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1. What does Article II, Section 11 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution implies? (5pts)

According to Article II , Section 11 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the state recognizes the dignity of
every human person and guaranteed full respect of human right. This law implies that every person, no
matter what is their social status nor their trait, is deserved to be respected by anyone. It shows that
respect isn't defined by any materialistic nor social standards but the inner value and inner worth of a
person and their personal decisions and actions in everyday life. Moreover, through this law, every
citizen can learn that no external standard could define and defile an individual's worth and dignity. We
as a citizen, and as rational person who obey the law, should not judge a person's character at first look .

2. Identify which among the weakness of Filipino character do you posses and you want to

One of the weakest character that I have as a Filipino is passivity and lack of initiative. This has been a
major problem and a major hindrance why I haven’t achieve the visions and goals that I set nor I can
move forward in my past life. Ever since I was a child, I can be very ambitious and very competitive. I
experience the gifted child syndrome wherein during my elementary and high school days, I can have
high grades and have high scores without doing much effort. However, as the reality of college slaps at
my face as I became a freshman, I haven’t tried fully anything at all since I realize how difficult the
academe environment really is. At the first semester, I started with full dedication and positive
personality that I can finish first year with flying colors. However, as times passes by, I was really
discourage and I didn’t make an effort to pass my requirements on time or based on the guidelines. I
started to develop this "bahala na" syndrome wherein I just pass something that I barely even do. This
kind of mindset destroyed my academic career as I am at the verge of losing my scholarship. Moreover,
this mindset causes me to lose confidence on what I’m doing as I barely even try to do tasks anymore. I
felt so lost as depression arise as the thoughts of quitting college and dropping out subjects crosses my
mind multiple times. However, my love for technology and innovation is the reason why I keep going
and why I wanted to change this mindset / trait. I started to improve by listening to some good
audiobooks and positive subliminal music which rewires my brain develop more discipline and have
integrity on what I want even in the face of massive failure. Eventhough its very difficult at first, I
continue to make baby steps little by little, for the sake of inventing future sci-fi technology.

3. Based on your experience, how does your family differs from other families in your place. List
down these differences and compare it with your own.

In my own perspective, my family is very indifferent with other families. Although it might seem
insincere, my family is very hospitable to other families and guest especially since they value celebrating
traditions and events. They seems just a typical Filipino family also seems helpful to other people and
very protective and nice to other members of the family. However, there is only one difference that I
observe since I’m not typically close with the whole family members. Although it might seem that they
are religious at first look, my family only becomes devoted to Christianism for the sake of pakikisama
with other people. It seems that they use religion to form relationship with other people since when we
are alone at our house, they don’t usually pray nor read the Bible. Moreover, they usually get bored and
felt force to go when other people invite them to an activity conducted by the church.

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