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S3 - Simple Storage Service

- Object storage in a bucket

- file
- any chunk of data

- Distributes across at least 3 AZ

- Except: 1A (1 zone, least expensive)

- supports encryption and automatic data classification

- big data analytics can run directly against stored data

- Storing data via API or Amazon Direct Connect (VPN to connect enterprise infra to
AWS infra)
- Sotring via storage gateway

- storage using snow family

- snowball
- snowball edge
- snowball edge device into your facility, which one has instances on
itself directly, where you can run your analytics instances there, store the
results on snoeball edge and when it goes back the cloud, all the analytic data,
instances, go along.
- snowmobile (exabytes of data)


- Buckets
- where we put the objects in

- Region
- spot where users are manipulating objetcs that have to be put in a bucket
- every bucket needs a region to be associated with

- Objects
- each object has keys, which are the logical name of the object
- each object has an URL

- It take some time to the object put in a bucket to be replicated to other
AZ, so you get an inconsistency. But, when the object gets into the replicas, the
consistency will take place eventually


- html files
- point to the url of the object, make it publicly available
- access the url of the object and serves up the index.html file
- In other words: an S3 bucket can act as a static web server


- Creating and deleting buckets

- Writing objects
- Reading objects
- Deleting objects
- managing object properties
- listing keys in buckets


- Create uses PUT or POST

- Read uses GET
- Update uses POST or PUT
- Delete uses DELETE

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