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Shakhzod Oltiboev 6400

Task 1

Six arguments for saving animals:

Each animal, from the smallest fish to the largest land mammal plays an important role in their ecosystems.
Losing an animal species impacts their habitats altogether. Animals help pollination, keep forests healthy and
even control pests. 
For example, elephants play a huge role in their environments. African elephants help promote biodiversity in
the African savannas and forests. They eat a lot of plants, but their stomachs do not digest all parts of the plants.
The seeds of those plants then pass through the elephant and get dropped in their dung.  spreads the seeds across
their habitat and promotes biodiversity in plants. 

They are living things, similar to humans. They deserve to be treated as a part of the family since there is the
fact that animals share a large percent of homologous genes with humans - typical examples are chimpanzees
who are 96% to 98% similar to humans.

People spend hours on their television watching wild animals’ documentaries as their source of fun and
entertainment. Failing to conserve wildlife and their habitat will mean that there will be no more animal
documentation and thus, lack of entertainment.

Furthermore, watching animals on their natural habitat, for example, watching predators make a kill in the
jungle is highly enthralling

Protecting ecological stability and balance

Studying wildlife and their habitat is an important learning experience for children, students, and scholars of all
ages. Watching animals helps children to conceptualize ideas and develop their imagination, which is
important for their growth.

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