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Your Breakthrough

Cannot Be Stopped
Saturday, 6th of February 2021

When the breakthrough seems far away, it is easy to

break down and wallow in self-pity and other convenient

I vividly remember, many years back when my father

took me and my brother to a stone quarry in Mangalore
which was quite close to our house. While we were
there, I saw that the process of breaking open a boulder
by hand can take a very long time. Imagine trying to split
a rock in half using a hammer.

The boulder is hit again and again and again but nothing
happens. You don’t see any progress with our natural
eyes, but the person keeps hitting it with the hammer
and then finally it breaks.

Even though it looks like nothing is happening on the

outside, each blow by the hammer is accomplishing
something. The rock is getting weaker on the inside. This
tells us that if we are to see breakthroughs we need to
be persistent in doing what we know will lead us to the
breakthrough. “Blessed is the man who remains
steadfast under trial..” (James 1:12)

Another truth is that breakthroughs seldom come

without a battle. God is first revealed in the Bible as the
Lord of Breakthroughs in a military context. The Bible
describes God as “the Lord of Breakthroughs” or “the
Lord who bursts through” (1 Chronicles 14:10-11 NLT).

It was the time when the Philistines waged their attack in

the Valley of Rephaim, which means “the Valley of
Giants” or “the Valley of Trouble.” (1 Chronicles 14:14-17

David sought the LORD earnestly, received direction, and

carried out those instructions. As you seek the Lord of
Breakthroughs and obey His instructions, your “Valley of
Trouble” can become the very place where you have a
fresh encounter with the One “who always leads us in
triumph” (2 Corinthians 2:14). He will not only give you
new strategies, but He will also give you renewed
strength to carry out those strategies (Isaiah 40:31).

I am praying that the LORD breaks through to give you

the miracle you so much desire. You will testify soon.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. I will not grow weary
doing the things that the Lord has called me to do. I am
entering my breakthrough now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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