Burstyn", " Jared Leto", " Jennifer Connelly", " Marlon Wayans" ],

Page 47 of 233
"Plot": "The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island people are shattered when their
addictions run deep.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 618232
"_id": 77,
"Title": "Lawrence of Arabia",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "11 Dec 1962",
"Runtime": "216 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "David Lean" ],
"Writer": [ "T.E. Lawrence (writings)", " Robert Bolt (screenplay)", " Michael Wilson
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Peter O'Toole", " Alec Guinness", " Anthony Quinn", " Jack Hawkins" ],
"Plot": "The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led
the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks.",
"Language": [ "English", " Arabic", " Turkish" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 100.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 207765
"_id": 78,
"Title": "A Clockwork Orange",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "02 Feb 1972",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Stanley Kubrick" ],
"Writer": [ "Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)", " Anthony Burgess (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Malcolm McDowell", " Patrick Magee", " Michael Bates", " Warren Clarke" ],
"Plot": "In future Britain, Alex DeLarge, a charismatic and psycopath delinquent, who
likes to practice crimes and ultra-violence with his gang, is jailed and volunteers for an
experimental aversion therapy developed by the government in an effort to solve society's
crime problem - but not all goes according to plan.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 78.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,

Page 48 of 233
"imdbVotes": 601251
"_id": 79,
"Title": "Amadeus",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Sep 1984",
"Runtime": "160 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Milos Forman" ],
"Writer": [ "Peter Shaffer (original stage play)", " Peter Shaffer (original screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "F. Murray Abraham", " Tom Hulce", " Elizabeth Berridge", " Roy Dotrice" ],
"Plot": "The incredible story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told by his peer and secret
rival Antonio Salieri - now confined to an insane asylum.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " Latin", " German" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " France" ],
"Metascore": 93.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 293394
"_id": 80,
"Title": "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Mar 2004",
"Runtime": "108 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Michel Gondry" ],
"Writer": [ "Charlie Kaufman (story)", " Michel Gondry (story)", " Pierre Bismuth
(story)", " Charlie Kaufman (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jim Carrey", " Kate Winslet", " Gerry Robert Byrne", " Elijah Wood" ],
"Plot": "When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a procedure to have
each other erased from their memories. But it is only through the process of loss that they
discover what they had to begin with.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 89.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 720117
"_id": 81,
"Title": "Taxi Driver",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Feb 1976",

Page 49 of 233
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "Paul Schrader" ],
"Actors": [ "Diahnne Abbott", " Frank Adu", " Victor Argo", " Gino Ardito" ],
"Plot": "A mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran works as a night-time taxi driver in
New York City where the perceived decadence and sleaze feeds his urge for violent action,
while attempting to save a preadolescent prostitute in the process.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 93.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 549211
"_id": 82,
"Title": "The Sting",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "25 Dec 1973",
"Runtime": "129 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "George Roy Hill" ],
"Writer": [ "David S. Ward" ],
"Actors": [ "Paul Newman", " Robert Redford", " Robert Shaw", " Charles Durning" ],
"Plot": "In Chicago in September 1936, a young con man seeking revenge for his
murdered partner teams up with a master of the big con to win a fortune from a criminal
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 190154
"_id": 83,
"Title": "Toy Story 3",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "18 Jun 2010",
"Runtime": "103 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Lee Unkrich" ],
"Writer": [ "John Lasseter (story by)", " Andrew Stanton (story by)", " Lee Unkrich (story
by)", " Michael Arndt (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Tim Allen", " Joan Cusack", " Ned Beatty" ],

Page 50 of 233
"Plot": "The toys are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead of the attic right
before Andy leaves for college, and it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they
weren't abandoned and to return home.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 92.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 589975
"_id": 84,
"Title": "2001: A Space Odyssey",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "12 May 1968",
"Runtime": "149 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Stanley Kubrick" ],
"Writer": [ "Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)", " Arthur C. Clarke (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Keir Dullea", " Gary Lockwood", " William Sylvester", " Daniel Richter" ],
"Plot": "Humanity finds a mysterious, obviously artificial object buried beneath the
Lunar surface and, with the intelligent computer H.A.L. 9000, sets off on a quest.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 462767
"_id": 85,
"Title": "Full Metal Jacket",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Jul 1987",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Stanley Kubrick" ],
"Writer": [ "Gustav Hasford (novel)", " Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)", " Michael Herr
(screenplay)", " Gustav Hasford (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Matthew Modine", " Adam Baldwin", " Vincent D'Onofrio", " R. Lee Ermey"
"Plot": "A pragmatic U.S. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects the Vietnam War
has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting
in Hue.",
"Language": [ "English", " Vietnamese" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,

Page 51 of 233
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 527053
"_id": 86,
"Title": "Baby Driver",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Jun 2017",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Music" ],
"Director": [ "Edgar Wright" ],
"Writer": [ "Edgar Wright" ],
"Actors": [ "Ansel Elgort", " Jon Bernthal", " Jon Hamm", " Eiza Gonz\u00e1lez" ],
"Plot": "After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds
himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 2872
"_id": 87,
"Title": "Toy Story",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "22 Nov 1995",
"Runtime": "81 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "John Lasseter" ],
"Writer": [ "John Lasseter (original story by)", " Pete Docter (original story by)", "
Andrew Stanton (original story by)", " Joe Ranft (original story by)", " Joss Whedon
(screenplay)", " Andrew Stanton (screenplay)", " Joel Cohen (screenplay)", " Alec Sokolow
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Tim Allen", " Don Rickles", " Jim Varney" ],
"Plot": "A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman
figure supplants him as top toy in a boy's room.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 95.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 680986
"_id": 88,
"Title": "Inglourious Basterds",

Page 52 of 233
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "21 Aug 2009",
"Runtime": "153 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Quentin Tarantino", " Eli Roth" ],
"Writer": [ "Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Actors": [ "Brad Pitt", " M\u00e9lanie Laurent", " Christoph Waltz", " Eli Roth" ],
"Plot": "In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a plan to assassinate Nazi leaders
by a group of Jewish U.S. soldiers coincides with a theatre owner's vengeful plans for the
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 969927
"_id": 89,
"Title": "Snatch",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Jan 2001",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Guy Ritchie" ],
"Writer": [ "Guy Ritchie" ],
"Actors": [ "Benicio Del Toro", " Dennis Farina", " Vinnie Jones", " Brad Pitt" ],
"Plot": "Unscrupulous boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster,
incompetent amateur robbers, and supposedly Jewish jewelers fight to track down a
priceless stolen diamond.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 643205
"_id": 90,
"Title": "Monty Python and the Holy Grail",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "25 May 1975",
"Runtime": "91 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Terry Gilliam", " Terry Jones" ],
"Writer": [ "Graham Chapman", " John Cleese", " Eric Idle", " Terry Gilliam", " Terry
Jones", " Michael Palin" ],

Page 53 of 233
"Actors": [ "Graham Chapman", " John Cleese", " Eric Idle", " Terry Gilliam" ],
"Plot": "King Arthur and his knights embark on a low-budget search for the Grail,
encountering many, very silly obstacles.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Latin" ],
"Country": [ "UK" ],
"Metascore": 93.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 408671
"_id": 91,
"Title": "Scarface",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "09 Dec 1983",
"Runtime": "170 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Brian De Palma" ],
"Writer": [ "Oliver Stone (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Al Pacino", " Steven Bauer", " Michelle Pfeiffer", " Mary Elizabeth
Mastrantonio" ],
"Plot": "In Miami in 1980, a determined Cuban immigrant takes over a drug cartel and
succumbs to greed.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 580090
"_id": 92,
"Title": "L.A. Confidential",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Sep 1997",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Curtis Hanson" ],
"Writer": [ "James Ellroy (novel)", " Brian Helgeland (screenplay)", " Curtis Hanson
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kevin Spacey", " Russell Crowe", " Guy Pearce", " James Cromwell" ],
"Plot": "As corruption grows in 1950s LA, three policemen - one strait-laced, one brutal,
and one sleazy - investigate a series of murders with their own brand of justice.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,

Page 54 of 233
"imdbVotes": 441642
"_id": 93,
"Title": "Good Will Hunting",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "09 Jan 1998",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Gus Van Sant" ],
"Writer": [ "Matt Damon", " Ben Affleck" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt Damon", " Ben Affleck", " Stellan Skarsg\u00e5rd", " John Mighton" ],
"Plot": "Will Hunting, a janitor at M.I.T., has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from
a psychologist to find direction in his life.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 70.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 659342
"_id": 94,
"Title": "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "24 May 1989",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Jeffrey Boam (screenplay)", " George Lucas (story)", " Menno Meyjes
(story)", " George Lucas (characters)", " Philip Kaufman (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Harrison Ford", " Sean Connery", " Denholm Elliott", " Alison Doody" ],
"Plot": "When Dr. Henry Jones Sr. suddenly goes missing while pursuing the Holy Grail,
eminent archaeologist Indiana Jones must follow in his father's footsteps to stop the Nazis
from getting their hands on the Holy Grail first.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Greek", " Arabic" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 555173
"_id": 95,
"Title": "Batman Begins",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "15 Jun 2005",

Page 55 of 233
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher Nolan" ],
"Writer": [ "Bob Kane (characters)", " David S. Goyer (story)", " Christopher Nolan
(screenplay)", " David S. Goyer (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Bale", " Michael Caine", " Liam Neeson", " Katie Holmes" ],
"Plot": "After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden
Gotham City from the corruption that Scarecrow and the League of Shadows have cast upon
"Language": [ "English", " Urdu", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 70.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 1053569
"_id": 96,
"Title": "Up",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "29 May 2009",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Pete Docter", " Bob Peterson" ],
"Writer": [ "Pete Docter (story by)", " Bob Peterson (story by)", " Tom McCarthy (story
by)", " Bob Peterson (screenplay)", " Pete Docter (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Edward Asner", " Christopher Plummer", " Jordan Nagai", " Bob Peterson" ],
"Plot": "Seventy-eight year old Carl Fredricksen travels to Paradise Falls in his home
equipped with balloons, inadvertently taking a young stowaway.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 727405
"_id": 97,
"Title": "Unforgiven",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "07 Aug 1992",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Western" ],
"Director": [ "Clint Eastwood" ],
"Writer": [ "David Webb Peoples" ],
"Actors": [ "Clint Eastwood", " Gene Hackman", " Morgan Freeman", " Richard Harris" ],

Page 56 of 233
"Plot": "Retired Old West gunslinger William Munny reluctantly takes on one last job,
with the help of his old partner and a young man.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 298035
"_id": 98,
"Title": "Raging Bull",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Dec 1980",
"Runtime": "129 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "Jake LaMotta (based on the book by)", " Joseph Carter (with)", " Peter
Savage (with)", " Paul Schrader (screenplay)", " Mardik Martin (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert De Niro", " Cathy Moriarty", " Joe Pesci", " Frank Vincent" ],
"Plot": "An emotionally self-destructive boxer's journey through life, as the violence and
temper that leads him to the top in the ring destroys his life outside it.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 92.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 251296
"_id": 99,
"Title": "Heat",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 Dec 1995",
"Runtime": "170 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Mann" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Mann" ],
"Actors": [ "Al Pacino", " Robert De Niro", " Val Kilmer", " Jon Voight" ],
"Plot": "A group of professional bank robbers start to feel the heat from police when
they unknowingly leave a clue at their latest heist, while both sides attempt to find balance
between their personal lives with their professional lives.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 461331

Page 57 of 233
"_id": 100,
"Title": "Die Hard",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Jul 1988",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "John McTiernan" ],
"Writer": [ "Roderick Thorp (novel)", " Jeb Stuart (screenplay)", " Steven E. de Souza
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Bruce Willis", " Bonnie Bedelia", " Reginald VelJohnson", " Paul Gleason" ],
"Plot": "John McClane, officer of the NYPD, tries to save his wife Holly Gennaro and
several others that were taken hostage by German terrorist Hans Gruber during a Christmas
party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 70.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 636557
"_id": 101,
"Title": "Chinatown",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Jun 1974",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Roman Polanski" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Towne" ],
"Actors": [ "Jack Nicholson", " Faye Dunaway", " John Huston", " Perry Lopez" ],
"Plot": "A private detective hired to expose an adulterer finds himself caught up in a
web of deceit, corruption, and murder.",
"Language": [ "English", " Cantonese", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 232188
"_id": 102,
"Title": "On the Waterfront",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "22 Jun 1954",
"Runtime": "108 min",

Page 58 of 233
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Elia Kazan" ],
"Writer": [ "Budd Schulberg (screenplay)", " Budd Schulberg (based upon an original
story by)", " Malcolm Johnson (suggested by articles by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Marlon Brando", " Karl Malden", " Lee J. Cobb", " Rod Steiger" ],
"Plot": "An ex-prize fighter turned longshoreman struggles to stand up to his corrupt
union bosses.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 109591
"_id": 103,
"Title": "Inside Out",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "19 Jun 2015",
"Runtime": "95 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Pete Docter", " Ronnie Del Carmen" ],
"Writer": [ "Pete Docter (original story by)", " Ronnie Del Carmen (original story by)", "
Pete Docter (screenplay)", " Meg LeFauve (screenplay)", " Josh Cooley (screenplay)", "
Michael Arndt (additional story material by)", " Bill Hader (additional dialogue by)", " Amy
Poehler (additional dialogue by)", " Simon Rich (additional story material by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Amy Poehler", " Phyllis Smith", " Richard Kind", " Bill Hader" ],
"Plot": "After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San
Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conflict on how best to
navigate a new city, house, and school.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 94.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 421211
"_id": 104,
"Title": "Room",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "22 Jan 2016",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Lenny Abrahamson" ],
"Writer": [ "Emma Donoghue (screenplay)", " Emma Donoghue (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Brie Larson", " Jacob Tremblay", " Sean Bridgers", " Wendy Crewson" ],

Page 59 of 233
"Plot": "A young boy is raised within the confines of a small shed.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Ireland", " Canada", " UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 226372
"_id": 105,
"Title": "La La Land",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2016",
"Runtime": "128 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Music" ],
"Director": [ "Damien Chazelle" ],
"Writer": [ "Damien Chazelle" ],
"Actors": [ "Ryan Gosling", " Emma Stone", " Ami\u00e9e Conn", " Terry Walters" ],
"Plot": "A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 93.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 272059
"_id": 106,
"Title": "Logan",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "03 Mar 2017",
"Runtime": "137 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "James Mangold" ],
"Writer": [ "James Mangold (story by)", " Scott Frank (screenplay)", " James Mangold
(screenplay)", " Michael Green (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Patrick Stewart", " Dafne Keen", " Boyd Holbrook" ],
"Plot": "In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X somewhere on
the Mexican border. However, Logan's attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are
upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 316354

Page 60 of 233
"_id": 107,
"Title": "Blade Runner",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Jun 1982",
"Runtime": "117 min",
"Genre": [ "Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Hampton Fancher (screenplay)", " David Webb Peoples (screenplay)", "
Philip K. Dick (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Harrison Ford", " Rutger Hauer", " Sean Young", " Edward James Olmos" ],
"Plot": "A blade runner must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a
ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Cantonese", " Japanese", " Hungarian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Hong Kong", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 89.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 499344
"_id": 108,
"Title": "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Aug 1998",
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Guy Ritchie" ],
"Writer": [ "Guy Ritchie" ],
"Actors": [ "Jason Flemyng", " Dexter Fletcher", " Nick Moran", " Jason Statham" ],
"Plot": "A botched card game in London triggers four friends, thugs, weed-growers,
hard gangsters, loan sharks and debt collectors to collide with each other in a series of
unexpected events, all for the sake of weed, cash and two antique shotguns.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 442704
"_id": 109,
"Title": "Casino",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "22 Nov 1995",
"Runtime": "178 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],

Page 61 of 233
"Writer": [ "Nicholas Pileggi (book)", " Nicholas Pileggi (screenplay)", " Martin Scorsese
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert De Niro", " Sharon Stone", " Joe Pesci", " James Woods" ],
"Plot": "Greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends:
a mafia underboss and a casino owner, for a trophy wife over a gambling empire.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "France", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 360941
"_id": 110,
"Title": "A Beautiful Mind",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 Jan 2002",
"Runtime": "135 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Ron Howard" ],
"Writer": [ "Akiva Goldsman", " Sylvia Nasar (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Russell Crowe", " Ed Harris", " Jennifer Connelly", " Christopher Plummer" ],
"Plot": "After John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician, accepts secret work in
cryptography, his life takes a turn for the nightmarish.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 667901
"_id": 111,
"Title": "Warrior",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "09 Sep 2011",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Gavin O'Connor" ],
"Writer": [ "Gavin O'Connor (screenplay)", " Anthony Tambakis (screenplay)", " Cliff
Dorfman (screenplay)", " Gavin O'Connor (story)", " Cliff Dorfman (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Joel Edgerton", " Tom Hardy", " Nick Nolte", " Jennifer Morrison" ],
"Plot": "The youngest son of an alcoholic former boxer returns home, where he's
trained by his father for competition in a mixed martial arts tournament - a path that puts
the fighter on a collision course with his estranged, older brother.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 62 of 233
"Metascore": 71.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 358261
"_id": 112,
"Title": "V for Vendetta",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "17 Mar 2006",
"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "James McTeigue" ],
"Writer": [ "Lilly Wachowski (screenplay)", " Lana Wachowski (screenplay)", " David
Lloyd (graphic novel art)" ],
"Actors": [ "Natalie Portman", " Hugo Weaving", " Stephen Rea", " Stephen Fry" ],
"Plot": "In a future British tyranny, a shadowy freedom fighter, known only by the alias
of \"\"V\"\", plots to overthrow it with the help of a young woman.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 62.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 849623
"_id": 113,
"Title": "The Wolf of Wall Street",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Dec 2013",
"Runtime": "180 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "Terence Winter (screenplay)", " Jordan Belfort (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Jonah Hill", " Margot Robbie", " Matthew
McConaughey" ],
"Plot": "Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stock-
broker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 874371
"_id": 114,

Page 63 of 233
"Title": "Hacksaw Ridge",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "04 Nov 2016",
"Runtime": "139 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Mel Gibson" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Schenkkan (screenplay)", " Andrew Knight (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Andrew Garfield", " Richard Pyros", " Jacob Warner", " Milo Gibson" ],
"Plot": "WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of
Okinawa, refuses to kill people, and becomes the first man in American history to receive
the Medal of Honor without firing a shot.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "Australia", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 71.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 221901
"_id": 115,
"Title": "Gone with the Wind",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "17 Jan 1940",
"Runtime": "238 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " History", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Victor Fleming", " George Cukor", " Sam Wood" ],
"Writer": [ "Margaret Mitchell (story of the old south \"\"Gone with the Wind\"\")", "
Sidney Howard (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Thomas Mitchell", " Barbara O'Neil", " Vivien Leigh", " Evelyn Keyes" ],
"Plot": "A manipulative woman and a roguish man conduct a turbulent romance during
the American Civil War and Reconstruction periods.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 97.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 230951
"_id": 116,
"Title": "Trainspotting",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "09 Aug 1996",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Danny Boyle" ],
"Writer": [ "John Hodge (screenplay)", " Irvine Welsh (novel)" ],

Page 64 of 233
"Actors": [ "Ewan McGregor", " Ewen Bremner", " Jonny Lee Miller", " Kevin McKidd" ],
"Plot": "Renton, deeply immersed in the Edinburgh drug scene, tries to clean up and get
out, despite the allure of the drugs and influence of friends.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 517568
"_id": 117,
"Title": "The Deer Hunter",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "23 Feb 1979",
"Runtime": "183 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Cimino" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Cimino (story)", " Deric Washburn (story)", " Louis Garfinkle
(story)", " Quinn K. Redeker (story)", " Deric Washburn (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert De Niro", " John Cazale", " John Savage", " Christopher Walken" ],
"Plot": "An in-depth examination of the ways in which the U.S. Vietnam War impacts
and disrupts the lives of people in a small industrial town in Pennsylvania.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Vietnamese", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 249067
"_id": 118,
"Title": "Gran Torino",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "09 Jan 2009",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Clint Eastwood" ],
"Writer": [ "Nick Schenk (screenplay)", " Dave Johannson (story)", " Nick Schenk (story)"
"Actors": [ "Clint Eastwood", " Christopher Carley", " Bee Vang", " Ahney Her" ],
"Plot": "Disgruntled Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor,
a Hmong teenager who tried to steal Kowalski's prized possession: a 1972 Gran Torino.",
"Language": [ "English", " Hmong" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,

Page 65 of 233
"imdbVotes": 598907
"_id": 119,
"Title": "The Big Lebowski",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "06 Mar 1998",
"Runtime": "117 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Joel Coen", " Ethan Coen" ],
"Writer": [ "Ethan Coen", " Joel Coen" ],
"Actors": [ "Jeff Bridges", " John Goodman", " Julianne Moore", " Steve Buscemi" ],
"Plot": "\"\"The Dude\"\" Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, seeks
restitution for his ruined rug and enlists his bowling buddies to help get it.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Hebrew", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 580796
"_id": 120,
"Title": "The Thing",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Jun 1982",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Horror", " Mystery", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "John Carpenter" ],
"Writer": [ "Bill Lancaster (screenplay)", " John W. Campbell Jr. (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kurt Russell", " Wilford Brimley", " T.K. Carter", " David Clennon" ],
"Plot": "A research facility in Antarctica comes across an alien force that can become
anything it touches with 100% accuracy. The members must now find out who's human and
who's not before it's too late.",
"Language": [ "English", " Norwegian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 281843
"_id": 121,
"Title": "Fargo",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "05 Apr 1996",
"Runtime": "98 min",

Page 66 of 233
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Joel Coen", " Ethan Coen" ],
"Writer": [ "Ethan Coen", " Joel Coen" ],
"Actors": [ "William H. Macy", " Steve Buscemi", " Peter Stormare", " Kristin
Rudr\u00fcd" ],
"Plot": "Jerry Lundegaard's inept crime falls apart due to his and his henchmen's
bungling and the persistent police work of the quite pregnant Marge Gunderson.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 490860
"_id": 122,
"Title": "The Sixth Sense",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 Aug 1999",
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "M. Night Shyamalan" ],
"Writer": [ "M. Night Shyamalan" ],
"Actors": [ "Bruce Willis", " Haley Joel Osment", " Toni Collette", " Olivia Williams" ],
"Plot": "A boy who communicates with spirits that don't know they're dead seeks the
help of a disheartened child psychologist.",
"Language": [ "English", " Latin", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 754842
"_id": 123,
"Title": "Finding Nemo",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "30 May 2003",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Andrew Stanton", " Lee Unkrich" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Stanton (original story by)", " Andrew Stanton (screenplay)", " Bob
Peterson (screenplay)", " David Reynolds (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Albert Brooks", " Ellen DeGeneres", " Alexander Gould", " Willem Dafoe" ],
"Plot": "After his son is captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, a timid
clownfish sets out on a journey to bring him home.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 67 of 233
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 756517
"_id": 124,
"Title": "No Country for Old Men",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "21 Nov 2007",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Ethan Coen", " Joel Coen" ],
"Writer": [ "Joel Coen (screenplay)", " Ethan Coen (screenplay)", " Cormac McCarthy
(novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tommy Lee Jones", " Javier Bardem", " Josh Brolin", " Woody Harrelson" ],
"Plot": "Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon a drug deal gone
wrong and more than two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 91.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 666081
"_id": 125,
"Title": "How to Train Your Dragon",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "26 Mar 2010",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Dean DeBlois", " Chris Sanders" ],
"Writer": [ "William Davies (screenplay)", " Dean DeBlois (screenplay)", " Chris Sanders
(screenplay)", " Cressida Cowell (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jay Baruchel", " Gerard Butler", " Craig Ferguson", " America Ferrera" ],
"Plot": "A hapless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely
friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 528657

Page 68 of 233
"_id": 126,
"Title": "There Will Be Blood",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Jan 2008",
"Runtime": "158 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Paul Thomas Anderson" ],
"Writer": [ "Paul Thomas Anderson (screenplay)", " Upton Sinclair (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Day-Lewis", " Martin Stringer", " Matthew Braden Stringer", " Jacob
Stringer" ],
"Plot": "A story of family, religion, hatred, oil and madness, focusing on a turn-of-the-
century prospector in the early days of the business.",
"Language": [ "English", " American Sign Language" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 92.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 402281
"_id": 127,
"Title": "Into the Wild",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Oct 2007",
"Runtime": "148 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Sean Penn" ],
"Writer": [ "Sean Penn (screenplay)", " Jon Krakauer (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Emile Hirsch", " Marcia Gay Harden", " William Hurt", " Jena Malone" ],
"Plot": "After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher
McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity
and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a
series of characters that shape his life.",
"Language": [ "English", " Danish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 461312
"_id": 128,
"Title": "Kill Bill: Vol. 1",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Oct 2003",
"Runtime": "111 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],

Page 69 of 233
"Director": [ "Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Writer": [ "Quentin Tarantino", " Quentin Tarantino (character The Bride)", " Uma
Thurman (character The Bride)" ],
"Actors": [ "Uma Thurman", " Lucy Liu", " Vivica A. Fox", " Daryl Hannah" ],
"Plot": "The Bride wakens from a four-year coma. The child she carried in her womb is
gone. Now she must wreak vengeance on the team of assassins who betrayed her - a team
she was once part of.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 791579
"_id": 129,
"Title": "Gone Girl",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "03 Oct 2014",
"Runtime": "149 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "David Fincher" ],
"Writer": [ "Gillian Flynn (screenplay)", " Gillian Flynn (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Affleck", " Rosamund Pike", " Neil Patrick Harris", " Tyler Perry" ],
"Plot": "With his wife's disappearance having become the focus of an intense media
circus, a man sees the spotlight turned on him when it's suspected that he may not be
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 640332
"_id": 130,
"Title": "Life of Brian",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "17 Aug 1979",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Terry Jones" ],
"Writer": [ "Graham Chapman", " John Cleese", " Terry Gilliam", " Eric Idle", " Terry
Jones", " Michael Palin" ],
"Actors": [ "Graham Chapman", " John Cleese", " Terry Gilliam", " Eric Idle" ],
"Plot": "Brian is born on the original Christmas, in the stable next door. He spends his
life being mistaken for a messiah.",

Page 70 of 233
"Language": [ "English", " Latin" ],
"Country": [ "UK" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 291865
"_id": 131,
"Title": "Network",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "27 Nov 1976",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Sidney Lumet" ],
"Writer": [ "Paddy Chayefsky" ],
"Actors": [ "Faye Dunaway", " William Holden", " Peter Finch", " Robert Duvall" ],
"Plot": "A television network cynically exploits a deranged former anchor's ravings and
revelations about the news media for its own profit.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 111892
"_id": 132,
"Title": "Shutter Island",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Feb 2010",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "Laeta Kalogridis (screenplay)", " Dennis Lehane (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Mark Ruffalo", " Ben Kingsley", " Max von Sydow" ],
"Plot": "In 1954, a U.S. marshal investigates the disappearance of a murderess who
escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane.",
"Language": [ "English", " German" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 63.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 862078
"_id": 133,
"Title": "In the Name of the Father",

Page 71 of 233
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Feb 1994",
"Runtime": "133 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Jim Sheridan" ],
"Writer": [ "Gerry Conlon (autobiographical book \"\"Proved Innocent\"\")", " Terry
George (screenplay)", " Jim Sheridan (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Alison Crosbie", " Daniel Day-Lewis", " Philip King", " Emma Thompson" ],
"Plot": "A man's coerced confession to an IRA bombing he did not commit results in the
imprisonment of his father as well. An English lawyer fights to free them.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Ireland", " UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 84.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 119905
"_id": 134,
"Title": "Rush",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "27 Sep 2013",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Ron Howard" ],
"Writer": [ "Peter Morgan" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Hemsworth", " Daniel Br\u00fchl", " Olivia Wilde", " Alexandra Maria
Lara" ],
"Plot": "The merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Italian", " French", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 341336
"_id": 135,
"Title": "Hotel Rwanda",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 Feb 2005",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Terry George" ],
"Writer": [ "Keir Pearson", " Terry George" ],
"Actors": [ "Don Cheadle", " Xolani Mali", " Desmond Dube", " Hakeem Kae-Kazim" ],

