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You want to join a new gym that has been opened in your town recently.
In your message you should:

◦ say who you are.

◦ ask for information about the activities they offer.

◦ thank them in advance.

Good morning / good afternoon,

This is a message for the manager of the gym.

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is…and I am calling because I

would like to know about the offer / the activities I can do there.

I am leaving this voicemail because I am interested in activities such

pilates or aquagym. Could you tell me something about the price and the

I would appreciate it if you could answer my questions / I would be very

grateful if you could…

I look forward to your reply.

Hope you have a nice day.


Hi Anya / Hello dear,

I´ve just heard your message and I´m very happy for you! / You´ve worked
hard, so you deserve it!

Tell me, I have a few questions: where is the course taking place? / How
long will it take? / Will it be in a school or in an academy?

Finally, If I were you, I would tell my family to change the dates, so that I
can do both things / In my opinion, you should do the course because you
can go on holiday another time.
Think about it and tell me something / Call me back and tell me what you


Have you ever thought where you would like to live? / Have you been
thinking about moving and you don´t know where to go? I´m going to give
you a few tips.


On the one hand, if you choose to live here, you will have all the facilities
and services near. You may not need the car / it is possible not to use the

However, if you live in an apartment, there will be a lot of noise and

pollution. You will have to deal with this.


Firstly, the boat and the mobile home offer a different way of life,
something more relaxing, but the weather can ruin your day if it starts
raining or snowing. Finally, you are always moving withoug a fixed place.

If you haven´t decided yet, don´t think twice and…

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