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Part 2

A 1- month- old boy developed rapid breathing preceded a week history of

cough and fever He was febrile, tachypneoic, tachycardic and the oxygen
saturation were 90% on air apex beat was displaced pansystolic murmur of
grade 3/6 heard loudest at the lower left sternal edge and loud second heart
sound generalise crepitation over both lung fields and hepatomegaly.

On further history, mother claimed that the baby was breastfeeding every 1-2
hours and the baby takes a long time to be satisfied. No history of recurrent
vomiting or choking. No history of contact with anybody with symptoms of fever
or cough.

His initial investigations were as follows:

Haemoglobin : 10.7g/dL
Total white cell count : 19,400/µL
Neutrophils : 79%
Lymphocytes : 16%
Monocytes : 2%
Platelet : 393,000/mm​3​
Q3 Interpret the investigation results (4 marks)

Q4 Outline your plan of management for this patient. (7 marks)

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