Page 72 of 233
"Plot": "Paul Rusesabagina was a hotel manager who housed over a thousand Tutsi
refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " South Africa", " Italy" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 282079
"_id": 136,
"Title": "Platoon",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "06 Feb 1987",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Oliver Stone" ],
"Writer": [ "Oliver Stone" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Berenger", " Keith David", " Willem Dafoe", " Forest Whitaker" ],
"Plot": "A young recruit in Vietnam faces a moral crisis when confronted with the
horrors of war and the duality of man.",
"Language": [ "English", " Vietnamese" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 92.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 311879
"_id": 137,
"Title": "Song of the Sea",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "10 Dec 2014",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Tomm Moore" ],
"Writer": [ "Will Collins", " Tomm Moore (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "David Rawle", " Brendan Gleeson", " Lisa Hannigan", " Fionnula Flanagan" ],
"Plot": "Ben, a young Irish boy, and his little sister Saoirse, a girl who can turn into a
seal, go on an adventure to free the fairies and save the spirit world.",
"Language": [ "English", " Irish", " Scottish Gaelic" ],
"Country": [ "Ireland", " Denmark", " Belgium", " Luxembourg", " France" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 33478

Page 73 of 233
"_id": 138,
"Title": "Ben-Hur",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "29 Jan 1960",
"Runtime": "212 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "William Wyler" ],
"Writer": [ "Lew Wallace (novel)", " Karl Tunberg (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Charlton Heston", " Jack Hawkins", " Haya Harareet", " Stephen Boyd" ],
"Plot": "When a Jewish prince is betrayed and sent into slavery by a Roman friend, he
regains his freedom and comes back for revenge.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 175529
"_id": 139,
"Title": "Stand by Me",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "22 Aug 1986",
"Runtime": "89 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Reiner" ],
"Writer": [ "Stephen King (novel)", " Raynold Gideon (screenplay)", " Bruce A. Evans
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Wil Wheaton", " River Phoenix", " Corey Feldman", " Jerry O'Connell" ],
"Plot": "After the death of a friend, a writer recounts a boyhood journey to find the
body of a missing boy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 292157
"_id": 140,
"Title": "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "24 Oct 1969",
"Runtime": "110 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "George Roy Hill" ],
"Writer": [ "William Goldman" ],

Page 74 of 233
"Actors": [ "Paul Newman", " Robert Redford", " Katharine Ross", " Strother Martin" ],
"Plot": "Two Western bank\/train robbers flee to Bolivia when the law gets too close.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 163664
"_id": 141,
"Title": "The Legend of 1900",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Oct 1998",
"Runtime": "165 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Music", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Giuseppe Tornatore" ],
"Writer": [ "Alessandro Baricco (monologue Novecento)", " Giuseppe Tornatore" ],
"Actors": [ "Tim Roth", " Pruitt Taylor Vince", " Bill Nunn", " Clarence Williams III" ],
"Plot": "A baby boy, discovered in 1900 on an ocean liner, grows into a musical prodigy,
never setting foot on land.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "Italy" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 44192
"_id": 142,
"Title": "Spotlight",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Nov 2015",
"Runtime": "128 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Tom McCarthy" ],
"Writer": [ "Josh Singer", " Tom McCarthy" ],
"Actors": [ "Mark Ruffalo", " Michael Keaton", " Rachel McAdams", " Liev Schreiber" ],
"Plot": "The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child
molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic
Church to its core.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 93.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 274216

Page 75 of 233
"_id": 143,
"Title": "12 Years a Slave",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Nov 2013",
"Runtime": "134 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Steve McQueen" ],
"Writer": [ "John Ridley (screenplay)", " Solomon Northup (based on \"\"Twelve Years a
Slave\"\" by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chiwetel Ejiofor", " Dwight Henry", " Dickie Gravois", " Bryan Batt" ],
"Plot": "In the antebellum United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from
upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 490387
"_id": 144,
"Title": "The Grand Budapest Hotel",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Mar 2014",
"Runtime": "99 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Wes Anderson" ],
"Writer": [ "Stefan Zweig (inspired by the writings of)", " Wes Anderson (screenplay)", "
Wes Anderson (story)", " Hugo Guinness (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ralph Fiennes", " F. Murray Abraham", " Mathieu Amalric", " Adrien Brody"
"Plot": "The adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous hotel from the
fictional Republic of Zubrowka between the first and second World Wars, and Zero
Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 537323
"_id": 145,
"Title": "Mad Max: Fury Road",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 May 2015",

Page 76 of 233
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "George Miller" ],
"Writer": [ "George Miller", " Brendan McCarthy", " Nick Lathouris" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hardy", " Charlize Theron", " Nicholas Hoult", " Hugh Keays-Byrne" ],
"Plot": "A woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in postapocalyptic Australia in search
for her home-land with the help of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshipper, and
a drifter named Max.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "Australia", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 638510
"_id": 146,
"Title": "The Princess Bride",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "09 Oct 1987",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Reiner" ],
"Writer": [ "William Goldman (book)", " William Goldman (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Cary Elwes", " Mandy Patinkin", " Chris Sarandon", " Christopher Guest" ],
"Plot": "While home sick in bed, a young boy's grandfather reads him a story called The
Princess Bride.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 314262
"_id": 147,
"Title": "Million Dollar Baby",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 Jan 2005",
"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Clint Eastwood" ],
"Writer": [ "Paul Haggis (screenplay)", " F.X. Toole (stories)" ],
"Actors": [ "Clint Eastwood", " Hilary Swank", " Morgan Freeman", " Jay Baruchel" ],
"Plot": "A determined woman works with a hardened boxing trainer to become a
"Language": [ "English", " Irish" ],

Page 77 of 233
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 519405
"_id": 148,
"Title": "Jurassic Park",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "11 Jun 1993",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Crichton (novel)", " Michael Crichton (screenplay)", " David Koepp
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Sam Neill", " Laura Dern", " Jeff Goldblum", " Richard Attenborough" ],
"Plot": "During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that
allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 670652
"_id": 149,
"Title": "Spider-Man: Homecoming",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Jul 2017",
"Runtime": "133 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Jon Watts" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Goldstein (screenplay)", " John Francis Daley (screenplay)", " Jon
Watts (screenplay)", " Christopher Ford (screenplay)", " Chris McKenna (screenplay)", " Erik
Sommers (screenplay)", " Jonathan Goldstein (screen story by)", " John Francis Daley (screen
story by)", " Stan Lee (based on the Marvel comic book by)", " Steve Ditko (based on the
Marvel comic book by)", " Joe Simon (character created by: Captain America)", " Jack Kirby
(character created by: Captain America)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Holland", " Michael Keaton", " Robert Downey Jr.", " Marisa Tomei" ],
"Plot": "Peter Parker, with the help of his mentor Tony Stark, tries to balance his life as
an ordinary high school student in New York City while fighting crime as his superhero alter
ego Spider-Man when a new threat emerges.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,

Page 78 of 233
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 64044
"_id": 150,
"Title": "Before Sunrise",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "27 Jan 1995",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Richard Linklater" ],
"Writer": [ "Richard Linklater", " Kim Krizan" ],
"Actors": [ "Ethan Hawke", " Julie Delpy", " Andrea Eckert", " Hanno P\u00f6schl" ],
"Plot": "A young man and woman meet on a train in Europe, and wind up spending one
evening together in Vienna. Unfortunately, both know that this will probably be their only
night together.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Austria", " Switzerland" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 202165
"_id": 151,
"Title": "The Truman Show",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "05 Jun 1998",
"Runtime": "103 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Weir" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Niccol" ],
"Actors": [ "Jim Carrey", " Laura Linney", " Noah Emmerich", " Natascha McElhone" ],
"Plot": "An insurance salesman\/adjuster discovers his entire life is actually a television
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 724665
"_id": 152,
"Title": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "15 Jul 2011",

Page 79 of 233
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "David Yates" ],
"Writer": [ "Steve Kloves (screenplay)", " J.K. Rowling (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ralph Fiennes", " Michael Gambon", " Alan Rickman", " Daniel Radcliffe" ],
"Plot": "Harry, Ron and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their
effort to destroy the Dark Lord as the final battle rages on at Hogwarts.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 87.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 594362
"_id": 153,
"Title": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 Dec 2015",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "J.J. Abrams" ],
"Writer": [ "Lawrence Kasdan", " J.J. Abrams", " Michael Arndt", " George Lucas (based
on characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Harrison Ford", " Mark Hamill", " Carrie Fisher", " Adam Driver" ],
"Plot": "Three decades after the Empire's defeat, a new threat arises in the militant First
Order. Stormtrooper defector Finn and spare parts scavenger Rey are caught up in the
Resistance's search for the missing Luke Skywalker.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 665521
"_id": 154,
"Title": "Rocky",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "03 Dec 1976",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "John G. Avildsen" ],
"Writer": [ "Sylvester Stallone" ],
"Actors": [ "Sylvester Stallone", " Talia Shire", " Burt Young", " Carl Weathers" ],

Page 80 of 233
"Plot": "Rocky Balboa, a small-time boxer, gets a supremely rare chance to fight heavy-
weight champion Apollo Creed in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 407892
"_id": 155,
"Title": "Prisoners",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Sep 2013",
"Runtime": "153 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Denis Villeneuve" ],
"Writer": [ "Aaron Guzikowski" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Jake Gyllenhaal", " Viola Davis", " Maria Bello" ],
"Plot": "When Keller Dover's daughter and her friend go missing, he takes matters into
his own hands as the police pursue multiple leads and the pressure mounts.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 436571
"_id": 156,
"Title": "Donnie Darko",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "26 Oct 2001",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Richard Kelly" ],
"Writer": [ "Richard Kelly" ],
"Actors": [ "Jake Gyllenhaal", " Holmes Osborne", " Maggie Gyllenhaal", " Daveigh
Chase" ],
"Plot": "A troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who
manipulates him to commit a series of crimes, after he narrowly escapes a bizarre
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,

Page 81 of 233
"imdbVotes": 622498
"_id": 157,
"Title": "Catch Me If You Can",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2002",
"Runtime": "141 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Jeff Nathanson (screenplay)", " Frank Abagnale Jr. (book)", " Stan Redding
(book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Tom Hanks", " Christopher Walken", " Martin Sheen"
"Plot": "The story of 'Frank Abagnale Jr., before his 19th birthday, successfully forged
millions of dollars' worth of checks while posing as a Pan Am pilot, a doctor, and legal
prosecutor as a seasoned and dedicated FBI agent pursues him.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 592039
"_id": 158,
"Title": "Monsters, Inc.",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "02 Nov 2001",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Pete Docter", " David Silverman", " Lee Unkrich" ],
"Writer": [ "Pete Docter (original story by)", " Jill Culton (original story by)", " Jeff
Pidgeon (original story by)", " Ralph Eggleston (original story by)", " Andrew Stanton
(screenplay)", " Daniel Gerson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "John Goodman", " Billy Crystal", " Mary Gibbs", " Steve Buscemi" ],
"Plot": "In order to power the city, monsters have to scare children so that they scream.
However, the children are toxic to the monsters, and after a child gets through, 2 monsters
realize things may not be what they think.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 78.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 639101

Page 82 of 233
"_id": 159,
"Title": "The Bourne Ultimatum",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Aug 2007",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Paul Greengrass" ],
"Writer": [ "Tony Gilroy (screenplay)", " Scott Z. Burns (screenplay)", " George Nolfi
(screenplay)", " Tony Gilroy (screen story)", " Robert Ludlum (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt Damon", " Julia Stiles", " David Strathairn", " Scott Glenn" ],
"Plot": "Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new
assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Arabic", " Russian", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 527907
"_id": 160,
"Title": "The Wizard of Oz",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "25 Aug 1939",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Victor Fleming", " George Cukor", " Mervyn LeRoy", " Norman Taurog", "
King Vidor" ],
"Writer": [ "Noel Langley (screenplay)", " Florence Ryerson (screenplay)", " Edgar Allan
Woolf (screenplay)", " Noel Langley (adaptation)", " L. Frank Baum (from the book by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Judy Garland", " Frank Morgan", " Ray Bolger", " Bert Lahr" ],
"Plot": "Dorothy Gale is swept away from a farm in Kansas to a magical land of Oz in a
tornado and embarks on a quest with her new friends to see the Wizard who can help her
return home in Kansas and help her friends as well.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 100.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 311697
"_id": 161,
"Title": "Roman Holiday",
"Rated": "PASSED",
"Released": "02 Sep 1953",
"Runtime": "118 min",

Page 83 of 233
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "William Wyler" ],
"Writer": [ "Ian McLellan Hunter (screenplay)", " John Dighton (screenplay)", " Dalton
Trumbo (screenplay)", " Dalton Trumbo (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Gregory Peck", " Audrey Hepburn", " Eddie Albert", " Hartley Power" ],
"Plot": "A bored and sheltered princess escapes her guardians and falls in love with an
American newsman in Rome.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " German" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 107872
"_id": 162,
"Title": "The Terminator",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "26 Oct 1984",
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "James Cameron" ],
"Writer": [ "James Cameron", " Gale Anne Hurd", " William Wisher Jr. (additional
dialogue)" ],
"Actors": [ "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " Michael Biehn", " Linda Hamilton", " Paul
Winfield" ],
"Plot": "A seemingly indestructible humanoid cyborg is sent from 2029 to 1984 to
assassinate a waitress, whose unborn son will lead humanity in a war against the machines,
while a soldier from that war is sent to protect her at all costs.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 646546
"_id": 163,
"Title": "Groundhog Day",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "12 Feb 1993",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Fantasy", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Harold Ramis" ],
"Writer": [ "Danny Rubin (screenplay)", " Harold Ramis (screenplay)", " Danny Rubin
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Bill Murray", " Andie MacDowell", " Chris Elliott", " Stephen Tobolowsky" ],

Page 84 of 233
"Plot": "A weatherman finds himself inexplicably living the same day over and over
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 474776
"_id": 164,
"Title": "The Help",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 Aug 2011",
"Runtime": "146 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Tate Taylor" ],
"Writer": [ "Tate Taylor (screenplay)", " Kathryn Stockett (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Emma Stone", " Viola Davis", " Bryce Dallas Howard", " Octavia Spencer" ],
"Plot": "An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to
write a book detailing the African American maids' point of view on the white families for
which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " India", " United Arab Emirates" ],
"Metascore": 62.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 344326
"_id": 165,
"Title": "The Night of the Hunter",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "24 Nov 1955",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Film-Noir" ],
"Director": [ "Charles Laughton" ],
"Writer": [ "James Agee (screenplay)", " Davis Grubb (based on the novel by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Mitchum", " Shelley Winters", " Lillian Gish", " James Gleason" ],
"Plot": "A religious fanatic marries a gullible widow whose young children are reluctant
to tell him where their real daddy hid $10,000 he'd stolen in a robbery.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 99.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 68366

Page 85 of 233
"_id": 166,
"Title": "Beauty and the Beast",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "22 Nov 1991",
"Runtime": "84 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Gary Trousdale", " Kirk Wise" ],
"Writer": [ "Linda Woolverton (animation screenplay by)", " Brenda Chapman (story)", "
Chris Sanders (story)", " Burny Mattinson (story)", " Kevin Harkey (story)", " Brian Pimental
(story)", " Bruce Woodside (story)", " Joe Ranft (story)", " Tom Ellery (story)", " Kelly Asbury
(story)", " Robert Lence (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robby Benson", " Jesse Corti", " Rex Everhart", " Angela Lansbury" ],
"Plot": "A young woman whose father has been imprisoned by a terrifying beast offers
herself in his place, unaware that her captor is actually a prince, physically altered by a
magic spell.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 95.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 336430
"_id": 167,
"Title": "Lion",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 Jan 2017",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Garth Davis" ],
"Writer": [ "Saroo Brierley (adapted from the book \"\"A Long Way Home\"\" by)", "
Luke Davies (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Sunny Pawar", " Abhishek Bharate", " Priyanka Bose", " Khushi Solanki" ],
"Plot": "A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of
kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in
Australia. 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family.",
"Language": [ "English", " Hindi", " Bengali" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " Australia", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 113296
"_id": 168,
"Title": "Twelve Monkeys",

Page 86 of 233
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "05 Jan 1996",
"Runtime": "129 min",
"Genre": [ "Mystery", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Terry Gilliam" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Marker (film La Jet\u00e9e)", " David Webb Peoples (screenplay)", "
Janet Peoples (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Joseph Melito", " Bruce Willis", " Jon Seda", " Michael Chance" ],
"Plot": "In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather
information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 492644
"_id": 169,
"Title": "Guardians of the Galaxy",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Aug 2014",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "James Gunn" ],
"Writer": [ "James Gunn", " Nicole Perlman", " Dan Abnett (based on the Marvel comics
by)", " Andy Lanning (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Bill Mantlo (character created by:
Rocket Raccoon)", " Keith Giffen (character created by: Rocket Raccoon)", " Jim Starlin
(characters created by: Drax the Destroyer", " Gamora", " Thanos)", " Steve Englehart
(character created by: Star-Lord)", " Steve Gan (character created by: Star-Lord)", " Steve
Gerber (character created by: Howard the Duck)", " Val Mayerik (character created by:
Howard the Duck)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pratt", " Zoe Saldana", " Dave Bautista", " Vin Diesel" ],
"Plot": "A group of intergalactic criminals are forced to work together to stop a fanatical
warrior from taking control of the universe.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 768444
"_id": 170,
"Title": "Jaws",
"Rated": "PG",

Page 87 of 233
"Released": "20 Jun 1975",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Peter Benchley (screenplay)", " Carl Gottlieb (screenplay)", " Peter Benchley
(based on the novel by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Roy Scheider", " Robert Shaw", " Richard Dreyfuss", " Lorraine Gary" ],
"Plot": "A giant great white shark arrives on the shores of a New England beach resort
and wreaks havoc with bloody attacks on swimmers, until a local sheriff teams up with a
marine biologist and an old seafarer to hunt the monster down.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 445407
"_id": 171,
"Title": "Zootopia",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "04 Mar 2016",
"Runtime": "108 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Jared Bush", " Byron Howard", " Rich Moore" ],
"Writer": [ "Byron Howard (story by)", " Rich Moore (story by)", " Jared Bush (story by)",
" Jim Reardon (story by)", " Josie Trinidad (story by)", " Phil Johnston (story by)", " Jennifer
Lee (story by)", " Jared Bush (screenplay)", " Phil Johnston (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ginnifer Goodwin", " Jason Bateman", " Idris Elba", " Jenny Slate" ],
"Plot": "In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a rookie bunny cop and a cynical con
artist fox must work together to uncover a conspiracy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 78.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 304299
"_id": 172,
"Title": "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "05 May 2017",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "James Gunn" ],

Page 88 of 233
"Writer": [ "James Gunn", " Dan Abnett (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Andy
Lanning (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Steve Englehart (Star-lord created by)", " Steve
Gan (Star-lord created by)", " Jim Starlin (Gamora and Drax created by)", " Stan Lee (Groot
created by)", " Larry Lieber (Groot created by)", " Jack Kirby (Groot created by)", " Bill
Mantlo (Rocket Raccoon created by)", " Keith Giffen (Rocket Raccoon created by)", " Steve
Gerber (character created by: Howard the Duck)", " Val Mayerik (character created by:
Howard the Duck)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pratt", " Zoe Saldana", " Dave Bautista", " Vin Diesel" ],
"Plot": "The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they
unravel the mystery of Peter Quill's true parentage.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 67.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 175272
"_id": 173,
"Title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "09 Jul 2003",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Gore Verbinski" ],
"Writer": [ "Ted Elliott (screen story)", " Terry Rossio (screen story)", " Stuart Beattie
(screen story)", " Jay Wolpert (screen story)", " Ted Elliott (screenplay)", " Terry Rossio
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Geoffrey Rush", " Orlando Bloom", " Keira Knightley" ],
"Plot": "Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate \"\"Captain\"\" Jack
Sparrow to save his love, the governor's daughter, from Jack's former pirate allies, who are
now undead.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 63.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 869710
"_id": 174,
"Title": "Before Sunset",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "30 Jul 2004",
"Runtime": "80 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Richard Linklater" ],

Page 89 of 233
"Writer": [ "Richard Linklater (screenplay)", " Julie Delpy (screenplay)", " Ethan Hawke
(screenplay)", " Richard Linklater (story)", " Kim Krizan (story)", " Richard Linklater
(characters)", " Kim Krizan (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ethan Hawke", " Julie Delpy", " Vernon Dobtcheff", " Louise Lemoine
Torr\u00e8s" ],
"Plot": "Nine years after Jesse and Celine first met, they encounter each other again on
the French leg of Jesse's book tour.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 179650
"_id": 175,
"Title": "The Imitation Game",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2014",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Morten Tyldum" ],
"Writer": [ "Graham Moore", " Andrew Hodges (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Benedict Cumberbatch", " Keira Knightley", " Matthew Goode", " Rory
Kinnear" ],
"Plot": "During World War II, mathematician Alan Turing tries to crack the enigma code
with help from fellow mathematicians.",
"Language": [ "English", " German" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 535118
"_id": 176,
"Title": "Young Frankenstein",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "15 Dec 1974",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Mel Brooks" ],
"Writer": [ "Gene Wilder (screen story and screenplay)", " Mel Brooks (screen story and
screenplay)", " Mary Shelley (based on characters in the novel \"\"Frankenstein\"\" by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Gene Wilder", " Peter Boyle", " Marty Feldman", " Madeline Kahn" ],

Page 90 of 233
"Plot": "An American grandson of the infamous scientist, struggling to prove that he is
not as insane as people believe, is invited to Transylvania, where he discovers the process
that reanimates a dead body.",
"Language": [ "English", " German" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 121147
"_id": 177,
"Title": "Dogville",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "23 Apr 2004",
"Runtime": "178 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Lars von Trier" ],
"Writer": [ "Lars von Trier" ],
"Actors": [ "Nicole Kidman", " Harriet Andersson", " Lauren Bacall", " Jean-Marc Barr" ],
"Plot": "A woman on the run from the mob is reluctantly accepted in a small Colorado
town. In exchange, she agrees to work for them. As a search visits town, she finds out that
their support has a price. Yet her dangerous secret is never far away...",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Netherlands", " Denmark", " UK", " France", " Finland", " Sweden", "
Germany", " Italy", " Norway" ],
"Metascore": 60.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 113851
"_id": 178,
"Title": "Dead Poets Society",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "09 Jun 1989",
"Runtime": "128 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Weir" ],
"Writer": [ "Tom Schulman" ],
"Actors": [ "Robin Williams", " Robert Sean Leonard", " Ethan Hawke", " Josh Charles" ],
"Plot": "English teacher John Keating inspires his students to look at poetry with a
different perspective of authentic knowledge and feelings.",
"Language": [ "English", " Latin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,

Page 91 of 233
"imdbVotes": 295852
"_id": 179,
"Title": "High Noon",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "30 Jul 1952",
"Runtime": "85 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Thriller", " Western" ],
"Director": [ "Fred Zinnemann" ],
"Writer": [ "Carl Foreman (screenplay)", " John W. Cunningham (magazine story \"\"The
Tin Star\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Gary Cooper", " Thomas Mitchell", " Lloyd Bridges", " Katy Jurado" ],
"Plot": "Marshal Will Kane, personally compelled to face his returning deadly enemy
Frank Miller, finds that his fellow townspeople refuse to help him.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 89.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 83393
"_id": 180,
"Title": "Sin City",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "01 Apr 2005",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Frank Miller", " Robert Rodriguez", " Quentin Tarantino" ],
"Writer": [ "Frank Miller (graphic novels)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jessica Alba", " Devon Aoki", " Alexis Bledel", " Powers Boothe" ],
"Plot": "A film that explores the dark and miserable town, Basin City, and tells the story
of three different people, all caught up in violent corruption.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 685825
"_id": 181,
"Title": "The Avengers",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 May 2012",
"Runtime": "143 min",

Page 92 of 233
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Joss Whedon" ],
"Writer": [ "Joss Whedon (screenplay)", " Zak Penn (story)", " Joss Whedon (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Downey Jr.", " Chris Evans", " Mark Ruffalo", " Chris Hemsworth" ],
"Plot": "Earth's mightiest heroes must come together and learn to fight as a team if
they are to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 1051143
"_id": 182,
"Title": "The Martian",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "02 Oct 2015",
"Runtime": "144 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Drew Goddard (screenplay)", " Andy Weir (based on the novel by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt Damon", " Jessica Chastain", " Kristen Wiig", " Jeff Daniels" ],
"Plot": "An astronaut becomes stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead, and
must rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.",
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 560864
"_id": 183,
"Title": "The Exorcist",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "26 Dec 1973",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Horror" ],
"Director": [ "William Friedkin" ],
"Writer": [ "William Peter Blatty (written for the screen by)", " William Peter Blatty
(novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ellen Burstyn", " Max von Sydow", " Lee J. Cobb", " Kitty Winn" ],
"Plot": "When a teenage girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the
help of two priests to save her daughter.",
"Language": [ "English", " Latin", " Greek", " French", " German", " Arabic", " Kurdish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 93 of 233
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 299364
"_id": 184,
"Title": "The King's Speech",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Dec 2010",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Tom Hooper" ],
"Writer": [ "David Seidler (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Colin Firth", " Helena Bonham Carter", " Derek Jacobi", " Robert Portal" ],
"Plot": "The story of King George VI of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who
helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 88.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 537662
"_id": 185,
"Title": "A Christmas Story",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "18 Nov 1983",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Bob Clark" ],
"Writer": [ "Jean Shepherd (based on the novel \"\"In God We Trust", " All Others Pay
Cash\"\" by)", " Jean Shepherd (screenplay)", " Leigh Brown (screenplay)", " Bob Clark
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Melinda Dillon", " Darren McGavin", " Peter Billingsley", " Scott Schwartz" ],
"Plot": "In the 1940s, a young boy named Ralphie attempts to convince his parents, his
teacher, and Santa that a Red Ryder B.B. gun really is the perfect Christmas gift.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 110893
"_id": 186,

Page 94 of 233
"Title": "The Graduate",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "22 Dec 1967",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Mike Nichols" ],
"Writer": [ "Calder Willingham (screenplay)", " Buck Henry (screenplay)", " Charles
Webb (based on the novel by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Anne Bancroft", " Dustin Hoffman", " Katharine Ross", " William Daniels" ],
"Plot": "A disillusioned college graduate finds himself torn between his older lover and
her daughter.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 220459
"_id": 187,
"Title": "JFK",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "20 Dec 1991",
"Runtime": "189 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " History", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Oliver Stone" ],
"Writer": [ "Oliver Stone (screenplay)", " Zachary Sklar (screenplay)", " Jim Garrison
(book)", " Jim Marrs (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Sally Kirkland", " Anthony Ramirez", " Ray LePere", " Steve Reed" ],
"Plot": "A New Orleans DA discovers there's more to the Kennedy assassination than
the official story.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "France", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 120061
"_id": 188,
"Title": "Sling Blade",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "14 Mar 1997",
"Runtime": "135 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Billy Bob Thornton" ],
"Writer": [ "Billy Bob Thornton (play)", " Billy Bob Thornton (screenplay)" ],

Page 95 of 233
"Actors": [ "Billy Bob Thornton", " Dwight Yoakam", " J.T. Walsh", " John Ritter" ],
"Plot": "Karl Childers, a simple man hospitalized since his childhood murder of his
mother and her lover, is released to start a new life in a small town.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 84.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 75931
"_id": 189,
"Title": "Blood Diamond",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Dec 2006",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Edward Zwick" ],
"Writer": [ "Charles Leavitt (screenplay)", " Charles Leavitt (story)", " C. Gaby Mitchell
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Djimon Hounsou", " Jennifer Connelly", " Kagiso
Kuypers" ],
"Plot": "A fisherman, a smuggler, and a syndicate of businessmen match wits over the
possession of a priceless diamond.",
"Language": [ "English", " Mende", " Afrikaans" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 424781
"_id": 190,
"Title": "Magnolia",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "07 Jan 2000",
"Runtime": "188 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Paul Thomas Anderson" ],
"Writer": [ "Paul Thomas Anderson" ],
"Actors": [ "Pat Healy", " Genevieve Zweig", " Mark Flanagan", " Neil Flynn" ],
"Plot": "An epic mosaic of interrelated characters in search of love, forgiveness, and
meaning in the San Fernando Valley.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,

Page 96 of 233
"imdbVotes": 251286
"_id": 191,
"Title": "Rain Man",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "16 Dec 1988",
"Runtime": "133 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Barry Levinson" ],
"Writer": [ "Barry Morrow (story)", " Ronald Bass (screenplay)", " Barry Morrow
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Dustin Hoffman", " Tom Cruise", " Valeria Golino", " Gerald R. Molen" ],
"Plot": "Selfish yuppie Charlie Babbitt's father left a fortune to his savant brother
Raymond and a pittance to Charlie; they travel cross-country.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 403104
"_id": 192,
"Title": "The Revenant",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Jan 2016",
"Runtime": "156 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Alejandro Gonz\u00e1lez I\u00f1\u00e1rritu" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark L. Smith (screenplay)", " Alejandro Gonz\u00e1lez I\u00f1\u00e1rritu
(screenplay)", " Michael Punke (based in part on the novel by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Tom Hardy", " Domhnall Gleeson", " Will Poulter" ],
"Plot": "A frontiersman on a fur trading expedition in the 1820s fights for survival after
being mauled by a bear and left for dead by members of his own hunting team.",
"Language": [ "English", " Pawnee", " French" ],
"Country": [ "Hong Kong", " Taiwan", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 504647
"_id": 193,
"Title": "The Manchurian Candidate",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "24 Oct 1962",

