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Title of webinar: “How to succeed in turbulent times”

Date: 29/05/2021
Name of the guest:
Mr. Krishan Gupta (MD, organic wellness Pvt. ltd)
Ms. PKD Nambiar (MD & CEO flags communication Pvt ltd)
Mr. Rajeev Bhadauria (Founder & Managing partner
Mr. Santosh Muddaiah (Coo, 24seven convenience stores)
Dr. Vishwa Mohan Bansal (Chairman NDIM & PHDCCI Education Committee)

Moderator/ Host—Dr. Vishwa Mohan Bansal Chairman, New Delhi Institute of

Management and PHDCCI Education Committee


Get more rely on the succession planning although try to be gest best out of it from the
disruptions hence never ever get to be expect a stable life be simple & fast friendly
Be adaptive to the changes, being competitive, continuously conductive research & to
be the development just to seek out the best things as well as just to be ensure to be
dealt with the uncertainty
Always try to reinvent & recreate is the only key for the success have the vision for the
new things have positive attitude in the approaches in the situations because the things
got to be changed which is to be based up on the requirements accordingly to it
Take the pride in whatever doing also build up your own USP in it although have the
authenticity in your vision also make your perspective completely different

Always work for the organisation strengths as well as value to the organisation never
follow out others and try to learn ourselves as much as you can to it
Make sure always be in a win-win situation because together we can achieve out
everything just make your approach different and also try to build up your cordial
relations with your colleagues/teammates
Always be very curious to learn out the new things while prevailing up the up the
ecosystem and have the spirituality in your thoughts to it.

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