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NAME: Cristian Pillajo

DATE: 10/07/21


- something that made you feel embarrased.

- surprising news you have received

Please write down a short paragrapgh for each situation. Please use more adjectives ending on
-ed and -ing.

SOMETHING that made you feel embarrased

Some years ago in college leveling, I had an embarrased moment, I left a class frustrated and
insulted for not knowing something so simple, I was so bad that I did not see my backpack, I
was so distracted that I had not closed it properly, and I was going down to go out to the
house with the whole backpack open, dropping all my things all the way.

SUPRISING news you have received

On my last vacation I was very excited to go with my cousins to visit them, when a few days
had passed and I was relaxed, they called me from the house, they told me that the entrance
was demolished, I was shocked I could not believe it I thought it was something disturbing but
in reality it was for a new house.

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