Page 97 of 233
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "John Frankenheimer" ],
"Writer": [ "Richard Condon (based upon a novel by)", " George Axelrod (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Frank Sinatra", " Laurence Harvey", " Janet Leigh", " Angela Lansbury" ],
"Plot": "A former prisoner of war is brainwashed as an unwitting assassin for an
international Communist conspiracy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 94.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 63422
"_id": 194,
"Title": "Deadpool",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "12 Feb 2016",
"Runtime": "108 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Miller" ],
"Writer": [ "Rhett Reese", " Paul Wernick" ],
"Actors": [ "Ryan Reynolds", " Karan Soni", " Ed Skrein", " Michael Benyaer" ],
"Plot": "A fast-talking mercenary with a morbid sense of humor is subjected to a rogue
experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers and a quest for revenge.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 644281
"_id": 195,
"Title": "Big Fish",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "09 Jan 2004",
"Runtime": "125 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Burton" ],
"Writer": [ "Daniel Wallace (novel)", " John August (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ewan McGregor", " Albert Finney", " Billy Crudup", " Jessica Lange" ],
"Plot": "A frustrated son tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying father's
"Language": [ "English", " Cantonese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 98 of 233
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 364938
"_id": 196,
"Title": "Patton",
"Rated": "GP",
"Released": "02 Apr 1970",
"Runtime": "172 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Franklin J. Schaffner" ],
"Writer": [ "Francis Ford Coppola (screen story and screenplay)", " Edmund H. North
(screen story and screenplay)", " Ladislas Farago (based on factual material from Patton:
Ordeal and Triumph)", " Omar N. Bradley (based on factual material from: A Soldier's Story)"
"Actors": [ "George C. Scott", " Karl Malden", " Stephen Young", " Michael Strong" ],
"Plot": "The World War II phase of the career of the controversial American general,
George S. Patton.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French", " Russian", " Arabic", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 91.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 80730
"_id": 197,
"Title": "Short Term 12",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "23 Aug 2013",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Destin Daniel Cretton" ],
"Writer": [ "Destin Daniel Cretton" ],
"Actors": [ "Brie Larson", " John Gallagher Jr.", " Stephanie Beatriz", " Rami Malek" ],
"Plot": "A 20-something supervising staff member of a residential treatment facility
navigates the troubled waters of that world alongside her co-worker and longtime
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 62348

Page 99 of 233
"_id": 198,
"Title": "The Straight Story",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "03 Nov 1999",
"Runtime": "112 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "David Lynch" ],
"Writer": [ "John Roach", " Mary Sweeney" ],
"Actors": [ "Sissy Spacek", " Jane Galloway Heitz", " Joseph A. Carpenter", " Donald
Wiegert" ],
"Plot": "An old man makes a long journey by lawn-mover tractor to mend his
relationship with an ill brother.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "France", " UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 67045
"_id": 199,
"Title": "Slumdog Millionaire",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Dec 2008",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Danny Boyle", " Loveleen Tandan" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Beaufoy (screenplay)", " Vikas Swarup (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Dev Patel", " Saurabh Shukla", " Anil Kapoor", " Raj Zutshi" ],
"Plot": "A Mumbai teen reflects on his upbringing in the slums when he is accused of
cheating on the Indian Version of \"\"Who Wants to be a Millionaire?\"\"",
"Language": [ "English", " Hindi", " French" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " France", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 679975
"_id": 200,
"Title": "Black Friday",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "09 Feb 2007",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Anurag Kashyap" ],

Page 100 of 233

"Writer": [ "Anurag Kashyap (screenplay)", " Hussain Zaidi (book)", " Piyush Mishra
(lyrics)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kay Kay Menon", " Pavan Malhotra", " Aditya Srivastava", " Dibyendu
Bhattacharya" ],
"Plot": "Black Friday is a film about the investigations following the 1993 serial Bombay
bomb blasts, told through the different stories of the people involved --police, conspirators,
victims, middlemen.",
"Language": [ "Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 12509
"_id": 201,
"Title": "3 Idiots",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2009",
"Runtime": "170 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Rajkumar Hirani" ],
"Writer": [ "Rajkumar Hirani (screenplay)", " Abhijat Joshi (screenplay)", " Vidhu Vinod
Chopra (screenplay)", " Abhijat Joshi (story)", " Chetan Bhagat (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Aamir Khan", " Madhavan", " Sharman Joshi", " Kareena Kapoor Khan" ],
"Plot": "Two friends are searching for their long lost companion. They revisit their
college days and recall the memories of their friend who inspired them to think differently,
even as the rest of the world called them \"\"idiots\"\".",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 67.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 242305
"_id": 202,
"Title": "Chak de! India",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "10 Aug 2007",
"Runtime": "153 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Family", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Shimit Amin" ],
"Writer": [ "Jaideep Sahni (dialogue)", " Jaideep Sahni (screenplay)", " Jaideep Sahni
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Shah Rukh Khan", " Vidya Malvade", " Sagarika Ghatge", " Shilpa Shukla" ],

Page 101 of 233

"Plot": "Kabir Khan is the coach of the Indian Women's National Hockey Team and his
dream is to make his all girls team emerge victorious against all odds.",
"Language": [ "Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 55982
"_id": 203,
"Title": "Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "08 May 2002",
"Runtime": "224 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Musical" ],
"Director": [ "Ashutosh Gowariker" ],
"Writer": [ "Ashutosh Gowariker (story)", " Ashutosh Gowariker (screenplay)", " Kumar
Dave (screenplay)", " Sanjay Dayma (screenplay)", " K.P. Saxena (dialogue)" ],
"Actors": [ "Aamir Khan", " Gracy Singh", " Rachel Shelley", " Paul Blackthorne" ],
"Plot": "The people of a small village in Victorian India stake their future on a game of
cricket against their ruthless British rulers.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English", " Awadhi", " Urdu" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 84.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 81045
"_id": 204,
"Title": "My Name Is Khan",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Feb 2010",
"Runtime": "165 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Karan Johar" ],
"Writer": [ "Shibani Bathija (story and screenplay)", " Shibani Bathija (dialogue)", "
Niranjan Iyengar (dialogue)" ],
"Actors": [ "Shah Rukh Khan", " Kajol", " Katie A. Keane", " Kenton Duty" ],
"Plot": "An Indian Muslim man with Asperger's syndrome takes a challenge to speak to
the President seriously, and embarks on a cross-country journey.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " Urdu", " English" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 79249

Page 102 of 233

"_id": 205,
"Title": "The Lunchbox",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "20 Sep 2013",
"Runtime": "104 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Ritesh Batra" ],
"Writer": [ "Ritesh Batra (screenplay)", " Vasan Bala (hindi dialogue consultant)" ],
"Actors": [ "Irrfan Khan", " Nimrat Kaur", " Nawazuddin Siddiqui", " Lillete Dubey" ],
"Plot": "A mistaken delivery in Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox delivery system
connects a young housewife to an older man in the dusk of his life as they build a fantasy
world together through notes in the lunchbox.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English" ],
"Country": [ "India", " France", " Germany", " USA", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 35575
"_id": 206,
"Title": "Earth",
"Rated": "UNRATED",
"Released": "07 Jul 1999",
"Runtime": "110 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Deepa Mehta" ],
"Writer": [ "Deepa Mehta", " Bapsi Sidhwa (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Aamir Khan", " Nandita Das", " Rahul Khanna", " Maia Sethna" ],
"Plot": "It's 1947 and the borderlines between India and Pakistan are being drawn. A
young girl bears witnesses to tragedy as her ayah is caught between the love of two men
and the rising tide of political and religious violence.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English", " Gujarati", " Panjabi", " Urdu" ],
"Country": [ "India", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 71.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 6169
"_id": 207,
"Title": "Kai po che!",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "22 Feb 2013",
"Runtime": "120 min",

Page 103 of 233

"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Abhishek Kapoor" ],
"Writer": [ "Chetan Bhagat (novel)", " Abhishek Kapoor (adaptation)", " Supratik Sen
(adaptation)", " Chetan Bhagat (adaptation)", " Pubali Chaudhuri (adaptation)" ],
"Actors": [ "Rajkummar Rao", " Sushant Singh Rajput", " Amit Sadh", " Asif Basra" ],
"Plot": "Three friends growing up in India at the turn of the millennium set out to open
a training academy to produce the country's next cricket stars.",
"Language": [ "Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 40.0,
"imdbRating": 7.7,
"imdbVotes": 21396
"_id": 208,
"Title": "Highway",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "21 Feb 2014",
"Runtime": "133 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Imtiaz Ali" ],
"Writer": [ "Imtiaz Ali" ],
"Actors": [ "Alia Bhatt", " Randeep Hooda", " Durgesh Kumar", " Pradeep Nagar" ],
"Plot": "Right before her wedding, a young woman finds herself abducted and held for
ransom. As the initial days pass, she begins to develop a strange bond with her kidnapper.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 40.0,
"imdbRating": 7.6,
"imdbVotes": 19638
"_id": 209,
"Title": "Monsoon Wedding",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "26 Apr 2002",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Mira Nair" ],
"Writer": [ "Sabrina Dhawan" ],
"Actors": [ "Naseeruddin Shah", " Lillete Dubey", " Shefali Shetty", " Vijay Raaz" ],
"Plot": "A stressed father, a bride-to-be with a secret, a smitten event planner, and
relatives from around the world create much ado about the preparations for an arranged
marriage in India.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English" ],

Page 104 of 233

"Country": [ "India", " USA", " Italy", " Germany", " France", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 20613
"_id": 210,
"Title": "Talaash",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "30 Nov 2012",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Reema Kagti" ],
"Writer": [ "Farhan Akhtar (dialogue)", " Anurag Kashyap (additional dialogue)", " Zoya
Akhtar (story)", " Reema Kagti (story)", " Zoya Akhtar (screenplay)", " Reema Kagti
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Aamir Khan", " Kareena Kapoor Khan", " Nawazuddin Siddiqui", " Rani
Mukerji" ],
"Plot": "Inspector Surjan Shekhawat, who is dealing with a depressing past, has to
investigate a high profile murder case, deal with his crumbling marriage and use the help
and solace of a prostitute by the name of Rosie.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English", " Marathi", " Tamil" ],
"Country": [ "India" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 31693
"_id": 211,
"Title": "Don 2",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "23 Dec 2011",
"Runtime": "148 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Farhan Akhtar" ],
"Writer": [ "Farhan Akhtar (dialogue)", " Farhan Akhtar (story)", " Javed Akhtar
(characters)", " Salim Khan (characters)", " Ameet Mehta (screenplay)", " Ameet Mehta
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Priyanka Chopra", " Shah Rukh Khan", " Hrithik Roshan", " Om Puri" ],
"Plot": "An international gangster turns himself in, then dramatically escapes - only to
face treachery and betrayal.",
"Language": [ "Hindi", " English", " German" ],
"Country": [ "India", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,

Page 105 of 233

"imdbVotes": 42233
"_id": 212,
"Title": "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly",
"Rated": "APPROVED",
"Released": "29 Dec 1967",
"Runtime": "178 min",
"Genre": [ "Western" ],
"Director": [ "Sergio Leone" ],
"Writer": [ "Luciano Vincenzoni (story)", " Sergio Leone (story)", " Agenore Incrocci
(screenplay)", " Furio Scarpelli (screenplay)", " Luciano Vincenzoni (screenplay)", " Sergio
Leone (screenplay)", " Mickey Knox (English version by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Eli Wallach", " Clint Eastwood", " Lee Van Cleef", " Aldo Giuffr\u00e8" ],
"Plot": "A bounty hunting scam joins two men in an uneasy alliance against a third in a
race to find a fortune in gold buried in a remote cemetery.",
"Language": [ "Italian", " English" ],
"Country": [ "Italy", " Spain", " West Germany" ],
"Metascore": 90.0,
"imdbRating": 8.9,
"imdbVotes": 539526
"_id": 213,
"Title": "Seven Samurai",
"Rated": "UNRATED",
"Released": "19 Nov 1956",
"Runtime": "207 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Akira Kurosawa" ],
"Writer": [ "Akira Kurosawa (screenplay)", " Shinobu Hashimoto (screenplay)", " Hideo
Oguni (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Toshir\u00f4 Mifune", " Takashi Shimura", " Keiko Tsushima", " Yukiko
Shimazaki" ],
"Plot": "A poor village under attack by bandits recruits seven unemployed samurai to
help them defend themselves.",
"Language": [ "Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "Japan" ],
"Metascore": 98.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 246807
"_id": 214,
"Title": "City of God",

Page 106 of 233

"Rated": "R",
"Released": "13 Feb 2004",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Fernando Meirelles", " K\u00e1tia Lund" ],
"Writer": [ "Paulo Lins (novel)", " Br\u00e1ulio Mantovani (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Alexandre Rodrigues", " Leandro Firmino", " Phellipe Haagensen", " Douglas
Silva" ],
"Plot": "Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different
paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer.",
"Language": [ "Portuguese" ],
"Country": [ "Brazil", " France" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 8.7,
"imdbVotes": 571582
"_id": 215,
"Title": "Life Is Beautiful",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Feb 1999",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Roberto Benigni" ],
"Writer": [ "Vincenzo Cerami (story and screenplay by)", " Roberto Benigni (story and
screenplay by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Roberto Benigni", " Nicoletta Braschi", " Giorgio Cantarini", " Giustino
Durano" ],
"Plot": "When an open-minded Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the
Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor and imagination to protect his son from
the dangers around their camp.",
"Language": [ "Italian", " German", " English" ],
"Country": [ "Italy" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 464159
"_id": 216,
"Title": "Spirited Away",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "28 Mar 2003",
"Runtime": "125 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Hayao Miyazaki" ],

Page 107 of 233

"Writer": [ "Hayao Miyazaki" ],
"Actors": [ "Rumi Hiiragi", " Miyu Irino", " Mari Natsuki", " Takashi Nait\u00f4" ],
"Plot": "During her family's move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into
a world ruled by gods, witches, and spirits, and where humans are changed into beasts.",
"Language": [ "Japanese", " English" ],
"Country": [ "Japan" ],
"Metascore": 94.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 464405
"_id": 217,
"Title": "Once Upon a Time in the West",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 Jul 1969",
"Runtime": "164 min",
"Genre": [ "Western" ],
"Director": [ "Sergio Leone" ],
"Writer": [ "Sergio Donati (screenplay)", " Sergio Leone (screenplay)", " Dario Argento
(from a story by)", " Bernardo Bertolucci (from a story by)", " Sergio Leone (from a story by)"
"Actors": [ "Claudia Cardinale", " Henry Fonda", " Jason Robards", " Charles Bronson" ],
"Plot": "A mysterious stranger with a harmonica joins forces with a notorious
desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.",
"Language": [ "Italian", " Spanish", " English" ],
"Country": [ "Italy", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 234483
"_id": 218,
"Title": "The Intouchables",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "02 Nov 2011",
"Runtime": "112 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Comedy", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Olivier Nakache", " Eric Toledano" ],
"Writer": [ "Olivier Nakache", " Eric Toledano" ],
"Actors": [ "Fran\u00e7ois Cluzet", " Omar Sy", " Anne Le Ny", " Audrey Fleurot" ],
"Plot": "After he becomes a quadriplegic from a paragliding accident, an aristocrat hires
a young man from the projects to be his caregiver.",
"Language": [ "French", " English" ],
"Country": [ "France" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,

Page 108 of 233

"imdbRating": 8.6,
"imdbVotes": 562601
"_id": 219,
"Title": "Cinema Paradiso",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "23 Feb 1990",
"Runtime": "155 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Giuseppe Tornatore" ],
"Writer": [ "Giuseppe Tornatore (story)", " Giuseppe Tornatore (screenplay)", " Vanna
Paoli (collaborating writer)", " Richard Epcar (english version)" ],
"Actors": [ "Antonella Attili", " Enzo Cannavale", " Isa Danieli", " Leo Gullotta" ],
"Plot": "A filmmaker recalls his childhood, when he fell in love with the movies at his
village's theater and formed a deep friendship with the theater's projectionist.",
"Language": [ "Italian" ],
"Country": [ "Italy", " France" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 168022
"_id": 220,
"Title": "The Lives of Others",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "30 Mar 2007",
"Runtime": "137 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck" ],
"Writer": [ "Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck" ],
"Actors": [ "Martina Gedeck", " Ulrich M\u00fche", " Sebastian Koch", " Ulrich Tukur" ],
"Plot": "In 1984 East Berlin, an agent of the secret police, conducting surveillance on a
writer and his lover, finds himself becoming increasingly absorbed by their lives.",
"Language": [ "German" ],
"Country": [ "Germany" ],
"Metascore": 89.0,
"imdbRating": 8.5,
"imdbVotes": 280660
"_id": 221,
"Title": "Princess Mononoke",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Jul 1997",

Page 109 of 233

"Runtime": "134 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Hayao Miyazaki" ],
"Writer": [ "Hayao Miyazaki", " Neil Gaiman (adapted by: English version)" ],
"Actors": [ "Billy Crudup", " Billy Bob Thornton", " Minnie Driver", " John DiMaggio" ],
"Plot": "On a journey to find the cure for a Tatarigami's curse, Ashitaka finds himself in
the middle of a war between the forest gods and Tatara, a mining colony. In this quest he
also meets San, the Mononoke Hime.",
"Language": [ "Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "Japan" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 246093
"_id": 222,
"Title": "Oldboy",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "21 Nov 2003",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Chan-wook Park" ],
"Writer": [ "Garon Tsuchiya (story)", " Nobuaki Minegishi (comic)", " Chan-wook Park
(screenplay)", " Chun-hyeong Lim (screenplay)", " Jo-yun Hwang (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Min-sik Choi", " Ji-tae Yu", " Hye-jeong Kang", " Dae-han Ji" ],
"Plot": "After being kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, Oh Dae-Su is released,
only to find that he must find his captor in five days.",
"Language": [ "Korean" ],
"Country": [ "South Korea" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 387850
"_id": 223,
"Title": "Das Boot",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Feb 1982",
"Runtime": "149 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Wolfgang Petersen" ],
"Writer": [ "Wolfgang Petersen (screenplay)", " Lothar G. Buchheim (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "J\u00fcrgen Prochnow", " Herbert Gr\u00f6nemeyer", " Klaus
Wennemann", " Hubertus Bengsch" ],

Page 110 of 233

"Plot": "The claustrophobic world of a WWII German U-boat; boredom, filth, and sheer
"Language": [ "German", " English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "West Germany" ],
"Metascore": 86.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 180895
"_id": 224,
"Title": "Am\u00e9lie",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Feb 2002",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Jean-Pierre Jeunet" ],
"Writer": [ "Guillaume Laurant (scenario)", " Jean-Pierre Jeunet (scenario)", " Guillaume
Laurant (dialogue)" ],
"Actors": [ "Audrey Tautou", " Mathieu Kassovitz", " Rufus", " Lorella Cravotta" ],
"Plot": "Am\u00e9lie is an innocent and naive girl in Paris with her own sense of justice.
She decides to help those around her and, along the way, discovers love.",
"Language": [ "French", " Russian", " English" ],
"Country": [ "France", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 574954
"_id": 225,
"Title": "Your Name",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "07 Apr 2017",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Makoto Shinkai" ],
"Writer": [ "Makoto Shinkai (based on his novel)", " Makoto Shinkai (screenplay)", "
Clark Cheng (english script)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ry\u00fbnosuke Kamiki", " Mone Kamishiraishi", " Ry\u00f4 Narita", " Aoi
Y\u00fbki" ],
"Plot": "Two strangers find themselves linked in a bizarre way. When a connection
forms, will distance be the only thing to keep them apart?",
"Language": [ "Japanese", " Chinese" ],
"Country": [ "Japan" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 8.6,

Page 111 of 233

"imdbVotes": 37312
"_id": 226,
"Title": "The Hunt",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Jan 2013",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Thomas Vinterberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Tobias Lindholm (screenplay)", " Thomas Vinterberg (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mads Mikkelsen", " Thomas Bo Larsen", " Annika Wedderkopp", " Lasse
Fogelstr\u00f8m" ],
"Plot": "A teacher lives a lonely life, all the while struggling over his son's custody. His
life slowly gets better as he finds love and receives good news from his son, but his new luck
is about to be brutally shattered by an innocent little lie.",
"Language": [ "Danish", " English", " Polish" ],
"Country": [ "Denmark", " Sweden" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 194271
"_id": 227,
"Title": "A Separation",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Mar 2011",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Asghar Farhadi" ],
"Writer": [ "Asghar Farhadi" ],
"Actors": [ "Peyman Moaadi", " Leila Hatami", " Sareh Bayat", " Shahab Hosseini" ],
"Plot": "A married couple are faced with a difficult decision - to improve the life of their
child by moving to another country or to stay in Iran and look after a deteriorating parent
who has Alzheimer's disease.",
"Language": [ "Persian" ],
"Country": [ "Iran", " France" ],
"Metascore": 95.0,
"imdbRating": 8.4,
"imdbVotes": 166787
"_id": 228,
"Title": "Metropolis",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",

Page 112 of 233

"Released": "13 Mar 1927",
"Runtime": "153 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Fritz Lang" ],
"Writer": [ "Thea von Harbou (screenplay)", " Thea von Harbou (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Alfred Abel", " Gustav Fr\u00f6hlich", " Rudolf Klein-Rogge", " Fritz Rasp" ],
"Plot": "In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city
planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who
predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences.",
"Language": [ "German" ],
"Country": [ "Germany" ],
"Metascore": 98.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 121542
"_id": 229,
"Title": "Downfall",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Apr 2005",
"Runtime": "156 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Oliver Hirschbiegel" ],
"Writer": [ "Bernd Eichinger (screenplay)", " Joachim Fest (book)", " Traudl Junge
(book)", " Melissa M\u00fcller (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Bruno Ganz", " Alexandra Maria Lara", " Corinna Harfouch", " Ulrich
Matthes" ],
"Plot": "Traudl Junge, the final secretary for Adolf Hitler, tells of the Nazi dictator's final
days in his Berlin bunker at the end of WWII.",
"Language": [ "German", " Russian", " Hungarian" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " Austria", " Italy" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.3,
"imdbVotes": 266492
"_id": 230,
"Title": "Pan's Labyrinth",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "19 Jan 2007",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Fantasy", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Guillermo del Toro" ],
"Writer": [ "Guillermo del Toro" ],

Page 113 of 233

"Actors": [ "Ivana Baquero", " Sergi L\u00f3pez", " Maribel Verd\u00fa", " Doug Jones"
"Plot": "In the falangist Spain of 1944, the bookish young stepdaughter of a sadistic
army officer escapes into an eerie but captivating fantasy world.",
"Language": [ "Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "Spain", " Mexico", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 98.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 501345
"_id": 231,
"Title": "Ran",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "01 Jun 1985",
"Runtime": "162 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Akira Kurosawa" ],
"Writer": [ "Akira Kurosawa (screenplay)", " Hideo Oguni (screenplay)", " Masato Ide
(screenplay)", " William Shakespeare (play)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tatsuya Nakadai", " Akira Terao", " Jinpachi Nezu", " Daisuke Ry\u00fb" ],
"Plot": "In Medieval Japan, an elderly warlord retires, handing over his empire to his
three sons. However, he vastly underestimates how the new-found power will corrupt them
and cause them to turn on each other...and him.",
"Language": [ "Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "Japan", " France" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 84196
"_id": 232,
"Title": "The Secret in Their Eyes",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "21 May 2010",
"Runtime": "129 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Juan Jos\u00e9 Campanella" ],
"Writer": [ "Eduardo Sacheri (screenplay)", " Juan Jos\u00e9 Campanella (screenplay)",
" Eduardo Sacheri (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Soledad Villamil", " Ricardo Dar\u00edn", " Carla Quevedo", " Pablo Rago" ],
"Plot": "A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his
past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of
which still haunt him decades later.",
"Language": [ "Spanish" ],

Page 114 of 233

"Country": [ "Argentina", " Spain" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 145345
"_id": 233,
"Title": "Howl's Moving Castle",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "17 Jun 2005",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Hayao Miyazaki" ],
"Writer": [ "Hayao Miyazaki (screenplay)", " Diana Wynne Jones (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chieko Baish\u00f4", " Takuya Kimura", " Akihiro Miwa", " Tatsuya
Gash\u00fbin" ],
"Plot": "When an unconfident young woman is cursed with an old body by a spiteful
witch, her only chance of breaking the spell lies with a self-indulgent yet insecure young
wizard and his companions in his legged, walking castle.",
"Language": [ "Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "Japan" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 236747
"_id": 234,
"Title": "Incendies",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "12 Jan 2011",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Mystery", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Denis Villeneuve" ],
"Writer": [ "Denis Villeneuve (scenario)", " Wajdi Mouawad (play)", " Val\u00e9rie
Beaugrand-Champagne (collaboration)", " Denis Villeneuve (dialogue)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mustafa Kamel", " Hussein Sami", " R\u00e9my Girard", " M\u00e9lissa
D\u00e9sormeaux-Poulin" ],
"Plot": "Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history, and fulfill their
mother's last wishes.",
"Language": [ "French", " Arabic", " English" ],
"Country": [ "Canada", " France" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.2,
"imdbVotes": 94067

Page 115 of 233

"_id": 235,
"Title": "Wild Tales",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "21 Aug 2014",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Dami\u00e1n Szifron" ],
"Writer": [ "Dami\u00e1n Szifron" ],
"Actors": [ "Dar\u00edo Grandinetti", " Mar\u00eda Marull", " M\u00f3nica Villa", "
Rita Cortese" ],
"Plot": "Six short stories that explore the extremities of human behavior involving
people in distress.",
"Language": [ "Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "Argentina", " Spain" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 112743
"_id": 236,
"Title": "Memories of Murder",
"Rated": "UNRATED",
"Released": "02 May 2003",
"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Bong Joon Ho" ],
"Writer": [ "Bong Joon Ho", " Kwang-rim Kim (play)", " Sung-bo Shim" ],
"Actors": [ "Kang-ho Song", " Sang-kyung Kim", " Roe-ha Kim", " Jae-ho Song" ],
"Plot": "In a small Korean province in 1986, three detectives struggle with the case of
multiple young women being found raped and murdered by an unknown culprit.",
"Language": [ "Korean", " English" ],
"Country": [ "South Korea" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 76875
"_id": 237,
"Title": "Amores Perros",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "13 Apr 2001",
"Runtime": "154 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Alejandro Gonz\u00e1lez I\u00f1\u00e1rritu" ],

Page 116 of 233

"Writer": [ "Guillermo Arriaga" ],
"Actors": [ "Emilio Echevarr\u00eda", " Gael Garc\u00eda Bernal", " Goya Toledo", "
\u00c1lvaro Guerrero" ],
"Plot": "A horrific car accident connects three stories, each involving characters dealing
with loss, regret, and life's harsh realities, all in the name of love.",
"Language": [ "Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "Mexico" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 184555
"_id": 238,
"Title": "Infernal Affairs",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "12 Dec 2002",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Wai-Keung Lau", " Alan Mak" ],
"Writer": [ "Alan Mak", " Felix Chong" ],
"Actors": [ "Andy Lau", " Tony Chiu-Wai Leung", " Anthony Chau-Sang Wong", " Eric
Tsang" ],
"Plot": "A story between a mole in the police department and an undercover cop. Their
objectives are the same: to find out who is the mole, and who is the cop.",
"Language": [ "Cantonese", " English", " Thai" ],
"Country": [ "Hong Kong" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 98381
"_id": 239,
"Title": "The Battle of Algiers",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "20 Sep 1967",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "Gillo Pontecorvo" ],
"Writer": [ "Franco Solinas", " Franco Solinas (story)", " Gillo Pontecorvo (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jean Martin", " Yacef Saadi", " Brahim Hadjadj", " Samia Kerbash" ],
"Plot": "In the 1950s, fear and violence escalate as the people of Algiers fight for
independence from the French government.",
"Language": [ "French", " Arabic", " English" ],
"Country": [ "Italy", " Algeria" ],
"Metascore": 95.0,

