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Say something about evidences of evolution

Evolution is a complex process by which the characteristics of living organisms change over
many generations as traits are passed from one generation to the next. Many scientists agree
on that concept. They have been trying to develop this theory over hundreds of years to make
it reasonable and believable to people. But is evolution the reason that humans are on earth?
People that are not quite religious and have little faith in God believe in evolution. Those who
strongly stand by their beliefs supporting evolution, in my opinion, think they know enough
about science and biology and all the complexities of the cell and the human being that they
forgot who actually created all this. In the bible, the quran and most if show more content this
is prohibited genetically since all of the information for the development of an organism has
already been encoded in the dna of its parent. Variation to organisms must remain within its
basic kind evolutionists have tried to explain that natural selection happened in conjunction
with mutations to the genetic code. This coujld not produce evolutions, however, since
mutations do not create new genetic potential, they just alter what is already there. Now
genetic alteration, or mutation is being taken place on animals like pigs, mice, to try to have
human dna in their cells. The chances of this taking place successfully is again very low. Some
evolutionists argue that anti-evolutionists’ only sources are either religious or weak scientific
facts. The second law of thermodynamics is broadly accepted by many scientists and states that
“anything which is organized, runs with time, to become disorganized” any physician system
left to itself will decay or lose energy and organization within the system… in other words this
law says that the increase of information required for a life form to evolve could not happen as
the increase in information by itself violates the law. “4 this disorganization is also called

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