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Name: Christ Cano

Course: AG2

Many years ago, our world suffer a terrible event, the Second World War. It was a
global war that lasted for about 7 years and was originated by Adolf Hitler and his soldiers, the
Nazis. They used to use symbols to stand for their nation. Examples of these representative
symbols were “The swastika”, “the Celtic cross”, and other symbols that represented a dark
old Germany. After “The allies” won the Second World War, the Nazi Party was banned in
Germany. Because of the sanguinary history, that country had with Adolf Hitler and his
soldiers. It was not only to ban the flag, but what it symbolized. The Nazi flag represented a
dark spot in their history, where Nazis were discriminators, tyrants and they killed as many
people as they could, only because of their beliefs.

A few years ago, the Federal Republic of Germany had banned Nazi symbols all over
the world, including in the world of video games. However, last week I read a news where its
title says: "Germany lifts ban on Nazi symbols in computer games". Here is what this news is
about: “Computer and videogames featuring Nazi symbols such as the swastika can now be
sold in Germany uncensored after a regulatory body lifted the longstanding ban”, the
introduction says. The Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK) said that games
including banned symbols can now be given a rating in Germany if the use of the symbols is
considered adequate. Moreover, the article told readers that that move followed a
controversial debate in Germany and around the world. It is also known that there are several
punishments for using any Nazi symbol, but many people ask whether those punishments had
been applied to famous people. This is because, the managing director of USK said that her
movies had long been considered works of art and had therefore been permitted to feature
those symbols. She also asked what the rest of artist and directors were waiting to follow that

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