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1. Is there any presentation that catches your attention the most? If so, can you tell us a brief?

There are two teams, I think they have uniq design the first one is from superheatem cyclux
1.0 their power souce is using lubricant oil as the hot fluid to generate thermoelectric
generator. The second one is from spectronic team, they use fuel cell as the mechanism to
produce energy propel the car it’s difficult do develop in small scale because maintain the
amounts of hydrofen and oxygen to get specific distance
2. What is it like to be a judge for PGD’s Chem-E-Car, especially being held with online format
this year? What are the pros and cons, compared to the offline ones?
I like to be a part to see innovation from all student to create and propel the mini car from
chemical reaction, with online format not reduce the great ideas deliver to us as the judge,
but the unfornoutly we cannot see the real car from all participants and the atmosphere
from supporter when the car run on the track so I hope fully next year will meet in offline
3. What do you think about this year's PGD? Do you have any expectation for next year? First,
4. A message to us and all the delegates, as budding future leaders, as the voice of youth in
Stay enjoy your field in engineering, love it, and give the best what you have

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