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MCQ’s cytology

1- leucoplast represents
(a) Colorless plastids
(b) Plastids with variable coloration
(c) Cell adhesives
(d) proplastids
2- The thylakoid in chloroplasts are arranged as
(a) stacked discs
(b) interconnected disc
(c) interconnected sacs
(d) none of the above
3- Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is present in
(a) Stroma
(b) Outer membrane
(c) Thylakoids
(d) Inner membrane
4- Microtubule is involved in……….
(a) Cell division
(b) DNA recognition
(c) Muscle contraction
(d) Membrane architecture
5- Centrosome is found in …..
(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Nucleolus
(c) Nucleus
(d) Chromosomes
6- Microtubules are made up of
(a) Flagellin
(b) Desmin
(c) Tubulin
(d) Actin and myosin
7- Microfilaments are made up of
(a) Actin
(b) Tubulin and actin
(c) Desmin
(d) Vimetin
8- Which of these is a characteristic of prokaryotic cells?
(a) Absence of cell organelles
(b) Absence of nucleus
(c) Presense of 70S ribosomes
(d) All of these
9- A difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells ?
(a) Ribosomes
(b) Cell wall
(c) Nuclear membrane
(d) None of the above
10- Which of the following structure can be found in a plant cell but not an animal cell?
(a) Vacuole
(b) Nucleus
(c) Chloroplast
(d) Mitochondria
11- Plant cell wall is made up of …..
(a) Cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin
(b) Cellulose only
(c) Cellulose, hemicelluloses and chitin
(d) Cellulose and chitin
12- The nucleus contains a network of subdivisions called….
(a) Microfilaments
(b) Microtubules
(c) Chromatin fibers
(d) Chromatin network
13- …….is a jellylike substance found floating inside the plasma membrane.
(a) Cell sap
(b) Cytoplasm
(c) Karyoplasms
(d) Mitochondria
14- Which of the following is not a double membrane bound organelle?
(a) Chloroplast
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) All of the above

Answer key
1- (a) 13- (b)
2- (a) 14- (c)
3- (c)
4- (a)
5- (a)
6- (c)
7- (a)
8- (d)
9- (c)
10- ( c)
11- (a)
12- (d)

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