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Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies

11 00 ---12 30 HRS

PCS 106 (110 for Repetition students) BS 1st

16th June ,2021 Wednesday

Please give an analytical and descriptive answer. Attempt one questions out of two. Each question
carries equal marks.

Please note that students would start uploading exam right after 12 00 HRs and by 12 15, each one of
you should have uploaded the exam at Acadmax midterm portal. This note is given for strict
compliance and no paper would be accepted on email or WhatsApp. Students would remain online on
Microsoft teams as well.

Question no 1.

Competition and disagreement often accompanies human relations! How would you academically
discuss the entire notion of conflict and violence in the realm of peace and conflict studies? (20 marks)

Question no 2.

It is not enough to talk about Peace. One must believe in it. And it is not enough to believe in it. One
must work for it!

How do you see this statement and how would you respond to it in the light of your discourse on Peace?
(20 marks)

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