Page 117 of 233

"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 41118
"_id": 240,
"Title": "In the Mood for Love",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "09 Mar 2001",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Kar-Wai Wong" ],
"Writer": [ "Kar-Wai Wong" ],
"Actors": [ "Maggie Cheung", " Tony Chiu-Wai Leung", " Ping Lam Siu", " Tung Cho 'Joe'
Cheung" ],
"Plot": "Two neighbors, a woman and a man, form a strong bond after both suspect
extramarital activities of their spouses. However, they agree to keep their bond platonic so
as not to commit similar wrongs.",
"Language": [ "Cantonese", " Shanghainese", " French", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "Hong Kong", " China" ],
"Metascore": 85.0,
"imdbRating": 8.1,
"imdbVotes": 84121
"_id": 241,
"Title": "Avatar",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 Dec 2009",
"Runtime": "162 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "James Cameron" ],
"Writer": [ "James Cameron" ],
"Actors": [ "Sam Worthington", " Zoe Saldana", " Sigourney Weaver", " Stephen Lang" ],
"Plot": "A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission
becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 939525
"_id": 242,
"Title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 118 of 233

"Released": "25 May 2007",
"Runtime": "169 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Gore Verbinski" ],
"Writer": [ "Ted Elliott", " Terry Rossio", " Ted Elliott (characters)", " Terry Rossio
(characters)", " Stuart Beattie (characters)", " Jay Wolpert (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Geoffrey Rush", " Orlando Bloom", " Keira Knightley" ],
"Plot": "Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the
map, navigate treachery and betrayal, find Jack Sparrow, and make their final alliances for
one last decisive battle.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 506076
"_id": 243,
"Title": "Spectre",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 Nov 2015",
"Runtime": "148 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Mendes" ],
"Writer": [ "John Logan (screenplay)", " Neal Purvis (screenplay)", " Robert Wade
(screenplay)", " Jez Butterworth (screenplay)", " John Logan (story by)", " Neal Purvis (story
by)", " Robert Wade (story by)", " Ian Fleming (based on characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Craig", " Christoph Waltz", " L\u00e9a Seydoux", " Ralph Fiennes" ],
"Plot": "A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister
organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels
back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish", " Italian", " German", " French" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 60.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 311366
"_id": 244,
"Title": "The Lone Ranger",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Jul 2013",
"Runtime": "150 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Western" ],
"Director": [ "Gore Verbinski" ],

Page 119 of 233

"Writer": [ "Justin Haythe (screenplay)", " Ted Elliott (screenplay)", " Terry Rossio
(screenplay)", " Ted Elliott (screen story)", " Terry Rossio (screen story)", " Justin Haythe
(screen story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Armie Hammer", " William Fichtner", " Tom Wilkinson" ],
"Plot": "Native American warrior Tonto recounts the untold tales that transformed John
Reid, a man of the law, into a legend of justice.",
"Language": [ "English", " North American Indian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 37.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 191532
"_id": 245,
"Title": "John Carter",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "09 Mar 2012",
"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Andrew Stanton" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Stanton (screenplay)", " Mark Andrews (screenplay)", " Michael
Chabon (screenplay)", " Edgar Rice Burroughs (based on the story \"\"A Princess of Mars\"\"
by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Taylor Kitsch", " Lynn Collins", " Samantha Morton", " Willem Dafoe" ],
"Plot": "Transported to Barsoom, a Civil War vet discovers a barren planet seemingly
inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself prisoner of these creatures, he escapes,
only to encounter Woola and a princess in desperate need of a savior.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 51.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 221813
"_id": 246,
"Title": "Tangled",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "24 Nov 2010",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Nathan Greno", " Byron Howard" ],
"Writer": [ "Dan Fogelman (screenplay)", " Jacob Grimm (based upon the fairy tale
\"\"Rapunzel\"\" by)", " Wilhelm Grimm (based upon the fairy tale \"\"Rapunzel\"\" by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mandy Moore", " Zachary Levi", " Donna Murphy", " Ron Perlman" ],

Page 120 of 233

"Plot": "The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now
that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first
time, and who she really is.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 71.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 319367
"_id": 247,
"Title": "Spider-Man 3",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 May 2007",
"Runtime": "139 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Raimi" ],
"Writer": [ "Sam Raimi (screenplay)", " Ivan Raimi (screenplay)", " Alvin Sargent
(screenplay)", " Sam Raimi (screen story)", " Ivan Raimi (screen story)", " Stan Lee (Marvel
comic book)", " Steve Ditko (Marvel comic book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tobey Maguire", " Kirsten Dunst", " James Franco", " Thomas Haden
Church" ],
"Plot": "A strange black entity from another world bonds with Peter Parker and causes
inner turmoil as he contends with new villains, temptations, and revenge.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 409059
"_id": 248,
"Title": "Avengers: Age of Ultron",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 May 2015",
"Runtime": "141 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Joss Whedon" ],
"Writer": [ "Joss Whedon", " Stan Lee (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Jack Kirby
(based on the Marvel comics by)", " Joe Simon (character created by: Captain America)", "
Jack Kirby (character created by: Captain America)", " Jim Starlin (character created by:
Thanos)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Downey Jr.", " Chris Hemsworth", " Mark Ruffalo", " Chris Evans" ],

Page 121 of 233

"Plot": "When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping
program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it's up to Earth's mightiest heroes to
stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his terrible plan.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 521903
"_id": 249,
"Title": "Captain America: Civil War",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 May 2016",
"Runtime": "147 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Anthony Russo", " Joe Russo" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Markus (screenplay)", " Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", " Joe
Simon (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comics by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Evans", " Robert Downey Jr.", " Scarlett Johansson", " Sebastian Stan"
"Plot": "Political interference in the Avengers' activities causes a rift between former
allies Captain America and Iron Man.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Xhosa", " Russian", " Romanian", " Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 417490
"_id": 250,
"Title": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Mar 2016",
"Runtime": "151 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Zack Snyder" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Terrio", " David S. Goyer", " Bob Kane (Batman created by)", " Bill
Finger (Batman created by)", " Jerry Siegel (Superman created by)", " Joe Shuster (Superman
created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Affleck", " Henry Cavill", " Amy Adams", " Jesse Eisenberg" ],
"Plot": "Fearing that the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on the
Man of Steel, while the world wrestles with what kind of a hero it really needs.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 122 of 233

"Metascore": 44.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 477874
"_id": 251,
"Title": "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Dec 2012",
"Runtime": "169 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],
"Writer": [ "Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens (screenplay)", " Peter Jackson
(screenplay)", " Guillermo del Toro (screenplay)", " J.R.R. Tolkien (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ian McKellen", " Martin Freeman", " Richard Armitage", " Ken Stott" ],
"Plot": "A reluctant hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with a
spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home - and the gold within it - from the
dragon Smaug.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " New Zealand" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 672505
"_id": 252,
"Title": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "15 Jul 2009",
"Runtime": "153 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "David Yates" ],
"Writer": [ "Steve Kloves (screenplay)", " J.K. Rowling (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Radcliffe", " Michael Gambon", " Dave Legeno", " Elarica Johnson" ],
"Plot": "As Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book
marked as \"\"the property of the Half-Blood Prince\"\" and begins to learn more about
Lord Voldemort's dark past.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 78.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 352477
"_id": 253,

Page 123 of 233

"Title": "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "13 Dec 2013",
"Runtime": "161 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],
"Writer": [ "Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens (screenplay)", " Peter Jackson
(screenplay)", " Guillermo del Toro (screenplay)", " J.R.R. Tolkien (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ian McKellen", " Martin Freeman", " Richard Armitage", " Ken Stott" ],
"Plot": "The dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, continue their
quest to reclaim Erebor, their homeland, from Smaug. Bilbo Baggins is in possession of a
mysterious and magical ring.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " New Zealand" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 517794
"_id": 254,
"Title": "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "17 Dec 2014",
"Runtime": "144 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],
"Writer": [ "Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens (screenplay)", " Peter Jackson
(screenplay)", " Guillermo del Toro (screenplay)", " J.R.R. Tolkien (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ian McKellen", " Martin Freeman", " Richard Armitage", " Ken Stott" ],
"Plot": "Bilbo and Company are forced to engage in a war against an array of
combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from falling into the hands of a rising darkness.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "New Zealand", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 388854
"_id": 255,
"Title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 May 2011",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Marshall" ],

Page 124 of 233

"Writer": [ "Ted Elliott (screenplay)", " Terry Rossio (screenplay)", " Ted Elliott (screen
story)", " Terry Rossio (screen story)", " Ted Elliott (characters)", " Terry Rossio (characters)",
" Stuart Beattie (characters)", " Jay Wolpert (characters)", " Tim Powers (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Pen\u00e9lope Cruz", " Geoffrey Rush", " Ian McShane" ],
"Plot": "Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of
youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 45.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 399812
"_id": 256,
"Title": "Superman Returns",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 Jun 2006",
"Runtime": "154 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Bryan Singer" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Dougherty (screenplay)", " Dan Harris (screenplay)", " Bryan Singer
(story)", " Michael Dougherty (story)", " Dan Harris (story)", " Jerry Siegel (characters)", " Joe
Shuster (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Brandon Routh", " Kate Bosworth", " Kevin Spacey", " James Marsden" ],
"Plot": "Superman reappears after a long absence, but is challenged by an old foe who
uses Kryptonian technology for world domination.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 247501
"_id": 257,
"Title": "Quantum of Solace",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Nov 2008",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Marc Forster" ],
"Writer": [ "Paul Haggis", " Neal Purvis", " Robert Wade" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Craig", " Olga Kurylenko", " Mathieu Amalric", " Judi Dench" ],
"Plot": "James Bond descends into mystery as he tries to stop a mysterious organization
from eliminating a country's most valuable resource. All the while, he still tries to seek
revenge over the death of his love.",

Page 125 of 233

"Language": [ "English", " Spanish", " Italian", " French", " Swiss German", " German" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 349358
"_id": 258,
"Title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Jul 2006",
"Runtime": "151 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Gore Verbinski" ],
"Writer": [ "Ted Elliott", " Terry Rossio", " Ted Elliott (characters)", " Terry Rossio
(characters)", " Stuart Beattie (characters)", " Jay Wolpert (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Orlando Bloom", " Keira Knightley", " Jack Davenport" ],
"Plot": "Jack Sparrow races to recover the heart of Davy Jones to avoid enslaving his
soul to Jones' service, as other friends and foes seek the heart for their own agenda as
"Language": [ "English", " Turkish", " Greek", " Mandarin", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 559203
"_id": 259,
"Title": "Man of Steel",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Jun 2013",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Zack Snyder" ],
"Writer": [ "David S. Goyer (screenplay)", " David S. Goyer (story)", " Christopher Nolan
(story)", " Jerry Siegel (Superman created by)", " Joe Shuster (Superman created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Henry Cavill", " Amy Adams", " Michael Shannon", " Diane Lane" ],
"Plot": "Clark Kent, one of the last of an extinguished race disguised as an unremarkable
human, is forced to reveal his identity when Earth is invaded by an army of survivors who
threaten to bring the planet to the brink of destruction.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 582519

Page 126 of 233

"_id": 260,
"Title": "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "16 May 2008",
"Runtime": "150 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Andrew Adamson" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Adamson (screenplay)", " Christopher Markus (screenplay)", "
Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", " C.S. Lewis (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Barnes", " Georgie Henley", " Skandar Keynes", " William Moseley" ],
"Plot": "The Pevensie siblings return to Narnia, where they are enlisted to once again
help ward off an evil king and restore the rightful heir to the land's throne, Prince Caspian.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Poland", " Slovenia", " Czech Republic" ],
"Metascore": 62.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 160107
"_id": 261,
"Title": "The Amazing Spider-Man",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Jul 2012",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Marc Webb" ],
"Writer": [ "James Vanderbilt (screenplay)", " Alvin Sargent (screenplay)", " Steve Kloves
(screenplay)", " James Vanderbilt (story)", " Stan Lee (based on the Marvel comic book by)",
" Steve Ditko (based on the Marvel comic book by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Andrew Garfield", " Emma Stone", " Rhys Ifans", " Denis Leary" ],
"Plot": "After Peter Parker is bitten by a genetically altered spider, he gains newfound,
spider-like powers and ventures out to solve the mystery of his parent's mysterious death.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 476542
"_id": 262,
"Title": "Jurassic World",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Jun 2015",

Page 127 of 233

"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Colin Trevorrow" ],
"Writer": [ "Rick Jaffa (screenplay)", " Amanda Silver (screenplay)", " Colin Trevorrow
(screenplay)", " Derek Connolly (screenplay)", " Rick Jaffa (story)", " Amanda Silver (story)", "
Michael Crichton (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pratt", " Bryce Dallas Howard", " Irrfan Khan", " Vincent D'Onofrio" ],
"Plot": "A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic Park, creates a
genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, which escapes containment and goes on a killing
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 458076
"_id": 263,
"Title": "Men in Black 3",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 May 2012",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Barry Sonnenfeld" ],
"Writer": [ "Etan Cohen", " Lowell Cunningham (based on the Malibu comic by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Tommy Lee Jones", " Josh Brolin", " Jemaine Clement" ],
"Plot": "Agent J travels in time to M.I.B.'s early days in 1969 to stop an alien from
assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.",
"Language": [ "English", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 279891
"_id": 264,
"Title": "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "24 Jun 2009",
"Runtime": "150 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "Ehren Kruger", " Roberto Orci", " Alex Kurtzman" ],
"Actors": [ "Shia LaBeouf", " Megan Fox", " Josh Duhamel", " Tyrese Gibson" ],

Page 128 of 233

"Plot": "Sam Witwicky leaves the Autobots behind for a normal life. But when his mind
is filled with cryptic symbols, the Decepticons target him and he is dragged back into the
Transformers' war.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 35.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 338892
"_id": 265,
"Title": "Transformers: Age of Extinction",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "27 Jun 2014",
"Runtime": "165 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "Ehren Kruger" ],
"Actors": [ "Mark Wahlberg", " Stanley Tucci", " Kelsey Grammer", " Nicola Peltz" ],
"Plot": "Autobots must escape sight from a bounty hunter who has taken control of the
human serendipity: Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime and his remaining gang turn to a
mechanic, his daughter, and her back street racing boyfriend for help.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " China" ],
"Metascore": 32.0,
"imdbRating": 5.7,
"imdbVotes": 259617
"_id": 266,
"Title": "X-Men: The Last Stand",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "26 May 2006",
"Runtime": "104 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Brett Ratner" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Kinberg", " Zak Penn" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Halle Berry", " Ian McKellen", " Patrick Stewart" ],
"Plot": "When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men,
led by Professor Charles Xavier, and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized
under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Canada", " USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,

Page 129 of 233

"imdbVotes": 408372
"_id": 267,
"Title": "Robin Hood",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 May 2010",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Brian Helgeland (screenplay)", " Brian Helgeland (story)", " Ethan Reiff
(story)", " Cyrus Voris (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Russell Crowe", " Cate Blanchett", " Max von Sydow", " William Hurt" ],
"Plot": "In 12th century England, Robin and his band of marauders confront corruption
in a local village and lead an uprising against the crown that will forever alter the balance of
world power.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 221762
"_id": 268,
"Title": "Battleship",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 May 2012",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Berg" ],
"Writer": [ "Jon Hoeber", " Erich Hoeber" ],
"Actors": [ "Taylor Kitsch", " Alexander Skarsg\u00e5rd", " Rihanna", " Brooklyn Decker"
"Plot": "A fleet of ships is forced to do battle with an armada of unknown origins in
order to discover and thwart their destructive goals.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 41.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 210806
"_id": 269,
"Title": "The Golden Compass",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 130 of 233

"Released": "07 Dec 2007",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Chris Weitz" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Weitz (screenplay)", " Philip Pullman (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Nicole Kidman", " Daniel Craig", " Dakota Blue Richards", " Ben Walker" ],
"Plot": "In a parallel universe, young Lyra Belacqua journeys to the far North to save her
best friend and other kidnapped children from terrible experiments by a mysterious
"Language": [ "English", " Icelandic", " Russian", " French" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 51.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 155661
"_id": 270,
"Title": "King Kong",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Dec 2005",
"Runtime": "187 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Jackson" ],
"Writer": [ "Fran Walsh (screenplay)", " Philippa Boyens (screenplay)", " Peter Jackson
(screenplay)", " Merian C. Cooper (based on a story by)", " Edgar Wallace (based on a story
by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Naomi Watts", " Jack Black", " Adrien Brody", " Thomas Kretschmann" ],
"Plot": "A movie crew, travelling to a mysterious island to shoot their picture, encounter
a furious gorilla, taking their leading actress and forming a special relationship with her,
protecting her at all costs.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "New Zealand", " USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 336252
"_id": 271,
"Title": "Titanic",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 Dec 1997",
"Runtime": "194 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "James Cameron" ],
"Writer": [ "James Cameron" ],

Page 131 of 233

"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Kate Winslet", " Billy Zane", " Kathy Bates" ],
"Plot": "A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard
the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.",
"Language": [ "English", " Swedish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 7.7,
"imdbVotes": 847267
"_id": 272,
"Title": "Iron Man 3",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 May 2013",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Shane Black" ],
"Writer": [ "Drew Pearce (screenplay)", " Shane Black (screenplay)", " Stan Lee (based
on the Marvel comic book by)", " Don Heck (based on the Marvel comic book by)", " Larry
Lieber (based on the Marvel comic book by)", " Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comic book
by)", " Warren Ellis (based on the \"\"Extremis\"\" mini-series written by)", " Adi Granov
(based on the \"\"Extremis\"\" mini-series illustrated by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Downey Jr.", " Gwyneth Paltrow", " Don Cheadle", " Guy Pearce" ],
"Plot": "When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the
Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "China", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 62.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 594224
"_id": 273,
"Title": "Spider-Man 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "30 Jun 2004",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Raimi" ],
"Writer": [ "Stan Lee (comic book)", " Steve Ditko (comic book)", " Alfred Gough (screen
story)", " Miles Millar (screen story)", " Michael Chabon (screen story)", " Alvin Sargent
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tobey Maguire", " Kirsten Dunst", " James Franco", " Alfred Molina" ],
"Plot": "Peter Parker is beset with troubles in his failing personal life as he battles a
brilliant scientist named Doctor Otto Octavius.",

Page 132 of 233

"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Chinese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 441321
"_id": 274,
"Title": "Alice in Wonderland",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "05 Mar 2010",
"Runtime": "108 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Burton" ],
"Writer": [ "Linda Woolverton (screenplay)", " Lewis Carroll (books)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Mia Wasikowska", " Helena Bonham Carter", " Anne
Hathaway" ],
"Plot": "Nineteen-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood
adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the
Red Queen's reign of terror.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 326704
"_id": 275,
"Title": "Skyfall",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "09 Nov 2012",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Mendes" ],
"Writer": [ "Neal Purvis", " Robert Wade", " John Logan" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Craig", " Judi Dench", " Javier Bardem", " Ralph Fiennes" ],
"Plot": "Bond's loyalty to M is tested when her past comes back to haunt her. Whilst
MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how
personal the cost.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 549749

Page 133 of 233

"_id": 276,
"Title": "Monsters University",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "21 Jun 2013",
"Runtime": "104 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Dan Scanlon" ],
"Writer": [ "Dan Scanlon (story by)", " Daniel Gerson (story by)", " Robert L. Baird (story
by)", " Daniel Gerson (screenplay)", " Robert L. Baird (screenplay)", " Dan Scanlon
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Billy Crystal", " John Goodman", " Steve Buscemi", " Helen Mirren" ],
"Plot": "A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at
Monsters University -- when they weren't necessarily the best of friends.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 252925
"_id": 277,
"Title": "Oz the Great and Powerful",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "08 Mar 2013",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Raimi" ],
"Writer": [ "Mitchell Kapner (screenplay)", " David Lindsay-Abaire (screenplay)", "
Mitchell Kapner (screen story)", " L. Frank Baum (\"\"Oz\"\" works)" ],
"Actors": [ "James Franco", " Mila Kunis", " Rachel Weisz", " Michelle Williams" ],
"Plot": "A frustrated circus magician from Kansas is transported to a magical land called
Oz, where he will have to fulfill a prophecy to become the king, and release the land from
the Wicked Witches using his great (but fake) powers.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 44.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 182005
"_id": 278,
"Title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "23 May 2014",

Page 134 of 233

"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Bryan Singer" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Kinberg (screenplay)", " Jane Goldman (story by)", " Simon Kinberg
(story by)", " Matthew Vaughn (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " James McAvoy", " Michael Fassbender", " Jennifer
Lawrence" ],
"Plot": "The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history
and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants.",
"Language": [ "English", " Vietnamese", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 557975
"_id": 279,
"Title": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "02 May 2014",
"Runtime": "142 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Marc Webb" ],
"Writer": [ "Alex Kurtzman (screenplay)", " Roberto Orci (screenplay)", " Jeff Pinkner
(screenplay)", " Alex Kurtzman (screen story)", " Roberto Orci (screen story)", " Jeff Pinkner
(screen story)", " James Vanderbilt (screen story)", " Stan Lee (Marvel comic book)", " Steve
Ditko (Marvel comic book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Andrew Garfield", " Emma Stone", " Jamie Foxx", " Dane DeHaan" ],
"Plot": "When New York is put under siege by Oscorp, it is up to Spider-Man to save the
city he swore to protect as well as his loved ones.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 344178
"_id": 280,
"Title": "Cars 2",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "24 Jun 2011",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "John Lasseter", " Brad Lewis" ],

Page 135 of 233

"Writer": [ "John Lasseter (original story by)", " Brad Lewis (original story by)", " Dan
Fogelman (original story by)", " Ben Queen (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Larry the Cable Guy", " Owen Wilson", " Michael Caine", " Emily Mortimer"
"Plot": "Star race car Lightning McQueen and his pal Mater head overseas to compete
in the World Grand Prix race. But the road to the championship becomes rocky as Mater
gets caught up in an intriguing adventure of his own: international espionage.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " Italian", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 111475
"_id": 281,
"Title": "TRON: Legacy",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "17 Dec 2010",
"Runtime": "125 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Joseph Kosinski" ],
"Writer": [ "Edward Kitsis (screenplay)", " Adam Horowitz (screenplay)", " Edward Kitsis
(story)", " Adam Horowitz (story)", " Brian Klugman (story)", " Lee Sternthal (story)", "
Steven Lisberger (characters)", " Bonnie MacBird (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jeff Bridges", " Garrett Hedlund", " Olivia Wilde", " Bruce Boxleitner" ],
"Plot": "The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up
inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation
and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 274675
"_id": 282,
"Title": "2012",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "13 Nov 2009",
"Runtime": "158 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Roland Emmerich" ],
"Writer": [ "Roland Emmerich", " Harald Kloser" ],
"Actors": [ "John Cusack", " Amanda Peet", " Chiwetel Ejiofor", " Thandie Newton" ],

Page 136 of 233

"Plot": "A frustrated writer struggles to keep his family alive when a series of global
catastrophes threatens to annihilate mankind.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Tibetan", " Mandarin", " Russian", " Hindi", "
Portuguese", " Latin", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 298869
"_id": 283,
"Title": "Terminator Salvation",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 May 2009",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "McG" ],
"Writer": [ "John Brancato", " Michael Ferris" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Bale", " Sam Worthington", " Moon Bloodgood", " Helena Bonham
Carter" ],
"Plot": "In 2018, a mysterious new weapon in the war against the machines, half-human
and half-machine, comes to John Connor on the eve of a resistance attack on Skynet. But
whose side is he on, and can he be trusted?",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany", " UK", " Italy" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 298070
"_id": 284,
"Title": "Green Lantern",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "17 Jun 2011",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Campbell" ],
"Writer": [ "Greg Berlanti (screenplay)", " Michael Green (screenplay)", " Marc
Guggenheim (screenplay)", " Michael Goldenberg (screenplay)", " Greg Berlanti (screen
story)", " Michael Green (screen story)", " Marc Guggenheim (screen story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ryan Reynolds", " Blake Lively", " Peter Sarsgaard", " Mark Strong" ],
"Plot": "Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan is granted an alien ring that bestows him with
otherworldly powers that inducts him into an intergalactic police force, the Green Lantern
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 137 of 233

"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 39.0,
"imdbRating": 5.6,
"imdbVotes": 232727
"_id": 285,
"Title": "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 May 2010",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Mike Newell" ],
"Writer": [ "Boaz Yakin (screenplay)", " Doug Miro (screenplay)", " Carlo Bernard
(screenplay)", " Jordan Mechner (screen story)", " Jordan Mechner (video game series
\"\"Prince of Persia\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Jake Gyllenhaal", " Gemma Arterton", " Ben Kingsley", " Alfred Molina" ],
"Plot": "A young fugitive prince and princess must stop a villain who unknowingly
threatens to destroy the world with a special dagger that enables the magic sand inside to
reverse time.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 234781
"_id": 286,
"Title": "Transformers: Dark of the Moon",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 Jun 2011",
"Runtime": "154 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "Ehren Kruger" ],
"Actors": [ "Shia LaBeouf", " Rosie Huntington-Whiteley", " Josh Duhamel", " John
Turturro" ],
"Plot": "The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the moon, and race
against the Decepticons to reach it and to learn its secrets.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 42.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 339695

Page 138 of 233

"_id": 287,
"Title": "Jack the Giant Slayer",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Mar 2013",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Bryan Singer" ],
"Writer": [ "Darren Lemke (screenplay)", " Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay)", " Dan
Studney (screenplay)", " Darren Lemke (story)", " David Dobkin (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Nicholas Hoult", " Eleanor Tomlinson", " Ewan McGregor", " Stanley Tucci"
"Plot": "The ancient war between humans and a race of giants is reignited when Jack, a
young farmhand fighting for a kingdom and the love of a princess, opens a gateway
between the two worlds.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 51.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 112414
"_id": 288,
"Title": "Furious 7",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Apr 2015",
"Runtime": "137 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "James Wan" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Morgan", " Gary Scott Thompson (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Vin Diesel", " Paul Walker", " Jason Statham", " Michelle Rodriguez" ],
"Plot": "Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his
comatose brother.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Japan" ],
"Metascore": 67.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 304124
"_id": 289,
"Title": "Star Trek Into Darkness",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 May 2013",
"Runtime": "132 min",

Page 139 of 233

"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "J.J. Abrams" ],
"Writer": [ "Roberto Orci", " Alex Kurtzman", " Damon Lindelof", " Gene Roddenberry
(television series \"\"Star Trek\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pine", " Zachary Quinto", " Zoe Saldana", " Karl Urban" ],
"Plot": "After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within
their own organization, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one-
man weapon of mass destruction.",
"Language": [ "English", " Klingon" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 419560
"_id": 290,
"Title": "World War Z",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Jun 2013",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Horror" ],
"Director": [ "Marc Forster" ],
"Writer": [ "Matthew Michael Carnahan (screenplay)", " Drew Goddard (screenplay)", "
Damon Lindelof (screenplay)", " Matthew Michael Carnahan (screen story)", " J. Michael
Straczynski (screen story)", " Max Brooks (based on the novel by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Brad Pitt", " Mireille Enos", " Daniella Kertesz", " James Badge Dale" ],
"Plot": "Former United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race
against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and
threatening to destroy humanity itself.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish", " Hebrew", " Arabic" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 63.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 497654
"_id": 291,
"Title": "The Great Gatsby",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 May 2013",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Baz Luhrmann" ],
"Writer": [ "Baz Luhrmann (screenplay)", " Craig Pearce (screenplay)", " F. Scott
Fitzgerald (based on the novel by)" ],

Page 140 of 233

"Actors": [ "Lisa Adam", " Frank Aldridge", " Amitabh Bachchan", " Steve Bisley" ],
"Plot": "A writer and wall street trader, Nick, finds himself drawn to the past and
lifestyle of his millionaire neighbor, Jay Gatsby.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Australia", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 387343
"_id": 292,
"Title": "A Christmas Carol",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "06 Nov 2009",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Drama", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Zemeckis" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Zemeckis (screenplay)", " Charles Dickens (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jim Carrey", " Steve Valentine", " Daryl Sabara", " Sage Ryan" ],
"Plot": "An animated retelling of Charles Dickens' classic novel about a Victorian-era
miser taken on a journey of self-redemption, courtesy of several mysterious Christmas
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 79480
"_id": 293,
"Title": "Pacific Rim",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Jul 2013",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Guillermo del Toro" ],
"Writer": [ "Travis Beacham (screenplay)", " Guillermo del Toro (screenplay)", " Travis
Beacham (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Charlie Hunnam", " Diego Klattenhoff", " Idris Elba", " Rinko Kikuchi" ],
"Plot": "As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former
pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a
desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " Cantonese", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,

