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Have you ever had an experience full of adrenaline and action to tell all your friends and family
about it? I’ve always watched documentaries where experienced and courageous people went
on trips to many different interesting places and they lived amazing experiences. Of course,
these people were trained and all of them were well-prepared for those trips. This all had been
nice but after I had a reckless thought “What about if I try it and I go on one of those
astonishing trips?” I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right. I have never gone on any
extreme trip, but I had to give it a try. Climbing is an incredibly difficult activity to do but it
seems that I was determined to do it. Anyway, I was looking for some nice and incredible
experience, and that was perfect. Although I think I’m a self-sufficient person, I went with a
cousin on that trip. I was afraid of getting lost in the middle of nowhere, and worst, being
totally alone. So, we prepared everything; the flashlights for night, binoculars to observe the
distance things where we couldn’t access, of course the GPS for us not to get lost, the first-aid
kit if one of them got hurt, and the ropes, to be able to climb in a better way and be safe. Some
people told us that it was important to know exactly what we wanted to do, so we took all the
necessary measures to avoid any accident.

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