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Wednesday 30June 2021
Shona: Kuisa mazita muuzhinji

Uzhinji hunotaridza huwandu hwezvinhu

Sekuti badza rimwe mapadza maviri.
Tiri kubvisa b tichiisa map
Chimwe zvizhinji
1. Banga
2. Bere
3. Budzi
4. Bazi
5. Bendekete
6. Bara
7. Bundu
8. Bapu

Example 342 x 400

215 x 200
software that is specifically designed to disrupt,
damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer
What are the different types of Malware?
Worms. Worms are spread via software vulnerabilities
or phishing attacks. ...
Viruses. Unlike worms, viruses need an already-
infected active operating system or program to work. ..
Bots & Botnets. ...
Trojan Horses. ...
Ransomware. ...
Adware & Scams. ...
Spyware. ...
Spam & Phishing

Shorthand for malicious software,

malware typically consists of code
developed by cyberattackers, designed to
cause extensive damage to data and
systems or to gain unauthorized access
to a network.
Types of malware
Types of malware
There are a number of different ways of categorizing
malware; the first is by how the malicious software
spreads. You've probably heard the words virus, trojan,
and worm used interchangeably, but as Symantec
explains, they describe three subtly different ways
malware can infect target computers:
A worm is a standalone piece of malicious software that
reproduces itself and spreads from computer to computer.
A virus is a piece of computer code that inserts itself
within the code of another standalone program, then
forces that program to take malicious action and spread
A trojan is a program that cannot reproduce itself but
masquerades as something the user wants and tricks
them into activating it so it can do its damage and spread

1. Define malware.
2. Malware is short for _______
3. Give two effects of malware
4. A worm is -________
5. What is a virus ?
6. Trojan is ___________
Story telling

Story telling is the telling or writing of

Benefits of storytelling

Improves social skills.

Boosts their listening skills
Fosters their imagination
Increases their cultural understanding
Enhances their communication skills
Help sharpen memory
Makes learning easier
Story telling

Who told stories

Grandparents and the elderly mainly told stories
during the spring season.

1. What is story telling ?

2. Give three reasons why people tell
3. Who told stories in African society?
4. In which season were stories mostly told?

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