Page 141 of 233

"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 401967
"_id": 294,
"Title": "The Good Dinosaur",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "25 Nov 2015",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Sohn" ],
"Writer": [ "Bob Peterson (original concept & development by)", " Peter Sohn (story
by)", " Erik Benson (story by)", " Meg LeFauve (story by)", " Kelsey Mann (story by)", " Bob
Peterson (story by)", " Meg LeFauve (screenplay)", " Peter Hedges (additional screenplay
material by)", " Adrian Molina (additional screenplay material by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jeffrey Wright", " Frances McDormand", " Maleah Nipay-Padilla", " Ryan
Teeple" ],
"Plot": "In a world where dinosaurs and humans live side-by-side, an Apatosaurus
named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 78154
"_id": 295,
"Title": "Iron Man",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "02 May 2008",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Jon Favreau" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Fergus (screenplay)", " Hawk Ostby (screenplay)", " Art Marcum
(screenplay)", " Matt Holloway (screenplay)", " Stan Lee (characters)", " Don Heck
(characters)", " Larry Lieber (characters)", " Jack Kirby (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Downey Jr.", " Terrence Howard", " Jeff Bridges", " Gwyneth
Paltrow" ],
"Plot": "After being held captive in an Afghan cave, billionaire engineer Tony Stark
creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil.",
"Language": [ "English", " Persian", " Urdu", " Arabic", " Hungarian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 742273

Page 142 of 233

"_id": 296,
"Title": "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 May 2008",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "David Koepp (screenplay)", " George Lucas (story)", " Jeff Nathanson
(story)", " George Lucas (characters)", " Philip Kaufman (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Harrison Ford", " Cate Blanchett", " Karen Allen", " Shia LaBeouf" ],
"Plot": "Famed archaeologist\/adventurer Dr. Henry \"\"Indiana\"\" Jones is called back
into action when he becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the secret behind
mysterious artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 352886
"_id": 297,
"Title": "Brave",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "22 Jun 2012",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Mark Andrews", " Brenda Chapman", " Steve Purcell" ],
"Writer": [ "Brenda Chapman (story by)", " Mark Andrews (screenplay)", " Steve Purcell
(screenplay)", " Brenda Chapman (screenplay)", " Irene Mecchi (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kelly Macdonald", " Billy Connolly", " Emma Thompson", " Julie Walters" ],
"Plot": "Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that
brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her
archery skills to undo a beastly curse.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 295710
"_id": 298,
"Title": "Star Trek Beyond",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 143 of 233

"Released": "22 Jul 2016",
"Runtime": "122 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Justin Lin" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Pegg", " Doug Jung", " Gene Roddenberry (based upon \"\"Star
Trek\"\" created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pine", " Zachary Quinto", " Karl Urban", " Zoe Saldana" ],
"Plot": "The U.S.S. Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space,
where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the
Federation stands for, to the test.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Hong Kong", " China" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 171483
"_id": 299,
"Title": "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "09 Dec 2005",
"Runtime": "143 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Andrew Adamson" ],
"Writer": [ "Ann Peacock (screenplay)", " Andrew Adamson (screenplay)", " Christopher
Markus (screenplay)", " Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", " C.S. Lewis (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Georgie Henley", " Skandar Keynes", " William Moseley", " Anna
Popplewell" ],
"Plot": "Four kids travel through a wardrobe to the land of Narnia and learn of their
destiny to free it with the guidance of a mystical lion.",
"Language": [ "English", " German" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 306122
"_id": 300,
"Title": "Maleficent",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "30 May 2014",
"Runtime": "97 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Stromberg" ],

Page 144 of 233

"Writer": [ "Linda Woolverton (screenplay)", " Charles Perrault (based on \"\"La Belle au
bois dormant\"\" written by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Angelina Jolie", " Elle Fanning", " Sharlto Copley", " Lesley Manville" ],
"Plot": "A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the
child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 270950
"_id": 301,
"Title": "Rush Hour 3",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 Aug 2007",
"Runtime": "91 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Brett Ratner" ],
"Writer": [ "Jeff Nathanson", " Ross LaManna (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Tucker", " Jackie Chan", " Max von Sydow", " Hiroyuki Sanada" ],
"Plot": "After an attempted assassination on Ambassador Han, Lee and Carter head to
Paris to protect a French woman with knowledge of the Triads' secret leaders.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Japanese", " Mandarin", " Latin" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 44.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 127774
"_id": 302,
"Title": "The Legend of Tarzan",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Jul 2016",
"Runtime": "110 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "David Yates" ],
"Writer": [ "Adam Cozad (screenplay)", " Craig Brewer (screenplay)", " Craig Brewer
(story by)", " Adam Cozad (story by)", " Edgar Rice Burroughs (based on the \"\"Tarzan\"\"
stories created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Alexander Skarsg\u00e5rd", " Rory J. Saper", " Christian Stevens", "
Christoph Waltz" ],
"Plot": "Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in
the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 145 of 233

"Country": [ "UK", " Canada", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 44.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 121468
"_id": 303,
"Title": "Hugo",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "23 Nov 2011",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "John Logan (screenplay)", " Brian Selznick (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Kingsley", " Sacha Baron Cohen", " Asa Butterfield", " Chlo\u00eb Grace
Moretz" ],
"Plot": "In Paris in 1931, an orphan named Hugo Cabret who lives in the walls of a train
station is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father and an automaton.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 83.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 260429
"_id": 304,
"Title": "Jupiter Ascending",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 Feb 2015",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski" ],
"Writer": [ "Lilly Wachowski", " Lana Wachowski" ],
"Actors": [ "Mila Kunis", " Channing Tatum", " Sean Bean", " Eddie Redmayne" ],
"Plot": "A young woman discovers her destiny as an heiress of intergalactic nobility and
must fight to protect the inhabitants of Earth from an ancient and destructive industry.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 40.0,
"imdbRating": 5.3,
"imdbVotes": 151069
"_id": 305,
"Title": "X-Men: Apocalypse",

Page 146 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "27 May 2016",
"Runtime": "144 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Bryan Singer" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Kinberg (screenplay)", " Bryan Singer (story by)", " Simon Kinberg
(story by)", " Michael Dougherty (story by)", " Dan Harris (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "James McAvoy", " Michael Fassbender", " Jennifer Lawrence", " Nicholas
Hoult" ],
"Plot": "After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, world-destroyer
Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.",
"Language": [ "English", " Polish", " German", " Arabic", " Egyptian (Ancient)" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 52.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 285476
"_id": 306,
"Title": "Edge of Tomorrow",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 Jun 2014",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Doug Liman" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay)", " Jez Butterworth (screenplay)", "
John-Henry Butterworth (screenplay)", " Hiroshi Sakurazaka (based on the novel \"\"All You
Need Is Kill\"\" by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Emily Blunt", " Brendan Gleeson", " Bill Paxton" ],
"Plot": "A soldier fighting aliens gets to relive the same day over and over again, the day
restarting every time he dies.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 71.0,
"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 475969
"_id": 307,
"Title": "The Jungle Book",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "15 Apr 2016",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Jon Favreau" ],

Page 147 of 233

"Writer": [ "Justin Marks (screenplay)", " Rudyard Kipling (based on the books by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Neel Sethi", " Bill Murray", " Ben Kingsley", " Idris Elba" ],
"Plot": "After a threat from the tiger Shere Khan forces him to flee the jungle, a man-
cub named Mowgli embarks on a journey of self discovery with the help of panther,
Bagheera, and free spirited bear, Baloo.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 201953
"_id": 308,
"Title": "Monsters vs. Aliens",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "27 Mar 2009",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Letterman", " Conrad Vernon" ],
"Writer": [ "Maya Forbes (screenplay)", " Wallace Wolodarsky (screenplay)", " Rob
Letterman (screenplay)", " Jonathan Aibel (screenplay)", " Glenn Berger (screenplay)", " Rob
Letterman (story)", " Conrad Vernon (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Reese Witherspoon", " Seth Rogen", " Hugh Laurie", " Will Arnett" ],
"Plot": "A woman transformed into a giant after she is struck by a meteorite on her
wedding day becomes part of a team of monsters sent in by the U.S. government to defeat
an alien mastermind trying to take over Earth.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 121558
"_id": 309,
"Title": "Suicide Squad",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "05 Aug 2016",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "David Ayer" ],
"Writer": [ "David Ayer" ],
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Jaime FitzSimons", " Ike Barinholtz", " Margot Robbie" ],
"Plot": "A secret government agency recruits some of the most dangerous incarcerated
super-villains to form a defensive task force. Their first mission: save the world from the

Page 148 of 233

"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 40.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 403492
"_id": 310,
"Title": "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Aug 2009",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Stephen Sommers" ],
"Writer": [ "Stuart Beattie (screenplay)", " David Elliot (screenplay)", " Paul Lovett
(screenplay)", " Michael B. Gordon (story)", " Stuart Beattie (story)", " Stephen Sommers
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje", " Christopher Eccleston", " Gr\u00e9gory
Fitoussi", " Joseph Gordon-Levitt" ],
"Plot": "An elite military unit comprised of special operatives known as G.I. Joe,
operating out of The Pit, takes on an evil organization led by a notorious arms dealer.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Scottish Gaelic" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Czech Republic" ],
"Metascore": 32.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 180922
"_id": 311,
"Title": "Wild Wild West",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "30 Jun 1999",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Barry Sonnenfeld" ],
"Writer": [ "Jim Thomas (story)", " John Thomas (story)", " S.S. Wilson (screenplay)", "
Brent Maddock (screenplay)", " Jeffrey Price (screenplay)", " Peter S. Seaman (screenplay)"
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Kevin Kline", " Kenneth Branagh", " Salma Hayek" ],
"Plot": "The two best hired guns in the West must save President Grant from the
clutches of a nineteenth-century inventor-villain.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 38.0,
"imdbRating": 4.8,

Page 149 of 233

"imdbVotes": 134683
"_id": 312,
"Title": "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Aug 2008",
"Runtime": "112 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Cohen" ],
"Writer": [ "Alfred Gough", " Miles Millar" ],
"Actors": [ "Brendan Fraser", " Jet Li", " Maria Bello", " John Hannah" ],
"Plot": "In the Far East, Alex O'Connell, the son of famed mummy fighters Rick and Evy
O'Connell, unearths the mummy of the first Emperor of Qin -- a shape-shifting entity cursed
by a witch centuries ago.",
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin", " Sanskrit" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany", " China" ],
"Metascore": 31.0,
"imdbRating": 5.2,
"imdbVotes": 125298
"_id": 313,
"Title": "Evan Almighty",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "22 Jun 2007",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Tom Shadyac" ],
"Writer": [ "Steve Oedekerk (screenplay)", " Steve Oedekerk (story)", " Joel Cohen
(story)", " Alec Sokolow (story)", " Steve Koren (characters)", " Mark O'Keefe (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Steve Carell", " Morgan Freeman", " Lauren Graham", " Johnny Simmons" ],
"Plot": "God contacts Congressman Evan Baxter and tells him to build an ark in
preparation for a great flood.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 37.0,
"imdbRating": 5.4,
"imdbVotes": 119899
"_id": 314,
"Title": "Waterworld",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 Jul 1995",

Page 150 of 233

"Runtime": "135 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Kevin Reynolds" ],
"Writer": [ "Peter Rader", " David Twohy" ],
"Actors": [ "Kevin Costner", " Chaim Jeraffi", " Rick Aviles", " R.D. Call" ],
"Plot": "In a future where the polar ice-caps have melted and Earth is almost entirely
submerged, a mutated mariner fights starvation and outlaw \"\"smokers,\"\" and
reluctantly helps a woman and a young girl try to find dry land.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 151938
"_id": 315,
"Title": "47 Ronin",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2013",
"Runtime": "128 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Carl Rinsch" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Morgan (screenplay)", " Hossein Amini (screenplay)", " Chris Morgan
(screen story by)", " Walter Hamada (screen story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Keanu Reeves", " Hiroyuki Sanada", " Ko Shibasaki", " Tadanobu Asano" ],
"Plot": "A band of samurai set out to avenge the death and dishonor of their master at
the hands of a ruthless shogun.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 28.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 124153
"_id": 316,
"Title": "Time Traveller",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "13 Feb 2015",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Roland Joff\u00e9" ],
"Writer": [ "Ajey Jhankar (story)", " Roland Joff\u00e9" ],
"Actors": [ "Josh Hartnett", " Bipasha Basu", " Tamsin Egerton", " James Mackay" ],
"Plot": "An epic, sweeping and riveting tale of an impossible love set across two time
periods and continents.",

Page 151 of 233

"Language": [ "English", " Hindi" ],
"Country": [ "Belgium", " India", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 19.0,
"imdbRating": 4.5,
"imdbVotes": 2516
"_id": 317,
"Title": "Iron Man 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 May 2010",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Jon Favreau" ],
"Writer": [ "Justin Theroux (screenplay)", " Stan Lee (Marvel comic book)", " Don Heck
(Marvel comic book)", " Larry Lieber (Marvel comic book)", " Jack Kirby (Marvel comic
book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Downey Jr.", " Gwyneth Paltrow", " Don Cheadle", " Scarlett
Johansson" ],
"Plot": "With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend
with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father's legacy.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 559473
"_id": 318,
"Title": "Captain America: The Winter Soldier",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 Apr 2014",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Anthony Russo", " Joe Russo" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Markus (screenplay)", " Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", " Joe
Simon (based on the Marvel comic by)", " Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comic by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Evans", " Samuel L. Jackson", " Scarlett Johansson", " Robert Redford"
"Plot": "As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world, he teams
up with a fellow Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Black Widow, to battle a new threat from
history: an assassin known as the Winter Soldier.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 70.0,

Page 152 of 233

"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 546650
"_id": 319,
"Title": "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "11 Jul 2014",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Matt Reeves" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Bomback", " Rick Jaffa", " Amanda Silver", " Rick Jaffa (characters)", "
Amanda Silver (characters)", " Pierre Boulle (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Andy Serkis", " Jason Clarke", " Gary Oldman", " Keri Russell" ],
"Plot": "A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a
band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier.",
"Language": [ "English", " American Sign Language" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 7.6,
"imdbVotes": 338880
"_id": 320,
"Title": "The Polar Express",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "10 Nov 2004",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Zemeckis" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Van Allsburg (book)", " Robert Zemeckis (screenplay)", " William
Broyles Jr. (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Leslie Zemeckis", " Eddie Deezen", " Nona Gaye" ],
"Plot": "A young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar
Express. During his adventure he learns about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 131979
"_id": 321,
"Title": "Snow White and the Huntsman",

Page 153 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Jun 2012",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Rupert Sanders" ],
"Writer": [ "Evan Daugherty (screenplay)", " John Lee Hancock (screenplay)", " Hossein
Amini (screenplay)", " Evan Daugherty (screen story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kristen Stewart", " Chris Hemsworth", " Charlize Theron", " Sam Claflin" ],
"Plot": "In a twist to the fairy tale, the Huntsman ordered to take Snow White into the
woods to be killed winds up becoming her protector and mentor in a quest to vanquish the
Evil Queen.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 240714
"_id": 322,
"Title": "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "02 Jul 2003",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Jonathan Mostow" ],
"Writer": [ "James Cameron (characters)", " Gale Anne Hurd (characters)", " John
Brancato (story)", " Michael Ferris (story)", " Tedi Sarafian (story)", " John Brancato
(screenplay)", " Michael Ferris (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " Nick Stahl", " Claire Danes", " Kristanna Loken" ],
"Plot": "A cybernetic warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to
protect a 25-year old drifter and his future wife from a most advanced robotic assassin and
to ensure they both survive a nuclear attack.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 321485
"_id": 323,
"Title": "Tomorrowland",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "22 May 2015",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Family" ],

Page 154 of 233

"Director": [ "Brad Bird" ],
"Writer": [ "Damon Lindelof (screenplay)", " Brad Bird (screenplay)", " Damon Lindelof
(story by)", " Brad Bird (story by)", " Jeff Jensen (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "George Clooney", " Hugh Laurie", " Britt Robertson", " Raffey Cassidy" ],
"Plot": "Bound by a shared destiny, a teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former
boy-genius inventor embark on a mission to unearth the secrets of a place somewhere in
time and space that exists in their collective memory.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Spain" ],
"Metascore": 60.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 144364
"_id": 324,
"Title": "Alice Through the Looking Glass",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "27 May 2016",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "James Bobin" ],
"Writer": [ "Linda Woolverton (screenplay)", " Lewis Carroll (books)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Mia Wasikowska", " Helena Bonham Carter", " Anne
Hathaway" ],
"Plot": "Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland and travels back in time to
help the Mad Hatter.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 34.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 59076
"_id": 325,
"Title": "Shrek Forever After",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "21 May 2010",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Mike Mitchell" ],
"Writer": [ "William Steig (book)", " Josh Klausner", " Darren Lemke" ],
"Actors": [ "Mike Myers", " Eddie Murphy", " Cameron Diaz", " Antonio Banderas" ],
"Plot": "Rumpelstiltskin tricks a mid-life crisis burdened Shrek into allowing himself to
be erased from existence and cast in a dark alternate timeline where Rumpel rules

Page 155 of 233

"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 148056
"_id": 326,
"Title": "Big Hero 6",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "07 Nov 2014",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Don Hall", " Chris Williams" ],
"Writer": [ "Jordan Roberts (screenplay)", " Robert L. Baird (screenplay)", " Daniel
Gerson (screenplay)", " Man of Action (Big Hero 6 team and characters created by)", "
Steven T. Seagle (characters)", " Duncan Rouleau (characters)", " Joe Kelly (characters)", "
Joe Casey (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Scott Adsit", " Ryan Potter", " Daniel Henney", " T.J. Miller" ],
"Plot": "The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax,
and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 312030
"_id": 327,
"Title": "Wreck-It Ralph",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "02 Nov 2012",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Rich Moore" ],
"Writer": [ "Rich Moore (story by)", " Phil Johnston (story by)", " Jim Reardon (story
by)", " Phil Johnston (screenplay)", " Jennifer Lee (screenplay)", " John C. Reilly (additional
story material by)", " Sam Levine (additional story material by)", " Jared Stern (additional
story material by)" ],
"Actors": [ "John C. Reilly", " Sarah Silverman", " Jack McBrayer", " Jane Lynch" ],
"Plot": "A video game villain wants to be a hero and sets out to fulfill his dream, but his
quest brings havoc to the whole arcade where he lives.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 156 of 233

"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 292721
"_id": 328,
"Title": "Independence Day: Resurgence",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "24 Jun 2016",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Roland Emmerich" ],
"Writer": [ "Nicolas Wright (screenplay)", " James A. Woods (screenplay)", " Dean Devlin
(screenplay)", " Roland Emmerich (screenplay)", " James Vanderbilt (screenplay)", " Dean
Devlin (story by)", " Roland Emmerich (story by)", " Nicolas Wright (story by)", " James A.
Woods (story by)", " Dean Devlin (based on characters created by)", " Roland Emmerich
(based on characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Liam Hemsworth", " Jeff Goldblum", " Jessie T. Usher", " Bill Pullman" ],
"Plot": "Two decades after the first Independence Day invasion, Earth is faced with a
new extra-Solar threat. But will mankind's new space defenses be enough?",
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 32.0,
"imdbRating": 5.3,
"imdbVotes": 129497
"_id": 329,
"Title": "Shrek the Third",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "18 May 2007",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Chris Miller", " Raman Hui" ],
"Writer": [ "William Steig (book)", " Andrew Adamson (story)", " Jeffrey Price
(screenplay)", " Peter S. Seaman (screenplay)", " Chris Miller (screenplay)", " Aron Warner
(screenplay)", " Jeff Snow (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mike Myers", " Eddie Murphy", " Cameron Diaz", " Antonio Banderas" ],
"Plot": "When his new father-in-law, King Harold falls ill, Shrek is looked at as the heir to
the land of Far, Far Away. Not one to give up his beloved swamp, Shrek recruits his friends
Donkey and Puss in Boots to install the rebellious Artie as the new king. Princess Fiona,
however, rallies a band of royal girlfriends to fend off a coup d'etat by the jilted Prince
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 157 of 233

"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 225689
"_id": 330,
"Title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 Nov 2015",
"Runtime": "137 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Lawrence" ],
"Writer": [ "Peter Craig (screenplay)", " Danny Strong (screenplay)", " Suzanne Collins
(adaptation)", " Suzanne Collins (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jennifer Lawrence", " Josh Hutcherson", " Liam Hemsworth", " Woody
Harrelson" ],
"Plot": "As the war of Panem escalates to the destruction of other districts, Katniss
Everdeen, the reluctant leader of the rebellion, must bring together an army against
President Snow, while all she holds dear hangs in the balance.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 205726
"_id": 331,
"Title": "The Fast and the Furious",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 Jun 2001",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Cohen" ],
"Writer": [ "Ken Li (magazine article \"\"Racer X\"\")", " Gary Scott Thompson (screen
story)", " Gary Scott Thompson (screenplay)", " Erik Bergquist (screenplay)", " David Ayer
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Paul Walker", " Vin Diesel", " Michelle Rodriguez", " Jordana Brewster" ],
"Plot": "Los Angeles police officer Brian O'Connor must decide where his loyalty really
lies when he becomes enamored with the street racing world he has been sent undercover
to destroy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 290520

Page 158 of 233

"_id": 332,
"Title": "Shin Godzilla",
"Rated": "NOT RATED",
"Released": "29 Jul 2016",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Hideaki Anno", " Shinji Higuchi", " Cris George" ],
"Writer": [ "Hideaki Anno", " Sean Whitley (english version)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hiroki Hasegawa", " Yutaka Takenouchi", " Satomi Ishihara", " Ren
\u00d4sugi" ],
"Plot": "Japan is plunged into chaos upon the appearance of a giant monster.",
"Language": [ "Japanese", " Japanese Sign Language", " English", " German" ],
"Country": [ "Japan" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 9041
"_id": 333,
"Title": "X-Men: First Class",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Jun 2011",
"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Matthew Vaughn" ],
"Writer": [ "Ashley Miller (screenplay)", " Zack Stentz (screenplay)", " Jane Goldman
(screenplay)", " Matthew Vaughn (screenplay)", " Sheldon Turner (story)", " Bryan Singer
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "James McAvoy", " Laurence Belcher", " Michael Fassbender", " Bill Milner" ],
"Plot": "In 1962, the United States government enlists the help of Mutants with
superhuman abilities to stop a malicious dictator who is determined to start World War III.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " French", " Spanish", " Russian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 552225
"_id": 334,
"Title": "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2008",
"Runtime": "166 min",

Page 159 of 233

"Genre": [ "Drama", " Fantasy", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "David Fincher" ],
"Writer": [ "Eric Roth (screenplay)", " Eric Roth (story)", " Robin Swicord (story)", " F.
Scott Fitzgerald (short story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Cate Blanchett", " Brad Pitt", " Julia Ormond", " Faune Chambers Watkins" ],
"Plot": "Tells the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with
bizarre consequences.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 70.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 488688
"_id": 335,
"Title": "The Sorcerer's Apprentice",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "14 Jul 2010",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Jon Turteltaub" ],
"Writer": [ "Lawrence Konner (screen story)", " Mark Rosenthal (screen story)", " Matt
Lopez (screen story)", " Matt Lopez (screenplay)", " Doug Miro (screenplay)", " Carlo
Bernard (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Nicolas Cage", " Jay Baruchel", " Alfred Molina", " Teresa Palmer" ],
"Plot": "Master sorcerer Balthazar Blake must find and train Merlin's descendant to
defeat dark sorceress Morgana la F\u00e9e.",
"Language": [ "English", " Cantonese", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 46.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 131047
"_id": 336,
"Title": "Poseidon",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 May 2006",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Wolfgang Petersen" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Protosevich (screenplay)", " Paul Gallico (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Josh Lucas", " Kurt Russell", " Jacinda Barrett", " Richard Dreyfuss" ],

Page 160 of 233

"Plot": "On New Year's Eve, the luxury ocean liner Poseidon capsizes after being
swamped by a rogue wave. The survivors are left to fight for their lives as they attempt to
escape the sinking ship.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 5.6,
"imdbVotes": 85297
"_id": 337,
"Title": "Warcraft: The Beginning",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 Jun 2016",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Duncan Jones" ],
"Writer": [ "Charles Leavitt (screenplay)", " Duncan Jones (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Travis Fimmel", " Paula Patton", " Ben Foster", " Dominic Cooper" ],
"Plot": "As an Orc horde invades the planet Azeroth using a magic portal, a few human
heroes and dissenting Orcs must attempt to stop the true evil behind this war.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "China", " Canada", " Japan", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 32.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 190505
"_id": 338,
"Title": "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "10 Dec 2010",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Apted" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Markus (screenplay)", " Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", "
Michael Petroni (screenplay)", " C.S. Lewis (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Georgie Henley", " Skandar Keynes", " Ben Barnes", " Will Poulter" ],
"Plot": "Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where
they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn
Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost
warriors before reaching the edge of the world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,

Page 161 of 233

"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 113978
"_id": 339,
"Title": "Terminator Genisys",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Jul 2015",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Alan Taylor" ],
"Writer": [ "Laeta Kalogridis", " Patrick Lussier", " James Cameron (based on characters
created by)", " Gale Anne Hurd (based on characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " Jason Clarke", " Emilia Clarke", " Jai Courtney" ],
"Plot": "When John Connor, leader of the human resistance, sends Sgt. Kyle Reese back
to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor and safeguard the future, an unexpected turn of events
creates a fractured timeline.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 38.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 206879
"_id": 340,
"Title": "Alexander",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "24 Nov 2004",
"Runtime": "175 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Biography" ],
"Director": [ "Oliver Stone" ],
"Writer": [ "Oliver Stone", " Christopher Kyle", " Laeta Kalogridis" ],
"Actors": [ "Anthony Hopkins", " David Bedella", " Jessie Kamm", " Angelina Jolie" ],
"Plot": "Alexander, the King of Macedonia and one of the greatest military leaders in
the history of warfare, conquers much of the known world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " USA", " Netherlands", " France", " UK", " Italy" ],
"Metascore": 39.0,
"imdbRating": 5.5,
"imdbVotes": 144540
"_id": 341,
"Title": "Pearl Harbor",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 162 of 233

"Released": "25 May 2001",
"Runtime": "183 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "Randall Wallace" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Affleck", " Josh Hartnett", " Kate Beckinsale", " William Lee Scott" ],
"Plot": "A tale of war and romance mixed in with history. The story follows two lifelong
friends and a beautiful nurse who are caught up in the horror of an infamous Sunday
morning in 1941.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 44.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 268853
"_id": 342,
"Title": "Transformers",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Jul 2007",
"Runtime": "144 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "Roberto Orci (screenplay)", " Alex Kurtzman (screenplay)", " John Rogers
(story)", " Roberto Orci (story)", " Alex Kurtzman (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Shia LaBeouf", " Megan Fox", " Josh Duhamel", " Tyrese Gibson" ],
"Plot": "An ancient struggle between two Cybertronian races, the heroic Autobots and
the evil Decepticons, comes to Earth, with a clue to the ultimate power held by a teenager.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 532331
"_id": 343,
"Title": "Frozen",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "27 Nov 2013",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Chris Buck", " Jennifer Lee" ],
"Writer": [ "Jennifer Lee (screenplay)", " Hans Christian Andersen (story inspired by
\"\"The Snow Queen\"\" by)", " Chris Buck (story by)", " Jennifer Lee (story by)", " Shane
Morris (story by)" ],

Page 163 of 233

"Actors": [ "Kristen Bell", " Idina Menzel", " Jonathan Groff", " Josh Gad" ],
"Plot": "When the newly crowned Queen Elsa accidentally uses her power to turn things
into ice to curse her home in infinite winter, her sister, Anna, teams up with a mountain
man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition.",
"Language": [ "English", " Icelandic" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 454377
"_id": 344,
"Title": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "11 Jul 2007",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "David Yates" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Goldenberg (screenplay)", " J.K. Rowling (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Radcliffe", " Harry Melling", " Jason Boyd", " Richard Macklin" ],
"Plot": "With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and
Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly
seizes power at Hogwarts.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 71.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 387750
"_id": 345,
"Title": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 Nov 2005",
"Runtime": "157 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Mike Newell" ],
"Writer": [ "Steve Kloves (screenplay)", " J.K. Rowling (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Eric Sykes", " Timothy Spall", " David Tennant", " Daniel Radcliffe" ],
"Plot": "A young wizard finds himself competing in a hazard its tournament between
rival schools of magic, but he is distracted by recurring nightmares.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 7.7,

