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Сравнение фотографий.


Well, I would like to compare and contrast the photos which are presented here. Obviously, both
pictures are related to the same theme, it is ....(обозначаем тему фотографий одним или двуми

1. Краткое описание фото (действие, место)

Let me start with the first picture which shows...

As for the second picture, it shows...

2. Сравниваем фото - что общего

The pictures have a lot/little (a lot - если много общего, little - если мало) in common. As I have
already mentioned, both pictures show/are taken in (show - если общее действие, are taken in
-если общее место).

There is/are ....(объект) in both of them.

in both of them.

3. чем отличаются

Obviously there are certain differences.

The first picture shows... but in contrast the second picture shows...

Далее для описания различий используем фразы Besides, .... On the contrary,... Finally,

4.Выражаем личное мнение и аргументируем его

Personally I like photo number .... It makes me feel as if...


In conclusion I would like to point out that...

That's all I wanted to say.

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