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Django Unchained(2013) is a film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino , famous for his

works with exaggerated violence and extreme cruelty. It tells the story of a slave freed by a
reward hunter who joins him to take revenge and rescue his wife from a large slaveholder.
Django deals with the subject of slavery in the 19th century United States and shows how cruel
slavery was to African people. The film creates a plot of revenge and role reversal, where the
slaves manage to see themselves freed from cruelty and avenge their "owners". During the
film, several symbols of slavery are presented, such as the racial theories that supposedly
justified slavery and the famous Ku Klux Klan (KKK) group, represented in a comical and
ridiculed way. The film itself is a mixture of comedy and cruelty, although it does not have a
very developed plot, with many details and variables, but it manages to hold the viewer well
and keep him busy for a few hours and pass some criticisms made by the author.

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