Page 164 of 233

"imdbVotes": 420944
"_id": 346,
"Title": "The Matrix Reloaded",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "15 May 2003",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski" ],
"Writer": [ "Lilly Wachowski", " Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski (characters)", "
Lana Wachowski (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ray Anthony", " Christine Anu", " Andy Arness", " Alima Ashton-Sheibu" ],
"Plot": "Neo and the rebel leaders estimate that they have 72 hours until 250,000
probes discover Zion and destroy it and its inhabitants. During this, Neo must decide how he
can save Trinity from a dark fate in his dreams.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 62.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 442318
"_id": 347,
"Title": "I Am Legend",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Dec 2007",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Horror", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Lawrence" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Protosevich (screenplay)", " Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)", " Richard
Matheson (novel)", " John William Corrington", " Joyce Hooper Corrington" ],
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Alice Braga", " Charlie Tahan", " Salli Richardson-Whitfield" ],
"Plot": "Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into
monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 569020
"_id": 348,
"Title": "Hancock",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 165 of 233

"Released": "02 Jul 2008",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Berg" ],
"Writer": [ "Vincent Ngo", " Vince Gilligan" ],
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Charlize Theron", " Jason Bateman", " Jae Head" ],
"Plot": "Hancock is a superhero whose ill considered behavior regularly causes damage
in the millions. He changes when the person he saves helps him improve his public image.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 367921
"_id": 349,
"Title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "15 Jul 2005",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Burton" ],
"Writer": [ "Roald Dahl (book)", " John August (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Freddie Highmore", " David Kelly", " Helena Bonham
Carter" ],
"Plot": "A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the
world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 72.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 344495
"_id": 350,
"Title": "Ratatouille",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "29 Jun 2007",
"Runtime": "111 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Brad Bird", " Jan Pinkava" ],
"Writer": [ "Brad Bird (screenwriter)", " Jan Pinkava (original story by)", " Jim
Capobianco (original story by)", " Brad Bird (original story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Patton Oswalt", " Ian Holm", " Lou Romano", " Brian Dennehy" ],

Page 166 of 233

"Plot": "A rat who can cook makes an unusual alliance with a young kitchen worker at a
famous restaurant.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 507749
"_id": 351,
"Title": "Thor: The Dark World",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "08 Nov 2013",
"Runtime": "112 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Alan Taylor" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Yost (screenplay)", " Christopher Markus (screenplay)", "
Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", " Don Payne (story by)", " Robert Rodat (story by)", " Stan
Lee (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Larry Lieber (based on the Marvel comics by)", "
Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comics by)", " Walter Simonson (character created by:
Malekith)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Hemsworth", " Natalie Portman", " Tom Hiddleston", " Anthony
Hopkins" ],
"Plot": "When Dr. Jane Foster gets cursed with a powerful entity known as the Aether,
Thor is heralded of the cosmic event known as the Convergence and the genocidal Dark
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 54.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 446120
"_id": 352,
"Title": "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "31 Jul 2015",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Christopher McQuarrie" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay)", " Christopher McQuarrie (story)", "
Drew Pearce (story)", " Bruce Geller (television series)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Jeremy Renner", " Simon Pegg", " Rebecca Ferguson" ],

Page 167 of 233

"Plot": "Ethan and team take on their most impossible mission yet, eradicating the
Syndicate - an International rogue organization as highly skilled as they are, committed to
destroying the IMF.",
"Language": [ "English", " Swedish", " German" ],
"Country": [ "China", " Hong Kong", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 259408
"_id": 353,
"Title": "Thor",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 May 2011",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Kenneth Branagh" ],
"Writer": [ "Ashley Miller (screenplay)", " Zack Stentz (screenplay)", " Don Payne
(screenplay)", " J. Michael Straczynski (story)", " Mark Protosevich (story)", " Stan Lee (comic
book)", " Larry Lieber (comic book)", " Jack Kirby (comic book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Hemsworth", " Natalie Portman", " Tom Hiddleston", " Anthony
Hopkins" ],
"Plot": "The powerful but arrogant god Thor is cast out of Asgard to live amongst
humans in Midgard (Earth), where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 574249
"_id": 354,
"Title": "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "07 Nov 2008",
"Runtime": "89 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Eric Darnell", " Tom McGrath" ],
"Writer": [ "Etan Cohen", " Eric Darnell", " Tom McGrath" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Stiller", " Chris Rock", " David Schwimmer", " Jada Pinkett Smith" ],
"Plot": "The animals try to fly back to New York City, but crash-land on an African
wildlife refuge, where Alex is reunited with his parents.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,

Page 168 of 233

"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 158130
"_id": 355,
"Title": "X-Men Origins: Wolverine",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 May 2009",
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Gavin Hood" ],
"Writer": [ "David Benioff (screenplay)", " Skip Woods (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Liev Schreiber", " Danny Huston", "" ],
"Plot": "A look at Wolverine's early life, in particular his time with the government
squad Team X and the impact it will have on his later years.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 40.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 391239
"_id": 356,
"Title": "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "22 May 2009",
"Runtime": "105 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Shawn Levy" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Ben Garant", " Thomas Lennon", " Robert Ben Garant (characters)",
" Thomas Lennon (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Stiller", " Amy Adams", " Owen Wilson", " Hank Azaria" ],
"Plot": "Security guard Larry Daley infiltrates the Smithsonian Institution in order to
rescue Jedediah and Octavius, who have been shipped to the museum by mistake.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 42.0,
"imdbRating": 5.9,
"imdbVotes": 140611
"_id": 357,
"Title": "Kung Fu Panda 2",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "26 May 2011",

Page 169 of 233

"Runtime": "90 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Jennifer Yuh Nelson" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Aibel", " Glenn Berger" ],
"Actors": [ "Jack Black", " Angelina Jolie", " Dustin Hoffman", " Gary Oldman" ],
"Plot": "Po and his friends fight to stop a peacock villain from conquering China with a
deadly new weapon, but first the Dragon Warrior must come to terms with his past.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 67.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 198880
"_id": 358,
"Title": "The Matrix Revolutions",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "05 Nov 2003",
"Runtime": "129 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski" ],
"Writer": [ "Lilly Wachowski", " Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski (characters)", "
Lana Wachowski (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mary Alice", " Tanveer K. Atwal", " Helmut Bakaitis", " Kate Beahan" ],
"Plot": "The human city of Zion defends itself against the massive invasion of the
machines as Neo fights to end the war at another front while also opposing the rogue Agent
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "Australia", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 47.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 381915
"_id": 359,
"Title": "Mission: Impossible III",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "05 May 2006",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "J.J. Abrams" ],
"Writer": [ "Alex Kurtzman", " Roberto Orci", " J.J. Abrams", " Bruce Geller (television
series)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Philip Seymour Hoffman", " Ving Rhames", " Billy Crudup" ],

Page 170 of 233

"Plot": "Agent Ethan Hunt comes into conflict with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer
who threatens his life and his fiance\u00e9 in response .",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " Mandarin", " Cantonese", " German", " Czech" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany", " China" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 271603
"_id": 360,
"Title": "Angels & Demons",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "15 May 2009",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Mystery", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Ron Howard" ],
"Writer": [ "David Koepp (screenplay)", " Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)", " Dan Brown
(novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Ewan McGregor", " Ayelet Zurer", " Stellan Skarsg\u00e5rd"
"Plot": "Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works with a nuclear physicist to solve a
murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican during one of the significant events
within the church.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " Latin", " French", " Swiss German", " German", "
Chinese", " Spanish", " Polish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Italy" ],
"Metascore": 48.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 228459
"_id": 361,
"Title": "Troy",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "14 May 2004",
"Runtime": "163 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Wolfgang Petersen" ],
"Writer": [ "Homer (poem)", " David Benioff (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Julian Glover", " Brian Cox", " Nathan Jones", " Adoni Maropis" ],
"Plot": "An adaptation of Homer's great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the
united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Malta", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,

Page 171 of 233

"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 406713
"_id": 362,
"Title": "The Last Airbender",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "01 Jul 2010",
"Runtime": "103 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "M. Night Shyamalan" ],
"Writer": [ "M. Night Shyamalan" ],
"Actors": [ "Noah Ringer", " Dev Patel", " Nicola Peltz", " Jackson Rathbone" ],
"Plot": "Follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars,
who must master all four elements and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water Tribes
and the Earth Kingdom.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 20.0,
"imdbRating": 4.2,
"imdbVotes": 125584
"_id": 363,
"Title": "Bee Movie",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "02 Nov 2007",
"Runtime": "91 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Simon J. Smith", " Steve Hickner" ],
"Writer": [ "Jerry Seinfeld", " Spike Feresten", " Barry Marder", " Andy Robin", " Chuck
Martin (additional screenplay material)", " Tom Papa (additional screenplay material)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jerry Seinfeld", " Ren\u00e9e Zellweger", " Matthew Broderick", " Patrick
Warburton" ],
"Plot": "Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone
career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry's life is saved by
Vanessa, a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans
actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue them.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 54.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 113242

Page 172 of 233

"_id": 364,
"Title": "G-Force",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "24 Jul 2009",
"Runtime": "88 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Hoyt Yeatman" ],
"Writer": [ "Cormac Wibberley (screenplay)", " Marianne Wibberley (screenplay)", "
Hoyt Yeatman (story)", " David P.I. James (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Bill Nighy", " Will Arnett", " Zach Galifianakis", " Kelli Garner" ],
"Plot": "A specially trained squad of guinea pigs is dispatched to stop a diabolical
billionaire from taking over the world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 41.0,
"imdbRating": 5.1,
"imdbVotes": 34864
"_id": 365,
"Title": "Bolt",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "21 Nov 2008",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Byron Howard", " Chris Williams" ],
"Writer": [ "Dan Fogelman (screenplay)", " Chris Williams (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "John Travolta", " Miley Cyrus", " Susie Essman", " Mark Walton" ],
"Plot": "The canine star of a fictional sci-fi\/action show that believes his powers are
real embarks on a cross country trek to save his co-star from a threat he believes is just as
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 67.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 155748
"_id": 366,
"Title": "Wrath of the Titans",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "30 Mar 2012",
"Runtime": "99 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Jonathan Liebesman" ],

Page 173 of 233

"Writer": [ "Dan Mazeau (screenplay)", " David Leslie Johnson (screenplay)", " Greg
Berlanti (story)", " David Leslie Johnson (story)", " Dan Mazeau (story)", " Beverley Cross" ],
"Actors": [ "Sam Worthington", " Liam Neeson", " Ralph Fiennes", " Edgar
Ram\u00edrez" ],
"Plot": "Perseus braves the treacherous underworld to rescue his father, Zeus, captured
by his son, Ares, and brother Hades who unleash the ancient Titans upon the world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Spain", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 37.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 159831
"_id": 367,
"Title": "Beowulf",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Nov 2007",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Zemeckis" ],
"Writer": [ "Neil Gaiman (screenplay)", " Roger Avary (screenplay)", " Anonymous (epic
poem \"\"Beowulf\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Robin Wright", " Anthony Hopkins", " Paul Baker", " John Bilezikjian" ],
"Plot": "The warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat the monster Grendel who is
terrorizing Denmark, and later, Grendel's mother, who begins killing out of revenge.",
"Language": [ "English", " Old English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 146841
"_id": 368,
"Title": "Dark Shadows",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "11 May 2012",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Fantasy", " Horror" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Burton" ],
"Writer": [ "Seth Grahame-Smith (screenplay)", " John August (story)", " Seth Grahame-
Smith (story)", " Dan Curtis (television series)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Michelle Pfeiffer", " Helena Bonham Carter", " Eva Green"
"Plot": "An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral
home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.",

Page 174 of 233

"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 210282
"_id": 369,
"Title": "White House Down",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 Jun 2013",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Roland Emmerich" ],
"Writer": [ "James Vanderbilt" ],
"Actors": [ "Channing Tatum", " Jamie Foxx", " Maggie Gyllenhaal", " Jason Clarke" ],
"Plot": "While on a tour of the White House with his young daughter, a Capitol
policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president from a heavily
armed group of paramilitary invaders.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 52.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 174277
"_id": 370,
"Title": "The Wolfman",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "12 Feb 2010",
"Runtime": "103 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Fantasy", " Horror" ],
"Director": [ "Joe Johnston" ],
"Writer": [ "Andrew Kevin Walker (screenplay)", " David Self (screenplay)", " Curt
Siodmak" ],
"Actors": [ "Simon Merrells", " Gemma Whelan", " Emily Blunt", " Benicio Del Toro" ],
"Plot": "Upon his return to his ancestral homeland, an American man is bitten, and
subsequently cursed by, a werewolf.",
"Language": [ "English", " Romany", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 43.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 92427

Page 175 of 233

"_id": 371,
"Title": "Pan",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "09 Oct 2015",
"Runtime": "111 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Joe Wright" ],
"Writer": [ "Jason Fuchs", " J.M. Barrie (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Levi Miller", " Garrett Hedlund", " Rooney Mara" ],
"Plot": "12-year-old orphan Peter is spirited away to the magical world of Neverland,
where he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny -- to become the
hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 36.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 48244
"_id": 372,
"Title": "Mars Needs Moms",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "11 Mar 2011",
"Runtime": "88 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Simon Wells" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Wells (screenplay)", " Wendy Wells (screenplay)", " Berkeley
Breathed (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Seth Green", " Dan Fogler", " Joan Cusack", " Elisabeth Harnois" ],
"Plot": "A young boy named Milo gains a deeper appreciation for his mom after
Martians come to Earth to take her away.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 5.4,
"imdbVotes": 18397
"_id": 373,
"Title": "Passengers",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Dec 2016",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Morten Tyldum" ],

Page 176 of 233

"Writer": [ "Jon Spaihts" ],
"Actors": [ "Jennifer Lawrence", " Chris Pratt", " Michael Sheen", " Laurence Fishburne"
"Plot": "A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of
people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened
90 years early.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 41.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 211731
"_id": 374,
"Title": "Flushed Away",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "03 Nov 2006",
"Runtime": "85 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "David Bowers", " Sam Fell" ],
"Writer": [ "Dick Clement (screenplay)", " Ian La Frenais (screenplay)", " Christopher
Lloyd (screenplay)", " Joe Keenan (screenplay)", " William Davies (screenplay)", " Sam Fell
(story by)", " Peter Lord (story by)", " Dick Clement (story by)", " Ian La Frenais (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Kate Winslet", " Ian McKellen", " Jean Reno" ],
"Plot": "The story of an uptown rat that gets flushed down the toilet from his
penthouse apartment, ending in the sewers of London, where he has to learn a whole new
and different way of life.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 74.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 90740
"_id": 375,
"Title": "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "08 Jun 2012",
"Runtime": "93 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Eric Darnell", " Tom McGrath", " Conrad Vernon" ],
"Writer": [ "Eric Darnell (screenplay)", " Noah Baumbach (screenplay)", " Tom McGrath
(characters by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Stiller", " Chris Rock", " David Schwimmer", " Jada Pinkett Smith" ],

Page 177 of 233

"Plot": "Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still fighting to get home to their beloved
Big Apple. Their journey takes them through Europe where they find the perfect cover: a
traveling circus, which they reinvent - Madagascar style.",
"Language": [ "English", " Norwegian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 60.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 127776
"_id": 376,
"Title": "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Dec 2011",
"Runtime": "132 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Brad Bird" ],
"Writer": [ "Bruce Geller (television series \"\"Mission: Impossible\"\")", " Josh
Appelbaum", " Andr\u00e9 Nemec" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Paula Patton", " Simon Pegg", " Jeremy Renner" ],
"Plot": "The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin,
causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " French", " Arabic", " Swedish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " United Arab Emirates", " Czech Republic" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 383878
"_id": 377,
"Title": "How to Train Your Dragon 2",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "13 Jun 2014",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Dean DeBlois" ],
"Writer": [ "Dean DeBlois", " Cressida Cowell (\"\"How to Train Your Dragon\"\" book
series)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jay Baruchel", " Cate Blanchett", " Gerard Butler", " Craig Ferguson" ],
"Plot": "When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of
new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the
center of a battle to protect the peace.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,

Page 178 of 233

"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 239284
"_id": 378,
"Title": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "07 Mar 2014",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Minkoff" ],
"Writer": [ "Jay Ward (based on the series produced by)", " Craig Wright (screenplay)", "
Robert Ben Garant (additional dialogue)", " Thomas Lennon (additional dialogue)", " Ted Key
(based upon the characters and format created by: \"\"Sherman and Peabody\"\")", "
Michael McCullers (additional screenplay material)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ty Burrell", " Max Charles", " Lauri Fraser", " Guillaume Aretos" ],
"Plot": "The time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as
they endeavor to fix a time rift they created.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 51490
"_id": 379,
"Title": "Rise of the Guardians",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "21 Nov 2012",
"Runtime": "97 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Ramsey" ],
"Writer": [ "David Lindsay-Abaire (screenplay)", " William Joyce (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pine", " Alec Baldwin", " Jude Law", " Isla Fisher" ],
"Plot": "When the evil spirit Pitch launches an assault on Earth, the Immortal Guardians
team up to protect the innocence of children all around the world.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 131528
"_id": 380,
"Title": "Sahara",

Page 179 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "08 Apr 2005",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Breck Eisner" ],
"Writer": [ "Clive Cussler (novel)", " Thomas Dean Donnelly (screenplay)", " Joshua
Oppenheimer (screenplay)", " John C. Richards (screenplay)", " James V. Hart (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Matthew McConaughey", " Steve Zahn", " Pen\u00e9lope Cruz", " William
H. Macy" ],
"Plot": "Master explorer Dirk Pitt goes on the adventure of a lifetime of seeking out a
lost Civil War battleship known as the \"\"Ship of Death\"\" in the deserts of West Africa
while helping a WHO doctor being hounded by a ruthless dictator.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Arabic" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " Spain", " Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 41.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 80472
"_id": 381,
"Title": "Ghostbusters",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "15 Jul 2016",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Paul Feig" ],
"Writer": [ "Katie Dippold", " Paul Feig", " Ivan Reitman (based on the 1984 film
\"\"Ghostbusters\"\" directed by)", " Dan Aykroyd (based on the 1984 film
\"\"Ghostbusters\"\" written by)", " Harold Ramis (based on the 1984 film
\"\"Ghostbusters\"\" written by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Zach Woods", " Kristen Wiig", " Ed Begley Jr.", " Charles Dance" ],
"Plot": "Following a ghost invasion of Manhattan, paranormal enthusiasts Erin Gilbert
and Abby Yates, nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, and subway worker Patty Tolan band
together to stop the otherworldly threat.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 60.0,
"imdbRating": 5.3,
"imdbVotes": 149800
"_id": 382,
"Title": "Die Another Day",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 Nov 2002",

Page 180 of 233

"Runtime": "133 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Lee Tamahori" ],
"Writer": [ "Ian Fleming (characters)", " Neal Purvis", " Robert Wade" ],
"Actors": [ "Pierce Brosnan", " Halle Berry", " Toby Stephens", " Rosamund Pike" ],
"Plot": "James Bond is sent to investigate the connection between a North Korean
terrorist and a diamond mogul who is funding the development of an international space
"Language": [ "English", " Korean", " Cantonese", " Spanish", " German", " Icelandic", "
Italian" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 177380
"_id": 383,
"Title": "Star Trek",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "08 May 2009",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "J.J. Abrams" ],
"Writer": [ "Roberto Orci", " Alex Kurtzman", " Gene Roddenberry (television series
\"\"Star Trek\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Pine", " Zachary Quinto", " Leonard Nimoy", " Eric Bana" ],
"Plot": "The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father's legacy with Mr. Spock
keeping him in check as a vengeful Romulan from the future creates black holes to destroy
the Federation one planet at a time.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 528792
"_id": 384,
"Title": "Armageddon",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "01 Jul 1998",
"Runtime": "151 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],

Page 181 of 233

"Writer": [ "Jonathan Hensleigh (screenplay)", " J.J. Abrams (screenplay)", " Tony Gilroy
(adaptation)", " Shane Salerno (adaptation)", " Robert Roy Pool (story)", " Jonathan
Hensleigh (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Bruce Willis", " Billy Bob Thornton", " Ben Affleck", " Liv Tyler" ],
"Plot": "After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas is going to impact Earth in
less than a month, N.A.S.A. recruits a misfit team of deep core drillers to save the planet.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Indonesian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 42.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 339092
"_id": 385,
"Title": "Men in Black II",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Jul 2002",
"Runtime": "88 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Barry Sonnenfeld" ],
"Writer": [ "Lowell Cunningham (comic book \"\"Malibu Comics\"\")", " Robert Gordon
(story)", " Robert Gordon (screenplay)", " Barry Fanaro (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tommy Lee Jones", " Will Smith", " Rip Torn", " Lara Flynn Boyle" ],
"Plot": "Agent J needs help so he is sent to find Agent K and restore his memory.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 280656
"_id": 386,
"Title": "Captain America: The First Avenger",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 Jul 2011",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Joe Johnston" ],
"Writer": [ "Christopher Markus (screenplay)", " Stephen McFeely (screenplay)", " Joe
Simon (comic books)", " Jack Kirby (comic books)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Evans", " Hayley Atwell", " Sebastian Stan", " Tommy Lee Jones" ],
"Plot": "Steve Rogers, a rejected military soldier transforms into Captain America after
taking a dose of a \"\"Super-Soldier serum\"\". But being Captain America comes at a price
as he attempts to take down a war monger and a terrorist organization.",
"Language": [ "English", " Norwegian", " French" ],

Page 182 of 233

"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 551957
"_id": 387,
"Title": "Kung Fu Panda 3",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "29 Jan 2016",
"Runtime": "95 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Alessandro Carloni", " Jennifer Yuh Nelson" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Aibel", " Glenn Berger" ],
"Actors": [ "Jack Black", " Bryan Cranston", " Dustin Hoffman", " Angelina Jolie" ],
"Plot": "Continuing his \"\"legendary adventures of awesomeness\"\", Po must face
two hugely epic, but different threats: one supernatural and the other a little closer to his
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "China", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 91621
"_id": 388,
"Title": "Lethal Weapon 4",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "10 Jul 1998",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Richard Donner" ],
"Writer": [ "Shane Black (characters)", " Jonathan Lemkin (story)", " Alfred Gough
(story)", " Miles Millar (story)", " Channing Gibson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mel Gibson", " Danny Glover", " Joe Pesci", " Rene Russo" ],
"Plot": "With personal crises and age weighing in on them, LAPD officers Riggs and
Murtaugh must contend with a deadly Chinese crimelord trying to get his brother out of
"Language": [ "English", " Cantonese", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 37.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 133626

Page 183 of 233

"_id": 389,
"Title": "G.I. Joe: Retaliation",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 Mar 2013",
"Runtime": "110 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Jon M. Chu" ],
"Writer": [ "Rhett Reese", " Paul Wernick" ],
"Actors": [ "Dwayne Johnson", " Jonathan Pryce", " Byung-hun Lee", " Elodie Yung" ],
"Plot": "The G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they are forced to
contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 41.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 152776
"_id": 390,
"Title": "The Last Samurai",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "05 Dec 2003",
"Runtime": "154 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Edward Zwick" ],
"Writer": [ "John Logan (story)", " John Logan (screenplay)", " Edward Zwick
(screenplay)", " Marshall Herskovitz (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ken Watanabe", " Tom Cruise", " William Atherton", " Chad Lindberg" ],
"Plot": "An American military advisor embraces the Samurai culture he was hired to
destroy after he is captured in battle.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " New Zealand", " Japan" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 7.7,
"imdbVotes": 334803
"_id": 391,
"Title": "Fun with Dick and Jane",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Dec 2005",
"Runtime": "90 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Dean Parisot" ],

Page 184 of 233

"Writer": [ "Judd Apatow (screenplay)", " Nicholas Stoller (screenplay)", " Gerald Gaiser
(story)", " Judd Apatow (story)", " Nicholas Stoller (story)", " Gerald Gaiser (novel)", " David
Giler", " Jerry Belson", " Mordecai Richler" ],
"Actors": [ "Jim Carrey", " T\u00e9a Leoni", " Alec Baldwin", " Richard Jenkins" ],
"Plot": "When an affluent couple lose all their money following a series of blunders,
they turn to a life of crime to make ends meet.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 47.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 115667
"_id": 392,
"Title": "Exodus: Gods and Kings",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Dec 2014",
"Runtime": "150 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Adam Cooper", " Bill Collage", " Jeffrey Caine", " Steven Zaillian" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Bale", " Joel Edgerton", " John Turturro", " Aaron Paul" ],
"Plot": "The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting
600,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of
deadly plagues.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " Spain", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 52.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 137893
"_id": 393,
"Title": "The BFG",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "01 Jul 2016",
"Runtime": "117 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Melissa Mathison (screenplay)", " Roald Dahl (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mark Rylance", " Ruby Barnhill", " Penelope Wilton", " Jemaine Clement" ],
"Plot": "An orphan little girl befriends a benevolent giant who takes her to Giant
Country, where they attempt to stop the man-eating giants that are invading the human
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 185 of 233

"Country": [ "USA", " India" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 52651
"_id": 394,
"Title": "Gods of Egypt",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "26 Feb 2016",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Alex Proyas" ],
"Writer": [ "Matt Sazama", " Burk Sharpless" ],
"Actors": [ "Brenton Thwaites", " John Samaha", " Courtney Eaton", " Nikolaj Coster-
Waldau" ],
"Plot": "Mortal hero Bek teams with the god Horus in an alliance against Set, the
merciless god of darkness, who has usurped Egypt's throne, plunging the once peaceful and
prosperous empire into chaos and conflict.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 25.0,
"imdbRating": 5.5,
"imdbVotes": 74960
"_id": 395,
"Title": "Spider-Man",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 May 2002",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Sam Raimi" ],
"Writer": [ "Stan Lee (Marvel comic book)", " Steve Ditko (Marvel comic book)", " David
Koepp (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tobey Maguire", " Willem Dafoe", " Kirsten Dunst", " James Franco" ],
"Plot": "When bitten by a genetically modified spider, a nerdy, shy, and awkward high
school student gains spider-like abilities that he eventually must use to fight evil as a
superhero after tragedy befalls his family.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 578376

Page 186 of 233

"_id": 396,
"Title": "Watchmen",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "06 Mar 2009",
"Runtime": "162 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Zack Snyder" ],
"Writer": [ "David Hayter (screenplay)", " Alex Tse (screenplay)", " Dave Gibbons
(graphic novel illustrator)" ],
"Actors": [ "Malin Akerman", " Billy Crudup", " Matthew Goode", " Jackie Earle Haley" ],
"Plot": "In 1985 where former superheroes exist, the murder of a colleague sends active
vigilante Rorschach into his own sprawling investigation, uncovering something that could
completely change the course of history as we know it.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 7.6,
"imdbVotes": 412510
"_id": 397,
"Title": "Stealth",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 Jul 2005",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Cohen" ],
"Writer": [ "W.D. Richter" ],
"Actors": [ "Josh Lucas", " Jessica Biel", " Jamie Foxx", " Sam Shepard" ],
"Plot": "Deeply ensconced in a top-secret military program, three pilots struggle to
bring an artificial intelligence program under control before it initiates the next world war.",
"Language": [ "English", " Korean", " Russian", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 35.0,
"imdbRating": 5.0,
"imdbVotes": 46715
"_id": 398,
"Title": "The Incredible Hulk",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "13 Jun 2008",
"Runtime": "112 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],

Page 187 of 233

"Director": [ "Louis Leterrier" ],
"Writer": [ "Zak Penn (screenplay)", " Zak Penn (screen story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Edward Norton", " Liv Tyler", " Tim Roth", " William Hurt" ],
"Plot": "Bruce Banner, a scientist on the run from the U.S. Government, must find a
cure for the monster he emerges whenever he loses his temper.",
"Language": [ "English", " Portuguese", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 344381
"_id": 399,
"Title": "Hulk",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 Jun 2003",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Ang Lee" ],
"Writer": [ "Stan Lee (Marvel comic book character)", " Jack Kirby (Marvel comic book
character)", " James Schamus (story)", " John Turman (screenplay)", " Michael France
(screenplay)", " James Schamus (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Eric Bana", " Jennifer Connelly", " Sam Elliott", " Josh Lucas" ],
"Plot": "Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers an accident that
causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 54.0,
"imdbRating": 5.7,
"imdbVotes": 221430
"_id": 400,
"Title": "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "11 Jul 2001",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Hironobu Sakaguchi", " Motonori Sakakibara" ],
"Writer": [ "Hironobu Sakaguchi (story)", " Al Reinert", " Jeff Vintar", " Jack Fletcher
(additional dialogue)", " Ramin Mebdy (Farsi adaptation)", " B.L. Jurgens (story editor)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ming-Na Wen", " Alec Baldwin", " Ving Rhames", " Steve Buscemi" ],
"Plot": "A scientist makes a last stand on Earth with the help of a ragtag team of soldiers
against an invasion of alien phantoms.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 188 of 233

