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A Balanced Diet

Food Group Where to find them How they help

Pasta, rice, potatoes, green Carbohydrates give us energy,

Carbohydrates bananas, bread and calcium and B vitamins. Some also
breakfast cereals. give us fibre and extra iron.

Meat, fish, eggs, nuts, Protein helps the body to grow and
Protein beans, lentils and soya. repair itself.

Milk, yoghurt, milkshakes These contain protein, calcium and

Milk and Dairy and cheese. some vitamins. They keep your
Products bones and teeth healthy.

Fresh, frozen, tinned and These give you lots of vitamins and
Fruit and dried fruits and vegetables antioxidants to keep you healthy.
Vegetables (including juices). They also contain fibre to keep your
digestive system healthy.

Butter, margarine, cream, Fats and sugars give us lots of

Fats and chocolate, crisps, sugary energy but not many nutrients. Try
Sugars drinks, sweets, cakes and not to have too many foods from
biscuits. this group too often.
© Images: © ThinkStock
A Balanced Diet

Food Group Where to find them How they help



Milk and Dairy


Fruit and

Fats and
© Images: © ThinkStock
A Balanced Diet

Food Group Where to find them How they help
© Images: © ThinkStock

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