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Common name
Artemisia vulgaris Linn.
Scientific name
Erect perennial herb; hairy, aromatic, often semi-woody, with leafy and branched stems,
growing to a height of 1 meter. Leaves up to 14 centimeters long, lobed, hairy, gray beneath,
with nearly smooth upper surface. Numerous flower heads are spike-like, ascending, branched
inflorescences. Fruit is minute. Plant yields a volatile oil consisting of cineol, thujone, paraffin
and aldehyde. Fragrant but bitter to taste.
- Decoction of fresh leaves and flowering tops, 4-5 glasses daily as expectorant.
- Juice of leaves used as vulnerary, to heal wounds and cuts. Also, applied externally for scabies,
eczema, herpes to head during convulsions.
-A strong decoction of leaves, 6-7 glasses a day to induce menstruation and post-partum
abdominal cramps.
- For intestinal deworming, decoction of leaves, followed by the juice of other purgative plants.
- Leaf poultice for headache and skin diseases.
- Decoction of dried leaves used for asthma and dyspepsia.
- Stimulates appetite, young leaves used for anorexia.
- Young and tender leaves used as pot herb.
- Fresh or dried plant repels insects.
Dimayacyac || Elca || MEB11

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