"Country": [ "USA", " Japan" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 75027
"_id": 401,
"Title": "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Nov 2012",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Bill Condon" ],
"Writer": [ "Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay)", " Stephenie Meyer (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kristen Stewart", " Robert Pattinson", " Taylor Lautner", " Peter Facinelli" ],
"Plot": "After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to
protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 52.0,
"imdbRating": 5.5,
"imdbVotes": 195076
"_id": 402,
"Title": "The Croods",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "22 Mar 2013",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Kirk De Micco", " Chris Sanders" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Sanders (screenplay)", " Kirk De Micco (screenplay)", " John Cleese
(story)", " Kirk De Micco (story)", " Chris Sanders (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Nicolas Cage", " Emma Stone", " Ryan Reynolds", " Catherine Keener" ],
"Plot": "After their cave is destroyed, a caveman family must trek through an unfamiliar
fantastical world with the help of an inventive boy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 160543
"_id": 403,
"Title": "The World Is Not Enough",

Page 189 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 Nov 1999",
"Runtime": "128 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Apted" ],
"Writer": [ "Neal Purvis (story)", " Robert Wade (story)", " Neal Purvis (screenplay)", "
Robert Wade (screenplay)", " Bruce Feirstein (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Pierce Brosnan", " Sophie Marceau", " Robert Carlyle", " Denise Richards" ],
"Plot": "James Bond uncovers a nuclear plot when he protects an oil heiress from her
former kidnapper, an international terrorist who can't feel pain.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 163589
"_id": 404,
"Title": "Rango",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "04 Mar 2011",
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Gore Verbinski" ],
"Writer": [ "John Logan", " John Logan (story)", " Gore Verbinski (story)", " James Ward
Byrkit (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Johnny Depp", " Isla Fisher", " Abigail Breslin", " Ned Beatty" ],
"Plot": "Rango is an ordinary chameleon who accidentally winds up in the town of Dirt,
a lawless outpost in the Wild West in desperate need of a new sheriff.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 75.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 195534
"_id": 405,
"Title": "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Nov 2003",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Peter Weir" ],
"Writer": [ "Patrick O'Brian (novels)", " Peter Weir (screenplay)", " John Collee
(screenplay)" ],

Page 190 of 233

"Actors": [ "Russell Crowe", " Paul Bettany", " James D'Arcy", " Edward Woodall" ],
"Plot": "During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain pushes his ship and crew to
their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Portuguese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 81.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 175634
"_id": 406,
"Title": "Turbo",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "17 Jul 2013",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "David Soren" ],
"Writer": [ "Darren Lemke (screenplay)", " Robert D. Siegel (screenplay)", " David Soren
(screenplay)", " David Soren (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ryan Reynolds", " Paul Giamatti", " Michael Pe\u00f1a", " Samuel L.
Jackson" ],
"Plot": "A freak accident might just help an everyday garden snail achieve his biggest
dream: winning the Indy 500.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 66399
"_id": 407,
"Title": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "03 Jun 2016",
"Runtime": "112 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Dave Green" ],
"Writer": [ "Josh Appelbaum", " Andr\u00e9 Nemec", " Peter Laird (based on the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters created by)", " Kevin Eastman (based on the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Megan Fox", " Will Arnett", " Laura Linney", " Stephen Amell" ],
"Plot": "After facing Shredder, who has joined forces with mad scientist Baxter
Stockman and henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady to take over the world, the Turtles must
confront an even greater nemesis: the notorious Krang.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 191 of 233

"Country": [ "USA", " Hong Kong", " China", " Canada" ],
"Metascore": 40.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 60341
"_id": 408,
"Title": "Happy Feet Two",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "18 Nov 2011",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "George Miller", " Gary Eck", " David Peers" ],
"Writer": [ "George Miller", " Gary Eck", " Warren Coleman", " Paul Livingston" ],
"Actors": [ "Carlos Alazraqui", " Lombardo Boyar", " Jeffrey Garcia", " Johnny A.
Sanchez" ],
"Plot": "Mumble's son, Erik, is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin
world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their home --
one that will take everyone working together to save them.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Australia" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 5.9,
"imdbVotes": 34435
"_id": 409,
"Title": "War of the Worlds",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 Jun 2005",
"Runtime": "116 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Josh Friedman (screenplay)", " David Koepp (screenplay)", " H.G. Wells
(novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Dakota Fanning", " Miranda Otto", " Justin Chatwin" ],
"Plot": "As Earth is invaded by alien tripod fighting machines, one family fights for
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 352594

Page 192 of 233

"_id": 410,
"Title": "Penguins of Madagascar",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "26 Nov 2014",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Eric Darnell", " Simon J. Smith" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Colton (screenplay)", " John Aboud (screenplay)", " Brandon
Sawyer (screenplay)", " Alan Schoolcraft (story by)", " Brent Simons (story by)", " Michael
Colton (story by)", " John Aboud (story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom McGrath", " Chris Miller", " Christopher Knights", " Conrad Vernon" ],
"Plot": "Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization
The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we
know it.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 64956
"_id": 411,
"Title": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 Nov 2013",
"Runtime": "146 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Lawrence" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Beaufoy (screenplay)", " Michael Arndt (screenplay)", " Suzanne
Collins (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jennifer Lawrence", " Liam Hemsworth", " Jack Quaid", " Taylor St. Clair" ],
"Plot": "Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark become targets of the Capitol after their
victory in the 74th Hunger Games sparks a rebellion in the Districts of Panem.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 76.0,
"imdbRating": 7.6,
"imdbVotes": 529219
"_id": 412,
"Title": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "04 Jun 2004",
"Runtime": "142 min",

Page 193 of 233

"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Alfonso Cuar\u00f3n" ],
"Writer": [ "J.K. Rowling (novel)", " Steve Kloves (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Radcliffe", " Richard Griffiths", " Pam Ferris", " Fiona Shaw" ],
"Plot": "It's Harry's third year at Hogwarts; not only does he have a new \"\"Defense
Against the Dark Arts\"\" teacher, but there is also trouble brewing. Convicted murderer
Sirius Black has escaped the Wizards' Prison and is coming after Harry.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 82.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 417315
"_id": 413,
"Title": "Kung Fu Panda",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "06 Jun 2008",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Mark Osborne", " John Stevenson" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Aibel (screenplay)", " Glenn Berger (screenplay)", " Ethan Reiff
(story)", " Cyrus Voris (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jack Black", " Dustin Hoffman", " Angelina Jolie", " Ian McShane" ],
"Plot": "The Dragon Warrior has to clash against the savage Tai Lung as China's fate
hangs in the balance: However, the Dragon Warrior mantle is supposedly mistaken to be
bestowed upon an obese panda who is a tyro in martial arts.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 73.0,
"imdbRating": 7.6,
"imdbVotes": 331882
"_id": 414,
"Title": "Ant-Man",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "17 Jul 2015",
"Runtime": "117 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Peyton Reed" ],
"Writer": [ "Edgar Wright (screenplay)", " Joe Cornish (screenplay)", " Adam McKay
(screenplay)", " Paul Rudd (screenplay)", " Edgar Wright (story by)", " Joe Cornish (story by)",
" Stan Lee (based on the comics by)", " Larry Lieber (based on the comics by)", " Jack Kirby
(based on the comics by)" ],

Page 194 of 233

"Actors": [ "Paul Rudd", " Michael Douglas", " Evangeline Lilly", " Corey Stoll" ],
"Plot": "Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but
increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his
mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 373236
"_id": 415,
"Title": "Home",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "27 Mar 2015",
"Runtime": "94 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Johnson" ],
"Writer": [ "Tom J. Astle (screenplay)", " Matt Ember (screenplay)", " Adam Rex (book)"
"Actors": [ "Jim Parsons", " Rihanna", " Steve Martin", " Jennifer Lopez" ],
"Plot": "An alien on the run from his own people makes friends with a girl. He tries to
help her on her quest, but can be an interference.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 77914
"_id": 416,
"Title": "Puss in Boots",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "28 Oct 2011",
"Runtime": "90 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Chris Miller" ],
"Writer": [ "Tom Wheeler (screenplay)", " Brian Lynch (story by)", " William Davies
(story by)", " Tom Wheeler (story by)", " Giovanni Francesco Straparola (based on the
character created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Antonio Banderas", " Salma Hayek", " Zach Galifianakis", " Billy Bob
Thornton" ],
"Plot": "An outlaw cat, his childhood egg-friend and a seductive thief kitty set out in
search for the eggs of the fabled Golden Goose to clear his name, restore his lost honor and
regain the trust of his mother and town.",

Page 195 of 233

"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 120966
"_id": 417,
"Title": "Megamind",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "05 Nov 2010",
"Runtime": "95 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Tom McGrath" ],
"Writer": [ "Alan Schoolcraft", " Brent Simons" ],
"Actors": [ "Will Ferrell", " Brad Pitt", " Tina Fey", " Jonah Hill" ],
"Plot": "The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro
Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 63.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 185307
"_id": 418,
"Title": "Bad Boys II",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "18 Jul 2003",
"Runtime": "147 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "George Gallo (characters)", " Marianne Wibberley (story)", " Cormac
Wibberley (story)", " Ron Shelton (story)", " Ron Shelton (screenplay)", " Jerry Stahl
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Martin Lawrence", " Will Smith", " Jordi Moll\u00e0", " Gabrielle Union" ],
"Plot": "Two loose-cannon narcotics cops investigate the flow of Ecstasy into Florida
from a Cuban drug cartel.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 38.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 187667

Page 196 of 233

"_id": 419,
"Title": "Rio 2",
"Rated": "G",
"Released": "11 Apr 2014",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Carlos Saldanha" ],
"Writer": [ "Don Rhymer (screenplay)", " Carlos Kotkin (screenplay)", " Jenny Bicks
(screenplay)", " Yoni Brenner (screenplay)", " Carlos Saldanha (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jake T. Austin", " Carlinhos Brown", " Kristin Chenoweth", " Jemaine
Clement" ],
"Plot": "It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they're hurtled
from Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. As Blu tries to fit in, he goes beak-to-beak
with the vengeful Nigel, and meets his father-in-law.",
"Language": [ "English", " Portuguese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 63304
"_id": 420,
"Title": "Salt",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "23 Jul 2010",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Phillip Noyce" ],
"Writer": [ "Kurt Wimmer" ],
"Actors": [ "Angelina Jolie", " Liev Schreiber", " Chiwetel Ejiofor", " Daniel Olbrychski" ],
"Plot": "A CIA agent goes on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Korean" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 256833
"_id": 421,
"Title": "Noah",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 Mar 2014",
"Runtime": "138 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],

Page 197 of 233

"Director": [ "Darren Aronofsky" ],
"Writer": [ "Darren Aronofsky", " Ari Handel" ],
"Actors": [ "Russell Crowe", " Jennifer Connelly", " Ray Winstone", " Anthony Hopkins" ],
"Plot": "A man is chosen by his world's creator to undertake a momentous mission
before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the world.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 210332
"_id": 422,
"Title": "The Adventures of Tintin",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "21 Dec 2011",
"Runtime": "107 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Action", " Adventure" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Herg\u00e9 (based on \"\"The Adventures of Tintin\"\" by)", " Steven
Moffat (screenplay)", " Edgar Wright (screenplay)", " Joe Cornish (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jamie Bell", " Andy Serkis", " Daniel Craig", " Nick Frost" ],
"Plot": "Intrepid reporter Tintin and Captain Haddock set off on a treasure hunt for a
sunken ship commanded by Haddock's ancestor.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " New Zealand" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 7.4,
"imdbVotes": 185812
"_id": 423,
"Title": "After Earth",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "31 May 2013",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "M. Night Shyamalan" ],
"Writer": [ "Gary Whitta (screenplay)", " M. Night Shyamalan (screenplay)", " Will Smith
(story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jaden Smith", " Will Smith", " Sophie Okonedo", " Zo\u00eb Kravitz" ],
"Plot": "A crash landing leaves Kitai Raige and his father Cypher stranded on Earth, a
millennium after events forced humanity's escape. With Cypher injured, Kitai must embark
on a perilous journey to signal for help.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 198 of 233

"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 33.0,
"imdbRating": 4.9,
"imdbVotes": 167437
"_id": 424,
"Title": "Australia",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "26 Nov 2008",
"Runtime": "165 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Baz Luhrmann" ],
"Writer": [ "Stuart Beattie (screenplay)", " Baz Luhrmann (screenplay)", " Ronald
Harwood (screenplay)", " Richard Flanagan (screenplay)", " Baz Luhrmann (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Shea Adams", " Eddie Baroo", " Ray Barrett", " Tony Barry" ],
"Plot": "Set in northern Australia before World War II, an English aristocrat who inherits
a sprawling ranch reluctantly pacts with a stock-man in order to protect her new property
from a takeover plot. As the pair drive 2,000 head of cattle over unforgiving landscape, they
experience the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by Japanese forces firsthand.",
"Language": [ "English", " Aboriginal", " Chinese", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " Australia", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 53.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 106353
"_id": 425,
"Title": "R.I.P.D.",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 Jul 2013",
"Runtime": "96 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Schwentke" ],
"Writer": [ "Phil Hay (screenplay)", " Matt Manfredi (screenplay)", " David Dobkin (story
by)", " Phil Hay (story by)", " Matt Manfredi (story by)", " Peter M. Lenkov (based on the
comic created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jeff Bridges", " Ryan Reynolds", " Kevin Bacon", " Mary-Louise Parker" ],
"Plot": "A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest
in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 25.0,
"imdbRating": 5.6,
"imdbVotes": 97544

Page 199 of 233

"_id": 426,
"Title": "Dinosaur",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "19 May 2000",
"Runtime": "82 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Eric Leighton", " Ralph Zondag" ],
"Writer": [ "Thom Enriquez (story)", " John Harrison (story)", " Robert Nelson Jacobs
(story)", " Ralph Zondag (story)", " John Harrison (screenplay)", " Robert Nelson Jacobs
(screenplay)", " Walon Green (based on an earlier screenplay by)", " Gregory Gunter
(creative development)", " Shirley Pierce (screenplay)", " Jonathan Roberts (additional story
material)", " Rhett Reese (additional story material)", " Tamara Lusher (additional story)" ],
"Actors": [ "D.B. Sweeney", " Alfre Woodard", " Ossie Davis", " Max Casella" ],
"Plot": "An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sancturary
after a meteorite shower destroys his family home.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 41162
"_id": 427,
"Title": "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "19 Dec 2014",
"Runtime": "98 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Shawn Levy" ],
"Writer": [ "David Guion (screenplay)", " Michael Handelman (screenplay)", " Mark
Friedman (story)", " David Guion (story)", " Michael Handelman (story)", " Thomas Lennon
(characters)", " Robert Ben Garant (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Stiller", " Robin Williams", " Owen Wilson", " Steve Coogan" ],
"Plot": "Larry spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on
an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 47.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 75511
"_id": 428,

Page 200 of 233

"Title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Nov 2014",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Francis Lawrence" ],
"Writer": [ "Peter Craig (screenplay)", " Danny Strong (screenplay)", " Suzanne Collins
(adaptation)", " Suzanne Collins (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jennifer Lawrence", " Josh Hutcherson", " Liam Hemsworth", " Woody
Harrelson" ],
"Plot": "Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after she shatters the games forever. Under
the leadership of President Coin and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss spreads her
wings as she fights to save Peeta and a nation moved by her courage.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 334175
"_id": 429,
"Title": "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "16 Nov 2001",
"Runtime": "152 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Chris Columbus" ],
"Writer": [ "J.K. Rowling (novel)", " Steve Kloves (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Richard Harris", " Maggie Smith", " Robbie Coltrane", " Saunders Triplets" ],
"Plot": "Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a
great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 64.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 488323
"_id": 430,
"Title": "The Da Vinci Code",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 May 2006",
"Runtime": "149 min",
"Genre": [ "Mystery", " Thriller" ],

Page 201 of 233

"Director": [ "Ron Howard" ],
"Writer": [ "Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)", " Dan Brown (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Audrey Tautou", " Ian McKellen", " Jean Reno" ],
"Plot": "A murder inside the Louvre and clues in Da Vinci paintings lead to the discovery
of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years -- which could
shake the foundations of Christianity.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Latin", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Malta", " France", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 46.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 339285
"_id": 431,
"Title": "X-Men 2",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "02 May 2003",
"Runtime": "134 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Bryan Singer" ],
"Writer": [ "Zak Penn (story)", " David Hayter (story)", " Bryan Singer (story)", " Michael
Dougherty (screenplay)", " Dan Harris (screenplay)", " David Hayter (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Patrick Stewart", " Hugh Jackman", " Ian McKellen", " Halle Berry" ],
"Plot": "The X-Men band together to find a mutant assassin who has made an attempt
on the President's life, while the Mutant Academy is attacked by military forces.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Italian", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "Canada", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 432804
"_id": 432,
"Title": "Fast Five",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 Apr 2011",
"Runtime": "131 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Justin Lin" ],
"Writer": [ "Chris Morgan", " Gary Scott Thompson (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Vin Diesel", " Paul Walker", " Jordana Brewster", " Tyrese Gibson" ],
"Plot": "Dominic Toretto and his crew of street racers plan a massive heist to buy their
freedom while in the sights of a powerful Brazilian drug lord and a dangerous federal
"Language": [ "English", " Portuguese", " Spanish", " Italian" ],

Page 202 of 233

"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 7.3,
"imdbVotes": 301871
"_id": 433,
"Title": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "08 Aug 2014",
"Runtime": "101 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Jonathan Liebesman" ],
"Writer": [ "Josh Appelbaum", " Andr\u00e9 Nemec", " Evan Daugherty", " Peter Laird
(based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters created by)", " Kevin Eastman
(based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Megan Fox", " Will Arnett", " William Fichtner", " Alan Ritchson" ],
"Plot": "When a kingpin threatens New York City, a group of mutated turtle warriors
must emerge from the shadows to protect their home.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 31.0,
"imdbRating": 5.9,
"imdbVotes": 179118
"_id": 434,
"Title": "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Dec 2011",
"Runtime": "129 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Guy Ritchie" ],
"Writer": [ "Michele Mulroney", " Kieran Mulroney", " Arthur Conan Doyle (characters:
Sherlock Holmes", " Dr. Watson)" ],
"Actors": [ "Robert Downey Jr.", " Jude Law", " Noomi Rapace", " Rachel McAdams" ],
"Plot": "Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring
down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.",
"Language": [ "English", " French", " Italian", " German", " Romany" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 48.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 359900

Page 203 of 233

"_id": 435,
"Title": "The Day After Tomorrow",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "28 May 2004",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Roland Emmerich" ],
"Writer": [ "Roland Emmerich (story)", " Roland Emmerich (screenplay)", " Jeffrey
Nachmanoff (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Dennis Quaid", " Jake Gyllenhaal", " Emmy Rossum", " Dash Mihok" ],
"Plot": "Jack Hall, paleoclimatologist, must make a daring trek across America to reach
his son, trapped in the cross-hairs of a sudden international storm which plunges the planet
into a new Ice Age.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " French", " Arabic", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 47.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 351613
"_id": 436,
"Title": "Clash of the Titans",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "02 Apr 2010",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Louis Leterrier" ],
"Writer": [ "Travis Beacham (screenplay)", " Phil Hay (screenplay)", " Matt Manfredi
(screenplay)", " Beverley Cross" ],
"Actors": [ "Sam Worthington", " Liam Neeson", " Ralph Fiennes", " Jason Flemyng" ],
"Plot": "Perseus demigod, son of Zeus, battles the minions of the underworld to stop
them from conquering heaven and earth.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 39.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 238729
"_id": 437,
"Title": "Prometheus",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "08 Jun 2012",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Mystery", " Sci-Fi" ],

Page 204 of 233

"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Jon Spaihts", " Damon Lindelof", " Dan O'Bannon (based on elements
created by)", " Ronald Shusett (based on elements created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Noomi Rapace", " Michael Fassbender", " Charlize Theron", " Idris Elba" ],
"Plot": "Following clues to the origin of mankind, a team finds a structure on a distant
moon, but they soon realize they are not alone.",
"Language": [ "English", " Scottish Gaelic" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 490632
"_id": 438,
"Title": "The Bourne Legacy",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 Aug 2012",
"Runtime": "135 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Tony Gilroy" ],
"Writer": [ "Tony Gilroy (screenplay)", " Dan Gilroy (screenplay)", " Tony Gilroy (story)",
" Robert Ludlum (inspired by \"\"The Bourne Series\"\" created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jeremy Renner", " Scott Glenn", " Stacy Keach", " Edward Norton" ],
"Plot": "An expansion of the universe from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new
hero whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the previous three films.",
"Language": [ "English", " Russian", " Filipino", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 246143
"_id": 439,
"Title": "Batman & Robin",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 Jun 1997",
"Runtime": "125 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Fantasy", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Joel Schumacher" ],
"Writer": [ "Bob Kane (Batman characters)", " Akiva Goldsman" ],
"Actors": [ "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " George Clooney", " Chris O'Donnell", " Uma
Thurman" ],
"Plot": "Batman and Robin try to keep their relationship together even as they must
stop Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy from freezing Gotham City.",
"Language": [ "English" ],

Page 205 of 233

"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 28.0,
"imdbRating": 3.7,
"imdbVotes": 199666
"_id": 440,
"Title": "Total Recall",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "01 Jun 1990",
"Runtime": "113 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Paul Verhoeven" ],
"Writer": [ "Philip K. Dick (short story \"\"We Can Remember It For You
Wholesale\"\")", " Ronald Shusett (screen story)", " Dan O'Bannon (screen story)", " Jon
Povill (screen story)", " Ronald Shusett (screenplay)", " Dan O'Bannon (screenplay)", " Gary
Goldman (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " Rachel Ticotin", " Sharon Stone", " Ronny Cox" ],
"Plot": "When a man goes for virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars, an
unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or does
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 57.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 253885
"_id": 441,
"Title": "The 13th Warrior",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "27 Aug 1999",
"Runtime": "102 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " History" ],
"Director": [ "John McTiernan", " Michael Crichton" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Crichton (novel)", " William Wisher Jr. (screenplay)", " Warren
Lewis (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Antonio Banderas", " Diane Venora", " Dennis Storh\u00f8i", " Vladimir
Kulich" ],
"Plot": "A man, having fallen in love with the wrong woman, is sent by the sultan
himself on a diplomatic mission to a distant land as an ambassador. Stopping at a Viking
village port to restock on supplies, he finds himself unwittingly embroiled on a quest to
banish a mysterious threat in a distant Viking land.",
"Language": [ "English", " Latin", " Swedish", " Norse", " Old", " Danish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],

Page 206 of 233

"Metascore": 42.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 104623
"_id": 442,
"Title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "17 Nov 2000",
"Runtime": "104 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Family", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Ron Howard" ],
"Writer": [ "Dr. Seuss (book)", " Jeffrey Price (screenplay)", " Peter S. Seaman
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jim Carrey", " Taylor Momsen", " Kelley", " Jeffrey Tambor" ],
"Plot": "On the outskirts of Whoville, there lives a green, revenge-seeking Grinch who
plans on ruining the Christmas holiday for all of the citizens of the town.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 46.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 153839
"_id": 443,
"Title": "Mission: Impossible II",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "24 May 2000",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "John Woo" ],
"Writer": [ "Bruce Geller (creator television series Mission: Impossible)", " Ronald D.
Moore (story)", " Brannon Braga (story)", " Robert Towne (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Dougray Scott", " Thandie Newton", " Ving Rhames" ],
"Plot": "A secret agent is sent to Sydney, to find and destroy a genetically modified
disease called \"\"Chimera\"\".",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 256205
"_id": 444,
"Title": "The Perfect Storm",

Page 207 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "30 Jun 2000",
"Runtime": "130 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Wolfgang Petersen" ],
"Writer": [ "Sebastian Junger (book)", " William D. Wittliff (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "George Clooney", " Mark Wahlberg", " John C. Reilly", " Diane Lane" ],
"Plot": "An unusually intense storm pattern catches some commercial fishermen
unaware and puts them in mortal danger.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 138205
"_id": 445,
"Title": "Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "15 Jun 2007",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Tim Story" ],
"Writer": [ "Don Payne (screenplay)", " Mark Frost (screenplay)", " John Turman
(story)", " Mark Frost (story)", " Stan Lee (characters)", " Jack Kirby (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ioan Gruffudd", " Jessica Alba", " Chris Evans", " Michael Chiklis" ],
"Plot": "The Fantastic Four learn that they aren't the only super-powered beings in the
universe when they square off against the powerful Silver Surfer and the planet-eating
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese", " Chinese", " Arabic" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 45.0,
"imdbRating": 5.6,
"imdbVotes": 221458
"_id": 446,
"Title": "Life of Pi",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "21 Nov 2012",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Drama", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Ang Lee" ],
"Writer": [ "Yann Martel (novel)", " David Magee (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Suraj Sharma", " Irrfan Khan", " Ayush Tandon", " Gautam Belur" ],

Page 208 of 233

"Plot": "A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of
adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with
another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger.",
"Language": [ "English", " Tamil", " French", " Japanese", " Hindi", " Chinese" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Taiwan", " UK", " Canada", " France", " India" ],
"Metascore": 79.0,
"imdbRating": 7.9,
"imdbVotes": 472562
"_id": 447,
"Title": "Ghost Rider",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Feb 2007",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Fantasy", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Mark Steven Johnson" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Steven Johnson (screenplay)", " Mark Steven Johnson (screen story)"
"Actors": [ "Matt Long", " Raquel Alessi", " Brett Cullen", " Peter Fonda" ],
"Plot": "Stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze gives up his soul to become a hellblazing
vigilante, to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia" ],
"Metascore": 35.0,
"imdbRating": 5.2,
"imdbVotes": 191688
"_id": 448,
"Title": "Jason Bourne",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 Jul 2016",
"Runtime": "123 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Paul Greengrass" ],
"Writer": [ "Paul Greengrass", " Christopher Rouse", " Robert Ludlum (based on
characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt Damon", " Tommy Lee Jones", " Alicia Vikander", " Vincent Cassel" ],
"Plot": "The CIA's most dangerous former operative is drawn out of hiding to uncover
more explosive truths about his past.",
"Language": [ "English", " Greek", " German" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " China", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,

Page 209 of 233

"imdbVotes": 154840
"_id": 449,
"Title": "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "27 Jun 2003",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "McG" ],
"Writer": [ "Ivan Goff (television series)", " Ben Roberts (television series)", " John
August (story)", " John August (screenplay)", " Cormac Wibberley (screenplay)", " Marianne
Wibberley (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Cameron Diaz", " Drew Barrymore", " Lucy Liu", " Bernie Mac" ],
"Plot": "The Angels investigate a series of murders which occur after the theft of a
witness protection profile database.",
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 48.0,
"imdbRating": 4.8,
"imdbVotes": 104682
"_id": 450,
"Title": "Elysium",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "09 Aug 2013",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Neill Blomkamp" ],
"Writer": [ "Neill Blomkamp" ],
"Actors": [ "Matt Damon", " Jodie Foster", " Sharlto Copley", " Alice Braga" ],
"Plot": "In the year 2154, the very wealthy live on a man-made space station while the
rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. A man takes on a mission that could bring
equality to the polarized worlds.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish", " French", " Afrikaans", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 361718
"_id": 451,
"Title": "Oblivion",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 210 of 233

"Released": "19 Apr 2013",
"Runtime": "124 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Joseph Kosinski" ],
"Writer": [ "Karl Gajdusek (screenplay)", " Michael Arndt (screenplay)", " Joseph
Kosinski (graphic novel original story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Morgan Freeman", " Olga Kurylenko", " Andrea Riseborough"
"Plot": "A veteran assigned to extract Earth's remaining resources begins to question
what he knows about his mission and himself.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 54.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 413028
"_id": 452,
"Title": "Stuart Little 2",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "19 Jul 2002",
"Runtime": "77 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Minkoff" ],
"Writer": [ "E.B. White (characters from the book \"\"Stuart Little\"\")", " Douglas Wick
(story)", " Bruce Joel Rubin (story)", " Bruce Joel Rubin (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Michael J. Fox", " Geena Davis", " Hugh Laurie", " Jonathan Lipnicki" ],
"Plot": "Stuart and Snowbell set out across town to rescue a friend.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 66.0,
"imdbRating": 5.4,
"imdbVotes": 39678
"_id": 453,
"Title": "RoboCop",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "12 Feb 2014",
"Runtime": "117 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Jos\u00e9 Padilha" ],
"Writer": [ "Joshua Zetumer", " Edward Neumeier", " Michael Miner", " Edward
Neumeier", " Michael Miner" ],
"Actors": [ "Joel Kinnaman", " Gary Oldman", " Michael Keaton", " Abbie Cornish" ],

Page 211 of 233

"Plot": "In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy - a loving husband, father and good cop - is
critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their
chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer.",
"Language": [ "English", " Persian", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 52.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 191451
"_id": 454,
"Title": "The Chronicles of Riddick",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "11 Jun 2004",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "David Twohy" ],
"Writer": [ "Jim Wheat (characters)", " Ken Wheat (characters)", " David Twohy" ],
"Actors": [ "Vin Diesel", " Colm Feore", " Thandie Newton", " Judi Dench" ],
"Plot": "The wanted criminal Riddick arrives on a planet called Helion Prime, and finds
himself up against an invading empire called the Necromongers, an army that plans to
convert or kill all humans in the universe.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 38.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 191625
"_id": 455,
"Title": "Fantastic Four",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Aug 2015",
"Runtime": "100 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Josh Trank" ],
"Writer": [ "Jeremy Slater (screenplay)", " Simon Kinberg (screenplay)", " Josh Trank
(screenplay)", " Stan Lee (Marvel comic book)", " Jack Kirby (Marvel comic book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Miles Teller", " Michael B. Jordan", " Kate Mara", " Jamie Bell" ],
"Plot": "Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which
alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new
abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 27.0,

Page 212 of 233

"imdbRating": 4.3,
"imdbVotes": 122924
"_id": 456,
"Title": "Speed Racer",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "09 May 2008",
"Runtime": "135 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Family", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski" ],
"Writer": [ "Lilly Wachowski", " Lana Wachowski", " Tatsuo Yoshida (animated series
\"\"Speed Racer\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Emile Hirsch", " Nicholas Elia", " Susan Sarandon", " Melissa Holroyd" ],
"Plot": "A young driver, Speed Racer, aspires to be champion of the racing world with
the help of his family and his high-tech Mach 5 automobile.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Australia", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 37.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 60146
"_id": 457,
"Title": "The Island",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 Jul 2005",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Bay" ],
"Writer": [ "Caspian Tredwell-Owen (screenplay)", " Alex Kurtzman (screenplay)", "
Roberto Orci (screenplay)", " Caspian Tredwell-Owen (story)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ewan McGregor", " Scarlett Johansson", " Djimon Hounsou", " Sean Bean" ],
"Plot": "A man living in a futuristic sterile colony begins to question his circumscribed
existence when his friend is chosen to go to the Island, the last uncontaminated place on
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 6.9,
"imdbVotes": 273329
"_id": 458,
"Title": "How Do You Know",

Page 213 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "17 Dec 2010",
"Runtime": "121 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Drama", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "James L. Brooks" ],
"Writer": [ "James L. Brooks" ],
"Actors": [ "Reese Witherspoon", " Paul Rudd", " Owen Wilson", " Jack Nicholson" ],
"Plot": "After being cut from the USA softball team and feeling a bit past her prime, Lisa
finds herself evaluating her life and in the middle of a love triangle, as a corporate guy in
crisis competes with her current, baseball-playing beau.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 46.0,
"imdbRating": 5.4,
"imdbVotes": 36901
"_id": 459,
"Title": "Trolls",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "04 Nov 2016",
"Runtime": "92 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Walt Dohrn", " Mike Mitchell" ],
"Writer": [ "Jonathan Aibel (screenplay)", " Glenn Berger (screenplay)", " Erica Rivinoja
(story by)", " Thomas Dam (based on the Good Luck Trolls created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Anna Kendrick", " Justin Timberlake", " Zooey Deschanel", " Christopher
Mintz-Plasse" ],
"Plot": "After the Bergens invade Troll Village, Poppy, the happiest Troll ever born, and
the curmudgeonly Branch set off on a journey to rescue her friends.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 43349
"_id": 460,
"Title": "Knight and Day",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "23 Jun 2010",
"Runtime": "109 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Romance" ],
"Director": [ "James Mangold" ],
"Writer": [ "Patrick O'Neill" ],

Page 214 of 233

"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Cameron Diaz", " Peter Sarsgaard", " Jordi Moll\u00e0" ],
"Plot": "A young woman gets mixed up with a disgraced spy who is trying to clear his
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 46.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 155623
"_id": 461,
"Title": "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "19 May 1999",
"Runtime": "136 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Writer": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Actors": [ "Liam Neeson", " Ewan McGregor", " Natalie Portman", " Jake Lloyd" ],
"Plot": "Two Jedi Knights escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a
young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the long dormant Sith resurface to claim
their old glory.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 51.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 576411
"_id": 462,
"Title": "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 May 2005",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Writer": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Actors": [ "Ewan McGregor", " Natalie Portman", " Hayden Christensen", " Ian
McDiarmid" ],
"Plot": "Three years into the Clone Wars, the Jedi rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku.
As Obi-Wan pursues a new threat, Anakin acts as a double agent between the Jedi Council
and Palpatine and is lured into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 68.0,

Page 215 of 233

"imdbRating": 7.6,
"imdbVotes": 561386
"_id": 463,
"Title": "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "16 May 2002",
"Runtime": "142 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "George Lucas" ],
"Writer": [ "George Lucas (screenplay)", " Jonathan Hales (screenplay)", " George Lucas
(story by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ewan McGregor", " Natalie Portman", " Hayden Christensen", " Christopher
Lee" ],
"Plot": "Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance
with Padm\u00e9, while Obi-Wan investigates an assassination attempt on the Senator and
discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 54.0,
"imdbRating": 6.6,
"imdbVotes": 501624
"_id": 464,
"Title": "The Wolverine",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "26 Jul 2013",
"Runtime": "126 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "James Mangold" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Bomback (screenplay)", " Scott Frank (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Tao Okamoto", " Rila Fukushima", " Hiroyuki Sanada" ],
"Plot": "When Wolverine is summoned to Japan by an old acquaintance, he is
embroiled in a conflict that forces him to confront his own demons.",
"Language": [ "English", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Australia", " Japan" ],
"Metascore": 60.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 358503
"_id": 465,
"Title": "Dante's Peak",

Page 216 of 233

"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Feb 1997",
"Runtime": "108 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Roger Donaldson" ],
"Writer": [ "Leslie Bohem" ],
"Actors": [ "Pierce Brosnan", " Linda Hamilton", " Jamie Ren\u00e9e Smith", " Jeremy
Foley" ],
"Plot": "A vulcanologist arrives at a countryside town recently named the second most
desirable place to live in America and discovers that the long dormant volcano, Dante's
Peak, may wake up at any moment.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 43.0,
"imdbRating": 5.9,
"imdbVotes": 66162
"_id": 466,
"Title": "The Huntsman: Winter's War",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "22 Apr 2016",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Cedric Nicolas-Troyan" ],
"Writer": [ "Evan Spiliotopoulos", " Craig Mazin", " Evan Daugherty (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Chris Hemsworth", " Charlize Theron", " Jessica Chastain", " Emily Blunt" ],
"Plot": "Eric and fellow warrior Sara, raised as members of ice Queen Freya's army, try
to conceal their forbidden love as they fight to survive the wicked intentions of both Freya
and her sister Ravenna.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 35.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 68112
"_id": 467,
"Title": "Windtalkers",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "14 Jun 2002",
"Runtime": "134 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " War" ],
"Director": [ "John Woo" ],
"Writer": [ "John Rice", " Joe Batteer" ],

Page 217 of 233

"Actors": [ "Nicolas Cage", " Adam Beach", " Peter Stormare", " Noah Emmerich" ],
"Plot": "Two U.S. Marines in WWII are assigned to protect Navajo Marines who use
their native language as an unbreakable radio cypher.",
"Language": [ "English", " Navajo", " Japanese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 51.0,
"imdbRating": 6.0,
"imdbVotes": 58327
"_id": 468,
"Title": "Gulliver's Travels",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "25 Dec 2010",
"Runtime": "85 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Letterman" ],
"Writer": [ "Joe Stillman (screenplay)", " Nicholas Stoller (screenplay)", " Jonathan Swift
(book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jack Black", " Jason Segel", " Emily Blunt", " Amanda Peet" ],
"Plot": "Travel writer Lemuel Gulliver takes an assignment in Bermuda, but ends up on
the island of Liliput, where he towers over its tiny citizens.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 33.0,
"imdbRating": 4.9,
"imdbVotes": 55575
"_id": 469,
"Title": "Gravity",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "04 Oct 2013",
"Runtime": "91 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Alfonso Cuar\u00f3n" ],
"Writer": [ "Alfonso Cuar\u00f3n", " Jon\u00e1s Cuar\u00f3n" ],
"Actors": [ "Sandra Bullock", " George Clooney", " Ed Harris", " Orto Ignatiussen" ],
"Plot": "Two astronauts work together to survive after an accident which leaves them
alone in space.",
"Language": [ "English", " Greenlandic" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 96.0,
"imdbRating": 7.8,
"imdbVotes": 625195

Page 218 of 233

"_id": 470,
"Title": "Night at the Museum",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "22 Dec 2006",
"Runtime": "108 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Shawn Levy" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Ben Garant (screenplay)", " Thomas Lennon (screenplay)", " Robert
Ben Garant (screen story)", " Thomas Lennon (screen story)", " Milan Trenc (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Ben Stiller", " Carla Gugino", " Dick Van Dyke", " Mickey Rooney" ],
"Plot": "A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History
discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life
and wreak havoc.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " Hebrew" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 48.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 253194
"_id": 471,
"Title": "Mr. & Mrs. Smith",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 Jun 2005",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Doug Liman" ],
"Writer": [ "Simon Kinberg" ],
"Actors": [ "Brad Pitt", " Angelina Jolie", " Vince Vaughn", " Adam Brody" ],
"Plot": "A bored married couple is surprised to learn that they are both assassins hired
by competing agencies to kill each other.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 372575
"_id": 472,
"Title": "San Andreas",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "29 May 2015",
"Runtime": "114 min",

Page 219 of 233

"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Brad Peyton" ],
"Writer": [ "Carlton Cuse (screenplay)", " Andre Fabrizio (story)", " Jeremy Passmore
(story)", " Carlton Cuse", " Andre Fabrizio" ],
"Actors": [ "Dwayne Johnson", " Carla Gugino", " Alexandra Daddario", " Ioan Gruffudd"
"Plot": "In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot
makes a dangerous journey with his ex-wife across the state in order to rescue his
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 43.0,
"imdbRating": 6.1,
"imdbVotes": 163175
"_id": 473,
"Title": "The Smurfs",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "29 Jul 2011",
"Runtime": "103 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Raja Gosnell" ],
"Writer": [ "J. David Stem (screenplay)", " David N. Weiss (screenplay)", " Jay Scherick
(screenplay)", " David Ronn (screenplay)", " J. David Stem (story by)", " David N. Weiss (story
by)", " Peyo (based on characters created by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hank Azaria", " Neil Patrick Harris", " Jayma Mays", " Sof\u00eda Vergara" ],
"Plot": "When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village,
they tumble from their magical world into New York City.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 30.0,
"imdbRating": 5.5,
"imdbVotes": 70764
"_id": 474,
"Title": "Live Free or Die Hard",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "27 Jun 2007",
"Runtime": "128 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Len Wiseman" ],
"Writer": [ "Mark Bomback (screenplay)", " Mark Bomback (story)", " David Marconi
(story)", " John Carlin (article)", " Roderick Thorp (certain original characters)" ],

Page 220 of 233

"Actors": [ "Bruce Willis", " Timothy Olyphant", " Justin Long", " Maggie Q" ],
"Plot": "John McClane and a young hacker join forces to take down master cyber-
terrorist Thomas Gabriel in Washington D.C.",
"Language": [ "English", " Italian", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 69.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 348493
"_id": 475,
"Title": "Insurgent",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "20 Mar 2015",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Sci-Fi", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Schwentke" ],
"Writer": [ "Brian Duffield (screenplay)", " Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)", " Mark
Bomback (screenplay)", " Veronica Roth (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Kate Winslet", " Jai Courtney", " Mekhi Phifer", " Shailene Woodley" ],
"Plot": "Beatrice Prior must confront her inner demons and continue her fight against a
powerful alliance which threatens to tear her society apart with the help from others on her
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 42.0,
"imdbRating": 6.3,
"imdbVotes": 173329
"_id": 476,
"Title": "Ocean's Twelve",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "10 Dec 2004",
"Runtime": "125 min",
"Genre": [ "Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Soderbergh" ],
"Writer": [ "George Nolfi", " George Clayton Johnson (characters)", " Jack Golden
Russell (characters)" ],
"Actors": [ "Brad Pitt", " Catherine Zeta-Jones", " George Clooney", " Ed Kross" ],
"Plot": "Daniel Ocean recruits one more team member so he can pull off three major
European heists in this sequel to Ocean's 11.",
"Language": [ "English", " Dutch", " French", " Italian", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 58.0,

Page 221 of 233

"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 301245
"_id": 477,
"Title": "Tomorrow Never Dies",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "19 Dec 1997",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Roger Spottiswoode" ],
"Writer": [ "Bruce Feirstein" ],
"Actors": [ "Pierce Brosnan", " Jonathan Pryce", " Michelle Yeoh", " Teri Hatcher" ],
"Plot": "James Bond heads to stop a media mogul's plan to induce war between China
and the UK in order to obtain exclusive global media coverage.",
"Language": [ "English", " German", " Danish", " Mandarin", " Cantonese" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 52.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 155592
"_id": 478,
"Title": "The Patriot",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "28 Jun 2000",
"Runtime": "165 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Roland Emmerich" ],
"Writer": [ "Robert Rodat" ],
"Actors": [ "Mel Gibson", " Heath Ledger", " Joely Richardson", " Jason Isaacs" ],
"Plot": "Peaceful farmer Benjamin Martin is driven to lead the Colonial Militia during
the American Revolution when a sadistic British officer murders his son.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 63.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 218532
"_id": 479,
"Title": "300: Rise of an Empire",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "07 Mar 2014",
"Runtime": "102 min",

Page 222 of 233

"Genre": [ "Action", " Fantasy" ],
"Director": [ "Noam Murro" ],
"Writer": [ "Zack Snyder (screenplay)", " Kurt Johnstad (screenplay)", " Frank Miller
(graphic novel \"\"Xerxes\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Sullivan Stapleton", " Eva Green", " Lena Headey", " Hans Matheson" ],
"Plot": "Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led
by mortal-turned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 48.0,
"imdbRating": 6.2,
"imdbVotes": 238937
"_id": 480,
"Title": "The Aviator",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "25 Dec 2004",
"Runtime": "170 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " History" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Scorsese" ],
"Writer": [ "John Logan" ],
"Actors": [ "Leonardo DiCaprio", " Cate Blanchett", " Kate Beckinsale", " John C. Reilly" ],
"Plot": "A biopic depicting the early years of legendary director and aviator Howard
Hughes' career from the late 1920s to the mid-1940s.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 77.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 280268
"_id": 481,
"Title": "The Green Hornet",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "14 Jan 2011",
"Runtime": "119 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Comedy", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Michel Gondry" ],
"Writer": [ "Seth Rogen", " Evan Goldberg", " George W. Trendle (radio series \"\"The
Green Hornet\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Seth Rogen", " Jay Chou", " Cameron Diaz", " Tom Wilkinson" ],
"Plot": "Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company,
teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.",
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin" ],

Page 223 of 233

"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 39.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 140640
"_id": 482,
"Title": "Real Steel",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "07 Oct 2011",
"Runtime": "127 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Drama", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Shawn Levy" ],
"Writer": [ "John Gatins (screenplay)", " Dan Gilroy (story)", " Jeremy Leven (story)", "
Richard Matheson (short story \"\"Steel\"\")" ],
"Actors": [ "Hugh Jackman", " Dakota Goyo", " Evangeline Lilly", " Anthony Mackie" ],
"Plot": "In the near future, robot boxing is a top sport. A struggling promoter feels he's
found a champion in a discarded robot.",
"Language": [ "English", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " India" ],
"Metascore": 56.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 265876
"_id": 483,
"Title": "The Smurfs 2",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "31 Jul 2013",
"Runtime": "105 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Raja Gosnell" ],
"Writer": [ "J. David Stem (screenplay)", " David N. Weiss (screenplay)", " Jay Scherick
(screenplay)", " David Ronn (screenplay)", " Karey Kirkpatrick (screenplay)", " J. David Stem
(story)", " David N. Weiss (story)", " Jay Scherick (story)", " David Ronn (story)", " Peyo
(characters and works)" ],
"Actors": [ "Hank Azaria", " Neil Patrick Harris", " Brendan Gleeson", " Jayma Mays" ],
"Plot": "The Smurfs team up with their human friends to rescue Smurfette, who has
been abducted by Gargamel since she knows a secret spell that can turn the evil sorcerer's
newest creation - creatures called the Naughties - into real Smurfs.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 34.0,
"imdbRating": 5.4,
"imdbVotes": 29736

Page 224 of 233

"_id": 484,
"Title": "Allegiant",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "18 Mar 2016",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Mystery" ],
"Director": [ "Robert Schwentke" ],
"Writer": [ "Noah Oppenheim (screenplay)", " Adam Cooper (screenplay)", " Bill Collage
(screenplay)", " Veronica Roth (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Shailene Woodley", " Theo James", " Naomi Watts", " Octavia Spencer" ],
"Plot": "After the earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, Tris must escape with Four
beyond the wall that encircles Chicago, to finally discover the shocking truth of the world
around them.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 33.0,
"imdbRating": 5.7,
"imdbVotes": 71344
"_id": 485,
"Title": "The Taking of Pelham 123",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "12 Jun 2009",
"Runtime": "106 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Tony Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "Brian Helgeland (screenplay)", " John Godey (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Denzel Washington", " John Travolta", " Luis Guzm\u00e1n", " Victor
Gojcaj" ],
"Plot": "Armed men hijack a New York City subway train, holding the passengers
hostage in return for a ransom, and turning an ordinary day's work for dispatcher Walter
Garber into a face-off with the mastermind behind the crime.",
"Language": [ "English", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 6.4,
"imdbVotes": 158499
"_id": 486,
"Title": "Ender's Game",
"Rated": "PG-13",

Page 225 of 233

"Released": "01 Nov 2013",
"Runtime": "114 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Fantasy", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Gavin Hood" ],
"Writer": [ "Gavin Hood (screenplay)", " Orson Scott Card (based on the book Ender's
Game by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Asa Butterfield", " Harrison Ford", " Hailee Steinfeld", " Abigail Breslin" ],
"Plot": "Young Ender Wiggin is recruited by the International Military to lead the fight
against the Formics, a genocidal alien race which nearly annihilated the human race in a
previous invasion.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 51.0,
"imdbRating": 6.7,
"imdbVotes": 195236
"_id": 487,
"Title": "Home on the Range",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "02 Apr 2004",
"Runtime": "76 min",
"Genre": [ "Animation", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Will Finn", " John Sanford" ],
"Writer": [ "Will Finn", " John Sanford", " Will Finn (story)", " John Sanford (story)", "
Michael LaBash (story)", " Sam Levine (story)", " Mark Kennedy (story)", " Robert Lence
(story)", " Keith Baxter (additional story)", " Mike Kunkel (additional story)", " Jason Lethcoe
(additional story)", " Donnie Long (additional story)", " Shirley Pierce", " Brian Pimental
(additional story)", " David Moses Pimentel (additional story)", " Ralph Zondag (additional
story)", " Davy Liu (additional story)" ],
"Actors": [ "G.W. Bailey", " Roseanne Barr", " Bobby Block", " Steve Buscemi" ],
"Plot": "To save their farm, the resident animals go bounty hunting for a notorious
"Language": [ "English", " Mandarin" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 50.0,
"imdbRating": 5.4,
"imdbVotes": 14886
"_id": 488,
"Title": "Speed 2: Cruise Control",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "13 Jun 1997",
"Runtime": "121 min",

Page 226 of 233

"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Jan de Bont" ],
"Writer": [ "Graham Yost (characters)", " Jan de Bont (story)", " Randall McCormick
(story)", " Randall McCormick (screenplay)", " Jeff Nathanson (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Sandra Bullock", " Jason Patric", " Willem Dafoe", " Temuera Morrison" ],
"Plot": "A computer hacker breaks into the computer system of the Seabourn Legend
cruise liner and sets it speeding on a collision course into a gigantic oil tanker.",
"Language": [ "English", " American Sign Language", " Portuguese" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 23.0,
"imdbRating": 3.7,
"imdbVotes": 63335
"_id": 489,
"Title": "Kingdom of Heaven",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "06 May 2005",
"Runtime": "144 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Ridley Scott" ],
"Writer": [ "William Monahan" ],
"Actors": [ "Martin Hancock", " Michael Sheen", " Nathalie Cox", " Eriq Ebouaney" ],
"Plot": "Balian of Ibelin travels to Jerusalem during the crusades of the 12th century,
and there he finds himself as the defender of the city and its people.",
"Language": [ "English", " Arabic", " Latin", " Italian" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " UK", " Spain", " Germany", " Morocco" ],
"Metascore": 63.0,
"imdbRating": 7.2,
"imdbVotes": 229282
"_id": 490,
"Title": "Around the World in 80 Days",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "16 Jun 2004",
"Runtime": "120 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Comedy" ],
"Director": [ "Frank Coraci" ],
"Writer": [ "Jules Verne (novel)", " David N. Titcher (screenplay)", " David Benullo
(screenplay)", " David Andrew Goldstein (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Jackie Chan", " Steve Coogan", " C\u00e9cile De France", " Robert Fyfe" ],
"Plot": "To win a bet, an eccentric British inventor beside his Chinese valet and an
aspiring French artist, embarks on a trip full of adventures and dangers around the world in
exactly 80 days.",

Page 227 of 233

"Language": [ "English", " Cantonese", " French", " German", " Hindi", " Turkish" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany", " Ireland", " UK" ],
"Metascore": 49.0,
"imdbRating": 5.8,
"imdbVotes": 72468
"_id": 491,
"Title": "The Cat in the Hat",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "21 Nov 2003",
"Runtime": "82 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Bo Welch" ],
"Writer": [ "Dr. Seuss (book)", " Alec Berg (screenplay)", " David Mandel (screenplay)", "
Jeff Schaffer (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Mike Myers", " Alec Baldwin", " Kelly Preston", " Dakota Fanning" ],
"Plot": "Two bored children have their lives turned upside down when a talking cat
comes to visit them.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 19.0,
"imdbRating": 3.8,
"imdbVotes": 38738
"_id": 492,
"Title": "Ali",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "25 Dec 2001",
"Runtime": "157 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Drama", " Sport" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Mann" ],
"Writer": [ "Gregory Allen Howard (story)", " Stephen J. Rivele (screenplay)", "
Christopher Wilkinson (screenplay)", " Eric Roth (screenplay)", " Michael Mann (screenplay)"
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Jamie Foxx", " Jon Voight", " Mario Van Peebles" ],
"Plot": "A biography of sports legend Muhammad Ali, focusing on his triumphs and
controversies between 1964 and 1974.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 65.0,
"imdbRating": 6.8,
"imdbVotes": 82401

Page 228 of 233

"_id": 493,
"Title": "I, Robot",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "16 Jul 2004",
"Runtime": "115 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Alex Proyas" ],
"Writer": [ "Jeff Vintar (screenplay)", " Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)", " Jeff Vintar
(screen story)", " Isaac Asimov (suggested by book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Will Smith", " Bridget Moynahan", " Alan Tudyk", " James Cromwell" ],
"Plot": "In 2035, a technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been
perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Germany" ],
"Metascore": 59.0,
"imdbRating": 7.1,
"imdbVotes": 415516
"_id": 494,
"Title": "Stuart Little",
"Rated": "PG",
"Released": "17 Dec 1999",
"Runtime": "84 min",
"Genre": [ "Adventure", " Comedy", " Family" ],
"Director": [ "Rob Minkoff" ],
"Writer": [ "E.B. White (book)", " M. Night Shyamalan (screenplay)", " Greg Brooker
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Michael J. Fox", " Geena Davis", " Hugh Laurie", " Jonathan Lipnicki" ],
"Plot": "The Little family adopt a charming young mouse named Stuart, but the family
cat wants rid of him.",
"Language": [ "English", " Dutch" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " USA" ],
"Metascore": 61.0,
"imdbRating": 5.9,
"imdbVotes": 101494
"_id": 495,
"Title": "Town & Country",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "27 Apr 2001",
"Runtime": "104 min",
"Genre": [ "Comedy", " Romance" ],

Page 229 of 233

"Director": [ "Peter Chelsom" ],
"Writer": [ "Michael Laughlin", " Buck Henry" ],
"Actors": [ "Warren Beatty", " Nastassja Kinski", " Diane Keaton", " Goldie Hawn" ],
"Plot": "Porter Stoddard is a well-known New York architect who is at a crossroads... a
nexus where twists and turns lead to myriad missteps, some with his wife Ellie, others with
longtime friends ...",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 34.0,
"imdbRating": 4.4,
"imdbVotes": 4228
"_id": 496,
"Title": "Gone in Sixty Seconds",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "09 Jun 2000",
"Runtime": "118 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Crime", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Dominic Sena" ],
"Writer": [ "H.B. Halicki", " Scott Rosenberg (screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Nicolas Cage", " Giovanni Ribisi", " Angelina Jolie", " T.J. Cross" ],
"Plot": "A retired master car thief must come back to the industry and steal 50 cars with
his crew in one night to save his brother's life.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 35.0,
"imdbRating": 6.5,
"imdbVotes": 228111
"_id": 497,
"Title": "Public Enemies",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "01 Jul 2009",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": [ "Biography", " Crime", " Drama" ],
"Director": [ "Michael Mann" ],
"Writer": [ "Ronan Bennett (screenplay)", " Michael Mann (screenplay)", " Ann
Biderman (screenplay)", " Bryan Burrough (book)" ],
"Actors": [ "Christian Bale", " Christian Stolte", " Jason Clarke", " Johnny Depp" ],
"Plot": "The Feds try to take down notorious American gangsters John Dillinger, Baby
Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd during a booming crime wave in the 1930s.",
"Language": [ "English" ],
"Country": [ "USA", " Japan" ],

Page 230 of 233

"Metascore": 70.0,
"imdbRating": 7.0,
"imdbVotes": 241442
"_id": 498,
"Title": "Casino Royale",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "17 Nov 2006",
"Runtime": "144 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Thriller" ],
"Director": [ "Martin Campbell" ],
"Writer": [ "Neal Purvis (screenplay)", " Robert Wade (screenplay)", " Paul Haggis
(screenplay)", " Ian Fleming (novel)" ],
"Actors": [ "Daniel Craig", " Eva Green", " Mads Mikkelsen", " Judi Dench" ],
"Plot": "Armed with a licence to kill, Secret Agent James Bond sets out on his first
mission as 007 and must defeat a weapons dealer in a high stakes game of poker at Casino
Royale, but things are not what they seem.",
"Language": [ "English", " French" ],
"Country": [ "UK", " Czech Republic", " USA", " Germany", " Bahamas", " Italy" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 8.0,
"imdbVotes": 498065
"_id": 499,
"Title": "Minority Report",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "21 Jun 2002",
"Runtime": "145 min",
"Genre": [ "Action", " Adventure", " Crime" ],
"Director": [ "Steven Spielberg" ],
"Writer": [ "Philip K. Dick (short story)", " Scott Frank (screenplay)", " Jon Cohen
(screenplay)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Cruise", " Max von Sydow", " Steve Harris", " Neal McDonough" ],
"Plot": "In a future where a special police unit is able to arrest murderers before they
commit their crimes, an officer from that unit is himself accused of a future murder.",
"Language": [ "English", " Swedish" ],
"Country": [ "USA" ],
"Metascore": 80.0,
"imdbRating": 7.7,
"imdbVotes": 424718
"_id": 500,

Page 231 of 233

"Title": "Cloud Atlas",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "26 Oct 2012",
"Runtime": "172 min",
"Genre": [ "Drama", " Sci-Fi" ],
"Director": [ "Tom Tykwer", " Lana Wachowski", " Lilly Wachowski" ],
"Writer": [ "David Mitchell (novel)", " Lana Wachowski (written for the screen by)", "
Tom Tykwer (written for the screen by)", " Lilly Wachowski (written for the screen by)" ],
"Actors": [ "Tom Hanks", " Halle Berry", " Jim Broadbent", " Hugo Weaving" ],
"Plot": "An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the
past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of
kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution.",
"Language": [ "English", " Spanish", " Ukrainian" ],
"Country": [ "Germany", " USA", " Hong Kong", " Singapore" ],
"Metascore": 55.0,
"imdbRating": 7.5,
"imdbVotes": 299591

Page 232 of 233

Step 15: Now check shard Distribution as given below:
 db.moviedata.getShardDistribution()

Page 233 of 233

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